Ast Remedies
Ast Remedies
Ast Remedies
but the level of effect differs; for example 80% of our planet co mprises of water in the form of the oceans, rivers and as permanent ice caps. Th is element which is in largest quantity is highly affected by the Moon which cau ses waves, high & low tides. It is believed by science and ancient astrology that moon was created by a piece of land from the sea itself; still when it became a natural satellite its effec ts could be felt in such a vast manner on our planet. Just like our planet in our body too is made up of 80% of liquids, how can we cl ose our eyes to the influence of the astral bodies on our body and mind system? How can we not see astrology as science and not a blind belief? It is a well kno wn fact even science that a person bleeds more profusely on a no moon or full mo on day then and other ordinary day. It s also a known fact that mentally disordere d people get more hyperactive on a no moon and full-moon days. More accidents ar e registered on a no moon day than any other day. Moon being the nearest astral body to our planet affects our minds the most, and so other planets as per their nature do affect us. Our body is like a wick of a candle and our mind or consciousness is like the gl ow. It is the bio-magnetic energy which is in and around us which contains seven colours of the rainbow and white and black colour. The body and mind both are s upported by the wax of karma. This bio-magnetic energy which contains 9 colours is governed by the magnetic pulls of the 9 Planets, as per the quality of the ka rma. Our body is gross (matter) and is governed by the mind which is subtle (energy) which is in turn is governed by the energy rays of different colours from differ ent planets. Before we move any further a word about the meaning of astrology an d astronomy in their proper perspective would not be out of place. Astrology/Astronomy-a thought In recent days science has invented a technology called the MGR (Magneto-resonan ce based diagnostic technique) this technology can read the basic concept of the human body elements including the brain cells, responding to the electro magnetic field around us. With this same technology even the mood or thought of an indiv idual can be mapped. This technology has also inherent in itself the possibility of understanding the impact and influence of the planetary and galactic electro -magnetic influences on our physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual bein g. The planetary electro-magnetic influences and their ever changing configurations therefore can now be better understood by even those who were so called skeptic s of the science of astrology- which is basically based on science of mathematic s and physics based astronomy. Astronomy, bereft of all platitudes, deals with t he factual and logical positions and configurations of the celestial bodies. Astrology however is then the art of drawing a host of possible scenarios based on the astronomical data at its disposal. This data when organized using the age long experiential connects, becomes the i nformation which when related to the context becomes astrological knowledge. This concomitant knowledge when alluded to on a repeated basis becomes the wisdo m of astrology. This then forms the basis of astrological diagnostics. For example it has been observed by astrology that Moon is one celestial body wh
ich governs the human mind; now if the Moon while birth is malefic then the pers on is not in a proper set of mind on no moon or full moon day, and is likely to do mistakes or meet accidents more on these days. Another example can be of a person who is going through a phase of Mars and is a ddicted to tobacco can see that he will experience a lot of hurdles in whatever he does, but if he quits the addiction of tobacco he will find his life becoming more smother then before. This scientific temper calls for a diagnosis of the disease and not be lost in t he mires of the apparent symptoms around it. It is the inherent disease (the rea l cause) which needs to be cured; it is the same with astrology. The remedy is p rescribed hence to set the disease or the effect of a malefic planet right. I have always believed that astrology is an art impossible without its remedies. Astrology is an art to peep into the future and future is a closed well guarded mystery of Good, Divine or Nature whatever we may call it, which can only be un covered by Divine grace, and Divine will only allow us to peep into its secret o nly for two reasons; 1. If we are not moving in the direction preplanned for us and the direction we are heading to will only get us misery and losses, so astrology with Divine help relocates us to the place we really belong. 2. If the future is non-benefiting and if we have the power to change it via rem edies only then the Divine grace allows us to see the future. People who believe that they cannot change the future cannot also see the future . Here we see the scientific or holistic reason of inevitability of remedies in th is art/science of astrology, the art would not exist without its remedies as Div ine does not allow anything without a reason in his Universe. It would not be im proper to say that the art of seeing future is only gifted to some artist by the Divine, so all the skills of future seeing are termed as arts of Divination, an d so there is a stamp of approval to it from the divine and its not trespassing in his area. If there is a Divine approval to this art then the same approval is also to the remedies which are an obvious part of the art. In the astrological chart there are section mentioned as Dasha, Antar- Dasha and the Pratiantar-Dasha (The planetary period, the sub-period and the sub-sub peri od) it allows you to know which planets will be affecting you during which perio d. It is said that prevention is always better then cure, so it is always wise t o take necessary remedy with the help of above chart before the effect of a cert ain planet arises. Astrology in short, is (through its host of remedies/solutions that it offers) a n attempt to just do this. It is therefore a tool/technique which is as good or bad as the one who uses it. In itself therefore it is value neutral- call it art or science.
The Science/Art of Remedies: The effects of these Planets cannot be totally erased or changed, but can be min imized or enhanced. As we have already seen that these Planets affect the mind, if the resistance or acceptance power of the mind is increased by some remedies then the effect of the Planets can also be minimized or enhanced respectively.
The power of mind is mostly affected by following factors: 1. Food: what we eat or drink immediately affects us and this effect is also obs erved for a longer time, fasting is one of the best remedies to strengthen the m ind. 2. Space or place: the company we keep and everyone who is around us and the pla ce where we live or work i.e. the country we live in, weather we are near the se a, mountains, desert, river, greenery, etc. can all affects us, not only that ou r behavior towards people and everything living or non-living i.e. our family, f riends, trees, pets around us have their own individual effect on us. Our house and work place the Vastu, i.e. the place and direction we face when we eat, slee p, study; bathe all can cast its effects. 3. Time: the era in which we are living in has its effects, the different times (Mohurats) of the day have their effects, the seasons have their effects, the da ys of the week have their very special and powerful effects, and the different d ates and months as per the Hindu (Moon) calendar or the English (Sun) calendar a ll cast their effects. 4. Rest: Not resting adequately at proper time and over sleeping or resting affe cts the mind. 5. Meditation or Faith: Chanting of Mantra; practicing Pranayama, Asana, having Faith or Love all helps to strengthen the mind. In-fact it is seen that any of the above remedies do not show their effects if t hey are done without faith or love. This science/art of Astrology with its remedies was developed in India so it is quite obvious that you will find an Indian touch to most of he remedies mentione d below.
Choosing Remedies: There are many remedies for different planets, how to choose which one is for yo u? How can you know which will be the best for you? Here I wish to share with you these special words of wisdom my Guru Sri Chandras ekhar Dave gave me when I completed studying the art and science of this ancient art called Astrology. My Guru Sri Chandrasekhar Dave is one of the greatest expounder of our times of these ancient scriptures of astrology, Vedas, Puraanas, Occult science, Vedaant, Karmakaand etc. He thought me seven different arts Vedic methods and the KP met hod of astrology, after which I was totally confused on what style or method to follow? Which was the best among the rest? I approached him with my humble query ; he immediately in his witty and ever-ready style said What do you think? You ar e going to do predictions on basis of these methods, No; this wisdom is not for people who believe in the methods and calculations, or else all the mathematicia ns and accountants would be astrologers. Yes calculations and methods are import ant as they are the base, but their use to a good astrologer is only 20% and the rest 80% is his or hers intuitions. Go by your intuitions and you will see succ ess. This wisdom made me what I am today. For choosing the right remedies follow your intuitions.
You will get to see around you the people or things needed for the accomplishmen t of that particular remedy or they might just pop up in your imagination out of nowhere while you plan to chose or are even are just reading the remedies. Some of the remedies will be directly related to your day to day habits, like fo r example if a person is suffering from the malefic effects of Mars then if he i s addicted to tobacco he cannot miss the remedy which suggests staying away from tobacco chewing or smoking. Following your intuitions and being honest to your self can only guide you like a mentor or Guru in choosing the right remedies. Some of the remedies like wearing a stone need an expert s opinion, our suggestion is to be safe and take guidance and then follow. Chanting, wearing Rudraksh and rituals involved with Paarad Shiva Lingam are considered the safest without any adverse effects. These remedies have helped people from time immortal and many of my clients incl uding celebrates have benefited from them. I have tried to collect their views o n different remedies they have benefited the most and have placed their opinion after the remedy wherever needed for your reference.
