Lesson Plan: Outcomes From Alberta Program of Studies

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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Grade 1 Art: Cityscapes Lesson Duration: 60 min.

General Learning Outcomes: Concept 8. Unity: Students will create unity through density and rhythm.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
B. Overlapping forms help to unify a composition.
C. Repetition of qualities such as colour, texture and tone produce rhythm and balance.

Students will:
TSW create a starburst or starburst background and overlay it with a cityscape silhouette.

Observations: teacher observation, discussion with
Written/Performance Assessments:

Key Questions: What are warm colours and what are cool
colours? How do patterns create rhythm and balance in a
piece? How can you understand what something is when it is
just a shilouette?

Finished starburst cityscape


Resource #1: learnalberta.ca
Resource #2: Teachers pay teachers - https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Art-Lesson-CityscapeSilhouettes-Positive-and-Negative-Space-973718


White paper (45)

Wax crayons/pencil crayons
Black construction paper (45)
Glue sticks

Introduction (3 min.):
Starting on the carpet.
Expectations: Im looking for everyone to be sitting crisscross applesauce and facing this way. If we have a thought to
share, raise your hand to let Ms. Thorlakson know that you have something important to say. I want to see everyones
beautiful eyes to show me that you are paying close attention.
Transition to Lesson:
Something that I have really been loving about the sky lately is the beautiful colours at night and in the morning.
When the sun is really powerful, you can barely see the buildings that are in front of it, there is just a black shape.
Today we will make that.

Body (50 min.):

Learning Activity #1: Demonstrate starburst

We are going to use a few things that we have already learned about, we will be using patterns! But we will also be
talking about something new, warm colours or cool colours. Might someone know what I mean by this?
So what are some examples of warm colours? (red, yellow, orange) colour on sheet of paper. These colours have more
of an orange base in them and remind you of sunshine and oranges.
These make me think of a hot day in the city with the sun blazing down, or maybe a really powerful sunset.
And what are some examples of cool colours? (blues, indigo, purple) colour on sheet of paper. These colours have
more of a blue base in them and they remind me of moonlight and dark, deep water.
These colours make me think of a cool winter evening with the moon reflecting off the windows of buildings.
So close your eyes, and think about whether you want your sky to look warm or cool, imagine what it will look like
when you are all done.
So we are also going to use patterns. We are going to use short back and forth strokes to colour from the centre to
make a little circle somewhere on our sheet, it doesnt matter where, you pick, it just has to be kind of close to the
centre. And then we are going to use a different colour and make a circle around the first one, still using that back and
forth short strokes colouring out from the centre. Then you will use a 3rd colour to make another circle around that
one. I want everyone to use 3 colours, you can pick the order in which you use them, we just need to make sure to keep
them all the same.
Demonstrate while explaining, tell them to put their name on one side of the paper, then turn it over to start their
Then, you will make a pattern, so here I did orange, red, yellow, so now I am going to start with orange again, and
then the next layer will be red, and the last will be yellow. I want everyone to keep going with this until you have
reached the outside of your paper, we have to be really gentle when we get to the edges
Ms. Thorlakson is colouring very carefully to make sure that I dont have much white space, I want to fill up this entire
paper, I also want to make sure that it looks really good so I am taking my time, but keep in mind that it doesnt need
to be quite perfect.
Learning Activity #2: Cityscapes
A cityscape is a look at all of the buildings of a city, it gives you a really good idea of the shape of the buildings, they
are very pretty against the sky. Some cityscapes show big buildings, some with smaller buildings. The buildings that
you chose can be up to you. Show them pictures of some cityscapes.
What I really like about these buildings that makes them super cool is that all of the roofs are different. See, here is a
slanted one, here is a pointy one. Some of the buildings are skinny, others are really wide. Some of neat little things on
top. Something to keep in mind is that we still need to be able to cut these out.
What we will do to make our silhouettes is put up our hand to show Ms. Thorlakson our backgrounds then she will
give us a piece of black construction paper and a ruler and using a pencil and a ruler draw a straight line hot-dog
ways across the bottom of your paper. This line looks really good if it is a hand away from the bottom of your paper. I
want to see some beautiful straight lines. Not ones that fall off to one side, or jump all over the place, but one straight
Then draw your buildings with white pencil crayon, you can make them tall or short or a bit of both, but I want there
to be space between each building, and I want to see a lot of different shaped buildings, so try using a lot of different
types of roofs, maybe some pointy, some flat, some slanted. It works out well if we keep these buildings so that they
arent too skinny, remember that we are going to have to cut these out and glue them.
It doesnt look very nice if I have a lot of buildings that are all the same size, because thats not what a cityscape looks
I also want to be able to see the sides of the buildings as well as the roofs.
Once you are happy with the buildings you have drawn, very carefully cut them out. What I really like to do when I am
cutting is to always cut away from my body, so I turn the paper as I am cutting to make sure that I can always be
cutting away from my body.
Then what we will do is take our buildings and glue them on to our backgrounds, lining up the bottoms and corners of
the pages. We want to make sure that we glue on the side that has our pencil crayon because we dont want it to show.
Are there any questions?
Transition to tables

Learning Activity #3: Art Making

Make sure that the students understand what they need to do.
Remember! We need to pick 3 colours and make a pattern with those 3 colours, the colours should be either warm or
cool to make sure that it looks like a sky.
I would really like our sound level to be at a one so that everyone can concentrate.
Have assistant hand out crayons and two other students hand out paper.
Okay everyone, you have 2 minutes to choose your colours and start colouring your starburst.
Walk around and make sure that everyone is doing what they need to be for their starburst, make sure that they choose
their colours quickly.
Carry around black construction paper and as students are ready for it, pass it out, first make sure that they have their
name on the back of their starburst page.
Make sure that students are on task and do some formative observation of the buildings that they are drawing before
they cut them out.
At around 25 min. before class is over remind students that they should be finishing up their starbursts really quick
here so they can start on their buildings.
At 15 minutes before class is over, make sure that students are cutting out their buildings and gluing them on.

Closure (7 min)
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: If everyone is done at around the same time, or if there is a group that is done
earlier while there another group that will clearly be a while, have the group that is done do a gallery walk to look at
everyones work.
Give a 10 minute warning
Ten minutes before the bell: Give everyone 3 minutes to clean up and start getting everyone ready for recess/the end
of the day.

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