Natal Planets

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Natal Planets and

Fatal Diseases

Mridula Trivedi
T.P. Trivedi

Sukriti Nikunj
311~ I(jfq qlc:qlC:~ tn'it ftJt;Q: fij~~(j l r
~ ql~qlC:~ tJ'Iii flfil&hHRf1l: II
A student gains a quarter portion of knowledge from /tis
teacher, a quarter of it from one's own intelligence, a quarter
from fellow students, and a quarter from time (experience).

We have recently penned our dream book 'Astrology for
Overcoming Cancer'. A thorough research was carried out
in respect of variou s kinds of cancer by us during last three
year s. A su rvey of various cancer hospitals was also
conducted to procure correct birth particulars of cancer
patient. It was amazing to observe that cancer patients were
having similar afflictions of planets in their birth chart for
same type of cancer. Most of the astrologer friends who have
seen the manuscript of 'Astrology for Overcoming Cancer'
were astonished. They s uggested a similar work with regard
to heart trou ble and other fatal diseases may also be done as
heart attacks, & other cardiac troubles are m ost common
besides brain haemorrhage, drug abuse, liver ce ro sis,
hepatitis B, eye and ear trouble, paralysis etc. We have made
sincere and honest efforts to cover a few important fatal
ailments keeping in view the scope of a small book. In fact,
cancer and heart troubles are life threatening, fatal and
chronic ailments. They need serious and practical research
oriented treatment. We humbly state that we have tried our
level best to find out the exact astrological reasons and
planetary positions responsible for giving rise to cancer and
heart problems. There are innumerable books available in
. the market on medical astrology but we have not come across
even a single book that has dealt the subject with adequate
depth. This was troubling us for a long time and most of our
rea ders requested us to write separate books on these issues.
In both o f these works we have therefore, tried to confirm
our research on various types of cancer and heart problems.
viii 1 Preface

In this book, examination of birth charts of about 250

natives who suffered from a combination of various heart
diseases. We have explained the combination of various heart
diseases in as many as 45 horoscopes. The study of these
cases covers almost all general & complex problems of heart.
In fact the chief significator of heart, the Sun should be
unaffiicted and strong. However, subsequently Mars, Moon,
the 4th house & 5th house, Cancer & Leo sign, playa role in
creating heart problems of different kinds. If the 4th house
is occupied by the Sun in association with malifics like
nodes, Mars and Saturn, it may cause heart problems. The
problem will be more severe if the concerning planets own
the 6th, 8th and 12th house or 4th lord occupies trikas with
affliction. However, if Rahu or Ketu occupy 4th house with
the Sun, under close association and the 4th lord is posited
in 6th, 8th or 12th house the heart attack is almost certain.
If the lord of the maraka houses i.e. 2nd & 7th house are
posited in the 4th house and fall in the constellation of
malefic or nodes, one will certainly suffer from pain in the
heart. There are various planetary configurations which give
rise to massive heart attack. other heart problems like
coronary thrombosis, Engina, Trachocardia. Malfunctioning
of left ventricle, hole in heart. Myocardial infarction , and
swelling of heart. valve & electrical impulse problems. Saturn
& Rahu mostly create blockage in the blood vessel and if
Ketu plays a negative role and afflicts Sun diseases like
trachocardia & SAN (Sino Atrial Node) may be evident.
There is no other way except astrology to find out the
probability of heart problem which may be predicted
immediately after the birth of the child. If such planetary
combinations for heart diseases are present in a birth chart,
the native or the parents of the native may observe precaution
in day to day life and follow remedial measures. This book
contains a separate chapter on remedial measures. These
remedies have been tested on 100's of heart patient and
amazing results have come out. Those who recite Aditya
Hridaya $totra and do Surya Namaskar cannot suffer from
heart trouble. The patients who have already suffered heart
Preface lix
attack, will be free from its recurrence if they keep on reciting
Aditya Hridaya $totra and Surya Atharoa Shesh and wear a
ruby of good quality. Recitation of vedic mantras of those
planets who have harmed the Sun must also be done in
addition to donation and vrata etc.
'Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases' is divided in 15
chapters entitled as-
Medical Science and Cardiac Problems
Rendezvous with Medical astrology
Kaal Purusha and the Human Body
Cardiac Trou hIes and Planets
Preventing Cardiac Troubles
Planetary Afflictions for Diseases of the Eye
Rectificational Spritual Measures for problems of
the Eye
Planetary Positions for various Liver Diseases
Determinants of Diseases of the Ear
Astrocalculus for Surgical Success
Drug Addiction: Case Studies
Planets and Paralysis
Length of Life
Easy Method for.Judgement of Life Span
Longevity at a Glance: Guidelines
This study of the basics of Medical Astrology is most
essential before understanding the complications of heart
diseases by examination of planetary positions in birth chart.
We have given most useful and practically tested theories,
rules and principles of medical astrology in the second
chapter entitled as 'Rendezvous with Medical Astrology'. We
humbly opine that all students and scholars of Astrology
must read this chapter repeatedly and learn by heart, so that
their predictions and observation may be precise and
Our article 'Planets and Cardiac trouble' was published
in 1984. This research oriented work was appreciated by
most of the scholars of astrology includig Dr.B.V.Raman,
Mr.R.Santhanam, Dr.Nimai Banerjee and Dr.P.S.Sastri etc.
xl Preface

they suggested us to write a separate book on cardiac

troubles. We decided to write a book on heart troubles only
after successful predictions on heart troubles in more than
25 dozen cases. During last 2 years we have examined
innumerable birth charts and made precise and accurate
observations with regard to future heart troubles. These
predictions proved amazingly correct. OUf readers and well
wishers also requested us from time to time to pen a book on
heart complaints and planetary positions. The outcome of
our research oriented study on various types of cardiac
troubles is extremely useful for r esearch oriented readers.
tn addition to cardiac problems, we have discussed more
than 50 cases of the patients who suffered from various types
of cancer in a separate book entitled 'Astrology for
Overcoming Cancer'. In fact cancer and heart problems are
very much prevalent now-a-days. We have also given the
spiritual remedial measures and preventions of cancer and
heart problems as and where needed. Apart from these two
major ailments related to Cancer and the heart, we have
added a few chapters on major diseases related to Eye, Ear,
Liver problems, Drug abuse, Paralysis etc. The planetary
combinations explained for such ailments are of immen se
benefit to the readers.
Planetary afflictions for eye diseases, Planetary positions
for various liver diseases, Determinants of ear diseases,
Astrocalculus for surgical success, Drug Abuse: case
studies, Planets and paralysis, Length of Life, Easy method
for judgement of Life Span and Longevity at a glance:
Guidelines are the additional important chapters of this small
book covering only a few illustrations. In fact, we have
decided to write a voluminous book on all kinds of diseases
in Hindi captioned as 'Vyaadhi Vibhavari'. This work will be
based on the research with regard to all kinds of physical
ailments, carried out during last 35 years and the research
will be based on all classical works, practical experience,
various illustrations and thought provoking points. However,
chapter no. 14 covers the authentic and simple method of
working au t span of life. The methods for calculation of
longevity h ave been found preciously accurate while
Preface ( xi

applying in practice horoscopes. These methods have been

tested and examined again and again . We accept with open
mind that research should never halt. Those who are
interested in Medical astrology must try to make further
research on the issue of Cardiac problems. We will be greatful
to those who will let us know their repercussions and feed
backs after application of these principles on practical cases.
Our sincere thanks to Mr. Rohit Misra, who has assisted
us in writing and presenting 'Natal Planets and Fatal
Diseases' in the present shape. He worked day and night to
complete this work within the prescribed period. Mr. Mukul
Raj is a though gentleman as well as a highly qualified, real
intellectual and comes from a family of beaurucrates. He
started a publication house in early 80's due to certain
unavoidable reasons and sudden demise of his uncle who
was associated with him in publications he had to stop further
expansion of the publications Mr. Mukul confined himself
to printing business only.
During the year 1984 we approached to Mr. Mukul Raj
for the publication of our first and foremost book 'Predicting
Marriage'. This book contained about 1000 typed pages. Mr.
Mukul could not undertake this work owing to the above
mentioned reasons. Father of Mr. Mukul Raj expired
suddenly on 11-11-2005. He was quite healthy and active
at the time of his demise . He was writing a book on philosophy
of Gita which has been published entitled 'Gita Sanjivani'.
This year, in 2008 Mr. Mukul Raj decided finnly to restart
the publication work with a new name 'Sukriti Nikunj'. He
approached us for the publication of our new book on Mantras
entitled 'Mantra Mandakini' we happily agreed for the same.
Thus 'Mantra Mandakini' was the 1st publication of 'Sukriti
Nikunj'. Undeniable success in sale of the book inspired Mr.
Mukul Raj to undertake the . pu blication of so many other
thought provoking works on astrology. As a result of this
'Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases' has been published by
'Sukriti Nikunj' with a impressive get up, revealing cover
page in a short period of one month. We thank Mr. Mukul
Raj for sincere pains taken by him in bringing out 'Natal
xii J Preface

Planets and Fatal Diseases' so beautifully with decent

overall get up.
'Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases' h as been d edicated
to Mr. Su r esh Kumar Srivastava, h onourable father of Mr.
Mukul Raj b ecau se Anuj Printers and the publication house
was first of all established by him . Later on, h ard, sincere
and hon es t e fforts of Mr. Mukul Raj resulted into its
expansion and foundation of 'Sukriti Nikunj'.
We are indebted to Dr. Chandra Sh ekhar Vyas, Professor,
Institute of Environment and Management, Lucknow for his
unflinching editorial support in vettin g the language and
s u ggesting m atters in regard to style and presentation in
the book 'Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases'. H~ h ad also
provided his editorial support in the publica tion of ou r earlier
book 'Astrology For Overcoming Cancer'.
Mr. Prem Shanna who has prepared the du st jacket
design of 'Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases' is a born artist.
He prepared no. of designs for the du s t jacket and finally the
approved one h as b~en used in this book. We a r e also
thankful to Mr. Sad a Shiv Tiwari, who is a talented CRC
maker. He h as p repared an impressive and attractive flawless
CRC of 'Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases' within a period of
3 or 4 d ays.
So far, by the blessings of Mata Jagdamba, we have
p e nned 42 thou ght provoking, resear c h o ri e nted ,
voluminous and exh austive books on various subjects of
Astrology which a re taught and r efe rred the classes o f
astrology everywh er e in the country. All these cooks have
been published by extremely reputed , and worldwide famous
publi s h ers e.g. VBS Publishers', Motil a l Banarasi Dass
Publications, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Pra tis th an and the like .
We are confident that our rea ders, students and scholars
will appreciate our sincere en~eavours in the s h a pe of 'Natal
Planets and Fatal Diseases'.

24, Mahanagar Ext., Opp. E-40, Mri4u1a Trivedi

Pilli Colony, Lucknow-226006 T . P. Trivedi
Ph . 0522-2326625
I. Medical Science and Cardiac Problems 1

2. Rendezvous. with Medical Astrology 5

3. Kaalpususha and the Human Body 15
4. Cardiac Troubles and Planets 55
5. Predicting and Preventing Cardiac
Troubles 129
6. Planetary Afflictions for Diseases of
the Eye 155
7. Rectificational Spritual Measures for
Problems of the Eye 173
8. Planetary Positions for various Liver
Diseases 179
9. Determinants of Diseases of the Ear 195
10. Astrocalcu lus for Surgical Success 215
11. Drug Addiction: Case Studies 223
12. Planets and Paralysis 233
13. Length of Life 243
14. Easy Method for Judgement of Life Span 255
15. Longevity at a Glance: Guidelines 267
' ' 1",11" m'f..rr ~ ~ I ,"~d"~ I
"''1''''''~ci dt<l'~l"'f<il" ~ II
Among all good qualities, charity outshines others. If it is
associated with knowledge, it looks like gold withfragrance.

Medical Science
and Cardiac Problems
"The Heart - is the beginning of life; the Sun of the
microsm - for it is the heart by whose virtue and pulse the
blood is moved , perfected, made apt to nourish, and is
preserved from corruption and coagulation; it is the house
hold divinity which discharging its function, nourishes,
cherishes, quickens the whole body. a nd is indeed the
foundation of life, the source of all action" (William Harvey
It is widely acknowledged that heart disease and stroke
are the leading causes of death and disability in the United
States and other developed countries. This holds true for
the developing countries as well . We are in the midst of a
true global cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemic. CVD is
responsible for approximately 30 percent of all deaths world
wide each year.
The broad tenn cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes:
1. Coronary heart d isease (CHD) - myocardial
infaration (MI). Angina. Coronary insufficiency and
coronary death .
2. Cerabrovascular disease (Stroke and transient
ischemic attacks)
3. Peripheral Vascular disease
4. Conges tive Heart failure (CHF)
2 Natal Planets an.d Fatal Diseases

5. Hypertension
6. Valvular Heart disease
7. Congenital Heart disease
Various Risk Factors associated with high incidence of
CVO are:

1) Behavioural Factors
(a) Tobacco
(bJ Diet
(e) Physical inactivity
(a) Tobacco - Smoking represents an important and
rapidly growing avoidable global cause of CVD and
total death. If current smoking patterns continue
by 2030 the global burden of disease attributable
to tobacco will reach 10 million deaths annually.
with the majority in low income countries.
(bl Diet - With regard to Cardia Vascu lar Disease, a
key element of dietary change is an increase in
intake of saturated animal fats and hydrogenated
vegetable fats, which contain atherogenic Trans
fatty acids along with a decrease in intake of plant-
based foods and an increase in simple
(d) Physical inactivity - The wide spread prevalence
of physical inactivity produces an increased risk of
cardiovascular consequences.

2) Metabclic Factors
la) Lipid levels
(bJ Obesity
(c) Hypertension
(d) Diabetes Mellitus
(a) Lipid levels - 'fh~ causal association between
plasma cholesterol levels and risk of CVD is
Medical Science and Cardiac Problems 3

in d ispu t able. Low Levels of high -de n sity

lipoproteins and elevated triglycerides are a lso
clearly associated with excess risk of CVD.
(b) Obesity- Obesity is clea rly associated with
increased risk of CHD . Obesity predisposes to
Hype rtension, diabetes mellitus and Lipid profile
(cl Hypertension - Hypertension is clearly a risk factor
for CHD and stroke.
(dl Diabetes mellitus - Diabetes and impaired glucose
to lerance represent strong risk factors for vascular
disease including CHD, Cerebra vascular disorders
and peripheral vascu lar disease. Diabetes mellitus
is also associated with a number of other CVD risk
facto rs including high triglyceride levels, low high-
density Lipid protein levels, central obesity and

3. Future challenges and Prevention of

Cardio Vascular disorders
The increasing global spread of Cardia Vascular
disorders is posing a serious threat for the Society. It leads
to increased mortality and morbidi ty. The incidence of CVD
may be reduced by measures such as :
1. Lowering saturated fat intake.
2. Weight reduction
3. Increasing exercise
4. By stopping smoking
5. By adequate control of High BP and diabetes with
Drugs. The hypertension treatment targets are 140/
85 mm Hg in patients at risk of or with established
coronary artery disease and 130/80 mm Hg in
6. The cholesterol targets should be- total cholesterol
<200 mg/dl, LDC cholesterol < 100 mg/dl, Serum
4 Natal Planets and. Fatal Diseases

Triglycerides <150 mg/dl and HDL cholesterol

should not be less than 40 mg/dl.
7. By Health education and creating a.n awareness
re garding CVDs, and importance of Physica l
exercise, diet, dangers of smoking etc.
These are the most important factors of heart diseases
with respect to medical science. We wi ll discuss various
astrological reason s and planetary combinations, which are
responsible d ifferent types of Cardiac problems. We wou ld
also like to present spiritual remedies and preventive
measures, which can rectify the heart p roblem to a great
extent, in other chapters of this thought provoking research
oriented work, entitled Natal Plane t s and Fa tal Diseases.

Fcl tl I C;: ';:PH'I: ~I

1IIq\1\Jft<i 'q ~ II
The giuing offood is a great form ofc}tan"ty" But the giving
of knowledge is sfill greater, for food prouides temporary
satisfaction, while knowledge fll"ves life-long happiness"

'IT"l't: 'ffiII<l\ 'WI, lWI WliIlft film I
~: GI01Qci'i ~ ~ ~ ~fihl 't II
He who has sweetness in his tongue, hard labour in his
work and wealth/or donation, leads a successful life.

Rendezvous with
Medical Astrology
"A physician cannot safely administer medicine, if he
is unacquainted with astrology" , said Hippocrates, who is
kn own as the father of Medicine. Before explaining th e
perplexities and com plex principles of astrology and ancient
"occult therapy" we must conceive preliminary hypothesis
of this ancien t science and its ideas, regardin g the Creative
Force, which is the prime cause of diseases.
Not only in India but in Europe as well, astrology was
give n due importance before treating any patient. Epitome
to the above statement is that astrology and medicine are
esse ntially interr ela ted a s science a nd religio n. Life has
three dime n s ions Karma, Maya and Moksh a. Karma is further
evident under physica1, menta1 a nd s piritu a l planes. The
quintessence o f evi l Ka rmas , past and present, on the
physica1 plane is disease and medicine or the occult ancient
therapy is u sed to minimize human su ffering.
Life has always taught us to evolve. We homo sapiens
have evolved fr o m simplest un ice llul a r life form t o
mu lticellular complex organisms. Evolution is the process
which is a pplied to every life form as well as every aspect of
life. Evolution is not only s ubjected to life but to subjects as
well. Since ages every s ubject has evolved. Evolution is a
process to change or adapt oneself according to the changing
environment, So is with astrology it h as evolved with the
6 Natal Planets and Fatal D iseases

passage of time. In ancie nt India there were m ain ly four

stratas of society differenti ate d according t o peoples'
profession. But now there are innumerable profes s ions, some
of which we aren't even acquainted with. Modern doctors
s hould put away their prejudices against thi s occult subject
a nd must make u se of astrology for th e diagnosis and
treatment of diseases.
We may broadly classify d iseases as inhe re nt and active.
Inherent symptoms of diseases are shown by the affliction
in the natal c hart. Inherent, as the word suggests 'to inhe rit'
or receive from ancestors as the word means in medici ne.
These tendencies remain for a lon g spa n and become
prominent under the influence of evil plane ts.
Active diseases make their appearance with every evil
transit, provided the ascendant of the native is weak and
afflicted. They persist only for a short period but they are in
eve ry evil transit.
The Moon rules over the mind, the ascendant re presents
the body and the Sun represents the sou l. Mind , body and
soul are three contents of a life form. So for a healt hy living
these three contents or its repre sentative s should be free
from any affliction. For a h ealthy livin g the Sun and the Moon
or mind and sou l should be strong eve n if the ascendant or
the body is subjected to unfavorabl e aspects and
conjun c tions .
Diseases and their various forms affecting life, are due
to the planetary afflictions of planets of the zodiac and the
hous es in the horo sc o p e of the individual. Suc h as
ne urological weakness or lack of its vital energy arise due
to the affliction of Saturn to the vital pivot of the horoscope
the Sun, Moon and the ascendant.
Ce rtainly sickness is an important aspe ct human birth.
Everyone who is born fall s sick at one stage or the o ther of
life. Illness m ay be of any type, various handicaps etc. But
certain maladies exist from birth i.e. congenital like colou r
blindness which cannot be cured by any treatment such
Rendezvous with Me~ical Astrology 7

diseases are Karmic. Diseases that are direct result of our

evil 'Karmas ' in the)present or past birth and those 'Karmas'
are revealed by the horosco pe through the planets. It is
possible to diagnose them through astrology.
As suggested Hippocrates, astrology can predict and
diagnose diseases by just looking at the horoscope and can
help mankind to take preventive measures. Karmic afflictions
canno t be i decoded necessarily by other planets, though
planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are extremely s ignificant
In signifying the Karmic afflictions.

Our occult sc~ence 'Ayurveda' suggests that any disease

in our body is due to the imbalance of Vata, Pilta and
Shleshma. The trin ity called TRIDOSHA. Medical astrology
is a very important branch of this vital science (astrology),
wh ich no doubt requires a rare combination of an astrologer
and a physician to create miracles in human suffering in
the form of diseases.
Diseases can be classified into two categories. Firstly,
t hese are indi cated by the adverse changes in planetary
influence. Secondly, the other category is brought by
environmental disorder.
Diseases that are programmed by destiny are inherent
diseases. Their nature, the timing of their appearance and
even their duratio n are predetermined since they are the
fruits of the previous Karmas, already in picture at the birth.
While disease caused by environmental stress and strain
are only pacified by planets.
Th e ascendant is the whole of one's Iifej it is also the
m ind and general approach to life. Nearly all the diseases of
madness of modern life arise due to psychological r easons.
The deposition of 1"1 hou se is very important from Karmic
point of view. If the 1"' hou se isaffiicted, it is surely the result
of past Karmas.
The 41h house signifies heart. The increasing impact of
heart failure, nervous disorder and psychometric diseases
a rise wh en the 4 1h house is affiicted. In this kind of trouble
8 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Moon has to play an important role. If the affliction is due to

malefic influence of Rahu then the disease will not baffle
but it will have a lasting effect on mind and sou l. The vital
pivot of all physical ailme n ts is the pelvic region depicted by
the 7~h house. Diseases like urinary troubles, impoten cy,
sterilization, venereal infection originate in the condition
of the 7th house.
Proression is the pivot of one's life so l Oth house is also
important for considering physical diseases because many
diseases originate due to stress and strai n of one's
professional career. Some ailments have their cause relating
to the 10'h house, like a pilot dying of plane crash, person's
su ffering from writer's cramp, the miners being trapped in
mines etc,
In order to prophecy the impending diseases; in ancient
times the 6 1h, 7 1h , 8 lh and 12lh houses were considered very
important, But the scenario h as totally changed in today's
content. Therefore, along with these hou ses the conditions
have to be considered also for the reason stated above,
The correlation between the planets and diseases were
established thousands of years ago by our sages, who by their
meticulous observations and study of charts found out
certai n combinations of p lanets responsible for certain
diseases, So, we can conclude that astrology is more useful
than any other system of prophecy of diseases because it
provides astrologer another dimension to foresee the disease
that may fallon man years prior to its appearance which is
restricted in any other system. Some examples of planetary
combinations of some ailments are as follows -
The Sun and Venus : Man generally suffers from boils
on knee. throat. burning sensation in blood , pain in hands,
hars hnes s of voice and shoulders, stone in kidney and
thinning of semen.
The SUD and Mars : This combination is responsible
for ulcers in eyes, sudden depression of mind, t a lk in
delirium in high fever, hemicranias, inflammation of urinary
Rendezvous with Medical Astrology 9

track, constipation and ultimately suppression on menses.

The Sun and Mercury: Burning sensation in certain
parts of the body, scurvy, contagious fever, pain and
weakness in legs, diseases in the intestines and pain in the
neck are caused by the influence of the above two planets.
The Sun and Jupiter: If the Sun and Jupiter are
afflicted they bring an excessive pain thighs, fistula, hysteria
diseases of the rectum, pleurisy, tuberculosis, diabetes.
The Sun and Saturn: Venus are permanently maimed,
further there may appear diseases of the intestines and the
nerves, formation of stones, blood poisoning and obstruction
in urinary track in addition with wind disorder, spondilytis,
rheumatic pain and various kinds of other pains in the body.
The Moon and Mars: This combination makes people
idle. But as their negative aspect they bring weakness of
eye-sight, pain in knee, diseases of the rectum, small pox,
dropsy, heart disease, toxemia, hysteria and headache due
to clod.
The Moon and Venus: This combination is responsible
for pain in the leg and foot, defects in throat or veins, pain in
the back and leucorrhoea.
The Moon and Mercury: Rheumatism in the leg or the
foot, and the pain moves from one part of the limb to the
other; besides there is pain in intestines, are caused by this
The Moon and Saturn: This combination has a very
unique feature. This combination causes the feeling of
weakness in the back, formation of stone, gout at the knee,
leucorrhoea, hysteria, epilepsy and pain in the legs and
The Moon and Jupiter: A very unique kind of disease
is caused from the defects of the above combination such as
diseases con tacting Cold at feet, inflammation of legs and
Jupiter and Mars: Throat inflammation, headache due
to derangement of nerve in the brain, piles, anemia and
10 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

dropsy are all the defects of this combination . Besides the

above mentioned defects, the patient dreams of peculiar
things and thinks of peculiar objects.
Jupiter and Venus: Throat diseases, blood pressure,
excess of blood, blood poisoning, pain from tumors and piles,
are due to the above two planets.
Jupiter and Mercury: This combinatio n brings
pleurisy, derangement o f nerves, tuberculosis or any other
disease of the lu.ngs.
Jupiter and Moon: Loss of appetite, diseases of the
stomach and dropsy are caused by this combination.
Jupiter and Satu rn: This combination has a very
peculiar defect for female natives especially, as a very harsh
voice and rheumatism are caused by the combination of the
above two planets.
Mars and Venus : This combination causes unbearable
pain in the throat and neck, headache, inflammation of
kidney, diseases of rectum, particularly ulceration in that
region, excessive hemorrhage during menstruation period.
Mars and Mercury : Blood poisoning, itches, intestinal
obstruction, worms in children. pain in the stomach just
like pain in cholera cases are all th e defects of the above
mentioned combination.
Mars and Saturn : This combination of both 151 ranked
malefic complete ly put out of order either hands or legs in
gout accompanied with fever. Besides this they also cause
ment al dise ase. diseases of the head due to cold,
constipation, by obstruction in the bowels, tooth ac h e ,
deafness, inflammation of the rectum, syphilis and alJ sorts
of venereal diseases.
Saturn and Venus: They are responsible for diphtheria,
pain and inflammation of throat and neck, scurvy, aphonia,
chronic diseases of the neck and throat, blood poisoning
and unbearable pain in the kidney.
Venus and Me rcury : Throat trouble, inflammation of
the neck , aphonia, pain at the feet and o bstruction in the
Rendezvous with Medical Astrology 11

urinary tract are the defects of the above mentioned

As planets have relationship with the diseases so do
signs of the zodiac with the different parts of the human body
and the diseases concerning with the respective parts. As
we all know that 12 signs of the zodiac form the part of the
body of the KAALPURUSHA starting from Aries and starting
from ascendant. We will now try and mention the diseases
and parts of the body represented by the signs. The signs
should be considered along with the diseases controlled by
the planets. But it should be kept in mind that the diseases
mentioned below make their presence only if the malefic
planets afflict the sign by position or aspect.
Arie s brings affliction to the head, stomach and kidneys.
In other words there are main parts of the body that are likely
to be affected. There may be a disorder in brain and eyes.
Another defects of the affliction of the sign are feverish
di sorders, eruplion on the face, accidents from fire as the
sign is ruled by Mars, burns cuts etc. it may also cause
hairlip, ringworm and apoplexy.
Wh e n the sign Ta u ru s is afflicted it gives rise to
complaints of throat and heart as diphtheria, goiter, laryngitis,
and by reflex actions may give rise to piles and fistula.
Another complaint connected with Taurus is apoplexy.
Ge m in i causes windy disorder, infirmities of the arms,
hands and shoulders. Native suffers from bronchitis, asthma;
in o ther words lungs are affected; besides this impurities of
the blood may also appear. The lungs and nervous system
are the chief parts that are affected.
Cancer sign brings the affliction of the stomach. If cancer
is afflicted then digestive organs and mind are affected. It
signifies imperfections allover the body especially in the
breast and stomach. There is a special feature of the affliction
of the sign cancer, there is a tendency to rotten coughs, and
cancer in the breast may also result when the sign is severely
affli cted.
12 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Leo causes all ailments in ribs and sides, convulsions,

pain in the back, trembling. burning fevers, weakness or
diseases of the heart, sore eyes and yellow jaundice. Leo
sign rules heart.
Afflicted Virgo causes infirmities in the testicles and
diseases of the belly. The person suffers from irregular bowels
or it is the parts that are mostly affected and cause worry,
anxiety, constitutional charges, weather, etc. disturb the
system. The main effect is on digestive system and mind.
Libra causes all the complaints related to stones, etc in
the kidneys, diseases of the loins and hunches, ulcers and
stones in the rein or bladder and corruption of the blood. It
also causes typhoid or enteric fevers and cold in the lumbar
Affliction of the sign Scorpio causes troubles to
excretory system. If this sign afflicted is afflicted then it
causes disorders in generative system as well as it may also
affect the heart and throat. Other defects are gravel and stone
in the secret parts of both men and women, fistula piles and
nearly all afflictions of the private parts of men and women.
Defects in the matrix, injuries to the spermatic chords and
groin may also occur.
Sagittarius rules over thighs and nervous system. When
afflicted it causes nervous breakdown. accidents. cuts and
bites and kicks from animals specially horses. Its affliction
may also cause tumors in the thighs and buttocks.
Capricorn governs the knees and the skin. Its affliction
causes melancholia. colds and chills. depression and
constipation. Some other ailments also come in the domain
of the afflicted Capricorn are. leprosy. itch and cutaneous
Aquarius rules blood, legs, ankles, eyesight and may
also cause infirmities to these members. Sposmadies and
nervous diseases, cramps, windy disorders, tetanus diseases
in the stomach are also the defects of the afflicted Aquarius.
Rendezvous wilh Medical Astrology 13

Afflicted Pisces causes boils and ulcers from corrupt

blood and carelessness and forgetfu lness as Pisces governs
the feet and flu ids in the body.
Thus w ith the above mentioned diseases and their
planetary reasons of their cause we can easily make out the
difference between a doctor and an astrologer which is an
astrologer can foresee the possibility of a person liable to
suffer from disease years prior to the onset of the disease,
whereas a doctor cannot. On being m ore spec ific an
astrologer can determine the time of the appearance of the
disease by calculating the major and sub period of the
planets responsible for the cause, from the horoscope of the
Now we can conclude th a t along w ith th e modern
equipments like X-Ray. M.R.l.. Ultrasound re port, etc.
horosco pe is also a potential instrument in predicting the
disease as well as taking preventive measures. An astrologer
refers to Navamsa and Dwadasmsa charts when in doubt or
to be more particular just like a doctor resorts to microscope.
Thus astrology can help as an aid to medical diagnosis.

lIQfl1{m Q;(ii'''t'tl::'4,~: 1344)1,(4)1: 1

"', "".~, <R!. ~, """I <RIq",! II
That person is praised who does goodfor olhers like those
trees which give fruit for others.

!lim GInft! ~ fil., 'm" RI GI ~d I ~ I
4r'* 'iI ''''',.,11 ~ EI"'1 I'iPf ffif; ~ Ir
Kindness from education, ability from kindness, money
from ability, religion from money and happiness from religion
is achieved.


Kaalpurusha and
Human Body
Astrology is believed to be an ancient occult science
and is widely known for its extreme importance by all the
great and ancient civilizations of the world. In India.
astrology and ayurveda go side by side to cure human
sufferings in the form of diseases. Astrology also explains
human body in its own tenninology as every subject has its
own essence and terminology. Astrologically, the human
body is called m i crocosmos (Pindanda) and possesses all
the tatwas present in the mac rocosmO$ known as
brahmand. The macrocosmos consists of entire cosmos and
is made up of five essential elements also known as Pancha
Bhootas namely Akasha, Vayu, Agni, Aapa and Prithvi (Ether,
Air, Fire, Water and Earth respectively). Planets are assigned
different tatwas and are namely Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun
and Mars, Moon and Venus and Mercury respectively. These
planets further represent ear, s kin, eyes, mouth and nose
etc. respectively, the different part of the h uman body. These
five sense organs further represent subtle role in the form of
Ta n matras as Shabda (noise), Sparsha (touch ), Roopa (sight),
Rasa (Taste) and Gandha (smell) respectively.
Archeologists gather information as well as knowledge
and understanding of living of the people of ancient
civilizations from m any sources and one of them is Epic
16 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

literature. This is one of the most reliable as well as most

simple in terms of understanding the social. cultural and
spiritual fount of the people of that time. Indian civilization
is considered to be one of the oldest civilizations of the world.
Srimad Bhagvatam Puran is an epic wh ic h also tells us
about making a nd structure of the human body_ It is
mentioned in S ri mad Bhagvatam Puran that God or the
supreme power from his illusionary power (maya) created
his body in three ways. In one of the ways it had Ekadasha
Indritas (11 indriyas) and each of the indriyas is assigned
with Abhimana (holy) devatas and hence God's body became
Adi Daivika Sharira (body with supernatural powers).
Secondly. the jeeva is called adyatma and third ly the
pancha bhoota as 'Adhi Bhoota'.
We have already explained the extreme importance of
evolution in every aspect of and concerning human life. So
is evolution important for the supreme God. The supreme
lord created power within him to give indr iya shakti
(supernatural powers in regard to physical strength, sensual
strength and mental strength) and Deva Shakti. Then finally.
the universal prana called the Maha Prana as Su tratma came
to existence. Or in other words we say that soul was given to
the holy body. The combination of body and soul s tarted the
operations of indriyas (senses) in absolute obedience to the
master like faithful pal. Everything that has a beginning has
an end also. When the Maha Prana gets out, the functions of
senses are stopped. It is on this basis that the supreme lord
or God is considered to be the driving force or Chaitanya
Shakti in all living beings.

Devotos ond Ports of Body

As mentioned earlier that Ekadasha. Indritas were
assigned with Abhiman Devatas. So now let us mention the
different devatas assigned with different organs:
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 17

Organs Devatas

F'ace Agni
Nostrils Vayu
Eyes Surya and Chandrama (Sun & Moon)
Feet and Legs Vishnu
Ears Dishanatha (Directional Lords)
Stomach Nadi and Sagar (Rivers and Sea)
Heart Chandrama (Moon)
Hairs Sasya devatas and Vanaspati
Ski n Vayu
Excretory Organs Mitra
Naval Mruthyu
Jaws and Tongue Varuna
Gener ative Organs Prajapati
Buddhi Buddhi
Ahankar Rudra

Astrologically. the Sun and Moon are the rulers of our

eyes; Saturn and Mars are directional lord s and hence are
rulers of our ears.

Kaalpuru sha
To explain the relationship between micro -cosmos with
macro-cosmos, we have to understand the Vedic front of the
Swarga Loka (heaven) is ruled by head (from neck)
and above.
Mrityu Loka (Earth) is ruled by Nabhi (naval) and up
to neck.
Patala Lolm (below the earth) is ruled by Nabhi (naval)
to feet.
Dakshina Meru (the imaginary mountain of the
heavens) is ruled by left shoulder.
18 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Utram Meru (the imaginary mountains of the

heavens) is ruled by Bramha Randhra.
Stars are ruled by hair on the body.
Mountains are ruled by skeletons and bones.
Sapta Sagaras are ruled by Sapta Dhatus (seven
metals) . Meda (fat), Majja{marrow).
Rivers are ruled by veins.
Sapta Maruths are ruled by saptanadis like ila,
pingala, sushumna etc.
Nauagrahas (nine planets) are ruled by Navadwaras
which mean the nine openings of the body like the
two eyes , two nostrils, two ears, mouth and two
excretory organs.
The body of the KaaIpurusha has been divided into
twelve parts and each part has been assigned to a sign. They
are as follows :

Sign Part of Kaalpurusha (time personified)

lEO Upper Abdomen
VIRGO Lower Abdomen
LIBRA Groins
SCORPIO Genital Organs
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 19

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius signs ru le Vitality.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn signs rule Bone and Flesh.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius signs rule over Breathing.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces s igns rule over Blood.

Bhovos corresponding 1o the paris 01 Ihe Koolpurusho

As reckoned from ascendant the zodiac is divided into
twelve houses known as Bhavas and they are assigned to a
specific part of the Kaalpurusha. These twelve houses
constitute the Lagna chart of the h oroscope. and in lagna
chart as well as the first house also represents the Head. the
second house represents Face and so on. They are as follows:

House or Bhava Part of Kaalpurusha

First House Head. Brain and Mind.

Second House Face, Eyes, Nose, Tongue, Teeth, Ears,
Fingers, Nails, Bones and Flesh.
Third Hou se Neck, Throat. Collar Bones, Hands ,
Breathing. Ears and Bodily growth.
Fourth House Heart, Lungs, Chest and Blood.
Fifth House Upper Abdomer: and Mind.
Sixth House Lower Abdomen , Naval, Bones Flesh
and Mental faculties.
Seventh House Groins, Semen, Female organs and
Eighth House Genital Organs, Urine and Blood.
Ninth House Thighs and Limbs.
Tenth Hou se Knees, Bones and Flesh.
Eleventh House Shanks and Breathing.
Twelfth Hou se Feet and Blood.
20 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Another important point that needs to be remembered

about the Lagna Chart is that the houses from the second to
sixth govern the right side of the body and from the twelfth to
eighth in reverse order govern the left side of the body.

Ayurveda and Astrology

In accordance with m edical science. in a human body
numerous cells are formed every minute resulting in bodily
growth as well as numerous worn out cells and dead cells
are eliminated in various ways . According to astrology,
planets are responsible for every voluntary or involuntary
action of our body. So in other words we can say that planets
are responsible for building or destruction of our body.
Planets have their different activities, functions {KarakatwasJ
and similarly their area of action is also specific. Our ancient
sages like Vyasa, Vashishta, Parashara, Kashyapa, Narada,
Garga, Maric hi, Angirasa, Chyavan, Jaimini, Gautama,
Romasha., Yavanas and many others have enunciated the
wonderful secrets of man's life being commanded and
controlled as per the wishes of the pianets. They also found
their relation with the three HUMOURS, VATA, PITTA and
KAPHA (i.e. wind, bile and phlegm) which is as follows:

VAT A IWindl Planets Moon, Mercury, Venus

and Saturn.
PITTA IBile) Planet. The Sun and Mars.
KAPHA (Pheigml Planets Jupiter.
Apart from their above mentioned Karakatwas
(runctions) Moon, Venus and the Sun also have some Kapha
qualities; Saturn and Jupiter slightly have Pitta qualities;
and Mercury has slightly Pitta and Kapha qUalities.

Planets and Paris of the Body

The Sun Stomach, Bone, Right Eye, Heart, Skin, Belly.
Head and constitution of the body.
Moon Heart, Lungs, Mind , Blood (specifically the
Kaa/purusha and Human Body 21

watery part), Left eye, Kidney, Alimentary

canal and Water in the body.
Mars Blood, Marrow, Energy, Neck, Genitals, red
colouring matter in the Blood, Rectum, Head,
Veins, Female organs and Vitality.
Mercury Chest, Nerves, Skin, Navel, Nose, Spinal
System and Gall Bladder.
Jupiter Thighs, Fat, Brain, Lungs, Liver, Kidney, ear,
Memory, Tongue and Spleen.
Venus Face, Eye-Sight, Genital Organs, Semen,
Urine, Lusture of the body, Throat, Water in
body and Glands (endocrine and exocrine).
Saturn Legs, Bones, Muscles, Limbs, Teeth, Skin
and Hair.
Rahu Feet and Breathing.
Ketu Belly.

Constellations and Parts of Body

Ashwini Upper feet
Bharani Lower feet
Krittika Head
Rohini Forehead
Mrigshira Eye brows
Ardra Eyes
Punarvasu Nose
Pushya Face
Aslesa Ears
Magha Chin
Poorvaphalguni Right hand
Uttaphalguni Left hand
Hasta Finger
Chitra Neck
Swati Chest
22 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Visakha Lungs
Anuradha Stomach
Jyestha Right portion of stomach
Maola Left stomach
Poorvasadha Back
Uttarasadha Waist
Sravna Upper genital
Dhanistha Generative organs
Satabhisha Right thigh
Poorvabhadra Right thigh
Uttarabhadra Ankle
Revati Feet

Constellations and their Devafhas (Gods)

Ashwini Ashwini devathas
Bharani Yarna
Krittika Agni
Rohini Brahma
Mrigshira Moon
Ardra Rudra
Punarvasu Adithi
Pushya Brihaspati
Aslesa Sarpa
Magha Pitru
Poorvaphalguni Surya
Uttaraphalguni Aryama
Hasta Savithru
Chitra Thwashtru
Swati Vayu
Visakha Indra
Anuradha Mitra
Jyestha Moon
MaDia Rakshasa
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 23

Poorvasadha Jala Devath a

Uttarasadha Vishwa Devathas
Sravna Vis hnu
Dhanisth a As hta vasu
Satabhisha Varuna
Poorvabh a dra Jala
Uttarabhadra Brahma
Revati Poosha

Diseases and their ruling pla nets

The SUD: Trouble in right eye , high fever, heart diseases,
stomach diseases, skin diseases, fracture of bones, leprosy,
internal fev.e r, brain trouble , disease in head and all past
M OOD : Diseases of heart and lungs, diseases in left
eye , over - s leepine ss, intertia , asthma, diarrh ea,
b loodlessness, poisoning of blood , diseases from water,
vom iting , kidney troubl e, diabe tes, menstrual disorder,
dropsy, appendicitis and diseases of breasts and mammary
M ars: Diseases from heat, poisoning, cuts and wounds,
leprosy, sore-eye, itches, diseases of blood, diseases in neck,
diseases of marrow, blood pressu re , loss of e n ergy, d iseases
in female organs, fracture of bone s, urinal d iseases, boils,
tumours, cancer, piles, menstrual di sorder, ulcers, dysentery
and diseases in rectu m .
M er cury : Diseases of chest, diseases of nerves, small-
pox, chicke n -pox, epilepsy, diseases of nose, naval diseases,
high fever, diseases from poison, itches, fracture of bone ,
typhoid, madness, diseases of gall bladder, paralysis, fits,
ulcers. indigestion, cholera, diseas es in m ou th and skin
Jupit e r : Liver, kidney and lungs diseases, ear trouble s,
diabetes , lack of memory, tongue malady, diseases of spleen,
dropsy and diseases in t highs .
24 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Venus: Eye trouble, venereal diseases, diseases in face,

urinary diseases, fading away of lusture in body, fits,
indigestion', throat trouble, diabetes, sex incompetency,
impotence, dropsy, fever and diseases ccnceming glands.
Saturn: Weakness, pain or aches in stomach, damage
and loss of limbs, diseases oCteeth. shin and legs, fracture of
bones, diseases in connection with bones. rheumatic pains,
blindness, mental worry, wounds, ugly hair. pain in muscles,
paralysis, hysteria and deafness.
Rahu : Lung trouble, diseases in feet, pain in walking.
leprosy, difficulties in breathing, enlargement of spleen.
cataract and hyroc.eJe.
Ketu : Lungs trouble, fever, eye-pain, stomach pain,
boils, pains in body, and diseases from unknown causes.
Diseases caused by Ketu 'can never be diagnosed.
As reckoned from Lagna (ascendant), the sixth house is
the hou;;e of diseases. In the natural wdiac the sixth house
is the Virgo sign, the sixth house froin lagna rules health of
the native. So in determinil1:g a disease respective houses,
significator planets (Karaka), sixth house, sixth lord, Virgo
sign etc. are given due importance. Navamsa chart is as
important in astrology in determining a disease as medical
reports are in medical science. So, the sixth house from
navamsa ascendant, sixth houses from the Sun and the Moon
should also be taken into consideration.
Going into the minute detai ls of suffering we must
consider the planet who is 6 th in order of degrees, minutes,
etc, as it explains in detail the signs, happens to be the ruler
diseases. Saturn is considered to be the worst malefic, is
also, the significator of all diseases. As Rahu happens to be
Karmic planet and. a malefic as well represents sufferings in
human life where as Jupiter is considered to be benefic
planet as well as it is the Devata's Guru (teacher of Gods)
represents the recovery from illness. In addition to this ruler
of benefic houses also rules over recoveries. 8 th and 12th
houses also rule over diseases. The Sun is the significator of
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 25

body and soul. Moon is the signifi cator of Mind and Jupiter
is the significator of thinking p ower or analytical power .
When Mind is in low spirits or when it is dejected, body is
suffering in e ither or physical or emotional planes; vice versa
when our h ealth is down , the mind is dejected; when we
think in negative terms our mind and body both suffer; thus
we can conclude that the Sun. Moon and Jupiter have vital
parts in building our body mind and health .
The affliction or the Sun, Moon. Bhava-Iord (house lord)
and signifying planets in the natal chart in terms of aspect,
conjunction or placement or affliction of these by malefic
planets in transits by aspect, placement or conjunction gives
rise to the diseases in that part of the body corresponding to
the house or planet thus afflicted. If a h ou se or a planet is
well disposed then the part cOlTesponding to that planet or
house will be free fro m any ailment and suffering.
The n a tive may suffer from som e trouble in h ead if
Saturn or Rahu is placed in Aries sign. as ~aturn and Rahu
are considered to be the 1't rate malefi cs. We know that the
ascendant is one of th e most important driving forces of the
horoscope as discussed earlier so if the ascendant is also
afflicted . by male fi c, the chances or s urrerin gs are enhanced
to a' great extent.
...Ascendant in the natal ch a rt s ignifies h ead . And to
further increase the adversity the s ignificator planets of head,
the Sun and the Moon are afflicted . This will increase the
chances of diseases in head only. The n ature of disease will
depend on the n atu re or the h ouse afflicted; Death-inflictin g
(Maraka) planet aspectin g and afflicting planets. dispositors
or the h ou ses involved, their placemen t in the navamsa chart
should also be con sidered ror accurate predictions.
Unlike, the malefic planets in regard to their placement,
co njun ction or aspect e nhance the a dv ersi ty, beneric
influence in tenns of benefic planets' aspect or conjunction
minimizes the evil affects of the affliction and more the benefic
influences increases, the less the sufferings will be.
26 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Suppose Aries sign is afflicted (Aries sign denotes Head

of the Kaalpurusha) , but the Ascendant, the Sun, the Moon
and S ignifica tors are not afflicted and same are well disposed
by b enefic influences, in such cases there will be little
chance of any disease in HeatL The worst suffering m ay be
the casual pain in the h ead, mental irrita tion, or wrong way
of thinking.

Possible Disease for the native born in different stars

1. Natives born in Ashwini a re prone to periodical
2. Those born in Bharani are prone to dysentery.
3. Those born in Krittika a re likely to suffer from
intestinal connected di sease causing constipation
and diarrhea.
4. Those born in Rohini are prone for piles.
5. Those born in Mrigshirn are prone for indigestion.
6. Those born in Ardra suffer from weak digestion.
7. Those born in Punarvasu m ay suffer from c holera.
8. Those born in Pushya suffer disease of tastelessness
(Anavoxea) .
9. Those born in Aslesa are prone to anemia.
10. Those b orn in Makha suffer from breathing proble m
and diseases connected to respiratory system.
11. Those born in Purvaphalguni are prone to cou gh
Iboth wet and dry).
12 . Those born in Uttraphalguni su ffer from Leprosy or
skin diseases.
13. Those born in Hastha star are prone to diabetes of
variou s types.
14. Those born in Chittra s uffe r from giddiness and
partial loss of consciousness.
15. Those born in Swati are prone to eye d iseases.
KaalpuTUsha and Human Body 27

16. Those born in Vishakha are prone to ear diseases.

17 . Those born in Anuradha a re prone to nasal
18. Those born in Jyeshtha suffer from diseases of
mouth which includes teeth, tongue, lips, pallet,
gums and throat.
19. Those born in Moola suffer from Tuberculosis of any
20. Those born in Poorvashadha suffer from formation
of stone in urinary track.
21. Those born in Uttrashadha are prone to diseases
connected with vomiting. ~
22. Those born in Shravana suffer from tastelessness.
23. Those born in Dhanistha are prone to suffer from
pains caused by Vatta (Phelgm) disorder like
sprains , rheumatism etc.
24. Those born in Shatbhisha are prone for bilious
25. Tho se born in Poorvabhadra are any of the
phlegmatic.., diseases.
26. Those born in Uttarabhadra suffer from diseases
caused from fatigue.
27. Those born in Revati are prone towards diseases
developed from boils and wounds.

Astrological Requirements
We all are familiar with the fact that we require some
essential tools for any kind of observation we make in any
domain of ou r lives. So does astrology requires some of the
important details about the native to provide accurate
predictions. They are as follows:
1. The correct birth details of the nalive .
2. The zodiacal chart with the planets therein.
3. Planetary aspects on each other.
28 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

4. Planets placed in different con stellations.

5. Proper study of the Rashis of the planets placed in.
6. The tatwas (natu re) of the ras h is.
7. The tatwik nature (physical nature) of the planets
are as foll ows:
Vayu (airy nature) tatwa depicts the sense of
touch, skin, hands and body m ovements which
are re presented by Saturn.
The Prithivi (earthy n a ture ) tatwa's lord is
Mercury depicts smelling power, muscles and
nerves (naramandala).
The Akash (Sky) tatwa's planet is Jupiter which
d (.!picts noise, ear, lightn in g.
The Jala (watery nature) tatwa's lord is Venu s
which depicts all types of juices produced in
the body, blood, urine, mu cus, etc.
In other words, we can say that planets and their nature
a re extremely imp o rtant while diagnosing a disease
astrologically. As mentioned above'it is clear that a particular
planet will cause a disease according to its n a ture or tatwa.
All the sen se organs and their senses come under it.
Astrology is the interpretation of the Sun and all other
planets placed in different positions and situations in the
zodiac. Accordin g to it all that happens on the planet earth
or in any other dimension of the universe is due to their
effects and their influen ces. Likewise the ;Sun and the other
planets ruling over the five essential or rudimentary
elements, the three humours (may be different moods, speech
or writings, s tate of mind , fluids in the body) , the s ix seasons
and the various parts 0: the human body are constantly
changing in their relative positions and aspects which tend
to enhance or redu ce or alter the intensity of the effects,
good or bad , on the being~. surrounding and environment
of this globe . On scrutinizing a horoscope for diseases brings
a bout minute details of all the planets, signs, bhavas
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 29

(houses), their relative positions, strength, combinations,

aspects, Dasa periods and the also the effects that are
changing or accruing from the trans itory changes of planets.
Like wise a detailed analysis for any medical report calls for
a person h aving. comprehensive knowledge of the subject in
all its branches, this also goes with our ancient occu lt
science. A detailed examination of the natal chart from all
corners and for all perspective calls for a comprehensive
knowledge of the science in aU its branches.
A careful exami n ation of the entire horoscope is
essentially needed but 6 th , 8 Lh and 12th houses require a
much careful study as all our sages are unanlln9us in their
view that diseases are to be decided from them. A meticulous
study of the lords of these bh avas (houses) , planets posited
in them, planets aspecting them and planets in association
with the lords of these houses is required. The affected parts
of the body are indicated by the signs occupied by the
lords of the 6 th , 8 th or 12th bhavas. Other than this the sign
occupied by Mandi . the sign in which the lord of the sign
occupied by Mandi falls and signs occupied by Rahu and
Ketu also indicate the affected parts. As explained earlier
that ascendant is also the driving force of the horoscope so
ascendant and its lord shou ld be scrutinized as its
unpleasant position. weakness. application and combination
with malefic planets and planets aspected by the lord of the
ascendant indicate the types of diseases. Ascendant should
be understood as the whole body whereas the 6 th , 8 th and the
12th" bhavas (houses) are the houses oC.mness and hence their
consideration is extrtemely important.
In regard to past, present and future as it is the
prediction of a kind. Diseases are also predicted in this
regard so in a natal chart the first four bhavas (houses) from
the ascendant indicate the present life; bhavas (houses) from
the fi(th to the eighth the future life, while the ninth to twelfth
bh:avas (houses) show the past life. In other words we may
describe it as the sign s in the trine of the ascendant from
the rising s igns o f the three lives present, futUre and past.
30 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

This means that the twelfth bhava (house) of the previous life
unfolds as the eighth bhava (house) in the present life. In
the natal chart the house of happiness i.e. the fourth house
of the past life should be considered or comes up as the
twelfth house in the present life. In the similar manner the
tenth hhava of the previous life Le. the house of actions,
becomes the sixth house in the present, the house of
diseases. According to these mentioned facts the remedial
measu res are mentioned in the Mahavnava text on the basis
of above lines of discussion of the close relationship of the
present sixth bhava with the tenth of past tife. On further
analyzing the a bove arguments it will be found that the 12th
bhava of the present ascendant turns out as the 8 th bhava of
the future life, the present tenth bhava becomes the 6 th while
the 4 th bhava to the present riSing sign unfurls as the 12th of
the coming life.
When the lord of the 6 th house is strong, well disposed
and pleasantly placed in the horoscope then health and other
good results fall a lot to the native. Likewise a strongand
favorable posited 8 th lord gives health , longevity, servants,
cattle, wealth and success in litigation and quarrels. In the
similar manner if the 12th lord is nicely placed and well
disposed then it favours the native from ruling authorities,
good sleeping materials and opportunities for spending
money on good causes which tend to wash off sins and to
win moral strength and a peaceful end. It si therefore, we
can con clude that it is the afOictions and strength or
weakness of planets that causes diseases.
If malefics like Saturn, Rahu or Mars are placed in
bhavas other than the 3rd and 6 th and benefics like Jupiter,
Mercury and Venus occupy the 3 rd , 6 th , 8 th and 12th houses
then this combination indicates susceptibility of the body
to the ailments. Placement of Mandi in the l "t , 4 th , 5 th , 7 th , 8 th ,
9 th and lOth also gives rise to diseases. Likewise if malefics
are placed in the 6 th , 8 th , 12 th , 7 th , 4 th , P" 9 th and 5 th houses
and are also weak, should also be considered as a negative
combination for health perspective of the native. In addition
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 31

to this ifbenefics placed in 6 th, 8 th and 12th houses are strong

they should be considered unpleasan t. Weak benefics will
be inclined to do more evil. Thus of the planets posited in
unpleasant positions, enemies of the lord of the ascendant,
causes the worst effects. Unlike the other combinations if
the malefics are posited in 2 nd , 3 M , 11th and 10 th houses and
benefics in all other houses than 6 th , 8 th and 12th shou ld be
considered nice ly placed. In addition to this planets in
combination with the Moon are considered to be good

Diseases indicated by afflicted planets

THE SUN : Sickness caused by displacement of bile.
Fevers arising from excessive heat, general weakness, h eart
diseases, stomach troubles, eye diseases. skin ruptures,
gonorrhoes, wounds, bums, fi ts , fal ls and troubles arising
from poison.
MOON: Lethargy, sleepiness, indoleryce, dise ases
arising from excited kapha (plelgml. dysentery, fevers arising
from acute cold, boils. tastelessness and indigestion,
jaundice, mental debility, illnes s from impurity .of blood,
accidents in water, attacks by animals with horns and by
aquatic creatures.
MARS: Thirst, impurity of blood and diseases arising
there from, jaundice, fever, troubles from fire, weapons and
poison; leprosy; eye troubles, fits of all kinds, diseases of
marrow, beri-beri, itches and boils, diseases of the hea d .
MERCURY : Aberration of m ind; diseases of eyes, neck
and nose. fever arising from the derangement of Vata (airl,
Pitta and Kapha {Phelgml: skin diseases; white leprosy, itches
and boils, falls from heights, poisoning and general debility.
JUPITER : Gastric and gas troubles, fever, morbid ness,
diseases arising from vitiated phlegm, ailments of ears,
fainting, insensibility, diabetes, accidents from aeroplanes.
VENUS: White leprosy, diseases arising from Vata and
32 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Kapha and from inordinate sexual connections, eye troubles,

diabetes, urinary and venereal diseases, Gonorrhea,
leCil1ness, lethargy, facial ailments, swellings and general
SATURN: Rheumatic troubles of all kinds, diseases of
the feet and stomach, morbid ness, gastric and phlegmatic
troubles, bruises from stones and trees and gaseous
RAHU : Weakness and sickness of heart, leprosy,
diseases due to poisoning, ailments of feet and all troubles
difficult foe diagnosing.
KETU : Cuts, wounds, ulcers, bums and those, listed
under Rahu. A peculiar aspect of the diseases caused by
Ketu is that they cannot be accurately diagnosed.

Diseases shown by the ascendant falling in

the different signs
LEO: Troubles of eyes and the stomach.
CANCER: Tastelessness; ulcers in the mouth; diseases
of the tongue, heart troubles, cold.
ARIES AND SCORPIO: Diseases of the head and eyes,
fever, itches and boils, wounds, cuts and bruises.
GEMINI AND VIRGO: Asthma, swellings, diseases of
the skin and nose.
forgetfulness, mental disorders, gastric and bladder
TAURUS AND LIBRA: Tastelessness, cold, venereal
CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS : Urinary and intestinal
troubles, stoppage of urine and fecus, ulcers, cuts or wounds
in the nose, pains in joints, mental disorders.
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 33

Diseases indicated by planets in various

In the constellation of Ketu , causes low blood pressure,
and Angina Pectoris.
In the constellation of Venus, he produces burning
m ictu ration and predisposition to cystitis and pruritu s vu lva.
In the constellation of Mercury, causes Migraine,
trigeminal neuralgia and other neuralgias.
In the constellation of Moon . m a kes a person highly
temperamental and pessimistic.
In the constellation of Mars, causes anemia, giddiness
and Marasmus.
In his own constellation, produces eruptive fevers and
In the constellation of Jupiter. causes Jaundice and
other liver diseases, as also gal l bladder disease.
In the con stellation of Rahu, produces mental disease,
forgetfulness, general dullness and mental deficient.
Krittika Th e pI a nd 4th pad a are not good. The
person will be of bilious nature and s uffers
from indigestion.
Uttara The 2 nd pada is bad gene rally speaking.
Uttarashadha The 3,d pada of this constellation is also
not good for health.
In the constellation of Ketu. makes the person irritable
and aggressive. The na tive will however be timid wh e n met
with opposition.
In the constellation of Venus, makes the native of
deli cate health and such people do not h ave much resistance
to disease and are liable to suffer from venereal diseases.
34 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

In the constellation of Mercu ry, makes a person highly

imaginative. Such people always worry about some thing or
other and are upset with s lightest indisposition.
In her own constellation, gives one robust health and
such people are always jovial and carefree .
In the constellation of the Sun, as already described,
makes a person temperamental.
In the constellation of Saturn, makes one to suffer from
mental diseases.
In the constellation of Ra hu , makes one suffer from
various Phobias and timidity.
In the constellation of Mars, makes one suffer from skin
diseases and menhorragia and blood in micturation .
Rohini Generally speaking Rohini is a good
constellation but the 1" pada renders a
person very susceptible to cold.
Hasta The 3rd pada makes a man very sensitive
and worrying nature.
Sravna The 2"d pada makes one , sensuous and
indiscreet in sexual matters.