Remedies for all nine Planets: 1. Reading the Navagraha Stuti everyday minimizes the negative effects and enhan ces the positive effects of all nine Planets. The Navagraha Stuti: Aum Bhramhaa Muraarii Triipurantkaarii Bhaanuh Sashi Bhoomistoo Bhuhdhascha Guru scha Shukrah Sani Raahu Ketavah Sarve Graha Shanti karaa Bhavantuu Meaning: Aum may (Bhramhaa) the creator, (Vishnu) the sustainer, (Shiva) the des troyer along with the planets, (Bhanu) Sun, (Sashi) Moon, (Bhumistoo) child of e arth- the Mars, (Bhuhdha) Mercury, (Guru) Jupiter, (Sukra) Venus, (Shani) Saturn , Rahu and Ketu bring peace in our life. 2. Chanting Aum Namah Shivay 108 times with slow breaths or playing this mantra fo r some time at house or work place on a Chant-on or CD will also help. 3. Wearing an energized and sanctified 15 Mukhi Rudraksh or a set of energized a nd sanctified 1 Mukhi to 9 Mukhi Rudraksh also helps. 4. Wearing a Navagraha Mala (a necklace having 9 stones representing 9 Planets) or Navagraha Bracelet / Armlet / Pendent also helps. Please note that wearing Navagraha ring is not considered safe as different fing ers are for different planets and wearing all the stones in one finger will make the energies to clash. 5. Reading the Navgrah Stotra once every day keeping the meaning in the mind (Na vgrah Stotra in English with Romanization given in this book). 6. Offering Navagraha Puja in a temple which has Navagraha and after the Puja ta king nine rounds (Parikrama) around the Navagraha. The rounds that you take must be seven clockwise for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn resp ectively and the two anti-clock wise for Rahu and Ketu. Archives: Hare Krishna: People like me are always looking for blessings, you know why? Wel
l if you were an actor in Mumbai you would know why. One day you are just anybod y and the very next day you could be somebody known to everybody. Luck destiny w hatever you would want to call it, plays an important part in your life. Things were going OK for me but somebody suggested that I should do Nava-Graha P uja to enhance the positive aspect of my planets. I being one person who always wants to know the logical and scientific reason behind everything pursued and ga ve it a deep thought. My friend Hittesh Morjaria (who is present in the Mukteshwar Temple on Saturdays ) was one person I though I should consult, so on following Saturday I went to t he Mukteshwar temple and asked him, his immediate response was that this is a ve ry auspicious thought. He also in detail guided me the total process of Navagrah a Puja and also worship of other deities in the temple (so much that also told m e how to offer water to Pepal tree and at what time) initially it all sounded ve ry vague I even thought of it as to be superstition, but as to be I began doing the process of Puja as he guided me. I could feel the positive vibrations in me, work improved, no more silly obstacles in daily life, life was smoother after t hat, and then one fine day I see my hoardings (billboards) of a promo for a new TV Channel splashed all over the country. Now this promo I did was on a small sc ale, I was not expecting much out of it. But to my utter surprise it became a bi g campaign which gave me a lot of exposure and work. I don t know why certain things happen at a certain time (especially if you would be waiting for it to happen for a long time) but just the very timing of this ma ster stroke of luck in my career made me have so my faith in the fact that Hitte sh Morjaria guided me on the on the right process of spirituality. He is a big help to all who want a happy successful life without him pretending to be a big guru or something (like so many of them these days). Dillep Mehraa Actor 7. Lit essence-sticks of different aromas on different weekdays. We at Hansaa mystic have created a set of aroma sticks for different days of the week. 8. Bath with Aura Cleanser s (salts different aromas) on different weekdays. We at Hansaa mystic have created a set of aroma salts for different days of the week. 9. Pray to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is said to be controlling all the planets, by doing Shiva Puja regularly, by chanting Mahamirtunjay Mantra (Given in the book) or the Shiva Panchaakshar Mantra i.e. Aum Namah Shivay the malefic effects of all nine Planets can be reduced. 10. Get a Navgrah Havana done at your place.
Remedies for Sun: Introduction: Sun is the king of all the Planets it is in the center of the sola r system. Sun is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Leo. It stays in each constellation for a month. It is the main source for (Prana Sha kti) the vital breath energy which keeps everything alive on the planet and the rains which are the source of fresh water on earth.
It affects food, metal, especially gold, politics, fame, petroleum, people deali ng into the above products need to do proper remedies for the Sun. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies 1. Chanting on Sundays A. Surya Stotra Mantra: Aum Japaakusuma Samkaasham Kaashyapeyam MahaaDhyuteem Tamhorim Sarva PaapAgni Pr anathosmi Divaakaram Meaning: I surrender to Sun God who is as red as the red Hibiscus (Shoe) flower, who is t he son of Rishi Kashyap, whose brilliance is matchless, who burns off all sins, who dispels darkness, who is the cause of day break. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Sunday in front of a Surya Yan tra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Surya Vedic Mantra: Aum Hram Hrim Hrom Saha Suryay Namah C. Surya Mantra: Aum Dhruni Suryay Namah Starting from Sunday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 7000 tim es in front of a Surya Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and females must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. in t heir clean days. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 1 Mukhi or 12 Mukhi Rudraksh. It has been se en that 12 Mukhi is a better option for unmarried people then 1 Mukhi Rudraksh. Also be sure that you get a genuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sol d are fake beads. 3. Wear a Ruby or red Jasper in your right hand ring finger, but only after taki ng an experts opinion. Try the stone for a few days by keeping in under your pil low and tying it on your right arm. 4. Dissolve Jaggury, in water in a brass Kalash and offer that water to the Sun from over your head looking at the Sun from the curtain made from the sweet wate r. 5. Feed Monkeys some sweets on Sunday day time. 6. Donate wheat, red cloths, jaggury, brass, gold, red shoe flower, red sandal, ruby on Sunday day time. 7. Lit Jasmine incense sticks on Sunday. 8. Be good to your Father and take his blessings. 9. Offer wheat and/or turmeric water on Paarad Shiva Lingam.
10. Pray to Lord Shiva, Lord Jesus Christ, Goddess Maatangi or Bharvi and/or Sun God. 11. Attain Mass in a church for 12 consecutive Sundays. 12. Do not gamble. 13. Don t live in a South or west facing house, if Saturn at the time of your birt h was retrograde then living in a south facing house is fine. Archives: I was not a very strong believer in astrology, but in one of my bad periods one of my co star Taanaz Irani asked me to see Guruji Sri Hittesh Morjaria so I book ed an appointment which changed my life, he told me to do some simple rituals an d one of them was to do the Surya Bij Mantra, which changed the whole scenario f or me; I received a national award from Gujarat government for my role as an lea d in a gujarati movie called Mein To Palavde Bhandhi Prit, my work in the televi sion industry became constant, for all this I will like to thank Sri Hittesh Mor jaria, the ritual of the planet he gave me with the nine planets and me for reli giously following whatever he said. Raajaxmi Film and television actress.
Remedies for Moon: Introduction: Moon is considered to be the queen of all the Planets. It is nearest to the earth. Moon is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Cancer. It stays in each constellation for two and a quarter day. It is the source of Mind and creativity. It affects seeds, medicine, water and B rahmins, people dealing into the above products need to do proper remedies for t he Moon. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies 1. Chanting on Mondays A. Chandra Stotra Mantra: Aum DadhiShamkha Turshaaraambham kSheero Daarnava SamBhavam Namaami Sashinam Som am ShambhorMukuta Bhushanam Meaning: I surrender to Moon God who is as White as (or resembles) hue of curds, a conch and the colour of the snow; who sprang out from the milky white ocean; who is th e form of the immortal nectar (Somam or Amritam) and who is the decoration of Lo rd Shiva s crest. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Monday in front of a Chandra Y antra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Chandra Vedic Mantra: Aum Shram Shrim Shrom Saha Chandray Namah
C. Chandra Mantra: Aum Saum Somaay Namah Starting from Monday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 11000 ti mes in front of a Chandra Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and fema les must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. i n their clean days. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 2 Mukhi or 11 Mukhi Rudraksh. It has been se en that 2 Mukhi Rudraksh is a better option for unmarried people than 11 Mukhi R udraksh as it increases your chances of marriage. Also be sure that you get a ge nuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Pearl, Moonstone or white agate in your right hand little finger or ne ck, but only after taking an experts opinion. Try the stone for a few days by ke eping in under your pillow and tying it on your right arm. For calming anger you need to wear a silver bangle or a pearl bracelet in your r ight arm. 4. Eat Kheer (rice, milk and sugar) on Monday evening. 5. Feed white Cows on Monday. 6. Donate rice, camphor, white cloth, silver, shell, and sandal, white Sandal, w hite flowers, Sugar, curd, pearl and white bullock on Monday. 7. Lit incense sticks of white or mix colour flowers on Monday. 8. Be good to your Mother. 9. Offer rice and/or raw cow s milk on Paarad Shiva Lingam. 10. Pray to Lord Shiva and/or Goddess Kamala or Dhumavati. 11. Be good to your mother and take her blessings. 12. This ritual is to be done by your mother, ask her to take a white square clo th and put one fistful of rice grains and one square or round silver coin in it (if you have a malefic Rahu the square coin is more appropriate) ask her to fold the cloth and tie a few tight knots on it in such a way that you get a proper b undle from which the rice or coin does not fall off, you facing the west ask for the bundle with both of your hands from your mother, and she facing the east wi ll give it to you with both her hands. Receive it with both your hands, and your total heart, then touch her feet and take her blessings; then place this bundle in your cash box and let it be there for ever. If ever it is opened by mistake then you will need to do this all over again. Up till this bundle is there in your cash box you will never experience scarcity of money in your life. Unfortunately if your mother is not around you can do it with anyone who is like your mother i.e. your mother-in-law or your aunty. Archives:
Introduction: Mars is considered to be the warrior among the Planets. It is red in colour, is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Aries an d Scorpio. It stays in each constellation for One and a half month. It is the source of energy and power. It affects seeds, medicine, water and Brahmins; people dealing into the above pr oducts need to do proper remedies for the Mars. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies. 1. Chanting on Tuesday A. Mangal Stotra Mantra: Aum Dharranee Garbha SamBhootam VidhyutKaanti Sama Prabham Kumaaram ShaktiHastam Cha Mangalam PranamamYaham Meaning: I surrender to Lord Mars who is born from the womb of the earth, who is the doer of auspiciousness, whose aura has the shine of the lighting, who is al ways youth and carries a spear, who is the giver of energy and power. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Tuesday in front of a Mangal Y antra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Mangal Vedic Mantra: Aum Kram Krim Krom Saha Bhomaaye Namah C. Mangal Mantra: Aum Aam Angaarkay Namah Starting from Tuesday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 10000 t imes in front of a Mangal Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and fema les must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. i n their clean days. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 3 Mukhi or 9 Mukhi Rudraksh. It has been see n that 3 Mukhi Rudraksh is a better option for males and 9 Mukhi Rudraksh is a b etter option for females. Also be sure that you get a genuine bead of Rudraksh a s most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Coral or orange Carnelian in your right or left hand little or ring fi nger or neck, but only after taking an experts opinion. Try the stone for a few days by keeping in under your pillow and tying it on your right arm. 4. For marriage related problems fast on twenty-one Tuesdays in the below mentio ned method. On first Tuesday fast in day time only having water and one spoon of Kheer (mixe r of milk sugar and rice), in the night you can have full square meal. Second Tuesday have two spoon of Kheer and in the night you can have full square meal, in this way continue increasing one spoon of till the eleventh Tuesday; i .e. on eleventh Tuesday you will be having eleven spoons of Kheer. From the twelfth Tuesday start decreasing one spoon Kheer; i.e. on twelfth Tuesd ay you will be having ten spoons of Kheer, on thirteenth Tuesday you will be hav ing nine spoons of Kheer, so in this manner on the twenty-first Tuesday you will be having one spoon. On the twenty-first Tuesday visit a temple and offer 1.25 kilos of any orange sw eet and then distribute it among the people there.
