Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography:
Does Coffee Have a Positive or Negative Effects on College
Lorien Aragon
Aragon 2
McIlvain, Gary E., et al. "Caffeine Consumption Patterns and Beliefs of College
Freshmen." American Journal of Health Education, vol. 42.4, Jul/Aug2011, pp. 235-
244. EBSCOhost,
This Journal Article examines a study that observes patterns of caffeine consumption,
with college freshman at Marshall University. The results conclude that about 80% of the
experiment group showed at least one symptom of caffeine in their system. Caffeine withdrawal
was one of the main symptoms. These observations show that consuming coffee could cause
negative symptoms in a person. This would go against the idea that coffee has a positive effect
on college students or people in general.
"Expert Reveals 10 Health Benefits of Coffee." Qatar Tribune (Doha, Qatar), 2017.
This News Article explains how through the years more studies have proven that coffee
has many health benefits. This article explains the ten-health benefits coffee can have on people.
This article explains everything that coffee can do to improve your health. The evidence that it
gives apposes the idea that coffee has a negative effect on college students.