In the constellation of Ketu, makes the person highly
irritable and the perso n would suffer from High Blood
In the constellation of Venus, again predispose s a person
to venereal diseases, more particularly Gonorrhoea.
In the constellation of Me rcury, causes mental
aberration .
In the co nstellation of th e Sun, des cribed in the
previous lines causes Anaemia.
In the co nstella tion of Moon. as already mentioned
causes Skin diseases.
Kaalpuros}w and Human Body 35

In his own constellation, gives a very strong and healt hy

In the constellation of J upiter, again gives good h ealth.
In the constellation of Saturn, gives sucidal tendencies.
In the conste ll ation of Ra hu , gives H o m oc id al
tendencies and sex perversion.
Mrigshira The 3'd and 4th pada are not good. Th ey irritability, high blood pressure and
heart trou b le.
Chitra The 1M pada makes one proud, he su ffers
much even from slight humiliation. His
brain is the workshop of the 'devil'.
Dhanis tha The 1M pada is said to be bad for good health.

In th e constellation of Ketu, causes m ental aberration
and megalo-mania.
In the constellation of Venus, causes Leukoderm a.
In the constellation of Moon , makes one highly
imaginative and working type.
In the constellation of Mars, causes m ental aberration
constant headaches and nervous temperament.
In the constellation of the Sun, causes Neuralgia as
already stated.
In the constellation of Jupiter, gives great stamina.
In his own constellation, gives a great m enal power and
acuteness of vision and self-confidence.
In the constellation of Rahu, causes mental diseases,
ti m id ity and inferiority complex.
In the constellation of Saturn, causes again
predisposi tion of mental aberration.
Aslesa Th e 2 "d and 4 th padas are not go o d,
generally speakin g.
36 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Jyeshtha The 2 nd and 3 m padas are considered bad.

Revati The 2 nd pada makes one sensuous and
suffer from excessive sexual indulgence
and 3 m pacta makes one dull-headed and
slow in action. Such people do not care for
personal clealiness.
In the constellation of Ketu, produces Infective hepatitis
and Liver abscess.
In the constellation of Venus, causes sexual weakness,
giddiness and jaundice.
In the constellation of Moon, gives good health.
In his own constellation, also gives robust health.
In the constellation of the Sun, causes infective fevers
and biliousness and loss of appetite.
In the constellation of Saturn, causes chronicity of any
existing diseases.
In the conste ll ation of Rahu, causes dysentery,
abdominal colic's and anorexia .
In the constellation of Mars, gives gall-stones and colicy
Punarvasu The three padas are not considered good
for sound health , and more so the 2 nd and
3 rd .
Vishkha The 2 nd pada gives sedentary habits.
Poorva-bhadra The 3 m pada of this constellation makes
one to suffer from sluggish lever,
constipation and biliousness and 4th pada
makes one liable to disease in k idney and
In the constellation of Ketu, causes venereal diseases,
eye diseases, Leucorrhoea and Spermatorrhoea.
Kaalpuru sha and Human Body 37

In the con stellation of his own, give s good health,

generally speaking subject to various aspects.
In the constellation of Mercury , causes leucoderma,
pigmentation skin, burning in mi cturation, gonorrhea and
In th e constellation of Jupiter, gives jaundice, giddiness,
and general weakness in sex.
In the constellation of Saturn, causes sexual diseases ,
perversion of sex, tendency of sex-murders and foul sex play.
In the constellation of Rahu, makes woman or man
nym phomaniac.
In the constellation of Moon, is also supposed to cause
In the constellation of the Sun, causes eye diseases.
Bharini The 2 nd pada of Bharini is not conducive
to good health. A person born in this
quarter becomes despondent and suffers
from inferiori ty complex, thereby hi s
health will be affected.
Poorva-phalguni The 41 h pada is supposed to make a person
liable to heat boils and ulcers.
Poorvashadha The 3rd pada gives sedimentary habbits.

In the constellation of Ketu , causes person to suffer from
e pidemics dehydration due to loss of fluid. Windy troubles
in intestine kinking of intestine, appendicitis and pituitary
gland abnormalities.
In the constellation of Venu s , causes sex- diseases ,
bladder diseases, eye diseases and carbuncles.
In the constellation of Mercury causes poor memory,
despondency, lack of self confidence, nervous temperament
and rheumatism.
38 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

In the constellation of Moon, causes melancholia, fear

of future, menstrual trouble and hard labour.
In the constellation of the Sun, causes eye diseases,
diseases of blood and spleen, infective fevers, Tuberculosis
and bone diseases.
In the constellation of Mars, causes eruptive fevers boils,
tumors of various organs, blood diseases, abdominal colic
In the constellation of Jupiter, causes laziness, sleeping,
sickness over eating, high blood pressure , liver disease,
jaundice, and glandular diseases.
In his own constellation, in a friendly house gives robust
Pushya The 1 5t and 2 nd padas are not good. 1st pacta
makes a man hypersensitive and the 2 nd pada
renders a person liable to cold and cough.
Swati The 1 ~' and 4' h padas are not considered good
for health.
Uttra-Bhadra The 1$' and 2 nd pada makes one irritable and
wrathful in temperament, and suffering in
mind due to his own actions. They may suffer
from attacks of Epilepsy also. 4 ,h pada makes
one mentally deficient and lazy.
In the constellation of Ke tu, causes worst kinds of
Ardra The 3 rd and 4th padas of Ardra are also
considered bad for health. A person born in
3 rd pada will generally be lazy and of unclean
habbits and the one born in 4th pada will
suffer due to his evil actions and bad sexual
Swati The 1$1 and 41h pada are considered not good
for health.
Shatbhisha The 2 nd pada makes one irritable and highly
Kaalpurus ha and Human Body 39

strung in temperament. The 3 rd pada makes

one bilious.
In the constellation of Rahu, causes worst accidents.
Aswini The 1 51 pada makes a man melancholic and
the 3'" pada is not good for health.
Makha The 1SI, 2 nd and 4 1h padas are not good for
health. 1'1 pada will give ove r-indulgence in
sex, and 4th pada gives indulgence in eating,
thereby causing ill-health in some fonn or
Moola The 1s t and 2 nd padas are not co nducive to
strong h ealth , though they fare well under
wo r s t circumstances.
In exc eption to the above mentioned combinati ons if
the asce ndan t of the na tive. the Sun, Moon a nd the 6 th house
a re well fort ified by s itu a tion, conjunction and aspect of
b enefic s , robust h ealth will b e m a intained. The malefic
influence of the above planets and h ouses will detoriate the
h ealth and will make the native suffe r as thc body will be
seal of diseases. The more th e maleficiency the more the
If the lagna (ascendant) lord is a maleli c and is placed
in lagn a or in Kendra (qu adrants) or is in conju n ction with
Moon or in Navamsa of Moo n , the diseases make their stead y
appearance. If the lord of the lagna is a malelic planet but is
weak and debilitated or it is combust or eclipsed or is
defe ated in planetary war o'r be aspected by lord of evil house
(dusthana i.e. lo rd or the 6 th , 8 th or 12 th houses). it produces
diseases and s ufferings. Likewise if the lord of the lagna be
weak and is posited in Kendras (quadrants) or Trikona (trine
i.e. 1~ , 4th, 7th or 10th or 5 th or 9 th h ouse) and further more the
lagna is afflicted by malefic or lord of evil house. diseases
and weak health will be evident. If the lord of the Jagna be in
evil house (Dushana) with lord of the 6 th h ouse, the effects
are s imilar to the above. If the disposito r of the lagna lord . be
in d usth a na , it brin gs di sease s and weak health. If the
40 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

dispositor of the Jagna lord , be weak or com bu st, eclipsed or

defeated in a planetary war, or be in enimical sign or is p laced
in Trika's (Le. 3 m, 6 th or 1 ph h ouse) it results into diseases
and bad health. Moon also renders same results under
similar circumstances.
If Saturn and Mars are posited in 6 th house, aspected by
the Su n and Rahu as well, coupled with "'(eak ascendant
lord, the conditions cause linge ring di sease. Saturn and
Rahu in the 6 th house also gives rise to lingering diseases
and bad h ealth. If Saturn and Mars occupy 2 nd house and
are related with th e di seases-inflictin g planets by aspect,
po sit ion or co njunction, they produce vari ous kinds of
diseases. Likewise when Mars and Venus are in the 9 th house
or the Sun and Saturn are in s imilar position , bad health
and diseases may result.
Jupiter and Saturn in the 9 lh h ouse also produ ce the
same re su lt. In addition to the above men tio ned
combinations if Venus is afflicted in the 12th house, Ketu is
posited in Lagna and Saturn in Lagna or in 7th house are
responsible for bad health and diseases.
As we have already explained that everything in this
cosmos are heavenly bod ies and anything that happe ns in
this cosmos is due to the effect of these heave nly bodies on
each other in any of the known or unknown dimensions as
till date we are only acquainted of 4 dimensions. All planets
have different karkatwas (signification or rulers hip) and they
control and even s ignify different parts of the body. So the
growth, development, strength or their exposure to diseases
depends on the strength, weakness, affliction, and situation
etc . of the corresponding planet of that particular part of the
body. Since we know that the Sun signifies heart. bones,
right eye; when the Sun is afflicted and weak, it causes ill
health, blindne ss , hea rt diseases, fractures of bo nes,
palpitation of heart, etc. Likewise if Moon is weak and
afflicted, it causes Hy ste ria, fits, in sanity , Melancholy,
menstrual disorde rs, poisoning of Blood etc. as Moon rules
the watery part of blood and mind. When Mars is strong but
Kaafpurusha and Hu man Body 41

a fflicted , it gives ric hness in blood, hi gh blood pressure,

apoplcxy, accidents, irritations, skin diseases, inflammation
of inner organs etc. A weak and afflicted Mars causes blood
d iseases, Low blood pressure, bloodlessness, tumou rs, boi ls,
ulcers, d iseases of marrow etc. When Mercury is weak and
afflkted, it causes nervous break down, Nerve diseases,
epilepsy, paralysis, fever, ulcers, d efect in d igestive organs
etc. Wh en Venus is weak and afflicted, it causes venereal
diseases, diseases in private parts, diabetes, urine trouble s,
disorders o f ge n erative organs, loss of luste r in the body,
eye trouble etc. When Jupiter is weak and afflicted, it causes
troub le from s pleen, liver, kidney, diseases of thirst, ear
troubles etc. When Saturn is weak and afflic ted, it causes
trou b le from bones, diseases and loss of limbs, skin diseases,
men tal trouble , rh e umatic diseases, pain etc. When Rahu is
weak and affli cted, it causes breathing difficulties, leprosy,
ulcers, and d iseases from poison etc. When Ketu is weak
and afflicted, it causes pain in body, diseases from hunger
and poison and all chronic diseases and also diseases from
unknown cau ses.
Despite of bad effects, if the planets are strong and
unafflicted th ey are the asset to the h oroscope. A stron g and
unafflic ted Sun is an asset to the horoscope. It gives good
health, strong and d eveloped body and it also fights again st
d iseases . A stron g and unaffiicted Moon gives a sound mind,
good thinkin g power, mental strength to overcome and fight
difficulties etc. So we can say that strong Sun and Moon
give much r es istance to ill health and diseases.
Our Zodiac is also divided into 12 rashis (signs) s o every
sign has its own importance in regard to different aspects of
life . Disease is also the one of the mos t important aspect
human life as it is fonn of suffering; we bear due to our
Karmas. Kanya (Virgo) and Meena (Pisces) are two sensitive
signs of the zodiac and any affliction to the houses in which
these signs fall causes bad health, diseases and sufferin gs.
So we can say that these two hou ses shou ld not be
overlooked .
42 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Malefic influences or affliction causes sufferings may

be in the form of diseases but one should be very careful
while predicting diseases, mere combinations of disease may
not produce it at all, as benefic influences in that house or
Lagna provides strength against the disease or it may even
nullify the malefic influence. Likewise if a disease is
predicted from any house from Lagna and if the same place
be well fortified from Moon, the Sun and Navamsa Lagna the
disease may not occur at all. In opposite to the above
discussion even if there is no indication of disease from
Lagna, it may make its presence if the house connecting the
disease be afflicted from the Sun, Moon or Navamsa Lagna.
By this we can conclude that while predicting diseases we
must take the strength of the combination of the diseases
and also the strength of the houses and planets which are
nullifying the disease into consideration. Just like in the
game of Tug-O -War the stronger side wins, same is the case
with malefic and benefic influences. But the disease is sure
to make its presence when two or more places in respect of
same house from Lagna, the Sun, Moon, Navamsa Lagna or
in natural Zodiac are afflicted.
We know that every planet has own and different kind
of natural environment such as Mars is known as Red
Planet, Saturn has rings around it. By this we mean that
every planet is different in its own respect. We can't skip
this fact in astrology; every single planet has its own nature
and qualities causing the disease and the house where the
disease is formed, whether the planets are benefic or malefic,
whether the planets are friends, enemies or neutrals to the
house lords. The results in case of a benefic causing disease
will certainly be not the same as in the case of an enemy or
neutral planet. The effect will be different according to the
nature and qualities of the planets. A benefic or a friendly
planet may not give rise to any disease.
Let us quote an example to explain it. For Taurus
ascendant Saturn happens to be Yoga-Karaka planet being
the lord of 9 th and 10 th houses and hence , is a benefic planet
Kaafpurusha and Human Body 43

for that Lagna; while for Leo ascendant, Saturn is the lord
of the 6 th and 7 th houses and thus is a malefic and maraka
for that Lagna. Results will vary a lot in the above mentioned
Another important point that is to be considered is that
whether the ruler of the house is a natural malefic or natural
benefic, a benefic does less harm than a malefic.
In case of Libra and Leo ascendant Jupiter happens to
he the 6 th lord for Libra ascendant and Saturn is the 6 th lord
for Leo ascendant. Jupiter and Saturn are entirely opposite
in nature and their significations, Jupiter is a natural benefic
whereas Saturn is a natural malefic. Certainly in cases of
these two lagans Saturn will do more harm as compared to
Jupiter in the matters connected to the 6 th house.
In addition to above mentioned views the relation
between the planets should also be considered. The Sun is
the King of the zodiac where as Mars is Commander-In-Chief,
the Sun and Mars are natural friends. Consider Mars is
aspecting the Sun from his 7th house by placement. By
situation he is an enemy being in 7th house of Mars. The
combined relation, being friend in one case and enemy in
other case, makes them neutral. We must know how tojudge
net relationship of the planets as we do in science in case of
Vector Algebra. In another case consider Mars is aspecting
the Sun from 10 th house. Here again the Sun is a natural
friend of Mars in one case and temporal friend in other case,
so their combined results make them intimate friend (ATI-
MITRA) to each other. The results in both cases cannot be
The aspects and conjunctions are also taken into
consideration. Consider Saturn is in opposition to Moon,
Moon being situated in 16 in Capricorn and Saturn in 18
of Cancer in one case and in other case, Moon is in 16 in
Capricorn and Saturn is in 24 in Cancer. The opposition in
the 1st case is 2 away from 180 0 and in 2 nrl case 8 away. The
results cannot be the same in both the cases. The degrees of
44 Nata l Planets and Fa tal Diseases

affliction of mind , morbid ness, m elanch oly mood etc will

be much m ore in the p I case where Moon is 2 away .

The position of the Disease

By saying the position of di sease we mean that the
relation of th e inflicting planet to th e bhava (hou se) should
a lso be taken in to consideration. Consider Rahu is placed
in 8 'h house in 16 of Aries and BhauaMadhya (Bhavasphuta;
the m id point of the house in terms of degrees) of 8 th house is
19 in Aries and in another case, Rahu is in 8 'h house in 26"
in Aries under same bhaua Madhya in the other case, it is 3
away in the 1~l case where as it is 7" away in t h e 2 nd case.
Results in both cases cannot be same. The planet which is
nearer to bhaUQ madhya will have morc effect. While judging
diseases. all th ese points are to be conside red Cor arriving at
a correct decision.

The Functions of Planets

The Cunc tion s of the planets h ave been assigne d to som e
specific periods and they are as foll ows:
Saturn One year
The Sun Half a tear
Mercury Two month s
Jupiter One month
Venus Half a month
Mars One day
Moon One muhurtha (48 seconds)

Durotion of Diseose
In regard to the duration of d isease, the above period s
are to be considered and the periodicity can be ascertained
by applying the above principle. Suppose if Saturn is th e
cau sin g plan et for the disease then it may be predicted that
the d isease will linger for a longer t ime span. While if Mars
or Moon are causing planets for the disease, the duration oC
the disease will be of s h orter period though th e d isease will
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 45

not run exactly to the same extent of period mentioned. The

planets are effective in certain portions of a sign and the
result will be felt when the planet enters that portions in
transit. They are as mentioned be low:
The Sun In 1 to 10" of a sign.
Moon In 21 0 to 30 0 of a sign.
Mars In 10 to 10" of a sign.
Mercury During all time.
Jupiter In 11 0 to 200 of a sign.
Venus In 11" to 200 of a sign.
Satu rn In 21 to 30 of a sign.
Rahu During all time.
Ketu During all time .

The planets in transit give rise to disease

Natives are affected by the nega tive or positive vibrations
not only with major or sub periods of planets but also with
their continuous movement in the zodiac also known as
Transit. Th e p lanets in transit (gochara) give r ise to diseases
when malefically afnicting the n a tal planets and houses.
Transit of any planet cannot itself produce any disease until
it is indicated in the natal chart. But if the malefi cs are
powerful in position in transit, in such conditions it can
prod uce diseases even without any combinations for
diseases in natal chart. But the disease will not be long
lasting. Consider an example when lagna, the Sun, Moon,
6 th house, 6 th lord are afflicted, diseases may resu lt. The
nature and quality of the disease will be determined by the
nature and qualities of the houses and planets afflicted and
afnicting. If a t the same time, the native is passing through
the major or sub period of Death inflicting planet (Maraka) ,
the disease may be severe while under benefic major and
sub period, the disease may not occur at all or if occurs, it
will be very mild .
When Mercury is powerful and is placed in favourable
position it can counteract th e malefic innuence of Rahu.
46 Natal Pla n ets and Fat a l Diseases

Likewise Saturn in s imilar position can counteract the evil

influen ce of both Mercury and Rahu. Mars in si mil a r
stre ngth can nulli fy the e vil effect of Mercury, Rahu and
Saturn . Ve nus in a s im ilar pos ition counteracts the evil
fo rces of al l the above four planets.
When J upiter is pl aced in favourable position and it is
powerful as well , it can nullify evil effects, Me rcury, Rahu ,
Saturn , Mars and Venus. Moon in similar position and
strength counte ract s all the a b ove six pl a nets a nd an
a dvantageous Sun can nullify evil e ffects of all the planets.

Ports and organs of human b ody

a ssigned to the twelve signs
ARIE S : Head and face, brain , bon es of head and face.
TAURUS : Neck, gu llet, lary and cere bellum and bones
of the neck.
GEMINI: Shoulde r s and hands , lungs, blood and breath,
shoulder b la des and bones of arms.
CANCER : Breasts and chest, stomach and d igestive
organs, bones o f the chest and ribs.
LEO : Spine and back, heart and bone s of the back .
VIRGO: Abd ominal and umbilical regions, bowels,
intestines and liver and bones of the back .
LIBRA: Lumbar region and s kin, k idneys and bones of
the lumbar region .
SCORPIO : Gen erative organs and anus, bladder and
bon es of public area.
SAGITTARIUS : Hip and thighs, vein s and arteries and
bones of t highs.
CAPRICORN : Knees and hams, bones and joints and
knee caps and joints.
AQUARIUS: Ankles and feet , circulatory system and
bon es and ankles.
Kaalpuru sha and Human Body 47

PISCES : Feet and toes, lymph atic system and bones of

th e feet.
Accord ing to some other opinion, the 12 signs in order,
repr e sent Head, face, Shou lders, Hands , Chest , Breast,
Stomach , Arm -pits , Anu s , Generative Organs, Thighs and
Legs. Shri Mantreshwar and Venkatesh give the foll owing
parts of human frame to the various signs.
Arie s- Head; Tau ru s-Face; Gemini-Shoulders; Cancer-
Heart, the part of the body above and below t h e neck; Leo-
Stomach up to navel; Virgo-Waist; Libra-the part of the body
between nave l and gene rative orga ns; Scorpio-Generative
Or gans; Sagitta riu s-Th ighs; Capricorn- Knees; Aquarius-
Calves, Pisces-Feet. Lords of the corresponding s igns are said
to be the rulers of the parts of the body shown against each
e.g. Jupiter get s th e karakatwas (s ign ifi cation) of feet. The
condition of the different organs is to be decided by the s igns
and planets re presen ting them.

Ports of the body ruled by the seven planets

SUN : Heart, brain, b lood , the right eye of m ales and left
eye of females.
MOON : Breasts, intestines, lym ph, left eye of males
and right eye of females.
MARS: Nose, fore head, diges tive secretions and
sinews .
MERCURY: Veins, lungs, tongue, arms , mouth, hai s
and nelVes.
JUPITER : Semen, right ear, live r and pleura.
VENUS : Gullet, chain, cheeks, colour, navel and left
SATURN : Jo in ts, bones, leeth , kn ees, plelgm a n d
The foll owing are th e difference of opinion of different
school of t h ough ts whi ch are worth examining:
48 Natal Planets and Fatui Diseases

Planets Different views regarding rulersbip of

the parts of the human body

Su n Bones of Bones of Stomach Sto mach

c hin chin, knee
bones, navel
Moon Bones of Chest, cheeks, Heart Chest
chi n ankles
Mars Eyes Hands, eyes, H ead He ad
Mercury Face Thighs, Hip Hands Hands
Jupiter Ears Ears Hip-wais Below
VenuS' Nose Nose Face Face
Saturn Head Generative Thigh s Thighs
Organs, head,
Rahu - - Fee t Neck
Ketu - - - Feet

Without any discussion on the above difference of

opinions, we intend to remark that the opinion listed first
will hold good when the ascendant fall s in fou r signs
counting from the one just left by the Sun. whe n the next
four signs in order fall as the rising sign, parts of the body
below the waist are to be considered and when the last four
signs become the Ascendant, the middle portion of the body
is to be thought of.

Division of the human body based on the

Drekkana of the rising sign
Division of the human body is based on the Drekkana of
the rising sign , has been found to indicate more accurate
resu lts .
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 49

Bhava Ascendant 11: As c endant in Ascendant in

I Drekkana II Drekkana III Drekkana
1 Head Neck Portion between
Navel and generative
organs (pelvis)
2 Right Eye Right Shoulde Right side o f gene-
rative organs & anus
3 Right Ear Right Hands Right testicle
4 Right side Right side Right thigh
of nose
5 Righ t cheek Right chest Right knee
6 Right side Right side of Right ankle
of chin stomach
7 Face Navel Feet
8 Left side Left side of Left ankle
of chin stomach
9 Left chee k Left Chest Left knee
10 Left side Left side Left thigh
of nose
11 Left Ear Left hand Left testicle
12 Left eye Left shou Ider Left side of gene-
rative organs & anus

. But the right and left side of the neck, pelvis, face, navel
and feet follow the principle. The 12th house from Ascendant
represents the left eye, the 2 nd h ouse the right eye, 111h house
the left ear and the 3rt! hou se the right ear, the 10th house the
left side of no se, the 4 th house the right side of nose, 9 th house
left cheek, the Slh house right cheek, the 8 th house the left
chin and 6 th house the right chin. In the 71h house
corresponding to the Ascendant and other houses represent
the right and left sid es of the face. Likewise when the
ascendant fall s in the 2 nd Drekkana the different houses from
the ascendant, show the right and left sides o f the part o f the
body from the neck to the navel as follows:
The degrees covered by the ascendant in the rising sign
indicate the left -::ide of the neck while the degrees yet to be
50 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

cove red show the right side of the neck. The 12th house
signifies the left shoulder, the 2 nd house the right shoulder,
11 1 house the left hand, the 3 rd house the right hand, 10 th
house the left side, the 4th house the right side, the 9 th house
the left side of the heart, the 5 th house the right side of the
heart, the 8 th house the left side of stomach and the 6 t h house
the right side of'stomach. In the 7 th house the corresponding
amsas of the ascendant and other houses indicate the right
and left side of the navel.
When the rising sign in the 3,d Drekkana the left and
right sides of the part of the body below the navel are indicated
as shown below:
The degrees covered by the ascendan t in the sign
indicate the left side of the pelvis, while the other portion of
the sign shows the right side of the pelvis. The12th house
shows the left side of the generative organ and anus the 2 nd
house their right side, the 11 'h house the left testicle, the 3 rd
house the right testicle, lO'h house the left thigh, the 4th house
the right thigh, 9 th house the left knee, the 5 th house the right
knee, the 8 th house left calf and 6 th house the right calf. The
amsas corresponding to the ascendant and other bhavas
indic~te the left and right feet in the 7 th bhava. Afflictions of
these houses and of the planets posited therein show
diseases in the respective portions of the body.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius rule over vitality, Taurus,
Virgo and Capricorn control bones and flesh; Gemini, Libra
and Aquarius represent breath while Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces get b lood as their portfolio.

Visible and invisible ports

Our zodiac is divided into two parts visible and invisible.
The parts of the zodiac from the ascendant or the rising sign
to the 6 th house are Invisible where as the other half i.e. from
the 7 th house to the 12th house is Visible. There are pains in
our body which cannot be physically discerned by eye. So
this division of the zodiac enables us to distinguish between
them. If malefics or afflicted benefics or planets responsible
for causing diseases are posited in the visible part of the
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 51

Zodiac then it is to presumed that the ailments that are

caused by them cou ld be seen on the body or they will
physically visible. Where as if the disease causing planets
are posited in the invisible part of the zodiac, it is to be known
that the native is suffering from pains caused by the disease
which cannot be discerned by the physical eye.
Moon is the one of the most important planet as far as
transit is conce rned. Moon is the fastest moving planet so it
gives its effect due to its change very soon. Diseases attack
the body (or accidents ) or show symptoms of increase or
decrease when the Moon transit the 8 th or 12th house from
the sign occupied by Moon in the native's chart and when
the Moon occupies the 3rd, 5 th or the 7 th constellation from
the asterism at the time of birth.

The five elements and three humours

We all know that this entire cosmos is made up of five
elements, so are the planets. Planets are said to be the lords
of the five elements viz. fire, earth, ether, water, water and
air. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Satu rn rule over the
elements respectively. In loday's context we are familiar with
the fact t h at the Sun is a ball of fire will fusion reaction
sustaining a t its cen tre. In ancient times our sages were
also familiar of this fact and they described the Sun with the
qualities of fire and are also the karaka (significator) of the
fire element while the Moon panaking of c haracteristics of
water is the karaka -of water. Any change in this universe
especially on earth is due to changes of these elements,
movements of these planets with the qualities of the elements
in them bring about the changes in everything on earth .
Seaso ns change and nature undergoes periodical
transformation. All life forms have evolved from these five
rudimentary elements or in other words human bodies are
the combin ation of these five elements in the state of
equilibrium. When the equ ilibrium of five elements gets
disturbed consequent to the movements of planets, ill-health
results. In their transitory motion if the planets fa ll in
unpleasant or weak position or when the major or sub period
52 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

of malefic, afflicted or weak planet is operative in a horoscope,

derangement of elements denoted by such planets takes
place causing various diseases.
In a horoscope planets do possess strength, weak or
strong. The native will have a predominance of the
characteristics of the element of significator planets of which
is strongest in the horoscope. There are four elements of
planets viz. fire, earth, aii' and water. Natives who have the
earth element strongest in the chart will have a pleasant
odour in their body (smell of camphor). They will lead a steady
happy life; will be endowed with a loud voice, a stable mind
and a mild pleasing temperament. When the native is
predominated with the element of water, the native will be
good looking and hard working, will be soft spoken with
pleasant and soothing words. He-may not be very intelligent.
He will be attracted towards watery food such as milk, ghee
etc. If the native is predominated with the qualities of fire
element, the native will have excessive hunger and they
usually consume a large quantity of food. They have strong
body but have lean structure, will be fickle minded,
energetic, bold, forceful, and proud and pushing. When the
element of air predominates, the native it makes the native
liberal, lean, short-tempered and careful in work. They like
frequent changes or they like traveling. An important
characteristic of airy dominated natives is that they usually
have round and flat faces, open mouths and lean limbs. They
become learned in Arts and Sciepces. When the element
earth is disturbed flesh, skin, jqint~. and hair get affected.
The excited watery element brings disorders in blood, urine,
perspiration, semen and saliva. Likewise, disturbance to the
fire element upsets hunger, thi.r::;t, sle~p and the general
bearing of body. The element air when losses bring about
difficulties in the movements of the limbs while ether causes
anger, sexuality, fear and hardship Qf old age.

Indications by afflicted lords of Elements

The afflicted lords of elements indicate the following:
Earth: Swelling and cold (diseases arising from).
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 53

Water : Vomiting. Colic , Dysentery, ulcers and cold.

Fire Perplexity, fever and whirling sensations.
Ai, Rheumatic troubles, tremor and leanness.
Ether Fainting etc. and Langour.

The five elements rule over the following parts of living

beings :
Earth : Bones, skin , flesh, hairs, veins (nerves).
Water : Blood. semen, saliva, perspiration , urine.
Fire Hunger, thirst. indolence. sleep, vigour and
Air Rising. jumping, running, bending,
strengthening and all bodily movements.
Ether : Love (passion), anger, fear . b ash fulness
(modesty), insensibility.
We know that our entire ecosystem of the cosmos is in
equilibrium . When this 'eqUilibrium is disturbed the entire
universe suffers from huge destruction , so is with our human
body. As discussed earlier, our body is made up of t hree
humours - Vatta, Pittta and Khapha in eqUilibrium . And when
this eqUilibrium is disturbed we suffer"disasters in the form
of diseases. Though these humours are spread au t in the
entire body their positions have been maeked as follows:
Vata is posited below the navel. Ritta rules the portion
between the heart and the navel, and the Kaphc1'reigns the
breasts and the lungs. Diseases arising from the troubled
state khapha will be prominent during childhood. The
youthfu l and middle ages are mainly affected by diseases
arising from the derangement of Pitta. Old age is the period
for rheuma tic attacks and other diseases caused from the
disturbed Vata.
Thes e three humours act at the end, middle and
beginning of day and night. If days and nights are divided
in to three equal parts of four hours each the first fou r hours
will be rules by Kapha , the second by A'tta and the third by
Vata. The 1 ~' part of the food develops Kapha , the midd le
54 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

portion increases Pitta and the last portion aids the growth
of Vata. Summer season (20 th May to 19 ' 11. July) tends to
inc rease Vata, rainy season (20'11. July to 19 ' h September)
deranges it while during Autumnal season (20'h September
to 19 ' h November) it subsides. Pitta grows in rainy season,
gets excited during Autumn and become settled in Hemanta
(winter) season (20,h November to 19'11. January). Kapha
in c reases in Shishira (20 th January to 19 ' h March) season
gets deranged during Vasanta (spring) (20,h March to 19 th
May) and subsides the Grishma (summer) (20,h May to 19'h
July) . The planets Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and
Saturn are said to be the lords of the six seasons from Vasanta
The Sun brings about diseases by the derangement of
the humours bile and air (Pitta and VOla) and not of Pittaalone.
Moon causes diseases arising from the excited Vata and
Kapha (Air and Phelgm). A full Moon and the Moon posited
in a watery sign disturb Kapha only. Mars gives rise to
diseases arising from disturbed Pitta.
Diseases due to the troubled state of all three humours
are brought about the mercury. Jupiter and Venus generates
dis eases of Vata and Kapha; Saturn causes diseases from
the derangeq Vata and Pitta. When Sun disturbs Pitta more
than Vala, Saturn excites V~:lta to be a greater extent than
Pitta. Jupiter indicates more of Kapha and little of Vala. A
strong Venus denotes troubles of Kapha while Venus shows
excitation of Vala.
Predictions are to be made only after duly studying the
age of the native, the type of the country he lives in and also
the seasonal changes.

~ 'Ji<IT fltm. "'~'H'" 'Ji<IT '1'l'l '

'Ji<IT ~. 3!flm... 'Ji<IT 'J'lI'I 1I
Lazy persons cannot have knowledge, ignorant may not
have UJealth, poverty stroken may have n.o friend and friendless
pers on have no pleasure.

""" ~ f<mr ~ 'ITftf<i ""'1'
~ 'ITftf<i T"i ~ol ~ ,"~",Rt II
What can you do in the fourth part of your life, when you
have not gained knowledge in the first part, money in the second
part, and merit in the third part?

Cardiac Troubles
and Planets
Heart is one of the most important organs of the human
body as it is the only organ that n ever rests from our birth
till the end of our life. Its just alters its pace of pumping with
age. Its supplies oxygenated blood to the d ifferent parts of
the body including brain for metabolism at cellular level
without which we homo sapiens will not be able to do any
function characterising living b eings like movement, etc.
After brain heart is the second most important organ of the
human body_ Human brain differs us from all other mammals
as it is the most evolved brain that has the power to think as
well as communicate by developing language etc.
Heart attack can suddenly kill a person when he is in
the prime of life. The graph of deaths due to heart attack
shows a steep rise during past several years. The death rate
in the United States rose from 8 per 100,000 in 1930 to 23
in 1935 to 7 1 in 1940 to 225 in 1952 and 290 in 1963.
There has been further increase since then. Approximately
1.3 million people suffer from heart attack every year in U.S.A.
only. There is virtually an epidemic of heart attack in the
s tates and certain other European countries. Death due to
heart attack is not as common in India as European
countries. Yet year by year such incidents are increasing
rapidly. And this is certain ly going to increase further.
56 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Heart attack is decidedly more common in males than

among females. It is more prevalent in males belonging to
higher income group .
Under such conditions when death due to heart attack
is increasing day by day. it becomes essential to study ahout
the heart attacks and the var iou s heart diseases
astrologically. How can we know about these troubles before
the actual occurrence and with the help of proper astrological
knowledge and guidance, can we gel rid of heart troubles?
To study astrologically, the exact nature of heart trouble,
first it is essential to know a little about the heart diseases.
Heart is a natural muscular pump whose constnJction
and function, none of the man made pumps can equal. The
size of th e heart is abou t the size of one's li st. In the chest, it
is enclosed in a protective covering called the pericardium.
It hangs down within the chest attached to great blood vessels
pointing downwards towards the left nipple.
The heart has two parts, right and left. It is divided in
these two parts by a blood tight wall. Each part works as a
separate pump for the blood it receives and has an upper
chamber called Auricle which receives blood from the large
veins and lower chamber called Ventricle wh ich pumps out
the blood into arteries.
The Sun is said to be the king of planets and without
the Sun, we can not imagine the existence of earth and other
planets that revolve around the Sun. S imilarly, we can n ot
imagine the ex istence of a living body without heart.
Therefore, the Sun is the main significator of heart. The
human heart lies in the chest of the person, which is the
fourth part of the body divided into 12 p'a rts of zodiac sign.
So Zodiac s ign i.e. Cancer and house of natal birth chart
rep resent human heart. Affliction to the 4111 house, the Sun
or Cancer sign generally indicates trouble in the heart.
Cancer also indicates the fluid of heart, as it is a watery sign.
The Sun regulates and causes heart to beat. It is a kind
of electrical timing apparatus called the pacemaker. It will
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 57

not be out of p lace to mention that any muscular activity,

movement, etc. is initiated by a disturbance in the nerves
in the form of electrical impulse. Heart is a muscle that also
requires an electrical impulse to beat. Mother Nature has
given mammals SAN (Sino Atrial Node) that provides
electrical impulse to heart and normally heart pulsates about
72 times a minute . In the case of children, heartbeats may
go up to 120 beats in minute and in old persons; this may be
reduced up to 60 to 65 beats per minute. If the Sun is well
p laced in a horoscope, the heart beats normal. But in case of
adverse aspects, adverse placement or in the case of any
other affliction, the heart beatings will n ot be normal. If the
Sun is in 4 th house and/or is aspected or associated with
Mars, the rate of heart beat will go up and owing to an aspect
of Saturn or conjunction with that may not on ly redu ce the
heart beatings but also cause other problems in the heart or
coronary arteries or ventricles. However, if the 4 ,h house and
the Sun are afflicted by nodes (Rahu or Ketu) it definitely
gives. r ise to one or the other problem in heart induding it!':
pumping. We have observe d that placement of Ketu and the
Sun in close vicinity in Cancer or Leo causes irregu lar heart
beats and adversely influence the vibrations of heart.
The we ight of the heart is 1{200'h of the weight of the
human body but it takes Ij20'h of the total circulating blood
for its own nourishment which it receives from the coronary
arteries, th e two blood vessels that are first to come to the
Aorta and life embedded in the heart muscles itself. However,
the clinical diagnosis of the various he art diseases is
imperfect in the best circumstances as yet.
What is heart attack? An acute shortage of blood supply
in the h eart muscles lead to damage of the heart muscle.
Efficiency of the heart to pump blood is gradually reduced
and a day comes when the heart suddenly fails to pump blood
to the body resulting in the arrest of circulation of blood.
Usually there is severe chest pain , profu se sweating and
feeble pulse. When the blood supply to the heart is interfered
with there is damage to the heart muscle l ead i~g to heart
58 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

attack. Main causes for the lack of blood supply is

-Atherosclerotic changes in the coronary arteries
(hardening of the arteries) when blood vessels get blocked
inside by any solid blood clots or by thickening of inner
surface of the vessels by Atherosclerotic deposits and then
the heart is unable to pump the blood efficiently. it fails and
this conditions is known as heart attack o,r myocardial
The important factor that accelerates coronary
narrowing are :
1. Excess of fats and cholesterol in the blood,
2. Hypertension or high hlood pressure,
3. Overweight,
4. Diabetes,
5. Smoking,
6. Male sex,
7. Family history
8. Physical inactivity and
9. Mental stress.
If heart problem is indicated in the horoscope of a person,
he or she must try to regulate his/he r life accordingly by
adopting preventive measures, clinical and spiritual both.
Development of other good habits which are good for heart
are also required to be adopted.
Prof. B.V.Raman has mentioned in his article "Planets
and Heart Trouble- in the April 1968 issue of the "Astrological
Magazine" that an affliction to the Sun indicates heart
trouble. When other planetruy aspects enter this basic picture.
further complication will appear. An affliction by Ketu
reveals a heart weakened by poison from some
malfunctioning organ or from another disease or infection.
If the Sun is located in an angle and Mars or Saturn are
afflicted, hypertension may be the result. If the affliction is
drawn from Jupiter, this will be muscular constriction by
arterial deposits. If it is from Rahu. there will be tension in
routine life .
Cardiac Troubles and Planers 59

Dr. Raman's research on h eart diseases is of greatest

significance for othe r scholars. Rahu and Mars h ave been
found to be prominently connected with regard to th e Su n
and the 4th h ouse by some form of sambandha or connection
by aspect, conjunction, mutual exchange of houses etc. The
Sun is the chief significator of heart and he rules over Leo;
therefore, Leo must also be con sidered for heart problems.

Astrological reasoning of heart troubles

Most of the classical works h ave di scussed a bout h eart
probl e ms. Various planetary co mbin a tions h ave be e n
mentioned by our sages which r equire proper stu dy along
with practical examination of th e horoscopes. The practice
will make an astrologer perfe ct in fo retelling the heart
problem, attack or failure before occurre n ce. We are sure
tha t adversities of life can certainly be reduced if not cured
if known earlier than occu rrence .
tn thi s r eferrenc e clas sical works like Hora Ratnam.
Jyo tis h Tatwam, Jataka Alankar, Manushya Jataka.etc. have
m e ntioned certain secre ts about heart problems. The s pecific
combination of planets in th e birth chart are respon s ible for
a ll kinds of physical disorder includin g that of heart ,
concerning ve rses about the h eart problem s and complaints
are given be low :

ortt fmI ~m m gl'il~il

'i'tN<It M":\ I
<mil"I'R <6l~~sf ~ ~;;fIq '"' flI<it '" II
~ qI8fuICflEl'IUlll~~ 'q1{flf"flll1
f.\~1",,",~ ~ ~ (fld!l" .. fm _ BmI: II
If Rahu falls in the aspected by malefics and lord of

lagna is weak. one s uffers from heart attack.

If Rahu and Moon are conj oined in 7 th and Saturn in
quadrant as pects Jupiter or Moon than one suffers from
severe h eart attack.
60 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

If the dispositor of 4th lord and navamsa lord is aspected

by malefics and falls in malefic shashtyamsa, then one
suffers from heart attack.
(Jyotish Tatwam Ch: 28; Sh: 167, 168)

~;;R't ;;ft"QdW ~,,;I;<I.:1qfll., ~: I

f.l"'If{~14R ~Iiil", ~<hI(<ils6~"il ~ II
If the Sun is conjoined with benefics and malefics as
well, and falls in Scorpio sign, and if benefics fall in 6 th or
12th house and 6 th lord Sun is afflicted by malefics then one
suffers from severe heart attack.
(Jyotish Tatwam Ch' 28; Sh: 166)

!<11"'1:"'liil,,') ~R"''''S'll. -.;tt .llfud: ... fllclsf{~<lo/II

.lilS'IiloilS'I <t'll~il It ~ <tiloil.,~'Cl"1 ~ II
If Saturn or Jupiter happen to be 6 th lord and fall in 4th
house and are conjoined with malefics then the native suffers
from black spots on his body and is a patient of high blood
pressure and pulse rate.
If 6 th lord the Sun is conjoined with malefics in the 4th

house , one suffers from heart trouble.

Placement of Jupiter, Saturn or Mars in 4th house is
adverse in respect of heart of the native.
Above m entioned combinations are primarily illustrated
in Jataka Alankaar. But other works illustrate these
combinations as if Saturn or Jupiter are in 4th house and
aspected by malefics. irrespective of their lordship, makes
one a patient of heart.
(Jataka Alankaar Ch: 3; Sh: 11)

'll"'.",e'i'lIR"a ~ fil.,~.,~ " ~ ~I

'"'Il"'~ f{<ft 1I'It 'll"<ti"ra'I<<1I oR- '<iT<:t" '@'l:11
Above mentioned shloka mentions following
combinations for severe heart and stomach trouble as:

Cardiac Troubles and Planets 61

If Jupiter is aspected by Mars.

If birth is durin g day and Mars happens to be a malefic
by its lordship as well.
If 6 th lord is conjoined with malefic and 6 ' h house is
occupied by malefics as well as benefics are afnicted.
If the Sun occupies Scorpio sign one suffers from heart
and stomach disorder.
(Manushya Jataka)

'I""I'l",: fi<f: ..... f.r.t;fl q,)4<1~,,: I

~ Q5q'''I I:tilQ $t"qf.!pftt y415'1"l. II
If 5 th lord falls in 6 th house is weak or if malefics fall in
S'h house then one suffers from heart attack.
(Hora Ratnam Ch: 6; Sh: 75)

~ flI,j~~1
If Moon falls in 6 th house and occupies Leo navamsa
then th e native is a heart patient.
(Vridlw Yawan)

qf<\l1g"q~"" I'''t!if ~ <i1{<I<lI: I

~",1 '1 '" f.\"'(!'1 -..IT ~ ~ II
If Mars, Saturn and Jupiter occu py the 4 'h house then
the native suffers from heart trouble and injury in the region.
(Hora Ratnam CIl: 6; Sh: 79)

<fl"jt'llt'l q I~ q fa '11""d (I ~ lflIT'ft 1ffi'fft ~ I

f,\; 'lFfll,) 'f!"l '!.<fl~ 1't:ft~ l ftf.'l<f;d~ I I

'Ii ~ .. H''!fSfl! 'Ii "I:(IR"'I"'I,mlj", ~ I

<101'It!\~s~ qq""tft~ if;< I .q l~i<lI1q" lq : II
If lord of the 4\11 house is associ a ted with malefics or it is
conjoined with malefics along wilh the arOiclion of the 4 \h
house with malcfics one will su ffer from cardiac trouble. Ir
62 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

the 4 111 lord is posited in the 8 th house under debilitation or

combustion or joins inimical signs, one will suffer from heart
If the 41h and 5 1h house associated by malefics and these
malefics obtain Shashtyansa of maJefics and these are
devoid of any auspicious combination or yoga. the native
will suffer from heart problem.
If the 4th house is associated by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter,
one is likely to enter into the complaints of the heart.
IJyo'ish 'a'wam Cit 28; Sh: 164.165)
~;;R'r ;;fl.q,,~ :!".;l;<fq'~"r.t1 ~, I
Pl""ftq~~ ~"'Iil", fi\",,,,ilS\*~ ""''''{ II
If the birth is in day and the 4th house is occupied by
debilitated Jupiter, Saturn or Mars or these planets fall in
inimical sign along with malefic aspect, the native suffers
from heart attack due to default of bile in the body.
(Jyo'ish Tatwam Ch: 28; Sh: 166)
Our humble observation in regard to heart trouble are
mentioned as under:
1. The Sun is overall significator of heart and the affliction
of the Sun by malefics or nodes may create heart problem
if it is related with the 4th or 5 th house, 9 th or 10 th house.
Affliction of the Sun in any of the trika houses is also
alarming if the Sun falls in the conste llation of Rahu or
Ke tu especially in the 4 th house it is more injurious.
Placement of the Sun in Cancer in 4 th or 5 th house with
Saturn or if it is placed in Sa turn's constellation Pushya,
t his give s rise to Coronary Thrombosis. However,
affliction of the Sun by Ketu in the 4 th h ouse effects the
e lectrical impulse of heart. Conjunction of Mars with
the Sun in 4 th or 5 th house, may result into Trachocardia
that is increase of pulse. Involvement of the Sun with
Venus or its placement in Libra in 4 th house generally
damages left ventricle of heart resulting in Myocardial
Infarction .
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 63

2. Debilitated Sun in the 4 1h house especially if it falls in

Swati constellation may cause heart attack.
3. Placement of Mars in 4 1h house in bad if Mars is under
mutual aspect with Saturn particularly. lt has been
under observed that Mars in the ascendant and Saturn
in 4 1h house oftenly causes heart attack even if both Mars
a nd Saturn fall in own sign. 4 ' h lord Mars and Mars
occupies any of the trika houses in association with
Saturn results into Myocardial Infarction. If Mars falls
in constellation and/or navamsa of Saturn. and Saturn
falls in constellation and/or navamsa of Mars it is
equally bad. Joint aspect of Mars and Saturn over 4 'h or
5'h house is most undesirable as it may create many
health problems related to heart.
4. Ketu-Mars-Saturn. Rahu~Mars - Saturn. Jupiter-Mars -
Saturn, Venus-Mars-Saturn, Sun- Mars- Saturn, are
troublesome combination for the heart if conjoin in the
4th house. Jupiter and Venus are benefics if these
planets become markesh in one or the other way or fall
in the constellation and navamsa of markesh, nodes or
trika lords. evil is the outcome in the form of heart
5. For Libra ascendant Mars happens a markesh as it owns
the 2nd and 7 'h house. If mars is placed in Libra ascendant
it results into By pass surgeI}' provided 4th house is
tenanted by nodes or other malefics or trika lords.
6. Placement of Mars in Taurus ascendant and the Su n in
4th house in Leo also gives rise to Ope n Heart Surgery.

7. First of all examine if the combination of heart p roblem

is present. The heart problem or attack takes place
during the sub period of nodes. the Sun or Saturn, 2",L
and 7 'h lord , It will be of great advantage if we consider
the dasa bhukti of the ruler of constellations in which
the concerning planets are placed. Transits must be
considered. Affliction of 4th lord or the Sun by the
transiting Saturn. Mars or Ketu usually indi cates
troubles in heart.
64 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

8. The sun's transit in Cancer, Aquarius, Leo or Capricorn

is bad. The transits of Mars and Saturn are very important
for all fatal events of life and equally important for heart
troubles. A careful judgement of this aspect is required
for finding out the heart trouble. Opposition of transiting
Saturn to the radical Sun. crossing of transiting Saturn
o r Mars over the radical location of the Sun or lord of
the 4 th . Transiting of Saturn in Cancer, Capricorn, Leo
or Aquarius, whichever forms a relationship with the 4 th ,
its lord or the Sun or the planet responsible for heart
trouble. Transit of Satum in the 4th with mutual aspect
of radical Mars or Saturn or vice versa. Transit of Mars
in square position under mutual aspect of Saturn, the
Sun or the lord of the 4th.
9. Venus is usually ignored while examining the horoscope
in regard to heart problem. In fact , Venus controls over
the arteries and blood vessels. In case of affliction
problems in the arteries etc. will be evident. If Venus is
afflicted by the inimical Sun and Moon the arteries will
not func tion properly. If afflicted by nodes there may be
blockage in coronary arteries. Effect of the Su~ and Mars
may result into By pass surgery. Affliction of Venus by
Jupiter may cause swelling and spreading of arteries.
However, the adversity caused by the malefics on 4th
house a nd the Sun may also cause hole in heart
provided Satu rn and Mars are s trongly arnict the 4 th
There are different types of heart troubles and with the
h el p of astrology, we can make an effort to judge the exact
nature of the {rouble.

Coronary Thrombosis
Coronary arteries that have suffered progressiv e
a th eroscleros is and narrowing over long decades are liable
to become blocked. In a series of 6800 consecutive
postmortems, coronary blockage was superimposed on
atherosclerosis in about 92% of the cases. Of these, 43%
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 65

were due to thrombosis, 41 % to progressive Atherosclerotic

narrowing untill the artery was completely blocked and 8%
to bleeding into the wall of the vessels leading to blockage
of lumen. Coronary is the word associated with the heart.
Heart is a muscle so it needs oxygen to burn energy as well
. as an electrical impulse which every muscular activity
requires. So when the arteries supplying the blood to the
heart itself get blocked by the cholestrol or a clot we call it
Coronary thrombosis as the word thrombosis is derived from
the word thrombus which means a clot.
This is most fatal and occurs due to very strong affliction
to the Sun with Mars or Saturn in the 4t h house. The Sun
must also be afflicted severely and a relation should be
established with them or the 8 th or lord's thereof.

Case: 4.1 Horoscope No.: 1

. Date of birth : 30.11.1858 Time of birth 16:25:00 hrs
Place of birth: West Bengal Lat 25:27:00 N Long 81 :50:00E
Ayanamsa : 21:53:19 Sidereal Time ; 21:01:06

Pin Degree Ras! Nakshatra Pad

Ase 5:24:45 Tau Krittika 3
Sun 16:06:42 Sea Anuradha 4
Man 19:22:55 Vir Hasta 3
Mar 20:57:54 Cap Sravna 4
Mer 2:53: 19 Sag Moola 1
Jup(R} 25:46: 12 Tau Mrigshira 1
Ven (R) 6:46:26 Sag MaDIa 3
Sat (R) 20:23:49 Can Aslesa 2
Rah(R} 11:51:08 Aqu Satabhisha 2
Ket (R) 11: 5 1:08 Leo Magha 4
66 Nata l Planets and Fatal Diseases

Lagn a Chart Navamsa Chart

Rah Sat
3 12 10
Sat 4 9
Ket 5 2 8 Sun
B 5
Sun Jup
Mon 6 Mon 3 7
7 Ven 4 6
Mar Ket

Balance of Vim sottari Dasa of Man 2Y 11M 17D

The native is a world re nowned physicist. The native is

born in Taurus ascendant. Ketu is placed in 4th house in
Leo in own constellation Magha. This highly injurious for
heart. Ketu is aspected by Mars and the lord of the 4 tk hou se
the Sun is placed in 7 th house in Scorpio in Saturn 's
con s tellation Anu radha. Saturn joins Canc er a nd lend s
aspect over its dispositor Moon in the 5 11' h ouse . Rahu and
Ketu are placed in own constellation Magh a identical to lOth
and 4th hou se . This has enhanced the intens ity of nodes. 4 t h.
lord the Sun obtains uargottam navamsa in Scorpio and its
. placement in Anuradha constellation resulted in Coronary
Thrombosis where as Ketu in 4!h damaged the electrical
impulse of the heart.

Case: 4.2- Horoscope No. : 2

Date of birth : 07 . 11.1888 Time of birth 04:30:00 hrs
Place of birth : T:unil Nadu Lat 25:27:00 N Long 8 1:50:00E
Ayanamsa : 22: 18:00 Sidereal Time : 07:36:21

PIn Degre e Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 29:22:33 Vir Chitra 2
Sun 22:42:00 Lib Visakha I
Men 4:28:57 Sag Moola 2
Mar 18:30 :37 Sag Purvasadha 2
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 67

Mec(R) 10:30: 12 Lib Swati 2

Jup 17:56:09 SeQ Jyestha 1
Ven 23:19:47 SeQ Jyestha 2
Sat 27:31:18 Can Aslesa 4
Rah(R) 1: 16:36 Can Punarvasu 4
Ket (R) 1:16:36 Cap Uttarasadha 2

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

5 7 5
Ven 4 Rah 8 4 Rah
Jup Sat Mac
6 6
Man 9 3 Jup9 3
Mar 12 12
Ket Sat
Ket 10 2 Ven 10 2 Man
11 I Moe 11 1

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket 4Y 7M 23D

We are discussing the horoscope of a Nobel Prize

laureate in Physics. The native was born in Virgo ascendant.
8 th lord Mars is posited in the 4th house with Moon. Ketu
joins the 5 th house and the 5 th lord Saturn joins Rahu in the
11 Th house. Thus, the 5 house is under the malefic
influence of Rahu , Ketu and 6 th lord Saturn. Saturn also
falls in the ascendant and 8 th house. The significator of heart,
debilitated sun falls in 2n~ house in Visakha constellation
ruled by markesh Jupiter. Thus, the Sun is under the
influence of Venus and Jupiter but obtains the navamsa of
its exaltation. Apart from 4th and 5 th house, 4th and 5 th signs
Cancer and Leo should also be considered. Here the 4th and
5 th house are afflicted by maJefics, the 4th sign Cancer and
the significator Sun is also afflicted and that resulted into
heart failure.
68 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: 4.3 Horoscope No.: 3

Dale of birth , 25.09.1929 Time of birth 16: 12:30 hrs
Place of birth: Bulandshahr Lat 28:30:00 N Long 77:49:00E
Ayanamsa , 22,52,20 Sidereal Time : 16,08,50

Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad

Asc 29 ,04,19 Cap Dhanistha 2
Sun 8,59,54 Vir U Phalguni 4
Mo n 0,33,47 Gem Mrigshira 3
Mar 29,40040 Vir Chitra 2
Mer 0,28,59 Lib Chitra 3
Jup 23,22,0 I Tau Mrigshira 1
Ven 6,50,58 Leo Magha 3
Sat 1037,37 Sag Mao la 1
Rah 20,03,23 Ari Bharani 3
Ket 20,03,23 Lib Visakha 1

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Mon Mer
Sat Rah Jup
11 9 7 5
12 8 8 4
10 6
Rah 1 7 Ket Mer 9 3 Yen
4 12
Jup2 6 Sun 10 2
3 5 Mac 11 1
Mon Yen Ket Sat

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mar 3Y 2M 13D

The heart attack took place on 05.10.1980. It was

described as Coronary thrombosis. Rahu is present in the
4th house and Mars aspects it. Lord of the 4'" Mars is receiving
the malefic aspect of Saturn. Mars also aspects Saturn. Thus,
there is a mutual; aspect between Mars and Saturn. Thus,
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 69

the 4th house and the lord of the 4 th are both afflicted which
resulted in Coronary thrombosis but Jupiter's aspect on lagna
and the lord of the 4th Mars saved the native. The heart attack
took place when transiting Saturn and Mars crossed the
radical Sun and Mars in Virgo which is the 4th from Moon.
Mars is the lord of the 4 th house and transiting Saturn and
Mars crossed over them where radical Saturn has a square
aspect on transiting Saturn and Mars while transiting Mars
c r ossed the radical Sun and aspected radical Saturn
mutually. The main thing to note is the position of the Sun
in Cancer which is often harmful transit for the heart. The
native was passing in sub period of Rahu in major period of
Saturn. Rahu in 4'h house in Aries is certainly adverse
as Rahu is placed in Visakha constellation ruled by
12'h lord Jupiter where as Saturn is the dispositor of Jupiter
and rnarkesh as well and falls in Maala constellation ruled
by Ketu. Thus, Saturn's major period became a strong

Case: 4.4 Horoscope No . .- 4

Date of birth : 19.10.1962 Time of birth 13 :30:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat 26:27 :00 N Long80 : 19:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 19:59 Sidereal Time: 15:10:33

Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad

Asc 12:07:44 Cap Sravna 1
Sun 2 :07: 13 Lib Chitra 3
Man 19 :53 :20 Gem Ardra 4
Mar 10:28:46 Can Pushya 3
Mer 14 :23: 16 Vir Hasta 2
Jup(R) 9:39 :27 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Ven 4:00:39 SeQ Anuradha 1
Sat 11:30:21 Cap Sravna 1
Rah (R) 11:39:10 Can Pushya 3
Kct (R) 11 :39:10 Cap Sravna 1
70 Natal Planers and Fatal Diseases

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Jup Moe
11 9 2
12 8 Ven 3 11
Sat Ket Sa t Kel
10 I
I 4 10
4 7
Mac Ra h
2 Rah 6 M er Vcn 5 Sun 9Jup
3 5 6 Mac 8

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Rah OY 1M 24D

Th is h orosco pe belon gs to the you ngest son of a Senior

Police O ffi cer. The native could n ot be settled till 40 years of
age. He never took interest in studies. At his very you n g
age, he sta r ted taki n g drugs like smack etc. But tha t is
a n othe r story of his life. Howeve r, the n ative remained
unmarri ed in spite of sincere efforts of family members. The
personality of th e native wa s quite impressive and magnetic.
He was 6 feet tall, fai r and had proportionate limps. Sometim e
in November 2005, the naLive got up at 3'0 clock in the night
to see off his elde r broth e r who was going to Delhi. He was
fou nd dead in the m orning. Probably h e suffe red a m assive
heart a ttack. The re was no previous history of the heart trou ble
or attack.
Following combinations may be held responsible for the
sudden heart fai lure:
The lord of the 4 tk h ouse Mars is debilita ted in 4 tk sign
Cancer in th e 7 th house. Mars is closely conjoined with Rahu
where a s Saturn a nd Ketu are cl osely associated in the
ascendan t . Mars and Satu rn both are almost at th e same
degree iofront of each other and fall over the axis of node.
Thi s is extremely adverse and indicates death a t middle age.
Howeve r , the 8 tk lord Su n is debilitated in the lO th h ouse in
Ma n ia n conste ll ation Chitrao Th e Sun a lso obtains
V3.Igo ttam navamsa under d ebilitation. The Sun is aspected
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 71

by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. This indicates broakage in the

blood vessels of the heart giving rise to Coronary Thrombosis.
The combination of Saturn~Ketu and Mars-Rahu under
mutual aspect identical to the ascendant and the 7th house
is extremely adverse. That resulted into massive heart attack
du r ing the sub period of Moon in the major pe r iod of
Mercury. Moon is Markesh and falls in Rahu's constellation
Ardra in the 6 th house. Rahu is associated with Mars in the
7t h house in Saturn's constellation Pushya and Saturn is

the 2 nd lord who is heavily afflicted due to conjunction of

Ketu and close aspect of Mars and Rahu.