5. Feed goats or deer on Tuesday. 6. Donate copper, wheat, orange pulses (Massor daal), red cloth, Jaggury, red-sa ndal, red flowers, saffron, Coral on Tuesday. 7. Lit incense sticks of Sandal-wood or red flowers on Tuesday. 8. Be good to your brother. 9. Offer orange pulses (Massor daal) on Paarad Shiva Lingam. 10. Pray to Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, Lord Hanuman, Goddess Durga and/or Goddess Baglamukhi. 11. Read Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesday (Hanuman Chalisa in English with Romanizatio n given in this book). 12. Put Red Lead (Sindhoor) on Lord Hanuman for three consecutive Tuesdays. 13. Keep away from Tobacco, alcohol and all types of addictions. 14. Do not take loans. 15. For freedom from loans Chant the Vedic Sri Suktam in front of an energized S ampoot Laxmi or Sri Yantra once every day (The Vedic Sri Suktam is given this bo ok). 16. For sever acidic problem, heat a coal, when it turns burning red cool it off with honey and inhale the fumes. Be careful while doing this there is no one near you or it might give them an ad verse effect. Archives: After several visits to different astrologer s one thing I knew very well that my horoscope is excellent having a complete RajYog which only was in those papers o f my horoscope and was never seen or experienced in my life. With the advice of Neha Mishra my sister who is an actress I consulted Panditji Sri Hittesh Morjari a. He did a very detailed study of my chart and said the same thing what others had said before, but also added something that I have to unlock the Raj Yog with certain rituals. I started doing the rituals and to my surprise immediately I g ot selected for a lead role in a serial called Sach Hue Sapne Mere on the National television it was really like a dream come true for me. I intuitionally feel that the ritual of taking a bundle of rice grains and a sil ver coin from my mother hit the bull s eye. I will always be grateful to panditji for what he has done for me. Tushar Mishra Actor Archives:
Remedies for Mercury: Introduction: Mercury is considered to be the son of Moon. It is green in colour, is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Gemini and Virgo.
It stays in each constellation for One month. It is the source of energy and power. It affects seeds, medicine, water and Brahmins; people dealing into the above pr oducts need to do proper remedies for the Mercury. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies. 2. Chanting on Wednesday A. Buddha Stotra Mantra: Aum PriyamgukalikaaShyaamam RupenaamaPrateemm Budham Soamyam Soamya GunorPetam T am Budham PranamamYaham Meaning: I surrender to Lord Mercury who is dark as a dark blackish green flower s bud, who is matchless in form and appearance, who is very wise, who being the s on of moon has its pleasing and sweet auspicious qualities. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Wednesday in front of a Budha Yantra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Budh Vedic Mantra: Aum Bram Brim Brom Saha Budhaye Namah C. Budh Mantra: Aum Boom Budhaye Namah Starting from Wednesday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 8000 times in front of a Budh Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and femal es must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. in their clean days. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 4 Mukhi or 15 Mukhi Rudraksh. 15 Mukhi Rudra ksh is also known to counter the negative effects of all nine planets. Also be s ure that you get a genuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fak e beads. 3. Wear a Emerald, Jade or blood-stone in your right hand little or ring finger or neck, it is always better to wear a Venus stone with Mercury s, but only after taking an experts opinion. Try the stone for a few days by keeping in under your pillow and tying it on your right arm. 4. Feed green Parrots on Wednesday, if you have to go under a doctors knife for your stomach problem then feed the parrots red chilies. 5. Donate ivory, green cloth, green-grain (Moong), emerald, jade, blood-stone, c amphor, scriptures on Wednesday. 6. Donate four green glass bangles with a green cloth to a eunuch on Wednesday. 7. Eat sprouted green-grain (Moong-Dhal) first thing on Wednesday morning. 8. Lit incense sticks of Purple and green colour flowers incense sticks on Wedne sday. 9. Be good to your sister. 10. Offer green pulses (Moong dhal) on Paarad Shiva Lingam.
11. Donate four green glass bangles with a green cloth to a eunuch on Wednesday. 12. Pray to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Gautam Buddha, Goddess Durga and/or wi sdom Goddess Tripuraa Bharvi, Maatangi. Archives:
Remedies for Jupiter: Introduction: Jupiter is considered the mentor of all the deities and Seers. Jupiter is also considered to be the knowledge of Kaal-Purush. In the solar system he is considered to be the Minister. It is considered as a very auspicious planet. It is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Sagittarius and Pisces. It stays in each constellation for one year. It affects yellow pulses, gold, turmeric, books, education, horses, spirituality ; people dealing into the above products need to do proper remedies for the Jupi ter. Its malefic effects thou they are minimum can be minimized and the positive effe cts can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies. 1. Chanting on Thursday A. Guru Stotra Mantra: Aum DevaanaamCha hRisheenaamCha Gurum Kanchana SanniBham BudhiBhootam TriLokEsha m Tam Namaami BruhasPateem Meaning: I surrender to Lord Jupiter who is the mentor of Deities and Sages, who is resplendent and lustrous as burnished gold, who is wisdom himself, who is th e lord of all three worlds or states of existence i.e. waking, dreaming and slee ping. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Thursday in front of a Guru Ya ntra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Guru Vedic Mantra: Aum Gram Grim Grom Saha Guruve Namah C. Guru Mantra: Aum Bhrushapataye Namah Starting from Thrusday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 19000 times in front of a Guru Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and femal es must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. in their clean days. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 5 Mukhi or 10 Mukhi Rudraksh. 10 Mukhi Rudra ksh also helps to remove the effects evil spirits. Also be sure that you get a g enuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Yellow-Sapphire, Citrine or any yellow coloured stone in your right ha nd index finger or neck, but only after taking an experts opinion. Try the stone for a few days by keeping in under your pillow and tying it on your right arm.
4. Feed red cows. 5. Donate yellow cloth, yellow-grain, Yellow Sapphire, Citrine, Turmeric, saffro n and scriptures on Thursday. 6. Grow Basin (Tulsi) and yellow Hibiscus (popularly known as Shoe-flower or Chi na rose) in your house. 7. Water Pepal tree except for Fridays and Sundays. 8. Put one hair of saffron in a silver vessel and add ten to fifteen drops of wa ter in it, in the morning apply the saffron water in-between your eyebrows with your right hands ring finger, and around your navel, with your right hand middle finger everyday. This is very good for solving stomach related problems, increasing intuitions an d wealth. 9. Take a Living person as your Mentor (Guru) and respect and trust him/her comp letely. 10. Lit incense sticks of yellow flowers or fruits incense sticks on Thursday. 11. Offer yellow pulses and/or turmeric water on Paarad Shiva Lingam. 12. Pray to your Mentor, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, Goddess Durga and /or wisdom Goddess Tara. Archives: Remedies for Venus: Introduction: Venus is considered an auspicious planet. It controls love, passion, art and creativity in our life; it blesses us with a life partner, kids and luxuries such as vehicles. Venus is the mentor of the demons and protects them via his Mahamirtunjay Sanjiv ani art. Venus is also known to be the greatest expounder of all the scriptures. It is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Taurus and Libra. It stays in each constellation for one month. It affects Silver, gold, white horses, butter, camphor, curd, sugar, cows, potat oes, diamonds, expensive cloths, art, beauty, relationship, sex, perfumes; peopl e dealing into the above products need to do proper remedies for Venus. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies. 1. Chanting on Fridays A. Shukra Stotra Mantra: AUM HimaKunda Mrunaalaabham Daityaanaam Paramm Gurum SarvaShaastra Pravaktaaram Bhaargavam Pranaamaamyaham Meaning: I surrender to Lord Venus who is of white and fair of complexion as the snow fiber or Jasmine flower, who is the supreme teacher of the Demons, who is the greatest expounder of all the scriptures. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Friday in front of a Shukra Ya ntra keeping its meaning in the mind.
