Natal Planets
Natal Planets
Natal Planets
Fatal Diseases
Mridula Trivedi
T.P. Trivedi
Sukriti Nikunj
311~ I(jfq qlc:qlC:~ tn'it ftJt;Q: fij~~(j l r
~ ql~qlC:~ tJ'Iii flfil&hHRf1l: II
A student gains a quarter portion of knowledge from /tis
teacher, a quarter of it from one's own intelligence, a quarter
from fellow students, and a quarter from time (experience).
We have recently penned our dream book 'Astrology for
Overcoming Cancer'. A thorough research was carried out
in respect of variou s kinds of cancer by us during last three
year s. A su rvey of various cancer hospitals was also
conducted to procure correct birth particulars of cancer
patient. It was amazing to observe that cancer patients were
having similar afflictions of planets in their birth chart for
same type of cancer. Most of the astrologer friends who have
seen the manuscript of 'Astrology for Overcoming Cancer'
were astonished. They s uggested a similar work with regard
to heart trou ble and other fatal diseases may also be done as
heart attacks, & other cardiac troubles are m ost common
besides brain haemorrhage, drug abuse, liver ce ro sis,
hepatitis B, eye and ear trouble, paralysis etc. We have made
sincere and honest efforts to cover a few important fatal
ailments keeping in view the scope of a small book. In fact,
cancer and heart troubles are life threatening, fatal and
chronic ailments. They need serious and practical research
oriented treatment. We humbly state that we have tried our
level best to find out the exact astrological reasons and
planetary positions responsible for giving rise to cancer and
heart problems. There are innumerable books available in
. the market on medical astrology but we have not come across
even a single book that has dealt the subject with adequate
depth. This was troubling us for a long time and most of our
rea ders requested us to write separate books on these issues.
In both o f these works we have therefore, tried to confirm
our research on various types of cancer and heart problems.
viii 1 Preface
Medical Science
and Cardiac Problems
"The Heart - is the beginning of life; the Sun of the
microsm - for it is the heart by whose virtue and pulse the
blood is moved , perfected, made apt to nourish, and is
preserved from corruption and coagulation; it is the house
hold divinity which discharging its function, nourishes,
cherishes, quickens the whole body. a nd is indeed the
foundation of life, the source of all action" (William Harvey
It is widely acknowledged that heart disease and stroke
are the leading causes of death and disability in the United
States and other developed countries. This holds true for
the developing countries as well . We are in the midst of a
true global cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemic. CVD is
responsible for approximately 30 percent of all deaths world
wide each year.
The broad tenn cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes:
1. Coronary heart d isease (CHD) - myocardial
infaration (MI). Angina. Coronary insufficiency and
coronary death .
2. Cerabrovascular disease (Stroke and transient
ischemic attacks)
3. Peripheral Vascular disease
4. Conges tive Heart failure (CHF)
2 Natal Planets an.d Fatal Diseases
5. Hypertension
6. Valvular Heart disease
7. Congenital Heart disease
Various Risk Factors associated with high incidence of
CVO are:
1) Behavioural Factors
(a) Tobacco
(bJ Diet
(e) Physical inactivity
(a) Tobacco - Smoking represents an important and
rapidly growing avoidable global cause of CVD and
total death. If current smoking patterns continue
by 2030 the global burden of disease attributable
to tobacco will reach 10 million deaths annually.
with the majority in low income countries.
(bl Diet - With regard to Cardia Vascu lar Disease, a
key element of dietary change is an increase in
intake of saturated animal fats and hydrogenated
vegetable fats, which contain atherogenic Trans
fatty acids along with a decrease in intake of plant-
based foods and an increase in simple
(d) Physical inactivity - The wide spread prevalence
of physical inactivity produces an increased risk of
cardiovascular consequences.
2) Metabclic Factors
la) Lipid levels
(bJ Obesity
(c) Hypertension
(d) Diabetes Mellitus
(a) Lipid levels - 'fh~ causal association between
plasma cholesterol levels and risk of CVD is
Medical Science and Cardiac Problems 3
'IT"l't: 'ffiII<l\ 'WI, lWI WliIlft film I
~: GI01Qci'i ~ ~ ~ ~fihl 't II
He who has sweetness in his tongue, hard labour in his
work and wealth/or donation, leads a successful life.
Rendezvous with
Medical Astrology
"A physician cannot safely administer medicine, if he
is unacquainted with astrology" , said Hippocrates, who is
kn own as the father of Medicine. Before explaining th e
perplexities and com plex principles of astrology and ancient
"occult therapy" we must conceive preliminary hypothesis
of this ancien t science and its ideas, regardin g the Creative
Force, which is the prime cause of diseases.
Not only in India but in Europe as well, astrology was
give n due importance before treating any patient. Epitome
to the above statement is that astrology and medicine are
esse ntially interr ela ted a s science a nd religio n. Life has
three dime n s ions Karma, Maya and Moksh a. Karma is further
evident under physica1, menta1 a nd s piritu a l planes. The
quintessence o f evi l Ka rmas , past and present, on the
physica1 plane is disease and medicine or the occult ancient
therapy is u sed to minimize human su ffering.
Life has always taught us to evolve. We homo sapiens
have evolved fr o m simplest un ice llul a r life form t o
mu lticellular complex organisms. Evolution is the process
which is a pplied to every life form as well as every aspect of
life. Evolution is not only s ubjected to life but to subjects as
well. Since ages every s ubject has evolved. Evolution is a
process to change or adapt oneself according to the changing
environment, So is with astrology it h as evolved with the
6 Natal Planets and Fatal D iseases
!lim GInft! ~ fil., 'm" RI GI ~d I ~ I
4r'* 'iI ''''',.,11 ~ EI"'1 I'iPf ffif; ~ Ir
Kindness from education, ability from kindness, money
from ability, religion from money and happiness from religion
is achieved.
Kaalpurusha and
Human Body
Astrology is believed to be an ancient occult science
and is widely known for its extreme importance by all the
great and ancient civilizations of the world. In India.
astrology and ayurveda go side by side to cure human
sufferings in the form of diseases. Astrology also explains
human body in its own tenninology as every subject has its
own essence and terminology. Astrologically, the human
body is called m i crocosmos (Pindanda) and possesses all
the tatwas present in the mac rocosmO$ known as
brahmand. The macrocosmos consists of entire cosmos and
is made up of five essential elements also known as Pancha
Bhootas namely Akasha, Vayu, Agni, Aapa and Prithvi (Ether,
Air, Fire, Water and Earth respectively). Planets are assigned
different tatwas and are namely Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun
and Mars, Moon and Venus and Mercury respectively. These
planets further represent ear, s kin, eyes, mouth and nose
etc. respectively, the different part of the h uman body. These
five sense organs further represent subtle role in the form of
Ta n matras as Shabda (noise), Sparsha (touch ), Roopa (sight),
Rasa (Taste) and Gandha (smell) respectively.
Archeologists gather information as well as knowledge
and understanding of living of the people of ancient
civilizations from m any sources and one of them is Epic
16 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
Organs Devatas
F'ace Agni
Nostrils Vayu
Eyes Surya and Chandrama (Sun & Moon)
Feet and Legs Vishnu
Ears Dishanatha (Directional Lords)
Stomach Nadi and Sagar (Rivers and Sea)
Heart Chandrama (Moon)
Hairs Sasya devatas and Vanaspati
Ski n Vayu
Excretory Organs Mitra
Naval Mruthyu
Jaws and Tongue Varuna
Gener ative Organs Prajapati
Buddhi Buddhi
Ahankar Rudra
Kaalpuru sha
To explain the relationship between micro -cosmos with
macro-cosmos, we have to understand the Vedic front of the
Swarga Loka (heaven) is ruled by head (from neck)
and above.
Mrityu Loka (Earth) is ruled by Nabhi (naval) and up
to neck.
Patala Lolm (below the earth) is ruled by Nabhi (naval)
to feet.
Dakshina Meru (the imaginary mountain of the
heavens) is ruled by left shoulder.