Blockage of heart vessels

The biological reasons of blockage of heart vessels is
already explained. Affliction to Venus by Saturn along with
the affliction to the lord of 4th house and the Sun causes
hloc:kag~ of h~l'Irt v~~~~ l R.

Venus rules Veins . Affliction to Venus with the Sun

particularly in the 4th house will result into hardening of
blood vessel~ narrowing. This may also cause improper flow
of blood or any other disturbance of nerves and veins related
with the heart.

By-pass and open heart surgery

By Pass surgery is done because the heart vessels that
supply blood to the heart are blocked by excess of cholesterol
or arteries are blocked by cholesterol. In By Pass surgery
doctors open the arteries and they clean it and again put it
back. In open heart surgery the malfunctioning part of the
heart is operated such as valves of the heart or the SAN (Sino
Atiral Node) etc. Open Heart surgery is much more
complicated operation then By Pass .
72 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: 4.5 H oroscope No.: 5

Date of birth : 11. 09.1935 Time of birth 08:31:00 hrs
Place of birth : Sasni Lat 27: 43:00 N Long 78:05 :00E
Ayanamsa : 22:57:48 Sidereal Time 07:30:10
Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Ase 26:58: 50 Vi r C hi{ra 2
Sun 24:29:2 3 Leo P PhaJ gu ni 4
Mon 29:57: 26 Cap Dhanistha 2
Mar 3:25 :0 3 Seo Anuradha I
Me r 18:08:22 Vir Hasta 3
Jup 25:36:55 Lib Visakha 2
Ven (RIC! 20:06: 39 Leo P Phal gu ni 3
Sat (R) 13:02:50 Aqu Satabh isha 2
Rah (R) 27:34:49 Sag Uttarasadh a I
Ket (R) 27:34:49 Gem Punarvasu 3
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Jup Yen Sun Ven Mar
7 5 7 5
M ar S 4 Sun 8 4
Mer Man
6 6
Rah 9 3 Ket Rah 9 3 Kct
12 12 Moe

Mon 10 2 Sa t 10 2Jup
11 11 I

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mar 3Y 6M 8D

Th e native com es fr om a roya l fa mi ly. He did

innumerable business including tha t of paper, resta uran t,
etc. he has been blessed with lot of immovable properties.
The native had to stru ggle hard with his brothers for various
property matters and that caused serious menta l tension
and stress resulting into heart problem.
The native was born in Virgo wh ic h obtain va
navamsa . Mars and Saturn occupy own sign Scorpio and
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 73

Aquarius synchronising with 3,d and 6'h house respectively.

There is mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn which has
resulted into various ailment, operation, accidents, piles,
prostrate etc. Rahu in the 4th house in Sagittarius in the
constellation of the Sun Uttara Shadha has given heart
problems and By Pass surgery. There is mutual aspect
between the Sun and Saturn. Here both are posited in own
sign Leo and Aquarius. The Sun is afflicted due to mutual
aspect of Saturn and conjunction w ith Venus. Venus
happens a maraka for Virgo ascendant and its association
with the Sun in the constellation Poot"Va Phalguni has further
intensified the afniction of the Sun. The Sun is the
significator of heart and eye. Therefore, the native suffered
heart problem. Here Saturn and Venus are retrograde and
aspect each other. Mars and the Sun who are placed in their
own signs Scorpio and Leo are aspected by 5 th and 6 th lord
Saturn . Thus, Mars , Saturn, the Sun and Venus are in
mutual quadrant and have negative aspect . The 8 th house
and 8 th lord Mars both are aspected by Saturn. Overall
configuration of planets indicate that the blood vessels were
heavily choked and left ventricle of heart was not functioning
properly. This resulted into heart attack and by-pass surgery
on 15.05.2006 during the sub period of Jupiter in the major
period of Mercury.

Case: 4.6 Horoscope No.: 6

Date of birth : 09.03.1953 Time of birth 17;33;00 hrs
Place of birth: Jabalpur Lat 23: 10:00 N Long 79:57:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 12:24 Sidereal Time: 04:30:19
Pin Degree Ras l Nakshatra Pa d
Ase 16: 15:36 Leo P Phalguni 1
Sun 25:25:06 Aqu P Bhadrapad 2
Man 4:27:55 Sag Moola 2
Mar 28:51:45 Pis Revati 4
Mec(R) 9:46:38 Pis U Bhadrapad 2
Jup 23:52:31 Ari Bharani 4
Ven 4:43:30 Ari Ashwini 2
74 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Sat (RJ 3,12,27 Li b Chitra 3

Rah 18 ,37,04 Cap Sravna 3
Ket 18,37,04 Can Aslesa 1
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
6 4 4
Sat 7 3 Sat 7 3 Rah
5 5
8 2 Jup 8 2 Mon Sun
11 II Yen
Mon 9 1 Jup Ket 9 1
10 12 Yen 10 12
Rah Mer Mar Mac

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of K et 4Y 7 M 2 6D

The native is a col. in th e army. He came to know about

his heart problem when he su ffe red from Enjina on January
1987 . He was not interested in any kind of surgery of h eart.
He took all pos s ibl e precautions a nd daily yaga s etc.
However, he CQu id not sustaoin long and finally h e had a By
Pass surgery on 13.01.1996 in the su b period of Saturn in
t h e major pe riod of Mars. The lord of th e 41h hou se Mars is
posited in t h e 8 11> h ouse with inimica l an d debilitated
Mercu ry. Here Mercury and Saturn are markesh an d Mars
is placed in Revati constellation ru led by Mercury and is
associated with Mercury as well. Ketu in Cancer in 12th
hou se is the d ispositorofMoon, Rahu in 6 th house I Capricorn
an d its dispositor is Sa turn . Satu rn is the lord of the 6 1h and
7 th h ouse and is retrograde in 3rd house and aspects Ketu.
12th lord Moon is also the dispositor of Ketu where a s Moon
falls in t he cons tellation of Ketu. Thus, Moon is under
influ ence of Ketu. Moreover, 6 th lord Saturn is retrograde in
2nd house and is aspected by Mars, Mercury and Jupiter.
Rahu falls in Sravna constellation ruled by Moon. Thu s , the
4th house , its lord, the Cancer s ign and its lord Man are
affl icted along with the affliction of lrika hou ses. However,
the Su n who is the kara ka of 7 th house in Aquarius ruled by
Saturn falls in Jupi ter 's constellation Poorva Bhadrapada.
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 75

Jupiter is the 8 th lord and is the dispositor of Mars. These

planetary combinations are respons ible for By Pass on
13. 01.1996 during the sub period of Saturn in the major
period of Mars. Saturn also faJls in Chittra constellation in
8th house. Saturn and Mars are 6 th and 8 11 \ from each other
giving rise to surgery of heart.

Case: 4.7 H oroscope No.: 7

Date of birth : 30.06. 1943 Time of birth 22:08:00 hr.
Place o f birth : Lu cknow Lal26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayan amsa : 23:03:52 Sidereal Time : 15:32:56
Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
A.c 18:39:20 Cap Sravna 3
Sun 14 :54:02 Oem Ardra 3
Mon 23:59:26 Tau Mrigshira 1
Mar 1:49: 10 Ari Ashwini 1
Mer 26:33:44 Tau Mrigshira 1
Jup 6:52:51 Can Pushya 2
Ven 0: 17:25 Leo Magha 1
Sat 25:53:26 Tau Mrigshira 1
Rah(R) 23:21:58 Can Aslesa 3
Ket (R) 23:21:58 Cap Dhanistha 1
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

11 9 Sal
Moe 4 2
12 8 Mon 5 1 Yen
KOl Mar
Mar Jup6 12
Sal 2 6 7 11 Sun
Moe 3 5 8 10 Rah
Mo Sun Ven

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mar 6Y 7M 26D

76 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

The native was senior officer in Air Traffic Control at

Mumbai. The n ative was not h aving any heart trouble but
routine fitness check up it was found that some of his pulse
were missing and later on in Enjiography it was found th a t
the arteries were choked. By Pass took place on 16.07.2001.
the n ative was born in Capricorn ascendant. 11 th and 4 th.
lord Mars falls in 4'" house in Ketu 's constellation Ashwini,
Mars obtains uargottam navamsa. Ketu is posited in martian
co nstellation Dhanistha in the asce ndant in Capricorn and
obtains the navamsa of the Sun. thus, there is mutual
exchange of constellation between Mars and Ketu. Whenever
Rahu or Ketu h ave exchange of constellations with 4th lord,
planet s placed therein or th e Sun there will be h eart p roblem
in one or the other way. The 5 1h house is occu pied by the 71h
lord, 6!h and 9 th lord Me rcury, t he ascendant and 2 nd lord
Saturn i.e. Moon, Mercury and Satu rn occupy th e 5 th house.
In fact, the conjunction of9!h lord with iagna lord in 5 th hou se
has ble ssed the native with h igh ly intellectual a nd weB
placed ch ildren . The Sun who is the karaka of heart falls in
6 th h ou se in Gemini in Rahu 's constella tion Ardra and Rahu
is tenanted in Cancer in 71h house. The Sun contains the
advers ity of Rahu and will gh'e the result of the affliction o f
Cancer sign as Rahu is placed there. Yogakaraka Venus h as
occ u p ie d t h e 8 1h h ouse in Leo and falls in Magha
co nstell a tion ruled by Ketu. Thus, Venus whic h rul es
arteries and blood vessels is under the influen ce of the Sun
and Ketu. Moreover, Venu s obtains the n avamsa of Mars
who is the 4th lord. This is a clear indication of bl ockage of
blood vessels. The planetary configuration indicates heart
problem a nd By Pass su rgery of heart . The native was
operated on 16.07.2001 during the sub period of Jupiter in
the maj or period of Saturn. Jupiter is the 12th lord and falls
in 7 th h ou s e in Asle sa con stellation ruled by 6 th lord Mercury
an d conj oined with Rahu . Jupiter is aspected by Mars and
Saturn as well. Therefore, Jupiter contain s the negative effect
of Mars, Saturn, Moon . Rahu and Mercu ry. Hence Jupiter is
a malefic thou gh e xalted and caused the unhappy event of
heart surgery.
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 77

Case: 4.8 H oroscope No.: 8

Dateofbirth : 17.11.1946 Time of birth 04: 15:00 hrs
Place of birth: Delhi Lat 28:39:00 N Long 77: 13:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:06:36 Sidereal Time : 07:35:28
Pin Degr ee Rasl Naksha tra Pad
Ase 2 7: 50:54 Vir Chitra 2
Sun 0:52: 19 Sea Visakha 4
Man 13:22:04 Leo P Phalguni 1
Mar (C) 14: 15:09 Sea Anuradha 4
Mer (RIC) 11:31:32 Sea Anuradha 3
Jup 18:11:17 Lib Swati 4
Ven (RIC) 2: 14: 15 Sea Visakha 4
Sat 15:46:01 Can Pushya 4
Rah (RI 18:47:12 Tau Rohini 3
Kel (RI 18:47:12 Sea J yestha 1
Lagn a Chart Navam sa Chart
Me r Jl!P Mon Mer Mon
Ket 7 5 7 5
Yen 8 4 Sat Sat 8 4 Ven
Sun Mar Sun
Mar 6 6
9 3 Ket 9 3 Rah
12 12
!O 2
11 1

BaJance ofVimsottari Dasa of Ve n 19Y 11M 110

The native was born in Virgo ascendant. All the four
quadrants are vacant. Lord of the 4th hose Jupiter joins the
2 nd hou se in inimical sign Libra and fall s in Swati
constellation ruled by Rahu. Thus, 4th and 7th lord Jupiter
becomes a killer as it is placed in the 2nd h ouse. The Sun is
the significator of heart is posited in Scorpio over the axis of
Rahu and Ketu. All these planets are shi fted in the 4 th house.
From Moon s ign the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Ketu and Mars
are placed in the 4 th house which caused heart trouble. The
lord of the 2nd house Venus is retrograde and its placement
78 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

over the axis of Rahu and Ketu is certainly adverse. Venus

is conjoined with 8 th and 3 ,,1 lord Mars . The lagana lord
Mercury is retrograde and combust in Scorpio and falls in
Anurdha constellation ruled by 6 th lord Saturn. Thus, Mars
and Mercury are under the influence of 5 th and 6 th lord
Saturn and Saturn's placement in Cancer resulted into heart
attack and failure . The native expired on 25.01.1982 during
the sub period of Venus in the major period of Moon and
these planets indicate sudden and unexpected death.

Case: 4.9 Horoscope No.: 9

Dateofbirth :20.07.1952 Timeofbirth 12:45:36hrs
Place of birth: Jabalpur Lat 23:10:00 N Long 79:S7:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:11:50 Sidereal Time: 08:27:27
P In Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Asc 10:21:44 Lib Swati 2
Sun 4: 18:02 Can Pushya 1
Mon 15:55:18 Gem Ardra 3
Mar 17:03:49 Lib Swati 4
Mer 0:24:49 Leo Magha 1
Jup 23:44:51 Ari Bharani 4
Ven ICI 11:18 :34 Can Pushya 3
Sat 16: 16:51 Vir Hasta 2
RahIR) 28:26:31 Cap Dhanistha 2
Ket IR) 28:26:31 Can Aslesa 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Sat Mon
8 6 11 9
9 5 Mer Kit 12 8Jup
Mar Mar
Rah 10 4 Yen Sun 7 Yen
I Ket 4
3 Mon Sat 2 6 Rah
2 3 5

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Rah 5Y 6M 2D

Cardiac Troubles and Planets 79

The native is a business m agnet of a city that has seen

nearly all phases of life. He has seen luxurious grandeur as
well as hand to mouth situation also. He had a major heart
The native was born in Libra ascendant occupied by
killer Mars which is in itself an adverse indication for heart
problem. Mars in ascendant causes severe hyper tension
and it was fatal if Mars fall sin Swati constellation in Libra
in ascendant. Here Rahu occupy the 4 th house in martian
conste llation Dhanistha. Thus, there s a exchange of
co nstellation of Rahu and Mars identical to ascendant and
4t h house.

Cancer sign should also be examined along with Leo.

In this horoscope the Sun, Venus and Ketu occupy Cancer
in 10 t h house. It has been repea tedly pointed out that for
examination of heart problem 4 th and 10 th house should be
examined simultaneously. 10 th lord Moon joins the inimical
sign Gemini in 9 th house. Here Moon falls in Ardra
constella tion ruled by Rahu. Rahu occu pies the 4 th house.
The 3,d and 6 th lord Jupiter who happens a malefic for Libra
ascendant and falls in Martian sign Aries and aspects Mars.
Here Jupiter and Mars both are aspecting each other. On
one side Jupiter's aspect on the ascendant saved the native
and on other s ide aspect of Mars on Jupiter reduced the life
force. This is a clear indication of open heart surgery. The
native had a By Pass on 12.09.1994 during the sub period of
Mercury in the major period of Mercury. Here Mercury joins
Leo and falls in Ketu's constellation Magha where as Ketu
fall in Mercury's co nstellation Aslesa. Thus, there is
exchange of constellation between mercury and Ketu. Ketu
rules over the electrical impulse of heart due to which heart

Case: 4 . 10 Horoscope No . .' 10

Date of birth : 24 .09.1965 Time of birth 15:50:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat26:27:00 N Long80:19:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:22:26 Sidereal Time: 15: 53:26
80 Nalal Planets and Fatal Diseases

P in Degree Rasl . Nakshatra Pad

Ase 24:39: 15 Cap Dhanistha 1
Su n 7:46:40 Vir U Phalguni 4
Mon (C) 28:06: 17 Leo U Phalguni 1
Mar 29:44:55 Lib Visakha 3
Me' (C) 5:08:29 Vir U Phalguni 3
Jup 6:54:01 Gem Ardra 1
Ven 19:01:39 Lib Swati 4
Sat (R) 19:07:26 Aqu Satabhisha 4
Rah(R} 13:34:39 Tau Robini 2
Ket (R) 13:34:39 SeD Anuradha 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

11 9 6 4
12 8 Ket 7 3 Mar
!O 5
1 Ket 8 2 Rah
4 11
Rah 2 6 Sun Mon 9 1
3 5 Me, Jup to 12
Jup Mon Sat
Yen Sun

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun 5Y 4M 7 D

The native was married on 04.05.1992 but he had an

Open Heart Surgery on 12.06.2003 at the age of 38 years.
Two valves were malfunctioning in his heart and were
The native is born in Capricorn ascendant whose lord
Saturn is placed in 2 nd house under retrograde motion. 41h
lord Mars falls in Libra in the lOlh-house with 5 th lord Venus .
Venus and Mars both aspect the 41h house . Aspect of Mars on
ascendant and 5 1h hou se and Rahu, indicates high blood
pressure and heart problem: 4lh house is aspected by Saturn
as ell . Thus, 4l h and 5 lh houses are afflicted due to aspect of
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 81

Saturn and mars respectively which indicate complication

in h eart problem because 5 '11 lord Venus falls in Rahu 's
co nste llation Swati. Saturn falls in Ra hu 's constellation
Satabhisha a nd R a hu falls in Saturn's c onst e llation
Anura dha. Moreover, Ketu and Moo n are aspected by Saturn .
The lord of Cancer, Moon falls in 8 th h o use in the Sun's
constellation Uttara Phalgu n i in Leo under the aspect of
Saturn. These are all negative combinations for heart. The
Sun, Satu rn and Venus obtain Jupiter 's navamsa in 8 th h ou se
Crom navamsa tagna. This also indicates h eart problem .
Jupite r is the significator of life Corce which is also afflicted
and it i s placed in inimica l sign Gemini in Rahu 's
conste llation Ardra and owns 31 and 12th house. Jupite r 's
aspect on 4 'h and 5 ,11 lord Mars and Venus h as Curther
inten s iCi e d the compli c ation . Thi s resulted in
malfunctio ning of two valves Cor which he was operated on
12.06 .2003 in the sub period of sun in the m aj o r period oC
Rahu .

Case: 4.11 Horoscop e No.: 11

Date oC birth : 0 4 .10.1 9 64 Time oC birth 00:05:00 hrs
Place of birth : Luc know Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:21:35 Sidereal Time : 00:48:34
Pll1 Degree Ras l Nakshatra P ad
As c 28:36: 0 9 Oem Punarvasu 3
Sun 17 : 12:3 1 Vir Hasta 3
Man 23:38:49 Leo P Phalguni 4
Mar 17:52:32 Can Aslesa 1
Mer (C) 8:00:29 Vir U Phalguni 4
Jup(R) 2: 10: 12 Tau Krittika 2
Ven 4:23:08 Leo Magha 2
Sat (R) 5: 41 :00 Aqu Dhanistha 4
Rah(R) 2:52:51 Oem Mrigshira 3
Ket (R) 2:52:5 1 Sag Moola
82 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Mac Jup Ven

4 2 4 2
Ven 5 1 5 Ket
Mo Rah Sun
3 3
Sun 6 12 6 12 Mer
Me 9 9
Ket Mac
7 11 Sat Rah 7 11
8 10 8 10
Man Sat Jup

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ven 4Y 6M l OD

The female was very famous for her outstanding beauty

and captivating personality. She was influential and
impressive. Everyone was desperate to talk to her or
otherwise to simply have a glance. One of her acquaintances
who was the friend of her father was very much impressed
by her behaviour and beauty. Somehow or the other
uncle started loving her secretly. She was also inclined
towards the magnetic personality of her uncle. It was an
unbearable shock to her father when he came to know that
she eloped with her so called uncle and married him on
She was born in Gemini ascendant. 6 11> lord Mars falls
in 2 house under debilitation and aspects the 5 1h, 8 1h and

9 1h house and, 8 1h and 9 1h lord Saturn. 3,d lord the Sun joins
the 41h house in association with 41h lord Mercury. Rahu is
posited in the ascendant and falls in Mrigshira constellation
ruled by 6 1h lo,d Mars. Saturn and Moon aspect each other.
Venus in Leo in 3,d house is also bad as it falls in Magha
constellation ruled by Ketu and is aspected by Saturn.
Saturn aspects the 6 1h house and Mars aspects the 8 1h house.
Thus, Mars and Saturn are playing negative role with regard
to heart and that resulted in Open Heart surgery during the
sub period of Saturn in the major period of Mars. Mars and
Saturn are in shadashtaka (61h /8 1h ) position.
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 83

Case: 4.12 Horoscope No.: 12

Date of birth : 16.11.1967 Time of birth 07:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Bulandshahr Lat28:30:00 N Long 77:49:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:24:20 Sidereal Time: 10: 19:02
Pin Degree Rul Nakshatra Pad
Ase 2:43: 13 Sea Visakha 4
Sun 29:35:29 Lib Visakha 3
Mon 17 : 12:59 Ari Bharani 2
Mar 24:30:34 Sag Purvasadha 4
Mer 10:2 6 :01 Lib Swatj 2
Jup 10:23:58 Leo Magba 4
Ven 13:08:44 Vir Hasta 1
Sat (RJ 12:43:30 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Rah (RJ 4:30:53 Ari Ashwini 2
Ket (R) 4:3 0:53 Ub Chitra 4
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Mer Sun
!O 6 Yen

Sat 12 4 Mar 8 12
1 3 Ket 9 11
Mon Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ven 14Y 2M 3D

The native has a large business of electronic equipments
at Dehradun. He started feeling physical debility gradually.
Later on he came to knoW that two valves of his heart were
damaged and inactive due to some reason . The native visited
to various hospitals including ESCORTS of Delhi. The doctors
told him that generally such kind of trouble of valves does
not occur. Therefore, the operation was not possible in India.
The native went to U.S.A. for the treatment. After examination
the doctors reached to the conclusion that this operation
84 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

will be done in 13 hours. He was scared and returned back.

It was becoming difficu lt day by day to continue with such a
severe heart problem. Such kind of heart surgery was full of
risk and there was a danger of life. At 40 years of age , nobody
would like to take such a risky step. But unfortunately, there
was no way out except such a long surgery in a foreign
In the meantime , n ative heard about the miracle of Dr.
Mulk Raj Dass. He went to Dr. Mulk Raj Dass and requested
him for the treatment of his heart. It will not be out o f place
to mention that native was not able to go anywhere without
the help of anotller person. It was always essential that one
person should accompany him because, he was not able to
walk properly. Dr. Mulk Raj Dass was kind enough to take
up the case of the native and within a period of three months,
he started coming by m otorcycle or alone from Dehradun to
Mussorie for the treatment. There is appreciable improvement
in the heart and valves of the native in these three months.
Concerning doctors of ESCORTS are highly astonished to
see this wonder, which they call the 8,h wonder. Doctors say
there is no other treatment of this kind of heart problem
except surgery. The n ative still taking the treatment and
has all hopes that he will recover cent-percent within next
few months.
Thanks to Dr. Mulk Raj Dass, whose touch therapy has
cu red the native to a great extent without involving any
surgery or the like. Native is extremely happy now. Who else
can do such wonders except the Living God Dr. Mulk Raj
The native was born in Scorpio ascendant at 2 43'.
Lagna lord Mars occupies the 2nd hou~e in Jupiterian sign
Sagittarius, whereas 4 lh lord Saturn falls in the 5 lh house in
Jupitarian sign Pisces, Mars and Saturn both aspect each
other. Here I would like to invite attention of readers that
the 4,h house indicates heart and 5 l h house indicates the
valves of the heart generally. In this horoscope , 4 lh and 5 th
house both are damaged due to mutual aspect between Mars
Cardiac Troubles and Planers 85

and Saturn identical to 2 nd and 5 1h house. The Sun is

significator of heart, which is placed in the sign of debilitation
on the axis of Rahu and Ketu. There is Grahan Yoga as the
Sun and Ketu. Moon and Rahu join 1 21h and 6 th house
respectively and fall in the same line of Zodiac. This happens
around the eclipse of the Sun. Thus, the Su n is eclipsed. 4 th
and 5 th houses are heavily damaged in this horoscope and
that has given rise to such a sivere problem of the valves of
heart of the native.

Case: 4.13 Horoscope No.: 13

Oateofbirth : 18.08.1939 Time of birth 12: 15:00 hrs
Place of birth: Raigarh Lat 21 :54:00 N Long 83:24:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:01:00 S~dereal Time : 10:01:32
PIn Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
Asc 1:46:53 Seo Visa.kha 4
Sun 1:24:52 Leo Magha 1
Mon 15:20:25 Vir Hasta 2
Mar(R) 1:07:43 Cap Uttarasadha 2
Mer (RIC) 19:29: 10 Can Aslesa 1
Jup(R) 15:09:37 Pis UBhadrapad 4
Ven (C) 26:19:42 Can Aslesa 3
Sat (R) 8: 14: 18 Ari Ashwini 3
Rah(R) 8:28:13 Lib Swati 1
Ket (R) 8:28: 13 Ari Ashwini 3
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Ket Sat
9 5 3
Mar 10 6Mon 6 2 Mon

Jupl2 4 Mer 12
1 3 Ven II
Sat Ket Ven

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mon 5Y 11M 28D

86 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

The native is a multi talented person. He is Ex. Director

in service and has a business of motor pumpsets but his
health was always questionable. He also had brain strokes.
The native is born in Scorpio ascendant. The 4th lord
Saturn falls in 6 th house in Aries in Ketu's constellation
Ashwini. Ketu is closely associated with Saturn as well. Ketu
and Saturn are placed at 8 0 of Aries in Ashwini constellation.
6 th lord Marsjoins the 3rd house in Capricorn and has mutual
aspect with Saturn i.e. Mars and Saturn have mutual
exchange of signs as well as mutual aspect between them
identical to 3rd and 6 th house. Mars and Saturn both are
retrograde. This is very distinct indication of heart problem
and By pass surgery. The Sun should also be considered
which falls in Leo in Ketu's constellation Magha. 7th lord
Venus and 8 th lord ercury both fall in inimical sign Cancer
and have mutual aspect. Rahu and Ketu fall in their own
constellations identical to 12th and 6 th house, and influence
heavily to the 4th lord Saturn as all these 3 planets are in the
same alignment. Native had a severe heart attack on
10.10.2004 and had a Engiography on February 2005 during
the sub period of Jupiter in the major period qfSatum. Jupiter
is retrograde and 2 nd lord and is placed in 5 th house in
Saturn's constellation Uttara Bhadrapada. Jupiter obtains
the navamsa of Mars. Saturn and Ketu obtain Gemini
navamsa which is the sign of 8 th house.

Case: 4.14 Homscope No.: 14

Date of birth : 03.08.1943 Time of birth 19:50:00 hrs
Place of birth: Firozpur Lat 30:55:00 N Long 74:38:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:03:57 Sidereal Time : 15:03:32
Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Ase 8:03:42 Cap Uttarasadha 4
Sun 17:15:49 Can Aslesa 1
Man 13:08:49 Leo Magha 4
Mac 24:39:00 Ari Bharani 4
Mee 3:42:03 Leo Magha 2
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 87

Jup Ic) 14: 18:27 Can Pu s hya 4

Yen 24:52:30 Leo P Phalguni 4
Sal 29:4 7 :56 Tau Mrigshira 2
Rah Ic) 22:52:02 Can Aslesa 2
Kel 22:52:02 Cap Sravna 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Char t

l2 8 Mer 2 10 Rah
10 12
Me, 1 7 3 9 Sun
Sat Yen
Mon4 8 Jup
Ket 5 7 Mar
Mer Mon
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of K et OY 1M 50
The native is a very sober business man. He is at present
dealing in textile at a very large level. Let us examine his
horoscope with regard to cardiac problem. He was born in
Capricorn ascendant. Mars in 4111 in Aries and Saturn in 5 111
in Taurus are extremely adverse as the Cancer s ign which
falls in 7T.h house is aspected by both of these malefics. The
Sun fall s in Cancer with Rah u and, 3 m and 12111 lord Jupiter
and all these three planets are aspected by Mars and Saturn.
Lord of Cancer, Moon falls in 8 111 h ouse in Magha
constellation ruled by Ketu. Mercury and Moon both are
conjoined in Leo with debilitated Venus in 8 tll house under
no benefic aspect. There is mutual exchange in the
constellation of Ketu and Moon as Moon falls in Magha
constellation ruled by Ketu and Ketu falls in Sravna
constellation ruled by Moon. Thus, Ketu and Moon effect
each other identical to ascendant and 8 111 house. Mars in
own sign in Bharani constellation ruled by yogakaraka
Venus resulted into choking of arteries and heart atlack.
The native was ultimately operated for By Pass in the sub
period of Ketu in the major period of Rahu.
88 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: 4.15 Horoscope No.: 15

Date of birth : 24.01.1941 Time of birth 03:35:00 hrs
Place of birth: Agra Lat 27:09:00 N Long 78:00:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:02:04 Sidereal Time : 11:28:22
Pin Degree Hasl . Nakshatra Pad
Ase 18:31:36 Seo Jyestha 1
Sun 10:30:21 Cap Sravna 1
Mon 26:02:24 Seo Jyestha 3
Mar 19:52:08 Seo Jyestha I
Mer (e) 18:54: 17 Cap Sravna 3
Jup 13:36:28 Ari Bharani 1
Ven 19:29:07 Sag Purvasadha 2
Sat 15:03:08 Ari Bharani 1
Rah{R) 10:52:49 Vir Hasta 1
Ket (R) 10:52 :49 Pis UBhadrapad 3
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

9 7 10 8
Mer 10 6 Rah Monil 7Ket
Sun Mon Mar Mac
8 9
11 5 12 6 Yen
2 3
Ket 12 4 Sun 1 5Jup
1 3 Rah 2 4 Sat
Jup Sat

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer 5Y OM 17D

The native died due to cardiac arrest on 19.11.1997

during the sub period of Rahu in the major perio~ of Rahu.
The native was born in Scorpio ascendant. Moon and Mars
are conjoined in the ascendant but both are posited in
Jyeshtha. Ruchchka Maha Purushayoga is present. The native
is Mangali and is married to a maTlgali girl on 24.11.1968
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 89

after proper matching of horoscopes by so called astrologers.

Marriage was broken within a month or so due to
unnecessary and extreme intervention of his mother in his
married life. The native was separated for 7 years. Thereafter
the wife of the native followed certain remedial measures as
advised and they were reunited in 1976. However, they were
leading a happy married life after that. That never complained
any heart trouble but he expired suddenly on 19.11.1997
due to a very severe heart attack and failure. 4th lord Saturn
joins the 6 th house under debilitation and Saturn aspects
the 8 th house. 6 th lord Mars too lends its negative aspect over
the 8 th house this shows average span of life. 5 th lord Jupiter
is also closely associated with Saturn in Aries in 6 th house.
Saturn aspects 8 th lord Mercury and lOth lord the Sun which
is adverse for heart. The 4 th , 7 th and 8 th house is aspected by
Mars. Placement of Mars and Moon in watery ascendant
Scorpio has resulted into severe hyper tension and that
resulted into heart failure. In this horoscope, 4 th house, its
lord and the Sun all are afflicted. Saturn and Jupiter obtain
the navamsa of the Sun whereas Rahu obtain the navamsa
of mars. The Sun is the weakest planet in birth chart as it
obtains 0.94 shadabala and its affliction by Rahu in navamsa
resulted into heart problem. Here we would like to humbly
opine that Jupiter is a life giving planet. In fact, the Sun
gives energy, strength and regulates heart beats etc. where
as Jupiter is the significator of life. If Jupiter is afflicted or
weak with afflicted Sun and 4th lord the life expectancy will
be Jess. In such a case the native may suffer from heart
problem and heart failure. In this horoscope 5 th house is
occupied by Ketu and 6 th house is occupied by Ketu and 6 th
house is occupied by 2 nd and 5 th lord Jupiter in association
with debilitated Saturn. Markesh Venus is hemmed between
the Sun and Venus. Venus indicates blood vessels, arteries,
etc. if Venus is afflicted due to any reason there will be one
or the other problem in arteries as it is so in present case.
The native died due to cardiac arrest on 19.11.1997 during
the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Rahu. Rahu fall
sin the constellation of Moon and Moon is debilitated in the
90 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

ascendant and falls in Jyeshtha constellation ruled by go.

lord Mercury.

Angina Pectoris
Angina pectoris occurs due to lack of oxygen supply to
the muscles of heart. Generally due to athroma of the arteries
reducing the lumen of the vessels. Other diseases like
anemia etc. may also be the cause. Even the muscles are
alright, owing to lack of supply of oxygen to the heart it
becomes poor and there is reduction in number of red blood
corpuscles. Due to demand of oxygen, a typical takes place
in the heart region . If angina occurs at rest, it can be
attributed to an acute coronary ins ufficiency . The Sun is
energy and he signifies oxygen. Therefore, affliction to the
- Sun generally results in angina pectoris, at times Venus is
also connected with.

Case: 4.16 Horoscope No.: 16

Date of birth : 01.08.1927 Time of birth 08:35:00 hrs
Place of birth: Meerut Lat 29:00:00 N Long 77:42:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:50:28 Sidereal Time : 04:50 :45

Pin De gree Ras l Nakshatra Pa d

Asc 21 :58:23 Leo P Phalguni 3
Sun 15:02: 18 Can Pushya 4
Mon 24:15:15 Leo P Phalguni 4
Mar 11 :24:44 Leo Magha 4
Mer 29:02:00 Gem Punarvasu 3
Jup(R) 10:35:04 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Ven 25:58:09 Leo P Phalguni 4
Sat (R) 8: 11 :56 Seo Anuradha 2
Rah (R) 4 :20:28 Gem Mrigshira 4
Ket (R) 4 :20:28 Sag Moola 2
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 91

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Sun Sat
6 4 6
7 Mon 3 Rah 5
MarVen Mec Jup
5 7
Sat 8 2 10 4 Mar
11 1
Ket 9 1 11 3 Mer
10 12 12 2
Jup Ket

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of V en 3 Y 7M 12D

The native had a serious heart problem. He suffered heart

attacks on 04.03.1982 , 18.11.1982 and 20.12.1982. This
was due to severe hyper tension. The native is born in Leo
ascendant. The sun's placement in the 12th house in Cancer
in Pushya constellation is a factor for heart trouble. The Moon
and Mars are conjoined with Venus in Leo and they are
receiving malefic aspect of Saturn which resulted in serious
heart trouble. Killer Saturn is placed in the 4th house and
Mars is under mutual aspect. On November 18 th, 1982 the
transiting Sun was crossing the radical Saturn in the 4th
house. Mars was transiting in the 5 th house over radical Ketu
and the transiting Saturn was aspecting the radical Sun.
On December 20th, 1982, the transiting sun was passing
over radical Ketu. Transiting Mars in Capricorn and Saturn
in Libra both were aspecting the radical Sun in Cancer. The
4th house is occupied by 6 th and 7th lord Saturn and is

aspected by Mars. There is mutual aspect between Saturn

and Mars identical to the ascendant and the 4th house. Ketu
in 5 th house in own conste ll ation Moola has further
enhanced theintensity. The significator of heart the Sun is
placed in 12th house under papakartari yoga which has
weakened the heart. However, the aspect of Jupiter on the
Sun has given amazing relief. 4th lord Mars obtains the
navamsa of debilitation and the Sun obtains the navamsa of
Mars Scorpio with Rahu, Moon and Venus. Scorpio sign falls
92 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

in 4 lh house therefore these planets the Sun, Rahu, Ven\.\s

and Moon should be treated as if they are posited in 4 th house.
They are likely to produce results of 4th house in Scorpio.
Th is is advance technique of navamSa. These all created
problems of heart for the native from time to time.

Case: 4. 17 Horoscop e No.: 17

Date of birth: 18.06 . 1959 Time of birth 07:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat26:27:00N Long80:19:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 17:29 S idereal Time: 0:33:28
PIn Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Asc 25: 13:42 Gem Punarvasu 2
Sun 2:47:57 Gem Mrigshira 3
Ma n 23:46:05 Lib Visakha 2
Mar 16:53:24 Can Aslesa 1
M er 19:22:38 Gem Ardra 4
Jup(R) 0:21 :42 Sea Visakha 4
Ven 18:04 :46 Can Aslesa 1
Sat (R) 11:04:14 Sag Maola 4
Rah(R) 16:49:03 Vir Hasta 3
Ket (R) 16:49:03 Pis Revati 1

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Mar Yen Rah
4 2 3 1
5 Sat 4 12 Mer
Sun Mer Jup Mon
3 2
Rah 6 12 Ket 5 11
9 8
Men 7 11 6
8 10 7
Jup Sun

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Jup 11Y 5M 220

Cardiac Troubles and Planets 93

The n alive had a swelling in his hearl during chi ldhood

which resulted in his slow physical growth. The 4'h house is
joined by Rahu and aspected by Saturn. The lord of the 6'h,
Mars joins Cancer sign and aspects 5'h and 8'" house. The
Sun is afnicted due to Saturn's opposition. The 4,h and its
lord Mercury also receive malefic aspects of the lords of the
8,h, Saturn. The Sun and Mercury in the ascendant and fall
in Mrigshira and Ardra conste llatio n respectively and a re
aspected by Saturn. Ruler of Ardra Rahu occupy the 4'h house
and is aspected by 8 1h lord Saturn. 6,h lord Mars aspects the
8 th house. Moon falls in Visakha ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter
gives rise to swe lling. Here Jupiter is the 7 th lord posited in
6 th house in own constellation Vishkha. Thus, Jupiter is
under the influence of Mars. Therefore Mars has caused heart
problems and Jupiter resulted in swelling.

Case: 4.18 Horoscope No.: 18

Date of birth : 28.09.1922 Time of birth 12:25:00 hrs
Place of birth: Delhi Lat 28:39:00 N Long 77: 13:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:46:40 S idereal Time : 12:28:57

Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad

Asc 1:21:35 Sag Moola 1
Suo 11:35:06 Vir Hasta 1
Moo 15:40:43 Sag Purvasad h a 1
Mar 15:48:50 Sag Purvasadh a 1
Mer 6:07: 17 Lib Chitr a 4
Jup 1:04: 11 Lib Ch itra 3
V eo 27: 14:05 Lib Visakha 3
Sat (C) 17:06:3 1 Vir Hasta 3
Rah (RIC) 7:03:39 Vir U Phalguni 4
Ket (R) 7:03:39 Pis U Bhadrapad 2
94 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Lagn a Chart Nav a m sa Cha rt

10 8 2 12
II 7 Jup Sat 3 II
Ven Ven Sun
Ket 12 4 10
I 5 Mon 5 9
2 4 Ma, 6 8
Ket Moe

. Balance ofVimsottari Dasa ofVen 16Y 5M 2 3 D

This is the horoscop e of Power Secretary of U.P. and ex.

Chairman of UPSES. He died at a very critical moment when
the Prime Minister of India had decided to reappoint him as
Chairman. The n ative is born in Sagittarius ascendant. Ketu
is present in the 4th hous e. Saturn and Mars both are
aspecting it. The significator of the heart, the Sun, is also
aspecting the 4 'h house and is afflicted owing to the
conjunction with Saturn and Rahu; this resulted in heart
failure. The 4 th house is aspected by 5 th and 12th lord Mars,
2 nd and 3rd lord Saturn, 9 th lord sun. Thus the 4th house is
receiving the malefic aspect of many planets. Placement of
Ketu alone in 4,h house causes heart problem and the problem
can definetly be fatal if the malefi c effects of many evil planets
is there. The Sun who is the sign ificator of heart is also
adversely effected due to conjun ction of Saturn and Rahu.
The native expired due to massive heart attack in September
1977 during the sub period of the Sun in the major period of
Rahu. Rahu and the Su n both are associated with markesh
Saturn in the 10'h house under severe affliction as explained

Case: 4.19 Horoscope No.: 19

Date of birth: 15.09 .1954 Time of birth 21 :58:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 13:44 Sidereal Time 21 :27:58
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 95

Pin Degree Ras i Nakshatra Pa d

Asc 11:59:52 Tau Rohini 1
Sun 29:03:29 Leo U Phalguni 1
Mon 8:26:56 Ari Ashwini 3
Mar 15:58:02 Sag Purvasadha 1
Mer 18:18:10 Vir Hasta 3
Jup 1:02:19 Can Punarvasu 4
Ven 14 :50 :20 Lib Swati 3
Sat 13:11:37 Lib Swati 2
Rah(RI 18:35:38 Sag Purvasadha 2
Ket (RI 18:35:38 Gem Ardra 4
Lagna Chart Navam sa Chart
Ket Mon Ket
3 1 2 12
Jup4 12 Mer 3 11 Yen
2 1
Sun 5 II Jup4 1U Sat
8 7
Mer 6 10 MarS 9 Sun
7 9 6 8
Yen Sat Rah Mar Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket 2Y 6M 2 3 D

This is a horoscope of a doctor in the year 2004 during
the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Jupiter. The
Sun is placed in Leo in 4111 house. Saturn in 6,11 and Mars
with Rahu in 8,h are very bad. Here Saturn fal ls in Rahu's
constellation Swati and J(etu is placed in Rahu's
constellation Ardra. Thus, Rahu who fal ls in Poorva Shadha
constellation is under the influence of Ketu, Mars, Saturn
and Venus. The Sun obtains Sagittarius navamsa which is
the 8,h house in the birth chart. Therfore, native suffered from
heart attack along with many other physical ailments. The
heart attack took place during the sub period of Rahu in the
major period of Jupiter because Jupiter is the 8,h lord and
Rahu is placed therein and both are in 6 111 / 8,h from each
96 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: 4.20 H oroscope No.: 20

Date of birth 15.04.1955 Time of birth 03;05:00 hrs
Place of birth: Delhi Lat 28:39:00 N Long 77: 13:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 14:13 Sidereal Time : 16:12:58

P1n Degree Ras! Nakshatra Pad

Asc 29:57:49 Cap Dhanistha 2
Sun 0:55: 15 Ari Ashwini 1
Mon 24:39:02 Sag Purvasadha 4
Mar 9 :25: 19 Tau Krittika 4
Me r (C) 22:01:26 Pis Revati 2
Jup 27:57: 17 Gem Punarvasu 3
Ven 25:06 :27 Aqu P Bhadrapad 2
Sat (R) 26:22 :51 Lib Visakha 2
Rah(R) 5:30:21 Sag Maola 2
Ket (R) 5:30:21 Gem Mrigshira 4
Lagna Chart Na.vamsa Chart

Ven Rah Me
11 9 7 5
Mer 12 8 Kel 8 4
10 6
Sun I 7 Sat 9 3Jup
4 12
Mar Rah
Mar2 6 Mer 10 2 Sat
3 5 11 1 Yen
Jup Ket Sun

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ven 3Y OM 8D

She is a very dynamic, daring and dashing busin ess

lady. She is suffering from complicated heart problems. S he
was born in Capricorn ascendant. The lord of 8 lh house the
Sun is exalted in 4th house but it falls in Ashwini
constellation ruled by Ketu. This si mple combination is
enough to c reate heart problem. Lagna lord Saturn is
retrograde and exalted in 106 house. The Su n in 41 h and
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 97

Saturn in 1Qth are aspecting each other and the refore these
have resu lted into heart problem and various other ailments:

Case: 4 .21 Horoscope No.: 21

Date of birth , 04.08.1978 Time of birth 15: 17:00 h rs
Place of bi rth: All ahabad Lat25,27,00 N Long8 L50,00E
Ayan amsa ,23,33 ,29 Sidereal Time : 12 ,04,4 6
Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
A sc 26,46,37 SeD J yestha 4
S un 18 ,06 ,22 Can As le sa 1
Mon (e} 22,06 ,09 Can Aslesa 2
Mar 6,27,30 Vir U Phalguni 3
Mer 9,26,19 Leo Magha 3
Jup 29A9,40 Gem Punarvasu 3
Ven 2,25,43 Vir U Phalguni 2
Sat 7:30:43 LCD Magba 3
Rah (R) 3,58,20 Vir U Phalguni 3
Ket (RI 3,58,20 Pis U Bhadrapad 1
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Rah Mar
Mar 1 11
Ven 2 10 Yen
ah Mon
8 12
11 5 Sat Mer MerJup 3 9 Su n
2 Sat 6
Ket 12 4 8
1 5 7

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer lOY OM 25D

Th e native was a good student throughout h is career.
He did M.B .A. after having passed B.Tech. He was only 24
years old and h ad a complaint of stomach problem and
frequent vomiting. He was examined agai n and again by the
doctors o f S"anjay Gandhi Post Graduate Insti tute (S.G.P.G. I. )
98 Natal Pla1lets and Fatal Diseases

at Lucknow. But the d octors failed to diagnose any kind of

heart problem. Th e native and his m other visited us for the
obvious r easo n s. After thorough examination of the
horoscope of the native, we concluded that he was s uffering
from s eri ous h eart proble m an d a r terie s from se riou s
myocardial infraction. He was hospitalized around 2:00 a.m.
in the nigh t. However , he could not be saved in spite of best
possible treatments. Following combina tion s of the cardi ac
trou ble s are present in the birth chart of the native.
Both th e lumaneries i.e. the Sun and Moon occupy the
9 th h ouse in Cancer sign which indicate left ventricle. Both
these planets a re closely associated in As lesa naks hatra,
who's ruler Mercury is the lord of 8 th house an d joins Leo,
the sign of the Sun. Mercury is associated with Saturn in
Leo in 10 th h ouse quite closely, which developed blockage
in the arteries. Ketu is posited in th e 5 th house under the
male fi c aspect of 6 th lord Mars . It also crea tes stomach and
heart problem. However, 5 th lord Jupiter falls in the 8 th hou se
under the malefic aspect of Saturn. He re Jupiter becomes a
killer as it is the lord of 2 nd hou se and falls in the 8 th hou se.
Venu s is also a Markesh for Scorpio ascendant because it
rules over 2 nd and 12th house. Thus. Venus and Jupiter b oth
are Markesh. Th e native expired due to massive heart attack
d uring the su b period of Jupiter in the major period of Venus
durin g 28 years o f age. Here I would like to invite t he
attention of the readers, astrology may be extremely u seful
in making correct and precise diagn osis of the diseases.

Case: 4.22 Horoscope No.: 22

Date of birth : 05.11. 1938 Time of birth 06:20 :00 h rs
Place of birth: Lu cknow La1 26:50:00 N Long 80: 54:00E
Aya n amsa : 23:00:21 Side real Time: 09:07:59
Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
Asc 18:28:50 Lib Swati 4
Sun 18:56:38 Lib Swati 4
Mon 12:32: 07 Pis U Bhadrapad 3
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 99

Mar 13 :47:02 Vir Hasta 2

Mer 4:07:59 SeD Anuradha 1
Jup 29:51:36 Cap Dhanistha 2
Yen (R) 11 :2 1:13 SeD Anuradha 3
Sat (R) 19:3 4 :21 Pis Revati 1
Rah (RI C) 24:51:11 Lib Visakha 2
Ket (R) 24:51:11 Ari Bharani 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

1 11
5 Rah 2 10
Sun Rah Mac Sun
7 12
Jup 10 4 3 9 Sat
1 6
Kel Jup
11 3 4 8 Ket
12 2 5 7
Man Sat
Ven Ma n

Balance of Vims ottari Dasa of Sat SY 10M 19D

The n ative was the Head of Department of Lucknow
University. He had heart problem and suffered three heart
attacks within 24 hours on 25. 12.1983. Thus, the native was
born in Libra ascendant with deb ilitated Sun which is
associated with Rahu and falls in Rahu's const ell ation Swati.
This in itself extremely adverse dispos ition for healthy heart.
However, markeshMars jo ins the 12 th house and 4th and 5 th
lord Saturn is posited in 6 th house in association with Mon .
there is mutual exchange between 4 th lord Saturn and 6 th
lord Jupiter. Thus, 4,h lord Saturn and l O th lo rd Moon are
conjoined in 6 th hou se h aving mutual aspect with markes h
Mars. Thi s res ulted into complex heart problem.

Case: 4.23 Horoscope No.: 23

Dateofbirth : 25.12 .1 952 Timeofbirth 15:00:00 hrs
Place of b irth: Lu c know La' 2 6 :50:00 N Long 80:54:008
Ayan am sa : 23: 12: 13 Siderea l Time: 2 1:08:57
100 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Pin De gree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 6:55:34 Tau Krittika 4
Sun 10:21:08 Sag Maola 4
Mon 0:24: 12 Ari Ashwini 1
Mar 2:33:05 Aqu Dhanistha 3
Mer 19 :47:34 Seo Jyestha 1
JuplR) 17:58:44 Ari Bharani 2
Ven 24:02:29 Cap Dhanistha 1
Sat 2:36:08 Lib Chitra 3
Rah IR) 19:57:30 Cap Sravna 3
Ket IR) 19:57:30 Can Aslesa 1
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Jup Man
3 1 II
Kct 4 12 10
2 12
5 11 Mar Rah 3 9 Ket
8 6 Me<
Mer Jup
6 10 Yen Sun 4 8
7 9 Rah 5 7
Sat Sun Ven Sat Mar
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket 6Y 9M 130

The native is simple, straight forward and honest person

who has sacrifice in his instinct and has always done. Most
of his relatives have misused his decency, integrity, liberal
and nature. However, in his early age he was a state level
sportsman of cricket, swimming, etc. he is working in
U.P,P.C.L.. but it is unfortunate that the department has not
given sportsman benefits to the native which he deserved.
This is du e to his extreme polite, liberal and helping attitude.
The native suffered from heart attack on 19 .09.1998.
Following planetary configuration is responsible for heart
problem of the native.
The native is born in Taurus ascendant. Lord of the
Cardiac Troubles and Planets !OI

ascendant Venus is placed over the axis of Rahu and Ketu

in 9 th house. This shows that the left ventricle had created
heart problem. In this birth chart, lord of the 4 lil house, karaka
of heart, the Sun is in Sagittarius in Moola constellation. It
is very clear from the position of the Sun that the native is
likely to suffer from heart trouble. Since the ascendant lord
Venus is under afniction by nodes and 4th lord the Sun who
occupy the 8 th house is also in Ketu's constellation. The Sun
is aspected by Saturn as well as Saturn in the 6 th hou se falls
in the Chittra constellation ruled by killer Mars. 5 th lord
Me rcury joins the 7th house in Scorpio in Jyeshtha
constellation. He re Mercury is a lso a markesh and is
hem med between the Su n and Saturn . These planetary set
up has given rise to heart problem to the native . However,
Jupiter's aspect over the 4 th , 6 th and 8 th house in addition to
Saturn and the Sun has given a great relief to the native.
This speaks that the heart problem will remain in control
throughout. He suffered heart attack during the sub period
of Saturn in the majo r period of Mars. Mars is markesh s in ce
it is the lord of 7 th and 12'h house where as Saturn's
placement in the 6 th h ouse in Rahu's constellation Swati is
bad for health. Saturn is also the dispositor of Mars therefore,
sub period of Saturn in the major period of Mars was adverse
fo r native. Th e native was passing through s.aadhe saati of
Saturn as that time which enhanced the negative effect of

Case: 4.24 Horoscope No.: 24

Date of birth : 13.03.1933 Time of birth 04:51:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:55:33 Sidereal Time : 16:05: II
Pin Degree Ras! Nakshatra Pad
Ase 28:33: 18 Cap Dhanistha 2
Sun 29:00:59 Aqu P Bhadrapad 3
Mon 10: 10:52 Vir Hasta I
Mar(R) 13:38: 12 Leo P Phalguni I
102 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Mer 14:28:29 Pis U Bhadrapad 4

Jup (R) 24056030 Leo P Ph aiguni 4
Yen 18:54: 18 Aqu Satabhisha 4
Sat 19015026 Cap Sravna 3
Rah (RIC) 14046031 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Ket (R) 14046031 Leo P Pha igu ni 1
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Su n Yen
Ket Mar
II 9 7 5
Mer 12 8 Jup 8 4
Sat Mee
10 6
I 7 9 3 Sat
4 12 Sun
10 2
Kct Rah Mon
Balance ofVimsottari Dasaof Mon 9Y 10M 110

The native was an inspector. He had a heart problem.

The first attack took place on 28.1 1.1977. Many astrological
remedies were s u ggested to him but he was over confi dent
of his long life. He didn't bother to follow anyone of them.
He was posted at Allahabad during his last days. He was
staying in a small room. His family, wife and four children
were living at Lucknow. Sometime in 1990 he had a severe
heart attack in the night. There was none to help him in any
way. He wanted to say something for his wife and children
but before that he died there was no one to listen.
He was born in Capricorn ascendant with Saturn. The
lord of 4 th hou s e Mars joins the 8 th house in Leo in association
with Ketu and retrograde Jupiter, Mars and Ketu are very
close to each other. They are hardly 10 apart. The Su n and
Rahu are associated in 2 nd house with the 5 th lord Venus.
Here the Sun, Rahu and Venus in 2 nd house. Mars Jupiter,
Ketu in 8 th are extremely adverse due to mu tual aspect with
each other. This resulted into heart attack and failure at the
Cardiac Troubles and Planets \03

age of 57 years . He was passing throu gh the sub period of

Ketu in the m ajor period of Saturn.

Case: 4.25 Horoscope No.: 25

Date of birth : 28.02.1959 Time of b irth 10: 30:00 hrs
Place of birth : Nagpur . Lat 2 1: 10:00 N Long 79: 12:00E

Ayanamsa : 23: 17: 17 Sidereal Time : 2 0 :45: 53
Pin Degree Ras l Nakshatra Pa d
Ase 27 :5 1:5 1 Ari Krittika 1
Su n 15:34 : 16 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Mon 20:20:37 Lib Visakha I
Mar 14:51:54 Tau Rohini 2
Mer (C) 27:2 6 :38 Aqu P Bha drapad 3
Jup 8:09:32 Seo Anuradha 2
Ven 11:20:45 Pis U Bhadrapad 3
Sat 11:59:15 Sag Moola 4
Rah 20: 10:35 Vi r Hasta 4
Ket 20:10:35 Pis Revati 2
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

Mar Ket Yen Ket

2 12 10 8
3 II Mer Sun 11 7 Yen
4 10 12 6Jup
7 3
Mon Mer
5 9 Sat Mon I 5
6 8 2 4
Rah Jup Mar Rah Sat

Balance of Vim sottari pasa of Jup ISY 7M ID

The native is an extremely talented, handsome person

and a very s enior officer in Indian Oil. The n ative is born in
Aries ascendant. 8 1n lord Mars is posited in 2 nd h ouse in
104 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Rohini constellation ruled by Moon and Moon is the 4th lord

placed in 701 house. Mars and Jupiter aspect each other
identica1 to 2 nd and 8 th house. Saturn aspects the Sun and
Rahu who are placed in ll ch and 6 th hou se respectively. Here
Rahu and Saturn both obtain Cancer navamsa. The Sun
obtains the navamsa of Saturn. 9 th lord Jupiter plays a
negative role as it falls in Scorpio in 8 th house ruled by Mars
and also falls in Anuradha constellation ruled by Saturn.
Jupiter is the dispositor of Saturn as well. Placement of
Saturn in 9 th house in Sagittarius in Maola constellation
indicates that the native had problem in his left ventricle.
Due to which he expired on 03.01.2006 during the sub period
of Jupiter in the major period of mercury. This may be noted
that 8 th lord Mars aspects slh , 9 1h and S lh house in a ddition to
Jupiter and Saturn.