B. Shukra Vedic Mantra: Aum Dram Drim Drom Saha Shukraye Namah C. Shukra Mantra: Aum Shum Shukraaye Namah Starting from Friday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 16000 ti mes in front of a Shukra Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and femal es must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. in their clean days. D. Vedic Laxmi Mantra Aum Shrim Hrim Shrim Kamle Kamlaaleye Prasidhe Prasidhe Aum Shrim Hrim Shrim MahaLaxmiye Namah. Starting from Friday the above mantra is to be chanted 28000 times in front of a n energized Sampoot Laxmi or Sri Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days a nd females must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. in their clean days. E. Chant the Vedic Sri Suktam in front of an energized Sampoot Laxmi or Sri Yant ra once every day. The Vedic Sri Suktam is given this book. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 6 Mukhi or 13 Mukhi Rudraksh. 13 Mukhi Rudra ksh also helps in increasing your charismatic effect, it is used for Hypnotism a nd attracting people; specially the opposite sex. Also be sure that you get a ge nuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Diamond, Crystal, Opal stone in your right hand little finger or neck, but only after taking an experts opinion. Try the stone for a few days by keepi ng in under your pillow and tying it on your right arm. 4. Feed potatoes to white cows. 5. Donate Silver, gold, white horses, butter, camphor, curd, sugar, cows, diamon ds, potatoes, expensive cloths, art and beauty products, perfumes on Friday. 6. Use perfumes or deodorants everyday. 7. Wear good bright Cloths; do not wear torn, burnt or faded cloths. 8. Lit incense sticks of Rose flavor on Friday. 9. Be good to your spouse. 10. Offer off-white pulses and/or sugarcane juice on Paarad Shiva Lingam. 12. Pray to Goddess Laxmi, Lord Shiva, Lord Kaama (Indian Cupid god) and/or wisd om Goddess Bhuvaneshwari. Archives: I was very upset and worried that every source of income in our family came to a stand still for no reason known. I consulted Sri Hittesh Morjaria for the same, and he suggested me to do a few m
antras. Surprisingly the work of every one a new person in me, who was of lot I have no choice but to admit that have worked miracles for me and I ia for this. Rhea Kanodia Sound Engineer 20/8/2008
in our family started moving and I found out of strength and patience. the Laxmi mantra and the Mahamirtunjay Mantra will always be grateful to Sri Hittesh Morjar
Remedies for Saturn: Introduction: Saturn is the most feared and misunderstood planet. He is the son of Sun and Chayaa (The Shadow), he is the elder foster brother of Yama (the deity of death) and Yamana (the holy river). It is considered to be the account keeper of our Karmas. It controls health and wealth both. It is the presiding planet for the constellation sign Capricorn and Aquarius. It stays in each constellation for two and half years. It affects Leather, sesamine, oil, iron, footwear, black pulses, buffalo, black cow, black and blue cloths, Blue sapphire and all blue stones; people dealing in to the above products need to do proper remedies for Saturn. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies. 1. Chanting on Saturday A. Shani Stotra Mantra: AUM Neelaamjana Samabhaasam Ravi Putram YamaaGrajam Chaayaa Maartanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shaneschwaram Meaning: I surrender to Lord Saturn who is as dark as mascara, who is the son of Sun born from Chayaa the shadow or the clone, who is the elder brother of the d eity of death (Yama) and who moves very slowly. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Saturday in front of a Shani Y antra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Shani Vedic Mantra: Aum Pram Prim Prom Saha Shaneye Namah C. Shani Mantra: Aum Sham Shaneshwarye Namah Starting from Saturday any one of the above two mantras are to be chanted 23000 times in front of a Shani Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and fema les must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cycle i.e. i n their clean days. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 7 Mukhi or 14 Mukhi Rudraksh. 14 Mukhi Rudra ksh also helps in increasing your intuitions, it is used for meditation to activ ate the Kundalini power and it is also known as DevMani which gives you a luxuri ous life like the deities of the heaven. Also be sure that you get a genuine bea
d of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Blue sapphire or topaz; or any blue or black colour stone in your righ t or left hand middle finger or neck, but only after taking an experts opinion a s these are the most dangerous stones which can change your life for best or for worst. Try the stone for a few days by keeping in under your pillow and tying i t on your right arm. 4. Feed and respect old people, servants and lame people. 5. Donate Leather, sesame, bitter oil, iron, footwear, black pulses, buffalo, bl ack cow, black and blue cloths, Blue sapphire or any type of black or blue stone s, or liquor on Saturday. 6. Feed fishes, buffalos or black cows. 7. Read Hanuman Chalisa or Shani Chalisa, offer oil on Hanumanji s or Shani,s idol on Saturday (Hanuman Chalisa and Shani Chalisa in English with Romanization giv en in this book). 8. Lit incense sticks of Kewda flavor on Saturday. 9. Be good to your servants. 10. Offer black pulses and/or black sesame on Paarad Shiva Lingam. 11. Wear an iron ring made from the black horses shoe in your right hand middle finger. 12. Pray to Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva, Lord Bhairav and/or wisdom Goddess Kali. 13. Stay away from alcohol and non-vegetarian food, specially fish and eggs. 14. Water or lit a lamp under a Pepal tree on Saturday. 15. Feed powder of black sesame and sugar to black ants on Saturday after sunset . 16. Rap twelve almonds in a black cloth and seal pack them in a small steel box and keep it safe in the south-west corner of your house, do not let any one open that box for ever. 17. Bury black mascara in an isolated place on a Saturday. Archives: I being in fame industry had visited all the known astrologers in Mumbai (Bollyw ood), visiting an astrologer was like an amusement. Once for the heck of it I vi sited Sri Hittesh Morjaria Panditji as what I prefer to call him; I was amazed b y his accuracy and depth of knowledge, he suggested that I do certain remedies o ne of which was chanting the Shani Mantra which, which helped immensely. I have realized that I have not only grown professionally but also spiritually and am a more happy and peaceful person now then before. One more thing that my spiritua l shopping, hunting for different astrologers has ended. I have total faith in Panditji and now trust him for everything and anything; he is like a friend philosopher and guide. ADI Choreographer.
Remedies for Rahu: Introduction: Rahu is also one of the most feared and misunderstood planet. He is the Chayaa Graha (The Shadow planet). It is known as the north lunar node. He is considered to have the body of a serpent and a terrifying face. He is the son of Sihikaa who is the wife of Viprachitiki and daughter of Hiranya kashyap. By his mothers name Rahu is also known as Shmhike. It is the presiding planet for Virgo with Mercury of the constellation sign. It stays in each constellation for one and half years. It affects wool, bronze, photography, black cloths, black stones, black pulses, oil, black horse, accidents, thefts, court cases, physical problems. People deal ing with the above products need to do proper remedies for Rahu. There are many stories in the ancient scriptures about the formation and install ation of Rahu and Ketu as planets, one of the most popular one from the Srimad B hagwat is as under; During the churning of the ocean when Amritam the nectar of immortality appeared Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini the most beautiful maid ever seen and kept the demons busy while he made the deities drink the Amritam, but Rahu who also w as a demon sat among the deities and drank the Amritam, immediately Sun and Moon pointed this out to Lord Vishnu and he chopped off Rahu s head with his Sudharsha n Chakra, because of the effect of the Amritam his body survived as Ketu and hea d as Rahu; from that very day Rahu is considered as the most bitter enemy of the Sun and the Moon, and is known to cause eclipse to them. Its malefic effects can be minimized and the positive effects can be enhanced by any or all of the following remedies. 1. Chanting on Saturday or Wednesday A. Rahu Stotra Mantra: Aum ArdhaKaayam MahaaViryar ChandrAAditya Vimardanam Shimhikaa Garbha SamBhootam tam Rahuum Pranaamaamyaham Meaning: Aum I surrender to Lord Rahu who is half-bodied, who is of great braver y, who is the eclipser of Moon and Sun, Who is the son of Shimhika. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Wednesday in front of a Rahu Y antra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Rahu Vedic Mantra: Aum Bhram Bhrim Bhrom Saha Rahave Namah C. Rahu Mantra: Aum Ram Rahave Namah D. Kartike Mool Mantra: Aum SarvanaBhava Starting from Wednesday or Saturday any one of the above three mantras are to be chanted 18000 times in front of a Rahu Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and females must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthl y cycle i.e. in their clean days.
E. Mahamirtunjay Mantra: Aum Triambakam YajaMahe Sughandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urva Rukmiva Bandhanat Mirty or Mokshi Maa-amritat Meaning: Aum O one with three eyes (one who can see all three tenses Past, prese nt and future) I pray to thee, Make me smell good and holistically healthy, like a bird or cucumber (immediately and effortlessly) free me from the bondages of death but not from the nectar of immortality. Starting from any day the above mantras is to be chanted 36000 times in front of an energized and sanctified Mahamirtunjay Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and females must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two mon thly cycle i.e. in their clean days. This Mantra will not only remove the negati ve effects of Rahu but also of all other Planets and Yoga. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 8 Mukhi or Ganesh Rudraksh. Ganesh Rudraksh also helps in increasing your brain power and interest in studies. It is also us ed to remove obstacles. Also be sure that you get a genuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Black tourmaline, Tigers eye, Hessonite; or any black colour stone in your right or left hand middle finger or neck, but only after taking an experts opinion as these are dangerous stones. Try the stone for a few days by keeping i n under your pillow and tying it on your right arm. 4. Feed and respect people from lower cast, your domestic helps and security gua rds. 5. Donate sesame, bitter oil, iron, bronze, black pulses, Woolen cloths; Shawls & blanket, black horse, black and blue cloths, Blue sapphire or any type of blac k or blue stones, or liquor on Wednesday. 6. Feed black horses, black dog or/and birds. 7. Never accept electronics, blue cloths or steel utensils from your in-laws. 8. Wet Jawahar in a vessel near your head while sleeping and in the morning feed the sprouted jawahar to animals. 9. On Wednesday immerse four coconuts in the flowing water. 10. Pray to Lord Shiva, Lord Kartike, Lord Krishna, Goddess Saraswati, Lord Bhai rav and/or wisdom Goddess Chinmastika. poonam 11. Stay away from alcohol and non-vegetarian food, Goat meat. 12. Read Bhairav Chalisaa every Wednesday. 13. Offer black and white Sesame on Paarad Shiva Lingam. Archives: I was upset because of my work coming to a standstill for two years; I had a dre am of starting my own recording studio which seemed going nowhere. I consulted Sri Hittesh-bhai Morjaria. He asked me to wear an eight Mukhi Rudraksh for my Rahu Mahadasha which had star ted from the last two years since when I was experiencing the trauma.