18 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
lEO Upper Abdomen
VIRGO Lower Abdomen
LIBRA Groins
SCORPIO Genital Organs
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 19
Visakha Lungs
Anuradha Stomach
Jyestha Right portion of stomach
Maola Left stomach
Poorvasadha Back
Uttarasadha Waist
Sravna Upper genital
Dhanistha Generative organs
Satabhisha Right thigh
Poorvabhadra Right thigh
Uttarabhadra Ankle
Revati Feet
body and soul. Moon is the signifi cator of Mind and Jupiter
is the significator of thinking p ower or analytical power .
When Mind is in low spirits or when it is dejected, body is
suffering in e ither or physical or emotional planes; vice versa
when our h ealth is down , the mind is dejected; when we
think in negative terms our mind and body both suffer; thus
we can conclude that the Sun. Moon and Jupiter have vital
parts in building our body mind and health .
The affliction or the Sun, Moon. Bhava-Iord (house lord)
and signifying planets in the natal chart in terms of aspect,
conjunction or placement or affliction of these by malefic
planets in transits by aspect, placement or conjunction gives
rise to the diseases in that part of the body corresponding to
the house or planet thus afflicted. If a h ou se or a planet is
well disposed then the part cOlTesponding to that planet or
house will be free fro m any ailment and suffering.
The n a tive may suffer from som e trouble in h ead if
Saturn or Rahu is placed in Aries sign. as ~aturn and Rahu
are considered to be the 1't rate malefi cs. We know that the
ascendant is one of th e most important driving forces of the
horoscope as discussed earlier so if the ascendant is also
afflicted . by male fi c, the chances or s urrerin gs are enhanced
to a' great extent.
...Ascendant in the natal ch a rt s ignifies h ead . And to
further increase the adversity the s ignificator planets of head,
the Sun and the Moon are afflicted . This will increase the
chances of diseases in head only. The n ature of disease will
depend on the n atu re or the h ouse afflicted; Death-inflictin g
(Maraka) planet aspectin g and afflicting planets. dispositors
or the h ou ses involved, their placemen t in the navamsa chart
should also be con sidered ror accurate predictions.
Unlike, the malefic planets in regard to their placement,
co njun ction or aspect e nhance the a dv ersi ty, beneric
influence in tenns of benefic planets' aspect or conjunction
minimizes the evil affects of the affliction and more the benefic
influences increases, the less the sufferings will be.
26 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
Astrological Requirements
We all are familiar with the fact that we require some
essential tools for any kind of observation we make in any
domain of ou r lives. So does astrology requires some of the
important details about the native to provide accurate
predictions. They are as follows:
1. The correct birth details of the nalive .
2. The zodiacal chart with the planets therein.
3. Planetary aspects on each other.
28 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
This means that the twelfth bhava (house) of the previous life
unfolds as the eighth bhava (house) in the present life. In
the natal chart the house of happiness i.e. the fourth house
of the past life should be considered or comes up as the
twelfth house in the present life. In the similar manner the
tenth hhava of the previous life Le. the house of actions,
becomes the sixth house in the present, the house of
diseases. According to these mentioned facts the remedial
measu res are mentioned in the Mahavnava text on the basis
of above lines of discussion of the close relationship of the
present sixth bhava with the tenth of past tife. On further
analyzing the a bove arguments it will be found that the 12th
bhava of the present ascendant turns out as the 8 th bhava of
the future life, the present tenth bhava becomes the 6 th while
the 4 th bhava to the present riSing sign unfurls as the 12th of
the coming life.
When the lord of the 6 th house is strong, well disposed
and pleasantly placed in the horoscope then health and other
good results fall a lot to the native. Likewise a strongand
favorable posited 8 th lord gives health , longevity, servants,
cattle, wealth and success in litigation and quarrels. In the
similar manner if the 12th lord is nicely placed and well
disposed then it favours the native from ruling authorities,
good sleeping materials and opportunities for spending
money on good causes which tend to wash off sins and to
win moral strength and a peaceful end. It si therefore, we
can con clude that it is the afOictions and strength or
weakness of planets that causes diseases.
If malefics like Saturn, Rahu or Mars are placed in
bhavas other than the 3rd and 6 th and benefics like Jupiter,
Mercury and Venus occupy the 3 rd , 6 th , 8 th and 12th houses
then this combination indicates susceptibility of the body
to the ailments. Placement of Mandi in the l "t , 4 th , 5 th , 7 th , 8 th ,
9 th and lOth also gives rise to diseases. Likewise if malefics
are placed in the 6 th , 8 th , 12 th , 7 th , 4 th , P" 9 th and 5 th houses
and are also weak, should also be considered as a negative
combination for health perspective of the native. In addition
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 31
In the constellation of Ketu, makes the person highly
irritable and the perso n would suffer from High Blood
In the constellation of Venus, again predispose s a person
to venereal diseases, more particularly Gonorrhoea.
In the constellation of Me rcury, causes mental
aberration .
In the co nstellation of th e Sun, des cribed in the
previous lines causes Anaemia.
In the co nstella tion of Moon. as already mentioned
causes Skin diseases.
Kaalpuros}w and Human Body 35
In th e constellation of Ketu, causes m ental aberration
and megalo-mania.
In the constellation of Venus, causes Leukoderm a.
In the constellation of Moon , makes one highly
imaginative and working type.
In the constellation of Mars, causes m ental aberration
constant headaches and nervous temperament.
In the constellation of the Sun, causes Neuralgia as
already stated.
In the constellation of Jupiter, gives great stamina.
In his own constellation, gives a great m enal power and
acuteness of vision and self-confidence.
In the constellation of Rahu, causes mental diseases,
ti m id ity and inferiority complex.
In the constellation of Saturn, causes again
predisposi tion of mental aberration.
Aslesa Th e 2 "d and 4 th padas are not go o d,
generally speakin g.
36 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
In the constellation of Ketu , causes person to suffer from
e pidemics dehydration due to loss of fluid. Windy troubles
in intestine kinking of intestine, appendicitis and pituitary
gland abnormalities.
In the constellation of Venu s , causes sex- diseases ,
bladder diseases, eye diseases and carbuncles.
In the constellation of Mercury causes poor memory,
despondency, lack of self confidence, nervous temperament
and rheumatism.
38 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
for that Lagna; while for Leo ascendant, Saturn is the lord
of the 6 th and 7 th houses and thus is a malefic and maraka
for that Lagna. Results will vary a lot in the above mentioned
Another important point that is to be considered is that
whether the ruler of the house is a natural malefic or natural
benefic, a benefic does less harm than a malefic.
In case of Libra and Leo ascendant Jupiter happens to
he the 6 th lord for Libra ascendant and Saturn is the 6 th lord
for Leo ascendant. Jupiter and Saturn are entirely opposite
in nature and their significations, Jupiter is a natural benefic
whereas Saturn is a natural malefic. Certainly in cases of
these two lagans Saturn will do more harm as compared to
Jupiter in the matters connected to the 6 th house.
In addition to above mentioned views the relation
between the planets should also be considered. The Sun is
the King of the zodiac where as Mars is Commander-In-Chief,
the Sun and Mars are natural friends. Consider Mars is
aspecting the Sun from his 7th house by placement. By
situation he is an enemy being in 7th house of Mars. The
combined relation, being friend in one case and enemy in
other case, makes them neutral. We must know how tojudge
net relationship of the planets as we do in science in case of
Vector Algebra. In another case consider Mars is aspecting
the Sun from 10 th house. Here again the Sun is a natural
friend of Mars in one case and temporal friend in other case,
so their combined results make them intimate friend (ATI-
MITRA) to each other. The results in both cases cannot be
The aspects and conjunctions are also taken into
consideration. Consider Saturn is in opposition to Moon,
Moon being situated in 16 in Capricorn and Saturn in 18
of Cancer in one case and in other case, Moon is in 16 in
Capricorn and Saturn is in 24 in Cancer. The opposition in
the 1st case is 2 away from 180 0 and in 2 nrl case 8 away. The
results cannot be the same in both the cases. The degrees of
44 Nata l Planets and Fa tal Diseases
Durotion of Diseose
In regard to the duration of d isease, the above period s
are to be considered and the periodicity can be ascertained
by applying the above principle. Suppose if Saturn is th e
cau sin g plan et for the disease then it may be predicted that
the d isease will linger for a longer t ime span. While if Mars
or Moon are causing planets for the disease, the duration oC
the disease will be of s h orter period though th e d isease will
Kaalpurusha and Human Body 45
. But the right and left side of the neck, pelvis, face, navel
and feet follow the principle. The 12th house from Ascendant
represents the left eye, the 2 nd h ouse the right eye, 111h house
the left ear and the 3rt! hou se the right ear, the 10th house the
left side of no se, the 4 th house the right side of nose, 9 th house
left cheek, the Slh house right cheek, the 8 th house the left
chin and 6 th house the right chin. In the 71h house
corresponding to the Ascendant and other houses represent
the right and left sid es of the face. Likewise when the
ascendant fall s in the 2 nd Drekkana the different houses from
the ascendant, show the right and left sides o f the part o f the
body from the neck to the navel as follows:
The degrees covered by the ascendant in the rising sign
indicate the left -::ide of the neck while the degrees yet to be
50 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
cove red show the right side of the neck. The 12th house
signifies the left shoulder, the 2 nd house the right shoulder,
11 1 house the left hand, the 3 rd house the right hand, 10 th
house the left side, the 4th house the right side, the 9 th house
the left side of the heart, the 5 th house the right side of the
heart, the 8 th house the left side of stomach and the 6 t h house
the right side of'stomach. In the 7 th house the corresponding
amsas of the ascendant and other houses indicate the right
and left side of the navel.