Case: 4.26 Horoscope No.: 26

Date of birth : 19.04.1945 Time of birth 05:30:00 hrs
Place of birth: J a unpur Lat 25:44:00 N Long 82:41:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:05: 17 Sidereal Time : 18: 17:30
P in Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
Asc 12:56: 12 Pis U Bhadrapad 3
Sun 5:26:32 Ari Ashwini 2
Mon 1:06:25 Can Punarvasu 4
Mar 26: 10:56 Aqu P Bhadrapad 2
Mer (RIC) 26:25:53 Pis Revati 3
Jup (R) 25:26:07 Leo P Phalguni 4
Ven (RIC) 0: 13:27 Ari Ashwini 1
Sat 12:28:24 Gem Ardra 2
Rah 19:07:57 Gem Ardra 4
Ket 19:07:57 Sag Purvasadha 2
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 105

Lagn a Chart Navamsa Chart

Sun Yen Jup Ket
I 8 6
2 9 5
Sat Sat lO 4 M on
Ra I
Man 4 8 Mer II 3
5 7 12 2
Jup Rah Mar Sun
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Jup 2Y 8M ID
The native is a bank officer and has an involvement in
political scenario. He had a love m arriage on 31.01.1974
and is blessed with a daughter on 16.101990. He had a heart
attack on 20.06.2000. There is a clear indication of heart
problem as the 12th lord Saturn and Rahu are associated in
the 4th house and both fall in Ardra constellation ruled y
Rahu. 4 Lh lord Mercury is debilitated in ascendant under
retrograde motion. Mercury is hemmed between 6 Lh lord the
Sun , 8 Lh lord Venus and 2 nd lord Mars. Jupiter fall s in Leo in
the 6 Lh house as lagna lord and is aspected by killer Mars.
The native suffered heart attack on 20.06.2000 during the
sub pe riod of Rahu in the major period of Venu s. Placeme nt
of Rahu in 4th house in own constellation mostly gives rise
to complicated heart disease which is diffi cu lt to be

Case: 4.27 Horoscope No.: 27

Dateofbirth : 03.08.1955 Time of birth 02:35:00 hrs
Place of birth: Bareilly Lat 28:20:00 N Long 79:24:00E
Ayanarnsa : 23: 14:30 Sidereal Time: 23:05: 18
PIn Degree Ra.1 Nakahatra Pa d
Ase 6:37: 13 Gem Mr igshi r a 4
Sun 16:32:30 Can Pushya 4
Mon 5:50: 13 Cap Uttarasadha 3
Mar (C) 21:07:41 Can Aslesa 2
106 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Mer (e) 13:21:37 Can Pushya 4

Jup (D) 17:32: 14 Can Aslesa 1
Ven (e) 8:28:06 Can Pushya 2
Sat 21:25:55 Lib Visakha 1
Rah (R) 2:32:43 Sag Moola 1
Ket (R) 2:32:43 Gem Mrigshira 3
Lagn aChart Navam sa Chart
er up en Jup
Sun Mar
4 2 9
5 Mar 10 6 Yen
Sun Mer
Mon 11 5
Sat 7 11 12 4
8 1 3
Sat Rah
Balance orVimsottari Dasa of Sun l Y 10M 14D
The native died on 15.03.2006 when he was running
in his 51st year due to massive heart attack. He was on
ventilator for a long time but unlitimately he lost the battle
and left for final abode. 8 1h lord Saturn joins the 5 th house.
6 th lord Mars falls in 2 nd house in Cancer. There is mutual
aspect between Mars and Saturn identical to 2 nd and 5 1h
house which resulted into massive heart attack. However,
the Sun is also afflicted in Cancer heavily due to conjunction
with 4th lord Mercury, 5 th lord Venus, 6 th lord Mars and 7th
lord Jupiter under the malefic aspect of 8 th lord Saturn. The
native expired on 15.03.2006 during the sub period of Rahu
in the major period of Jupiter. Both are in 6 th / 8 th from each
other and are placed in maraka houses. Jupiter and Rahu
both are markesh in this h oroscope.

Case: 4.28 H oroscope No.: 28

Dateofbirth : 13.09.1950 Time of birth 03: 10:00 hrs
Place of birth: Bijnor Lat 29:22:00 N Long 7R09:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 10:06 Sidereal Time: 02: 17:53
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 107

Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pa d

Ase 18:51:47 Can Aslesa 1
Suo 26:22:26 Leo P Phalguni 4
Moo (C) 6 :2 1:06 Vir U Phalguni 3
Mar 28:00:27 Ub Visakha 3
Mer (RIC) 5:07:54 Vir U Phalguni 3
Jup(R) 7:05:04 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Veo 10:20:00 Leo Magha 4
Sat (D) 29:06:40 Leo U PhaJguni I
Rah 5: 15:03 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Ket (R) 5: 15:03 Vir U Phalgun i 3
LagnaCbart Navamsa Chart
Sun Yen Sun
Mon 5 10 8
Mer6 II 7
Ke Jup Sat
4 9
Mar7 1 12 6
10 3
8 12 Rah 1 5 Rah
9 II 2 4
Jup Ven

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun 1Y 7M 21D

The native was a reputed and handsome ENT surgeon.
He was extrem ely talle n ted in his work. On 12.08. 1986 he
had a serious accident in which he and his wife were badly
inju red . He almost lost his one eye in the accident. However,
he suffered a heart attack in March 1996. He had engioplasty
on 06.05.1996. he went to Escorts for his thorough check up
some time in April 1996. Everything was a perfectly alright.
After coming from Escorts he was shifting to his new home
at 1'" Ooor as he was posted in Kanpur Health Hospital. He
had a severe he8l"t attack on 04.11 . 1996 and could not be
saved inspite of best and immediate action. His wife was also
a senior and popular doctor at the same hospital. He was
born in Cancer ascendant. The 5 th lord Mars joins Libra. 4 th
lord Venus is conjoined with inimical Sun. in fact, the Sun,
108 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Saturn and Venus are associated in 2 nd house in Leo. The

Sun and Saturn are markeshin this horoscope and are closely
associated. Saturn aspects the 4t h h ouse and 5 1h lord Mars .
In navamsa chart Mars and Saturn aspect each other which
has further intensified the affliction. The native suffered this
tragedy in the sub period of Venus in the major period of

Case: 4 .29 Horoscope No.: 29

Date of birth : 09.11.1924 Time of birth 05:35:00 hrs
Place of birth: Chandausi Lat 28:06:00 N Long 77:50:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:48: 14 Sidereal Time : 08:27:54
Pin De gree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
As e 9:39:47 Lib Swati I
Sun 23:31:04 Lib Visakha 2
Mon 24:52:34 Pis Revati 3
Mar 15:13:46 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Mer Ie) 1:47:44 Seo Visakha 4
Jup 28:32:30 Seo Jyestha 4
Ven 14:48:24 Vir Hasta 2
Sat (e) 13:41:22 Lib Swati 3
Rah(R) 25:56: 12 Can Aslesa 3
Ket (R) 25:56: 12 Cap Dhanistha I
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
8 Sat
9 Ma<
Sun Sat Mon
7 Ra 9
Ket 10 Jup 12 6
1 3
3 5 Ket
2 2 4
Sun Ven
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer 6Y 6M 120
She was married at about 16 years of age with an
engineer. However, conjugal bliss was almost absent. But
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 109

she was bles sed with 10 c hildren the eldest child died after
3 years of his birth, one m o re child also expired. If the native
is born in Libra ascendant and if Mars is placed in the 5 1h.
house 1 SI son d oes not survives. Mars in 5'h. also gives cardiac
problems. In this horoscope Mars joins the 5 1h. h o use in
Aquarius and falls in Rahu's constellation Satabhisha which
in ten s ifie s the intensity of Mars. The aspec t of Mars o n 8 th
house is certainly adverse. Howeve r, the aspect of Mars on
12Lh house an Ve nus was also troublesom e fo r h e r married

life. Exalted and yogakaraka Saturn falls in the ascendant

with d e bilitated S un. The S un Saturn conjunction m ay also
cause heart problem and this point should also be kept in
mind. Here, Saturn is the lord of 4 Lh and 5 th hou se, and faJi s
in Swati constellation ruled by Rahu. This is a stro ng
indication of h eart probl e m. 4th and 10 th house mu s t be
considered especially if Rahu or Ketu are placed there
ide ntical to Cancer or Leo signs. In this horoscope Rahu fall s
in Cancer in 10 th house where as Ketu in Capricorn in 4 th .
Saturn aspects Rahu and afflict the Su n . thu s, th e 4th h ouse,
4 tll sign and the s ignificator Su n all are afflicted in one or
the other way. Saturn, Ma rs, Moon and Rahu obtain the
n avamsa of Saturn i.e. Aquarius. Aquarius is 5 th hou se from
ascendant. This also confirms the cardiac pro blem . She was
suffe ring form high blood pressure and diabetes but never
had any h eart proble m. Suddenly, on 19 . 11 . 1986 she
experienced some pain in her chest. S he stepped down from
the bed and lied on the earth keeping her head towards east.
Sh e started enchanting Rama so loudly that neighbo urs
could also hear. It was a massive Cardiac arrest. She left the
world for the final abode at the same time . The best part was
that one of her son put Thlsi and Ganga Jat in h e r mouth
when was enchanting the name of Lord Rama. She expired
during the sun period of Saturn in the m ajor pe riod of Rahu .

Case: 4 .30 Horoscope No.: 30

Dateof birth : 27.04.1944 Time of birth 15:40:00 hrs
Place of b irth: Me e rut Lal29:00:00 N Long 77:42:00E
Ayanam sa : 23:04:29 Sidereal Time : 04:41 :44
11 0 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Asc 19:46:20 Leo P Phaiguni 2
Sun 13:54:06 Ari Bharani I
Mon 11:22:53 Gem Ardra 2
Mar 22:43: 35 Gem Punarvasu I
Mer (RIC! 22:05:06 Ari Bharani 3
Jup 24:16:25 Can Aslesa 3
Ven 27:40:02 Pis Revati 4
Sat 0:24:07 Gem Mrigshira 3
Rah (R) 8:26:21 Can Pushya 2
Ket (RI 8:26:21 Cap Uttarasadha 4
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Rah Jup Mer Sat Sun
6 4 Mon 7 5
7 3 Mar 8 4
Sat Rah
5 6
8 2 9 3
II 12

9 1 Sun
10 12 Mer
Ket Yen

Balance ofVimsottari Dasaof Rab IlY 7M 180

The native of this horoscope was suffering (rorp various

physical ailments such as Liver fatty infiltratioin. cervical
spondylitis, waist and knee joint pain. His two artries were
also blocked. The native was born in Leo ascendant. Lord of
the 4th house Mars is posited in Gemini with Saturn and
Moon. All the three planets viz. Saturn, Mars & Moon aspect
the 5 1h house. The lagoa lord Sun is exalted the 9 th house
with Markesh Mercury. Here Sun fall s in Bharani nakshatra
ru led by Mercury obtains own navamsa. 5 th lord Jupiter is
posited in the 12'h hou se over the axis at Rahu and Ketu in
the constellation of 2nd lord Mercury. Mercury and Venus
indicate arteries and ventricles. Here 8'h lord Jupitere is
associated with Rahu, 9 th lord Mars is afflicted by 7'h lord
Saturn and lOth lord Moon. Thu s, the concerning p lanets
Cardiac Troubles and Planets III

are under the innuence of Markesh which h ave damaged

t h e arteries of the n ative giving rise to heart problem.

Case: 4.31 Horoscope No ..- 31

Dateofb irth : 14.12. 1939 Time of birth 04: 51 :00 hrs
Place of birth : La t 30:58:00 N Long 73:2 1:OOE
Ayanam sa : 23:01:13 S id ereal Time : 9:4 1:2 1

Pin Degree Ras i Nakshatra Pad

As e 2 4 : 13: 18 Lib Visakha 2
Sun 28:02:25 SeD J yesth a 4
Mon 4:12:32 Cap Uttarasadha 3
Mar 22:48:53 Aqu P Bhadra pad I
Mer 7 :06:33 SeD Anuradha 2
Jup 6:28:23 Pi s U Bhadra pad I
Ven 22:53: 11 Sag Purvasadha 3
Sat (R) 1:34:37 Ar i Ashwini I
Rah (R) 4:45:52 Lib Chitra 4
Ket (R) 4 :45:52 Ari Ashwini 2
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Sun Mer Sat Mar
8 6 3 1
Ve n 9 5 4 12Sun
Rah K ot
7 2
Mon 10 4 Ju pS 11 Mon
1 8
Sat Rah
Marl! Kel 3 M er 6 10
12 2 7 9
Jup Ven

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of SUD 2Y 7M 8D

The n ative is b orn in Lib r a ascendant. The native was

suffering from heart trouble for many ye ars. The 4lh h ouse
receives th e male fi c aspect of d ebilitated Saturn . Lord of the
112 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

4th is debilitated and conjoins Ketu which is an adverse factor.

Markesh Mars afflicts the 51h house as it is posited there.
Saturn and Ketu both (all in Ashwini constellation ruled by
Ketu and both are dispositor of Mars whose placement in
the 5 th house had given rise to heart proble m to the native.
8 th house is aspected by Mars, the Sun and 12'h lord Mercury.
The Sun who is the significator of heart falls in 2 nd house in
martian sign Scor pio in jyeshtha constellatio n ruled by
Mercury. However, the Sun and Mercury are aspected by
Jupite r which has redu ced the adversity of heart problem to
some extent. The native lived long inspite of a couple of heart
attacks. Mars and Saturn o btain navamsa of Mars wh e re as
Rahu who is posited in the ascendant in chittra constellation
ruled by Mars obt.ains Navamsa of mars as well. In this
horoscope, t.he role of Mars and Saturn is qu ite n egative
which re sulted into heart p roblem.

Case: 4.32 H oroscop e No.: 32

Date of birth : 14.10.1935 Time of birth 16:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:57:5 1 Sidereal Time : 17:2 1:46
P in Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Ase 23:45:05 Aqu P Bhadrapad 2
Su n 27:10:56 Vir Chitra 2
Mon 28: 14 :15 Ari Krittika 1
Mar 26:32:45 Seo Jyestha 3
Mer (RIC) 5: 2 4:49 Lib Chitra 4
Jup 1 :36:28 Seo Visakha 4
Yen 17:28:11 Leo P Phalguni 2
Sat (R) 11:03:00 Aqu Satabhisha 2
Rah (R) 23:53:00 Sag Purvasadha 4
Ket (R) 23:53:00 Gem Punarvasu 2
( Cardiac Troubles and Planets 113

LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

12 10 3 1
Mon 1 9 Rah Jup4 12
8Jup Mar 5 11 Mar
Sun 6 Rah 10 Sat
Yen 7 9

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun SY 3M 15D

The native was born in Aquarius ascendant. The native
suffered sudden heart attack on 21.02.1979. th e lord of the
411> house Venus is receiving the malefic aspect of Saturn
and mars is aspectin g the 411> house. Ketu's presence in the
5 th h ouse and aspect of Mars on him are also indicators of
affliction in electrical activity of the rhythm of the heart.
On the day of the heart attack, the Sun, Mars and Ketu
were trans itin g in Aquarius , i.e. over radical lagna and
Saturn. Transiting Saturn and Rahu were crossing over the
radical position of the 4th lord Venus which was also damaged
by the aspects of transiting Mat's. Thus, the 4th h ouse and
the lord of the 4 th both 'were affljcted along with the 5 th house
in course of aspect and passing of transiting planets over
radical ones. Satu rn who is placed in ascendan t in own
sign Aquarius and fall s in Satabhish a conste ll ation ruled
by Rahu. Here Saturn aspects Venus who is posited in the
7th house in Leo. There is mutual aspect between Saturn
and Mars, this is always adverse for serious health problem.
Here Mars and Satu rn both fall in own sign Scorpio and
Aquarius and have mutual aspect with each other, The 5 th
house also h as a vital role in heart problem where is placed
and is aspected by Mars. The se planetary positions are
responsible for heart problem of the native.

Generally the normal heart of an adu lt beats 72 times
114 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

every minute. But due to affliction to the Sun, Moon or Mars,

the interval between heartbeats is decreased and number of
beats is increased.
Very o ften, an attack of Angina is accompanied by a
fear of impending death and this fear complex makes the
patient to seek immediate medical advice. This pain makes
the patient stand still, but disappears quickly, usually within
1 to 3 minutes on resting. But if the pain lasts for more than
15 minutes, we have to suspect acute myocardial infraction .
1. Exertion : Such as climbing a hill or staircase, running
to catch a bus or train or training at s tools.
2. E m otion : Such as outbursts of j oy, anger, grief,
exci tement etc.
3. Cold : Cold atmosphere reduces the exercise tolerance
of patients of angina.
4. Meals : Heavy meals, which distend the stomac h.
S. Diab e t es: Predisposes to angina because of its relation
to a theroma.

Case: 4.33 Horoscope No.: 33

Date of birth : 09.02.1953 Time of birth 23:55:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:12:21 Sidereal Time : 9:06:46
Pin Degree Rasi Nakabatra Pa d
Ase 18:01:00 Lib Swati 4
Sun 27:31:09 Cap Dhanistha 2
Mon 29:10:58 Seo Jyestba 4
Mar 8:05:53 Pis UBhadrapad 2
Mer Ic) 2:43 :49 Aqu Dhanistha 3
Jup 19 :50 :49 Ari Bharani 2
Ven 14:05:56 Pis U Bhadrapad 4
Sat IRJ 4:04:25 Lib Chitra 4
Rah Ic) 19:07:37 Cap Sravna 3
Ket 19:07 :37 Can Aslesa
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 115

Lagn a Chart Navamsa Chart

8 6
9 5
Sun 10 4 Ket
Ra 1
3 4 8 Yen
2 5 7 Sat

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer IY OM 15D

The native is a businessman but he is utter failure in

his life. Inspite of exalted Saturn in the ascendant he suffered
from Trachocardia. The Sun and Rahu are conjoined in the
41h house in Capricorn. This has resulted into Trachocardia.
Moreover, 41h lord Saturn who is retrograde and falls in
Chittra constellation ruled by Mars, has also enhanced the
adversity. It may be noted that retrograde and exalted Saturn
will behave like debilitated Saturn. There is mutual
exchange of constellations of Saturn and Mars. Mars fall in
Saturn's constellation Uttara Bhadrapada and Saturn falls
Martian constellation Chittra. Thus, the 616 house and the
ascendant are heavily afflicted by Mars and Saturn in
addition to the Sun and 41h house. This astrological
justification of sufferings due to trachocardia.

Case: 4.34 Horoscope No.: 34

Date of birth : 21.02.1928 Timeofbirth 18:39:00hrs
Place of birth: Bareilly Lat 28:20:00 N Long 79:24:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:50:57 Sidereal Time: 4:27:29

Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pa d

Ase 16:47:15 Leo P Phalguni 2
Sun 8:49:24 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Mon (D) 10:43:28 Aqu Satabhisha 2
116 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Mar 2:04:22 Cap Uttarasadha 2

Mer (RIC) 15:03:04 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Jup 13:06:21 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Ven 5:46:06 Cap Uttarasadha 3
Sat 25:12:03 SeQ Jyestha 3
Rah(R) 22:36:43 Tau Rohini 4
Ket (R) 22:36:43 SeQ Jyestha 2
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

6 4 5
7 3 4 Rah
5 6
Sat 8 2 Rah Sun 9 3
Ke 11 ;2
Moe Ket
9 Sun Mar 10 2
10 Man 12 Man 11
MarVen Jup Sat
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Rah 12Y 6M 7D

The native is 80 years old and he is leading a healthy

life though not happy. He is suffering from heart disease,
called Trachocardia. 'He is extremely religious, God fearing
and spends atleast 3 to 4 hours in his day to day worship. He
started his career from an ordinary supervisor and was
ultimately promoted to Chief Engineer of the World Bank.
He was blessed with a handsome and healthy child soon
after marriage but the child died within 3 to 4 years, 2 nd child
was born thereafter. He also died and the third child also
died at 12 years of age due to liver problem. The astonishing
fact was his firm belief in Almighty. At the time of death of all
his children he remembered Almighty and uttered that
whatever you have done is for my good interest. He and his
wife cried a lot but never blamed Him for the loss of any
child. The native is childless now. Even at the age of 80 years
he does a lot of work and had recently gone for the darshan
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 117

of Chara Dham all alone. His wife left his company on

15.08.2003 forever. He remained under so much of stress
after the death of his three children that heart problem was
d eveloped.
Saturn and Ketu in Scorpio in 4 11'1 house fall in Jyeshtha
constellation which is in itself an indication of Heart
Problem. The lords of the 4l1'1 house, Mars falls in the 6 11'1 house
in Capricorn in sun's constellation Uttara Shadha. In fact,
there is mutual exchange between 4 11'1 lord Mars and 6 th lord
Saturn. This is a distinct indication of chest problem or heart
problem. The ascendant lord the Sun falls in the 7 11'1 house
in Aquarius and it is also afflicted as it is conjoined with
12 11'1 lord Moon and 2 nd lord Mercury and all these three
planets Le. the Sun, Moon and Mercury fall in Satabhisha
constellation which indicates wife will suffer from any
chronic disease like Cancer. In fact, Satabhisha is ruled by
Rahu and Rahu is most poisonous planet r esponsible for
Cancer. However, the 7 th house i!'; hemmed between benefic~
like Venus and Jupiter which has formed 'Shubhakartari
Yoga ' the native led a very happy, loving, co-operative and
decent married life and wife accompanied him till 75 years
of his age.

Case: 4.35 Horoscope No.: 35

Date of birth : 11.09.1948 Time of birth 06:20:00 hrs
Place of birth: Allahabad La! 25:27:00 N Long 8 1:50:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:08:15 Sidereal Time : 5:37:09

Pin Degree Ra.1 Naksbatra Pad

Ase 1:42: 15 Vir U Phalguni 2
Sun 25:03:04 Leo P Phalguni 4
Mon 3:40:26 Sag Maola 2
Mar 11:48: 16 Lib Swati 2
Mer 17:43:49 Vir Hasta 3
Jup 26:59:33 Seo Jyestha 4
118 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Ven 9:21:02 Can Pushya 2

Sat 5:52:34 Leo Magha 2
Rah Ic) 12:55:39 Ari Ashwini 4
Ket Ic) 12:55:39 Lib Swati 2
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Mar Ket Sat Sun
7 5 11 9
Jup8 4 Yen Jup12 8 Su n
Moo 9 3
10 2 Mon
11 1 Sat

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket SY OM 26D

She is a famous and one of the most reputed doctors of

Allahabad. She has suffered two heart attacks on 27.12.1997
and August 2000 respectively. In this horoscope, the native
is born in Virgo ascendant. The ascendant and its lord
Mercury are hemmed between 1S\ rate malefic planets Mars,
Ketu, the Sun and Saturn. Mars and Ketu are placed in
Rahu's constellation Swati in 2nd house in Libra. Saturn and
the Sun fall in the 121h house in Leo and 6 1h lord Saturn falls
in Magha constellation ruled by Ketu. Saturn is associated
with the Sun and aspects Mars and Ketu. Here Rahu is
tenanted in 80. house in Ketu 's constellation Ashwini and
Ketu is tenanted in Rahu's constellation Swati. This has
intensified the adversity of Rahu and Ketu both. The Moon
who is posited in the 4th house is under the strong negative
influence of Ketu as it falls in Moola constellation ruled by
Ketu and Ketu is afflicted by Mars and Saturn both. Maraka
Venus falls in Cancer and is the dispositor of Moon as well.
Therefore, Moon in 4t h is under the innuence of Jupiter,
Venus , Ketu and Rahu . This has given various complication
in the heart of the native.
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 119

Case: 4.36 H oroscope No.: 36

Date of birth : 18.07.1942 Time of birth 01:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat 26:27:00 N Long 80: 19:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:03:10 Sidereal Time: 20:31:13
Pin Degree Ra.1 Nabhatra Pa d
Asc 26: 15:52 Ari Bharani 4
Sun 1 :30:45 Can Punarvasu 4
Mon 20:08:57 Leo P Phalguni 3
Mar 27:50:14 Can Aslesa 4
Mer 14:40:02 Gem Ardra 3
Jup 15:25:49 Gem Ardra 3
Yen 0:27:00 Gem Mrigshira 3
Sat 15:31:02 Tau Rohini 2
Rah 11:45:00 Leo Magha 4
Ket 11:45:00 Aqu Satabhisha 2
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Mer 2 12 9
Jup 3 11 Ket Ket 10
1 8
Sun4 Mer 11 5
Ma 7 Jup 2
Mon Mar 12 4 Sun
Rah 1 3 Rah

Balance' of Vimsottari Dasa of Ve n 9Y 9M 9D

The individual is a high government officia1. He suffered

from heart trouble and trachicarida. The Sun and Mars both
are placed in the 4th house in Cancer receiving the aspect of
malefic Saturn. Mars is debilitate in cancer and owns the
8 th house as well. In April 1983, he suffered very severe heart
attack because transiting Saturn and Mars were in Libra
and Taurus respectively and both were aspecting the 4th
house, Mars and the sun. placement of Rahu in 5 th house in
120 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Leo in Ketu's constellation Magha has also enhanced the

seriousness of heart problem 4t h lord Moon falls in Leo in
Poorva Phalguni constellation ruled by markesh Venus.
Thus, 4 th and 5 th house are heavily afflicted. The Sun in
Canecr and Moon in Leo synchronisin g with 4 t h and 5 th house
are bad for heart but the affliction of the Sun by Saturn and
Mars, and that of Moon by Rahu, Ketu and markeshVenusis
a clear indication of severe heart problem and trachicardia.

Case: 4.37 Horoscope No.: 37

Date of birth : 06.04 .1 964 Time of birth 21 :30:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat26:11:00 N Long82:22:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:21:10 Sidereal Time : 10:29:21
PIn Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Ase 5:53:28 SeQ Anuradha 1
Sun 23:31: 12 Pi s RevaH 3
Mon 9:31:23 Cap Uttara!'ladha 4
Mar (e) 13:00:33 Pis UBhad rapad 3
Mer 12:37:40 Ari Ashwin i 4
Jup 5 :1 8:19 Ari Ashwini 2
Ven 9: 13:03 Tau Krittika 4
Sat 8:01 :34 Aqu Satabh isha I
Rah(R) 12 :25:16 Gem Ardra 2
Ket (R) 12:25: 16 Sag Moola 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Ket Ket Mer
9 7 6 4
Mon 10 6 Mar? 3
Sat 11 5

MerJup Yen Mon

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun OY 2M 17D

Cardiac Troubles and Planets 121

The female is suffering from Trachicardia since 21 years

of age. The native is born in Scorpio ascendant. Saturn joins
the 4th house in Aquarius and falls in Satabhisha
constellation ruled by Rahu and Rahu posited in 8 'h house
in own constellation Ardra. Thu s the 4 th house is under the
influence of Satu rn and Rahu. Whereas 5 ' h. house is also
under the influence of the Sun and Mars. Aspect of Mars on
8 'h house and Rahu is bad whereas the aspect of Saturn on
the 6 th hou se, 8 th lord Mercury and 2 nd lord Jupiter is also
adverse because Me r cu ry and Jupiter fall in Ashwini
constellation ruled by Ketu and Ketu is posited in 2 nd house
in own constellation Moola. Th e r efore, n odes fal l in own
cons tell ation identica l to 8 th and 2 nd h ouse. This has
increased the malefic nature of the nodes. Planets like
Jupiter, Mercury whc are posited in the constellation of Rahu
and Ketu tend to enhance the heart problem. Here the 4th
house and Saturn are hemmed between the Sun and Moon
which is also an unhealthy disposition.

Hole in Heart
This is also one of the major problems of heart. This is
usually from the time of birth. A hole in heart develops due
to incomplete development of the heart in womb of the mother.
Due to the hole in the heart the native is not able to lead a
normal life. The native is devoid of atheletism.

Case: 4 .38 Horoscope No.: 38

Dateofbirth : 10. 11 . 1966 Timeofbirth 06: 11:00hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat26:50:00 N Long80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:23:24 Sidereal Time : 09: 19:32

Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Asc 20:35:33 Lib Visakha 1
Sun 23:46:32 Lib Visakha 2
Mon 18:42:16 Vir Hasta 3
Mar 23: 15:40 Leo P Phalguni 3
122 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Mer(RI 9:01:35 Seo Anuradha 2

. Jup 10:52:43 Can Pushya 3
Ven (DI 24:01:34 Lib Visakha 2
Sat (RI 29:46:01 Aqu P Bhadrapad 3
Rah 22:52:27 Ari Bharani 3
Ket (DI 22:52:27 Lib Visakha 1
Lagna Chart Navam sa Chart
Su n Yen

4 10
5 Mar 9
6 Jup 8

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mon 3Y SM 2 0D

The native had a hole in his heart and was operated on

20.12.1978. by the grace of God he fully recovered and now
he can work just like a normal energetic person. He h ad
been married on 12.06.1990 and had been blessed with one
daughter and one son. Following combinations of p lanets
are responsible for the heart trouble.
Mars is positioned in 11th house in Leo and Saturn is
posited in Aquarius in Slh house. Both Mars and Saturn are
aspecting each other and lend their joint aspect on Mercury
and 2n.d house. Howeve r . the affliction of Mercury is
responsible for the hole in heart in addition to other
afflictions.4thlord Saturn occupies the 5 th house and is
aspected by killer Mars. This is adverse combination for heart.
The joint aspect of Mars and Saturn on Mercury in 2nd house
has goiven rise to hole in heart. The Sun is debilitated in
the ascendant and is very closely associated with Venus
and Ketu. The sun is at 23 , Ketu is at 22 and 24". All the
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 123

three planets are placed in Visakha con ste lla tion ruled by
Jupiter and Jupiter is exalted in the 10!h house and fall in
Pu s hya constellation due to which the native was cu red and
recovered fully. The operation of heart of the native took place
on 20. 12. 1978 during the sub period of Rahu in the m ajor
p eriod of Rahu.

Case: 4.39 Horoscope No. : 39

Date ofbirth : 04 .06. 1996 Time of birth 06:40:00 h rs
Place of birth: Bombay Lat 18:58:00 'N Long 72: 50:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:48:28 Sidereal Time: 22:52:22
PID Degree RaBI Nakshatra Pad
Ase 28:26:54 Tau Mrigshira 2
Sun 19:53:39 Tau Rohini 3
Mon 20: 18:26 Sag Purvasadha 3
Mar 0:01:38 Tau Krittika 2
Mer 27:47:40 Ari Krittika 1
Jup(R) 22:26: 35 Sag Purvasadha 3
Ven (R) 0 : 12:50 Gem Mrigshira 3
Sat 11 :57:09 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Rah (R) 21:31:50 Vir Hasta 4
Ket (R) 21:31:50 Pis Revati 2
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Yen Mer up on
Yen Sa
3 1 7 5
4 12 Ket 8 4 Ra h
Mer 9 3 Sun
10 2

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ven 9Y 6M 14D

124 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

She is a small child who had a hole in her heart from

the birth for which her heart. was operated many times. The
hole of her heart effected her physical and mental growth to
a great extent. Her parents are trying very hard for her mental
and physical development. The recovery of heart is also done
after surgery. The combinations resulting in it are given
She was born in Taurus ascendant with 7th and 12th lord
Mars in ascendant. Mars is associated with the Sun. Mars
falls in the constellation of the Sun, Sun is the 4th lord and
is aspected by Saturn, Mars also receives Saturn's aspect.
Saturn and Ketu are associated in Pisces in 11 th house from
where Saturn aspects the 8 th house, Moon and Jupiter placed
therein. The Balarishta Yoga is present in this birth chart for
which she suffered a lot during childhood. The negative effect
of Saturn on Mars and the Sun along with affliction of the 4th
lord Mars has given hert problem and since Moon is in the
8 th house therefore this problem has come from birth. Mars
and Saturn both aspect the 8 th house, the 8 th lord Jupiter
and 12th lord Moon. This is undoubtedly most undesirable
planetary combination for various troubles.

Case: 4.40 Horoscope No.: 40

Date of birth : 14.12.1944 Time of birth 04: 13:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat26:27:00 N Long80:19:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:05:00 Sidereal Time : 8:34:03

Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 11:07:54 Lib Swati 2
Sun 28:42: 17 Seo Jyestha 4
Mon 8:25:58 Seo Anuradha 2
Mar (C) 20:02:46 Seo Jyestha 2
Mer(R) 15:52:23 Sag Purvasadha 1
Jup 3:04:59 Vir U Phalguni 2
Yen 10:08:23 Cap Sravna I
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 125

Sat (R) 15:27:20 Gem Ardra 3

Rah (R) 25:30: 15 Gem Punarvasu 2
Ket (R) 25:30: 15 Sag Purvasadha 4
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Sun Mon Jup Sat
6 II 9
Kot 9 5 Sun 12 Mac 8 Ket
Moe Jup
Yen 10 Yen 1 7
II 3 Sat Rah 2
12 2 Rah 3

Balance ofVimsottari Dasa of Sat IlY 8M 24D

The female na tive of this chart was extremely charming
and beautiful at her young age. She was famous for her tall
stru cture, Kashmiri outlook, pinki sh complexion, silk like
skin and what not . Everyone was attracted towards her. Her
married life was full of conju gal bliss and blessed with one
son and one daughter. Both children were meritorious and
very good looking. However, s h e led extremely miserable life
with regard to her disobedient, proud, arrogant, ill tempered
as we ll as misbehaved. Th e b eh aviour of her c hildren
resulted into deep shock to her and ultimately s he cou ld
n ot bear the pressure and expired due to sudden heart attack
in the early year 2006.
She was born in Libra ascendant. Lord of the 4th hou se
Saturn fall s over the axis of nodes and also fall s in Rahu 's
cons tellation Ardra. This is sufficient to cause heart problem.
The lagn a and 8 th lord Venus is posited in 4t h hou se in Sun 's
.c onstellation Uttarasadh a. The significator of heart Sun is
associated with the killer Mars in 2 nd hou se. Mars is also
associated with the Sun and joins Anuradha n akshatra .
Thu s, the conjunction of Sun, Moo n and Mars in Scorpio in
2nd house is adverse for a healthy heart. All these three planets
viz. the Sun, Moon and Mars aspect the 8 1h house and
126 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

particularly Mars aspects the 5 th house which show heart

Mars, Sun and Moon also aspect the 8 th house where as
Saturn and Jupiter both aspect the 6 1h house. Here Jupiter
falls in constellation Dhanistha ruled by Markesh Mars.
Thus, there is a clear indication of sudden heart problem
and death.

Case: 4.41 Horoscope No . .' 41

Dateofbirth : 19.11.1944 Time of birth 16:14:00 hrs
Place of birth: Hardoi Lat 27:23:00 N Long 80:06:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:04:56 Sidereal Time : 18:57:36
Pin Degree Ra.i Nakshatra Pad
Ase 26:56:21 Pis Revati 4
Sun 3:52: 11 Seo Anuradha 1
Mon 14:44:42 Sag Purvasadha 1
Mar (D) 2:27:53 Seo Visakha 4
Mer 20:13:21 Seo Jyestha 2
Jup 0:1 1:20 Vir U Phalguni 2
Ven 10:40:31 Sag Moola 4
Sat (R) 17:02:00 Gem Ardra 4
Rah(R) 26:32:17 Gem Punarvasu 2
Ket (R) 26:32: 17 Sag Purvasadha 4
LagoaChart Navamsa Chart

1 11
2 10 Rah 2
12 12
Sat 3 9 Yen Mon 3 9
Ra 6 Ket 6

Balance of Virnsottari Dasa of Ven t TY 10M 17D

Cardiac Troubles and Planets 127

The native was a Superintendent Engineer. He retired

in 2002 at 58 years of age but he was extremely smart, alert,
active and enthusiastic. He used to do yoga everyday to keep
himself healthy. Sometime in 2004 he went to market and
saw television etc. In the evening there was no problem and
he slept at night with his wife and could not get up in the
morning because he was in eternal sleep. There was no
history of heart attack but that was a fatal n ight when he
might have had massive heart attack. However, following
combinations in his horoscope reveal the fact.
He was born in Pisces ascendant. Saturn and Rahu are
placed in 4th house in Gemini. Here Saturn is retrograde
and falls in Rahu's constellation Ardra in 8 th house. This
indicates blockage in blood vessels and arteries. However,
the 9 th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Mercury. The
significator Sun is under the influence of Mars and Mercury
and falls in Anuradha nakshatra. The Sun is associated with
the killer Mars and Mercury. For Pisces ascendant, Mars
and Mercury are Markesh and Sun's association with
Markesh is always adverse. Moreover, Mars obtains the
Navamsa of debilitation in Cancer. Moon and Venus are
inimical towards each other. These are placed over the axis
of nodes in the 10 th house. Thus, Saturn and Rahu in 4 th ,
Moon, Venus and Ketu in 10th aspect each other and have
spoiled the 4th house which indicates heart region . Therefore,
the native suffered massive heart attack. Here the lagna lord
Jupiter aspects the ascendant and that has given such a
fearful death to the native at 60 years of age.
The Sun plays a great part in cau sin g heart troubles.
The transit of the Sun in Cancer, Leo, Aquarius or Capricorn
may cause heart troubles. When lagoa is a watery sign and
the lords of lagoa occupies 6 th , 8 th or 12th and it has any
connection with the Su n , 4 th house , Cancer or Leo, there
will be possibilities of heart trouble. When Cancer, Leo,
Capricorn or Aquarius falls in the 4th house and 4th or its
lord is afflicted by malefic like Mars, Saturn, Ketu and Rahu,
the person may have h eart troubles. Saturn's affliction to
128 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Leo is dangerous resulting in to weakening of the heart.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is also one of the
causes of heart trouble. Mars governs the blood cells while
the Moon governs watery portion of the blood. Mars in the
constellation of Ketu causes low blood pressure while in
the Sun's sign, Leo or the Moon's sign Cancer and vice-versa
causes' high blood pressure.
Apart from the 4th and 5 th , the 9 th house is also important
as it governs the left ventricle the 5 th governs the right
ventricle of the heart.
Transit of Saturn and Mars over the radical SUI]. causes
heart trouble. Transit of the Sun or Mars in Cancer and Leo
is bad for the smooth functioning of the heart.
When the Sun passes over radical Mars or vice-versa, it
causes high blood pressure. Similarly, the Moon's transit
over the Sun and Mars causes hypertension . The Sun's
debilitation in the 4th house invariably causes heart diseas~s.
Jupiter's aspect or presence in lagna or the 4th house
saves one generally from heart diseases. Jupiter's
conjunction with the Moon or Square to the Moon is also a
good factor.

!I'I' ,,,,,Iq,, '!l'f!<r 'l.r;;;1'"Q<liiJ'l"''l: I

'l ~ lfim\ ~'''' <I'ffi'I 'l 'IT ~ I I
The work kept for tomorrow should be completed today
itself. The work kept pending for the afternoon should be
done at the beginning of the day itself. Death does not see
whether we have completed a task or not.

~ 'IT'lf ~ flpi 'F'1''''m<:,.",: ,
met". ~ <mil ~ " "fi'!I'J: , ,
Staying in a home with an evil wife, a friend who is a
cheat, and a seroant who argues, no doubt, is equal to death!


Predicting and
Preventing Cardiac Troubles

Pre-remedial and rectificational

measures for Heart Diseases
Heart trouble is caused due to various reasons and
planetary configurations in the birth-chart of the native. The
Sun is the major significator of Heart and if the Sun is afflicted
by malefic either by conjunction or by aspect or by the
placement in the constellation or Navamansas of malefic like
Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn etc.
The study of the 4lh house indicates the position of the
Heart. If malefic are posited in the 4th house, there will be
cardiac problem time to time. If the Sun and Ketu are placed
[n the 4th house particularly in Cancer sign, the problem
connected with heart is bound to take place. Similarly, if
Mars and Sun; Saturn and Sun; Mars and Saturn; Rahu and
Saturn; Rahu and Mars; Ketu and Mars; Ketu and Saturn
etc. afflicted the 4th house, one will suffer from serious heart
problem. If Mars is posited in the Ascendant ruled by Venus
Le. Libra or Taurus Ascendant bypass surgery will take place
provided the 4'h house is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu afflicted
or week Sun.
The Sun is the owner of Leo sign. Therefore, the 5 'h house
and the Leo sign should also be taken into consideration, if
the Lords of the 6 th, 8 th or 12'h house are placed in the 4th or
130 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

5 th house under affiiction due to conjunction or aspect of

malefic, heart problem or attack will surely be there.
However, if the Lord of the 4th and 5 th house are adversely
placed in the 6 th , 8 11'1 or 12th house, heart problem will trouble
to the native. For Cancer ascendant, placement of the Sun
in 4th house under d ebilitation is indicative of heart problem
particularly, if the Sun falls in Swati Nakshatra. There are
various combination, which give rise to cardiac trouble. heart
failure and other problems of the heart. These combinations
have ' been explained in the earlier chapters with the help of
practical birth-charts of the natives, who under went cardiac
troubles. However, there is no use of foretelling heart problem
until unless the heart problem is prevented.
Thc::re are various spiritual remedies and r ectification
measures, which are of great help in preventing cardiac
problem, heart attack and various other troubles of the heart.
These remedial meas ures are given below. The natives may
follow these measures under the supervision of any expert,
experienced and learned Aacharya, who is a competent Karm
Kandee. If these remedial measures will be undertaken from
the very beginning the possibility of heart problem will
disappear. We have observed the amazing affects of the
remedial measures during 35 years of our study and practice
of astrology. The n atives, who were likely to suffer from Heart
troubles, Cancer, AIDS., Brain Hemorrhage, Stroke,
Paralysis. Lever Cirrhosis and Hepatitis-B and C e tc., were
saved completely with the help of following remedial
measures, which were taken very well in advance.
We are fu!"ni s h ing a few most useful, tested and
beneficial spiritual remedial measures , which may be
undertaken soon after the diagnosis of any kind of Heart
trouble, in any part of the World. Remedies may be performed
anywhere but proper Sankalp and recitation of Mantras etc.
IS extremely essential.

In respect of the remedial measures, the performance of

proper worship and recitation of Mantras and reading of
Slotras, Sukt etc. along with the method of Purashcharan,
Predictillg alld Preventing Cardiac Troubles 131

one-ten th of Havan, Tarpan , Marjan and Brahmin Bhojan

etc. We are not giving the ir details and specifi cations here ,
otherw-ise it will become a exhaustive work, which is beyond
the scope of this book as limited space is available to us.

1. Swastivachan ('Iilfffiq l il~)

Swastivachan has its own importance and it is read to
make the atmosphere pure and pious. Swastivachan should
definitely be pronounced loudly before commencement of
any worship, Anushthaan or recitation of Mantras etc .. If the
atmosphere is pure and pious by the favourable vibration o f
the Mantras of Swastivachan, one feel~ an experience and
inclination towards devotion and dedication for the supreme

'" "IT 'IT'11:!: ~ "'1! fi),.<ilS.", ,<il ",q6" ,O ;rtl:<:": I

~ 'Ii" _ O"'~'i!!il "'O'" IS<il ~ ~-~ III II

'" ~ '11:!llqill.t", .,; toRi '" "ill.", 'it f.'l.J.,,'l; I

~ '" O",,!!q.1f<~q l <ni ~ 'I ""S: lIiltFu ;;ft<Rl '12 I I
'" ""l'l'fllT f.'lflro ~ <ni 'l'i ~.q<llill",,,,qf\1,,'l; I
3flfquf <fQUT U ~ ~~: tlQ'lI qtH<6Hl. I 13 I I

'" <I'll <mil '!'it ~ ~ <f"fRIT 'lft <IfffiIT m: ""

11m"T: Wi-wn q<il!!.",.~<"" 'T.!'i 1WmIT ~ 114 I I

'" ., <ll'II 4 ;;pffi: "~,,,Ili Itl" r,o, '" q. 6 ~ '1'I'l: I

'l'IT'IT _ a".,"o" tu -umrr "'S"': ~ 115 II
'" <'Iflif 'I >'lit 'f<''lr<IT: <'Iflif 'I: 'l'IT ~.t<:r: I
<'Iflif 'ffirn'Ilsftoc-"'lflI: <'Iflif 'IT 'i;;"'ill~'ITl! I 16 I I
'" 'i""'" '11><1: ~: '{l'i 'II<IRt ~ ;,rnnr: I
ilIfr.r-~ 'R'!: W--ifmi\ flt>i\ 'IT ~'IS'. ' 'l'Iflr;; I 17 I I

'" 'Ii!~: "rTIT" ~ 'Ii!~: I

Il'M~<\l'$" '" ."'i!'I<4~ ~~: 118 II
132 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

@l :tldfll9; :m:~1sr;, ~"lJ?f '1:t*fil\JIHit.1"1~i I

~ lI'! fltit ~ 1!At """ flFl.<llg>f-m 119 II

"" ",~fd<ih~fd,,,,Fl~: I """ II ~ II !ri: I

fil,il~", ~: I ,''',"",: .. ~fd,"f<l"~fdoff.l,,,,( 1110 II

""..n: ,,,f.\I,,,,Fl,,,,,, ~: '!f'I<i\ ,,,f.\I,,,: ,,,f.\I~,,,": ~: I

"""'<Ill: ,,,f.\I~~: ,,,f.\I.'t" ~: "fl<f '" ~: ,,,f.\I{"
~: 1fT 'lP"f.\I{i<l1 I 11 "

"" 'I<i\ lI<f: ~ mit ~ 31'!'i 'l' III .,.: 'l' lI'ifl'Rit ",,": ~ I
IluH'1llJ{q;1 ~ u ~ fQlllUlic<t1 fiIcrqfu" u ~ Pim'litcll
f.)i<l,fd '" ;;<11'# ~ I ",,.","If.) 'I'iurr "''',"Ifu ~ 1112 II
This shanti path makes the atmosphere extremely full
of pious vibrations and inspires one for recitation of Mantras,
Stotra etc. It develops concentration as well.

2. Sankalp and Worship

Select the most appropriate Muhurat for the
commencement of Anushthaan. Perform Shodshopchaar
poojan of Lord Shiva. Thereafter speak out the proper Sankalp
for the cure of the dreaded disease Cancer in the following
way. Before speaking the following Sankalp, one may take
little water, one or two flowers, a few particles of rice, money
or coins with a unbroken betel nut (Supan) in the right hand
or a Copper pot. Thereafter concentrate over the Lord Ganpati
and pronounce the following Sankalp. The name, place, date,
month and the day should also be mentioned accordingly.
Purpose of worship or Anushthaan should be extremely clear
and distinct.
Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 133

lI\ 11.,jt ""~II~ 'I'!: II lI\

Sankalp (~)
@J l<ffta ~ ~flfUl~I"1~t4I'WU, !l4q'i1~Ht4 3ffi" ~ ~
~ %"""",,,01-,,,,, lI'I'mf, Y~"R"il 0T<it ~ mit, <rfiit ~,
(q"'doR &IBI:tI(( ~ lftit. '3ftt<lditIO(i ~ t<tlq'WCIRq~ "'(1(loli
'!tit lI'<I'I ~""'d""',,", ~-<trr, 61'I1:-<ffi:I<iM''''; "M'''''; '!tit <I<f'IR
~~ ",r,,!0 mil,,"",", om .,. """"'
'lqOScll""d 1fa, 6'kufiQQE4itRff.) \:II"'l6lit ~ "1ittl osHI ~,
<filfZ Ol""f<\Mf

"1 cHi(it?lil \:11"1 Pc!:tJ) ul it (d tlO~ ~ q ('I q Pc!:4 it I(d it if, 311 qfit'd f""d ,fd
il",.4ail ~~ 'l'IffiR ~""'g< (mffil~, -,II"""";
6f.o;t <il, 'If\>F['IflJ-./l ,f.! .. " ,R", ... (I.",<Jjd-~",,,ito-"IfQq;-f{
tt iH0:i48&1IQrtfqa, !l4itJql~ ~, !I4't cuR~~~cHtt(Joli"lJE 6qclG4"1lflot
li<ffiI't, fl\"".q 'lfiq,,,,,l, ~,~I('Itdl, "'~"Y<"'<iI"o1 ~..rn ~
~ 1M'. I '" flpft, ,,1') ...t, l<!<ft-"ru'l, 'll"'" <i\i\, ..'1 ~ .""oil,
(I~,ll<Ia 'lfi<!!f, <ft"(I~,ll<Ia 'lfi -R, ~ ~~, ~
...,.-om """(I~'ll<Ia!!~~ lIl'T""'f ~-f<\~,,,,,.; 'll"$".l\IeII
(~) '0,,)"'''11, ,; ~ """''ll'" lIflrqr "oll6f~d' "","'.,: <l'fi
'S~"1i"if ~ ~ VS .... lotR 'CfTfufu"~~..:qHRlCfl
Sfl<ll""'6:!'ffi', .""""R-~ ~,,;of.m '11'1, f.Ifim-W'l-mq,
<tfflr ~!ffi<J: .. '" ,<fl1.",,, I') d-hl!'" Roil" , 'ffi-'RT'f-3!"6TI-
qltlilH-3rw- iTf:tll":uR - \FIITG utf.Rr tlQWF!lCflI(, et3ftq~lq, wr q<loliR
Pc!Pc!lNI:tl \/If.)dPc!CflH , mt'l?r, ~, ij$lfll<l, Qltrtdlf51, ~~tfa:tl
~!ll{'lIR Rdl19fMPid, fc'1Pc!QPc!CflI(loti F!ltficldl'lJCfi \/I .... cl''1Iij\ 4ttcl i '1lq:
QItlcl'"1I~ itgtlfreQ ~-ftfc6..:qI(CflIRttlHRtld ~ ~~, dONljqdlfN:,
I') 'iRt 'l4.,; , "'.."" ft-~.nmt-Ol flI:ft.,,, ~m-Y '" "'<fm-~~
!l41 0 11!:tII-RcH:tI!:tIlR d'Mjqdlft6C!f.1'lRi"JCfl" . rcWfl'$l, impft 9 1, iUg4l$I,
H' g<1 <I.. tft$', q~",i!<(lRtft $1, f.t'{Rt 'l"'" 3R"!T!j-'"""" g I') '{Rt'l<fq;,
""Mf<\"" ""\lI'Ii\I\I"'''''II4,R>i,,, d,""<il,,!cl,ri,,, ~ dIIflI--<II1RIlm'R
'l'i<fi .rtft """" "",,,,,",",.,,,fliI.,fl,,,
If<i m '-'IIftr '!."f<r: f.I,!",ot
~ ",,,l.d'~, ~-~-",,-~-.ol'""6 Y'~'l4"; "<iffiI ""
134 Natal Planets and Fatal Dis eases

~~, r&:r, qHflI,."iRt flI",.~, ~, ~, ~, ""'"

<fi9I -.;t'lT-",'ITiflt qfl6H,,<I<fi <!lQlg", \11""'>1'( am 'if WTf
R!(ifIl\'1 ~ SlIG:{lI& ~ '1C1%I Oli \3f!{!\l"b\'l f.lHi'1'i<f<htl'J"b\'lf4if1ml&
'1:" 111\ %1"1 jill", >I"", i\"li ",II ~ ~ 11\,..,."," 1i ;;ri, ,ft'l:&'" 'If'SCIfli'!Tfu
_ (28000) <i&rr<b;;ri, ""~ .. '" ~"1<''''6''' (11000) <i&rr<b;;ri,
,ft>iiq", ~""- _ (40000) <i&rr<b ~ gm<! 'ISPi,,"- _
(36000) <i&rr<b ~ ,ft,!6",a, ~",111<\'"RH16'" (19000)~ ~
..I'il'"'" ~'"i~6''' (64000)"6i;m<b;;ri, ~, *ill<l"RI~$'" (23000)
~ ~ mil, fu~",RI~$'" (72000) ~;;ri, *<it, ~"'<"~$'"
(17000) ~ urq', nm;;r '3Olllll?ft ~ llllpt)q~IJi3lfll tNI<\'I
~ urq', l!fjlno;PlolqRi ~ ~ ~;;r 6"lfdf4&1<S1ltll WRTtf
{{ql<\'I~ .l3ft 1lolqRiti3lfil Uf1"t, l3!1q~l,&!iNf~'II~?4"i5ll~i1dl'1i ~
mft: tivflClofl :uRhti"1H1& :mmHlII\~;flti3lfil ~ ~ urq', 'Ifll'CfO:
~ ~ ql:nqdlt?lRil3ifll ~ldqftlifll{<tJ6!H?( ~~. ~ 'if
Wl"lCI<611ift ~ "lE-I<:f)lcll Tf;w:J~~ (lIOOO)~~~
fle:I~Ii1q~I{l~~Cldl ~ {l~lf1I~ifI'L '!(jq~I<tiI~,q~I\'I~qi$16Hctdl tct{lfqofi
~1""Rq", 'lit q$IS',f<\<II ~ i!'IH,1"HQ.Tho- -,f<f ~ ~':l.!l'li'"
!rlfflq'!!il{'lU: ~ld"1oi!\ 'QJ3 tim 'if ~ ~ '11~1I&a:( 'ii1~e:flI ql"l"los\'lfQ
f:;f~I<ftI<ti-~ ~ 6qle:t'I ~ urq' nm 'if ~ q{i1@31t4
lJ11IlIfu~~fiti@31t4. ~jq<i!*si1l'1\'1 1131fl1 ~ ~~ltiAl<h lJl"i
~,.~", Ifl:ffltrn 'flRi 1ITl'l"T = <tft-.i\ 1
3. Ganapati Poojan ('lolqR! ~)
Ganapati Poojan and Mantra jap is required to be
performed before the commencement of Anushthaan.
Ganapati Mantra is 3? T[ llolq(1~ rrq: which should be recited
1 ,25,000 ~imes.