Suddenly not only my work started but also I successfully started a recording st udio. It was an impossible dream come true for me, I don t have words to express my joy or gratitude. Sooraj Kanodia Music Director 20/8/2008
Remedies for Ketu: Introduction: Ketu is also one of the most feared and misunderstood planet. After Rahu s head was cut by Vishnu s Sudharshan Chakra its body was known as Ketu. It is known as the south lunar node. The comets are known as ketu. As per Matsya Puran there are many Ketu s and Dhum Ketu is the main one. Like Rahu even Ketu is a Chayaa Graha (The Shadow planet). Ketu is considered milder the Rahu, but Ketu is also known as one of the Rudra, the fiercest incarnation of Lord Shiva. It looks like a flag in the sky so its sign is also a flag. It stays in one constellation for one and a half years. It is the presiding planet for picese /socrpio of the constellation sign. It affects poverty, looks, skin; genital and nails problems, kids, dogs, liberat ion. People dealing with the above products need to do proper remedies for Ketu.
1. Chanting on Sunday or Tuesday A. Ketu Stotra Mantra: Aum PalaashaPushpa Samkaasham TaarkaaGraha Mastakam Roodram Roodraatmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranaamaamyaham Meaning: Aum I surrender to Lord Ketu who is having the look of Palaash flower, who is the head of the stars and planets, who is one of the Rudra (incarnation o f lord Shiva) among the many Rudra and who is fierce and terrifying. The above mantra is to be chanted 108 times every Tuesday or Sunday in front of a Ketu Yantra keeping its meaning in the mind. B. Ketu Vedic Mantra: Aum Stram Strim Strom Saha Rahave Namah C. Ketu Mantra: Aum Kam Ketave Namah D. Ganpati Mool Mantra: Aum Gang Ganpatye Namah
Starting from Sunday or Tuesday any one of the above three mantras are to be cha nted 17000 times in front of a Ketu Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 day s and females must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two monthly cy cle i.e. in their clean days. E. Mahamirtunjay Mantra: Aum Triambakam YajaMahe Sughandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urva Rukmiva Bandhanat Mirty or Mokshi Maa-amritat Meaning: Aum O one with three eyes (one who can see all three tenses Past, prese nt and future) I pray to thee, Make me smell good and holistically healthy, like a bird or cucumber (immediately and effortlessly) free me from the bondages of death but not from the nectar of immortality. Starting from any day the above mantras is to be chanted 36000 times in front of an energized and sanctified Mahamirtunjay Yantra. Males must complete it within 42 days and females must complete it in around 21 days in-between their two mon thly cycle i.e. in their clean days. This Mantra will not only remove the negati ve effects of Ketu but also of all other Planets and Yoga. 2. Wear an energized and sanctified 9 Mukhi or Ganesh Rudraksh. Ganesh Rudraksh also helps in increasing your brain power and interest in studies. It is also us ed to remove obstacles. Also be sure that you get a genuine bead of Rudraksh as most of the Rudraksh sold are fake beads. 3. Wear a Cat s-eye stone in your right or left hand middle finger or neck, but on ly after taking an experts opinion as this is dangerous stone. Try the stone for a few days by keeping in under your pillow and tying it on your right arm. 4. Feed black & white dogs a part of your meal from your served plate. This is o ne of the most powerful remedies for Ketu. 5. If there is a problem in conceiving then keep a black & white dog as a pet. 6. Wear silver or gold. 7. Follow remedies of Jupiter i.e. applying saffron. 8. Pray to Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, Lord Bharav and/or wisdom Goddess Dhumavati and Chinmastika. 9. Stay away from alcohol and non-vegetarian food. 10. Offer black and white Sesame seed on Paarad Shiva Lingam. Archives: Hittesh Morjaria you told me to that on Budwaari Amaavasya I should place black and white sesame seeds on Shivlingam. I went to the Seven Bungalows Shiva Temple and I followed your advice late in the evening. I could feel the immediate powe rful impact and felt calm. Pretti Jaiin Actress. 29/3/2008.
For Original Energized and Sanctified RUDRAKSH MALA & RUDRAKSH from one to twent
y-one faces, Ganesh, Saawar Ganesh, Gauri Shaker, Garb Gauri and Trijuthi, preci ous and Semi precious stones, gold plated and copper Yantra of perfect dimension contact: Hittesh Morjaria Hansaa a mystic shop Ph: 9867 495 496 Email: [email protected] Web site:
Navgrah Stotra AUM Japaakusuma Samkaasham Kaashyapeyam MahaaDhyuteem Tamhorim Sarva PaapAgnim P ranathosmi Divaakaram DadhiShamkha Turshaaraambham kSheero Daarnava SamBhavam Namaami Sashinam Somam S hambhorMukuta Bhushanam Dharranee Garbha SamBhootam VidhyutKaanti Sama Prabham Kumaaram ShaktiHastam Cha Mangalam PranamamYaham PriyamgukalikaaShyaamam RupenaamaPrateemm Budham Soamyam Soamya GunorPetam Tam B udham PranamamYaham DevaanaamCha hRisheenaamCha Gurum Kanchana SanniBham BudhiBhootam TriLokEsham Ta m Namaami BruhasPateem HimaKunda Mrunaalaabham Daityaanaam Paramm Gurum SarvaShaastra Pravaktaaram Bhaa rgavam Pranaamaamyaham Neelaamjana Samabhaasam Ravi Putram YamaaGrajam Chaayaa Maartanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shaneschwaram ArdhaKaayam MahaaViryar ChandrAAditya Vimardanam Shimhikaa Garbha SamBhootam tam Rahuum Pranaamaamyaham PalaashaPushpa Samkaasham TaarkaaGraha Mastakam Roodram Roodraatmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranaamaamyaham Iti VayaasMukhodGeetam Yahaa PathetSusamaahitha Divaa Vaa Yadii Vaa Rathrou Vigh naShaantir Bhavishyati NarNaari Nurpaanaam Cha BhavedDukhoo SwapnaNaasanam AshwaryamaTulam Teshaamaaroo gyam PushthiVarrdahanam GarahaNakshatrajhaa Peedaa taskaragni Samudbhava Thaa Sarvaa prasamam Yaanti Vya aso Bruthe Na Samsaya. Iti shrii vyaasa virachitam navagraha stotram sampoorNam Meaning: Aum I surrender to Sun God who is as red as the red Hibiscus (Shoe) flower, who is the son of Rishi Kashyap, whose brilliance is matchless, who burns off all si ns, who dispels darkness, who is the cause of day break.
I surrender to Moon God who is as White as (or resembles) hue of curds, a conch and the colour of the snow; who sprang out from the milky white ocean; who is th e form of the immortal nectar (Somam or Amritam) and who is the decoration of Lo rd Shiva s crest. I surrender to Lord Mars who is born from the womb of the earth, who is the doer of auspiciousness, whose aura has the shine of the lighting, who is always yout h and carries a spear, who is the giver of energy and power. I surrender to Lord Mercury who is dark as a dark blackish green flower s bud, who is matchless in form and appearance, who is very wise, who being the son of moo n has its pleasing and sweet auspicious qualities. I surrender to Lord Jupiter who is the mentor of Deities and Sages, who is respl endent and lustrous as burnished gold, who is wisdom himself, who is the lord of all three worlds or states of existence i.e. waking, dreaming and sleeping. I surrender to Lord Venus who is of white and fair of complexion as the snow fib er or Jasmine flower, who is the supreme teacher of the Demons, who is the great est expounder of all the scriptures. I surrender to Lord Saturn who is as dark as mascara, who is the son of Sun born from Chayaa the shadow or the clone, who is the elder brother of the deity of d eath (Yama) and who moves very slowly. I surrender to Lord Rahu who is half-bodied, who is of great bravery, who is the eclipser of Moon and Sun, Who is the son of Shimhika. I surrender to Lord Ketu who is having the look of Palaash flower, who is the he ad of the stars and planets, who is one of the Rudra (incarnation of lord Shiva) among the many Rudra and who is fierce and terrifying. To any one reading this composed song by Vyaasa, there would not be any problems in either the day or the night and peace would come to him. Men and women would become kings, their bad dreams would be avoided, they would earn incomparable wealth, and they would lead disease free healthy life. Sage Vyaasa tells that they will not suffer due to the malefic effects of stars or planets, neither by fire or thieves and would lead a very peaceful life. Thus ends the song of praise of the nine planets composed by Sri Vyaasa Rishi .
How to wear a Rudraksh for the first time: 1. The Rudraksh has to be energized and sanctified before you wear it. 2. Place it on the Shiva lingam after you have bought it, pour water milk and wa ter on the Rudraksh and offer 11 bel-patra to it saying Aum Namah Shivay. 3. Dip it in cow s ghee for seven days before wearing it. Precautions to wear a Rudraksh: The Rudraksh must be Energized and Sanctified before you wear it, this is a thum b rule you can t skip it.
Then there are a few rules u need to take care of, like: 1. You can t wear it in the toilet. 2. You can t wear it when you go to a cementation ground with a dead body; if you are going to pray over there you have to wear it. 3. You can t wear it while sleeping or making love. 4. You can t wear it while you are shaving, cutting or removing hair from your bod y. 5. Ladies can t wear it during their monthly cycles. 6. You can t wear it while eating non-vegetarian or drinking. But if you can t follow these six rules you can just dip your Rudraksh in sesamine oil or cow s ghee over night every three months to re sanctify it.