When the rising sign in the 3,d Drekkana the left and
right sides of the part of the body below the navel are indicated
as shown below:
The degrees covered by the ascendan t in the sign
indicate the left side of the pelvis, while the other portion of
the sign shows the right side of the pelvis. The12th house
shows the left side of the generative organ and anus the 2 nd
house their right side, the 11 'h house the left testicle, the 3 rd
house the right testicle, lO'h house the left thigh, the 4th house
the right thigh, 9 th house the left knee, the 5 th house the right
knee, the 8 th house left calf and 6 th house the right calf. The
amsas corresponding to the ascendant and other bhavas
indic~te the left and right feet in the 7 th bhava. Afflictions of
these houses and of the planets posited therein show
diseases in the respective portions of the body.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius rule over vitality, Taurus,
Virgo and Capricorn control bones and flesh; Gemini, Libra
and Aquarius represent breath while Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces get b lood as their portfolio.
portion increases Pitta and the last portion aids the growth
of Vata. Summer season (20 th May to 19 ' 11. July) tends to
inc rease Vata, rainy season (20'11. July to 19 ' h September)
deranges it while during Autumnal season (20'h September
to 19 ' h November) it subsides. Pitta grows in rainy season,
gets excited during Autumn and become settled in Hemanta
(winter) season (20,h November to 19'11. January). Kapha
in c reases in Shishira (20 th January to 19 ' h March) season
gets deranged during Vasanta (spring) (20,h March to 19 th
May) and subsides the Grishma (summer) (20,h May to 19'h
July) . The planets Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and
Saturn are said to be the lords of the six seasons from Vasanta
The Sun brings about diseases by the derangement of
the humours bile and air (Pitta and VOla) and not of Pittaalone.
Moon causes diseases arising from the excited Vata and
Kapha (Air and Phelgm). A full Moon and the Moon posited
in a watery sign disturb Kapha only. Mars gives rise to
diseases arising from disturbed Pitta.
Diseases due to the troubled state of all three humours
are brought about the mercury. Jupiter and Venus generates
dis eases of Vata and Kapha; Saturn causes diseases from
the derangeq Vata and Pitta. When Sun disturbs Pitta more
than Vala, Saturn excites V~:lta to be a greater extent than
Pitta. Jupiter indicates more of Kapha and little of Vala. A
strong Venus denotes troubles of Kapha while Venus shows
excitation of Vala.
Predictions are to be made only after duly studying the
age of the native, the type of the country he lives in and also
the seasonal changes.
""" ~ f<mr ~ 'ITftf<i ""'1'
~ 'ITftf<i T"i ~ol ~ ,"~",Rt II
What can you do in the fourth part of your life, when you
have not gained knowledge in the first part, money in the second
part, and merit in the third part?
Cardiac Troubles
and Planets
Heart is one of the most important organs of the human
body as it is the only organ that n ever rests from our birth
till the end of our life. Its just alters its pace of pumping with
age. Its supplies oxygenated blood to the d ifferent parts of
the body including brain for metabolism at cellular level
without which we homo sapiens will not be able to do any
function characterising living b eings like movement, etc.
After brain heart is the second most important organ of the
human body_ Human brain differs us from all other mammals
as it is the most evolved brain that has the power to think as
well as communicate by developing language etc.
Heart attack can suddenly kill a person when he is in
the prime of life. The graph of deaths due to heart attack
shows a steep rise during past several years. The death rate
in the United States rose from 8 per 100,000 in 1930 to 23
in 1935 to 7 1 in 1940 to 225 in 1952 and 290 in 1963.
There has been further increase since then. Approximately
1.3 million people suffer from heart attack every year in U.S.A.
only. There is virtually an epidemic of heart attack in the
s tates and certain other European countries. Death due to
heart attack is not as common in India as European
countries. Yet year by year such incidents are increasing
rapidly. And this is certain ly going to increase further.
56 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
~ flI,j~~1
If Moon falls in 6 th house and occupies Leo navamsa
then th e native is a heart patient.
(Vridlw Yawan)
Coronary Thrombosis
Coronary arteries that have suffered progressiv e
a th eroscleros is and narrowing over long decades are liable
to become blocked. In a series of 6800 consecutive
postmortems, coronary blockage was superimposed on
atherosclerosis in about 92% of the cases. Of these, 43%
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 65
5 7 5
Ven 4 Rah 8 4 Rah
Jup Sat Mac
6 6
Man 9 3 Jup9 3
Mar 12 12
Ket Sat
Ket 10 2 Ven 10 2 Man
11 I Moe 11 1
the 4th house and the lord of the 4 th are both afflicted which
resulted in Coronary thrombosis but Jupiter's aspect on lagna
and the lord of the 4th Mars saved the native. The heart attack
took place when transiting Saturn and Mars crossed the
radical Sun and Mars in Virgo which is the 4th from Moon.
Mars is the lord of the 4 th house and transiting Saturn and
Mars crossed over them where radical Saturn has a square
aspect on transiting Saturn and Mars while transiting Mars
c r ossed the radical Sun and aspected radical Saturn
mutually. The main thing to note is the position of the Sun
in Cancer which is often harmful transit for the heart. The
native was passing in sub period of Rahu in major period of
Saturn. Rahu in 4'h house in Aries is certainly adverse
as Rahu is placed in Visakha constellation ruled by
12'h lord Jupiter where as Saturn is the dispositor of Jupiter
and rnarkesh as well and falls in Maala constellation ruled
by Ketu. Thus, Saturn's major period became a strong
Jup Moe
11 9 2
12 8 Ven 3 11
Sat Ket Sa t Kel
10 I
I 4 10
4 7
Mac Ra h
2 Rah 6 M er Vcn 5 Sun 9Jup
3 5 6 Mac 8
Mon 10 2 Sa t 10 2Jup
11 11 I
11 9 Sal
Moe 4 2
12 8 Mon 5 1 Yen
KOl Mar
Mar Jup6 12
Sal 2 6 7 11 Sun
Moe 3 5 8 10 Rah
Mo Sun Ven
11 9 6 4
12 8 Ket 7 3 Mar
!O 5
1 Ket 8 2 Rah
4 11
Rah 2 6 Sun Mon 9 1
3 5 Me, Jup to 12
Jup Mon Sat
Yen Sun
9 1h house and, 8 1h and 9 1h lord Saturn. 3,d lord the Sun joins
the 41h house in association with 41h lord Mercury. Rahu is
posited in the ascendant and falls in Mrigshira constellation
ruled by 6 1h lo,d Mars. Saturn and Moon aspect each other.
Venus in Leo in 3,d house is also bad as it falls in Magha
constellation ruled by Ketu and is aspected by Saturn.
Saturn aspects the 6 1h house and Mars aspects the 8 1h house.
Thus, Mars and Saturn are playing negative role with regard
to heart and that resulted in Open Heart surgery during the
sub period of Saturn in the major period of Mars. Mars and
Saturn are in shadashtaka (61h /8 1h ) position.