4. Worship of the Sun

The Sun is the significator of th~ heart. Therefore, first
of all the worship of the Sun is most essential. The Sun is
Pratyaksha Devta, means that the God in front of us.
Predicling and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 135

5. Shree Aaditya Hridaya Stotram (.,ftall~t'I1i$&~ffil"4'{)

After S hodsh opchar poojan of the Sun, read Aaditya
Hridaya Stotra in Sanskrit for at least three times everyday.
In the beginning, Aaditya Hridaya Stotra m ay be read once
only and number of reading the Stotra should be increased


/Yl ~ 31 IRitlMqM5I{'ql l l &Qm(~~:. 31IRt'l.U.ic::tI'ltn ~

_ ~ PlH<1"l.R",,,,,, ".,Ra,fllii' m ""fllii' 'l RPl<il,: ,

$ 3( ll ttQ:(qq "fIT:, tmilf 113Ij'1'6-"Gfl ";fIT:, ~ I 3I1 RflIMtI'[d-

".,{." , ~ 'I'!:, ~ , '" <ft;;no" '!'T:, ~ , ~ ~ 'I'!:, 'I1Glit: ,
@J rlffi f<l tlftr<l l fa 'II"r::fl<tl H thltl ;p:f:. 0fT'tft- I

'" ~ ,,;!!"',"'; 'I'!: , '" <rvf".ft"Ii 'I'!: , '" ~ '\l(.,q,""

tpAttl1"t1( Of'f: I @l f<l "H'4d 31"i lfq lfl l"4( Oftt: I /Yl 'l 1t<f)Otl CfIf.:Jft<sifl lt:q(
-;p:r: I @l ~~ <f)(rlctth(,!60 IQ([ '"ill: I

Hridyadi Agannyasa

'" ~ = 'I'!: , !mil ffil'T '

'" ~"\l(., q,"" ~ ""<.' '" flm<fiI4i<I'ITIt S'{ '
$:I '11t<f){ll{ q5l5l~1~ ~ I @l ~rom 3RfTlf ttl{ I

Shree Aaditya Hridaya Stotram (.,ft3l' ~"' $&~ffiI"4'{)

mit ~'?<Ri wit f'RIm ~,
mvi"ilP.l<it ~ ~ fl t!" ft<l" '{III II

M~ {l'tl l l"'tI '~t:q1'H'11 ~I

\j Q 11"'tl 1'J<fI"P"l'1 I I@i1 tPlql{rl C:: 1 112 II
136 Natal Planets and Fata l Diseases

uq uq q$("1(61 ~ ~ 6'ild'i'( I
;r.r ~"f"fii ~ WIt llI" flt"'flI1 3 II

~ wf"~"I""'( I
~wi ~11411

6c{Qij'\1ql ij'(1't( '64QIQY O II:tH,( I

~"dI:t~C6UIQ'iQlgcfU'i~'(1q'( I 15 \\

{~QqPij. !!.Q~ ~qr~HqWid'( I

'l"f'Il'f 1lI"","'- ~ wRm'( 116 II
fliRql(1f Cf)l Qq- ~ (aqqlq"f : \
~ ~q(~('loliiM1 C6li lJlfff II'1fldf1l : 117 \1

<N lmT" IlI"'J'f'I fu<t, ....::' .""ill, I

~ EAi::' ""'" '1'1' "ll\...t 6UQI"lill, 118 II
fiImT ~,mwr 3lftq.ft 'W<i\ 'r:!' I
"I!l,m., lr'IT' l!T"l "'tl,""f !I"fIiI>{' I 19 II
onfuor, 1Iflrr -q:>f, WI' 'i'" '1~fu1"' i I
\\".f~ .. m ~11~"<R"1 ~, 1110 II

l'f'tm' ~",uflf' 6"'6fl<1'f<IlI .. li I

Rlfllu;:qq'i: :tl~tel 'lIJog<tffsnqli 1111 II

~'."'I <f, ~1~I\"'Q'l1 ,.",,(l -.!l!, I

31~"'lsif~, !!'!' ''If' ~I~I\"I"'" I 112 I I

~:fllqQH'I: I
FcH4cfttftl{ilq~q: 11l~ II

3ITd'i\ '!us.ft ~, ~, 6~"IQ." I

q;flIflf~ ""lil"l _ , ~4~<il",, ' I 114 I I

~ ?HHH1Hlollqftlq) ~:tqqlq"f : I
d \Jtfllllfti ~ &1<:::'11(11"( "fti)St1 a 111511
Pred icting and Preve nting Ca rdiac Trou bles 13 7

'f"'!: '{'If'i flrot "q~&~,"q,",,,,,,,,,,<;r~ 'f"'!: I

"'l1fl1.[u" .. i ~ ra .. ,~qa~ ';fll: 1116 II

\iflI11J \1Iq t h:lq pf~:rq);p:f: I 'f"'!: ~m 3Ilra"'I" 'f"'!: I 117 I I

'f"'! ""'" <Ilw< lIIUfF' 'f"'!:,

';fll: q(lyoilE:llq y~u5lq "'Iiflstn a1118 II
mlIHIi1a~ ~{lqIR('Q<1';ill
'IIffil ~ ~ ~ 'f"'!: '119"

tliflGllq (t't&1llJ :t1 ~1}"1llJlfiltlllfl"l1

'''''''''' m "'l1fl1"i ~ 'f"'!: , 120 II

d~~ltftCf)(1t(14 rn (}tl<1Cf)QUlI
'1'tfdql s~Pt&1llJ m {'11(f1fllfWit 11 2 1 II

"1,1"';)' it 'l)I' <I'1<f 'l'lflI ~: I

ql",;). <I''N 'I'f*r 'l"Il<I~ : 1122 II

l('f ~ "OIT'IflI ~ qflf.tfl6a: I

l('f ~.Ifl1"'~ 'f """ ~.1f}.. . 1r-.,,,'( 1123 II
~ ",a.,~. i6ifIi ~ 'f I
mf.f ~ ~ ~ 'f!'IlI'!!: I 124 I I
~.. qlq'1! ~ .. ''''I{!j; ~ 'f I
~ ~: "~""'I,,<I1<flI u....- 1125 II
'1,"'' ~ .. >1 ..1til t<m'
~aff.<!lfOl<i iiI'<'IT ~ flo~fII",~ I 126 I I

i3IIN-l Wt q",.,,,, u<Ivi oi ,,~"'~ I

1{<1!fAA1 ddhJI~ \JI'1TTtf If lJilfJlt1'( 1127 I I

Qf(41'tlfl ~ 'UQ: glJdli'f<1I"l.1128 II

138 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

q-~ ~ tR (>t,ht<Uq'1<tli I
:nR:l'iiill Qi{l(lll~ c(pfClI"{1129 II

uqoi V~ ~ 'I'l1'I <ttlq ","\(,

tt<ht;;Q'1 ~ q ~ <11S*H1.1130 II

3Tlf {fcI{<'1c::~fI~ 'Ulf !!~('1'111: 1:f{l{ !llq:~"Ilol: I

f.t~I'<Hqfdtiwi ~ tlPIOI'1tqlltl'l cf<'1@1lRt 1131 II

II <fI",i4IiiIIil <T'fT'[U/ %"""',

JfJIMilCkfllmfild14@J:Ji ~ 1/
6. Preventive measures for all the nine planets are essential
first. When planets are in adverse position for individual,
they do not spare him or her in anyway. Even the Avataar
of Almighty had to suffer the adversity of malefic planets
time to time. There are 9 planets, whose prescribed
number of Vedic Mantras are to be recited one by one
by the Pandits or Aacharya in the expert supervision of

The Sun
~ ""'- @J iii "iff iiY ,,: @J ~: ~: ,,"~oil., ~ .J",'"
f.'!'h,q"l'!.<i 'R'f'if ~("qq .. WI<rr w.rr <\<iT 'IIftf ~
'Wq' , @J ~: ~: '!: @J ,,: iiY "iff iii @J ~ '!'T: ,
Prescribed number of Mantras for Sun 7,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 700
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Man tras of Havan 70
Ten percent Matjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 7

The Moon
~ ""'- @J 'lIi ~"hr: @J~: ~: @J ~ ~tl""''''.m
~ ~ ..a~ltl ~ \ilFHI;:;:qI~"i!~~(Uq I ~tPi~
Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 139

T'''!ltsil ~ ~ 1(';' <WIT -u;;rr til<il,,",,,,, .,.,011";

'" -u;;rr I '" <'I: '!!if: 'I: '" ~: 'lff <ff 'lli '" 'R'ffi ......: I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Moon 11,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,100
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 110
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 11

The Mars

~ ""- .. 'Iii <6f lIit ~: '" 'l!!: <'I: .. 3IfT.I>{""fR: "''ll'''Rt:

'!f'l"lIS"'l; I """ '" t<rr '" ft! ~ I '" <'I: '!l'f: 'I:
<I: lIit <6f 'Iii '" ~ ......: I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Mars 10,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,000
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 100
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Man tras of Tarpan 10

The Mercury

~ ""- '" iii lff liY <I: '" 'l!!: <'I: .. "<;J!VI""'~ "Rt~I~
",fll""'Ld <I"'.p\m """" I 3Ift>I""".-;l
\3(t~ftHffqP<t:tCl~<u q\1lliH:t~ ~ @J fq: !!:f: ~
"<I: lIYlff!li"'~ ......: I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Mercury 9,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 900
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 90
140 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Ten percent Marjan of the number of

Mantras of Tarpan 9
The Jupiter

ilfuq; *r. ao ;;IT ;;If 'ill ~: ao ~: 1'f: ao ~ ",flI.,,f

\il6itpttl'lIRt 5JiWi"'lt~!! I 4i!l~4i8<1 6 titCQiitld dt:f'Ug
~ em flIwI l ao 1'f: ~: 'l: ao~: 'ill ;;If 'iii
$> fqd~ ;p:r: 1
Prescribed number of Mantras for Jupiter 19,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,900
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 190
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 19

The Venus :
ilfuq; *r. ao;IT iff iii' ~: ao ~: 1'f: ao """"l 'Iftwit ui ;murr
~ _ : 1!W lI'iI1'IflI: Im ij1~f.1: 4 flMoi ...

'lY"q.". ~"'t<1f.1:"~"",,,1s,!d "' \! ao1'f: ~: 'l: ao

~: iii' iff J:i ao 'I!"'f'T 'f'!: I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Venus 16,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,600
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 160
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 16
Predicting and Preventing c;ardiac Troubles 141

The Saturn

~ <ffl- '" m 1!ff "1!ff lI' '" ~, lif' '" ",'lHld"'",. "fT'Il
'W1\ ~ I .io4llfll""il'" I '" lif' '!!'" 'Ii '" lI'
"1!ff 1!ff m '" >I~,'{I, 'f'J' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Saturn : 23,000
Trn percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 2,300
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 230
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Man tras of Tarpan 23

The Rahu

~ -.f;f- '" m..tI mlI' '" ~, lif' '" ifilIT ~ ,"1~",Jt

~: lreT I Cf)'4I!ltfill53l1l'{dl I ~ ~: ~: .,.: ~ ~: m
..tI m '" ~ 'Pf' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Rahu 18,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,800
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 180
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 18

The Ketu

~ -.f;f- '" 'Ii 111 lit lI'~' lif' '" ~ "i""'<6da

i\>nq.fsJl'l.m I fl!l.<;;flll~I<"I' I '" lif' '!!'" 'Ii '"
lI' lit 111 'Ii '" <fida 'Pf' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Ketu 17,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,700
142 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Ten percent Tarpan of the number of

Mantras of Havan 170
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 17

7. Offering Argh to the Sun

The Sun is a very huge body, which consists of
accumulation of innumerable fiery gases and elements.
Therefore Argh (to give water) makes the Sun very soon and
very happy. Argh may be given by pouring the simple water
to the Sun but it is always advisable"to make the water full of
fragrance and to mix the following article in the water. This
is best, if Gangajal is available for the Argh of the Sun.
A Copper container may be taken fo r the purpose of
giving Argh (to give water) to the sun. The container should
neither very small nor very large. It should contain 2 to 3
litre of water approximately. Mix Roli, Rice, Gorochan, Raiee,
Red Sandal, Red flowers , Camphor {Kapoor), Kusha and coin
(money) etc. in the water, Keep this pot or container at a
pious place and perform Panchopchaar or Shodhopchaar
poojan on this pot in respect of the Sun. Thereafter recite
the following Mantra for 108 times at least. Thereafter, stand
on your knees and take the container in your both hands.
Raise the pot above your head and thereafter tilt the same ,
so that water may come out from the pot slowly, gradually
and unformly. Keep on the recitation of the Mantra as given
here under:

"" tl >rfUR onfuq 'lif I I
The sage of this mantra is Devabhaga and the deity is
Sun-god, the lord of the day, Hrim is the Bija and Srim is
Shakti. The application is for realization of cherished desires.

Dhyana verse

"q1t4\!Mli.(tl4lRt: ~{(,QHliH ~~m I

~"Ijt f<\",a"I' q;{iMclgil' ",f.f, lI'lTf'r' I
Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 143

Fcta[C6[~II~ CflF~l '!lgj[uI6ft<,i~ W llW4111~'

6~f+:~g4h11 gRg{01fqd: lfTU 1lf ~: II
The mantra is recited atleast one hundred and eight
times and Homa may also be performed accordingly with
lotus and gingelly seeds and libations are offered. Reading
Aaditya Hriday Stotra, Shree Suryashtottarshatnaam stotram,
Surya Atharvashirsh and Mantra etc. makes the Sun happy.
The Sun God bestows all his blessings on the devotee.

8. Surya Namaskor ('!'f '1~'liPI')

To ward off the malefic effects of Sun, Surya Namaskar
in 12 phases should be performed at least 5 times daily.
While performing this yogic exercise, the relevant mantras
should be uttered for each posture as mentioned below. After
Surya Namaskar, Shavaasan should be performed for about
five minutes. The twelve mantras are as under:
I. ,aQ ~ -;pJ: I I
2. "" ~ '1'[: 1 1
"" ~ '1'[: "
4. "" 'IT'IiI '1'[: "
5. @J ~";{If: I I
6. "" T"T '1'[: 11
7. @J ft{oq ll'i fll ;p:J: II
8. "" ~ '1'[: 1 1
9. .:;f:l 13I1Ri5Qlq ;p:J: II
10. "" ~ '1'[: 1 1
II. "" ~ '1'[: 1 1
12. .:;f:l "q I t<f) (Ill ;:p::f: II

9. Gayatri Mantra (~>i?!)

Gayatri Mantra should be recited 1,25,000 times
alongwith one-tenth Havan, Tarpan, Marjan etc. In fact the
complete Purash c h a ran of Gayatri Mantra needs the
144 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

recitation of Gayatri Mantra 24 lac times along with Havan,

Tarpan, Marjan etc. :-

;jO ~: l'O': "",f<\~" 'I'il ~

~ ~ '" 'I: g'l1""," ,
Prescribed number of Mantras for Moon 1 ,25,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 12,500
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 1.250
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 125

10. Suryopasana (;q:<ifql~11)

There had always been various kinds of worship of the
Sun by all the races of the mankind. Complete book may be
written on the importance and value of the Sun. The Sun
p r ovides ene rgy and life to all the creatures. All planets
including Moon shine due to the bright and powerful raise
of the S un . Therefore. the worship of the Sun mu s t be done
by one and all everyday in the morning. When the Sun rises
in the horizon during very early morning time, the worship
of the Sun may be done in various ways but Argh (to give
water to the Sun) makes the Sun pleased soon. The Sun is
burning due to innumerable firy elements and gases. That
is the main reason that the Sun feels extrem ely happy by
getting water.
It is nice, if Suryopasna m ay be done early in the
morning by all of us by al l men and women a like. However,
the subjects, who are suffering from Cardiac problems of any
kind or those who have Eye problem or have poor vision, o r
week bones, they must certainly do Suryopasana everyday
quite regularly. However, before Suryopasana, Argh to the
Sun and Su rya Namaskar are essentia1. Suryopasana shou ld
be performed in the following way:
Predicting and Preventing Ca rdiac Tro ubles 145

*,- "~ '{fVT: 1j!f ~"

wi '1T!!'ft- "3tIfi\""q ~ "~ib<lq ~ mIT 1j!f: '<flqll( I"

~mrr *,- "~~ '{fVT: wi ~~"
Read the following S totra with full dedication, devotion:

lffiI: -rrq l!fi! d",fil\!<ft,q,{ ~ It 'l"So!'f 'I1tr d:!4'l.1ll 1

mtrrf.'r~~: Slq<1 I R~i i6l 1 i$(I (qiflqcl~ q nh;l(f\q 'lll

",d4qlfli ~ ~ 'l'Ilf'r: ."",,{<lib ~ '!f.i<i I

~ ~ ~~. ~ ql ~1q i Ill:]'"", .. I I
!II 1 i;l'f"11~ ~ Q'1"i1:tlfctd, q l~ Q:tl'~'qq it ll i$i tR 'if I
"ff flcfcl1 <b<bcl'1 It't<b ifllclttft'f, lilCfl u604t1'1 ~'11~'1Q IR~<1'l1 1

oilib"qfli<i 'IT'it: lffiI: lffiI: ~ ,,: I

" ~<I""fQ ~: .... \l"~"I 'T"1( I I

11 . Surya Atharvashirsh (~ 311l1,hM)

After reading the above Stotra, it is proper to read Su rya
Atharvashirsh w ith pu re and pious h eart and mind.


<m'I .,ff ~~ 1IW..uq 3I1fu<i\ ~ '" q;1)8"' : 661""fl+

11(1q'lg<ki ~ ~ ~: [AqIfi\>f<ig<ki q\)~ib'{ "q!<libw il<111
VIiI filf.'l<il ,,: I
lIl'I'fit "": fmftr. 'lTIf'fi lRll "": ~. ""fi\"'~"d l ~ "": m.
-i;6"""''<'l' 'fl'' " 1I\1q""<ll~ l q Of'!: !l"1. ~ ~ Of'!: 'IK<il:. [Aqlfi\
~'!<i" ",1~iblq "": 'IT''fi. filf.'l<il."q Of'!: If'IPt I

m' 3t3661'4i opf:, ~ dvf4'i'4i opf:, "( It UlQ Ii4 i opf:, ff 3H lfiliflli4 i
"1'lf:, miflf.\ f)(511OQi ::pf;. U: <b(d clCfl (,[6611OQi ::pf: I
146 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

"!If 1lG'IT'I ",,:, ~ !mil roTI, ( fuwl ~, jj' """"'" ~ m
~~"""""",,qlrnq ~, <r: ~ "'<:: I

<""''1~ ~. """,.d", ~ quf ~ (<it WI if ""'" '%
<GR ~ ail< ~ "f'f'[ ~ =-
Y"1<rr, 'l'T'lFl: <pi ...,. tzIR ..-1' I
W lI<IiR " " WI <ffit) "'cl~'" <i\

Vedic Mantra of the Sun

oW!. 'k, oW!. Wi:, aiPJ: 'lO: oW!. "R:, .,'1'1; "": oW!. m<i'{
.n'l;d",I11t'<i '!'if ~ ~ftnit lit 'I: Nl<ql I q{l<~~ ~
aiPJ: <l!I'it "'11 III un " <I'l: I .," 'Ct.: ffiPJ: I
Surya Atharvashirsh
Surya Atharvashirsh is a most powerful, strong and deep
acting preventive measure for the prevention of all types of
ailments of the Heart, Eye and Bones.

om 'l."i ~"fllm; '" I"" I'" '": I ....". 'i\lr: I '" I~il ~ I '1111'1\
lR;: ."'''''~'''''(Iq'' -g<i ~ I ~ ~: It;q<IR,,'i<ig<lii <t\Wh'l; I
Q"i%I"'l1~ "IiI I11f.1<il>l: I
~ fcHI6d;'1 ~ qiN~fu: I {ifijl'g"t ~ tI~p~<H~'1 R;(U4Cjuf
~ qii!1G311'flq<~(~I5~ <fl1{it'4~ ~ >:r ~ '{4'1I(1quj 'If 1;fCt ~~
1ITl<I"T: I

aiPJ: 'k I oih: Wi: I aiPJ: I: I aiPJ: 'lO: I aiPJ: "R: I aiPJ: "": I aiPJ:
m<i'{1 .ne d",l11\lift'<i '!'if ~ ~ ftnit lit 'I: .il1<ql qil<~~
", 1'1; I oW!. <l!I'it ~ uiPf<l'l: I .., W: ffiPJ: I <pi """"
~"d"'~'l. I ~ ,,~",f.I 'flTF-I;;n'RI wri<;: '!>IT: q;;j'<il"l'l; '3ffi'IT I
~ ""R""q I ~ <i\<roi 'l>f<1Iflr ~ lI<'ru' I11"'J<fu ~ lI<'ru'
lfl<ITfu, ~ lI<'ru' 0.::: 31ftr ~ lI<'ru' ""l: 31ftr, ~ lI<'ru' ~: 31ftr
~ = i mqTftI ~ lI<'ru' ",~"ifu ~ wf lR1fu I ""~"""
., g~ Iq8 ""~"" 'k "Wlit""~,,,,<,<il "ll'Rf, '" '~"" "'11 1ll",lq8
Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 147

31,11\""" oziT<i 11\'Iit;,mRt 31,I1\",,~;;mfiI 31,11\",, if<rr: ;,mRt

3t1fal:lll ~ I{d;;QuMi ~ I ilItll<ufaflil flm" 3I1faflil"'d:<f){UIIi"'~~
Rl'rl6"<f)IU:, ~ ~ ~ 'i1;fl>':OHlqr'P;lI oll: I \iI[~<;41 ~ m
~~$tlH"HHH1[: I ~ ~ <ntf.t qrfillqr<ilq{l!l qr:f-t I ~ it :t1<t"l:flM
nJ11'm: I ~ ~ <fiFII>':OH jllHH~Pcrtljlf; I \ilH~q4l Pcr'$lHQ4l "$I'RlW
31111\1: ,'!'it ~ '!Ri\ 'I <'i\'If '!Tfu", ",,",.. ,~ 14'''~<I~ 'I'!: '~;j
11\"""tl ""IH,flli!ll(' 3IfT.R: Q,ilf4"': ,1I,'If;;: 'I'If.o ~ 1!!for Q,fu<l,Fl
tl '!!f wi .,,,,,,f.<!'f: wt:"Iffi<itq", "Ifll~: mor, ~ "If q<ffi:
"Il'ffirr G'I1tJ 'T: , 31,11\""" ~ mm- 'I>{f1f <I\'lft <FiT wt: .'l1<"' ,
~ q:ti!I'rlI~ ~ ~ tlPcrdl'rlOdl(( tlPcrdl'iHldlit ~~: ~
"<f<l,IlIq;, mor oft mRIi~: , dilill<il .. ,w 1m '!f",fllll il: 0Rft wt
~ 31111\1 ~ ~, ~ 'I."""."W 'I;jq; , 'f: "<161.:
"I'Iflr m .,.<il
-;mr>t 'I'Iflt, 'l.q{ilI~'" """" ".,,,,,Iti'1"''''T-'I~ ,
\ilt'1W1~Rr 3f1TI"q~ollt4{dl ~, \iItlJ qHIt4{ct1 ~ I app:lff ll'l'1Ii\Jt
'I'Iflt, .''''.'l'''''<,{til
'I'Iflt, ~ 'I.'Ifill~.. : ~ "<'T: <i'I
1i(>1414~TZCa- l-ijlff ~n~::fl~'i.qJ '" CbtQIirOl"~ioHt:J.1 1{{fri.!61'1I'I: !.tlct:q,lcl
'IOflt 1J '1"""',(;;wf<\ ,"'ft ~ , ~ ~ , flI<i;roi 0I'<'fI "'l.!"'<1"';

,"I11l1 , .1II1\(il "I'Iflr 1J lf6PRi iI1ftI, ~ ~Wf.'l." '
12. Shree StJryashloltarshalnaamslolram
(of) "ill ftel '<1 <" 1<1'11 ~ 'RiI ~ '{)
ShreeSuryashtottarshatnaamstotra is equally important
as far as rectificational measures of various heart problems
is concerned. After Surya Atharvshirsh, the native may read
the following Suryashtottarshatnaamstotram.

'I.'Ifs4", 'i""""" '!,'If<'6: mor ~: ,

tl'GfuiliI+A: qmtt 'l~tddl 1J1lT<6"{: I I

~l'4lq!81:f ~a
l!i "<ITg5" Q{14 u l,{ I
m'I't ,[.",IlI: ~ ~<nS~"" ~ ",'
;;"lit 111""",( ~!!: W'I: AA: ~m: ,
"iI'"6Il ~lJ o.::lJ ~ it'lR"it ~: ,,
- .. -
-- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- ----

! f 1\ i Pi ~ ~ ~ ~ f i ~t h 1i lh
j ~J~l . , 1~~!w. illj tft~'J;' ij
~ ~ I I . ~ .~ ~! t ." ~ . . I !f
Predicting and Preuenting Cardiac Tro ubles 149

13. Surya Dwadashnaam Stotra ('l'f GI~<I~I~ ~)

Dwadashnaam Stotra may be read o nce, thrice or five
times and so on after reading Suryashtottarshatnaamstotra.
This creates favourable vibrations around the area of the heart.
~,lr'l'i 'Ir'! ~ l! ~, I
~ ~, litffi "l!d l! '1'ITlIR' I I
m l! ~'!l""'; ~.n"'"il~ " , I
~ i.;fl~:tq:til
.3JtVt 'if ~'1lqtl: 11
m ~: glffit m '1~:t1li't<6: 1
~ "'I1'lf<!' ~ ~ lI q II

14 . Other Remedial Measures

Those who cannot read or pronounce Sanskrit correctly,
they may observe Vrat on Sundays and may donate the
articles o f the Sun on Sundays. The articles to be donated
for the Sun are -
Gold, Wheat, Red Sandal, Ruby, Red flowers, Red Cloth,
Kesar, Lotus, Newly constructed House, Wood of Red Sandal,
Dakshina etc .
.Those who are likely to suffer from Cardiac trouble, they
may wear Ruby of the good quality preferable that of Burma
mine weighing from 6.5 Ratti to 10.5 Ratti weight in Gold
ring in the Ring finger of the right hand on S unday morn ing
after purification.
The above remedial measures may be undertaken by
them , who h ave malefic p lane tary con figuration of plan ets,
which may cause heart trouble or heart attack in future. The
same wo rship is usefu l for those, who have already suffered
from any kind of heart trouble, attack or surgery.
There are certain severe cases of heart problems. There
must be some more effective beneficial and deep acting
preventive m easu res for such patients. Th ose, who are
su fferin g from acute pain and fighting with life and death
and are admitted in Intensive Care Unit. These measures
may be followed by those, who have no hope or very less hope
150 Na ta l Pla n ets and Fatal Diseases

for recovery and a r e passin g through the sub-period and the

maj or pe riod of the Markesh .

15. Pashupatastra (41"J4dl'bl)

Pashupatastr a is one of the m ost e ffecti ve a nd d eep
acting p reve ntive mea s u res for a ll the incu rab le, chronic and
long lasting dis eases . Th is is to be read for 1100 times wit h
absolu te faith concentration , dedication and s e riousne ss: -

@J .awl QI!{14dlf3l !J IIf41wl?1fl1 'f1ll<ir-J. ~~Clllfl m: ~ "EtG:
~lqq{"'<'11 ~ M~&jflHl,,,if 'IT% ~1'I<il." I

30 ;rq) ~ 1{"g1"ql~, \3{tl(i1<114q{l~qlq, ~q5'q.FHlq.

-1 1"11 'Iq 1101, "lHIY6,{urltli:11"l, tlqf'[{ffilll, fll"""'ll\i1l1i1l1l'H.i7I1l1. ~m;r
~dl<'lfg<Uq, tt<ti4&jf.'l4ii-Hh1F~, 6cffu~!lIr.::[q, 1l't"bIj<brHs{tM-
<Fb!'!f"Iqt<:::11I, ~ ~. ~dl\'lf43{lfut :WfchoftWq'JHCfllll,
czlIR1f.l%<fllftv! Q[Q1j\JI"'llll, ~461~lfi1~31lq Prt~q'<:tlll, I:1{'lcNI(>~lq,
1l'l<iS'16IQI:tllq, ~~, 'i<hij~hillq, ;:f{lIIi'4i:OIq OIlQ, !I~f.'Hli5if1lft:(.-,
~t<.!"'t l:tl ~ Qifli ft:JJ I

~ iflWlfqlllitlQ ~ I qlHlf3Il4 ~ I q\jl~ffilQ ~ I ~ ~ I ~

~ I ""'" ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I 'W'11'1" ~ I ""'" ~ I =
~I tq;;[T'f ~ I oi<= ~ I >mil ~ I ~ ~ I f51'[cll'l ~I
Wffilf ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I "'tilll{'.:iIQ ~ I ~ ~ I ~2if1lfiilQ
~ I ~ ~ I !!SIf31IQ ~ I <6<bliiH&UQ ~ I fqfa<bIf31fQ ~ I
Itl)ftifllk-itIQ ~ I fq~fqitlf3IlQ ~ I II~Elqrf31IQ ~ I "{<1ft:'lIQ ~ I
<::im ollf3114 ~ I CfI'iI{'.:iIQ ~ I qll<:t41f3tIQ ~ I 1{51If3tIQ ~ I :tIlRJ""lllfiiIQ
~ I 41PI;::qIf511Q ~ I iislf51IQ ~ I 'i~I~slf3114 ~ I "'t'llS(?I1Q ~ I
~Iqlfiilli ~ I {:tIH('?I14 ~ I gtlt'fIf3114 ~ I \3l(ldf311Q ~ I Ui>J1ldlf31IQ
~ I &<::41f'11Q ~ I lii5I{'.:iIQ ~ I 116Slet1Q ~ I ~ ~ I <::Hql(':'4IQ

~ 1 ~ff;Hra~lf3IIQ ~ I ttttl:f3IlQ ~ 1 qffStlQ ~ 1"1": ~ I if: ~ I q:

Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 151

.. ..
'liZ I 'Ii' 'liZ I ", 'liZ I. . '?/t, 'liZ. . I ij, "'" I n, Q;C I =, "'" I "', "'". . I "'"
.... . b.:...~.....

~1\iR:~ I(fq:~ I~~I~~ltt4%1 Icl~I~~1

wflwT ~ I \14"1;!j ~ I 4"""1 ~ I rn<l ~ I # ~ I >ff ~ 1"(
~ I ~ ~ I ro ~ I 'cli ~ I a{lllUli ~ I 'illll{;;>lIl1 ~ I <i)[tllf31lll
~ I ~?{qlcllf?lF~ ~ I :4IHI'bIf4 ~ I "q1%{lf?{lli ~ I T.I~I'bIllI ~ I
~'.<I"'," ~I'll' 'Ii ~ I ffi ffi ~ I ti' ti' ~ 1m..,,- m..,,- ~ I
"'d Iq II {I"'d I q II ~ I lTGlI'" "fJl'GlI'" t:fi?;, I ~~~ I 3ffiflI" 3ffiflI"
~ I ~ ~ ~ I f<m<I<r f<m<I<r ~ I ~<i 'fNT1< 'fNT1< ~ I
Pashupatastra should be read 1100 times with full
concentration, devotion and dedication. However, the
pronunciation must be correct. One should make proper
practice for the correct pronunciation of Pashupatastra before
the Sankalp:-
q?IT- '10 ~ ~ 1f6[Q1i1ql."1ll1 ;rq: ~', ~
'@l CfltJJlfril[lfIlli ~ ~ I'

16. Mahakali Mantra (~~Ii!>IC1~ *')

This is to be recited 11 ,000 times along with one-tenth
Havan, Tarpan, Marjan etc. :

Prescribed number of Mantras for Mahakali 11,000

Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,100
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 110
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 11

17. Shree Shatchandee Samputit (~~Idilo;;l'i '(1~Rd)

108 Samput Path of Shree Durga Saptshati should be
performed by using the following Samput. This is called
Shatchandee Path:
152 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

(1 11l"HltllHQ(:'ftt ~ ~
t\ <Ii'f'Ifr-( fl<tlI?lHtfltill"( I
~ 'f tlIq'''''li ~ wwrni ~ II
In case Shatchandee path is not possible, the patient
should himself recite the above noted Mantras as much as

18. Mahamrilyunjay Mantra (~61'F'!P<il~ >P.i)

To r eceive the best resu lts of the recitation of
Mahamrityunjay Mantra or Sanjivini Mri.tyunjay, first of all
worship of lord Shiva should be performed by reading
Rudrashtadhyayee o nce everyd ay. After reading
Rudrashtadhyayee or Shatrudree. Mahamrityunjay Mantra
or Sanjivini Mrityunjay Mantra should be recited by the
concerning ~andits or by any member of the family o r by the
native himself after taking proper Sankalp. Thi ~ all should
be done under the guidance of any expert Acharya, who has
thorough knowledge of Karmkaand.
Mahamrityunjay Mantra may be recited for 1.25 lacs
t imes by the learned Pandits. Dashansh Havan, Tarpan,
Marjan etc. should be performed accordingly. If the Dasha-
bhukti is extremely adverse and the survival of the natives
is questionable, a Purashcharan of Sanjivini Mrityunjay
Mantra s hould be done by Pandits with dashansh Havan etc..
However, the Purashcharan of Mahamrityunjay Mantra and
Sanjivini Mrityunjay Mantra contains 1.25 lacs Mantrajaap,
12,500 Havan, 1250 Tarpan, 125 Marjan and 13 Brahmin
Mantras of Mahamrityunjay Mantra and Sanjivini
Mrityunjay are given below:
'i i$!'li:S"'-1Q 1f;f-
"" m- "i. 11: I
"" w: "": "" """"'" ~ ~ ~.;;f';
i3ctf6CflfitCC .H:l1Ii~1~~ 'IIIFth.( I
"": ~: 'l' "" 11: "i. m- "" I
Predicting ana Preventing Cardiac Troubles 153

* ~ 'I.'W'" .;.--
'" "",flltl<ft'<i q'iN.", ~!Wit >IT 'I: g<il""'<1:
'" '"'" il "6 lfi"T" ill""
mft 1Iiit p.,,,,,, fa ~: li: 'I:
'I'fGfl! ~ fll,"",il<I ~ 5fl"'lfl": ,
'" ~ ~ tl"f'",( gflc.<if"'(,
".r... fil" "'''"'''!''iI1$r 4''['''<1:"l'Im''
19. Baluk Bhairav Slolra (~-ffihl'tl
After everyday worship of Mahamrityunjay Mantra or
Sanjivini Mrityunj ay Mantra a t least one paath of Batuk
Bhairav Stotra should be done" Batuk Bhairav Stotra is given
below :
~ ~1tt1'; ~ '"PIW,{ I ~ qftqYi8 tn<ftfi q(q~i.H'{ III II
'3ftql~ClI~ I 'iIICl""'6<ftl4~ whllf;;llllllflR!! I JtlqS'&l(oj 1p.;if (t<f~f%;q;(

'Il'( "2" <T<llIi ~ ~

'iffi'Il "ifll"",""
fllil'4<lI\! mIT %
*l 1ffi't~'J~ lll<tl "l.1 1311 3l"'I;:;qltl~~-"*lq~cl"{ 1 ch'!?;tltftl ~
qq ~o;ffll,,<if"'( "4" 00 """'" T.l ~ "~,';~",q:;;';:"~\lifi,('
~:1'Nm 'If'f"i!fll"""'( "5" OI,q"I(I~(l",i "u<!l.,i ~: ,
mR ~ql~ol q\I<I\ilflIq" ~ 116 II q""1l'lFf @9C1t"'l'l1
!H'i<1 I ''tlll"'li
~ ~ iT >i>i flihmfil'; frt ,,7 " .<1"'4,>I<i ~ U"'l'l1'm<i
'['IT'(' OI,q:;;.;:,,,flIfa 'P'I' ..~'!ftrn: ,'8', """" ~'li'"
tfl ... yoICl~1i;( 1 ...~tblaRt a- q~1114lqS'&l{ollq 'if 119 I 1~ ffif: ~
~!l'f: fuilq:' ~<Og.,,,!\iii<'I q'?ll"'Hfil'; frt '110 " ';""'Hfil<i
~ ~<1l ... ""fil ~, '" -gy <i ~ ill,.:;;,;:"'' "
'!lO '!lO ~
tff I 31!11tbl!ltlfi1q"l::;;i "Cf!lIRtitlQP<1d,{ 1111 II ("'l(OllaCi ~ ~-VQ
ftI!lIl11tbl : I ~ (qRt-rftdl t 4l11tl6S!IRCI' g\ifJ: 1112 II ~ Ql 6a'lftl
'[\i1 ihllftl $WCfi'l1 "flflriih*i ~ !liHl\il'iq" d"trr III~ II OJ q 'uil'tq"
~ ll'h-l!l!J Ql'Qil<1:' OI'!!Ud'"~,"" ~q1~'~<iq,,: '111" 'I'If'<I
m _ 3t..,",fil ~''I <:1fu'>i 'IWtf><i 'IT'lGi ~ "1 '11 5 "
<l\q,ifw'" , '" '{('< i\'{<iT 1ftT ilI":;;';:H'~ 'I: , """ "I ififtiT ~ ihiI':
if/to<1fi)'(1Q : 1116 II {R<t "'Illitl t? lfol ~ "4~41f.'t ~ I 8H!f\q:tlI ihirf t
154 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

::nqltelld<ti <R 111'711 mr.t tictlJlf;qi4: ~:M~Clftfu: I tcctRtlIQI'1<tIYlfi'l

mtf<fi! flIl%:q" 'f 1118 II ,fi ~ 0'l1'f I "l'5 ~ !I"~lfll ~ ''';1<'11' I
3tIQSii' {UIt4<! .1IQltll=tld!!'rl't'( I 119 II tl4qlqi$( ~ fl4fqRlr4'1I=tI'1,( I
ijcf<t;,qltfr::' ~ (11t1<t1Hi ~(SII<ti$l:t: 1120 II ttcflfJlt.ptijl~ fl4TqS::ct'1i!tH'l, I
\3t1gt4li ~ ~ 'if lI:m,:q;(,( 1121 I I .nQI6i!=tld(fif'llfli 8~ls~
YCh9Rfd: I 1(;t:({oQCbl :rrq *~i!<ilStl ~: 1122 II ~"""lfift\Ji 4\\ilIlIR1
"$<fi14fi1 "t;M'( I \[Vf<f' ~ li1ififll"flI~ f.'l .., .. 4t( 1123 II ,"".I
flI1Q1fllfil-.l\oi fl"I~<I'( I ~,'Ii"fll"flI~ f.'l<il .. 4t( 1124 II
20. Above mentioned Anushthaan cannot be performed in
one day or in a week time. These are to be done in parts
one by one. We advice that only after completion of one
Anushthaan the next Anushthaan should be
undertaken. All the above Anushthaan should not be
performed simu ltaneously for the best possible results.
21. Rudrashtdhyai in the beginning and Batuk Bhairav in
the end are most essential everyday. So long as the
Purashcharan of Sanjivani Mrityunjaya Mantra is,
complete. Other precise care of the essential of the
Anushthaan must be observed as per the guidance of
the expert Aacharya under whose supervision, these
remedial measures are to be taken.
22. We are sure that the performance of all above
Anushthaan will certainly cure Cancer patients and
they will be able to lead a happy and healthy life
thereafter. Innumerable Cancer patients have been
completely cured after undergoing the above mentioned
remedial measures.

'fT~ 1ft'ffii ~ ~ II
When hurt by an a"ow or cut by an axe, there may
be regeneration! But the wound caused by hurtful speech
doesn't heal.

~'lT 'I 'Ii"ilflr ~ 3ltif 'lit Ql,,!!'lIlI 'Fl: i
f<l.,"!!"'l'" 'I 'Ii"ilflr "" ~ ~ T'lfll;!l,,: , ,
The completely filled vessel doesn't make noise.
Half-filled vessels make noise. Likewise, a learned scholar
neuer feels pride. A person u..rith little understanding,
however, keeps talking meaninglessly.

Planetary Afflictions for
Diseases of the Eye
Most precious and priceless gift bestowed on us by the
Providence is the eyes, the magic windows through which
we can see and admire this beautiful world.
The eyes act as radar in man's body. It is correctly said
that eyes are the mirror of human body and soul and indeed
beyond that a man's feelings and emotions can be read
through his eyes. Many diseases show their symptoms via
infection in the eyes such as Jaundice. The function of eyes
is incompetable. From the very beginning of life. the man
has recognized the value of marvelous functions of eyes. Eyes
provide window to the external world. Particularly the value
of eyes can be experienced by one, when he is deprived of
this most soul inspiring gift, the sight to see the exotic
creations of God.
We have five senses viz. sense of touch, sensation of
hearing, smell, taste and sight. Each organ is concerned with
one or the other. To have the sense of touch we have the
skin, the sense of hearing is associated with ears, sense of
smell is concerned with the nose likewise eye enable us
with the sense of sight.
Sense of sight is a boon to all animals including us
Homo Sapiens. We can very well understand the horrible
situation if vision is deprived of us. Like all other organs,
156 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

eyes too are subjected to number of ailments. So study of

structure of the eye is compulsory.
However, ophthalmic diseases are a complete subject
and full course of education consist of many years. We will
try to quote some of the important astrological combinations
which are responsible for eye diseases or defective vision.
Astrology is of great value for the prior knowledge of
diseases, accidents and many ailments etc. so long as the
planetary causes of any disease or ailments are not found
Qut, sheer medical aid, in most of the cases, will prove of no
avail, or there will be temporary relief. If its raining and one
tries to light the fire in open, how can one get the desired
resu lts? So, as long as the planetary obstructions are present
and those are in a position to harm you, only medical
treatment may fail to give desired results.
The Sun and Moon indicate right and left eye
respectively. These are the main significators of eyes. The
2 nd and 12th house reprp.~p.nt the right and left eyes
respectively. These houses must be attached with maximum
importance while dealing with eyes and their beauty, vision
and diseases. Saturn and Mars are regarded to influence
over the right and left eyes respectively . Mutual aspect
between Saturn and Mars causes troubles or operation of
the right eye. Presence of Mars in 2 nd house invariably causes
complaints in eyes. Generally in such cases eyes are found
red. Placement of the Sun in 8 th house and Mars in 2 ml house
causes serious troubles in eyes so, while judging the eye
troubles, 2 nd and 12th house and /agna should be carefully
judged in respect to the Sun, Saturn, Mars and Moon.
Presence of Mars and Saturn is 2 nd and 12th house is treated
very adverse combination for eyes, Squint in eyes is also
possible in such cases if Lagnadhipati (ascendant lord) is
The Sun is mainly the significator of structural defects
of eyes while the Moon governs lachrymal apparatus and
errors in accommodation and defective powers of adoption
of myopia, hypermetropia and presbiopia. Mercury is closely
Planetary Afflictionsfor Diseases of the Eye 157

associated with entire nervou s system . Eyes are also a part

of nervous system. Therefore Mercury also plays a prominent
role. He is responsible to originate such vibrations as give
sight to eyes. There fore affliction and s trength of Mercury
should also be judged in reference to concerning houses.

Case: 6.1 Horoscope No.: 42

Date of birth : 07.09. 1963 Time of birth 15: 15:00 hrs
Place of birth: All ahabad Lat25:27:00 N Long81:50:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:20:42 Sidereal Time : 14:15:21
PIn Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pa d
Ase 27:49:05 Sag Uttarasadha 1
Sun 20:42:22 Leo P Phalguni 3
Mon 9:30:58 Ari Ashwini 3
Mar 3:21:20 Lib Chitra 4
Mer(R) 11 :46:57 Vir Hasta 1
Jup(R) 24:47:58 Pis Revati 3
Yen (q 22:58:22 Leo P Phalgun i 3
Sat (R) 24:3 7 :4 1 Cap Dhanistha 1
Rah (R) 25:2 1:45 Gem Punarvasu 2
Ket (R) 25:21:45 Sag Purvasadha 4
Lagna Chart Navams a Chart
Sat Ket Mar
10 8 10 8
11 7 Ma r Jup 11 7 Yen
12 6
Man 1 5 Sun Mer 1 5 Sat
2 4 V,n 2 4

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket 2Y OM ID

158 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

The bea utiful daughter of a Superintendent Engineer

suffered serious eye problem very soon after her birth when
she was not even one year old . There was a small spot in the
cornea of her right eye resulting into an operation which
was done by a very p rominent eye su rgeon of the country.
After a few days a severe infection crept in resu lting into
loss of right eye and now it is beyond the approach of surgeon
and doctors to transplant her eye .
This innocent girl of magnetic physique and captivating
appearance was very ofte n depressed and dejec ted owing to
her eye. Let's examine her horoscope in this connection.
Saturn and Mars are the lords of 2 nd and 12th house and
occupy 2 nd and 1 ph house respectively. Mars aspects Moon,
who is significator of eye. Lagna (ascendant) is h emmed in
between Saturn and Rahu, the I " rate malefic pla nets ,
resulting into formation of Papakartari Yoga whic h has
weakened the ascendant. Ascendant lord Jupiter aspects
12th house therefpre in spite of affliction of 12th house and
its lord , le ft eye was not harmed mu ch though vision was
reduced resulting into the use of power glass.

Case: 6.2 Horoscope No.: 43

Date of birth : 02.01.1972 Time of birth 13:15:00 hrs
Place of birth: Hapur Lat 28:43:00 N Long 77:47:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:28:11 Sidereal Time : 19:40:21

PIn Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 11:12:22 Ari Ashwini 4
Sun 17:32:24 Sag Purvasadha 2
Mon 6:10:30 Can Pushya I
Mar 10:45:57 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Mee 24:59:32 Seo Jyestha 3
Jup 29: 10:22 Seo Jyestha 4
Ven 18:57:07 Cap S ravna 3
Planetary Afflictions for Diseases a/the Eye 159

Sat (R) 6:53:07 Tau Krittika 4

Rah (R) 11:51:33 Cap Sravna 1
Ket (R) 11:51:33 Can Pushya 3
LagnaChart Navamaa Chart
Sat Mac Mon Ven
2 12
3 11

Man 4 Mar 7 1 Rah
Ke Ket 10
S 9 Sun
6 8

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 14Y 11M 12D

Son of a reputed Executive Engineer was born on

02.11.1972 at 01.15 PM at Hapur.
The boy met with an accident in the early childhood
and received a head injury. The boy's vision gradually
started diminishing. Now the boy uses Contact Lenses and
thick glasses as well having + 17 power with diffe rent axis
elc. Despite of heavy glasses he can read very slowly by
keeping the book just at a distance of six inches or so.
Looking into the horoscope of this boy following factors
have been noticed:-
Ascendant is hemmed between the 1st rate malefics viz.
Saturn and Mars resulting into Papakartari Yoga. Moreover
ascendant lord is posited in the 12th h ouse which confirms
a weak ascendant. S ignificator of eye Moon is aspected by
Saturn. The 2 nd and 12th houses have been occupied by
Satu rn and Mars respectively which represents affliction in
both the eyes. Lord's of 2nd and 12th houses are also affiicted
owing to conju n ction with Rahu and aspect o f Saturn
respectively. This has weakened his eyes.
Howe ver, despite such afflictions a very strong Vipreet
160 Natal Planets a nd Fatal Diseases

Raja Yoga can be noted in this horoscope, lord of 6 th house

placed in 8 'h house, lord of 8 th house placed in 12th and lord
of 121h inalong with mutual exchange of lord of 2 nd and,
8 th
10 th and 11 th house Le. Venus and Satu r n r e spectively.
Jupiter aspects 2 nd and 12th house both powerfully which
will save the native throughout from blindness.
Once I came across the horoscope of the boy. His parents
asked me about his career and educational prospects. To
confirm the horoscope I made a query whether the boy was
suffering from loss of vision of left eye. Parents lau ghed at
me. I called the boy and closed his right eye by my palm and
asked him to read the spellings of a few words of a calendar.
His parents were astonished when their son failed to read. 1
told them that according to placement of planets in the
horoscope the left eye of the boy must have very poor vision.
This way Astrology proved of immense help to the parents
and the boy a like because thereafter they consu lted
Opthalmologist and also adopted preventive mea sures whieh
cured the native to a considerable extent.

Case: 6.3 Horoscope No.: 44

Date of birth : 14.04. 1975 Time of birth 07:40:00 hrs
Place of birth: Jhansi Lat 25:27:00 N Long 78:34:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:30:56 Sidereal Time : 20:50:48

Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pa d

Ase 0:54:58 Tau Krittika 2
Sun 0:00: 17 Ari Ashwini 1
Mon 27:25:55 Ari Krittika 1
Mar 8: 13:36 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Mer (C) 24:47:06 Pis Revah 3
Jup 12:49:55 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Ven 6:40:02 Tau Krittika 4
Sat 19:17:2 1 Gem Ardra 4
Planetary AfflictionsJor Diseases of the Eye 161

Rah(RJ 7049:36 Seo Anuradha 2

Ket (RJ 7:49:36 Tau Krittika 4

LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

Sat M on Sun Me<
3 Ven II
4 12Jup Sat 12
Y en Ket Moe
5 Sun 1 7Jup
6 10
7 9

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun SY 7M 26D

The boy was born on 14.04 . 1975 at 07:40 AM at Jhansi.

Combination of the Sun and Moon in the 12~ h house is
the main cause of hann to vision.
Lagna is hemmed in between malefic planets Saturn
and the Sun resulting into affliction of 2 nd house and 1 2th
house. Ruler of 2nd house Me rcury is debi litated and is
aspected by Saturn. But the main reason of considerable
loss of .... ision is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon in the
12'h house.
Let's first mention the astrological combinations for eye
troubles in general.
1. Mars placement in 1211> house and Saturn's placement
in the 2nd house invariably causes severe eye diseases.
2. Combination of the Sun and Moon in 12th house resu lts
into considera b le loss of vision of left eye discussed
3. The Sun in the 8 th , Moon in 6 th , Saturn in 2nd and Mars
in the 12th house may make one completely blind.
4. Saturn and Mars in the 1 2 th hose cause severe affliction
of left eye and curtail vision. It is more so when the Sun
occupies the 8 th house.
162 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

5. Lords of the 2 nd and 12th house combine with Venus and

the lord of lagna (ascendant) and occupy 6 1h , 8 1h or 121h
house, the person may become blind .
6. If Venus and Moon occUP5' the 121h house, vision of left
eye is largely impaired.
7. Associa tion of Ketu and the Sun in the 2nd or 121h hou se
causes Cataract in eyes.
8. Association of Moon and Mars in 6 111 , 8 th or 121h house
wilt cau se eye diseases.
9. If Saturn and Mars join in 2 nd house eyes get affected.
10. Association of Venus and Moon with a malefic in Aries
o r Leo identical with 121h or 2 nd hou se may cause severe
eye trouble.
11 . Luminaries (the Sun and Moon) in the ascendant are
also inclined to cause eye trouble. It is particularly so
when maJefics occu py 61h , 8 111 , 121h or 2 nd hou se.
12 . The Sun and Ve nu s combine in Leo identical with 8 1h ,
2 nd , 6 th or 12111 house, night blindness may be the result.
13. The Sun in lagna (ascendant) in opposition to Moon.
The Moon decreasing in 7 1h house identical with Cancer
or Capricorn may cause Myopia.
14. The Sun and Moon in evil aspects especially square or
opposition cause unequal s ight in two eyes.
15. Gemini, Aquariu s and Capricorn lagoa often cause
defective sight wh en Mercury is afflicted in Aries, Libra,
Cancer or Capricorn signs. In such cases the res u lt may
be Myopia.
We will t ry to make certain illuss-ations for different
trouble o f eyes.
SQUINT: The defect of the alignment of eyes or crossed
eyes is called squint. It is caused when Sa turn and Moon or
the Sun are conjoined or they are under malefic aspects
with each other or the Moon is heavily afflicted by Saturn, it
is particularly so, when 2 nd and 1 2111 houses are also involved.
Mars and Me r c ury may also cause Squint if they are
Planetary Afflictions/or Diseases of the Eye 163

combined and afflicted. If luminaries or Venus are afflicted

by malefics in Taurus or Scorpio. If the Sun and Saturn are
placed in the 12th house or 2 nd house, may also result in Squint
eyes along with poor vision though in reverse case Le. the
Sun is 2'''' and Saturn is 12th only vision will be poor but the
native will not be squint. When Saturn is placed in 2nd pause
with respect to Moon severe eye trouble may be the result.

Case: 6.4 Horoscope No.: 45

Date of birth : 20.03. 1930 Time of birth 09:33:00 hrs
Place of birth: Etawah Lat 26:46:00 N Long 79:02:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:52:46 Sidereal Time : 21 :07:00
Pin Degree RaBI Nakahatra Pad
Ase 6:41 :26 Tau Krittika 4
Sun 5:56:34 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Mon 13:46:34 Seo Anuradha 4
Mar 9:24:25 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Mer Ic) 24:24:04 Aqu P Bhadrapad 2
Jup 17:02:37 Tau Rohini 3
Ven 16:06:38 Pis UBhadrapad 4
Sat 18:09:06 Sag Purvasadha 2
Rah 10: 19:26 Ari Ashwini 4
Ket 10: 19:26 Lib Swati 2
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Jup3 9Mar
Mon Sal
6 10 Rah 4 8 Mon
7 9 5 7 Yen
Ke t Sal Sun

Balan ce of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 4Y 1M 13D

164 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

The native was bom on 20.3.1930 at 09:33 AM at Etawah.

The native has Squint in his left eye. Lord ~f 2nd house
Mercury and lord of 12th house Mars combine in 10lh house
and Saturn aspects them. Saturn is placed in 2 nd house from
Moon and aspects 2 nd house also. Moon is hemmed between
malefics Ketu and Saturn . These may be the reasons of Squint
in eyes.

Case: 6.5 H oroscope No.: 46

Date of birth : 23.0 1.1939 Time of oirth 09:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa ,23:00:34 Sidereal Time : 16:59:53

Pin Degree Ras! Nakshatra Pad

Ase 16: 15:08 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Sun 9: 13:23 Cap Uttarasadha 4
Mon 7,18,25 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Mar 3:09:38 Seo Visakha 4
Mer 22:14:05 Sag Purvasadha 3
Jup 12:02:57 Aqu Satabhisha 2
Ven 22:37:24 Seo Jyestha 2
Sat 19:35:32 Pis Revati 1
Rah IR) 21:06:26 Lib Visakha I
Ket IR) 2 1:06:26 Ari Bharani 3
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Sat Sun Sun Yen Jup
12 10
Ket 1 9 Sat
2 8
3 3

Balance o fVimsottari Dasa of Rah I7Y 1M 19D

Planetary Afflictions for Diseases of the Eye 165

The native was born on.23.01.1939 at 0:00 AM at

Lagna is hemmed between malefics. Saturn in 2 nd and
the Sun in 12th and heavy affliction of Moon might have
caused poor vision in spite of heavy glasses and squint.
Saturn occupies 2 nd position to Moon, Moon is receiving
aspect of Mars. She owns 6 th house, occupies Saturn's sign
Aquarius and is hemmed in between Saturn and the Sun.

Case: 6.6 Horoscope No.: 47

Date of birth : 03.08.1955 Time of birth 02:35:00 hrs
Place of birth: Bareilly Lat 28:20:00 N Long 79:24:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:14:30 Sidereal Time : 23:05: 18
Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
Asc 6:37: 13 Gem Mrigshira 4
Sun 16:32:30 Can Pushya 4
Mon 5:50: 13 Cap Uttarasadha 3
Mar (e) 21:07:41 Can Aslesa 2
Mer (e) 13:21:37 Can Pushya 4
Jup (e) 17:32: 14 Can Aslesa 1
Ven (e) 8:28:06 Can Pushya 2
Sat 21:25:55 Lib Visakha I
Rah(R) 2:32:43 Sag Maola 1
Ket (R) 2:32:43 Gem Mrigshira 3
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Jup Ket
2 9 7
1 Mar 10 Sun 6 Ven
Ket Mec
3 8
6 12 Man 11 5
9 2
Sat 7 11 12 4
8 10 3
Mon Sat Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun 1Y 10M 14D

166 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Let u s take one more example. The native was born on

03.08. 1955 at 2:35 AM at Bareilly.
The native had fa llen from a height of 35 feet on
18.09.1965 at ten years of age due to ,which the right eye of
the native was very seriously injured . This resulted into a
squint and poor vision of eyes.
Five planets the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus
are combined together in the 2 nd hou se and Saturn is
aspecting them . Moo n is in opposition to all fi ve planets.
Moreover there is mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn,
Mars 'and Moon and the Sun and Moon which resulted into
the mi s h ap. Any how exalted Jupiter in 2 nd house and in
opposition to Moon with the full aspect of Moon to her own
2 nd house saved the eye of the native.
Certainly such combinations may alarm the p arents if
such horoscopes go in the hands of any learned astrologer.
And as a result pr eventive meas ures may be adopted by all
means .
CATARACT: When the crystalline lens of the eye is
clouded over gradually diminishing vision , the disease is
known as Cataract. In such condition, the light fall s to reach
retina in insufficient qu a ntity to stimulate vision. This
requires a minor operation when Cataract is matured.
The Cataract is of two kinds. One is Serile Cataract which
is a natural sequel of old age . Another is secondary Cataract
caused oy certain inflammatory diseases of the eye. Any
chronic conjunctivitis will predi spose the eye for Cataract.
When the Sun and Ketu combine in 12'h, 2 nd , 6 ,1> or 8 'h
h ouse may cause severe inflammation of eye r esulting
ultima tely into Cataract. There s hould be no benefic aspect
on this combina tion. Combination of lords of l it and 2 nd
house may also give Cataract at an early age, if they join in
6 'h , 8 'h or 121h h ouse without any benefic aspect. The lord of
2 nd , if exal ted or pl ace d in own si gn will reduce the
consequ ences.
Planetary Afflictionsfor Diseases of the Eye 167

Those combination of Cataract have been very

intelligently investigated by Dr. Jagannath Rao in his book,
"Principles and Practice of Medical Astrology". Bu t the
application of these principles should not be verbatim.
Dr. B.V. Raman, the most learned astrologer of 20 th
century, has observed in Hindu Predictive Astrology, if the
Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn are in the 6 th , 8 th , 2 nd and
12th house respectively, the person becomes blind owing to

excessive accumulation of the humour represented by the

strongest of these planets.
Dr. B. V. Raman has mentioned in his great classic, "How
to Judge a Horoscope (Vol. I)" that the eye becomes injured
if the lord of 2 nd house joins Saturn, Mars or Gulika, Saturn
is always unfavourable for good eyesight in the 2 nd house.
Many writers have tried to conclude certain
combinations for different eye diseases like Myopia,
Hypermetropia, Presbiopia, Astigmatism, Colour Blindness,
Night Blindness etc. But personally I have experienced that
their observations need more practical experience and
certain fectifications. Therefore I do not intend to quote them
here particularly when 1 am myself not satisfied.
However Dr. B. V. Raman has specified at places that
one should be very careful while going deep into the
minute details. However it is decided that by looking into
the horoscope one can be sure of eye troubles injury or
operation etc. biological study of Ophthalmic diseases may
prove of immense use to the astrologer to reach correct
If we look into a horoscope carefully on the basis of
principles mentioned above, we will surely be able to warn
one against eye troubles to a fair degree of accuracy
168 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: 6.7 Horoscope No .: 48

Date of birth : 30. 11.1949 Time of birth 03:03:00 hrs
Place of birth: Luck now Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:09:21 Sidereal Time : 7:30:20

Pin Degre e Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 26:57:48 Vir Chitra 2
S un 14: 11:37 Seo Anu radha 4
Mon 11 :23:31 Pis U Bhadrapad 3
Mar 24:58:10 Leo P Phalguni 4
Mer Ic) 18:38:46 Seo Jyestha I
Jup 6:40:03 Cap Uttarasadha 4
Yen 1:03:30 Cap Uttarasadha 2
Sat 25:27: 14 Leo P Phaiguni 4
Rah 22: 13:27 Pis Revati 2
Ket 22: 13:27 Vir Hasta 4

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Sat Mar Mon
Mec Mar
Sun Sa'

Jup 10 Rah 2 Ven
Yen 11 Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 7Y 6M 6D

Let us examine this horoscope of a native who was born

on 30.11.1949 at 3:03 AM at Lucknow.
The native cannot see from his left eye though he quite
handsome man. At nine years of age a eoaJ particle had faJlen
into his eye and gradually that caused a serious eye trouble
Planetary Afflictions for Diseases of the Eye 169

into the loss of vision of left eye. It is quite clear in the birth
chart of the native . Saturn and Mars who are placed in the
121h house (left eye) caused tragedy. Karaka (significatorj of
eyes the Sun and Moon, both are receiving the adverse
aspects of Mars. 2 nd house also receives the aspect of Saturn.
All this caused h eavy affliction in eyes and therefore the
native is using very high power glasses. In spite of such high
power glasses he is unable see properly; his vision is
defective. This is so because significators of eye the Sun and
Moon ; Saturn and Mars are afflicted synchronizing with the
2nd and 12th houses respectively which govern right and left
eye. Affliction of 12th house is greate r than the 2 nd house
therefore left eye was lost.