The Vedic Sri Suktam Om Hiranyavarnaam Harinim Suvarnarajtastrajam Chandraam Hiranyamayim Lakshmim Jatvedo ma Aavah. 1. Om Taam Aavah Jatvedo Lakshmimanpagaameenim Yasyaam Hiranyam Vindeyam Gaamasvam Purushanaham 2. Om Ashwapurvaam Rathmadhyaam Hastinaadprabodhineem Shriyam Devimupahavaye Shrima Devijushataam. 3. Om Kansosmitaam Hiranyaprakaraamadram Jwalantim Triptaam Tarpayantim Padmasthitaam Padmavarnaam Taamihopahvyeshriyam. 4. Om Chandraam Prabhasaam Yashasaa Jwalantim Shriyam Loke Devjushtaamudaaram Taam Padminim Sharanam hum Prabadhyealakshmime Nashyataam Tvam Vrune. 5. Om Aadityavarne Tapasodhijato Vanaspatistava Vrikshoatha Bilvah Tasya Falaani Tapsaanudantu Maayantryaashcha Bahya alakshmihi. 6. Om Upetu Ma Devsakhah Kirtishcha Maninaasaha Praadrubhutoasurastresmin Kirtimridhim Dadaatu Me. 7. Om Shutpipaasamalaam Jyesthaamlakshmi Naasyaamyaham Abhutimasamrudhim Cha Sarvaannirud Me Grahaat. 8. Om Gandhadwaraam Duradharshaam Nityapushtaam Karishinim Eshwarim Sarvabhutaanaam Taamihopahvyeshriyam. 9. Om Manasahakaam Maakrutim Vaachah Satyamashimahi Pashunaam Roopmannasya Mayi Shrihi Shrayataam Yashah. 10. Om kardmena Prajabhutaa Mayi Sambhava Kardam Shriyam Vasaya Me Kule Mataram Padmamalinim. 11.
Om Aapah Srajantu Snigdhani Chikilit Vas Me Gruhe Ni Cha Devi Maatram Shriyam Vaasay Me Kule. 12. Om Aadraam Pushkarinim Pushtim Pingalaam Padmamalinim Chandraam Hiranyamayim Lakshmim Jatvedo Ma Aavah. 13. Om Aadraamyah Karinim Yashtim Suvarnaam HemMalinim Suryaam Hiranyamayim Lakshmim Jatvedo Ma Aavah. 14. Om Taam Aavah Jatvedo Lakshmimanpagaameenim Yashyamhiranyam Prabhutam Gaavo Dasyoasvavindeyam Purushanaham. 15. Om Yah Shuchiha Prayato Bhutvaa Juhuyaadajayamanvaham Suktam Panchadarshaya Cha Shrikaamaha Satatam Japet. 16. One who desires to gain wealth, property or peace must recite these sixteen Shlo kas placing the SHREE YANTRA in the right hand for 45 days in a row starting fro m any auspicious day, give aahutis of cow s ghee in the sacrificial fire and gift 16 of these books to relatives.
Sri Hanuman Chalisaa Sri Hanuman Chalisaa is a Prayer to Lord Hanuman. It describes His abilities, qu alities, devotion and dedication to Lord Ram. Any person facing danger, distress , depression and problems due to malefic Mars or Saturn can sing this prayer to seek protection, relief and consolation in hard times. DOHAA SRI GURU CHARAN SAROJ RAJ NIJ MANU MUKURU SUDHARI, BARNAU RAGHUVAR BIMAL JASU JO DAYAKU PHAL CHARI. Let me first clean the mirror of my mind with sacred dust of Guru s Lotus feet, then I shall describe the glory of Lord which will bestow the four fold at tainments of life i.e. 1. Dharma (education and religion) 2. Artha (wealth) 3. K ama (desiers) and 4. Moksha (liberation) BUDHI HEEN TANU JANIKE SUMIROW PAVAN KUMAR, BAL BUDDHI BIDYA DEHU MOHI HARAHUKALESH BIKARA. Considering me as ignorant take care of me O son of wind, and bestow me with str ength, knowledge and wisdom which will take away all my miseries and blemishes. JAI HANUMAN GYAN GUN SAGAR, JAI KAPIS TIHUN LOK UJAAGAR. RAM DOOT ATULIT BAL DHAMA, ANJANI PUTRA PAVANSUT NAAMA. O Hanuman! Victory to thee! You are ocean of wisdom and virtues. Victory to thee , O Lord of monkey s, whose fame spreads in all the three worlds.
Thou are the messenger of lord Ram possessing unparallel strength. Thou are also known as son of Anjani and Pavan(wind). MAHAVEER VIKRAM VAJARANGI, KUMATI NIVAAR SUMATI KE SANGI. KANCHAN VARAN VIRAAJ SUBESA, KANAN KUNDAL KUNCHIT KESA. Thou are mightiest, Bravest, and Thy body is made of Vajra (the most strongest m etal). Thou are the companion of wisdom, and condemn evil thoughts. Thy body is of golden colour, having beautiful cloths on it. Thou have excellent ear-studs and wavy curly hairs. HAATH VAJRA AUR DHVAJA VIRAJAI, KANDHE MOONJ JANEU SAJAI. SHANKAR SUVAN KESARI NANDAN, TEJ PRATAP MAHAA JAG VANDAN. Thou have the mace of lightning (the most powerful weapon) in one hand and a fla g in the other. Thy shoulders adorn the sacred thread of Munja grass. Thou are the reincarnation of Lord Shankar and be-loved son of Kesari. The whole world appreciates Thy luster and glory. VIDYAVAAN GUNI ATI CHATUR, RAM KAJ KARIBE KO AATUR. PRABHU CHARITRA SUNIBE KO RASIYA, RAM LAKHAN SITA MAN BASIYA. Thou have mastered all knowledge, and are very intelligent. Thou are ever eager to serve Lord Ram. Thou are ever eager and keen to listen to hymns de-scribing Lord Ram. Thou are a lways in the mind of Ram, Lakshaman and Sita. SUKSHMA ROOP DHARI SIYAHIN DIKHAVA, BIKAT ROOP DHARI LANK JARAWA. BHIM ROOP DHARI ASUR SANHARE, RAMCHANDRA KE KAAJ SAVARE.
Thou presented yourself in a very humble and minute form before mother Sita. Tho u also assumed terrific form to burn the city of Lanka. Assuming colossal form Thou killed the demons and devil to fulfill the mission o f Lord Ram. LAYE SAJIVAN LAKHAN JIYAYE, SRI RAGHUVIR HARASHI UR LAYE. RAGHUPATI KEENHI BAHUT BADAAI, TUM MAMA PRIYA BHARATHI SAM BHAI. SAHASA BADAN TUMHRO JAS GAVEIN, ASA KAHI SRIPATI KANTH LAGAVEIN. Thou brought Sanjivani Booty (life saving herb) for revival of Lakshaman as and thus Thou gave immense pleasure to Sri Ram. Sri Ram was full of praise of thee and admitted that you were as dear to him as his brother Bharat. Saying this that My whole body sings your virtue Lord Ram embraces thee. SANKADIK BRAHMADI MUNEESA,
NAARAD SAARAD SAHIT AHISAA. JAM KUBER DIGPAL JAHAN TE, KABI KOBID KAHIN SAKE KANHA TE. Sank and the other Saints, Brahma the creator of universe and other gods along w ith other sages including Narad the saint and Sharda - the Goddess of knowledge along with Sheshnaga - the divine; thousand hooded python, carrying earth on his hood, God of Death Yam, Kuber - God of wealth, God of directions Digpal are all unfit to describe thy glory, how can a poet succeed to do so. TUM UPAKAR SUGRIVAHI KEENHA, RAM MILAYE RAJPAD DEENHA. TUMHARO MANTRA BIBHISHAN MAANA, LANKESHWAR BHAYE SAB JAG JAANA. Thou obliged Sugriv by introducing him to Lord Ram to get back his Kingdom. It is well known all over the world that Vibihshan accepted thy advice and so be came the king of Lanka. JUG SAHASTRA JO JAN LEELYO TAAHI MADHUR PRABHU MUDRIKA MELI JALADHI LANGHI GAYE PAR BHAANU, PHAL JAANU. MUKHA MAAHEEN, ACHARAJ NAHEEN.
Thou thought that the Sun which is shinning at thousand of miles is a sweet frui t and jumped and swallowed it. Keeping Lord Ram s ring in thy mouth you jumped over the ocean, there was no aston ishment about it. DURGAM KAAJ JAGAT KE JETE, SUGAM ANUGRAH TUMHRE TE TE. RAM DUWARE TUM RAKHAVARE, HOAT NA AAGYA BINU PAISARE. All the difficult task of this world can easily be accomplished by thou. Thou are sentinel at Lord Ram s palace and no one can enter it without thee consen t. SAB SUKH LAHEN TUMHARI SARANA, TUM RAKCHAK KAAHU KO DARNA. AAPAN TEJ SAMHARO AAPAI, TINU LOK HANK TE KANPAI. All the pleasures are attained by coming to thy refuge. When thou are the protec tor what is there to fear? Thy Aura brilliance can only behold by thyself, rest all three worlds shiver to do so. BHOOT PISAACH NIKAT NAHI AVAI, MAHABIR JAB NAAM SUNAVAI. NAASAI ROG HARAI SABA PEERA, JAPAT NIRANTAR HANUMAT BEERA. Evil spirits do not come close when thy name is chanted. All the diseases and pains are healed by chanting thy name constantly.