Cardiac Troubles and Planets 83
Sat 12 4 Mar 8 12
1 3 Ket 9 11
Mon Rah
Jupl2 4 Mer 12
1 3 Ven II
Sat Ket Ven
l2 8 Mer 2 10 Rah
10 12
Me, 1 7 3 9 Sun
Sat Yen
Mon4 8 Jup
Ket 5 7 Mar
Mer Mon
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of K et OY 1M 50
The native is a very sober business man. He is at present
dealing in textile at a very large level. Let us examine his
horoscope with regard to cardiac problem. He was born in
Capricorn ascendant. Mars in 4111 in Aries and Saturn in 5 111
in Taurus are extremely adverse as the Cancer s ign which
falls in 7T.h house is aspected by both of these malefics. The
Sun fall s in Cancer with Rah u and, 3 m and 12111 lord Jupiter
and all these three planets are aspected by Mars and Saturn.
Lord of Cancer, Moon falls in 8 111 h ouse in Magha
constellation ruled by Ketu. Mercury and Moon both are
conjoined in Leo with debilitated Venus in 8 tll house under
no benefic aspect. There is mutual exchange in the
constellation of Ketu and Moon as Moon falls in Magha
constellation ruled by Ketu and Ketu falls in Sravna
constellation ruled by Moon. Thus, Ketu and Moon effect
each other identical to ascendant and 8 111 house. Mars in
own sign in Bharani constellation ruled by yogakaraka
Venus resulted into choking of arteries and heart atlack.
The native was ultimately operated for By Pass in the sub
period of Ketu in the major period of Rahu.
88 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
9 7 10 8
Mer 10 6 Rah Monil 7Ket
Sun Mon Mar Mac
8 9
11 5 12 6 Yen
2 3
Ket 12 4 Sun 1 5Jup
1 3 Rah 2 4 Sat
Jup Sat
Angina Pectoris
Angina pectoris occurs due to lack of oxygen supply to
the muscles of heart. Generally due to athroma of the arteries
reducing the lumen of the vessels. Other diseases like
anemia etc. may also be the cause. Even the muscles are
alright, owing to lack of supply of oxygen to the heart it
becomes poor and there is reduction in number of red blood
corpuscles. Due to demand of oxygen, a typical takes place
in the heart region . If angina occurs at rest, it can be
attributed to an acute coronary ins ufficiency . The Sun is
energy and he signifies oxygen. Therefore, affliction to the
- Sun generally results in angina pectoris, at times Venus is
also connected with.
Sun Sat
6 4 6
7 Mon 3 Rah 5
MarVen Mec Jup
5 7
Sat 8 2 10 4 Mar
11 1
Ket 9 1 11 3 Mer
10 12 12 2
Jup Ket
Ven Rah Me
11 9 7 5
Mer 12 8 Kel 8 4
10 6
Sun I 7 Sat 9 3Jup
4 12
Mar Rah
Mar2 6 Mer 10 2 Sat
3 5 11 1 Yen
Jup Ket Sun
Saturn in 1Qth are aspecting each other and the refore these
have resu lted into heart problem and various other ailments:
1 11
5 Rah 2 10
Sun Rah Mac Sun
7 12
Jup 10 4 3 9 Sat
1 6
Kel Jup
11 3 4 8 Ket
12 2 5 7
Man Sat
Ven Ma n
she was bles sed with 10 c hildren the eldest child died after
3 years of his birth, one m o re child also expired. If the native
is born in Libra ascendant and if Mars is placed in the 5 1h.
house 1 SI son d oes not survives. Mars in 5'h. also gives cardiac
problems. In this horoscope Mars joins the 5 1h. h o use in
Aquarius and falls in Rahu's constellation Satabhisha which
in ten s ifie s the intensity of Mars. The aspec t of Mars o n 8 th
house is certainly adverse. Howeve r, the aspect of Mars on
12Lh house an Ve nus was also troublesom e fo r h e r married
9 1 Sun
10 12 Mer
Ket Yen
12 10 3 1
Mon 1 9 Rah Jup4 12
8Jup Mar 5 11 Mar
Sun 6 Rah 10 Sat
Yen 7 9
Generally the normal heart of an adu lt beats 72 times
114 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
6 4 5
7 3 4 Rah
5 6
Sat 8 2 Rah Sun 9 3
Ke 11 ;2
Moe Ket
9 Sun Mar 10 2
10 Man 12 Man 11
MarVen Jup Sat
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa of Rah 12Y 6M 7D
MerJup Yen Mon
Hole in Heart
This is also one of the major problems of heart. This is
usually from the time of birth. A hole in heart develops due
to incomplete development of the heart in womb of the mother.
Due to the hole in the heart the native is not able to lead a
normal life. The native is devoid of atheletism.
4 10
5 Mar 9
6 Jup 8
three planets are placed in Visakha con ste lla tion ruled by
Jupiter and Jupiter is exalted in the 10!h house and fall in
Pu s hya constellation due to which the native was cu red and
recovered fully. The operation of heart of the native took place
on 20. 12. 1978 during the sub period of Rahu in the m ajor
p eriod of Rahu.
1 11
2 10 Rah 2
12 12
Sat 3 9 Yen Mon 3 9
Ra 6 Ket 6
~ 'IT'lf ~ flpi 'F'1''''m<:,.",: ,
met". ~ <mil ~ " "fi'!I'J: , ,
Staying in a home with an evil wife, a friend who is a
cheat, and a seroant who argues, no doubt, is equal to death!
Predicting and
Preventing Cardiac Troubles
"" 'I<i\ lI<f: ~ mit ~ 31'!'i 'l' III .,.: 'l' lI'ifl'Rit ",,": ~ I
IluH'1llJ{q;1 ~ u ~ fQlllUlic<t1 fiIcrqfu" u ~ Pim'litcll
f.)i<l,fd '" ;;<11'# ~ I ",,.","If.) 'I'iurr "''',"Ifu ~ 1112 II
This shanti path makes the atmosphere extremely full
of pious vibrations and inspires one for recitation of Mantras,
Stotra etc. It develops concentration as well.