Case: 6.8 Horoscope No.: 49

Date of birth : 05.10.1955 Time of birth 04:45:00 hrs
Place of birth: Badaun Lat 28:02:00 N Long 79:07:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 14:36 Sidereal Timt: : 5:22:55

Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

As e 28:33:03 Leo U Phalguni 1
Sun 17:42 : 10 Vir Hasta 3
Mon 29:43:00 Ari Krittika 1
Mar (C) 1: 19:03 Vir U Phalguni 2
Mer (R) 4:41 :37 Lib Chitra 4
Jup 0:38:05 Leo Magha 1
Ven (C) 26:42:39 Vir Chitra 2
Sat 25:40:38 Lib Visakha 2
Rah(R) 26:24: 18 Seo Jyestha 3
Ket (R) 26:24: 18 Tau Mrigshira 1
170 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

Mac Me,
10 8
Sat Rah II 7
Mer Mon
12 6 Ven
9 I Man Jup 1 5 Ket
10 12 2 4

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun 4Y 7M 16D

The native under discussion is the son of a very famous
Chief Engineer of Hydel Department. The n ative uses high
power contact lens but still he is unable to secure correct
vision. He was born on 05.101955 at 04:45 AM at Badaun.
The native suffered from detachment of retina and a few
other complications as well. Looking into the astrological
combinations we find that the Sun is conjoIned with Venus
and Mars. The Sun Venus conjunction often causes troubles
of eyes pertaining to retina if they have anything to do with
eyes in the horoscope. Significator of left eye. Moon receives
the evil aspect of Mars and Saturn both. Here in this case
Moon has to do with left eye because Moon owns 121h house
apart from being a Karaka of that eye. Howeve r Saturn's aspect
on 12th house on the ruler of 12th house i.e. Moon is positive
indication of serious eye trouble in both eyes. '2 nd house is
also afflicted with equal amount of adversity. The native is
always worried due to the diminished vision of his eyes and
medical aid is of no avail.
This is due to the past Karmas. The sins and crimes
committed by u s in the poorvajanma (previous birth) cause
eye disease. This is clearly said in Chakshopnishad.
We believe that the article remains incomplete, if we do
not add about the remedial measures. Generally we come
in the shelter of spiritual measures when we fail to receive
a dvantage or improvement from other sou rces so, when we
have no resort, we should follow the spiritual preventive
Planetary Afflictions for Diseases of the Eye 171

measures very sincerely. All about that can not be given in

this small chapter. We intend certain preventive measures
for nullifying planetary malefics or a tleast to minimize them
to a considerable extent.
The best use of the sublime science of astrology to
forewarn people against any such calami ties as that of eye
or any fatal acciden t etc. The person concerned may be
suggested preventive measures to follow and if he does so,
we firmly believe that calamities and evils will greatly be
minimized or if only the minor indications are there,
probable disease or accident may be ruled out completely:
We are giving here some of the tried out and experienced
rectification measures to prevent eye troubles which must
be adopted by any native with sincere efforts and complete
devotion to ward any evil effects.
Apart from the above combination the sages have
pointed out certain Blind Points regarding the Sun and
Moon . If the longitude of the Sun and Moon falls under these
blind points one will suffer from eye troubles.
Certain degrees of the Sun and Moon constitute to the
Blind Poin ts such as the Sun and Moon in 6 0 and loo of
Tauru s cause eye trouble. A detailed list of the blind points
is given below.
In case of weak Moon (when the difference of the Sun
and Moon is less than 72 C) there are some specific blind
points as given in chart:

Blind pOints of the Sun a nd Moon

Sign BUnd Degrees of the BUnd Degrees of
Sun and. Moon Weak Moon
Aries - -
Tallrus 6,7,8,9,10 21,22,23
Gemini 9,10,11,12,13,14,15 -
Cancer 18, 27, 28 19,20
Leo 18, 27, 28 10,11,12,13,14,15,16
172 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Virgo - 19,20,21
Libra - -
Scorpio I, 10,27,28 -
Sagittarius - 20, 21, 22, 23
Capricorn 26, 27, 28, 29 20,21,22,23
Aquarius 8, 10,18,19 1.2. 4,5
Pisces - -
ApphcatlOn of these hhnd pomts In an y horosco pe
should not be made verbatim. The Sun or Moon must be
either afnicted or mu st have some connection with the house
concerned as detailed a bove.
While j udging the horoscope of a child , probable severe
eye affliction is noted, preventive measures mu s t be a dopted
before any mishappening or before the s tart of diminishing
vision or so.
All th at is needed is a compact stu dy of h or oscope,
accurate judgment and a very sincer e and h onest effort in
adoption of preventive and rectifir:ation m easu r es.

Use of Precious Gem Stones for Diseases of the Eye

Emerald and Pearl are the best Gem Ston es for avoiding
or curing eye diseases. In some particular cases ruby is also
used. EmeraJd h as a good control over n erves and as we said
earlier eye is also a speci fi c form of nerves which is controlled
by Mercury. A good Pearl of specific we ight h as specific role
in cu r ing eyes and m ental facu lties. In case of the Sun's
affliction Ruby must be worn. Weight of a Gem Stone depends
on the amount of affliction of planet or on the strength of
planets and afflictions on concernin g planets and h ouse s,
suitable stones of appropriate weight should be prescribed.

'I.l!If 'I ~ ."''''''~'''~'ll"flO ~

~ flroil"t" ",,,~,,,,fil "'''~4:.t""",,~\I, II
One should not visit fools. Even if one comes across
a fool, one must not stay with him. Even if he happens to
remain with him, one s hould not speak to him. Even if
one speaks to him, he should speak like a fool himself.

f<1"~,, f<1~ HIRI f<1&","1Qfl"""l: I
'f ~ 'P'2If f<1~I1IR1 "!l'fI.a"a<1'{ II
Only a scholar can understand the nature of the
efforts put in by another scholar.. A childless lOOman
cannot know the pains of deliuering a child.


Rectificational Spiritual
Measures for Problems of the Eye
We have discussed various planetary combinations for
different kinds of Eye problem. If any of these combinations
is present in the Birth-chart and the native is suffering from
Eye problem, he or she must follow the following remedial
measures to get rid of all kinds of Eye complaints. These
measures will help one to maintain his vision and the health
of the Eye in all respect.
1. First of all Ganapati Poojan or Ganapati Mantra is
performed as a rule. Following Mantra of Ganapati
should be recited for 108 times:

2. Thereafter the Vedic Mantras of The Sun, The Moon,

The Mars and The Saturn may also be recited for 108
times. It may carefu lly noted that Sankalp is most
essential. Proper method and language of Sankalp has
been given in the Chapter of Heart Diseases. Essential
modifications and corrections may be made in t h e
Sankalp before its use for Eye problems.

The Sun
ilfuq;.;,,- '"1li ill ID "6' '" W' R' i31~ "{iiffif "*'AI
f.l~"""''id 'R'f" ~(""~1 "flflrnr -.;rn ~ 'Ilfl! ~
~ I I '" R' 'j<I' 'r '" "6' ID ill1li '" 1pIf'! "'" I
174 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Prescribed number of Mantras for Sun 7,000

Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 700
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 70
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 7

The Moon

~ >t->- '" 'lit 'lit 'lit w: '" * '"~ ~ ~!!."'''I'''

~ ~ ~150iUll ~ \I11"(I;;qI~'1:fQr;:(Uq I ~qq~t4
$5Iq~ ~ ~ ~ mzft uurr ttl't1SE'tI<ti 'II16( oll"1i
.. ~ I "'"I'l"' !!'f. 'Ii '" w: 'lit 'lit 'lit '" 'R'ffi "'" I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Moon 11,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,100
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 110
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 11

The Mar.
~ >t->- '" lfii i6I iIl!lf' '" W' "I'l"' '" .. fl'l't.;f~., ",!!",IlI,
'!~"US'''l: I "I'!T .. tar u ftr f.RflIl '" "I'l"' '!!<' 'l:
If' ill! i61lfii '" $wi 'PT' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Mars 10,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,000
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 100
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 10
Rectijicatiortal Spiritual Measures for Problems ofthe Eye 175

The Saturn

~ ""- '"' m 1iff <it ", '"' 'ctr' "l'f' '"' .,<ilHld'Q",,, or1'it
'I1I'll 'fi1Iit I dlHWt\ 'I' I '"' "l'f' !l'I' 'l '"' ",
<it 1iff m'"' ~fifU'I '1'1"' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Saturn : 23,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 2,300
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 230
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 23
3. Chakshushopnlshad (m/tlt:t)qP!tttO is one of the best and
tested remedies for all kinds of Eye problem, which
should be recited with devotion regularly for one to
eleven times everyday as per convenience. However,
correct pronunciation is most essential.

31"'I~I'i\'ft14.I"1 31~1"" ~, I '1l'I'fi lR' I <!.<if~'ldI I ~
f.Iit <iT'! 14 f.l '" '1' I
'"' "I!' "I!' ~, flm '<'f I 'Ii ~ ~ I <iIfti ~ ~
~ I 'I'J ~ a;;IT ~ ~ I ""I""q..n 'I <'l1'{ <I'll '"""I '"""II
<m"IT"i ~ ~ I 'I1f.r 'I'J 'l<M"I1"f.f<1If.l "'l\1IF.l,1".. $'If.l iI!f.r
@J orq: ~uil41'~ fW.zJ "IH410Q I @J ;pf: CfiQull4i(IQ ~ I @J
'1'1"' <!,'If..-I '"' 'I'i\ '!'fiffi <!,'If..-I 31~1'1il "'" I ~ "'" ~ '1'1"' I
m'l'l"' I <I'fil '1'1"' I "RRit '!I ~ 'I'Jq I <I'Rit '!I v<I1F.l.fq" I '[<'i1qf>td
'I'Jq I 0<J'it """"l 'I!fli,,"d' I tim """"l 'I!fli"F.l ... , I ,,~~
fuIT omuit f.l",qdla, 'I ~ ..-.flr I 'I if('<[ ~ 3I'<il ..-.flr I
3I'it "61 0 lli "1~flI"'l !lim filfu>f"F.l1
'"' 14.",," '!fOR' 'Ilda",; ~ ~ v<I1F.l,," a<Ri ..".~qftl,
176 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

mrm <i<fqR ~: 0"II'" ~"Jl. ~: ,;lO 'f'IT 'I'I'Iit ""1<\"",, ",$i., fM

ffi1IT ,

4. Following Yantra may be prepared on any container of

copper at the bottom with the help of the "Anar Ki Kalam"
and the Ink of tunneric. After preparation of the Yantra,
the container should be filled up by clean water. This
Yantra is called BATTISA YANTRA.

8 15 2 7

6 :} 12 11

14 9 8 1

4 5 10 13

5. Following Mantra should be recited for 1100 times

(Eleven Malas) with the help of a Mala made of Turmeric
I~ <t'I 'ffi'TI).

6. The native may wash his Eyes by this Abhimantrit Jal or
Purified Water after the completion of all pooja. This is
of immense benefit
7. The following prayer of the Sun should be read everyday
in front of the Sun:

Suryopasana ("1tl141'f1'"lI)

~ '1T'l'ft- """1<\"",, ~ fl6WM'" ~ <00 ~: oiil""'<J: ,"

GjTTm *,- "oW!. t\ 'iJ"r: ~ dlTfu'<I t\"
Read the following Stotra with full dedication , devotion:
RectiJicational Spiritual Measures for Problems of the Eye 177

""', ....-of4 ~ "",f<lq<ft',,'l; m ~ """"" '<it... ":!*llll'

mtrrf.r~~: !II'q~IR~ti, i6lItHltltCflq{il~ ... RI;::flH'\q'{ 11

"'"*"fll <RfOi ~ 'RlflI' .;il",,{"'" ~ 'IMi ""

'fk lPi\'q.f fi\f.Im< ~. ~ qJ~ .. q ( fliT'''''''' '" ,,
IJld4>Jllfi'l ~ "'''I"''d!llf<fd, ql,*,t"Hl~lHllllH' tri 'if I
(f 6<fi;i11CflCfli1"1ltltCfl CfII{i1,[Rf, ,nCfl Oo.iiil'01"1 i4q)it"lqIR~~'{ II

OJ1<t""fll<i 'IT'tT' ""', ""', ~ ", ,

" ~q'",,1ti . ' 'fi \\"""'':1'''''
8. Following Mantra may be recited 108 t imes everyday to
cure all kinds of eye diseases and problems:

I. ~ 3Hltllql T"@ \TIr ~ I

3fT ff CfI{Al'i(j\'tFa II

2. fq1;W) 'IT" <I flIill 'lGffifI "'" <I 'fRfT ,

tf ft" . . . ~ d@p"lIC'iHql~q I I
3. d1f<1foJ<I;s"~",.,.~~. ~
'I"l'l'f 'I"l q;uf," ,'I f/;d f.mor , ,
4. \3t{il6I(i11fu ~ fu{ilI$lI~l{ga{l I
;fli1Plifl6I(i11 1 I

Vegetable of mustard should be prepared and should be

pu r ified by the following Mantras. These Mantras should

of Mustard "fIT7T *'

be recited at lea st 108 times in front of cooked vegetable
(mm "* ~. The native mu&t eat the
vegetable of mustard after the worship.

9. Following Mantra will help in the improvement of vision

miraculously :
The water should be purified by reciting the following
Mantra 108 times and native should wash his eyes with
the purified water:
178 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

"" """: 'r'fi<r i\'I'i ~ <R 'l'f I

~ 'f 1!.'f ..~ I I
10. All Mantras and worship should be performed with
absolute faith, concentration, and sincerity. That will
cure Eye problem and improve the vision miraculously.

;miA ~ flI .. "f'ij "'1"fr>1 '1~: I

'I ~ l!'ffi'I ~ .IlI< ~ 'PII: I I
It is only by earnest endeavour that one's tasks
get accomplished, not just by planning. No deer enters
the mout}: of a sleeping lion!

~ 1I'i m;i lftftI 'I1flr Of ~ I
.....rr Gl'flI"'Ii>\r{: ~: 'Ii",II.a ~ I I
One should not have friendship or loue with the
wicked. When hot, charcoal bums the hand, and when
cold, it blackens and dirties the hand.


Planetary Positions
for Various Liver Diseases

Astrologically live r in the body is donated and governed

by the planet Jupiter. Itis one of the important organs aCthe
body situated in right hypochondrium and epigastrium of
abdomen. It has two lobes right and left. Right lobe is bigger
than the left. Gall Bladder is situated just internally to 9 th
costal cartilage under right lobe of liver. Liver is capable of
performing many important functions of the body i.e. the
metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins
afong with synthesis of bile, detoxification and inactivation
of drugs and hormones.
Disorder of liver can occur by various ways i.e. pre
hepatic, hepatic and post hep atic depending upon the
afnicti on of Jupiter at various places and by various planets
of the horoscope. In horoscope, liver, gall bladder and
pancreas is situated in 5 th house and ruled by Jupiter. So
arniction of 5 th house wiU cause liver trouble in one t\ray or
the other. But Jupiter is not only the deciding factor of liver
trouble. The exact nature of the liver problem should be
carefully judged by the affliction of 5 th house and Jupiter
anywhere in the horoscope along with the Mars, Saturn and
the Sun.
The liver disease appears in the form of Jaundice yellow
coloration of skin, conjunctiva and urine hemorrhagic spots
180 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

on skin itching, nail clubbing, weakness indigestion,

distension of abdomen, enlargement of breast, diminished
auxiliary and pubic hair altered mental state and
neurological functions. tremors in the hands, Ascites
(stagnation of water in abdomen) enlarged nodular palpable
tender liver, enlargement of spleen and tender gall bladder
or sometimes small liver depending upon the cause of
Liver disease occurs due to the damage of liver cells.
The pre-hepatic damage of the liver is usually vascular in
origin Le. chronic pooling of blood in liver (cardiac cirrhosis
and thrombosis of the veins of liver, these can be simulated
in the horoscope by the affliction of 51h house.
If only the Jupiter is afflicted in the horoscope the
di~ease of the liver will occur due to the reasons inside liver
only (hepatic). This may be due to:
1. Infections - Hepatitis (Le. viral, bacterial and due to drug
2. Chronic diffuse damage as in cirrhosis, e.g. Portal,
nutritional, alcoholic, biliary and post-naerotic etc.
3. Infiltrations (glycogen, fats, amyloid, lymophoma,
leukemia etc.)
4. Space occupying lesion of the liver (cyst, abscess,
Hepatoma etc).
5. Miscellaneous disease causes functional disorder with
When there will be a weak lagna or badly aspected lagna
with affliction of Jupiter anywhere in the body the person
will get a liver disease in the form of cirrhosis, leading to
generalized body weakness. If the 5 11'1 house is also afflicted
and along with above the liver damage will be more severe
in the fonn of different hepatitis.
If Jupiter and Saturn are in associa tion anywhere in
the horoscope there will be improper fun ctioning of the liver
Planetary Positions for Various Liver Diseases 181

thro ugh the life. But in case Jupiter and Saturn are
associated in Slh house. There will be a slow growing severe
chronic liver disease leading to hepatic coma and the death
of the person.
Following examples will prove it.

Case: 8.1 Horoscope No.: 50

Date of birth : 15.07.1960 Time of birth 09:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Etah Lat 27:33:00 N Long 78:39:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 18: 18 Sidereal Time : 4: 16:34

PIn Degree Raol Nakahatra Pad

Asc 13:48:2 4 Leo P Phalguni 1
S un 29:19:55 Gem Punarvasu 3
Mon 23:18:17 Pis Revati 2
Mar 24:23:42 Ari Bharani 4
Mer 2:22:39 Can Punarvasu 4
JupIR) 2:26:58 Sag Moola 1
Ven Ic) 5:31:52 Can Pushya 1
Sat IR) 21 : 14:42 Sag Purvasadha 3
Rah 23:37:50 Leo P Phaiguni 4
Kel 23:37:50 Aqu P Bhadrapad 2
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

7 3 Sun
8 2
Jup9 I Mar 9 1 Jup
Sat 10 12 10 12
Mon Mon

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer 8Y 6M 13D

182 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

This is the horoscope of a very talented boy who topped

in Roorkee Engineering in Civil Engineering. The father of
the native is a Chief Engineer i!1 PWD. The native was the
eldest child and most affectionate.
In the birth chart of this unfortunate boy Jupiter's
conjunction with Saturn in the 5 th house may be noted which
damaged the Liver. Here Jupiter owns the 8 th and Saturn
owns the 6 th house. Thus, 5 t h house is occupied by the 6 th
lord Saturn and 8 1h lord Jupiter. This combination caused
Hepatic Coma resulting into death of this boy in spite of the
best medical care.
Lagna is occupied by Rahu and the lord thereof Le. Sun
is rec~iving the aspect of his bitter enemy Saturn. Moon's
placement is 8 'h house is also not auspicious for a good
longevity. He was born in Vargottam Navamsa of Lagna, Sun
and Mercury. Even in Navamsa chart , lord of the 5 1h house
Jupiter is receiving the aspect of 5 th lord Saturn.
The native had a very pathetic death on 1510 1982
owing to Liver damage as soon as Saturn entered into Libra.
Transiting Saturn had an adverse aspect on Radical Jupiter
and also on the 5 th house as reckoned from Radical Moon.
If the Jupiter in the 5 th house is aspected or associated
with Mars, and the Sun is weak in the horoscope there will
be injury to the liver leading to its rupture or may tear by an
accident, or the person may have abscess, cyst and tumors
of the Liver which may later bursts.

Case: B.2 Horoscope No.: 51

Date of birth : 24.08.1963 Time of birth 00:00:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:20:41 Sidereal Time : 21:58:55
PIn Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pa d
Asc 19:49:43 Tau Rohini 3
Sun 6:33:2 1 Leo Magha 2
Mon 28:04: 12 Vi r Chitra 2
Planetary Positions for Various Liver Diseases 183

Mar 23,50,03 Vir Chitra 1

Mer 3,50,46 Vir U Phalguni 3
Jup(R) 25,48,26 Pis Revati 3
Ven 4,49,56 Leo Magha 2
Sat (R) 25,37,54 Cap Dhanistha 1
Rah (R) 26,19,46 Gem Punarvasu 2
Ket (R) 26,19,46 Sag Purvasadha 4
Lagn a Chart Navamsa Chart
Rah Yen Sun
3 1 4
4 12Jup Sat 5 1
2 3
Sun 5 11 Man 6 12
V, 8 9
Mar6 10 Sal 7 11 Mer
Mo 7 9 \0 Jup
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mar 4Y 6M 4D
The native narrowly escaped death during the m ajor
period of Mars. He suffered with an infantile cirrhosis
when he was only one and halr years old. This resulted into
a severe Jaundice. All medical practitioners had lost all
hopes. The native was saved with the help of Ayurvedic
medicines along with certain preventive measures of Vedic
Mantra etc.
Jupiter is aspecting 5 th house, but the Jupiter is heavily
afflicted owing to full aspect of Mars and Saturn. The 51h house
is also spoiled due to presence or bitter enemies Mars and
Mercury. This combination or Mars and Jupiter in reference
to the 5 th hou se caused the Liver trouble to this boy.
In Navamsa chart, Jupiter is receiving the worst aspect
of Mars and Saturn who are posited opposite to Jupiter.
Thus, Jupiter's placement in reference to the 5 1h house
must be judged. If Jupiter influencing the 5 1h house a lso
184 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

receives the aspect of Mars and Saturn, one is sure to suffer

by Liver trouble during childhood.
If above such combinations are indicated in the
horoscope, a proper care of the person is essential and many
rectification measures may be adopted.
The S i h house of the horoscope is very important from
the point of view of th e disease of the Liver and Gall Bladder.
So its signs, affliction and its aspects s h ou ld be carefully
judged to reach a final form of Liver diseases. If there is a
watery or earthy sign in the 51h house, the person will always
be prone to get Liver disease whenever the Jupiter will be
affected .
The affliction of the 5 1h hou se by Rahu or Ketu where
lagna is Scorpio or Leo and the 5 1h house is occupied by
Jupite r . there will be mild Lever disease or moderate
J a undice, but if with above combination nodes are placed
in 5 th house along with the association of Jupiter or a spect
by Saturn or Mars, there will be a severe liver problem in the
"form of acute Hepatitis, colic pains, cirrhosis with the severe
damage of liver and its functions.
If the lord of the 5 th house is in combination of 5 th , 8 th or
12 th along with the affliction of Jupiter there will be liver

disease in the form of obstructive jaundice due to gall s to nes

with billary colic or bilIary cirrhosis having ascitis, anemia,
swe lling of feet with decreases libido and reproductive
functions .
When the lord of the 5 th house is combined with Jupiter
and Saturn both, there will be severe jaundice due to post
hepatic billary obstruction by"stones, structure of bile duct,
and tumor or due severe infection of bile ducts (cholengitis).
If Jupiter occupies the 10th house along with Mars and
Saturn or with nodes, the person will suffer from severe liver
diseases in the form of cirrhosis lead ing to severe jaundice
or hemorrha ges, but in case of Scorpio or Leo ascendants,
afflicted Jupiter in the lOth house will cause a very weak
liver functioning leading to chronic liver disease.
Planetary Positions for Various Liver Diseases 185

Case: 8.3 Horoscope No.: 52

Dateofbirth : 21.06.1984 Time of birth 11 :26:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kanpur Lat 26:27:00 N Long 80: 19:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:38:08 Sidereal Time : 5: 15:45
Pin Degree Ra.i Nak.sbatra Pa d
Ase 26:27: 18 Leo P Phalguni 4
Sun 6:23:55 Gem Mrigshira 4
Man 4:00: 15 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Mar 18:04:44 Lib Swati 4
Mer (C) 4:06: 10 Gem Mrigshira 4
Jup(R) 15:30:37 Sag Purvasadha 1
Ven (C) 7 :51:13 Gem Ardra 1
Sat 16:27: 17 Lib Swati 3
Rah (R) 12:43:46 Tau Rohini 1
Ket (R) 12:43:46 Sea Anuradha 3
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Yen Ket
6 4 Sun 9 7
Sat 7 3 Mer 10 Sun 6
Mar Ven Mer
5 8
Sat II 5 Jup
2 Mon
Jup9 Mar 12 4
10 12 I 3
Mon Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 18Y OM 16D

This is the horoscope of a boy who suffered with Jaundice

at the age of 2 years and has an enlarged Liver. The best
treatments available at Kanpur are being taken for him.
Jupiter occupies the SIll. house in a fiery sign and Saturn
has an aspect on S Ill. house as well as on Jupiter. Jupiter
occupies Sun's Navamsa and receives the malefic aspect of .
Saturn. In Navamsa chart, Mars occupation in the SIll. house
186 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

in the sign Pisces ruled by Jupiter also causes Liver

enlar!ement and Jaundice etc.
The combination should be carefully noted that Jupiter's
placement in a fiery sign in the 5 th house under the adverse
aspect of Saturn causes severe Liver trouble in childhood.
The aspect of Mars in the same position also leads to Jaundice
or Liver abscess. If Jupiter is afflicted in the ,5 th house both
by Mars and Saturn the results will be most discouraging
often leading to Liver failure.
As Jupiter governs all the liver function it also governs
synthesis and secretion of bile juice and the Sun is the
significator of digestion. So, if the Sun is afflicted along with
Jupiter and the 5 th house, then there will be liver disease in
the form of defective bile synthesis and its secretion e.g.
cholangio hepatitis, bilIary cirrhosis and obstructive
jaundice. It is mentioned in JQtaka ?aarijata in the verse
number 92 of chapter 6 that one suffers from jaundice if
Moon and Mars occupies 6 th house.

Case: 8.4 Horoscope No.: 53

Date of birth : 23.05.1972 Time of birth 10:40:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:28:30 Sidereal Time : 2:37:15
PI.. Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Asc 21:50:55 Can Aslesa 2
Sun 8:41:38 Tau Krittika 4
Mon 14:17:18 Vir Hasta 2
Mar 13:20:56 Gem Ardra 3
Mer 24: 18:01 Ari Bharani 4
JuplR) 13:38:17 Sag Purvasadha 1
Ven 10:58:22 Gem Ardra 2
Sat Ic) 15:25:36 Tau Rohini 2
RahIR) 4: 17:58 Cap Uttarasadha 3
Ket IR) 4: 17:58 Can Pushya 1
Planetary Positions for Various Liver Diseases 187

LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

Yen Mar MarRah
5 3 II 9
Mon6 2 Sat Sun 12 B Mer
Sun Y'n
I 7
8 12 Mon 2 6
9 II Sat 3 5
Jup Ket Jup

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mon 6Y 9M 12D

She is the daughter of a famous physician of Lucknow.

She suffered from Jaundice four times so far at the age of 14.
Jupiter position in a fiery sign and the mutual aspect of
Mars caused a week Liver. The aspect of the Sun and Saturn
on the 5 th house also has damaged her Liver resulting into
loss of appetite and other complications.
In Navamsa chart, Moon and Saturn both occupy the 5 th
house and receive the adverse aspect of Mars. The lord of
the 5 th house Mars obtains Saturn's Navamsa in association
with Rahu. The Mars here also aspects Jupiter mutually.
Thus, all this combinations of Liver diseases are present.

Case: 8.5 Horoscope No.: 54

Date of birth : 19 .03.1941 Time of b irth 01: 15:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat26: 50:00 N Long80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:02: 10 Sidereal Time : 12:52:29

PIn Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad

Asc 7:22:36 Sag Moola 3
Sun 4:47:11 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Mon 18:01:43 Seo Jyeshtha 1
Mar 26:49:21 Sag Uttarasadha 1
Mee 8:11:19 Aqu Satabhisha 1
188 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Jup 21:29:33 Ari Bharani 3

Ven (q 26:44:46 Aqu P Bhadrapad 3
Sat 18:48: 16 Ari Bharani 2
Rah 8:41:18 Vir U Phalguni 4
Ket (q 8:41: 18 Pis U Bhadrapad 2

Lagn a Chart Navam sa Chart

10 2
Ven 11 I
Mec Ven
Sat 6 12 Rah
Ket 9
Jup 5 Jup7 Mon II
Sat 8 Mar 10

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Me r 15 Y 3M 4D

Jupiter and Saturn are stationed in the Slh h ouse in a

fiery sign which denotes severe cirrhosis to this lady. Her
Liver is badly afflicted and often gets this trouble. She is the
wife of a m edical practitioner.
In Navamsa chart, Jupiter falls in the inimical Navarnsa
of Venus in the 5 th hou se from Navamsa lagn~.
This has been found that there is a serious disorder
of Liver Cirrhosis resulting into Jaundice etc. when
Jupiter occupies the 5 th in a fiery sign and is afflicted by
Satu rn or Mars.

Case: 8.6 Horoscope No.: 55

Dateofbirth : 24.12.1963 Timeofbirth 08:21 :00 hrs
Place of birth: Rai BareiUy Lat26:16:00N LongBl:16:00E
Ayanam sa : 23:20:56 Sidereal Time: 14:23:45
Planetary Positions/or Various Liver Diseases 189

Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad

Ase 29:33:3 1 Sag Uttarasadha 1
Sun 8: 12:46 Sag Moola 3
Mon 11:53:08 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Mar(C! 20:59: 11 Sag Purvasadha 3
Mer 26:55:59 Sag Uttarasadha 1
Jup 16:47:21 Pis Revati 1
Ven 7:03:40 Cap Uttarasadha 4
Sat 26:18:04 Cap Dhanistha 1
Rah(R) 17:54:40 Gem Ardra 4
Ket (R) 17:54:40 Sag Purvasadha 2
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Yen Sat
10 8 10
11 SunMar 7 11 Mer 7 Mar
Mer Ket Jup on
9 9
Mon 12 6 Yen 12 6 Ket
Jup 3 Rah 3
Rah Sun
1 5 5 Sat

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 6Y 9M 23D

This is the birth chart ofa boy whose three elder brothers
expired before his birth mostly due to one or the other trouble
and ultimately failure of Liver. The condition of the parents,
is impossible for me to describe.
This boy who repeatedly had liver problems and severe
jaundice also expired due to Diphtheria.
The sign ificator Jupiter receives the aspect of Saturn
and Mars. The lord of the 5 th house is conjoined with inimical
Mercury in lagna. Placement of the lord of the 8 th house
Moon in 4th house under the malefic aspect of Mars and
190 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Saturn shows Balarishta Yoga. He expired at the age of 11

Look into the Navamsa chart, Moon and Mars h ave an
adverse aspect over the house and both o f them are receiving
the aspect of Saturn. Saturn's aspect on Jupiter shows
sluggish Liver or Liver Cirrhosis.
However, this child took four births in one family one
after another. This is a very interesting case of rebirth and
will be described at a relevant place elsewhere.
If Saturn and Moon have mutual exchange of signs with
mutual aspects i.e. Saturn in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn
in reference to the 5'h house will cause live r cirrhosis along
with ascites gene ralized debilitation of body weakness.
If the Sun and Moon occupies the 11th house and Rahu
is p ositione d in lagna, the person su ffer s from cardic
cirrhosis, ascites and jaundice leading to in volvement of
brain in the form of hepatic coma.
If Moon is placed in /agna and Saturn in the 7'h house
in reference to the lordship of Slh house there will be
possibility of ascites due to cirrhosis of liver with general ized
swelling of edema and anemia.

Case: 8.7 Horoscope No,: 56

Date of birth , 13.09.1950 Time of birth 03,10,00 hrs
Place of birth: Bijnor Lat 29,22,00 N Long 78,09,00E
Ayanamsa ,23,10,06 Sidereal Time : 2, 17,53
PIn Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
As e 18:51,47 Can Aslesa 1
Sun 26,22,26 Leo P Phalguni 4
Mon (C) 6,21,06 Vir U Phalgun i 3
Mar 28,00,27 Lib Visakha 3
Mer 5,07,54 Vir U Phalguni 3
Jup(R) 7,05,04 Aqu Satabhisha 1
Planetary Positions for Various Liver Diseases 191

Ven 10:20 :00 Leo Magha 4

Sat (CJ 29:06:40 Leo U Phalguni 1
Rah 5: 15:03 Pis U Bhadrapad 1
Ke1 (R) 5: 15:03 Vir U Phalguni 3
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Sun Yen Sun
Mon 5 Mon 10 8
Mer 6 Mer I I Jup 7
Ke Ket Sat
4 9
Mar 7 1 12 6
10 3
8 12 Rah 5 Rah
9 11 2 4
Jup Ven

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of SUD 1Y 7M 2 1D

The native of thi s horoscope was a famous doctor of

Balrampu r Hospital and an expert of ENT section.
. Jupite r is posited in the ~ house under the mu tual
aspect of Satu rn , th e Sun and Venus. This h as caused a
sluggish Liver.
Th e picture is quite clear in Navamsa chart where
Jupiter a nd Saturn occupy Navamsa lagna with mutual
aspect of Mars. Mars is th e lord of the 5 th hou se and joins an
inimical Navamsa in opposition to Jupiter and Saturn.
The native must very carefu l towards his Liver otherwise
Jupiter. Saturn or Jupiter-Mars p eriod will see the n ative in
the hospital. Reason s are quite simple.
If the Moon and Saturn occu pies 6 th and 12th hou se and
watery s ign falls in 5 th house the person is s ure to suffer
from ascites due to cirrhosis and jau ndice provided 5 th hou se
or its lord is afflicted.
192 Naral Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: B.B Horoscope No.: 57

Date of birth : 17.06.19 13 Time of birth 06: 13:00 hrs
Place of birth: Bareilly Lat31:31:00 N Long75:17:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:38:54 Sidereal Time: 23:22:49

PID Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pa d

Ase 12:53:53 Gem Ardra 2
Sun 2:33:50 Gem Mrigshira 3
Mon 11 :23:50 Seo Anuradha 3
Mar 7:21:14 Ari Ashwini 3
Mer 19: 17:14 Gem Ardra 4
JuplRI 22:35:10 Sag Purvasadha 3
Ven 18: 12 :08 Ari Bharani 2
Sat Ie) 17: 15:58 Tau Rohini 3
RahlRI 6:33:53 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Ket IRI 6 :33:53 Vir U Phalguni 3
LagDaChart Navam sa Chart
4 11
5 Sun Ven
Me< Mac
Ket 6
7 11 2
8 10
Mon Mar Sat

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 7Y 6M 3D

This is the birth chart of great Engineer of PWD who

established the Union of Associates for the first time and he
earned a lasting fam e for his unforgettable sacrifices and
good perfonnance.
Saturn's pOSition in the 12th house may be made in
opposition to the Moon in the 6 th house. The native suffered
from Ascetic due to cirrhosis of Liver. The lord of the 6 th house
Planetary Positions for Various Liver Diseases 193

Mars aspects 511> also afflicts to the lord of the 5 th house Venus
due to conjunction. The native expired on 22-10-1969 owing
to Ascetic and Liver failure.
Mars and Saturn both fall in the 511> house in the Navamsa
of Mercury justifies the above.

Serious live r diseases :

1. Jupiter's placement in the 5 th house in a fiery is bad if
aspected by Saturn and Mars. The liver diseases will be
in evident if Jupiter is associated with Saturn in the 5 th
house in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, which will be Liver
cirrhosis. If Saturn occupies 1 ph, 8 th or 5 th house and
Jupiter is placed in 5 th house, liver cirrhosis and severe
jaundice will willy-nilly be asserted on the native during
adverse planetary influences.
2. If Jupiter owns 5 th house i.e. for Scorpio and Leo
ascendant and is afflicted anywhere by Mars or Saturn
or if 5 th house is aspected by Mars or Saturn or are posited
there will be influx of liver problems.
3. If Jupiter occupies the 6 th house in conjunction or under
aspect of Saturn or Mars, there will severe jaundice and
sluggish liver.
4. Placement of Jupiter in Saturn's sign in the 8 th house
along with Saturn or in opposition to Saturn will cause
serious liver diseases.
5. If Jupiter occupies 5 th house, Saturn occupies the 3..:1
and Mars 2 nd or 11 th house, the liver will be damaged.

:;;;;I.,,,, " <It<! 'fi"fl'if '1:;;;;1'1: I

"fl'if <milt ~ l! ~ ~ ~ II
Between a serpent and a wicked person, the serpent
is better because it bites once. The wicked person keeps
biting always.

~ ~ dH:lfdH:l ~q:lfdilRi if I
~ if ~ if 'Ittdlil<ti\q(fl I I
The Sun is red at the time of rising, and red at the
time of setting too. Similarly, noble people remain the same
atthe time of happiness and distress.


Determinants of
Diseases of the Ear
In this chapter we have made sincere effort to deal with
the nature of Ear related diseases according to the birth
charts of the native. This is exactly what is required today in
the sphere of medical astrology. in this chapter we will try to
explain the various astrological combinations for various Ear
related diseases.
An Ear, organ of hearing and balance, is one of the
mechanoreceptive sense organ by which man
communicated with the outer world, he can stand erect, sit
properly and can balance and co-ordinate movements. The
ear is ruled by 3rd and 11 th house, right ear is denoted by the
3 rt! house whereas the left ear is denoted by the 1 ph house.
Man can hear the sounds of frequency range of 20 Hz to
20,000 Hz and can appreciate the change in its frequency
even upto the difference of 3 cycles/sec. Ear makes the
person to identify the direction, intensity, tone and pitch of
the sound, with appreciation of rate of change of rotation.
The disease anywhere in the apparatus leads to difficulty in
hearing known as 'Deafness' of different degree, and may
lead to vertigo, nausea, vomiting, giddiness and
uncoordinated movements along with disorientation of body
position and its parts in air, water and space. The position of
evil planets and their aspects on the 3 rd , 5 th, 9 th and 1 ph
houses plays an important role in the diseases of the ear.
196 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

The ear consists of three parts, the external, middle and
internal and aU the parts have three stnlctures. Among these,
the inner part is of supreme importance. The external
comprises of pinna, or auricle the external auditory canal
and tympanic membrane or the drum which is governed by
Mercury. The middle ear comprises a cavity called tympanic
cavity, a backward bony process called mastoid process and
its cells and the Eustachian tube which connects the ear

cavity with the throat. In this cavity there is a chain of small

bones, which h elps in the conduction and amplification of
the sound waves. This part is governed by the Sun. the inner
ear or the 3 111 part of the ear is governed by the Mercury and
Moon which consists oflabyrinths in the Conn of a membrane
like and bony labyrinth, the latter surrounding the former
like a capsule, and remains filled with a fluid known as
endolymph and perilymph respectively. Like vestibule with
its two parts saccule and utricule, three semi-circular canals
and the cochlea, The three semicircular canals are set at-
right angles to each other and represents the three planes of
space, the external or horizontal, the superior or frontal and
the posterior or saggital.

Functions and mechanism of hearing

and Equilibrium:
The ear performs three main functions, the first is
hearing and the other is the balancing of the body in the air,
water or space, and the third is maintenance of the
eqUilibrium of the body, The main significator of the hearing
is Mercury and balance id Moon, so affliction of Mercury
and Moon syncronising with 3rd and 11th house in one way
or the other will cause hearing or balancing problems. The
1M fun ction is known as auditory function mainly done by
cochlea and the latter one is known as vestibular function
performed by the semi circular canals.
Determinants of Diseases of the Ear 197

Auditory function:
The main denominator of auditory function is Mercury.
So affliction or aspect of Mercury along with the Sun and
Mars in 3 rd , 11 th , 5 th and 9 th house will cause disturbance in
auditory function and person will develop hard of hearing.
It is performed in three phases, 1~t conduction of sound waves
through external ear, external auditory canal which sets to
vibrate tympanic membrane or the drum and through the
bony chain of middle ear and via foot plate of the fluid of
inner ear. From fluid their reception occurs by the sensory
receptors known as Organ of Corti in cochlea of inner ear,
the receptor of the auditory analyser. In this phase the Sun
plays an important role as the sound vibrations pass through
small bony chain of middle ear.
In the second phase sound is conveyed to the most
delicate receptors of the 8 th cranial nerve (vestibule-eodear
nerve) to b passed further which is governed by the planet
Mercury, and in the final phase through appropriate
channels to the cortical auditory centres in the temporal
lobe of the brain, where nervous impulses are interpreted as
sound heard by the person, and Moon is responsible for this
The external and middle ear make up the sound
conducting apparatus whereas the inner ear especially the
Organ of Corti belongs to the sound perceiving apparatus,
which transmit the sound waves to brain. The auricle or
pinna only collects the sound waves and gives some idea
about the determination of direction while the external
auditory canal helps in their conduction upto the drum.
Sound waves striking tire tympanic membrane set it into
vibration. The drum which is connected to the chain of small
bones, works as fulcrum or liver action and amplifies the
sound by 22 times, and transmit them into another small
window known as oval window formed by foot plate at the
outer most part of the labyrinth, that rocks in and out with
the phase of sound vibrations here upto here the sound comes
by conduction so any disturbance in the way of external
198 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

and middle ear causes hampered conduction of sound,

which leads to conduction deafness. Thi s is mainly governed
by Mercury, the Sun , Mars and Saturn. The rocking foot plate
sels the vibration in the fluid perilymph. These vibrations
are transmitted to sensory receptors, Organ of Corti. Here
the mech an ica l energy of vibration s into physiological
process of n erve excitation and from here the sound travels
through the nerve in the fonn of impulses of electric potential
to thp. higher centers of brain where the sound is interpreted
(i.e . mechanical electrical impulse- brain). This is known
as perception of sound so any disturbance in inner ear in
perception of sound causes perceptive deafness and mainly
governed by Moon and Mercury.
The second and third function of the ear is vestibular
function , orientation of the body and its individual parts in
air, water and space, is made possible by co operation of eye
sight, n e rve ending of the skin, muscles and joints. In
addition to above. the vestibular apparatus performs an
important function in maintain equilibrium at rest or in
motion (straight, angular or rotator) in air, water or space,
with the h elp of cerebellum (part of brain) . Moon and Mercury
are the main significators of vestibular function. So Moon
and Mercury, if afflicted or aspected by evils synchronizing
with 3,d, 5 1h , 9 1h and 1 p h houses will cause disturbances in
vestibular fun ction in terms of disorientation and in co-
ordinated movements a long the nau sea and vertigo and
tendency to fall towards the diseased ear. Stimulation of the
receptors of the vestibular apparatus produces a number of
reflex reactions which causes the contraction of muscles of
neck, hands, limbs and eyes to change its position to counter
the displaced position of the body for maintaining balance .
The vestibular apparatus mainly consists of two parts, the
utricle and the semi-circular canals. The movements along
a straight line is identified by the vestibular sensory receptor
situated in the utricle called mocu la and the angu lar or
rotator movem ent s are identified by the vestibular sensory
receptors cal led crista situated in the a mpulla of various
sem i-circular canals. Bending of the body or hea d to one
Detemlinants a/Diseases a/the Ear 199

side causes fl ow o f fluid (endolymph) inside semi-circu lar

canals which stimulate the hair cells of sensory receptors of
macula and crista, while bending to opposite s ide inhibits
their stimulation.
When the head is bent to one side the fluid of semi-
circular canal flows in a direction opposite to the rotation of
the head and discharges signals for head orientation. The
organ of semi-circular canal responds to rotation of head in
any plane, h orizo ntal , saggital or coronal for fluid movement
always occurs in a tleast one of the semi circular canals to
detect the ra te of change of rotation of the h ead in any plane,
a nd this is a ll governed by Moon . So, it is the main
significator of orientation and balance, wh e never the
combustion of Moon occurs or is aspected by evil planets
especially in Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, synchronizing with
the 3 rd or I11h house will cause disturbance in the judgement
of orientation a nd difficulty in maintaining equilibrium.
Thus the appropriate signals of the fluid movement of the
respective semi ci rcular canals for position of the head are
sent to brain by th e se nsory nerve endings of vestibular nerve
from macula and crista. The stimuli go to the nuclei of the
ves tibula r nerve and then to cerebellum to control the
interplay between faci litation and inhibition of extension of
muscles of hand s, limbs, neck and eyes to maintain and
controlling equilibrium. Defects anywhe re in the conduction
or perception o f sound waves lead to deafn ess. Deafness if of
two types, con ductive and perceptive. Interruption of sound
waves during its conduction leads to conductive deafness
which is mainly caused by disease of external and middle
ear and governed by Mercury, the Sun and Saturn.
Interruption of sound impu lse to be rece ived by brain leads
to perceptive deafness which is mainly caused by the disease
of cochlear part of inner ear and the 8 th nerve and governed
by Me rcury while disturbance in vestibu lar part of inner part
of inner ear and its nerve connections leads to disorientation
of the bod y po si tion and difficulty in maintaining
equilibrium in t h e form of vertigo, giddi ne ss, nausea,
200 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

vomiting and uncoordinated movement s of the body which

is governed by Moon and Mercury .

Diseases of the Ear :

Any disease of external, middle and inner ear may cause
disturbance of its cochlear and vestibular functions. The
diseases of the ear can be divided according to its causes in
its different parts e .g.
1. Congenital (_inee birth): Deformities and malformation
in the form of Microtia, Macrotia, Atarsia, Auricle,
Fistula, pre -auricular sinuses or external, Atarsia or
Stenosis of external auditory canal, abnormality of bony
chain found and oval window, facial nerve in middle
ear and the malformation of cochlea and vestibules. With
vestibule cochlear nerve and its connections in inner
2. Traumatic (injuries): Injury to external ear and its canaI
rupture of drum. barotrouma. fracture of skull.
dissociation of ossicular chain in middle ear, traumatic
la byrinthitis. fracture of temporal bone in inner ear.
3. Ianammatory: Infection of external ear and canal
(impetigo erysipelas) Haematoma, Perichondriits,
eczema Herpes, acute and chronic Otitis media,
secretary Otitis media, suppurative and adhesive otitis
media of middle ear and, secretory and suppurative and
various types of labyrinthitis of inner ear and their
complication. mastaiditis. meningitis Dural. subdural
and brain abscess. focial palsy, petrositis and latral sinus
4. Neoplastic (tumors): Benign and malignanat tumours
of external and middle ear haemengioma, dermoid cyst,
lymphangioma, cerimunoma of external ear, adenoma
and osteoma haemengiom of middle ear, acaustic
neurinoma and eoplasm of inner ear. Squamous cell,
carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma of external
and middle ear, glomus jugulare and osteoma of inner
Determinants of Diseases of the Ear 201

5. Paralytic: Paralysis of facial nerve during its course in

ear, vestibular and cochlear neurontitis,
6. Obstructive: Wax, foreign body in ear and Eustachian
tube obstruction.
7. Genetic: Ostose larosis.
8. Miscellaneous: Meniors disease, verfibro bacillary
syndrome, benign postural vertigo and diseases due to
toxic drugs.
The infection of the ear is known as Otitis. If it is of
external ear, it is known as otitis external, of middle ear,
otitis media and of inner ear otitis interna.
As trologically we get the combinations to an the three
parts of the ear, exterbal , middle and internal.

Watery signs and diseases of the Ear:

This has been seen that Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are
the signs if afflicted and synchronizing with the 3 M or 1 ph
v.ouse will cause serious trouble resulting in permanent
watery ear discharge and deafness in the form of secretory
If the 3 ,d o r ll'h house is afflicted be Mars a nd
synchronizing with Scorpio, Cancer o r Pisces there will
remain pus discharge from ear due to sever e ear infection
assoc iated with bleeding with rupture of tympanic
If the 3 rd or 11 th house is afflicted by Venus and Mercury,
the cochlear system of ear will be defective leading to
perceptive type of deafness Le. labyrinthitis on vestibulo
cochlear neuronitis.
If sign s involved are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries under
affliction of the Sun and Mercury. There willbe loss of fluids
of the ear and it will becQrne dry. ear drum will be retracted
and flXed, leading to adhe\:;ive otitis media, tinnitus vertigo
causing mixed deafness.
Dr. Jagannath Rao , the author of a book on medical
202 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

astrology, does not appear justified when he says that watery

signs have nothing to do with the ear diseases because inner
ear has much to do with liquids, where watery signs will
certainly playa major role, malefic or benefic as the case

Mercurian signs and diseases ot the Ear:

Mercury is the main significator of ear diseases.
Therefore, the signs Virgo and Gemini which come under
the rulership of Mercury haye also to play their role, if
afflicted, synchronizing with the 3"1 or 11'11. house.

Combinations ot the external ear diseases

1. Mandi and Mars are associated in the 3 M house from
lagna, the person will suffer from ear trouble in the form
of extra growth or tumor in external ear. But the signs
which fall in 3rt! house will exactly determine the nature
of the disease.
2. If the lord of the 3 rd house joins evil Shashthayamsa in
the sign of any malefic planet, the native will suffer from
ear trouble depending on the nature of the sign involved
therein .
3. If malefics join 3 rd , 5 th , 9 th or 11 th house and are not
aspected by benefics the ear trouble will be caused and
the hearing power of the ear will be hampered.
4. If Mars and the lord of the 2" d house are associated in
t h e lagna there may be pain in ear in the form of acute
infections of external ear and external auditory canal,
cellulitis, fumoulosis, meningitis bullosa, otomycosis,
5. If the lord of the 6 th house is Venus and it joins lagna
und er the aspect of malefic Moon the r ight ear of the
native will be deaf.
6. If the lord of the 6 t h and Mercury are posited in the 6 th
house under the aspect of Saturn one will suffer from
s lo w growing obstructive ear disease leading to
Detenninants of Diseases of the Ear 203

7. If weak Moon joins lagna, the hearing power will be

reduced provided the 3 rd house is afflicted . .
8. If the Venus is in the 5 th and Mercury is in the 6 th from
lagna and the b irth of the native has taken place in night,
the person will be deaf.
9. If Venus is associated with Mercury and occupies the
12th , the native will be deaf in his left ear.

10 . If the s~d combination occurs in Virgo or Gemini, the

person will be deaf in his right ear.
11. If malefic occupy the 3 rd , 11th, 5 th or 9 th provided they are
unaspected by benefics, deafness will be the result.
12. When the lord of 3rd and 6 th is mercury and is combust,
a disease of the ear will be in the form of deafness.
13. If mercury is combust and lagna is afflicted by malefic,
there will be ear d isease.

Co mbinatio ns of the middle ear disea ses

1. If malefic join the 3 rrl house and are also affected by
malefic in conjunction or by aspect, the ear trouble is
bound to occur. The person will suffer from throat and
nose d:seases which will lead to chronic pus
discharging ear and conductive type of deafness.
2. If Saturn, Mars and the 2 nd lord join the lagna there may
be injury or operation of the ear due to chronic
progressive painful ear d isease i.e. chronic supperative
otitis media with its different complications like
mastered abscess, sub dural , dural and brain abscess,
zygomatic abscess or injury to external ear and its canal
with rupture of drum and bleeding.
3. Same results will appear if the 2 nd and 6 th lord conjoins
in the lagna, which will lead to chronic otitis media,
lateral sinus thrombosis and deafness provided the Sun
is also afflicted severely.
4. If Mars and Gu lika are associated in the 12th house the
same results should be expected.
204 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

S. If Saturn aspects Moon and tagna is neither aspected

nor associated with the Sun or Venus, the ear of the
native will be cut due to injury or degenerative disease
of the ear. Due to inflammation, watery discharge from
ear persists and the person may also suffer from vertigo
and balancing trouble.
6. If full Moon conjoins with Mars in the 6!h hou se, the
native may be deaf due to persistent painful
serosanguinous discharge from ear, associated with
balancing t rouble.
7. If mercury, Moon and Venus conjo in s anywhere in the
horoscope, the native may suffer from mixed type of
deafness due to chronic discharging from ear and its
complication i.e. lateral sinus thrombosis, labyrinth itis
deafness with balancing trouble and if the concerning
house is also afflicted the person will be deaf mute.
8. If the lord of the 6 1h and mercury conjoins and is aspected
by Saturn the person will be deaf due to chronic painful
discharging ear Le. chronic suppurative otitis media and
slow growing conductive type of deafness.
9. If Moon and Mercury conjoins with Mars or Saturn in
the 111h or 3rd house the respective ear will be diseased
and the person may suffer from painful pus discharging
ear with a s low progressive conductive type of deafness.
10, If Moon and Mercury are in 3,d or 11 th house
corresponding with Gemini or Virgo, there may be watery
discharge, without pain from discharging ear and person
might suffer from non-suppurative type of middle ear
disease, Le. secretory otitis media.
1 L If Chandra Mangal (Moon Mars) Yoga is present in 3 m,
lph, Sth, 6 1h , 9 th or 12th house there may be middle ear
disease as Mars causes inflammation and traumato
tympania membrane leading to bleeding, pain and pus
discharge with conductive type of deafness .
12 . When Moon and Mercury are associated in Martian sign
identical with 3 m or 1 1th house from tagna, pain and pus
Determinants a/Diseases a/the Ear 205

form ation will result in corresponding ear resulting into

conductive deafness due to chronic suppurative otitis
13. When Mars and Mercury combine in the 3rd or 11 th house
the dise as e of the middle ear will occur due to an
infection, leading to pus formation with the complication
of the midd le ear disease and conductive deafness.
14. When th e native is born in Gemini or Virgo and, Mars
and Saturn conjoins, the middle ear diseases must
expected with its different types of complications in the
Conn o f abscess. This should be judged in s ame way from
Moon sign as well.
15. Whe n Moon and Mars conjoins with Mercury in 3rt! or
11 ~h h ouse and Ketu is 9'h from the combination, acute
otitis occu rs, and surgery becomes essential.
16. The Su n is very important for the affliction of bones, so
whenever the Sun is involved the ear bones are diseased
leading t o conductive type of deafness.
17. When the Sun is placed 7lh from afflicted house,
operation of the ear is necessary becau se of the diseased
bones o f the ear.
18. When Merc ury combines the Sun and Saturn, and
occupies the 3,d or 11 lh house, the concerned ear will
become deaf due to chronic adhesive otitis media.

Combinations of the internal ear diseases :

1. If"the lord of 31 house joins evil Shashthayansa in the
sign of any malefic it will cause inner ear trouble.
However, this combination must be applied when the
time of birth is very accurate upto seconds.
2. If the lord of 6 lh is Venus and it joins lagna under the
aspect of male fi c Moon, the right ear of the native will
be defective a nd person will suffer nausea, vertigo ,
uncoordinated movements and dis turbance to maintain
equ ilibriu m .
206 Natal Planets alld Fatal Diseases

3. If the 6 th lord and Mercury conjoin in the 4th h ouse and

Saturn joins lagrIa the subject will be deaf mute.
4. If the 3 rd and 2nd lords are severely afflicted by placement
or aspect in the 6 th and S,h house, Mars or Saturn afflicts
Venus and Mercury, in both the cases the native will be
deaf and mu te.
5. If the 6 th house is owned by Mercury and is placed in
the 6 1\ 8 th or 12th house and is receiving the aspect of
aspect of Saturn, the native will suffer from perceptive
6. If weak. Moonjoins /agna as lord of 3 m or 11'h the hearing
power of the person will be redu ced and the person will
have difficulty in balancing provided the 3rt! or 11 th house
are also afflicted.
7. If Mercury occupies 4th house from Saturn and the 6 th
lord is in the 6 th , 8 th or 12 th from rising sign of the person
will be perceptively deaf.
8. If full Moon and Venus are associated with enemies the
perceptive deafn ess along with vertigo will come in
evidence due to reduced blood supply of ear.
9. When lord of 6 th is aspected by Satu rn and Mercury, the
person will suffer from slow growing perceptive deafness.
10. When Mercury combines with the Sun closely (with 10)
in 3 "1, 1 p h or 6 th house and is 71h from the combination,
the internal ear disease takes place resultin g in
perceptive deafness and surgery may be required.
11. If airy lagna Gemini and Mercury is combined with
Mars, the Sun is in 3,d, II, 6 th or 12th house then internal
ear will become diseased leading to nausea, vomiting,
vertigo, with disturbance in balancing and hearing i.e.
la byrinthitis, vertlbro basiUruy syndrome.
12. If Mercury is combusted and /agna is afflicted by malefic
the same result will be expected.
Detemu'nants of Diseases of the Ear 207

Case: 9.1 Horoscope No.: 58

Date of birth : 11.06.1977 Time of birth 01:10:00hrs
Place of birth: Bareilly Lat 28:20:00 N Long 79:24:00E
Aya namsa : 23:32:36 Sidereal Time: 18: 13:46
Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad
Asc 11 :20:54 Pi s U Bhadrapad 3
Sun 26: 14 :35 Tau Mrigshira 1
M an 21: 18:23 Pi s Reva ti 2
Mar 9:56:34 Ari Ashwini 3
Mer 6:2 1:23 T au Krittika 3
J u p (CJ 2 1:35:4 1 T au Rohini 4
Ven 10:34:45 Ari Ashwini 4
Sat 19:27:57 Can Aslesa I
Rah 29: 13:35 Vir Chitra 2
Ket 2 9: 13:35 Pi s Revati 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Mar Yen Rah
Sun 1 11 8 6
Mer 2 10 Sat 9 5 Su n
Jup Mon Kct
12 7
3 9 M on 10 4 Ven
6 Jup
Sat 4 8 Mer 11 3 M ar
5 7 12 2

Balan ce o f Vimsottari Dasa of Mer 11 Y 1M OD

The girl is completely deaf from birth. She is a beautiful

and charm in g girl but she cannot list.:!n anything. She could
not be married due to loss of hearing power. Sh e was born in
Pisces ascendant. 6 111. lord Sun , 7 111. lord Mercury , 8 111. lord
Ve nus and lagna lord Jupiter are conjoined here in the 3rt!
208 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

house. Moreover, 11th lord Saturn and 2 nd lord Mars are also
under mutual aspect with each other identical to the 2 nd
and 5 th house. Placement of Mars and Saturn in the 2 nd and
5 th houses: in the 3 m and 9 th houses: in the 12th and 3 m
house with afflicted Mercury and the lord of 3rd house always
gives rise to loss of hearing power.