SAB PAR RAM TAPASVEE RAJA, TINKE KAJ SAKAL TUM SAJA. AUR MANORATH JO KOI LAVAI, SOI AMIT JEEVAN PHAL PAVAI. A devotee who meditates on Hanuman with mind, deeds and speech is freed from all kinds of problems. Above all is Ram the ascetic king, thou have accomplished all his missions. Any one else also seeking anything will achieve immortal fruits of happiness. CHARO JUG PARTAP TUMHARA, HAI PARSIDDHA JAGAT UJIYARA. SADHU SANT KE TUM RAKHVARE, ASUR NIKANDAN RAM DULARE. Thy glory spreads in all the four eras (yugs), i.e. Satyug, Dwaparyug, Tretayug, Kalyug, as you are immortal, Thy radiance is spread all over the universe. Thou are protector of saint and hermits, destroyers of demons and so are affecti onate to Lord Ram. ASHTA SIDDHI NAU NIDHI KE DATA, ASA BAR DEEN JANKI MATA. RAM RASAYAN TUMHARE PASA, SADA RAHO RAGHUPATI KE DASA. Mother Janaki has blessed thee to grant anyone whom you please with the eight su per powers (Siddhis) and nine bliss s (Nidhis). Thou have the ambrosia that is Lord Ram. Thou are always eager to extend thy ser vices to Lord Raghupati Sri Ram. TUMHRE BHAJAN RAMA KO PAVAI, JANAM JANAM KE DUKH BISARAVAI. ANTA KAL RAGHUBAR PUR JAI, JANHAN JANMA HARI BHAKTA KAHAI. Thy hymns will help in attaining Sri Ram thereby one can become free from sorrow s of many lives. At the time of death the devotee attains eternal abode of Sri Ram and if incase he is reborn he is know as his devotee. AUR DEVATA CHITT NA DHARAI, HANUMANT SEI SARVA SUKH KARAI. SANKAT KATE MITEY SAB PEERA, JO SUMIREI HANUMAT BALABERA. Let not the mind wander to worship of other deities, attain all the bliss from L ord Hanuman. All the Hurdles and pains will vanish by singing praises of Sri Hanuman. JAI JAI JAI HANUMAN GOSAIN, KRIPA KARAHU GURUDEV KI NAIN. JO SAT BAR PATH KAR KOI, CHUTAHI BANDI MAHA SUKH HOI. Hail O Hanuman thou are the one who has controlled thy senses; be compassionate to me as my mentor. Anyone chanting this prayer a hundred times will be relieved from the bondages o f this world, and attain supreme bliss. JO YAH PADHE HANUMAN CHALISA,
HOY SIDDHI SAAKHI GAURISA. TULSIDAS SADA HARI CHERA, KEEJE NATHA HRIDAY MAH DERA. Anyone who reads these forty verses, as Lord Shankar witnesses, will attain supr eme powers. Tulsidas, the devotee of Lord Hari is requesting thee kindly reside in my heart. DOHAA PAVAN TANAY SANKAT HARAN MANGAL MURATI ROOP, RAM, LAKHAN SITA SAHIT, HRIDAY BASAHU SUR BHUP. O Lord Hanuman take away my worries like the wind, I request you to reside in my heart with Sri Ram, Lakshman and Sita.
OM SRI SHANAISHCARYA CHALISA OM SHAM SHANAISHCARYA NAMAH DOHAA JAI GANESH GIRIJAA SUVAN, MAMGAL KARAN KRIPAL. DEENAN KE DUKH DOOR KARI, KIJEY NATH NIHAL. JAI JAI SRI SHANI DEV PRABHU, SUNAHU VINAY MAHARAJ. KARAHU KRIPA HEY RAVI TANAY, RAKHAHU JAN KI LAAJ. Hail O Lord Ganesh! The son of Parvati, bless us with auspiciousness. O Lord rem ove the sorrows of the poor and make them rejoice. Hail O Lord Shani! Please listen to our request. O the son of the Sun! Please ob lige us by keeping our prestige intact. JAYATI JAYATI SHANIDEV DAYALA. KARAT SADA BHAKTAN PRATIPALA. CHARI BHUJA, TANU SHYAM VIRAJEY. MATHEY RATAN MUKUT CHHAVI CHHAJEY. Hail O Lord Shani the kindest! Thou are the protector of the devotees. On thy dark complexion four hands are looking fine. The gem studded crown increa ses the glory of your head. PARAM VISHAL MANOHAR BHALA. TERHI DRISHTI BHRIKUTI VIKRALA. KUNDAL SHRAVAN CHAMACHAM CHAMKE. HIYE MAAL MUKTAN MANI DAMKE. KAR MANI GADA TRISHUL KUTHARA. PAL BICH KARAIN ARIHIN SANHARA. Thy forehead is very vast and handsome. Thy eyes are crooked by which thy face l
ooks ferocious. Rings are sparkling in your ears and in your neck there is a necklace of gems. Mace and Trident are in your hands; by them you destroy the sinners immediately. PINGAL, KRISHNA, CHHAAYAA NANDAN, YAM, KONASTHA, RAUDRA, DUKH BHANJAN, SAURI, MAND, SHANI DASH NAMA, BHANU PUTRA PUJAHIN SAB KAMA. PINGAL the remover of sorrows, KRISHNA the dark one, CHHAAYAA NANDAN the son of Chhaayaa, YAM the deity of death or the elder brother of the deity of death, KON ASTHA the one who is in the corner, RUDRA the incarnation of lord Shiva, DUKH BH ANJAN the remover of sorrows, SAURI the one who is the member of solar system, M AND the slow one and SHANI the Saturn are the ten names of the son of the Sun by praying him with this ten names all goals are achieved. JA PAR PRABHU PRASANNA HVE JAHIN. RANKAHUN RAO KARAIN KSHAN MAHIN. PARVATAHU TRIN HOI NIHARAT. TRINAHU KO PARVAT KARI DARAT. On whom thou put thy grace he will become rich from the pauper in no time. Thou can transform a mountain into a straw and vice versa and scare us. RAJ MILAT BAN RAMAHIN DINHO. KAIKEYI KI MATI HAR LINHO. BANAHUN MAIN MRIG KAPAT DIKHAI. MATU JANAKI GYAI CHURAI. By instigating kaikeyi s mind thou snatch away the throne from Lord Ram and send h im to exile. By thy Maya a golden deer was seen in the jungle and mother Sita was abducted. LAKSHMANHIN SHAKTI VIKAL KARI DARA. MACHIGA DAL MAIN HAHAKARA. RAVAN KI GATI-MATI BAURAI. RAMCHANDRA SON BAIR BARAHI. DIYO KEET KARI KANCHAN LANKA. BAJI BAJRANG BEER KI DANKA. By thy powers Lakshman fell unconscious and there was a chaos in the army. By changing Ravan s mind thou made him the enemy of Lord Ram. By destroying the golden Lanka it is thou who made Hanuman victorious. NRIP VIKRAM PAR TUHI PAGU DHARA. CHITRA MAYUR NIGALI GAI HARA. HAAR NAULAKHA LAGYO CHORI. HATH-PAIR DARVAYO TORI. When thy shadow fell on king Vikam the necklace was swallowed by the bird in the picture. The blame of stealing the costly necklace came on king Vikaram and his legs and hands were got broken. It was all thy Maya. BHARI DASHA NIKRISHTA DIKHAYO. TELAHIN GHAR KOLHU CHALVAYO. VINAY RAG DEEPAK MANH KINHON. TAB PRASANNA PRABHU HWE SUKH DINHON. By your adverse stars positioning king Vikram worked as a laborer in Oilman s hous e. When king Vikram prayed you by true heart you redeem him from all the tribula
tions. HARISHCHANDRA NRIP NARI BIKANI. APAHUN BHARE DOM GHAR PANI. TAISE NAL PAR DASHA SIRANI. BHUNJI MEEN KOOD GAYI PANI. When thy shadow was cast on king Harishchandra, he compelled to sell his wife an d serve for low caste. When thy shadow was cast on king Nal even the fried fish jumped into the water. SHRI SHANKARHIN GAHYO JAB JAYI. PARVATI KO SATI KARAI. TANIK VILOKAT HI KARI REESA. NABH URI GAYO GAURISUT SEESA. When thy adverse stars position was on Lord Shankar then thou made mother Parvat i a Sati. When thou saw Lord Ganesh with thy straight eyes his head flew up in the sky. PANDAV PAR BHAY DASHA TUMHARI. BACHI DRAUPADI HOTI UGHARI. KAURAV KE BHI GATI MATI MARYO. YUDHA MAHABHARAT KARI DARYO. When thy shadow fell on Pandavas; Drauptati was insulted in royal court. Thou also scared the Kaurav s by creating the Mahabharata war. RAVI KANH MUKH MAHN DHARI TATKALA. LEKAR KUDI PARYO PATALA. SHESH DEV LAKHI VINATI LAI. RAVI KO MUKH TE DIYO CHHURAI. Thou swallowed the Sun immediately and jumped into the lower region. After all the deities together requested you for a million times then thou relea sed him. VAHAN PRABHU KE SAAT SUJANA, HAI DIGGAJ GARDABH MRIG SWANA, JAMBUK SINGH ADI NAKH DARI, SO PHAL JYOTISH KAHAT PUKARI. Lord Saturn is known to have seven vehicles i.e. horse, elephant, donkey, deer, dog, jackal and lion; be making the base of these creatures astrologers are able to predict thus. GAJ VAHAN LAKSHMI GRIH AAVANI, HAY TE SUKH SAMPATI UPJAVEN. GARDABH HANI KARE BAHU KAJA, SINGH SIDDHA KAR RAJ SAMAJA. Wealth is bestowed when Lord comes on the elephant, on the horse thee brings wea lth and happiness, if seen on donkey then the time is not good, on the lion thou gives success and prosperity in political field. JAMBUK BUDDHI NASHTA KAR DARE, MRIG DE KASHTA PRAN SANHARE, JAB AAVAHIN PRABHU SWAN SAWARI, CHORI ADI HOYE DAR BHARI.