Sankalp (~)
@J l<ffta ~ ~flfUl~I"1~t4I'WU, !l4q'i1~Ht4 3ffi" ~ ~
~ %"""",,,01-,,,,, lI'I'mf, Y~"R"il 0T<it ~ mit, <rfiit ~,
(q"'doR &IBI:tI(( ~ lftit. '3ftt<lditIO(i ~ t<tlq'WCIRq~ "'(1(loli
'!tit lI'<I'I ~""'d""',,", ~-<trr, 61'I1:-<ffi:I<iM''''; "M'''''; '!tit <I<f'IR
~~ ",r,,!0 mil,,"",", om .,. """"'
'lqOScll""d 1fa, 6'kufiQQE4itRff.) \:II"'l6lit ~ "1ittl osHI ~,
<filfZ Ol""f<\Mf
"1 cHi(it?lil \:11"1 Pc!:tJ) ul it (d tlO~ ~ q ('I q Pc!:4 it I(d it if, 311 qfit'd f""d ,fd
il",.4ail ~~ 'l'IffiR ~""'g< (mffil~, -,II"""";
6f.o;t <il, 'If\>F['IflJ-./l ,f.! .. " ,R", ... (I.",<Jjd-~",,,ito-"IfQq;-f{
tt iH0:i48&1IQrtfqa, !l4itJql~ ~, !I4't cuR~~~cHtt(Joli"lJE 6qclG4"1lflot
li<ffiI't, fl\"".q 'lfiq,,,,,l, ~,~I('Itdl, "'~"Y<"'<iI"o1 ~..rn ~
~ 1M'. I '" flpft, ,,1') ...t, l<!<ft-"ru'l, 'll"'" <i\i\, ..'1 ~ .""oil,
(I~,ll<Ia 'lfi<!!f, <ft"(I~,ll<Ia 'lfi -R, ~ ~~, ~
...,.-om """(I~'ll<Ia!!~~ lIl'T""'f ~-f<\~,,,,,.; 'll"$".l\IeII
(~) '0,,)"'''11, ,; ~ """''ll'" lIflrqr "oll6f~d' "","'.,: <l'fi
'S~"1i"if ~ ~ VS .... lotR 'CfTfufu"~~..:qHRlCfl
Sfl<ll""'6:!'ffi', .""""R-~ ~,,;of.m '11'1, f.Ifim-W'l-mq,
<tfflr ~!ffi<J: .. '" ,<fl1.",,, I') d-hl!'" Roil" , 'ffi-'RT'f-3!"6TI-
qltlilH-3rw- iTf:tll":uR - \FIITG utf.Rr tlQWF!lCflI(, et3ftq~lq, wr q<loliR
Pc!Pc!lNI:tl \/If.)dPc!CflH , mt'l?r, ~, ij$lfll<l, Qltrtdlf51, ~~tfa:tl
~!ll{'lIR Rdl19fMPid, fc'1Pc!QPc!CflI(loti F!ltficldl'lJCfi \/I .... cl''1Iij\ 4ttcl i '1lq:
QItlcl'"1I~ itgtlfreQ ~-ftfc6..:qI(CflIRttlHRtld ~ ~~, dONljqdlfN:,
I') 'iRt 'l4.,; , "'.."" ft-~.nmt-Ol flI:ft.,,, ~m-Y '" "'<fm-~~
!l41 0 11!:tII-RcH:tI!:tIlR d'Mjqdlft6C!f.1'lRi"JCfl" . rcWfl'$l, impft 9 1, iUg4l$I,
H' g<1 <I.. tft$', q~",i!<(lRtft $1, f.t'{Rt 'l"'" 3R"!T!j-'"""" g I') '{Rt'l<fq;,
""Mf<\"" ""\lI'Ii\I\I"'''''II4,R>i,,, d,""<il,,!cl,ri,,, ~ dIIflI--<II1RIlm'R
'l'i<fi .rtft """" "",,,,,",",.,,,fliI.,fl,,,
If<i m '-'IIftr '!."f<r: f.I,!",ot
~ ",,,l.d'~, ~-~-",,-~-.ol'""6 Y'~'l4"; "<iffiI ""
134 Natal Planets and Fatal Dis eases
Hridyadi Agannyasa
uq uq q$("1(61 ~ ~ 6'ild'i'( I
;r.r ~"f"fii ~ WIt llI" flt"'flI1 3 II
~ wf"~"I""'( I
~wi ~11411
~:fllqQH'I: I
FcH4cfttftl{ilq~q: 11l~ II
~ ?HHH1Hlollqftlq) ~:tqqlq"f : I
d \Jtfllllfti ~ &1<:::'11(11"( "fti)St1 a 111511
Pred icting and Preve nting Ca rdiac Trou bles 13 7
d~~ltftCf)(1t(14 rn (}tl<1Cf)QUlI
'1'tfdql s~Pt&1llJ m {'11(f1fllfWit 11 2 1 II
q-~ ~ tR (>t,ht<Uq'1<tli I
:nR:l'iiill Qi{l(lll~ c(pfClI"{1129 II
The Sun
~ ""'- @J iii "iff iiY ,,: @J ~: ~: ,,"~oil., ~ .J",'"
f.'!'h,q"l'!.<i 'R'f'if ~("qq .. WI<rr w.rr <\<iT 'IIftf ~
'Wq' , @J ~: ~: '!: @J ,,: iiY "iff iii @J ~ '!'T: ,
Prescribed number of Mantras for Sun 7,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 700
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Man tras of Havan 70
Ten percent Matjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 7
The Moon
~ ""'- @J 'lIi ~"hr: @J~: ~: @J ~ ~tl""''''.m
~ ~ ..a~ltl ~ \ilFHI;:;:qI~"i!~~(Uq I ~tPi~
Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 139
The Mars
The Mercury
~ ""- '" iii lff liY <I: '" 'l!!: <'I: .. "<;J!VI""'~ "Rt~I~
",fll""'Ld <I"'.p\m """" I 3Ift>I""".-;l
\3(t~ftHffqP<t:tCl~<u q\1lliH:t~ ~ @J fq: !!:f: ~
"<I: lIYlff!li"'~ ......: I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Mercury 9,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 900
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 90
140 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
The Venus :
ilfuq; *r. ao;IT iff iii' ~: ao ~: 1'f: ao """"l 'Iftwit ui ;murr
~ _ : 1!W lI'iI1'IflI: Im ij1~f.1: 4 flMoi ...
The Saturn
~ <ffl- '" m 1!ff "1!ff lI' '" ~, lif' '" ",'lHld"'",. "fT'Il
'W1\ ~ I .io4llfll""il'" I '" lif' '!!'" 'Ii '" lI'
"1!ff 1!ff m '" >I~,'{I, 'f'J' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Saturn : 23,000
Trn percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 2,300
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 230
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Man tras of Tarpan 23
The Rahu
The Ketu
"" tl >rfUR onfuq 'lif I I
The sage of this mantra is Devabhaga and the deity is
Sun-god, the lord of the day, Hrim is the Bija and Srim is
Shakti. The application is for realization of cherished desires.
Dhyana verse
m' 3t3661'4i opf:, ~ dvf4'i'4i opf:, "( It UlQ Ii4 i opf:, ff 3H lfiliflli4 i
"1'lf:, miflf.\ f)(511OQi ::pf;. U: <b(d clCfl (,[6611OQi ::pf: I
146 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
"!If 1lG'IT'I ",,:, ~ !mil roTI, ( fuwl ~, jj' """"'" ~ m
~~"""""",,qlrnq ~, <r: ~ "'<:: I
<""''1~ ~. """,.d", ~ quf ~ (<it WI if ""'" '%
<GR ~ ail< ~ "f'f'[ ~ =-
Y"1<rr, 'l'T'lFl: <pi ...,. tzIR ..-1' I
W lI<IiR " " WI <ffit) "'cl~'" <i\
om 'l."i ~"fllm; '" I"" I'" '": I ....". 'i\lr: I '" I~il ~ I '1111'1\
lR;: ."'''''~'''''(Iq'' -g<i ~ I ~ ~: It;q<IR,,'i<ig<lii <t\Wh'l; I
Q"i%I"'l1~ "IiI I11f.1<il>l: I
~ fcHI6d;'1 ~ qiN~fu: I {ifijl'g"t ~ tI~p~<H~'1 R;(U4Cjuf
~ qii!1G311'flq<~(~I5~ <fl1{it'4~ ~ >:r ~ '{4'1I(1quj 'If 1;fCt ~~
1ITl<I"T: I
aiPJ: 'k I oih: Wi: I aiPJ: I: I aiPJ: 'lO: I aiPJ: "R: I aiPJ: "": I aiPJ:
m<i'{1 .ne d",l11\lift'<i '!'if ~ ~ ftnit lit 'I: .il1<ql qil<~~
", 1'1; I oW!. <l!I'it ~ uiPf<l'l: I .., W: ffiPJ: I <pi """"
~"d"'~'l. I ~ ,,~",f.I 'flTF-I;;n'RI wri<;: '!>IT: q;;j'<il"l'l; '3ffi'IT I
~ ""R""q I ~ <i\<roi 'l>f<1Iflr ~ lI<'ru' I11"'J<fu ~ lI<'ru'
lfl<ITfu, ~ lI<'ru' 0.::: 31ftr ~ lI<'ru' ""l: 31ftr, ~ lI<'ru' ~: 31ftr
~ = i mqTftI ~ lI<'ru' ",~"ifu ~ wf lR1fu I ""~"""
., g~ Iq8 ""~"" 'k "Wlit""~,,,,<,<il "ll'Rf, '" '~"" "'11 1ll",lq8
Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles 147
~l'4lq!81:f ~a
l!i "<ITg5" Q{14 u l,{ I
m'I't ,[.",IlI: ~ ~<nS~"" ~ ",'
;;"lit 111""",( ~!!: W'I: AA: ~m: ,
"iI'"6Il ~lJ o.::lJ ~ it'lR"it ~: ,,
- .. -
-- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- ----
! f 1\ i Pi ~ ~ ~ ~ f i ~t h 1i lh
j ~J~l . , 1~~!w. illj tft~'J;' ij
~ ~ I I . ~ .~ ~! t ." ~ . . I !f
Predicting and Preuenting Cardiac Tro ubles 149
@J .awl QI!{14dlf3l !J IIf41wl?1fl1 'f1ll<ir-J. ~~Clllfl m: ~ "EtG:
~lqq{"'<'11 ~ M~&jflHl,,,if 'IT% ~1'I<il." I
.. ..
