Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography:
Does Coffee Have a Positive or Negative Effects on College

Lorien Aragon
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Sherman, Stephanie M., et al. “Caffeine Enhances Memory Performance in Young

Adults during Their Non-Optimal Time of Day.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol 7, n.d.
This Journal Article presents the results of an experiment that tested whether coffee
improved a college student’s performance on exams. The experiment involved a group of
participants who consumed coffee in the morning and performed specific tasks that involved
their memory. The study showed that caffeine had an improvement on explicit memory which
could benefit a student who takes a morning exam. This experiment is observational proof that
coffee may not be all that bad.

McIlvain, Gary E., et al. "Caffeine Consumption Patterns and Beliefs of College
Freshmen." American Journal of Health Education, vol. 42.4, Jul/Aug2011, pp. 235-
244. EBSCOhost,
This Journal Article examines a study that observes patterns of caffeine consumption,
with college freshman at Marshall University. The results conclude that about 80% of the
experiment group showed at least one symptom of caffeine in their system. Caffeine withdrawal
was one of the main symptoms. These observations show that consuming coffee could cause
negative symptoms in a person. This would go against the idea that coffee has a positive effect
on college students or people in general.

Raquel, Quintal-Ortiz and Moo-Estrella Jesús. "Effect of the Volatile Coffee

Components on Memory in Sleep Deprived Students." ["Efecto de los componentes
volátiles del café sobre la memoria en universitarios privados de sueño"]. Revista
Mexicana De Neurociencia, vol. 17.2, mar/abr2016, pp. 42-48. EBSCOhost,
This Article explains how coffee can improve memory while a person is sleep deprived.
This was a study that showed coffee helped short term memory with sleep deprivation, but it did
not improve long term memory with sleep deprivation. The article shows that coffee can help
people especially college students the moment they drink coffee like if they need to wake up for
an exam, to go to work, or to pull an all-night study session. Coffee is not good for the long run
because eventually what goes up must come down just like any energy enhancer.
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Samuelson, Trey. "Brain-Boosting Benefits of Coffee." Life Extension, 2017.

This Academic Report discusses how coffee consumption can improve a person’s health.
It can help prevent cancer, specific disorders, reduces cognitive disorders, and can reduce
chemical stress. The more people have investigated whether coffee is bad or good for you, they
have discovered that it may not be all that bad. Now studies are showing that if a person drinks
coffee they have a better chance at preventing cancer. That idea aids the thought that coffee has a
positive effect on people who consume it.

"Expert Reveals 10 Health Benefits of Coffee." Qatar Tribune (Doha, Qatar), 2017.
This News Article explains how through the years more studies have proven that coffee
has many health benefits. This article explains the ten-health benefits coffee can have on people.
This article explains everything that coffee can do to improve your health. The evidence that it
gives apposes the idea that coffee has a negative effect on college students.

"Could Coffee Addiction Be a Good Thing?." UWIRE Text, 2015. EBSCOhost,
This News Article states that many people consume coffee to help them get though the
day especially college students you are sleepy but need to wake up. A college student’s coffee
addiction is really helping them because coffee improves a person’s health. This is just another
article that explains the health benefits coffee has on people especially college students, since the
average college student drinks at least one cup of coffee a day.

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