Case: 9.2 Horoscope No.: 59

Dateofbirth : 31.03.1949 Time of birth 14:30:00 hrs
Plac.e of birth: Deori Lat 21 :29:00 N Long 82:41 :OOE
Ayanamsa : 23:08:45 Sidereal Time : 03:04:22
Pin D egree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
Asc 26:32:47 Can Aslesa 3
Sun 17: 10:34 Pis Revati 1
Mon 6 :06:31 Ari Ashwini 2
Mar(e} 14:11:24 Pis UBhadrapad 4
Mer(e} 4:29:00 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Jup 5 : 17:44 Cap Uttarasadha 3
Ven (e} 12:54:52 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Sat (R) 6:59:30 Leo Magha 3
Rah 2:23:03 Ari Ashwini 1
Ket 2:23:03 Lib Chitra 3
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
5 3 12 10
6 2 Rah I 9 Sun
4 11
Ket 7 1 Rah Mon 2 8 Mar
10 Man 5
Jup Mer
8 Sat 3 7 Ven
9 11 4 6 Ket

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket 3Y 9 M 15D

Detenninants of Diseases of the Ear 209

The native is a PCS officer. He is very hard of hearing.

All treatments have gone in vain. The 3rd house in his
horoscope is hemmed between Saturn and Ketu giving rise
to Paapkartari Yoga. The lord of the 3 n1 house Mercury is
debilitated and is associated with malefic Mars, Saturn and
Venus. All these four planets lend their aspects over the 3 n1
house in addition to debilitated Jupiter. Moreover, markesh
S aturn lends malefic aspect over the 11th house. The lord of
3,d and 111h house both are associated with malefic Mars and
Sun. This malefic combination for ears has reduced the
listening power of the native. Thanks to Jupiter whose aspect
over the 3rd and 11 \h house has made him hard of hearing
and not completely deaf.

Case: 9.3 Horoscope No.: 60

Date of birth : 20. 11.1941 Time of birth 01 :54:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long BO:54:00E
Aya namsa : 23:02:38 Sidereal Time : 5:41:29

PIn Degree Ras l Nakabatra Pad

Asc 2:49:03 Vir U Phalguni 2
Sun 4:04:57 Seo Anuradha 1
Mon 16:13:23 Seo Anuradha 4
Mar 18:36:38 Pis Revati 1
Mer 16:58:35 Lib Swati 4
Jup(R) 25:47:51 Tau Mrigshira 1
Ven 21:13:56 Sag Purvasadha 3
Sat (R) 1:51:06 Tau Krittika 2
Rah (R) 27:10:58 Leo U Phalguni 1
Ket (R) 27:10:58 Aqu PBhadrapad 3
210 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Lagna Chart Navam sa Cha rt

M" Rah Rah Mar
7 5 9
Mon 8 4 8 Mon
Sun Sat
Yen 9 3 1 7 Yen
12 4
10 2 Jup 2 6
11 1 Sat 3 5
Ket Ket Jup Sun

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat OY 7M 17D

This n a tive lost his hearing power from his young age.
In spite of best treatments he cou ld not regain the hearing
power of his ears. Mercury is the significator of hearing power
and 3 rd and 1 1th house indi cates right and left ear
respectively. A carefu l examination of this horoscop e
indicates that the 3rd house is adversely afflicted in this birth
chart due to presence of Sun and Moon. The Sun is the lord
of 12th house whereas Moon is debilitated here. 6 t h lord
Saturn joins the 9 th hou se and has a mutual aspect with the
Su n and Moon. The Sun and Moon are further afflicted.
However, opposition of the Sun and Saturn; Moon and Saturn
are always adverse with respect to concerning house.
The significator of hearing power Mercury joins the 2 nd
house and is aspected by 3rd and 8 th lord Mars. Mercury
obtains the navamsa of its debilitation under the adverse
aspect of Saturn and Mars synchronizing with 3rd house.
This has made the n ative deaf.

Case: 9.4 Horoscope No.: 61

Date of birth : 06.09.1980 Time of birth 06:45:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:35:02 Sidereal Time: 5:39:46
Determinants of Diseases of the Ear 21 1

Pin Degree Rasi Nakshatra Pad

Asc 1:53:41 Vir U Phalguni 2
Sun 20:00:49 Leo P Phalguni 3
Man 12:06:07 Can Pushya 3
Mar 1 1:31:54 Lib Swati 2
Mer ICJ 29:28:49 Leo U Phalguni 1
Jup ICJ 25:34:46 Leo P Phalguni 4
Ven 4:38:48 Can Pushya I
Sat ICJ 4 :3 1:08 Vir U Phalguni 3
Rah 26:34:49 Can Aslesa 3
Ket 26:34:49 Cap Dhanistha I

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Mar Mer Sun Sat Rah Mer
7 5 Mon II 9
8 4 Von 12 BJup

Ket 10 2
Ket Yen

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 6Y 6M ID

This native lost his hearing power from 8 years of age

suddenly. In his horoscope, lord of 3rt! house Mars joins the
2 nd hou se and Mars aspects the 5 th , 8 th and 9 th house. Lagna
lord Mercury, the significator of hearing power is hemmed
between Sun and Rahu giving rise to Paapkartari Yoga. The
Sun is also hemmed between Saturn and Rahu. Mars and
Saturn both obtain the navamsa of Saturn who is posited in
Virgo in the ascendant under Paapkartari Yoga. Moreover,
the significator Mercury obtains navamsa of Jupiter who is
markesh for Virgo asce ndant. In Navamsa chart, Saturn and
Mars jointly aspect at Aries. These combin ations snatched
212 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

the hearing power of the native as soon as he entered in the

major period of Mercury around 8 years of age.

Case: 9.5 Horoscope No.: 62

Dateofbirth : 11,02.1984 Timeofbirth OO:15:00hrs
Place of birth: Gwalior Lat 24:54:00 N Long74:55:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:37:50 Sidereal Time: 9:04:50
Pin Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad
Ase 17:44:27 Lib Swati 4
Sun 27:35:33 Cap Dhanistha 2
Mon 4:47:42 Tau Krittika 3
Mar 20:56: 18 Lib Visakha I
Mer 8:53:19 Cap Uttarasadha 4
Jup 10:51:16 Sag Moola 4
Ven 26:00:04 Sag Purvasadha 4
Sat 22:35:21 Lib Visakha 1
Rah 19:45:34 Tau Rohini 3
Ket 19:45:34 Seo Jyestha I
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Ket Mar Sat Mon
8 6 1 1
Yen 9 5 2 10
Jup Mar Sat Mer
7 12
Sun 10 4 Rah 3 9 Ket
M, 6
11 3 Jup4 8 Yen
12 2 5 7
Rah Man

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sun 2Y 4M 3D

The boy has only 25% of listening power. He was born

in Libra ascendant. Mars and Saturn are closely associated
in the ascendant. The 3rd house is occupied by the 8 t h. and
Detenninants of Diseases, of the Ear 213

6 lh lord Venus and Jupiter. The lord of 3'd house Jupiter falls
in Moola nakshatra ru led by Ketu. Karaka Mercury obtains
debilitated navamsa and is aspected by killer Mars in this
chart. Thus, Mercury and 3rd house are heavily damaged.
These are the fac tors responsible for the damage of the ears
of the native.

Case: 9.6 Horoscope No. : 63

Dateofbirth : 20.10.1976 Timeofbirth 09:00:00hrs
Place of birth: Ludhiana Lat 30:56 :00 N Long 75:S2:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:32:07 Sidereal Time : 10:28:21
PIn Degree Ra.1 Nakshatra Pad
Ase 3:34:40 SeQ Anuradha I
Sun 3:20:01 Lib Chitra 4
Mon 20:39:59 Leo P Phalguni 3
Mar(CI 14:09:43 Lib Swati 3
Mer(CI 21:10:58 Vir Hasta 4
Jup(R) 6:09:53 Tau Krittika 3
Ven 5:45:32 Seo Anuradha I
Sat 21:59:23 Can Aslesa 2
Rah (R/CI 10:06:24 Lib Swati 2
Ket (R) 10:06:24 Ari Ashwin i 4
Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart
Mar Sun Jup Ket Mer
9 7 6 4
10 6 Mer Man 7 3
Ven Ven
8 5
11 5 Man Sun 8 2
2 11
Jup Mac
12 4 Sat 9 Jup 1
3 10 12
Ket Sat Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ven 9Y OM OD

214 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

She is an exceptionally beautiful, pretty and charming

girl. Her father is a multimillionaire. She is facing acute
hearing problem from birth , though she is not completely
deaf. She uses best kind of hearing aid equ ipments. However,
she is struggling hard from birth. She could not get higher
eduction because she was unable to listen lectures in the
classes. She was born in Scorpio ascendant. The lord of the
3 rd house Saturn is posited in the 9 th house. Mars and Saturn
are the first rate malefic planets and both jointly lend their
aspect over the 3 n1 and 6 th house respectively, which has
damaged the hearing power of this unfortunate female. The
11 th h ouse is also afnicted alongwith the significator Mercury
as it is hemmed between inimical Mars and Rahu in 2 nd and
Moon in the 12the as reckoned from Mercury. Thus the 3 m
and 11 ' h house alongwith the significator Mercury have been
afflicted by Mercury. Moreover, Mercu!j' obtains the navamsa
of inimical Moon which has added further adversity to the
listening strength of the girl.

'f 'ffiIft 'f G1tg; 'f 1l1Gif 'f;mqf.( I

~~4 1 :tI(?lI i$'i~: -gm ~I'i~ fqq lq jt , I
Thefaith that men have by nature infnends is not
found in their mothers, wiues, brothers and themselves!

'!lll"""",,,<il. G!fi 1~<I"flq " : I
~ 'IT .41",,,, $lit <R '!if 'IT II
A person of self-respect lives like a flower, in two
ways, either getting on top ofeveryone's head, or ending
its existence in the forest itself

Astrocalculus for
Surgical Success
Science, with all its disciplines, has always been to the
service of mankind. Its therapeutic domain bestows relief
from pain and sufferings. Records of history show that Homo
Sapiens have been susceptible to the varieties of disease,
acute and chronic, general and complex. The principal task
which a physician faces in every case is its proper diagnosis.
In doing so science and its different branches such as
pathology, radiology, surgery, pharmacy, etc. have been like
alphabets in English language without which nothing can
be done. Stupendous strides that Science and Technology
have made in the modern times suggest the unceasing quest
to use all the facilities at his command for better world of
future. Every person who keeps himself abreast of latest
information and over-expanding pool of knowledge will agree
that man is constantly making use of his facilities that are
known; developing those which are lesser known and trying
to know which are still unknown. Astrology, the sacred
science of all ages, too promises a happy and useful life for
every person under certain parameters. The parameters of
astrology are not subject to change. They are immutable.
Humanity can become happier if it takes shelter under the
preventive and protective umbrella of astrology.
The concept of 'election' (Muhurtha) may be explained
at the very outset, in a few words. The appropriate time
216 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

(elected on the principles and dictums of astrology) for some

specific purpose, has maximum immunity from all hurdles
and evils. This, obviously results in the free play of human
endeavors to achieve success as the unseen and unknown
malevolence, if any, of planets is set aside.
Needless to state, there are three basic attributes of
nature in the realm of time. They are creation, protection
and destruction. The zodiac, relative to our Earth, has the
Sun and other planets to cause every phenomenon in the
entire world. Of the planets, the Sun is the only source of
life and energy. The movements of the planets and the
corresponding position of the Sun represent creative and
destructive forces of the Cosmos. These forces,
fundamentally, are nothing but the radiations of specific
frequencies and wave lengths.
Hence, the appropriate time (elected time) or the
Muhurtha has special significance in case surgery is needed
for welfare of a person. The remedy administered either
through surgery of medicine shall be highly effective during
the elected time period because the malevolent forces are
left aside and their influence on the affairs of Nature are
annulled for elected time. The job prima facie appears very
intriguing, and rightly so the selection of the elected time
requires pristine precision at the hands of the scholar or the
As Dr. B.V.Raman, maintains Muhurtha is that precious
moment when the vibrations radiated by man are altered to
a specific wavelength are capable of making resonance with
the radiations of the same vibratory rate coming from other
planets and stars.
However, we do not propose to describe the general
principles of Muhurtha here. Yet some fundamental dictums
become indispensable. We all know that the movement of
the Sun and Moon are the main factors in determining
auspicious moments for any purpose. The movements of the
luminaries have great operational influence on the lives of
human beings, atmospheric system, animals and particularly
Astrocalculus for Surgical Success 217

the emotional stance , moods of people. Moon is the nearest

to the Earth and the fastest in its movement, therefore it exerts
its greatest vital force to affect every day occu rrences. This
contention may also be observed as its transit invariably
relates to the diseases also. We may n ote the position of Moon
on the day when t h e symptoms of any disease appear and
ch eck that on the 14 th day, there will be some crisis or
aggravation du e to the disease . As the Moon treads its path
o f 3600 in 27 days, so on the 14'h day s ince the a ppearance
of the symptom s, it will acquire the position at 180. as a
matter of fact, the Moon in such a position shatters the
balance of vital force in the patient and even the m ed icines
seem to be of little u se.
Likewise, when Mars aspects Moon or th e Lagn a, the
menstruation cycle starts in the female natives. If the Moon
in th e horoscope of a particular fem ale is unafnicted, the
cycle will begin exactly after 27 days. This is a simple
a strological phenomenon as the Moon stays in a Rasi only
for 2 Y2 d ays and the blood oozes out with extraordinary force.
rn a nutshell, the menstruation appears in every month when
radical Mars aspects the Moon. You may also observe the
influence of Moon during the full -Moon day on the m entally
unsound people. Blood and other fluids on that day h ave
hi ghe r pace of circulation in the human bodies. Hence,
s u rgical operation s s h ould not be performed on that day as
the proportions of risk increases and any complex s ituation
may arise further.
Pos ition of Moon must be taken into account in the event
of any ope ration . You may note the s ign of Rasi governing
the particular p art of the body which has to be operated upon
and taken care t hat in transit the Moon must not be in that
Rasi at the time of operation. The Moon should either be far
away from tha t sign or it should have crossed tha t sign . For
example, in case of advising for heart surgery, the Moon
should be in the fourth sign (Can cer) because the heart is
the fou rth part of the body (Kalpurusha). It would be much
better if Moon crosses one more s ign (Leo) and e nte rs in
218 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Virgo. Another plank for precise electional calculation to be

taken care of is t h e distance of transiting Moon from the
part to be operated on. In case, the Moon transits on to that
part before the would heals properly, certain complication
may arise. And, if the concerned sign is aspected by benefic,
the results will be heartening. Successful surgery shall be
followed by quick and proper healing. But, under such a set
up the mutual aspect or conjunction of Saturn and Mars
must be avoided.
As far as the auspicious significance of t he days is
concerned, Tuesday shou ld be preferred at the first instance.
Next to this day, Saturday should be elected for the purpose.
In any case, the 8 th house must be free from any occupant or
malefic aspect.
Constellations also do playa vital role in the event of
surgery. Therefore the operation should be undertaken when
the ru ling constellation is Ardra, Jyeshtha, Aslesa or Moola
- synchronizing with the 4'\ 9 u, or the 14 lunar day i.e. the

Case: 10.1 Horoscope No. : 64

Date of birth : 09. 1 1.1924 Time of birth 05:35:00 hrs
Place of birth: Chandausi Lat 28:06:00 N Long 77:50:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:48:14 Sidereal Time : 8:27:54
Pin Degree Ras! Nakshatra Pad
Ase 9:39:47 Lib Swati 1
Sun 23 :31004 Lib Visakha 2
Man 24:52:34 Pis Revati 3
Mar 15: 13:46 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Mer (C) 1:47:44 Sea Visakha 4
Jup 28:32:30 Sea Jyestha 4
Ven 14:48:24 Vir Hasta 2
Sat (C) 13:41:22 Lib Swati 3
Rah(R) 25:56: 12 Can Aslesa 3
Ket (R) 25:56: 12 Cap Dhanistha 1
Astrocalculus for Surgical Success 2 19

LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

MerJup Yen
8 6 Sat 10 8
9 5 Mon 11 7
Sun Sat
7 Ra 9
Ket 10 Jup 12 6
Mar 11 3 1 5 Ket
12 2 2 4
Mon Sun Yen Me,

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer 6Y 6M 12D

To bring my point home, may I cite the case of my own

Mother-in -law, who was passing through the major period
or Ma rs from 2pt May 1974 to 21-1 May 1981. In her
horoscope, the Mars owns 2nd and 7th house and occupies 5 th
house. Therefore, the major period of Mars was a markesh.
And a pparently so, she was suffering from many troubles,
in cluding hypertension, diabetes, Hepatic disorde rs etc.
Whe n the sufferings and pains reached their zenith, a
thorough examination was done and the physicians
diagnosed stone in her Gall bladder. They advised for
immedi ate surgery . Thus, caught in a painful peculiar
whirlpool of adversities, I had to seek the options after seriou s
thought. Knowing her Dasas, the operation appeared to me
as a risky measure. So I used my common sense in the
backdrop of Astrological principles to get rid of the problems.
We ll , for Libra lagna , Mars is not Maraka but it gives
excruciating pain which may appear unbearable because
the Mars owns two Maraka houses. This is generally known
that whenever, Mars aspects lagna, Jagna lord, 6 th of 6 th lord
or occupies those places, generally surgery takes place,
provided there is unafflicted combination. In case of affliction
by Saturn or Rahu etc, there may be loss of blood on account
of accident, injury, boil, burn or cut.
Now, coming back to the horoscope in the narrative, Mars
aspects the lord of lagna Venus. Therefore, I surmised that
220 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Venus Bhukti in the major period of Mars will be worst,

lasting from 15 th April 1979 to 15th June 1980. Remembering
that Mars and Venus are Khadastaka, the future tum of the
events seemed terrible.
Willy-nilly yet with some quota of confidence I preferred
to elect 11 Nov. 1980 (Tuesday) for the operation. It was the
4th lunar day with MaDia rising after Jyeshtha. Thus, all
preliminary requirements were fulfilled. The Moon was
transiting in Scorpio i.e. the Moon had crossed the 5 th part
and'entered the 8 th , As per advice of the surgeons, the
operation was done and that too on the day mentioned above.
The operation became successful by the Grace of God. On
the temporal parlance, the astrological principles also
worked to the utter relief for all concerned. It remains to be
explained as to the choice of the Scorpio ascendant during
the operation of the native. I preferred to follow a rule, that
the time should be elected when a ftxed sign in the ascendant
rises. So, when the unafflicted Mars is placed in lagna that
will prove a very suitable time. Hence the choice is Scorpio
ascendant (when the Mars was staying on that date) .
Lastly, there are certain plain principles, which can be
very useful for seeking guidance . For instance, when
somebody falls sick on Sunday synchronizing with Ardra,
Aslesa, or Magha together that being the 4th lunar day, the
patient must go for sincere and careful medical treatment.
TUesday coinciding with Jyeshtha, Swati or Bharani, together
with 9 th lunar day, the native must be advised for regular
medical attention. Similarly, Saturday coinciding with any
of the POOIva on 14th lunar day, the native can hardly delay
the treatment.
In case of anyone falling ill on the day when his Janma
Nakshtra rises or it is 3 :-d, 5 th, 7 t h from there, that will also
cause enough troubles.
The treatment should be started on the dates ruled by
following Nakshatras particularly for chronic diseases.
Astrocalculus for Surgical Success 221

I. Ashwani
2. Rohini
3. Mrigshira
4. Punarvasu
5. Pushya
6. Uttaraphalguni
7. Uttarasadha
8. Uttara-bhadrapad
9. Chitra
10. Swati
11. Anuradha
12. Sravna
13. Dhanistha
14. Satabhisha, and
15. Revati
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday synchronizing
with Hasta, Ashwani, Chitra and Punarvasu respectively are
auspicious days for beginning of the medical care under
the direction of some physician or surgeon. Remember we
must that it would be further auspicious if the benefics
occupy their own Vargas.
In fine, the importance of the elected times (Muhurtha)
can never be underestimated in any venture involving the
risk of human life. The Muhurtha must be segregated with
utmost poise and precision on the basis of the principles
already described.

'Rl'ft flFrt\ q;pj <fi1'fu1i '{ \! ~ I

.mq f.I"f'lql."RI 'lffiIT 'IIfir ~fid<1I'{ I I
People of self-respeddesire to have death rather than
a humiliating life. Fire dies out but never tums cold.

~ ~ ~ 'Wf .. ""ill ~: ,
"Ii<IW ~ "~",~~m'i"'"'l;"
A wise person should try by any means to please
and give happiness to any lilling entity. This itself is
worship of God.

Drug Addiction :
Case Studies
Vices have been prevalent in the human society since
times unknown. The most common being intoxication. The
common is brains washed from childhood to abstain from
those vices and were made of it by parents and friends etc.
But a few do succumb to the temptation of the burning vice
that offer carnal and Euphoric pleasure. What kinds of people
succumb to these various vices? There has been no set
pattern of behaviour or character traits that can predict the
degree of inclination of a person to the temptations. A number
of people, these days, get trapped by a vice in one way or the
other and in turn get addicted to it. Intoxicants give a
Euphorial pleasure to the user, out of these intoxicants,
alcohol and cigarettes are the commonest ones and in fact
they have become so normal that these vices are accepted
by the society freely. The reason being that these intoxicants
do not have an immediate and strong impact on one's life
~yle and health and thus the bad-effects are ignored. One
intoxicant which has made a bomb-shell impact on society,
which can completely change a person's character,
household and the way of life, which can completely twist
the course or ones life is 'smack', in other words, 'brown sugar'.
Smack or Brown sugar is derived from opium after
several chemical reactions and distillation. It is a crude form
of the dangerous drug 'Heroin'. A person using 'smack' for
224 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

15 days can become so addicted to it that he /she finds it

impossible to live without it. The withdrawal of this drug from
an addict causes the person to become mad with
desperation. Physically the person gets shattered with
immense body-ache, dysentery, rough, running nose and
sleeplessness. Often there are cases that addicts commit
suicide in case of forced withdrawal. This dangerous drug
thu s changes an addicts life completely and also of the
family/friends close to him /her. The drug being expensive
and not readily available, demands a lot of planning and
energy from the addict to obtain it. The addicts day states
with how and when to get the drug and also ends with it.
The drug's sheet price ranges from Rs. 50/- to Rs. 100/ - per
gram and a new addict needs at least one gram per day to
stay nonnal. Thus, it can be seen that to an average family
member, this drug poses immense financial psychological
and locational problem every single day.
How do people get addicted to it? Is it because they are
unaware, unindicated, etc. No, most of the addicts of this
drug come from educated and well-to-do families. They are
usually very much aware about this drug and are usually
very well educated. Then one wonders that what makes some
good, educated well-to-do people get into this horrendous
trap? Perhaps, astrology may have the answer to this puzzling
I have come across several cases of drug addiction. Many
well-to-do and reputed parents had com e to me to seek
advice on their children's future and their condition used
to be desperate and pa thetic. One of the parents' wards also
died due to drug addiction and many of the wards were on a
stage from where it is next to impossible to 'cu re' them, even
the doctors give up in many cases. Observing this deep
sorrow of parents and the obnoxious malady of drug abuse, J
decided to research to seek answer as to why this tendency
exists. I also read an article 'Addition to vices' which I feel is
incomplete and immature study which does not do full
justice to the issu e.
Drug Addiction: Case Studies 225

Thus, in this article I am presenting my research and

also four cases (horoscopes) of drug-addicts. The notable fact
is that tendency towards drug abuse is governed by Mars.
The horoscopes presented as case-study are of (1) Mr. D.R.S.,
(2) Mr. D.R.D., (3) Mr. A.S., (4) Miss S.S. All the four persons
had come to me for advice on drug addiction and are well
known to me, all of them were deeply addicted to 'smack'. It
is notable that all of them are well educated, wealthy, come
from reputed families, good natured and good looking.
Generally, in my studies of horoscopes I have found that
in a birth-chart, Moon and the 5 th house shows the trend of
mind, mental adaptability and the way of thinking. Venus
plays an important role for intoxication. If Venus is afflicted
by Mars or Saturn or Rahu, one may undergo to the severe
addiction to vices. The lord of the 5 th house must be afflicted
due to aspect or conjunction of malefics. If 5 th house is owned
by Mars or Venus and there is an exchange of houses, the
person will be addicted. If Venus or Moon have are afflicted
by Mars and Saturn, and 5 th house is aspected by Mars and
Saturn, one will positively be inclined towards the
intoxication like smack.

Case: 11.1 Horoscope No.: 65

Date of birth : 04.09. 1956 Time of birth 03:40:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:15:23 Sidereal Time : 2:25:38

P in Degree Ra.1 Nakshatra Pad

Asc 19:33 :54 Can Aslesa 1
Sun 18:05:51 Leo P Phalguni 2
Man 6:00:07 Leo Magha 2
Mar (R) 26:48:02 Aqu PBhadrapad 3
Mer 14:50: 17 Vir Hasta 2
Jup (C) 18:40:0 1 Leo P Phalguni 2
Ven 2: 16:20 Can Punarvasu 4
226 Natal Planets and Fatal br.'seases

Sat 3:53:37 SeQ Anuradha 1

Rah(R) 9:32: 16 SeQ Anuradha 2
Ket (R) 9:32: 16 Tau Krittika 4
LagnaCbart Navamsa Chart
Sun Mon
5 3 10 8
Mer6 2 Ket 11 7
4 9
7 I Ket 12 6 Jtfp Sun
10 3 Rah
Sat 8 12 I 5 Sat
Rah 9 11 2 4
Mac Mon Mer Yen

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Ket 3Y 10M 5D

The native is extremely smart and highly educated

perso'n. He studied in U.S.A. fO,r five years and at present
employed very decently. He belongs to a family of great repnte
having lot of immovable prosperity.
The native started 'smack' during the sub-periods of Ketu
and Venus under the major period of the Sun. In this
horoscope we find that fifth house is severely afflicted owing
to presence of Rahu and Saturn. Lord of 5:" house Mars
occupies 8!", Actually Mars and Saturn have exchanged their
houses. Lord of the Lagna Moon also receives the adverse
aspect of Mars and Saturn both, side by side the Moon is
combust. The Lagna is occupied by inimical Venus. Thus
the affliction of Lagna, Lagna lord Moon and 5 th house has
caused the addiction of smack to the subject. Navamsa chart
must also be studied. Here Venus occupies 5 th house and
obtains Vargottam Navamsa, 5 th house and Venus both are
receiving the aspect of Mars and Saturn. 5 th house shows
mental adoptability and inclination. Venus if afflicted in 5 th
or by the 5 th lord is Navamsa or Rasi chart will tend the
individual towards a strong addiction of worst type of
Drug Addiction: Case Studies 227

The native of above horoscope had lost all his qualities,

health, prestige and all his wealth. After all he confessed
everything before his learned mother and received the best
treatment for three consecutive months.

Case: 11 .2 Horoscope No.: 66

Date of birth : 09.07.1957 Time of birth 12:24:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long BO:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:16:02 Sidereal Time : 7:25:23

P in Degree Ra.1 Nakahatra Pad

Ase 25:45:22 Vir Chitra 1
Sun 23:31 :23 Gem Punarvasu 2
Mon 22:37: 16 Seo Jyestha 2
Mar 17:52 :43 Can Aslesa 1
Mer (C) 29:30:25 Gem Punarvasu 3
Jup 2: 12:06 Vir U Phalguni 2
Ven 16:17:01 Can Pushya 4
Sat (R) 15:17:24 Seo Anuradha 4
Rah(R) 24:52:41 Lib Visakha 2
Ket (R) 24:52:41 Ari Bharani 4

Lagna Chart Navamaa Chart



Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Me r 9Y 4 M 2 7D

228 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

This horpscope pertains to a very highly qualified

Engineer of 1. I. T. He is the son of a Chief Engineer of the
biggest Department of U .P. He got married with an extremely
beautiful girl during 1983.
The native is strongly addicted to smack for last two
years. His parents are extremely worried. His wife tried her
best to save her husband from this worst indulg~nce of
smack. But the things are still very unpleasant.
Let us see the combinations causing this severe
First the 5 1h house must be analyzed, as it represents
adoptability of mind. Here 5 th house is badly aspected by
Mars and Saturn. The lord of the 5 1h house Saturn is
accompanied with the moon (affliction of mind). Venus tends
one towards intoxication of 5 th house comes under his
influence. Here Venus is conjoined with malefic Mars in
the sign of Moon and both aspect fifth house. Venus is there
in the inimical sign Cancer and Mars is debilitated.
Exchange of house of Mars and Moon may also be noted.
Thus the Moon and 5 th house which indicate mental
inclination, are afflicted. An afflicted Venus has also
influenced the 5 th house. Thus affliction of Venus in
reference to 5 th house, aspect of Mars, Saturn and Venus on
5 th house and affliction of Moon and 5 th house spoiled the
native owing to a very deeply rooted addiction of smack.
Navamsa chart also reveals this. Here Venus is heavily
afflicted owing to malefic conjunction and aspect. The 5 th
house is joined by Mars and Mercury aspects him. The 5 th
lord Jupiter occupies 6 th in association with Moon under
the malefic aspect of Saturn.
Venus and Jupiter are the lords of 2 nd and the 7th house
respectively. Both have a little effect of Markesh. So during
the period of Venus-Jupiter (8.2.80 to 8.lD.80) the native
suffered a lot and repeatedly got hospitalized due to this drug
Drug Addiction: Case Studies 229

Case: 11.3 Horoscope No. : 67

Date of birth 12. 10. 1954 Time of birth 09:40:00 hr.
Place of birth: Gorakhpur Lat26:45:00 N Long83:23:00E
Ayanamsa : 23: 13:47 Sidereal Time : 11:04:20
Pin Degree Ra.1 Nabhatra Pad
Ase 13: 18:50 SeQ Anuradha 3
Sun 25:04:20 Vir Chitra 1
Mon 24:28:11 Pis Revati 3
Mar 0:52:49 Cap Uttarasadha 2
Mer 19 :26:08 Lib Swati 4
Jup 4:41 : 18 Can Pushya 1
Ven 3 :35:25 Seo Anuradha 1
Sat 16:01 :36 Lib Swati 3
Rah (RJ 15:58:14 Sag Purvasadha 1
Ket (RJ 15:58 :14 Gem Ardra 3
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart
Rah Sat Mer
9 7
M ar 10 6 Sun
Sat 11 3
Man 12 2

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer 7Y OM 18D

The native belongs to a family of multi ~ mil1ionaire and

is highly educated. His monthly income is in five figures. At
present he is hospitalized for months due to drug abuse. He
was also addicted to smack. He has suffered certain
pennanent losses of health.
230 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Following are the combinations which are responsible

for this.
The lord of the 5 th Jupiter though exalted but is heavily
afflicted due to aspect of Mars and Saturn. There is fortunate
exchange of 9 th and 5 th lords i.e . Moon and Jupiter which
made the native very fortunate almost all walks of life. Venus
is posited in the Lagna under Papakartari Yoga formed by
first rate malefics Rahu and Saturn. In Navamsa chart, Venus
occupies inimical sign Leo and receives the malefic aspect
of Saturn, Mars and enemy Moon. Jupiter and Sun are also
inimical to Venus who are associated with her. Even the 5 th
house in Navamsa lagna is afflicted.
This tends the native to indulge himself for the strongest
intoxication of smack.

Case: 11.4 Horoscope No.: 68

Date of birth : 08.11.1961 Time of birth 06:40:00 hrs
Place of birth: Lucknow Lat 26:50:00 N Long 80:54:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:19:14 Sidereal Time : 9:41:34

P in Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 25:24:27 Lib Visakha 2
Sun 22:04: 18 Lib Visakha 1
Man (C) 17:39:07 Lib Swati 4
Mar(C) 2:29:36 Sea Visakha 4
Mer 3:14:59 Lib Chitra 3
Jup 7:11:08 Cap Uttarasadha 4
Ven 2:42:00 Lib Chitra 3
Sat 1:17:32 Cap Uttarasadha 2
Rah(R) 0:02:21 Leo Magha 1
Ket (R) 0:02:21 Aqu Dhanistha 3
Drug Addiction: Case Studies 231

LagnaChart Navamaa Chart


JuplO 5 11
Sa 1 8
Ket 11 3

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Rah 3Y 2M lD

This is the horoscope of a quite attractive girl who was

liked by a person of questionable character. In spite of the
best efforts. the person could not be successful to establish
physical relation with this girl.
On one ston.,y day. the person could be successful to
give her smack. She took it unknowingly and gradually got
addicted to this poison smack. Whenever the boy wanted.
kept her waiting for smack. She was ready to offer her
everything in return of smack and thus she lo st her
everything and got addicted to smack badly.
Nter sometime. another boy could bring her out of the
clutch of the first culprit.
In her birth chart lagnesh Venus is badly afflicted owing
to conjunction of bitter enemies the Sun and Moon. Venus
in lagna is also receiving the evil aspects of Saturn. 5 u'I house
receives the aspect of malefic Mars and its lord is conjoined
with Ketu. Thus we find that 5 th house and Venus both are
In Navamsa chart, Venus, Mercury and Saturn obtain
Vargottam navamsa. Here Venus is aspected by 5 th lord
Saturn, 7 th lord Mars and the inimical Sun. Thus the lagna
lord Venus is heavily afflicted in birth and navamsa chart
232 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

both. Lord of 5'h house Saturn is in opposition to Mars in

Navamsa. So due to affiict Venus, lagna and 5 1h house, this
girl also became a prey of worst drug Le. smack.

q.....~illtl"lll ...."'%ofq'( I
Wrn' 'lilfl .... I1rtd~S<ll flU~11
It is very difficult/or Lakshmi (wealth) and Sarast.UQtl
(knowledge) to stay together. I do pray, let them always
stay together with scholars .

'!'IT ~, ~ '!'IT~ ~ I
'{'IT GFi "'1"'"
'{'IT <!Nt ~" I
It is of no use it it rains in the seQ. It is o/no use if a
well-fed person is given food. It is of no use to give charity
to a rich man. It is of no use to light a lamp when there is
abundant sunlight.


Planets and Paralysis

The native is a very smart, energetic, bold and physically
strong Super intending Eng ineer in a Government
organization. He has overall a very magnetic personality.
His horoscope is given below:

Case: 12.1 Horoscope No.: 69

Date of birth : 20.10.1942 Time of birth 07:30:00 hrs
Place of birth: Kota Lat 25:11:00 N Long 75:58:00E
Ayanamsa : 23:03: 19 Sidereal Time : 7:55:19

PIn Degree Ras! Nakshatra Pa d

Asc 2:53 :49 Lib Chitra 3
Sun 2:57: 16 Lib ChitTa 3
Mon 12:33:36 Aqu Satabhisha 2
Mar (C) 28: 19:35 Vir Ch itra 2
Mer 17:32:32 Vir Hasta 3
Jup 1:17:08 Can Pu narvasu 4
Ven (C) 26:00:01 Vir Chitra 1
Sat (R) 18:54:56 Tau Roh in i 3
Rah 9:52:58 Leo Magha 3
Ket 9:52:58 Aqu Satabhisha 1
234 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

Ket 9 5 Yen

Mon 11 3 11 3 Sat
Ket 12 2 12 2 Mer

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Rah lOY OM 16D

On the 18 th September 1987, he received a sudden

attack of Paralysis. At about 9:00a.m. he started feeling
uneasy and gradually slurring of voice and fainted memory
arose. After 1:00 p.m. the doctors could make out that it was
an attack of severe paralysis.
I am quite close to the family of the above mentioned
highly reputed and widely recognised good officer. This
sudden attack of paralysis shocked me deeply and I tried to
study his birth chart why he had to undergo such a serious
illness. I am giving the analysis of the same here. This is
very difficult in this horoscope to be able to predict paralysis
before hand. A serious analysis and study will surely make
the students to learn, how the planets through their vibration
do on the native during their dasa bhukti. This also proves
the reliability of Vimshottari dasa system.
On 30.1.1987 the major period of Mercury began i.e.
sub period of Mercury in the major period of Mercury will
continue till 27.6.1989.
Mercury's longitudes are 17 32' of Virgo and falls in
the constellation of the Moon i.e. Hasta. Mars also occupies
Virgo at 28 22' in close association with the lagn a lord Venus
who is at 26 4'. Mars and Venus both fall in Chitra
constellation which is certainly inauspicious. In Rasi chart,
Planets and Paralysis 235

Mercury who falls in the nakshatra of sensitive planet Moon,

which is heavily afflicted due to the conjunction with Mars
and Venus in the 12th house.
In navamsa chart, Mahadasa lord Mercury falls in own
sign Gemini in the 5 th house under an affliction due to
conjunction with Saturn and Rahu. The combination falls
in the 5 th house from navamsa lagna Aquarius. This shows
that 5 th house and Mercury are afflicted in navamsa also.
Mercury mahadasa should bring mental tension and
official problems as the Mercury is the main signification of
profession and is afflicted in both Rasi and navamsa.
Mercury governs veins, arteries, skins and nervous
system of the body. Usually nerves of very small section and
veins come under the control of Mercury. Brain as a whole
is also ruled by Mercury. Affliction of Mercury brings mental
problems and illness concerning with the brain particularly
if Moon is also afflicted.
Let us see the position of Moon in this horoscope . The
Moon falls in the 5 th house in Aquarius in Rahu's
constellation Satabhisha. Moon is conjoined with Ketu and
is aspected by Saturn. So, the Moon is also under serious
The fifth house should also be judged properly for any
mental sickness. Here the lord of the 5 th house Saturn
occupies 8 th house and he aspects the 5 th , the Moon and Ketu.
The Saturn is retrograde and falls in Moon's constellation
Thus, the Moon, Mercury and the 5 th house are afflicted
adversely, therefore, mental affliction or any brain disease
is indicated during the period of concerning planets.
Saturn's major period began on 30.1.1968 and lasted
up to 30. 1.1987. This Mahadasa proved very beneficial in
all respects. He got timely promotions and stood always in
the front row, He received success in abundance in all his
undertakings. He has been blessed with two worthy children
236 Natal Planets and Fatal Dis eases

a n elder daughter and a youn ger son . He a rran ged the

marriage of his beautifu l daughter with a class 1 officer of
Indian Railways prese ntly preparin g for lAS. The marriage
of his daughter took place on 19.1.1987 during the Saturn-
Jupiter period, when Jupiter was transiting in her 5 th h ou se.
Th e son also obtained 80% in H.S. Examination. The native
was very satisfied and realty happy during th e m ajor periatl
of Sarum.
As soon as the Mahadasa of M ercury started. the native
gradually started feeling a change in life. His Chief Engineer
wh o was very fav ourable to him sought retirement and one
of his colleagues who was very anti to him got promoted as
his Chief Engineer. He started damaging him and always
tried to seek h is faults. This kept the native con stantly
worried so much so that on 18.9.1987 h e received a stroke
of paralysis due to a blood clot in the brain arteries after a
hot discu ssion with the Chief Engineer.
Let us see the planetary posit ion on 18.9. 1987 and how
could the same r esult into such a serious illness to the

Sun 5 0 52
M ars 4 22 59
Me rcury 5 22 13
Jupiter 0 4 40
Ve nu s 5 7 51
Saturn 7 21 33
Rahu 11 9 2
Ketu 5 9 2
Neptune 811 32 42
Pluto 6 14 30
Uranus 7 29 8

1. The native was passing th rough Mercury, Mercury-

Planets and Paralysis 237

Venus period from 23.7. 1987 to 17.12. 1987. Mercury

and Venus both are conjoined in the 12th hou se in Virgo
with 2 nd and 7 th lord Mars. Conjunction of Mars and
Mercury or Venus and Mars is very inauspicious for
brain and nervous system respectively. As mentioned
earlier due to affliction of Mercury the dasa and bhukti
of Mercury caused paralysis. Sub period of Venus was
runnin g at that time which is also afflicted and own
lagna and 8 th hou se. Moreover the whole combination
o f Mars, Mercury and Venus is 8 1t', if reckoned from
radical Moon.
2. On 17th September 1987 at 8:11 a.m. the Su n entered
in Virgo and on 18 th the Sun stayed there. Thus the
transiting Sun and Ketu in Virgo and Saturn in Scorpio
re s ulted into a Papakartari yoga around lagna and the
Sun also damaged Venus at that time when he t ransiting
over Virgo.
3. There was absolute square position of the Saturn and
Mars. The Saturn aspected Mars and Mars aspect ed
Saturn. Both are almost at 25 of Scorpio and Leo
respectively. Transit chart shows tha t the 5 th lord Saturn
is under mutual aspect with 2 nd and 7th lord Mars.
4. The Moon was a lso transiting in the Saturn's
constellation Pu shya.
5. Neptune acquired direct motion on 17 .9. 1987 in
Sagittarius sign.
6. Tran siting Mars aspects radical Moon and Ketu.
7. Trans iting Saturn aspected ra dical Satum who is the
lord of the 5'h and obtain the navamsa of m ercury.
So the Mercury's sub period in the major period of
Mercury is decidedly bad in all aspects. Mars transit in Virgo
from 29.9. 1987 to 17 . 11.1987 m ay prove furth er a dverse
when transiting Mars, Ketu and the Sun will be passing over
the radical Mars, Mercury and Venus. However so long as
238 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Saturn stays in Scorpio i.e. till 16.12.1987. I do not expect

any noteworthy improvement in the native till the s ub period
of Venus also ends on 17.12.1987.
Since this tragedy has occurred due to arniction of
Mercury. The disease like paralysis or brain affliction is
caused by Mercury. So, the native may not b e fully recovered
till Mercury's sub period i.e. 27.6.1989.
Mars acts as Markesh for Libra .ascendant who is
associated with the Mahadasa lord Mercury. Mercury who
is 8 th from Moon. conjoins with Marakadhipati Mars. Thus
Mercury's mahadasa must cause serious illness of brain like
paralysis or so due to the heavy affliction . I hasten to add
that Mars joins the 8 1h house in Mercurian sign in Navarnsa
chart which has enhanced the Markesh effect of Mars in this
When a planet becomes the lord of two Marak houses,
does not kill the native but giyes immense physical trouble
i.e. Maran-T'tllya Kashta. During the major period of Mars
one may expect major operation or accident or serious injury
but when s uch a malefic Mars having the effect of Mars
conjoin with the other planet, the plane t will cause trouble
to the native according to it's own nature and qUality. Here
Mercury is associated with Markesh Mars. So, that has
caused paralysi s and brain trouble to the n a tive according
to the nature of Mercury.
Three pl a n ets the Sun, Mars and Jupiter obtain
Vargottam navamsa. Moreover Mars and Jupiter fall in their
own constellation, Mercury and Jupiter are exalted. Many
Rajayogas are present here. Saturn in the 8 th house also gives
a long age. So the native will sure!y recover from his present
illness as th e inh erent strength of the horoscope is quite
The nati ve recove red very slowly during Mercury 's
bhukti i.e. till June, 1989. The native started recovering
speedily after Dece mber 17, 1987 but could not recove r fully
Planets and Paralys is 239

till the end of Mercury's bhukti. Even if he recovers there in

Ketu or Venus bhukti, will there always be a danger of
relapse particularly the sub period of Moon, Mars and Saturn,
which are inauspicious.
Under s uch a position what remedial or preventive
measures should be suggested? Emerald works very nice ly
for brain and paralysis and major period of Mercury is also
running. The n ative must wear a heavy Emerald of good
Recitation of the Vedic Mantra of Mars, Saturn and
Mahamrityunjaya must be done for seven, twenty three and
one lac and twenty five thousand times respectively with
Dasamsa havan, Tarpan, Marjan and Brahman Bhojan.
Donation for Mars and Saturn and proper Vrat for Tuesday
will prove beneficial. Various other suitable measures ha~e
been advised to the native along with the reading of Vishnu
Shahstra Naam Stotra.
During Ketu's bhukti (27.6.1989 to 26.4.1990). I do not
expect any noteworthy improvement because Ketu is the 6 th
from dasa lord Mercury. Both are Shadashtak (6 /8) from each
other a nd Ketu falls in Rahu's nakshatra Satabhish a.
Mercury-Venus period i.e. 24.6. 1990 to 2 4.4. 1993 will bring
speedy recovery and t h e native will take up his routine work
once again. Venus and Mercury are c'onjoined in the 12th
house. Venus falls in Mars' constella tion Chitra and falls in
Sun's navamsa. Venus also happens lagna lord. So, Mercury-
Venus period must bring good health to the native.

Case: 12.2 H oroscope No.: 70

Dateofbirth : 10.07.1937 Timeofbirth 23: 15:00hrs
Place of birth: Bhilwara Lat 25:23:00 N Long 74:39:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:59:21 Sidereal Time : 17:56:30

Pin Degree Ra.1 Nakshatra Pad

Ase 5:48:32 Pis UBhadrapad 1
240 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Sun 25:01:48 Gem Punarvasu 2

Mon 29: 16:29 Can Aslesa 4
Mar 27:42:43 Lib Visakha 3
Mer (C) 27:45:06 Gem Punarvasu 3
Jup (R) 0:00:54 Cap Uttarasadha 2
Ven 9:56:14 Tau Krittika 4
Sat 12:06:34 Pis UBhadrapad 3
Rah (R) 2 1:49:46 SeD Jyestha 2
Ket (R) 21:49:46 Tau Rohini 4
LagnaCbart Navamsa Chart

Ket l OJup Sat7



Jup Rah

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Mer OY 11M 2D

The native is an active worker of 'Rashtriya Swayam

Sevak Sangh '. He has dedicated his life for the service of
mankind. He started his life from a small room of tin-shade
and rose to height of multimillion aire. He earned billions of
rupees by his own endeavours and built up number of houses.
He purchased various lands in urban and rural areas. He
spent crares of rupees in building temples , Dharamshala and
construction of various other public places. He is a religious
and d edicated man . He h as been blessed with 3 daughters
and one son.
He was born in Pisces ascendant with Saturn the rein.
The 2 nd lord Mars occupies the 8 1h house and lends its aspect
Planets and Paralysis 241

over the lagna and Jupiter. Thus the lagna is afflicted by the
12th lord Saturn and lagna lord Jupiter is afflicted by the
aspect of malefic and markesh Mars. This resulted into severe
Parkinson disease in the whole body after about 50 years of
age. The major period of Jupiter started on 12-6-2006 when
the native completed 69 years of age. Jupiter is markesh for
him. Lagna lord Jupiter is retrogra de and debilitated . Jupiter
obtains v.argottam navamsa and falls in Uttarshadha
nakshtra. Since there is mutual exchange between Jupiter
and Saturn , the Jupiter becomes marke s h . The native
decided to distribute the shares of his daughters to all of
them. He gave rupees one crore to each of his child and kept
a small amount for himself. He also gave almost five crores
to his wife including landed property. In the month of
January 2008 soon after disbursing all his money to \lis legal
hairs he received a serious stroke of paralysis in the whole
body. He is fighting with life and death and praying to
almighty for his death as soon as possible. In spite of best
treatments of doctors is proceeding fast towards the closure
of tha span of his life. Saturn in the Pisces ascendant is
certainly adver s e for nervous system and it gives
neurological problems as a rule. Mercury the significator of
brain, skin and backbone etc. paralysis takes place due to
certain uncontrollable disturbance due to clotting of blood
in the brain. The spinal cord of the native was broken as
soon as he fell down in April 2008. In fact there was clotting
of blood in the sensitive part of brain which resulted into
paralysis. As soon as he tried to getup, he fell down . Here
Mercury played a negative role in giving rise to dreaded
disease paralysis. Saturn is placed in the ascendant and
falls in the constellation of Mercury. The native is also
passing through the last stage of Saadhe Sati of Saturn as
his Moon sign is Cancer. He will not be able to pass over the
Saadhe Sati of Saturn till end. He is passing through the
strong markesh. Here we find that the placement of Saturn
in the ascendant in th e Revati nakshtra ruled by Mercury
has resu lted into paralysis of the native. This has also given
the Parkinson disease to the native due to which he suffered
242 Natal Planers and Fatal Diseases

seriously for a lon g time . Both are neurological problems

caused by Saturn and Mercury.
I pray to the creator for absolute and speedy recovery of
both the natives.

$l'\1Cfi~ 1 ~ tJT Iinrr q{(:t\'I'Id' QOfl{ I

q;14<"I~ ~ 'I lIT fltm 'I ~ II
Knowledge that is only in books and money in
the custody of another person, if not used at the
required time, are not actually knowledge and money.

i3Iffi'f ;mui t>it.m ~ I
'"l!'i ;mui "IT'!f i3lWr: ~ I I
Speed is the characteristic feature of a horse.
Intoxication is olan elephant Skill is a/a woman. So as,
occupation is the characteristic feature of a man.


The Length of Life

Life and death are two sides of a coin. Whereas the life
is precious, the death is also inevitable. The birth and death
are the two extremes of life. Every creature once born has
also to die. The birth is not so important as the death because
everyone is born in the same way but death reveals how did
he live. The death of a few natives remains unnoticed while
the end of some brings sorrow all over the world. It is therefore
the nature of death that reveals the level, attitude, popularity,
ach ievements, wealth, property, ability and wisdom of the
The span of life should be full of greatness and
achievements even if it is short. The great mathematician
Ramanujam, Swami Vivekanand, Lady Diana, Sri B. Surya
Prakash and so many others had qu ite a short s pan of life
but they have become immortals for their innumerable deeds
fo r th e benefits of masses.
The length of life has been divided in to fou r parts:
1. Balarishta
2. Alpayu
3. Madhya Ayu
4. Puma Ayu
The classics are replete with many combinations for
classifying the span oflife into one o~the above four divisions.
Dr. B.V. Raman has very methodically and succinctly
244 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

discussed all this in "How to judge a horoscope, Vo1.2". I am

not repeating these combinations here. However, it is
essential to know, before venturing to predict the age, that
in which segment the life span of native falls, whether it is
short, middle or long, or there is a strong Balarishta.
The 8 th house indicates longevity and also the cause of
the end of life. Strong 8 1h house and strong lagna mean a
long life. The 8 th from the 8 1h is third and as such 3rd also
indicates death. The planets placed in the 8 1h and the 3 m
houses are called Markesh. The 12th from the 8 th house is 71h
and 12th from the 3 ed is 2 nd The lords of 2 nd and 7th houses are
called Killers. I have a humble opinion that 12th from the
lagna should also be taken as Marak house as the lagna is
also equally important for deciding longevity. Affliction of
the 8 th house, lagnaand the 12th house indicates problematic
death. If these houses are well disposed the death will be
smOoth and free from trouble. Following are the rules for the
judgment of Markesh for a particular ascendant. These are
just a guideline and should be studied keeping in view the
Maraka graha for every ascendant.
Aries: For Aries ascendant, Venus becomes the lord of
2 nd and 7th but that does not kill the native. It may only cause
serious illness. Saturn becomes Marak for Aries barns
although it is the lord of lOth and- I1 th houses.
Taurus: For Taurus ascendant, Mars is the lord of 7th
and 12th houses whereas Mercury is the lord of 2 nd and 5 th
But the Marakas for the Taurus ascendant are Venus, Jupiter
or Moon.
Gemini: For Gemini ascendant, Moon and Jupiter are
the lords of 2 nd and 7th houses. However, Moon does not kill
the naive even if adversely placed. Jupiter and Sun become
Cancer: The Sun become the 2 nd lord but does not kill
the native. Saturn is the 7th lord but that also is not a Marak
of Cancer lagna. Generally Venus has been said to be Marak
for Cancer ascendant.
The Length oj Life 245

Leo : For Leo ascendant, Mercury who is the 11 III and

2 nd lord , becomes Marak if it contains the power of killing.
Saturn in spite of being the 7 111 lord is not a Marak.
Virgo : Thou gh it owns the 12111 house Sun does not
become a Marak in s pite of having d eath inflicting powers.
However, the 2nd lord Venus , the 7 111 lord Jupiter and 11'11
lord Moon are Marakas, if they contain death-inflicting
Libra: The 2 nd and 7 tll lord Mars does not kill the native
though it causes operations, accidents and such other
adversities . But Jupiter and Venus become Marak.
Scorpio : Jupiter owns 2nd house but does not kill the
native. Mostly Mercury, if contains the death innictingpower,
become a Marak.
Sagittarius : Saturn is the lord of 2 nd but it does n ot kill
the native. Mercury is also the lord of 10 111 house in addition
to being the lord of7 tll Therefore the sages have not classified
Mercury as Marak for Sagittarius ascendant. It is on ly the
Venus who m ay kill the n ative if endowed with the adversities
ofa Marak.
Capricorn : For Capricorn ascendant, 2 nd lord Saturn
does not become the Marak as it also owns the lagna at the
same time . But the lord of the 71h house, Moon , is adverse.
Generally, Mars h a ppens to be a Marak and Jupiter may also
kill the native if empowered with the strength of death.
Aquarius : Jupiter is the lord of 2 nd house while Sun
owns the 7 111 , but Sun is not a Marak for Aquarius lagna
though Jupiter is said to hold this status. Howeve r Mars sub
period may also kill the native. Moon also contain s the death
inflicting power if adversely placed.
Pisces : For Pisces ascendant, Mars is the lord of 2nd
house but it d oes not kill the native. Mercury, who owns the
7th house, may cause irreversible damage if one is spared by

Saturn in its m ajor period. However Venu s and Sun are also
This is n ot easy to decide which planet will actually
246 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

kill the native . Many factors are to be taken into

consideration includin g the strength of houses. If the S'h
house is endowed with high degree of strength one will live
long and remain free from serious ailments. Dr. 8.V. Raman
had a very strong 8 th house, rather the 8 th house was the
strongest house in his horoscope. He, therefore, lived unto
an age of 86 years and most of his life remained free from
any serious physical trouble.
Before finding out the Markesh we have to see which
segment the life span falls in, such as Balarishta, Alpayu,
Madhyayu, or Pumayu.