'liZ I 'Ii' 'liZ I ", 'liZ I. . '?/t, 'liZ. . I ij, "'" I n, Q;C I =, "'" I "', "'". . I "'"
.... . b.:...~.....
(1 11l"HltllHQ(:'ftt ~ ~
t\ <Ii'f'Ifr-( fl<tlI?lHtfltill"( I
~ 'f tlIq'''''li ~ wwrni ~ II
In case Shatchandee path is not possible, the patient
should himself recite the above noted Mantras as much as
* ~ 'I.'W'" .;.--
'" "",flltl<ft'<i q'iN.", ~!Wit >IT 'I: g<il""'<1:
'" '"'" il "6 lfi"T" ill""
mft 1Iiit p.,,,,,, fa ~: li: 'I:
'I'fGfl! ~ fll,"",il<I ~ 5fl"'lfl": ,
'" ~ ~ tl"f'",( gflc.<if"'(,
".r... fil" "'''"'''!''iI1$r 4''['''<1:"l'Im''
19. Baluk Bhairav Slolra (~-ffihl'tl
After everyday worship of Mahamrityunjay Mantra or
Sanjivini Mrityunj ay Mantra a t least one paath of Batuk
Bhairav Stotra should be done" Batuk Bhairav Stotra is given
below :
~ ~1tt1'; ~ '"PIW,{ I ~ qftqYi8 tn<ftfi q(q~i.H'{ III II
'3ftql~ClI~ I 'iIICl""'6<ftl4~ whllf;;llllllflR!! I JtlqS'&l(oj 1p.;if (t<f~f%;q;(
'fT~ 1ft'ffii ~ ~ II
When hurt by an a"ow or cut by an axe, there may
be regeneration! But the wound caused by hurtful speech
doesn't heal.
~'lT 'I 'Ii"ilflr ~ 3ltif 'lit Ql,,!!'lIlI 'Fl: i
f<l.,"!!"'l'" 'I 'Ii"ilflr "" ~ ~ T'lfll;!l,,: , ,
The completely filled vessel doesn't make noise.
Half-filled vessels make noise. Likewise, a learned scholar
neuer feels pride. A person u..rith little understanding,
however, keeps talking meaninglessly.
Planetary Afflictions for
Diseases of the Eye
Most precious and priceless gift bestowed on us by the
Providence is the eyes, the magic windows through which
we can see and admire this beautiful world.
The eyes act as radar in man's body. It is correctly said
that eyes are the mirror of human body and soul and indeed
beyond that a man's feelings and emotions can be read
through his eyes. Many diseases show their symptoms via
infection in the eyes such as Jaundice. The function of eyes
is incompetable. From the very beginning of life. the man
has recognized the value of marvelous functions of eyes. Eyes
provide window to the external world. Particularly the value
of eyes can be experienced by one, when he is deprived of
this most soul inspiring gift, the sight to see the exotic
creations of God.
We have five senses viz. sense of touch, sensation of
hearing, smell, taste and sight. Each organ is concerned with
one or the other. To have the sense of touch we have the
skin, the sense of hearing is associated with ears, sense of
smell is concerned with the nose likewise eye enable us
with the sense of sight.
Sense of sight is a boon to all animals including us
Homo Sapiens. We can very well understand the horrible
situation if vision is deprived of us. Like all other organs,
156 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
Man 4 Mar 7 1 Rah
Ke Ket 10
S 9 Sun
6 8
Jup3 9Mar
Mon Sal
6 10 Rah 4 8 Mon
7 9 5 7 Yen
Ke t Sal Sun
Jup 10 Rah 2 Ven
Yen 11 Rah
into the loss of vision of left eye. It is quite clear in the birth
chart of the native . Saturn and Mars who are placed in the
121h house (left eye) caused tragedy. Karaka (significatorj of
eyes the Sun and Moon, both are receiving the adverse
aspects of Mars. 2 nd house also receives the aspect of Saturn.
All this caused h eavy affliction in eyes and therefore the
native is using very high power glasses. In spite of such high
power glasses he is unable see properly; his vision is
defective. This is so because significators of eye the Sun and
Moon ; Saturn and Mars are afflicted synchronizing with the
2nd and 12th houses respectively which govern right and left
eye. Affliction of 12th house is greate r than the 2 nd house
therefore left eye was lost.
Virgo - 19,20,21
Libra - -
Scorpio I, 10,27,28 -
Sagittarius - 20, 21, 22, 23
Capricorn 26, 27, 28, 29 20,21,22,23
Aquarius 8, 10,18,19 1.2. 4,5
Pisces - -
ApphcatlOn of these hhnd pomts In an y horosco pe
should not be made verbatim. The Sun or Moon must be
either afnicted or mu st have some connection with the house
concerned as detailed a bove.
While j udging the horoscope of a child , probable severe
eye affliction is noted, preventive measures mu s t be a dopted
before any mishappening or before the s tart of diminishing
vision or so.
All th at is needed is a compact stu dy of h or oscope,
accurate judgment and a very sincer e and h onest effort in
adoption of preventive and rectifir:ation m easu r es.
Rectificational Spiritual
Measures for Problems of the Eye
We have discussed various planetary combinations for
different kinds of Eye problem. If any of these combinations
is present in the Birth-chart and the native is suffering from
Eye problem, he or she must follow the following remedial
measures to get rid of all kinds of Eye complaints. These
measures will help one to maintain his vision and the health
of the Eye in all respect.
1. First of all Ganapati Poojan or Ganapati Mantra is
performed as a rule. Following Mantra of Ganapati
should be recited for 108 times:
The Sun
ilfuq;.;,,- '"1li ill ID "6' '" W' R' i31~ "{iiffif "*'AI
f.l~"""''id 'R'f" ~(""~1 "flflrnr -.;rn ~ 'Ilfl! ~
~ I I '" R' 'j<I' 'r '" "6' ID ill1li '" 1pIf'! "'" I
174 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
The Moon
The Mar.
~ >t->- '" lfii i6I iIl!lf' '" W' "I'l"' '" .. fl'l't.;f~., ",!!",IlI,
'!~"US'''l: I "I'!T .. tar u ftr f.RflIl '" "I'l"' '!!<' 'l:
If' ill! i61lfii '" $wi 'PT' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Mars 10,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 1,000
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 100
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 10
Rectijicatiortal Spiritual Measures for Problems ofthe Eye 175
The Saturn
~ ""- '"' m 1iff <it ", '"' 'ctr' "l'f' '"' .,<ilHld'Q",,, or1'it
'I1I'll 'fi1Iit I dlHWt\ 'I' I '"' "l'f' !l'I' 'l '"' ",
<it 1iff m'"' ~fifU'I '1'1"' I
Prescribed number of Mantras for Saturn : 23,000
Ten percent Havan of the above mentioned
number of Mantras 2,300
Ten percent Tarpan of the number of
Mantras of Havan 230
Ten percent Marjan of the number of
Mantras of Tarpan 23
3. Chakshushopnlshad (m/tlt:t)qP!tttO is one of the best and
tested remedies for all kinds of Eye problem, which
should be recited with devotion regularly for one to
eleven times everyday as per convenience. However,
correct pronunciation is most essential.
