Paper Weaving Grade 1

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Paper Weaving

Grade 1 Day 1 DMPS Art Competences: Students should be able to communicate at a basic level in the visual arts. This includes knowledge and skills in the use of basic vocabularies, materials, tools, techniques and intellectual methods of the discipline. Students should be able to communicate proficiently in at least one art form, including the ability to define and solve artistic problems with insight, reason and technical proficiency. Universal Constructs: Critical Thinking Creativity Objectives: Students will demonstrate the technique of overlapping through drawing shapes with crayon on construction paper. Students will demonstrate technical proficiency in cutting and measuring to create a warp and weft. Students will demonstrate the ability to use reasoning to create a paper weaving. Vocabulary: Weave: The process of interlacing threads or yarns (paper) to create clothing. Warp: The longest threads (paper) that the weft gets woven into. Weft: Smaller threads (strips of paper) that are woven into the warp. Materials: Black and colored construction paper (9x12), construction paper crayons, scissors, rulers Hook: Showing students a finished paper weaving. Introduction: Lets start by making a list. Who can quietly raise their hand and tell me a shape that they know? (Create a student-directed list of 8-10 shapes on the board, drawing them in different ways.) Now that we have a pretty good list, I am going to pick 5-6 shapes and practice drawing them nice and big and a piece of paper. When I draw them I am going to overlap them. Who knows what overlap means? (Placing one object on top of another) So I am going to draw my shapes on my paper, overlapping them. I want to cover as much of the paper as I can. After I draw the shapes I want to color them in! We have these awesome

construction paper crayons for you to use! You might notice in this example I used 2-3 colors in each shape, I overlapped the shape and the colors. You should try to use at least 2 colors in each shape. Todays Goals: 1. Choose 5-6 shapes from our list to draw 2. Draw your shapes nice and big on your paper, overlapping some of the shapes 3. Color your shapes in, try using at least 2 colors (Teacher will walk around classroom to assist students in drawing shapes, and overlapping) Clean Up: 1. Put your crayons in your bucket 2. Put your name on your paper 3. (Assign 2 people to pick up crayons) 4. Bring your paper to me and line up on the blue line Day 2 Set Up: Draw a ruler on the board, rulers, 9x12 black paper, white crayons, boards, and scissors (Fold black papers in half and mark an inch at the top of each page prior to student arrival) Introduction: Who can tell me what we did last time? (Talk about overlapping) Today we are going to do something with our drawings on the carpet together. (Pass out paper, rulers and crayons.) 1. Our first step is to put our name on the top our page, nice and big across the line on the top of your black paper. Like this (show example) 2. Put your paper on your board with the open side away from you, the folded side toward you. You should be able to read your name. The way we have our paper is called landscape. 3. Now put your ruler right underneath your paper (demo this, and draw on board) line up the edge of your ruler with the edge of your paper. 4. Using your crayon mark on the bottom of your paper, right next to the fold, every inch. We know what an inch is by looking at the longest vertical line on our ruler. (Show this on board and on actual ruler.) 5. Pick up your scissors now, and cut from the marks you made up to the straight line at the top of your page, being carefully to stop at the line. We are cutting vertical lines by starting at the bottom and working towards the top. Once you are done with cutting your black paper set it on the floor in front of you and we will hand out our drawings. You will use the rest of the time to complete your overlapping shape designs.

Clean Up: Have the last three people on carpet help stack and put away boards. Have them collect white crayons and rulers and place back in their buckets. Return colored pencils to buckets in the center of the tables. Make sure names are on both papers (warp and overlapping shape composition) and hand those to teacher before lining up. Day 3 Set Up Lap boards in places on carpet, rulers, and white crayons. Student work (warp and overlapping shape composition). Introduction: Today we are going to start weaving. We are going to go through the steps of cutting our overlapping shape compositions into strips so that we can create the look of a weaving. Steps: 1. Put your drawing on your board landscape style (show and tell students what this means). 2. Now lay your ruler at the bottom of your sheet (demo). 3. Again we are going to mark at each inch mark (show students again where this is on their ruler) 4. When youre done marking all the way across your page, put your ruler and crayon on the floor in front of you. (wait until everyone is done) 5. Now start cutting from your mark all the way across your page. This time go all the way to the top of your page, so you end up with strips. You do not need to worry about the order you keep your strips but keep them in a nice pile. 6. Put your strips in the fold of your black paper (like a folder), with your name facing up. Start weave demo: Now we will take one strip at a time and weave it into the black paper. Start going under one layer, then over, under, over, under, over. Once I get to the top, I will grab another strip and start again. Since I went under on my first layer, I want to do the opposite with this one, so I will start by going over, then under, over, under, over, under. When I finish that one, I will grab another strip and start to weave it in again. Our last layer we started over, so this time we will start under. We go under, over, under, over, under, over. We are going to go to our seats now, you will work on weaving your strips into your warp. Are there any questions before we start? (Have students pass white crayons, rulers, and scissors to the end of the rows (teacher collect) Dismiss by rows having students stack boards in two piles) (Teacher will walk around room providing assistance where needed in weaving and checking progress to see if more time the next day will be needed to finish).

Assessment of Weaving Student created a composition of shapes that overlapped. Student used rulers and scissors to create a warp. Yes Yes No No

Student cut overlapping shape composition into strips and wove it into warp. Yes Students used time and care with materials (craftsmanship). Yes

No No

Students must have completed at least two of the four criteria above to get be Satisfactory.

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