Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 6th grade

Date: 9/25/15
Subject: Physical Education

Integration: Cardiovascular Endurance & Target Heart Rate

Essential Questions:

What is the students resting heart rate?

What is the students target heart rate
At what level does the students reach their target heart rate?
What level do the students reach their maximum target heart rate?
How long can students sustain their target heart rate?

Objective: After completing this lessen students will be able to: find their heart rate, know their
target heart rate, and know what level of physical activity (1-10) reaches their target heart rate.
Motivation: Showing students that they be a prominent role in their own level of physical
activity and fitness.
Standard(s): (Kansas)
1. Grades 6-8
2. Standard #3
a. The student participates regularly in physical activity
b. Active Participation Content Standard
3. Standard #4
a. The Student achieves and maintains a health-enhancing
level of physical fitness.
b. Physical Fitness Content Standard
1. Cardiovascular Endurance
a. The ability and capacity to efficiently supply oxygen to the
b. The higher the cardiovascular endurance, the more efficient
the cardiovascular system works.
c. The cardiovascular system includes: heart, lungs, and
2. Heart Rate
a. The rate at which the heart pumps per minute
3. Target Heart Rate
a. Formula
i. (220- Age) x .65 = minimum target heart rate
ii. (220- Age) x .9 = maximum target heart rate
b. Zone where optimal exercise can be achieved safely

4. Maximum Target Heart Rate

a. Highest level of exercise to be achieved in a safe manner in
the target heart rate zone.
5. Minimum Target Heart Rate
a. Lowest level of exercise to be achieved in a safe manner in
the target heart rate zone.
Body of Lesson:
Day 1:
1. Brief lecture on heart rate, target heart rate, and how students can use this to
monitor their physical activity level.
2. Show students how to find heart rate.
3. Have students find their resting heart rate.
4. Having scratch paper for students to write on, have them find what their target
heart rate should be.
5. Explain how the activity for class will be performed.
6. Walk students through each station of activity, ensuring all students know what
they are supposed to do.
7. Explain to students that they will be doing the stations for 20 minutes and that a
the end of round of stations, they are to find the heart rate and make sure they are
still in their target heart rate zone.
8. Run students through a warm-up and stretching session.
a. Reminding them of the importance of always warming-up and stretching
before a workout.
9. Perform activity for 36 minutes.
a. Each station will be 1 minute, with six different stations.
b. Allow about 2-3 minutes for students to find their heart rate and make sure
they are still in their target heart rate.
10. After the activity, have students walk 2 cool down laps.
11. Then, have students do designated static stretching exercises.
12. Have students compare their resting heart rating and target heart rate.
13. After comparing the two, have students state (between 1-10) their level of
physical activity they were performing at during activity and at their target heart
a. Reminding them that it will be different for each person.
Day 2:
1. Have students perform a warm-up activity
2. Perform static and dynamic stretching with the students.
3. Ask questions about heart rates, target heart rate and importance of monitor their
fitness levels.
4. Have students find their maximum target heart rate.

5. Explain the activity for the class period.

a. Run 2 laps around the basketball court.
b. After each second lap, perform the listed activity.
c. After completing the activity, run another two laps.
d. Then, perform the next listed activity.
e. After, the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth rounds, have students find the
target heart rate, and what level of fitness they are performing at.
6. After completing the activity, have students walk three slow paced laps.
a. Ensure students are practicing good breathing techniques.
7. Perform with students 5-10 minutes of yoga as their cool down activity.
8. Ask students what level of fitness they achieved.
9. Ask students if the achieved their maximum target heart rate at any time during
the activity today.
Day 3:
1. Have students perform a different and fun warm-up activity.
2. Perform static and dynamic stretching with the students.
a. Choosing different stretches than the last class period.
3. Ask students about what have learned this past week.
4. Ask questions about heart rate, target heart rate, and cardiovascular endurance.
a. Making sure different students, respond to questions ask.
5. Hammer down the idea of this weeks lesson plan and continue to emphasize the
importance of monitoring ones level of fitness.
6. Explain to students that they are going to test their cardiovascular endurance
7. Explain that they are going to see how far that they can run in 25 minutes.
a. Reminding them to check their heart rates during the run and that they
should try to push themselves, but not passed their target heart rate or
passed what they can physical accomplish.
8. Record the number of laps each student completed.
9. After run, have students do a 3 cool down laps.
10. Give students the option to do several different static stretching exercises or some
yoga activities.
Evaluation of Lesson: While, I will not give a written test over the content, I will be able to tell
whether or not the students understand and know how to find their heart rates, target heart rate,
and how to monitor to fitness by observing them during the activities. Since, during the activities
I may them find their own heart rates and monitoring their fitness. If a student is struggling I will
be able to pick them out fairly easily. Also, I will be recorded their number of laps, so I can
compare when I have them try it again. At this time, I will also take notes on how students took
the activities and what they thought of the unit.
1. Paper and pencil (for assisting students while they find their target heart rates)


Basic calculators ( for assisting students while they find their target heart rates)
Stop watch
Laptop for recording scores and number of laps
Making sure each student has proper gym clothes
Speakers for playing music while students perform activities

Adaptations for a Special Needs child or an ESL child: As a whole, the lesson wont need a
major overhaul in order to be appropriate for any Special Needs students. Mainly, because all
students are able to perform the activities because they are exercising at their own target heart
rates. Which is going to be different for each student. Thus, making it appropriate for all students
to participate. However, the when I am explaining and discussing on how to find their heart rates
and target heart rates I will have to spend more time and making sure that they understand what
they are trying to accomplish.

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