31"'I~I'i\'ft14.I"1 31~1"" ~, I '1l'I'fi lR' I <!.<if~'ldI I ~
f.Iit <iT'! 14 f.l '" '1' I
'"' "I!' "I!' ~, flm '<'f I 'Ii ~ ~ I <iIfti ~ ~
~ I 'I'J ~ a;;IT ~ ~ I ""I""q..n 'I <'l1'{ <I'll '"""I '"""II
<m"IT"i ~ ~ I 'I1f.r 'I'J 'l<M"I1"f.f<1If.l "'l\1IF.l,1".. $'If.l iI!f.r
@J orq: ~uil41'~ fW.zJ "IH410Q I @J ;pf: CfiQull4i(IQ ~ I @J
'1'1"' <!,'If..-I '"' 'I'i\ '!'fiffi <!,'If..-I 31~1'1il "'" I ~ "'" ~ '1'1"' I
m'l'l"' I <I'fil '1'1"' I "RRit '!I ~ 'I'Jq I <I'Rit '!I v<I1F.l.fq" I '[<'i1qf>td
'I'Jq I 0<J'it """"l 'I!fli,,"d' I tim """"l 'I!fli"F.l ... , I ,,~~
fuIT omuit f.l",qdla, 'I ~ ..-.flr I 'I if('<[ ~ 3I'<il ..-.flr I
3I'it "61 0 lli "1~flI"'l !lim filfu>f"F.l1
'"' 14.",," '!fOR' 'Ilda",; ~ ~ v<I1F.l,," a<Ri ..".~qftl,
176 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
8 15 2 7
6 :} 12 11
14 9 8 1
4 5 10 13
6. The native may wash his Eyes by this Abhimantrit Jal or
Purified Water after the completion of all pooja. This is
of immense benefit
7. The following prayer of the Sun should be read everyday
in front of the Sun:
Suryopasana ("1tl141'f1'"lI)
~ 1I'i m;i lftftI 'I1flr Of ~ I
.....rr Gl'flI"'Ii>\r{: ~: 'Ii",II.a ~ I I
One should not have friendship or loue with the
wicked. When hot, charcoal bums the hand, and when
cold, it blackens and dirties the hand.
Planetary Positions
for Various Liver Diseases
thro ugh the life. But in case Jupiter and Saturn are
associated in Slh house. There will be a slow growing severe
chronic liver disease leading to hepatic coma and the death
of the person.
Following examples will prove it.
7 3 Sun
8 2
Jup9 I Mar 9 1 Jup
Sat 10 12 10 12
Mon Mon
10 2
Ven 11 I
Mec Ven
Sat 6 12 Rah
Ket 9
Jup 5 Jup7 Mon II
Sat 8 Mar 10
This is the birth chart ofa boy whose three elder brothers
expired before his birth mostly due to one or the other trouble
and ultimately failure of Liver. The condition of the parents,
is impossible for me to describe.
This boy who repeatedly had liver problems and severe
jaundice also expired due to Diphtheria.
The sign ificator Jupiter receives the aspect of Saturn
and Mars. The lord of the 5 th house is conjoined with inimical
Mercury in lagna. Placement of the lord of the 8 th house
Moon in 4th house under the malefic aspect of Mars and
190 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
Mars aspects 511> also afflicts to the lord of the 5 th house Venus
due to conjunction. The native expired on 22-10-1969 owing
to Ascetic and Liver failure.
Mars and Saturn both fall in the 511> house in the Navamsa
of Mercury justifies the above.
~ ~ dH:lfdH:l ~q:lfdilRi if I
~ if ~ if 'Ittdlil<ti\q(fl I I
The Sun is red at the time of rising, and red at the
time of setting too. Similarly, noble people remain the same
atthe time of happiness and distress.
Determinants of
Diseases of the Ear
In this chapter we have made sincere effort to deal with
the nature of Ear related diseases according to the birth
charts of the native. This is exactly what is required today in
the sphere of medical astrology. in this chapter we will try to
explain the various astrological combinations for various Ear
related diseases.
An Ear, organ of hearing and balance, is one of the
mechanoreceptive sense organ by which man
communicated with the outer world, he can stand erect, sit
properly and can balance and co-ordinate movements. The
ear is ruled by 3rd and 11 th house, right ear is denoted by the
3 rt! house whereas the left ear is denoted by the 1 ph house.
Man can hear the sounds of frequency range of 20 Hz to
20,000 Hz and can appreciate the change in its frequency
even upto the difference of 3 cycles/sec. Ear makes the
person to identify the direction, intensity, tone and pitch of
the sound, with appreciation of rate of change of rotation.
The disease anywhere in the apparatus leads to difficulty in
hearing known as 'Deafness' of different degree, and may
lead to vertigo, nausea, vomiting, giddiness and
uncoordinated movements along with disorientation of body
position and its parts in air, water and space. The position of
evil planets and their aspects on the 3 rd , 5 th, 9 th and 1 ph
houses plays an important role in the diseases of the ear.
196 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
The ear consists of three parts, the external, middle and
internal and aU the parts have three stnlctures. Among these,
the inner part is of supreme importance. The external
comprises of pinna, or auricle the external auditory canal
and tympanic membrane or the drum which is governed by
Mercury. The middle ear comprises a cavity called tympanic
cavity, a backward bony process called mastoid process and
its cells and the Eustachian tube which connects the ear
Auditory function:
The main denominator of auditory function is Mercury.
So affliction or aspect of Mercury along with the Sun and
Mars in 3 rd , 11 th , 5 th and 9 th house will cause disturbance in
auditory function and person will develop hard of hearing.
It is performed in three phases, 1~t conduction of sound waves
through external ear, external auditory canal which sets to
vibrate tympanic membrane or the drum and through the
bony chain of middle ear and via foot plate of the fluid of
inner ear. From fluid their reception occurs by the sensory
receptors known as Organ of Corti in cochlea of inner ear,
the receptor of the auditory analyser. In this phase the Sun
plays an important role as the sound vibrations pass through
small bony chain of middle ear.
In the second phase sound is conveyed to the most
delicate receptors of the 8 th cranial nerve (vestibule-eodear
nerve) to b passed further which is governed by the planet
Mercury, and in the final phase through appropriate
channels to the cortical auditory centres in the temporal
lobe of the brain, where nervous impulses are interpreted as
sound heard by the person, and Moon is responsible for this
The external and middle ear make up the sound
conducting apparatus whereas the inner ear especially the
Organ of Corti belongs to the sound perceiving apparatus,
which transmit the sound waves to brain. The auricle or
pinna only collects the sound waves and gives some idea
about the determination of direction while the external
auditory canal helps in their conduction upto the drum.
Sound waves striking tire tympanic membrane set it into
vibration. The drum which is connected to the chain of small
bones, works as fulcrum or liver action and amplifies the
sound by 22 times, and transmit them into another small
window known as oval window formed by foot plate at the
outer most part of the labyrinth, that rocks in and out with
the phase of sound vibrations here upto here the sound comes
by conduction so any disturbance in the way of external
198 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
house. Moreover, 11th lord Saturn and 2 nd lord Mars are also
under mutual aspect with each other identical to the 2 nd
and 5 th house. Placement of Mars and Saturn in the 2 nd and
5 th houses: in the 3 m and 9 th houses: in the 12th and 3 m
house with afflicted Mercury and the lord of 3rd house always
gives rise to loss of hearing power.
This n a tive lost his hearing power from his young age.
In spite of best treatments he cou ld not regain the hearing
power of his ears. Mercury is the significator of hearing power
and 3 rd and 1 1th house indi cates right and left ear
respectively. A carefu l examination of this horoscop e
indicates that the 3rd house is adversely afflicted in this birth
chart due to presence of Sun and Moon. The Sun is the lord
of 12th house whereas Moon is debilitated here. 6 t h lord
Saturn joins the 9 th hou se and has a mutual aspect with the
Su n and Moon. The Sun and Moon are further afflicted.
However, opposition of the Sun and Saturn; Moon and Saturn
are always adverse with respect to concerning house.
The significator of hearing power Mercury joins the 2 nd
house and is aspected by 3rd and 8 th lord Mars. Mercury
obtains the navamsa of its debilitation under the adverse
aspect of Saturn and Mars synchronizing with 3rd house.
This has made the n ative deaf.
Ket 10 2
Ket Yen
6 lh lord Venus and Jupiter. The lord of 3'd house Jupiter falls
in Moola nakshatra ru led by Ketu. Karaka Mercury obtains
debilitated navamsa and is aspected by killer Mars in this
chart. Thus, Mercury and 3rd house are heavily damaged.
These are the fac tors responsible for the damage of the ears
of the native.
'!lll"""",,,<il. G!fi 1~<I"flq " : I
~ 'IT .41",,,, $lit <R '!if 'IT II
A person of self-respect lives like a flower, in two
ways, either getting on top ofeveryone's head, or ending
its existence in the forest itself
Astrocalculus for
Surgical Success
Science, with all its disciplines, has always been to the
service of mankind. Its therapeutic domain bestows relief
from pain and sufferings. Records of history show that Homo
Sapiens have been susceptible to the varieties of disease,
acute and chronic, general and complex. The principal task
which a physician faces in every case is its proper diagnosis.
