Cultural Criticism

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Cultural Criticism: Review Assignment

To the critic, the work of art is simply a suggestion

for a new work of his own. Oscar Wilde
Do you have strong opinions about music, art, fashion, theater or books? Are you
a cinephile or foodie? For this assignment, you will become a critic and write an
original review. What can you choose? Anything that fits into a category of
creative expression from architecture to video games as long as it is new to
you. Stretch your cultural imagination by going to see a local art, museum, design
or fashion show; explore a building; watch a movie or TV show or dance
performance or play; listen to an album; read a book; play a game or eat in a
restaurant that is novel and interesting to you. Experience whatever you choose
with an open mind and an eye for detail, and then put your experience into
Review something that fits into one of these categories of creative
TV shows
video games
public spaces
2. Be concise. The review must be 500 words or less, not including the title.
3. Assert an opinion and back it up. A review is not simply a plot summary
or description. State an opinion and support it with detail and evidence that
makes your case. Argumentation tasks ask student writers to take a position and
provide a convincing set of reasons for that position. For this review, your
interpretation and judgment of the work in question will be your claim, and you
will back it up with textual evidence gathered from the work itself, other experts,
and the sources your select from your research.
4. Know your audience. Top reviews will be published on our class website,
with a potential audience that includes a broad cross-section of people. But be
sure to take into account who the target audience for the creative work is as well.
For example, if you are reviewing a video game intended for 10-year-old girls,
aim to write a review that will be useful for 10-year-old girls (and their parents).
5. Use appropriate and engaging language, and give context. Provide
history and background to help your readers better understand the item under
6. Whatever you choose, it should be new to you. That doesnt mean it
cant be a classic work that has been around for decades just that it should be a
fresh experience for you.

The Writing Process

Step 1 | Brainstorming: What do you want to review?
Finding the right subject to review is essential. Pick something that you feel
strongly about, and that you will be able to experience in person if possible.
CONSIDER: What are the categories that interest you most from the list on the
first page of the assignment? What can you choose for this project whether a
movie, a concert, a show, a local restaurant or art exhibit, a book youd like to
read or a game youd like to play that you would both enjoy and know you can
experience in person? Which of these do you think other students would most
enjoy reading about? What recent creative work have you had a strong reaction to
in the past, either positive or negative?
Step 2 | Experiencing and Taking Notes: What Is Your Reaction and
Once you choose their subjects, you need to experience it as a critic. The job of
the reviewer is to get both the experience and the ideas into words and into
proportion. In some ways, a review is the same as reporting: The facts have to be
correct and presented in a coherent way. And in some ways, a review is very
different from reporting: Your subjective experience and your reactions
intellectual, emotional, visceral are a big part of it. Take notes, concentrating
on the details you notice. Write down as much you can without note-taking
getting in the way of the experience itself.
Step 3 | Writing a Draft: How do you get started?
There is no specific formula for writing a review and thats what makes a good
review so interesting to read. Think about your audience firstAsk: 1) Who am I
writing this for? and 2) Who is the movie, video game, etc. that Im reviewing
made for? 3) What will they already know about the genre and the individual
work? 4) How can you express your passion and have fun with the form?
When youre writing a review, you should think of it as a literary form. Literary
criticism is an old and storied literary genre in itself. You should feel that you can
be creative. You can make your sentences start with unexpected words. You can
make short paragraphs. You can create lists in there if you want. You can really
play around with the form to express your own passions, opinions and
Step 4 | Revising and Editing: How can I make review as informative
and entertaining as possible?
We will be peer editing in class. Peer editors should consider: Did the writer
describe too little or give away too much? Did they assert an opinion clearly and
provide details to support it? Use the rubric above to help you revise.
Step 5 | Publishing: How can you share your opinions with the world?
A review should have an audience beyond a teacher. Carefully edited and
composed reviews will be published on our class website.

Distinguished Proficient Developing Struggling
Opinion: Review communicates your subjective
experience and your reactions (intellectual,
emotional and visceral) in a clear and engaging
way. Claim and supporting claims are presented
and supported with evidence and analysis.
Attention to Detail: Review presents relevant
and accurate details from the creative work
coherently. Relevant contextual information is
discussed and used to support an analysis of the
Audience: Review is written for a broad crosssection of people and takes into account for
whom the creative work is intended.
Language: Review has a strong voice and
engages the reader. It uses language, style and
tone appropriate to its purpose and features
correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Guidelines: Review follows all guidelines,
including a maximum word count of 500 words
and addresses a category of creative work
Total: ____ / 20

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