If seen on jackal intelligence is lost, on the deer thee brings a lot of problem s with threat to life, when Lord comes on a dog there is theft and fear. TESAHI CHARI CHARAN YAH NAMA. SWARNA LOUH CHANDI ARU TAMA. LOUH CHARAN PAR JAB PRABHU AAVEN. DHAN JAN SAMPATI NASHTA KARAVEN. In the same manner there are four steps called the gold, iron, silver and copper . When Lord comes on iron step there is a loss of wealth, people and property. SAMATA TAMRA RAJAT SHUBHKARI. SWARNA SARVASUKH MANGAL BHARI. JO YAH SHANI CHARIT NIT GAVE. KABAHUN NA DASHA NIKRISHTA SATAVE. Copper and silver are equally auspicious, on gold one is blessed with all kinds of happiness and auspiciousness. Those who will sing this Shani praise everyday will never be harassed by negativ e effects of Saturn. ADBHUT NATH DIKHAVEN LILA, KAREN SHATRU KE NASHI BAL DHILA. JO PANDIT SUYOGYA BULAVAI, VIDHIVAT SHANI GRAH SHANTI KARAYI. Lord Saturn shows his miraculous powers and the enemies experience a nervous bre akdown. By calling a learned priest to make offerings to Lord Saturn one will never face torments in life. PIPAL JAL SHANI DIWAS CHARAVAT, DEEP DAN DE BAHU SUKH PAAVAT. KAHAT RAM SUNDER PRABHU DASA, SHANI SUMIRAT SUKH HOUT PRAKAASHAA. One can be very happy by offering water to Pepal tree on Saturday, and lighting a lamp under it. Thus says Ram Sunder who is a devotee of lord By singing praise of lord Shani one will get unbound happiness. DOHAA PATH SHANISCHAR DEV KO, KEHON BHAKTA TAIYAR. KARAT PATH CHALEES DIN, HO BHAVSAGAR PAAR. This Shani Chalisaa is prepared by a devotee, any one who reads it for forty day s attain salvation.
SRI BHARAV SANKAT HARAN, MANGAL KARN KRUPAAL, SHYAM VARAN VIKRAAL VAPU, LOCHAN LAL VISAAL. Placing my head with devotion on the feet s of Lord Ganapati, Sri Guru and goddess Gauri I start composing Sri Shiva Bharav Chalisaa. Sri Bharav who has a vast body and red and big eyes is the remover of obstacles, giver of auspiciousness and ocean of mercy.
son of goddess Kali victory to thou. the officer of the ancient auspicious city of Kaashi victory to thou. Remover of fear Batuk Bharav victory to thou. giver of strength Kaal Bharav victory to thou.
Jaytee nath bharav vikhyata, Jaytee sarv bharav sukhdata. BHARAV roop kiyo shiv dharan, Bhav ke bhaar utaaran kaaran. O Lord Bharav the famous victory to thou. O Bharav in all forms thou are the giver of all bliss victory to thou. Lord Shiva assumed form of Bharav to remove load of pain and stress from the pla net. Bharav rav suni hoev bhay duree, Sab vidhi hoy kamana puree. Sesh mahesh aadi gun gayo, Kashi ke kutwaal kahayo. Fears depart and all desires are fulfilled listening to the roar of Bharav. Sheshnaga - the divine; thousand hooded python, Lord Shiva and others have sung your praise and you were known as officer of the ancient auspicious city of Kaas hi. Jata jut sir Chandra virajat, Bala mukut bijayath saajat. Kati kardhani ghoongroo baajat, Darsan karat sakal bhay bhaajat. On thy long locks of hair thou have a crescent moon, the beauty of your crown an d armlet is splendid. On the sight of thy waistband the small bells that are ringing all fears depart. Jeevandan das ko dinhyo, Kinhyo krupa nath tab chinhyo. Vasi rasnaa bani shaarad kaali, Dinhyo var rakhyo mum laali. Thou saved the life of thy devotee and with your mercy he recognized you. Thou resided on my tong in from of Kali and Saraswati and by bestowing boon you saved my image. Dhanya dhanya bharav bhay bhanjan,
Jay manaranjan khal dal bhanjan. Kar trishul damru suchi kodaa, Krupa kataaksha suyas nahe thodhaa. Gratitude arises for thou O Bharav the crusher of all fears. Victory to the pleaser of mind and destroyer of the villain s gang. In thy hands you have a trident, a small drum, and a beautiful whip. Thou have merciful eyes and are famous all over. Jo bharav nirbhay gun gaavat, Ashta siddhi nav nidhi fal paavat. Roop bisaal katheen dukh mochan, Krodh karAal lal duhom lochan. One who recites the praise of Bharav without fear gains the eight super powers ( Siddhis) and nine bliss s (Nidhis). Thy appearance removes sadness; thy eyes are red with anger which makes your app earance fearful. Aganit bhoot preet sangh dolat, Bum bum bum shiv bum bum bolat. Rudrakaay kaali ke laalaa, Maha kaAlHu ke ho kAalAa. Countless Spirits move around with you chanting BUM BUM BUM SHIV BUM BUM. Thou have a huge body; thou are the son of goddess Kali. Thou are the death of the deity of death. Batuknath ho kaal gambheerAa, Sweth rakt aru shyam sareera. Karat tinhum roop prakasAa, Bharat su-bhaktan kaham subhAashaA. O Batuk Bharav thou are as serious as the deity of death, and thou have white, r ed and black appearances. By manifesting thy all three appearances thou fulfill all the wishes of thy devo tees. Ratna jadIt kanchan siMhAasan, VyaAGrha charma suchI narm suAasan. TumhI jaAe kaAshIM jan dhyaAvahIm, VisWanaath kaham darasan pAavahIm. Thy gem studded golden throne is covered by a beautiful tiger s skin. If one meditates on thou in the ancient auspicious city of Kaashi is blessed by the vision of Lord Shiva. Jay prabhu saMhaArak sunaND jay, Jay unnat har umaAnand jay. Bhim trilochan swan nath jay, Baijanth SRI jagaNnath jay. O O O O Lord the destroyer of evil, the beautiful kid victory to thou. incarnation of Lord Shiva, the consort Uma victory to thou. huge Lord who rides a dog victory to thou. Lord BAIJNATH the Lord of the Universe victory to thou.
MaHAA bheem bHIsan sareer jay, Rudra tryambekA dhIr veer jay. Asvanaath jay prethnaath jay,
Swanarudha sRI Chandra nath jay. O O O O one with a huge body victory to thou. fierce-full one with three eyes, patient, brave victory to thou. lord of the horses and spirits victory to thou. lord of the moon who rides a horse victory to thou.
Nimish dIgambar chakranath jay, Gahath anathan nath hath jay. Treshlesh bhutesh Chandra jay, Krodh vyatsa ambresh nand jay. O O O O one one one the who is simple and naked and holds a discuss victory to thou. who holds the hands of the orphans victory to thou. with three eyes, lord of the spirits, of the form of moon victory to thou. child of anger and ambrosia of life victory to thou.
Sri vaman nakulesh chand jay, KrutyaAU kIrtI prachand jay. Rudra batuk krodhesH kaldhar, ChakratuNd dus pani vyaldhar. O one who assumes a small form, who is free of all feverishness, who is the son of Chamundeshwari victory to thou. O one who is humble, famous and huge victory to thou. Thou are incarnation of lord Shiva, in form of a child, full of anger, holder of death, of round body, with ten hands and holder of snakes. KarI mad pan sambhu gun gavat, Chosath yogin sang nachavat. Karat krupa jan par DhangaA, Kasi kotwal andhbangaA. Thou after getting intoxicated by liquor sing the praise of lord Shiva and dance with all sixty-four Jogini. Thy grace flows on the people, thou are the complicated, officer of the ancient auspicious city of Kaashi. Dey kaal bhairav jab sotaA, Naseh paap motaA se motAa. Jan kar nirmal hoy sareera, Mite sakal sankat bhav peera. When thou charges with thy stick even the biggest sin has to runaway. Meditating on thou the body comes to ease and all the worries and problems of th e world are destroyed. Sri bhairav bhOOto ke rAaja. BaAdha harat karat subh kAaja. ElAadI ke dukh nivaArIyo; Sada krupa kare kaj samhaAriyo. Sri Bharav is the lord of spirits, is the remover of all obstacles and doer of a uspiciousness. Thou removed the miseries of Ell and others and have always been kind to bless t heir fulfillment in all they do. SundardaAs sahit anuraaga, Sri durvAasa nikat prayaaga. Sri bhairav je ke jay lekhyo,
Sakal kamana puran dekhyo. Sundardas with devotion has created this Bharav Chalisaa in a place called Durva asa which is near Prayaag and witnessed his all desires getting fulfilled.
Doha Jay jay jay bhairav batuk, swami sankat tHAar. Krupa das par kijiye, sHANKER ke avatar. Joh yeh chaleesaA padhe, prem saheet sat vaar, Us ghar sarvAanand ho, vaibhav badhe apaar. Victory to Batuk Bharav, remover of all the obstacles, let thy mercy flow on thy devotee O incarnation of Shiva. One who reads this Chalisaa for hundred times in his house there is always bliss and fortune.