Health: ST TH TH

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1. We have learned that planets having good points give results for the houses concerned.
But for health problems, how should this work? I suppose that planets with low points for
the 1st, 6th, and 10th houses (with houses D and E) will give health problems in their
period? Lets take the example of someone who has a paralyzing stroke. Is the stroke
seen as an accident and judged by the 7th house through a strong planet, and then the
paralysis that follows, through the 6th house with a planet having low points? Could you
give us some clues in this field please?
Generally we consider the points as per the results indicated by the house. More
points gives happiness of the house. Only the 8th house indicates death, so the planets
with more points can give death. Of course the main dasha lord plays an important
role also.
2. What about accidents?
Accidents, heart attacks, paralysis attacks and similar events are considered an
accident, so the 7th house, along with other houses, should be considered.
Total life of a human being is considered to be 120 years. Such accidents or attacks
are denoting the end of life, so at the time of the event, the 8th house significator
should have more points. With our efforts, we can change the results. After bypass
surgery, life achieved is a bonus life. When there is an attack, it indicates the end of
life, but with the help of medical treatment, ones life is extended. This is thru our
own efforts. Test tube babies, family planning operations, and similar acts, change
the fate of the person.
With the help of medical aids, so many things can be changed. We can find out the
defect from the chart, and can be rectified by medical science. Ayurveda or herbal
treatment, study of the chart has more importance. From the chart, look for the
timing when any given disease can arise, or which part of the body can be affected
to find out. The general trend of the body can be studied from the chart.
Before calculating the results of any chart, and particularly the charts of old aged
people (also for the current period), the birth time should be rectified. One should
check when the Ascendant is on the cusp of the chart for both signs should be

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