Case: 13.1 Horoscope No.: 71

Date of birth : 17.06.1913 Time of birth 06: 13:00 hrs
Place of birth: Bareilly Lat 26:20:00 N Long 79:24:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:38:54 Sidereal Time : 23:39: 17

PIn Degree Rasl Nakshatra Pad

Ase 14:53: 16 Gem Ardra 3
Sun 2:33:50 Gem Mrigshira 3
Mon 11:23:50 Seo Anuradha 3
Mar 7:21:14 Ari Ashwini 3
Mer 19:17:14 Gem Ardra 4
Jup(RJ 22:35: 10 Sag Purvasadha 3
Ven 18:12:08 Ari Bharani 2
Sat (CJ 17: 15:58 Tau Rohini 3
Rah(RJ 6:33:53 Pis UBhadrapad 1
Ket (RJ 6:33:53 Vir U Phalguni 3
The Length of Life 247

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

Sat Moe
4 2 12 10
5 1 Y'n 1 9
Sun Mer
Mac "et
Ket 6 2 8
9 5
Jup Rah Jup
7 II Mac 3 7 Mon
8 !O Sat 4 6 Sun
Mon Y,n

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Sat 7Y 6M 3 D

The native was an Engineer. Many famous astrologers

including Mr. B.L. Rao of Bangalore had predicted that he
live up to an age of 76 years but he breathed his last at 56
years of age only when the sub period of Ketu in the major
period of Sun was running from 13-8-1969 to 19-12- 1969.
Sun is the lord of the 3n! house in birth chart and falls in the
sign of Mercury. Ketu also falls in the sign of Mercury
and both are in quadrant from each other. Sub period of
Ketu killed the native on 22-10 - 1969 due to heart trouble.
Ketu is posited in the 4th house where it causes problems of
For Gemini ascendant, Moon had not been ascribed the
role of Markesh but the 12th lord Venus becomes a Marak.
In my experience Marak will not essentially be those
planets as referred to by the sages in differe nt clas sics as
noted abov e . Rahu and Ketu can always be Marakas if placed
in 6 th , 8 th or the 1 2th house. Many times Rahu and Ketu placed
in 3 rd or the 4th house as well can kill the native. In the given
cases sub period of Rahu and Ketu in the 4th house killed
the natives.
248 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Case: 13.2 Horoscope No. : 72

Date of birth : 09 . 11.1924 Time of birth 05:35:00 hrs
Place of birth : Chand au s i Lat 28 :06:00 N Long 77:50:00E
Ayanamsa : 22:48: 14 Sidereal Time : 8:27:54

Pia D egree Rasi NakBhatra Pad

Ase 9:39:47 Lib Swati I
Su n 23:31:04 Lib Visakha 2
Mon 24 :52:34 Pis Revati 3
Mar 15: 13 :46 Aqu Satabhisha 3
Mer (C) 1:4 7:44 Seo Visakha 4
Jup 28:32:30 Seo Jyestha 4
Ven 14:48:24 Vir Hasta 2
Sat (C) 13:41 :22 Lib Swati 3
Rah (R) 25:56: 12 Can Aslesa 3
Ket (R) 25:56: 12 Cap Dhanistha I
LagnaChart Navamsa Chart

McrJup Ven
8 6
9 5
Sun Sat
7 9
Jup 12 6
Mar 11
Mo n

Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of M er 6Y 6M 12D

She was born in Libra ascendant and it has been

mentioned that Sun and Jupiter are Marakas for L:ibra
asce ndant. Howe ver she expired during Rah u -Saturn
period which was running over her from 27-06- 1986 to
The Length of Life 249

03-05-1989. Thus, Rahu who was placed in the 4 th house

caused death due to cardiac arrest during the sub period of
its dispositor, Saturn, who is associated with Markesh Sun
in the lagna.
Planets who are associated with death inflicting powers
cause death as Saturn in this case. If the lord of 2 nd and 7 th
house also becomes the lord of a quadrant, then that
becomes a strong Marak.
If we add together the longitudes of Sun, Moon, Saturn
and Jupiter and then divide the result by 12, the resultant
longitude will indicate a point in the zodiac. Saturn's transit
over this point may cause death in the first, second or third
round depending upon the segment of life span i.e. Alpayu,
Madhayu or Purnayu. It is therefore imperative to determine
the segment in which the life span of the native could fall.
Whether the age would be short, middle or long may be
decided on the following basis :
1. Lagna and Moon
2. Lord of lagna and lord of the 8 th house
3. Janma lagna and Hora Jagna
Rule 1: If the lagna and Moon both fall in a movable
sign, the life will be long. If either of these fall in a fixed sign
and the other in a common sign, the life will be long.
Rule 2: The life span will be middle if either of the lagna
and Moon fall in a movable sign and the other in a fixed
sign, or the lagna and Moon both fall in a common sign.
Rule 3: The life will be short if the lagna is movable and
Moon falls in a common sign, or the vice-versa . .Life will again
be short if lagna and Moon both fall in a fixed sign.
These rules also hold good for the lords of lagna and the
8 th lord, or the lord of Janma lagna and that of Hora lagna.
These observations can be presented in a tabular form
as under:
250 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

LoD' life Middle Ufe Short life

Movable I Movable I Movable I
Movable I Fixed 2 Comtpon 3
Fixed 2 Fixed 2 Fixed 2
Common 3 Movable I Fixed 2
Common 3 Common 3 Common 3
Fixed 2 Common 3 Movable I

Another easy method has been advised for the judgment

of short or iniddle life.
Add the no. of sign which is obtained by tagna and Moon.
Divide the sum by 3 . If the remainder is 1 then the life w ill
be short, if the remainder is 2 the life will be long and if the
remainder is 0 the s pan of life will be middle. Similarly the
sign obtained by the lord of tagna and the lord of 8 th house
s hould be added and then divided by 3. The remainder will
show short, long or middle life. In the same way the sign of
Janma lagna and Hora tagna should be added and divided
by 3. The remainder here also will show the short, long and
the middle life.
On the basis of the above mentioned three rules, we have
first to find out the span of life whethe r it is short, long or
middle, If it is short life by all the three rules then consider
it to be short, if all rules indicate long or middle life then
take long or middle as indicated. But if the rules signify
different spans of life then take the average or that in which
two are common. If 3 rules indicate long, middle and short
life respectively then the average is middle life. If the two
rules show long life and the third denotes short life, then
consider long life, and similarly for the middle and short
Alpayu span is up to 32 years. Madhayu is up to 62 years
and long life span is taken up to 100 years. Take the longitude
of the lagna lord and the 8\h lord and work out how many
years are indicted by each of them. Suppose 8'h lord is placed
at 15. Then 30 gives 32 years or life so 15 will give 16
The Length of Life 251

years. Similarly work au t for lagna lord. Add the both results
and divide by 2. This age will come less than 32 year~, say X
years. If the span is short then the native will live up to X
years. If the span is middle then 32+X years may be his life,
and if the span of life span of life indicated to him is long
then he will live up to 64+X years of age.
Similarly work out in the same manner for lagna and
Moon, for Janma lagna and the Hora lagna and take the
average of all these readings. That will be the exact span of
life of the native.
Many methods about 32 are described to determine the
longevity of a person in various texts and classics. However
following methods carry lot of weight and are mostly followed
by eminent astrologers of the country these days.
1. Pindayu method
2. Amsayu method (Determination of longevity on the
basis of navamsa)
3. JeeveSlarmayu
4. Jaimini method
5. Astakavarga method
6. Naisargik Ayu sadhna
7. Yoga Ayu
Dr. B.V. Raman and many other scholars opine that
Jaimini method is most accurate. Astakavarga method to
determine the longevity does not appear to be correct.
Pindayu method gives fairly accurate results. But various
yagas, as given in the texts, appear to me to be very accurate
provided the 'yoga' is fully applicable and there is no
cancellation of the same. Mostly people follow the dasa-
bhukti of death inflicting planet Le. the Markesh. Markesh
for every lagna have been given above but those do not
synchronize with the rules for finding Markesh. I believe
that a strong lagna and 8 th house result into a long span of
life and weak lagna and 8 th house give short life.
There are certain dasa-bhukti such as Rahu-Saturn,
252 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

Satum-Rahu, Ketu-Mars and Mars-Ketu that cause death if

endowed with death inflicting strength.
Various rules have been given in clas s ics for the
judgment of Balarishta and its cancellation. Alpayu yoga,
Madhyayu yage and Pumayu yoga etc. There is no use of
repetition of the same here. Dr. B.V. Raman has very nicely
dealt aU these in his book 'How to judge a horoscope-Vol.2 ',

Sages have given various combinations for the judgment
of cause of death. One of the easiest and popular methods is
to find out the sign occupied by 22 nd Drekkana or planets
joining the 8 1h house . This has also been dealt in detail in
the above illustrious work of Dr. B.V. Raman in chapter 12
concerning 8 111 house.

Transit Rules:
Certain rules for transi.t of planets have been suggested
by our sages to determine the time of death.
1. When Saturn will transit in the sign occupied by the
lords of 8 th or 121h house , the death may take place,
Saturn's transit in these signs, or in trines from there.
with reference to other houses in the birth chart, will
bring disaster pertaining to that house.
2. Transit of Saturn through the sign occupied by 22 nd
Drekkana or by Mandi may bring death.
3. Subtract the longitude of Saturn from that of Mandi and
see that which particular sign and navamsa it denotes,
the death will come in evidence when Saturn will transit
either of that.
4. Add the longitudes of 6 th , 8 th and 121h lords and divide
the total by 12. Saturn's transit in that sign and
longitude, or in the trine from there, may cause death.
5. Jupiter's transit may also cause death when it transits
in a sign triangular to the 8 th lord.
6. Add the longitudes of Sun, lagna and MandL Jupiter's
transit over this point, or its trine, may bring about the
end of life,
The Length of Life 253

7. Add the longitudes of Jupiter and Rahu. Jupiter's transit

over that point, or its trine, may also cause death.
8. When Sun transits in the 6 th , 7th or 12th house from Venus
death may come in evidence.
9. When Moon transits in the sign or navamsa occupied
by the 8 th lord or their trines, the death may take place.
Add longitudes of Mandi and Moon. Transit of Moon
over this point or its trine may also cause death. When
Moon crosses the sign occupied by 22nd Drekkana from
Moon, or its trine, death may take place. Transit of Moon
through lagna, 8 th or 12th house can also cause death.
Transit of planets should only b e taken as a supporting
factor to find out the time of death more precisely. The time
of death should be worked out by all other methods, death
inflicting dasa-bhukti etc. and transit of Saturn or Jupiter
should be applied only thereafter. The adverse transits will
only be fateful when they synchronize with Maraka periods.
There is much more to discuss about the aspect of
longevity. However keeping in view the limit of space, I will
discuss about the remaining important points regarding
span of life in another paper in future.

fcnn ~:m:q f\\lQft1cfi giS5I~ ER'{ I

~ q) 'I",ft '''t!!''",ft ~!ll"'1f!ll': II
~ <"'X",11 ~ 'ffi ~ I
~ UUIl! 'If.m 'f \! 'I'i flI<l lfll61 .. : ~: II
Knowledge is a special beautyfor man. It is a hidden
treasure. It gives one happiness, enjoyment andfame. It
is the teacher of great teachers. It is one's relative when
he is ina stran.geplace.Itis the God diuine./t is knowledge
that is worshipped by kings, and not money. One who is
bereft of knowledge is a beast.

4(tct(\1Iiln.;;q)l4iti'3tQ$d'1"l. I
Wrn' 'lft.H"""'tj:d~S'll ="6iIPI; II
It is very difficult for Lllkshmi (wealth) and Saraswati
(knowledge) to stay together. [ do pray, let them always
stay together with scholars.

Easy Method for
Judgement of Life Span
On the great demand of the learned readers we are
giving a very easy and astonishing m ethod of finding out
the exact span of life on the basis of just birth constellation
and its pad, in which the native is born. Even a lay man can
find out the approximate year of the end of life of the native.
However, first of all find out if the span of life is long, middle
short or if there is Balarishtayoga. On the basis of following,
one can ascertain the major period, su b ~ period(bhukti) and
sub~ sub period of the death of the native.

Marakas of the various nakshatras are given below-

1. Aswani (Ketu dasa at birth):
(a) Generally death occurs in Rahu dasa and not in
the dasas of Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars.
(b) With powerful Alpayu Yogas (short life) in the
horo scope death may occasionally occur in the
major period of Venus.
(e) With Madhya Ayu (middle life) Vogas there will be
death in the sub-sub period of Rahu in the major
period of Rahu.
(d) With Poorna Ayu (full and long term of life) Yogas
death may be in -
(i) sub-sub periodofRahu, sub period of Mercury,
major period of Rahu or
256 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

(ii) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub period of Sun,

major period of Rahu or
(iii) sub-sub period of Sun, sub period of Mars,
major period of Rahu.
(e) With powerful Deerghayu Vogas death may be in-
(i) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub period of
Mercury, major period of Saturn or
(ii) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub period of
Venus, major period of Saturn.
2. Bharani (Venus dasa at birth):
(a) Those born in any pada with Alpayu (short life)
Vogas will have death in-
(i) sub-sub period of Venus, sub period of Moon,
major period of Sun or
Iii) sub-sub period of Venus, sub period of Rahu,
majoI:' period of Sun or
(iii) sub-sub period of Venus, sub period of Saturn,
major period of Sun or
(iv) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub period of
Venus, major period of Sun.
(b) Those born with MadhyaAyu (middle life) Yogas and
in the 2 nd , 3rd and 4th padas will have death in Rahu
(c) For those with Deerghayu Vogas death will be in-
(i) sub period of Mercury, major period of Venus
(iii sub period of Venus, major period of Saturn.
3. Krittika (Sun dasa at birth):
(a) This is a Deerghayu nakshatra and so no death
takes place in the major period of Moon, Mars, Rahu
and or Jupiter is only evil.
(h) Death occurs in-
Easy MethodforJudgmentofLife Span 257

(i) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub period of

Mercury, major period of Saturn or
(ii) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub period of
Venus, major period of Saturn.
4. Rohini (Moon dasa at birth);
(a) If there is Deerghayu Yogas, death will generally be

(i) sub -sub period of Saturn, sub period of

Mercury, major period of Saturn or
(ii) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub period of
Mercury,. major period of Saturn or
5. Mrigshira (Mars dasa at birth):
(a) For those born in in 1" pada Jupiter is not strong
and there are powerful Bala Arishta Yogas
(combination of close in childhood) death will be
in infancy.
(b) For those born in 2 nd pacta:
(i) There is no Balarishta,
iii) With madhayu Yogas death will be in-
(1) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub period of
Mercury, major period of Saturn or
(2) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub period of
Venus, major period of Saturn
(c) Death will not be in the major periods of Rahu and
(d) With Deerghayu Yogas death will be in-
(i) sub-period of Mercury, majorperioct of Mercuty
(ii) sub-period of Jupiter, major period of Mercury.
(e) Death will not be in the major periods of Rahu,
Jupiter or Saturn.
258 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

(ij For those born in the 3,-d and 4'h padas:

(i) There will be no Balarishta (combination Cor
close of life in childhood)
(ii) With Madhayu Yagas death will be in-
(1) sub-period of Jupiter, major period of
Jupiter or
(2 ) s ub-period of Mercury, major period of
(iii) With Deerghayu Vagas death will be in -
(1) sub-period of Mercury, major pe riod of
Mercury or
(2) su b -period of Jupiter, major period of
6. Ardra (Rahu dasa at birth):
(a) For those born in the l 't pada-
(i) There will be no Bala Arishta (combination for
close of life in childhood) .
(ii) With Alpa Ayu Vagas d eath will be in-
(1) sub -period of Mercury, Ketu or Rahu or
other periods in the m ajor period of
(bl For those born in the 2nd J 3td and 4th padas-
(i) The re will be no Bala Arishta (combination for
close of life in childhood).
Iii) With Madhya Ayu Yogas death will be in the
m aj or period of Mercury.
(iii) With Deergha Ayu Vogas , d ea th may be
occasionally be in the major period of Venus.
7. Punarvasu (Jupiter dasa at birth):
(a) Fo r those born in this n a k shatr a, bararishta
(combination for close of life in c hildhood) , Alpayu
(s h ort life) and Dee rghayu (full and long tenn of life)
are rare. Mad h ayu is the usual rule.
Easy MethodJorJudgment o/Life Span 259

{h) For those oorn in the P', 2 nd and 3 ni padas with

Madhayu Yogas death will be in-
(i) sub-period of Venus, Jupiter or Saturn in the
major .p eriod of Mercury.
(c) For those born in the 4th pada with Madhayu Yogas
death wi" be in-
(i) sub-period of Venus, Moon, Rahu or Mercury
in the major period of Venus alone.
Iii) Even with Deerghayu Yogas death will be in
the major period of Venus alone.
8. Pushya (Major period of Saturn at birth):
la) With Alpayu Yogas death takes place in-
(i) End of sub-period of Budha or
Iii) Beginning of the major period of Venus.
(b) With Madhayam Ayu Yogas death will be in-
Ii} sub-sub period of Satum, sub-period of Venus
and major period of Venus.
Ic) With Deerghayu Yogas death will be in -
(i) sub-sub period of Venus, sub-period of Jupiter
and major period of Moon or
(ii) sub -sub period of Rahu, sub-period of Mercury
and major period of Moon.
9. Aslesa (Major period of Mercury at birth):
(a) There is generally no Bala Arishta.
(bJ With very powerful Alpayu Yogas death will be in -
(i) sub- period of Saturn and major period of
(e) With Deerghayu Yogas this constellation gives long
life and death will not be in the major periods of
Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars but will be only
(i) the major period of Rahu .
260 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

10. Magha (Major period of Ketu at birth):

-See Aswini.
11. Puroa Phalguni (Venus dasa at birth):
(a) For those born in this nakshatra there are no Bala
Arishta and the first three padsa will give long life.
(bl For those born in the 1Bt and 2 nd padas, death will
generally be in -
(i) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub-period of
Mercury and major period of Saturn or
(ii) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub-period of
Venus and major period of Saturn.
(iii) Death is never in the major period of Sun,
Moon. Mars, Rahu or Jupiter. Saturn's is the
Aneretic period.
(c) For those born in the 3rd pada:
Ii) Death will be in the major period of Mercury
(dl For those born in the 4th pada:
Ii) With powerful Alpayu yogas death will be in
either Moon or Rahu dasas.
(ii) With powerful Deerghayu Vegas death will be
in either major periods of Saturn or Mercury.
12. UUara PhaIguni(Sun dasaat birth):
(a) For those born in the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th p a das
(i) If Mars or Rahu occupy Libra in the horoscope
and the Moon is weak and Alpayu Vogas are
present then death will be in-
(1) major period of Rahu. But this is rare .
(b) If there are Madhayu Yogas death will be in -
(i) sub-periods of Mercury or Venus and major
period of Jupiter.
Easy Methodfor Judgment of Life Span 261

(e) With Deerghayu Yogas death will be in-

(i) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub -period of
Mercury and major period of Saturn or
(ii) sub-sub period of Merc ury, sub-period of
Venus and major period of Saturn.
(d) With very powerful Deerghayu Yogas death will be
(i) major period of Mercury.
13. Hasta (Major period of Moon at birth);
(a) Unless Deerghayu Yogas are present, death will be
(i) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub-period of
Venus and major period of Jupiter or
(ii) sub-sub period of Venus, sub-period of Rahu
and major period of Jupiter.
(b) With Deerghayu Yogas death will be in-
(i) major period of Mercury.
14 . Chitra (Major period of Mars at birth):
(a) For those born in the I -I and 2nd padas, death will
take place in-
(i) sub-periods of Jupiter, Mercury or Rahu and
major period of Jupiter.
(b) With Deerghayu Vogas death will be in-
(i) sub-period of Mercury or Jupiter and major
period of Mercury.
(c) For those born in the 3rd and 4th padas, death will
take place in-
Ii) There are no Sala Arishta.
(dl With Alpayu yogas death will be i.n -
Ii) sub-sub period of Sun, su b-period of Mars and
major period of Rahu .
(e) With Madhayu Vogas death will be in-
26 2 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

(il s ub-period of Jupiter or Saturn in the m ajor

period of Rahu.
(n With Deergh ayu Vogas death will be in-
(i) sub-periods of Mercury, Rahu or Saturn in the
major period of Mercury.
IS. Swati (Rahu dasa at birth):
(a) There is n o Bala Arishta.
(bl With Alpayu Vogas death will be in-
(i) s ub-sub period of Sun, s ub-period of Mars and
major period of Rahu.
(e ) With Madhayu Vegas death will be in-
(i) sub-p eriod of Rahu, Jupiter or Saturn in the
major period of Mercury.
(dl GeneraJly the re is no d eath in the m ajor periods of
Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu
16. Visakha (Jupiter d asa at birth) :
(a) There is no Bala Arishta.
{bl With Alpayu Vegas death will be in-
(i) sub -sub p eriod of Saturn, sub - p e riod o f
Mercury and major period of Saturn or
(ii) s ub - s ub period o f Merc ury , s ub -period of
Venus and m ajor period of Saturn.
(c) With Madhayu Vogas d eath will be in-
(i) sub-sub period of Jupiter, sub-period of Rahu
and m ajor period of Ketu.
(dJ With Deergh ayu Vogas death will be in-
(i) en d o f t h e maj o r p e riod of Venus o r the
commencement of maj or period of Sun.
(e) The 4th pada of Visakha gives only Madhayu. In a
general sense , since Moon as s uch is by debility- if
at deep point of debility this is a n ear possibility-
Middle life .
Easy Method for Judgment of Life Span 263

17. Anuradha (Major period of Saturn at birth):

(a) If Balarishtas are absent those bo rn in this
nak shatra have Deerghayus generally and not
Alpayus (short life) or Madhayus (middle life).
(b) If occasionally Alpayu Yogas are prese nt then death
is in the major period of Mercury .
18. Jyeshtha (Maj or period of Mercury at birth):
(a ) With Alpayu Vogas death will be in-
Ii} s ub -sub period of Mercury, su b - period o f
Saturn and major period of Me rcury .
(b) With Ma dhayu Vogas death will be in Su n or Moon
(c) With Deerghayu Vogas death will be in Sun or Rahu
19. Moola (Major period of Ketu at birth) :
-See Aswini.
20. PuruaAshadha (Major period of Venu s at birth):
(a) With Scorpio ascendant death will be in Sun dasa.
(b) With Sagitta rius asce ndant death will be in the
Moon d asa if Jupiter is not very stron g.
(c) Those born in 2, 3, or 4 of this nakshatra usually
h ave Deerghayus (full and long term of life).
21. Uttarasadha (Sun dasa at birth):
(a) For those born in the l ot pada:
(i) When there are Alpayu Vogas death will be in-
(1) major period of Rahu.
(ii) When there are Deerghayu yogas death will
be in-
(1) major period of Saturn or
(21 major period of Mercury.
264 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

(b) For those born in the 2 nd , 31'<1 and 4th padas:

(i) When there are Alpayu Yogas death will be in-
(1) sub-periods of Mercury or Rahu in the
major period of Jupiter.
Iii) When there are Deerghayu yogas death will,
be in-
(1) major period of Mercury.
(e) Death does not take place usually in the major
periods of Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn.
22. Sravna (Moon dasa at birth):
(a) There are generally no Balarishtas.
(h) With AJpayu Vegas death will be in-
(i) sub-periods of Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury and
Venus in major period of Rahu.
(bl With Madbayu Yogas death will be in-
(i) major period of Jupiter.
(dl With Deerghayu Yagas death will be in-
(i) major period of Mercury.
23. Dhanistha (Major period of Mars at birth):
(a) For those born it?- the 15t and 2 nd padas:
(i) With Alpayu Yogas death will be in-
(1) sub-periods of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus
and Rahu in major period of Jupiter.
(iij With Deerghayu yogas death will be in-
(1) major period of Mercury.
(b) For those born in the 3 m and 4:h padas:
(i) Without Deerghayu Yogas death will be in-
(1) sub-sub period of Saturn, sub-period of
Mercury and major period of Saturn.
(2) sub-sub period of Mercury, sub-period
of Venus and major period of Saturn.
Easy Method for Ju.dgme nt of Life Span 265

(ii) With Oeerghayu Vogas death will be in

(1) major period of Mercury .

24. Shatabhisha (M ajor period of Rahu at birth):

(a) There is n o Alpayus (short life) or Madhayu s (middle
life) for those born in this naks h atra.
(bl Generally . there is Deergh ayus (full and long term
of life) and death does not take place in the m ajor
periods of Jupiter or Saturn .

25. Purva Bhadrapad (Major period of Jupiter at birth):

(al There is gen erally no Balarishta or Alpayus .(short
(b) Without Deerghayu Vogas death will be in
(i) major period of Me rcury.'
(c) With Deerghayu Vogas death will be in
(i) su b s ub period of Merc ury, subperiod of
Venus and major period of Sun.
(dl In this case death will not be in the major periods of
Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venu s.

26. Uttara Bhadrapad (Major period of Saturn at birth):

(a) With powe rful Alpa.yu Vogas death will ~e in-
(i) su b-pe riods of Jupite r and Saturn in the major
period of Mercury. This is common in married
wom e n prior to the death of their hu s band.
(bl With Dee rghayu Yogas dea th will be in-
(i) end of either the m ajor pe riods of Venus or
Sun or
(ii) beginnin.g of the major period of Moon.

27 . Reuati (Major period of Mercury at birth):

la) There are no BaJarishtas or Madhayus (middle
lives) which are rare.
266 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

{bl With Alpayu Yogas death will be in*

(il sub-periods of Venus. Rahu or Mercury in the
major period of Venus.
(el With Deerghayu Yogas death will be in-
(i) sub-periods of Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Sun
or Mars in the major period of Rahu.

"<!Ill,'; ~".Ili.~1lI ~
til' It a" flIlli <1>,:\ ., ~,
~ ~ C5 tfi{lqqlt't::tfCMI
'I<'t ~ ~ Of re"",1lI <Iit"S'r <:To: "
Wealth reaches the lion among men, who engages
himselfin an occupatiOTL Only cowards talk ofdivine help.
Forget divine help and work with confidence. Even then if
you. do not achieve results, what is your fault?

'"'" "'" "% ..rrm, '"'" "~.'''Rofl I
~ ff;J "I'RfCZi, qtuS(vq" tI!IT ~ II
He whose home is deprived of his mother and sweet
speaking wife, should leave the home and go to the forest,
as both af the Iwme and forest are equal for him.

Longevity at a glance :
Dr. B.V. Raman has specified at various places that no
amount of calculation can make one expert in determining
the exact longevity of the native . The concerning astrologer
must possess pious heart, pure mind. wide experience and
God's grace of true intuition, in addition to thorough and
proper study of the subject. We are presenting some of the
most valuable guidelines to find out that the longevity falls
in which part of the life of the native. Is it Balarishta, s hort
life, middle life or long life? The learned astrologers and
students m ay go through the following guidelines which will
help them in the judgment of the span of life of the native.
We humbly opine that finally dasa*bhukti of the killer planet
should be examined before reaching to any conclusion.
Intuition does playa prominent role in the judgment or the
age of the subject . Along with knowledge and experience,
one s hould concentrate deeply on the horoscope for finding
out the markesh planets. Transiting planets will pin point
the year and month of the d eath of the native, whic h we will
try Lo discuss elsewhere.

1. Arishta (Death in confinement or in c hild hood)

Chandra Arishta -
The Moon represents the mother; mind and intelligence.
If it is very weak there is danger to the child and even to the
268 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

mother during the delive ry and the following are positions

whic h may cause dea th to one or both:
1. Aswini I {0 to 3 201 or, Mrigasira I (23 0 20' to 26 40,.
Hasta IV (20 0 to "23 201 Jyeshtha III (23 0 20' to 23 401,
MaDia II and III, Dhanistha II (26 0 40' to 30 Capricorn).
2. In depression in Scorpio or eclipsed or in the 6 th , 8 111 or
the 121h hous e in the horoscope or in enemy signs or in
conjunction with his enemies, Me rcury, Venus, Saturn
or Rahu, or aspected by the Sun, Mars or Saturn.
Balarishta (Infantile ailments or clos e of
liCe In chlldhood)-
This of two kinds, one in which the child dies within
three months of birth and the other in which it survives for
three or four years. In either case , the c h ild dies in the major
period of birth and in the inter periods of the lords of the 6 'h ,
8 'h or 12'h houses or in the inter periods of Rahu. Balarishta
is caused by the Moon being in the following positions:
1. Aswini I and 11, Bharani II, Krittika III, Rohini I, II and
IV, Mrigshira I, Pushya I, Magha I, Uttara Phalguni II ,
Hasta III and IV, Chitra II, Vi sakha IV, Anuradha III ,
Jyeshtha III , Moola II and III, Uttaras adha I, Dhanis lh a
II, Satbhisha I and Uttara Bhadrapad IV.
2. In depression or eclipsed or in the 6 th , 8 th or 12Lh house.
3. In enemy signs, in conjunction with enemies. Mercury,
Venus, Saturn or Rahu or aspected by Sun, Mars or
4. If benefics aspect the planets causing the Arishta then
the child 'may live from one to three or four years or at
the most to the end of the major period of birth and no
arishta can occu r unless the Moon is the nakshatra
padas listed above.
Further Balarlshta (InCantlle ailments o r close oC
liCe In chlldhood)-
Vogas are as under:
1. If the ascendant or the 8 th house cusp or the lords of
these two h ouses are betwee n two evil planets.
Longeuity at a glance: Guidelines 269

2. If the Moon is aspected by Saturn and Mars and the

ascendant has Saturn and Rahu on either side or these
two planets occupy the 6 th and 121h or 2 nd and 8 th houses
in the horoscope.
3. Saturn in the ascendant and Mars in the 7th house and
4. Malefics in the ascendant and 8 1h. house, Moon weakly
placed and the kendras without Jupiter in them.
5. Moon weakly placed and Shasta-Ash taka dosha that is
the planets, Saturn, Mars and Rahu in the 6 th or 8 1h
houses to Moon.
6. Moon in depression or debility aspected by Sun and
Venus together or individually by Mercury, Saturn or
7. If Rahu is in the 12th sign from that occupied jointly by
the Sun and the Moon.
8. If the lord of the ascendant, lord of the sign occupied by
the Moon or the lord of Navarnsa lagna are eclipsed.
9. If the 12th Rasi from ascendant is occupied by malefics
and the lord of the 8 th sign from the ascendant is
aspected by malefics or in conjunction with them.
10. If the lord of the 8 th house is in an enemy sign or in the
sign of a malefic.
11. If the lord of the 8 th house is in 8 1h house.
12. If the kendras and konas are occupied by rnalefics and
the 3 rd , 6 th , 8 1h and 11th houses are occupied by benefics
and the lord of the ascendant or the 8 1h house is weak.
13. If Jupiter and Venus are in Shasta-Ashtaka that is in
the 6 th or the 8 th places from each other.
14. A planet inimical to the planets in the ascendant
occupying the 8 th house .
15. If the Sun or the Moon occupy the first padaor Mrigasira.
16. If Saturn or Mars strongly aspect the Moon in Hasta.
N.B. The aspects and conjunctions in the above
combinations must be exact if Balarishta (Infanitle
ailments or close of life in childhood) is to occur.
270 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

The following combinations he lp in prom oting

1. If the lord of the ascendant or Jupiter or both Jupite r
and the Moon occupy the 6 th , 8 1h or the 12th houses.
2. Mars in the 11 th house from the Sun.
3. If the Sun and the Moon, Mars and Mercury and Moon ,
Jupiter and Venus, Sun and Saturn and Mars or Saturn
and Rahu are in the 6 lh or 8 1h houses from each other or
in opposition to each other.
4. Sun in Libra. Mars in Virgo, Mercury in Leo and Venus
in Scorpio.

Bala rlshta Bhanga Yogas -

Conditions which prevent death are as under:
1. Jupiter in the ascendant or in the 7 th hou se or 8 th hou se.
2. Combinations indicating very long life.
3. Moon in the following naksha tras
Mrigshira II, III and IV, Punarvasu I to IV, Ardra I to IV,
Aslesa I to IV, Purva Phalguni I to IV, Chitra III and IV,
Swati I to IV, Visakha I, II and Ill, Sravna I to IV , Purva
Bhadrapad I to IV, Revati I to IV.
4. Moon in Gemini, Cancer, Libra and Pisces except from
the portions in the nakshatras Pushya and Utta ra
Bhadra pad.

Further Balarishta Bhanga Yogas are as under-

1. Lord of the ascendant or the 8 l h house in conjunction
with or aspected by Jupiter or the cu s ps of these hou ses
similarly placed, or ascendant in Pisces.
2. The ascendant and the 8 lh hou s e cu s ps between benefic
3. Venus occupying Pisces or a specting the lagna o r
a specting the lord of the 8 l h house.
4. Moon and Mars in conjunction in any hou s e .
Longevity at a glance: Guidelines 27 1

The following combinations aid in preventing

1. Any two p lanets singly in opposition in the horoscope.
2. The Sun in Tauru s or Aquarius.
3. Mars in Taurus.
4. Mercury in Aries, Gemini or Capricorn.
5. If the 3 n1 h ouse from the lagna is occupied by Rahu

Marakas planets causing death and time of death-

1. Lords of the 3 n1 , 6 th , 8 1h and 12th houses or m alefics in
conju n ctions with these. If these happen to become
beneficent for the time being Saturn and Rahu act in
their stead.
2. Lords or Kendras quadrants from the house occupied
by the Moon provided they are also lords of the 3 n1 , 6 th ,
8'1'0 and 12th huuses from the Moon.
3. Any malefic that is in conjunction with the Sun or the
lord of the house in which the Sun is posited.
4. The lord of the ascendant if eclipsed.
5. The Sun if posited in the 8 th house.
6. Jupiter if in the 8 th house but only if Moon is in Gemini
or Virgo. If Moon is in any other sign Jupiter never
becomes a maraca.
7. The lord oftbe 7 1h house but usually death does not occur
in its major period but rather in its sub-sub periods and
sub-period in other major p eriods. If death d oes occur
in its major period it is only on the first day or the last
day of the period.

Maraka planets-
1. The 3 n1 , 8 th or the 1 ph house from the lord of the
2. The 8 th house from the ascendant.
272 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

3. Alone in Scorpio or in Aries or in Leo.

4. cartjunction with the Sun or Ketu.
The maraca selected will not kill if between two benefics
but a very grave illness will result. Marakas of various
ascendants are given below:

1. Aries ~and Venus and Rahu

12. Taurus. :un, and
:un and
1 4.
Ketu ";:'d
5. Leo Mercury and Saturn Jupiter, Venus, Rahu
and Ketu
6. Virgo Mercury and Rahu Moon, Jupiter, Venus
and Ketu
7. Libra Nil Sun, . and Rahu

~~.n,. , & -R,ili~'

8. -e

9. Mercury, Venus Moon, Jupiter, Saturn

and Rahu andRahu
10. 'p Nil Sun, Moon, Rahu ,
Venus, Mercury and

11. Aquarius 'J and Moon, Venus, Saturn

and Rahu
12. Pisces Rahu Sun, Mercury, Venus
and Saturn

at 1(:1(,"", S; Iit 4ij'il Rl6i ij Iq li'tI il dN:aft! .hl 011'1\ I

w-i It' d."q[<," w.r.r
flIfW;i tAT: 'I'{lf'l' '6'IAT II
Food, sleep,fearand procreation all the four qualities
are equal in human being and animals but knowledge is
only one quality which is possessed in human being
therefore human being devoid from knowledge are
equivalent to animals.

S.No Name of the Book Author/Editor Pl.Jblisher
1. Srihal Parashar Maharishi MIs Ranjan Publications,
Horoshashtra Parashar 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
2. Hora Ratnam Sri Balbhadra MIs Motilal Sanarasi Oass
Mishra Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
3. Brihajjalakam Sri Varahmihir Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
4. Sarvarth Sri Venkatesh MIs Chowl<hamba Surbhartl
Chintamani Sharma Prakashan, K-37/117, Gopal
Mandir Lane, P.B. No- 1129,
5. Maan Sagan MIs Sagar Publications
72, Janpath. Ved Mansion,
New Delhi-110001
6. Vriddh Acharya Neeraj Mis Ranjan Publications,
Yavanjatakam 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
7. Jatak Parijat Au thor- Mis Ranjan Publications.
Sri Vaidyanath 16. Ansari Road. Daryaganj
Editor-Dr.Suresh New Delhi-110002
Chandra Mishra
6. Bhaav Kutuhalam Author- Mis Chowkhamba Surbharti
Sri Jeevnath Prakashan,
Editor- Dr. Hari K-371117, Gopal Mandlr Lane,
Shankar Pathak p.e. No- 1129, Varanasi-01
9. Saravali Sri Kalyan MIs Ranjan Publications,
Verma 16. Ansari Road . Daryaganj
New 0eIhi-110002
10. Ullar Kalamrit Kavi Kalidas Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
11 . Jaatak Acharya Mukund Mis Ranjan Publications,
Bhushanam Daivagya 16. Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi- 110002
12. Jataka Bharanam Srj Dhundhiraj MIs Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
274 Bibliography

13. Jatak Tatvam Pt. Mahadev MIs Ranjan Publications,

Pathak 16, Ansari Road. OaryaganJ
New Delhi 110002
14. Jalakalankar Sri Ganesh Kavi Mis Ranjan Publications.
16, Ansari Road , Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
15. Satya Jalakam Satyacharya Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi11ooo2
16. Shambhu PI. Maheedhar Khemraj Srikrishna Dass
Horaprakash Sharma
17. Phalil Martand PI. Mukund Mis Motilal Sanarasi Dass
Ballabh Mishra Publishers Pvt. lid .
41, UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Oelhi-110oo7
16. Phala Deepika Sri Mantreshwar Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-11 0002
19. Triphala(Jyotisha) Gopesh Kumar Mis Motilat Sanarasi Oass
Qjha Publishers Pvt. lid.
41, UABungalcw Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Oelhi-110007
20. 8havarth Ratnakar Sri 'Ramanuja- MIs U.8 .S. Publishers'
charya Distributors Ltd .
21. Khetkautukam Khankhana MIs Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Oelhi-110002
22. Jaatak Deshmarg Padumnai MIs Motital Banarasi Dass
Chomadri PUblishers Pvt. Ltd.
41, UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Oelhi-110007
23. Bhav Deepika Sri MIs Ranjan Publications,
Bhaskatacharya 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Oelhi-11ooo2
24 . Griha Vichaar H.N. Katave Mis Nagpor Prakashan
1-Surya Vichaar
2-Chandra Vichaa
3-Mangal Vichaar
4-Buddha Vichaar
5-Guru Vichaar
6-Shukra Vichaar
7-Shani Vichaar
Grahan Vichaar
Bibliography 275

25. Bhadrabahu Or.Nemichandr MIs Bhartiya Gyanpeeth

Samhita Jyotishacharya 18, Institutional Area.
Lodhi Road. New Delhi-03
26. Brihal Samhita Translator- Prof. Mis Motilal Banarasi Dass
(English) M. Ramkrishna Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Bhall 41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
27. Bhartiya Jyotish Dr.Nemichandra Mis Bhartiya Gyanpeeth
Shastri 18, Institutional Area,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-03
28 . Essentials of R. Santhanam MIs Sagar Publications
Astrology 72. Janpalh, Ved Mansion.
New Oelhi-110001
29. Three Hundred Dr. B.V. Raman MIs Molilal Banara si Oass
Important Publishers Pvt. lid.
Combinations 41. U.A. Bungalow Road.
Jawahar Nagar. Oethi-1 10007
30 . Jyolisha Sarvasva Suresh Chandr MIs Ranjan Publications,
Mishra 16. Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
31. Jyolirvida Kalidas Mis Motilal Banarasi Oass
Bharanam Publishers Pvt. lid .
41 , UA Bungalow Road.
Jawahar Nagar. Delhi-110007
32. Jyotisha Sarva PI.Ramswaroop Jawahar Book Depot.
Sangrah Sharma Meerut
33. Phalit Prakash Sri Balmukund Babu Baijnath Book Seller.
Pandeyen Kashi
34. Muhurta Sir Bitlhal ~ixit MIs Ranjan Publications.
Kalpdruma 16. Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
35. Brihajjyotissar PI. Suryakant Tej Kumar Depot,
Siddhanti Lucknow
36. Muhurta Sri Ram MIs Chowkhambha Vidya
Chintamani Daivagya Bhawan
37 . Sanke! Nidhi Ram Dayalu MIs Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road , Oaryaganj
New Delhi-11ooo2
36. Bhava Prakash Sri Jeevnath Mis Ranjan Publications,
Ojha 16. Ansari Road. Oaryaganj
New Oelhi-110002
276 Bibliography

39. Laghu Jalakam Varahmihir MIs Chowkhamba Surbharti

Prakashan, K-37/117, Gopal
Mandir Lane, P.B. No- 1129,
40. Jyolilatva Prakash Pt. laxmikant Mis Moli1at Sanarasi Cass
Kanyal Publishers Pvt . Ltd.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-ll000?
41 . Shava Vichaar H.N. Katve Mis Nagpur Prakashan
42. Bhavesh Vichaar H.N. Katve Mis Nagpur Prakashan
43. Dev Rahasya H.N. Katve MIs Nagpur Prakashan
44 . Purva Kalamrila Kalidas Mis Ranjan Publications.
16, Ansari Road , oaryaganj
New Delhi- 11OOO2
45 . Shatpanchashika Prithu Yasho MIs Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
46. Harasaar Prilhu Vasha Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Oelhi-110002
47. Oaivagya Vallabha Varahmihir Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road , Oaryaganj
New Delhi 110002
48. Prasava Mukund MIs Ranjan Publications,
Chintamani Daivagya 16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi110002
49. Jaatak Nimaya BV Raman Mis Motilal Banarasi Dass
Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi110007
SO. Muhurta Ganapati Sri Rawal Mis Motilal Banarasi Dass
Harishankar Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Surisunu 41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Ganapali Jawahar Nagar, Delhi ll0007
51 . Muhurta Parijat pt. Sohan lal . Mis Chowtthamhha Vidya
Vyas Bhawan
52 . How to Judge Dr. B.V. Raman MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
A Horoscope Publishers Pvt. Ltd .
(2 Parts) 41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhill0007
Bibliography 277

53. Your Profession Dr. Shankar Mis Sagar Publications

(Ups and Downs Adawal 72. Janpath. Ved Mansion.
with Remedial New Delhi-ll000l
54. Astrology of K.K. Palhak MIs Alpha Publications
Professions (Publishers)
(Principles and 2640, Roshanpura,
Pradices)(2 Parts) Nai Sarak, Delhi-1l0006
55. Aajivika Vichaar Krishna Kumar MIs Alpha Publications
(Jyotish ke (Publishers)
Jharokha Se) 2640, Roshan Pura.
Nai Sarak. Delhi-l10006
56. Astrological B.S. Gupta MIs Divya Gyan Kendra
Insights and (Research Institute of Yoga,
Experiments Astrology and other Allied
Sciences), Railway Road ,
57. Stars and Human B.S. Gupta MIs Sagar Publications,
Destiny New Janpath Market.
18. Indian Oil Shavan,
New Delhi-110 001
58. Secrets of O.P. Verma MIs Ranjan Publicati<;ms.
Vimshottari Dasa 16, Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi-1l0002
59. Astrological S.P. Walia Mis O.B. Taraporevala Sons 8.
Guidance to Co. Pvt lid . 210. Dr. D.Naoroji
Occupations Road . Bombay-400001
60 Determining Profe Sumee! Chugh MIs Sagar Publications
ssion and Ups & 72, Janpath, Ved Mansion ,
Downs in Career New Delhi-110001
61 . Professions CoL A.K. GolJ" Mis Alpha Publication
(Indination. 2640. Roshanpura.
Fructification and Nai Sarak. Oelhi- l 10006
Career Profile)
62. K.P. Krishman's K.Subramaniam MIs Krishnan & Co.
Profession New no.143/ Old nO.804
Anna Salai. Opp. To LlC
Building . Chennai-600002
63. Ups And Downs K.N . Rao MIs S. Kumar & Associates
in Career 32 . Sarojini Devi lane,
Maqtsoolganj. lucknow
278 Bibliography

64. Vocational N.N. Saha MIs Fate & Destiny

Guidance Through Publications,
Astrology Tubewell Santan, Guru Nagar
Model Town , Jalandhar-03
65. The Stars and Prem Kumar MIs Rupa & Co.
Your Profession Sharma 7/16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi-l10002
66 . Profession O.P. Verma MIs Ranjan Publications,
Through Astrology 16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi-l10002
67 . A Catech ism of Dr. SV Raman Mis Raman Publications
Astrology Sri Rajeswari, 115/1 New
Extensjon~ Sheshadripuram,
68 . Aap AUf Aapki Kevalanand Mis Motilar Banarasi Dass
Rashi Joshi Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-l10007
69. Grah AUf Bhavbal Author- Mis Motilar Sanarasi Dass
Dr. SV Raman Publishers Pvt LId .
Translator- Om 41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Prakash Palival Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
70. Jyotish Aur S,G. Khot MIs MolilaJ Banarasi Dass
Parivar Niyojari Publishers Pvt. LId.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar. Nagar, Delhi-l10007
71. Jyolish Ralnakar Devaki Nandan MIs Molilal Banarasi Dass
Singh Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-l10007
72. Jyolish Rahasya Jagjeevan Dass MIs Molilal Banarasi Dass
Gupta Publishers Pvt. LId.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-ll0007
73. JyotiSh Shastra Shukdev MIs Molilal Banarasi Dass
Mein Rog Vichaar Chaturvedi Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-ll0007
74 . Jyotish Vag Bhojraj Dwivedi MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Sahaslri Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
Bibliography 279

75. Janmang Phal Kailash Nath MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass

Vichaar Upadhyay Publishers Pvt. ltd .
41, U.A. BungalowRoad ,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-ll0007
76 . Jeevan Phal Kailash Nath MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Darpan Upadhyay Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-ll0007
77. Dasaphal Vichaar Jagjeevan Dass MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Gupta Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
78. lagna Chandra Chandra Dull MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Prakash Pant Publishers Pvt. Ltd .
41 , U.A . Bungalow Road ,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-l10007
79. Laghu Parashari S.G. Khot Mis Motilal Banarasi Dass
Siddhant Publishers Pvt. ltd .
41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
80. VividhYoga S.G. Khot MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Chandra Prakash Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road ,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi- 110007
81 . Shadvarga Phal Mukund Ballabh MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Prakash Mishra Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road ,
Jawaha r Nagar. Delhi-l10007
82 . Sugam Jyotish Devi Dutt Joshi MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar. Delhi-ll0007
83. Sugam Jyotisha Gopesh Kumar MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Praveshika Ojha Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41, U.A. Bungalow Road ,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-1l0007
84. Vivah ka Samay Mahendra Nath Bhartiya Prachya Evam
Kedar Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan
Shankar Nath 4649/21, Dariyaganj,
Kapoor New De lhi-110002
85. Systems Approac Prof. V.K. Sagar publications
for Interpreting Chaudhary 72-Janpath, Ved Mansion
Horoscopes(1991 New Delhi-l1000l
280 Bibliograplly

86. Aspects in Vedic Gopesh Kumar MIs Motilal Banarasi Oass

Astrology Ojha Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Ashulosh Ojha 41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-l10007
87 . Astrological Bepin Bihari MIs Motilal 8anarasi Dass
Biographies Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar. Delhi-110007
88 . Astrology and the Gayalri Devi Mis Motilal Banarasi Dass
Hoax of Scientific Vasudev Publishers Pvt. ltd.
Temper 41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar NaQar, Delhi-ll0007
89. Astrology and You Gopesh Kumar MIs Motilal Banarasi Oass
Ojha Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Ashulosh Ojha 41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-ll 0007
90. Fundamentals of M.R. Bhatt MIs Molilal Banarasi Dass
Astrology Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Oelhi 11 DD07
9' . How 10 Match PVR. Rayudu MIs Motilal Banarasi Oass
Horoscopes for Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Marriage 41 , U.A. Bungalow Road .
Jawahar NaQar, Delhi110007
92 . How to Read a PVR. Rayudu MIs Motilal Sanarasi Dass
Horoscope Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 11 QOO7
93 . The Nakshatras Dennis MIs Molilal 8anarasi Oass
M. Harness Publishers Pvt. Ltd .
David Frawley 41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, 0eIhi110007
94 . Notable Dr. B.V. Raman Mis Molila! Banarasi Dass
Horoscopes Publishers Pvt. lid.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road.
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi ll0Q07
95. The Solar Return Gopesh Kumar Mis Motilal Sanarasi Oass
or Varshaphal Qjha Publishers Pvt. lid.
Ashutosh Qjha 41, U.A. Bungalow Road ,
Jawahar Nagar, De!hi-ll 0007
96. The Timing of Bepin Sihari MIs Motila1 Sanarasi Dass
Events Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
41 , UA Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi- 110oo7
Bibliography 281

97 . Jyotisha Rahasya Govind Shastri MIs Sadhana Pocket Books

39, U.A. Bungalow Road ,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-l10007
98 . Sharing With Daya Shanker The TImes of Astrolgy
Parashar Nishkam Peelh Prakashan
99. Gochar Phal Dr. U.S. Mis Alpha Publications
Deepika Pullippani (Publishers)
2640, Roshanpura ,
Nai Sarak. Delhi ll0006
100. Phalit Vikas Pt. Ramyal Ojha MIs Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi-Il0002
101 . 8hava Manjari Mukund MIs Ranjan Publications,
Daivagya 16, Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi-ll0002
102. Practical Vedic G.S. Agarwal MIs Sagar Publications
Astrology Ved Mansion. 72 Janpath
New Delhi-l10001
103. How to Judge a PeterWesl MIs Sagar Publications
N~livity Jologan Ved Mansion. 72 Janpath
New Delhi-ll0001
104. The Prediction MIs Gaurav Publishing House
Book of Astrology 9265, Gari No. 6
Multani Dhanda , Pahadganj
New Delhi-l10055
105. Nine Planets & M.N. Kedar MIs Bhartiya Prachya Evam
Twelve Bhavas Sana tan Vigyan Sansthan
their Effect on 4649121 , Dariyaganj,
Human Ufe New Delhi-l10002
106. Phalil Sutra Jagannalh MIs Ranjan Publications.
Bhasin 16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
107. Predictive Mahan Vir Yuli MIs Gyan Sagar Publications
Astrology and C-143. Preel Vihar,
Financial Delhi-110092
108. Profession from R.G. Rao Mis Sagar Publica!ions
the Position of Ved Mansion, 72 Janpath
Planets New Delhi-tl000t
109. How to Avert V,K. Choudhry MIs Sagar Publications
Professional K. Rajesh Ved Mansion. 72 Janpath
Setbacks Chaudhry New Delhil10001
282 Bibliography

11 0. Venus in Astrology K.C. Saxena MIs Sagar Publications

Ved Mansion, 72 Janpath
New OeJhi-110001
111. Mars and ASlrolog l.R . Chaudhary Mis Sagar Publications
Ved Mansion, 72 Janpath
New Oelhi 11QOO1
112. ViUa Avam Vratti Shailendra Mis Mukund Prakashan
Prabandh Sharma J -69, Tagore Nagar, Ajrner
Road. Hirapura, Jaipur. 11
11 3. Sitaron Ke Sitare Shailendra MIs Mukund Prakashan
Sharma J69, Tagore Nagar, Ajmer
Road, Hirapura, Jaipur-11
114 . Vedic Nadi V. Raghuraman MIs Sterling Publications
Astrology & Caree, Delhi
115. Shadvarg Phalam Krishna Kumar Mis Alpha Publications
2640, Roshanpura , Nai Sarak
11 6. Advanced K.N. Rao MIs Bhartiya Prachya Evam
Techniques of Sanatan Vigyan Sanslhan
Astrological 4649/21, Dariyaganj ,
Predictions New Oelhi- 110002
117. Transit of Planets L.R. Choudhry MIs Sagar Publications
Ved Mansion, 72 Janpath
New Oelhi-110001
118. Introduction of Dr. Uday Kant MIs Alpha Publications
Astrology Misra 2640, Roshanpura, Nai Sarak
Col. A.K. Gour Oelhi-110006
119. Planets and M.S. Mehta MIs Sagar Publications
Travel Abroad Ved Mansion, 72 Janpath
New Delhi-110001
120. Bhavphal Vichaar Krishna Kumar Mi s Alpha Publications
2640, Roshanpura. Nat Sarak
121 . Scaling Human Dr. Nimai Maa Parameswari
Lives Banerjee Publications,
Bhagyalipi Buildings,
Pithapur, CuUack-753001
122. Jyotisharnava R. Santhanam R. Santhanam Associates
Navanitam 911040. Govind Pun
Post Bo)( 4347, Kalkaji P.O .
New Oelhi-110019
Bibliography 283

123. Hindu Predictive Or. B.V. Raman IBH Prakashana

Astrology Fifth Main Road, Gandhi
Nagar. Bangalore-560009
124. Jyotish Ke Pavan MIs Motilal Sanarasi Dass
Anubhoot Rahasy Chandoliya Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 . UA Bungalow Road.
Jawahar Nagar. Delhi-110007
125. Self learning Prof. VK. MIs Sagar Publications
Course In Choudhary Ved Mansion. 72 Janpath
Astrology New Delhi-ll0001
126. Dasaphal Darpan Dr. Harishankar Mis Chowkhamba Surbharti
Pathak Prakashan,
K-37/117, Gopal Mandir lane.
P.B. No-1129, Varanasi-01
127. Saral Jyotish Gyan PI. Umashanker Ja9annath Publishin9 House
Dubey 7, Vishwanath Dham,
Gada Road, Gwal Toli.
128. Bhava Nirnaya. Mahendra Nath Bhartiya Prachya Evam
Oasa Evam Kedar Sanalan Vigyan Sanslhan
Gochar Owara 4649/21. Dariyaganj.
Samay Nirdharan New delhi-II 0002
129. Bharatiya Kundali Dr. Girija JyoUsh Karmkand Avam
Vimarsh Shankar Shastri Adhyatm Shodh Sansthan .
455. Vasuki Khurd, Daraganj
130. Yoga Pushpanjali Sunita Jha Mis Alpha Publications
2640. Roshanpura, Nai Sarak
131 . Secrets of Varga Krishan Kumar Mis Alpha Publications
2640. Roshanpura, Nai Sarak
132. Fortune and 5 .5 . Chatterjee MIs Alpha Publications
Finance 2640, Roshanpura . Nai Sarak
133. Chamatkar Author- MIs Motilal Banarasi Dass
Chintamani Maharishi Bhatt Publishers Pvt. ltd.
Narayan 41. U.A. Bungalow Road.
Editor- Jawahar Nagar,
Braj Bthari lal Oelhi-lt 0007
284 Bibliography

134 . Jatak Satyacharya Dr. Gauri MIs Ranjan Publications ,

Shanker Kapoor 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Oelhi-11 0002
135. Bhrigu Sulram Author- MIs Ranjan Publications,
Sage Bhrigu 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
Editor-Dr. Gauri New Delhi- 11 0002
Shanker Kapoor
136. Jalaka Dwadasa Kadalangudi MIs Kadalangudi
Shava Phala or Natesa Shastri Publication s,
Hindu Astrological 38, Nalesa Iyer Street.
Results T. Nagar, Madras-17
Books written by
Mrs. Mridula Trivedi & T.P. Trivedi
The list of research oriented voluminous books of MrS.Mridula Trivedi
& T P Trivedi is as under '
Sr. Title of the book Name of Publisher Pric e
No H.B. P.B.
I. ~ F<t.... ;j; fl\fim
~q<i~ Mis. Molilal Bana/asi Oass 2251- 125/ -
2. >RlR ll" ' m flRR Mis. Motilal Banarasl Dass 445/ - 245/-
3. MIs. Motilal Banarasi Dass 215/ - 1151-
4. """"'"
~ ~ : &'il~IRl414 m MIs. Motilal Banarasi Dass 395/- 1951-
6. "'-
""""" tim , :rim <ilIR
MIs. Motilal Sanaras! Dass
Mfs. Motilal Banarasi Dass
l1':f 9ItIll5J1kl1
Mis. Motila! Sanarasi Dass
Mis. Motilai Bal'larasi Oass
Mis. Molilal Banaras! Oass
In Press
In Pless

10. tim 'i'<'" MIs. Molilal Banatasi Oass In Press

I I. ~~ Mis. Molilai Banarasi Oass 595/- 3951-
12. Foretelling Widowhood Mis. MoUlal Banarasi Oass 5951- 3951-
13 ,1ft!; 'li"" Mis. Alpha Publications 425/ - -
14 . ~ WI ('WI-I ) MIs. Alpha Publications 450/- -
(Astrological Principles of
Wealth and Prosperity)
15. ~ WI ('ll'f-2) MIs. Alpha Publications 4751- -
(Astrological Evaluation of
Prosperity and Poverty with
Observations & Illustrations)
16. ~ 'ffUTlSpiritual Measures MIs. Alpha Publications 500/ - -
for Financial Prosperity and
17. ~ ftr-'g (Remedies for MIs. Alpha Publications 500/- -
Increase in Income and
18. ~ q:s;:;rfi Mis. Alpha Publications - 2751 -
19. ~ trg<r-t' Mis. Alpha Publications - 3251-
20. An Insight inlo Kuja Dash MIs. Alpha PlJblications
400/ -
21 . A Compendiumof Marriage. MIs. Alpha Publications
4501 350/
22. A Compendium of Marriage, Mis. Alpha Publications 4501- 3501-
23. Predicting Marriage Mis. Nishkaam Peelh Prakashan 800/- -
24 . Shan; Shaman(Wooing Saturn) MIs. Nishkaam Peelh Prakashan 200/. -
Vol. I
25. Shant Shaman(Wooing Satum) Mis. Ntshkaam Peeth Prakashan
Vol. II
2001 -
26. Astrology for Ufe Mis. Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan 3001
27. rf:;r ~ Mis. Nirogi Duniya Prakashan - 70/ -

28. "" *r" Mis. Niro~i Duniya Prakashan - 70/ -

29. rf:;r~ Mis. Sukriti Nikunj - 301)/ .

30. Astrology for Mis. Sukrili Nikunj 850/- -

Overcoming Cancer
31. Natal Planets & Fatal Disease MIs. Sukriti Nikunj '5(}/. -
32. ~ iiQCli>IMI Mis. Sukrili Nikunj In~s -
33. rf:;r~ MI. Chowlhlmbl SlSkrit P"lllhlhln 450/- 250/-
34. rf:;r lpR" Mil. Chowkhlmbl Sinlkrll Pratilhlh,n 5001 -
35. 'mfllm~, "" ":!""" MI. Chowkhl mbl S,nlkllt PrllilMhln 5001 3001
* f:l1U
Mil. Chowkhlmbl S,nskrlt Plllllhlhin
MI . Chowkblmbl Slnskrlt Pnlishlhln
In press
In press
38. ""'~I<ii .wrr W. CbowlbJmi1l Sanskrit P,,\ilhlhln In press -
39. Mulk Raj Dass:The living God Mis. Rupa & Co. In press -
(.A Trnliu on Medicll.Allrology)
'0. Pointers to Profession:
An Astrological Exposition Mis. UBS Publishers' 395/- -
41 . Astro Equations for Specific
Professions Mis. UBS Publishers' In press -
42. Biography 01 Celebrities :
An Astrological Explanation Mis. UBS Publishers' In press -

Available at :
1. Mis UBS Publisher5 Distributors Pvt ltd 2,M/s MoWal Sanarasi Dass Publishers(P)lt
5, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, 41 . U.A. Bunglow Road. Jawahar Nagar,
New Delh!-II0002 Phone: 01123273601-04 Delhi-tlO 007 Phone : 011-23851985
3. MI, Chowkhamba Sanskrit P,aU,hthin 4.M/s Alpha PubUcatlons(Publishers)
38. U,A. Bungklw Road, Jawahar Nagar, 2640. Roshanpura. Nai Sarak,
P,Q,B. No.-2113, DeIhi-1I0 007 Delhi-II0006
Phone : 011-23856391/41530902 Phone ; 0112327$468123268053
5. MI' Nishkaa m Peeth Prlkuhan S.Mls Sukrili Nlkunj
SMnkefs House of Astrology, R-12A. C1/505. SectorG. Jankipuram.
Haulkhas, New Delhi16 Ph: 011 -26512523 Lucknow226 021 Phone: 0522-4043069
7, Mil Rupa & Co. 8.Mls Nifogi Duniya Prikashan
7116. Ansari Road, Daryaganj. 389. Joshi Shawan, jI-1aniharoll Ka Rasia,
New Delhi-110002 TriPOiya Bazal, Jat..,ur.{)3 Phone: 0141232137

Address of tile: Mrs . Mridula Trivedi & T.P. Trivedi

Authors 'Mridul Valika', 24 Mahanagar Extension, Opp. E-40. Corpora!ion Quaners
Pili Colony, lucknow226 006, TeI.No,: 0522-2326625

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