In doing so science and its different branches such as
pathology, radiology, surgery, pharmacy, etc. have been like
alphabets in English language without which nothing can
be done. Stupendous strides that Science and Technology
have made in the modern times suggest the unceasing quest
to use all the facilities at his command for better world of
future. Every person who keeps himself abreast of latest
information and over-expanding pool of knowledge will agree
that man is constantly making use of his facilities that are
known; developing those which are lesser known and trying
to know which are still unknown. Astrology, the sacred
science of all ages, too promises a happy and useful life for
every person under certain parameters. The parameters of
astrology are not subject to change. They are immutable.
Humanity can become happier if it takes shelter under the
preventive and protective umbrella of astrology.
The concept of 'election' (Muhurtha) may be explained
at the very outset, in a few words. The appropriate time
216 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
I. Ashwani
2. Rohini
3. Mrigshira
4. Punarvasu
5. Pushya
6. Uttaraphalguni
7. Uttarasadha
8. Uttara-bhadrapad
9. Chitra
10. Swati
11. Anuradha
12. Sravna
13. Dhanistha
14. Satabhisha, and
15. Revati
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday synchronizing
with Hasta, Ashwani, Chitra and Punarvasu respectively are
auspicious days for beginning of the medical care under
the direction of some physician or surgeon. Remember we
must that it would be further auspicious if the benefics
occupy their own Vargas.
In fine, the importance of the elected times (Muhurtha)
can never be underestimated in any venture involving the
risk of human life. The Muhurtha must be segregated with
utmost poise and precision on the basis of the principles
already described.
~ ~ ~ 'Wf .. ""ill ~: ,
"Ii<IW ~ "~",~~m'i"'"'l;"
A wise person should try by any means to please
and give happiness to any lilling entity. This itself is
worship of God.
Drug Addiction :
Case Studies
Vices have been prevalent in the human society since
times unknown. The most common being intoxication. The
common is brains washed from childhood to abstain from
those vices and were made of it by parents and friends etc.
But a few do succumb to the temptation of the burning vice
that offer carnal and Euphoric pleasure. What kinds of people
succumb to these various vices? There has been no set
pattern of behaviour or character traits that can predict the
degree of inclination of a person to the temptations. A number
of people, these days, get trapped by a vice in one way or the
other and in turn get addicted to it. Intoxicants give a
Euphorial pleasure to the user, out of these intoxicants,
alcohol and cigarettes are the commonest ones and in fact
they have become so normal that these vices are accepted
by the society freely. The reason being that these intoxicants
do not have an immediate and strong impact on one's life
~yle and health and thus the bad-effects are ignored. One
intoxicant which has made a bomb-shell impact on society,
which can completely change a person's character,
household and the way of life, which can completely twist
the course or ones life is 'smack', in other words, 'brown sugar'.
Smack or Brown sugar is derived from opium after
several chemical reactions and distillation. It is a crude form
of the dangerous drug 'Heroin'. A person using 'smack' for
224 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
JuplO 5 11
Sa 1 8
Ket 11 3
q.....~illtl"lll ...."'%ofq'( I
Wrn' 'lilfl .... I1rtd~S<ll flU~11
It is very difficult/or Lakshmi (wealth) and Sarast.UQtl
(knowledge) to stay together. I do pray, let them always
stay together with scholars .
'!'IT ~, ~ '!'IT~ ~ I
'{'IT GFi "'1"'"
'{'IT <!Nt ~" I
It is of no use it it rains in the seQ. It is o/no use if a
well-fed person is given food. It is of no use to give charity
to a rich man. It is of no use to light a lamp when there is
abundant sunlight.
Ket 9 5 Yen
Mon 11 3 11 3 Sat
Ket 12 2 12 2 Mer
Sun 5 0 52
M ars 4 22 59
Me rcury 5 22 13
Jupiter 0 4 40
Ve nu s 5 7 51
Saturn 7 21 33
Rahu 11 9 2
Ketu 5 9 2
Neptune 811 32 42
Pluto 6 14 30
Uranus 7 29 8
Jup Rah
over the lagna and Jupiter. Thus the lagna is afflicted by the
12th lord Saturn and lagna lord Jupiter is afflicted by the
aspect of malefic and markesh Mars. This resulted into severe
Parkinson disease in the whole body after about 50 years of
age. The major period of Jupiter started on 12-6-2006 when
the native completed 69 years of age. Jupiter is markesh for
him. Lagna lord Jupiter is retrogra de and debilitated . Jupiter
obtains v.argottam navamsa and falls in Uttarshadha
nakshtra. Since there is mutual exchange between Jupiter
and Saturn , the Jupiter becomes marke s h . The native
decided to distribute the shares of his daughters to all of
them. He gave rupees one crore to each of his child and kept
a small amount for himself. He also gave almost five crores
to his wife including landed property. In the month of
January 2008 soon after disbursing all his money to \lis legal
hairs he received a serious stroke of paralysis in the whole
body. He is fighting with life and death and praying to
almighty for his death as soon as possible. In spite of best
treatments of doctors is proceeding fast towards the closure
of tha span of his life. Saturn in the Pisces ascendant is
certainly adver s e for nervous system and it gives
neurological problems as a rule. Mercury the significator of
brain, skin and backbone etc. paralysis takes place due to
certain uncontrollable disturbance due to clotting of blood
in the brain. The spinal cord of the native was broken as
soon as he fell down in April 2008. In fact there was clotting
of blood in the sensitive part of brain which resulted into
paralysis. As soon as he tried to getup, he fell down . Here
Mercury played a negative role in giving rise to dreaded
disease paralysis. Saturn is placed in the ascendant and
falls in the constellation of Mercury. The native is also
passing through the last stage of Saadhe Sati of Saturn as
his Moon sign is Cancer. He will not be able to pass over the
Saadhe Sati of Saturn till end. He is passing through the
strong markesh. Here we find that the placement of Saturn
in the ascendant in th e Revati nakshtra ruled by Mercury
has resu lted into paralysis of the native. This has also given
the Parkinson disease to the native due to which he suffered
242 Natal Planers and Fatal Diseases
i3Iffi'f ;mui t>it.m ~ I
'"l!'i ;mui "IT'!f i3lWr: ~ I I
Speed is the characteristic feature of a horse.
Intoxication is olan elephant Skill is a/a woman. So as,
occupation is the characteristic feature of a man.
Saturn in its m ajor period. However Venu s and Sun are also
This is n ot easy to decide which planet will actually
246 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
Sat Moe
4 2 12 10
5 1 Y'n 1 9
Sun Mer
Mac "et
Ket 6 2 8
9 5
Jup Rah Jup
7 II Mac 3 7 Mon
8 !O Sat 4 6 Sun
Mon Y,n
McrJup Ven
8 6
9 5
Sun Sat
7 9
Jup 12 6
Mar 11
Mo n
years. Similarly work au t for lagna lord. Add the both results
and divide by 2. This age will come less than 32 year~, say X
years. If the span is short then the native will live up to X
years. If the span is middle then 32+X years may be his life,
and if the span of life span of life indicated to him is long
then he will live up to 64+X years of age.
Similarly work out in the same manner for lagna and
Moon, for Janma lagna and the Hora lagna and take the
average of all these readings. That will be the exact span of
life of the native.
Many methods about 32 are described to determine the
longevity of a person in various texts and classics. However
following methods carry lot of weight and are mostly followed
by eminent astrologers of the country these days.
1. Pindayu method
2. Amsayu method (Determination of longevity on the
basis of navamsa)
3. JeeveSlarmayu
4. Jaimini method
5. Astakavarga method
6. Naisargik Ayu sadhna
7. Yoga Ayu
Dr. B.V. Raman and many other scholars opine that
Jaimini method is most accurate. Astakavarga method to
determine the longevity does not appear to be correct.
Pindayu method gives fairly accurate results. But various
yagas, as given in the texts, appear to me to be very accurate
provided the 'yoga' is fully applicable and there is no
cancellation of the same. Mostly people follow the dasa-
bhukti of death inflicting planet Le. the Markesh. Markesh
for every lagna have been given above but those do not
synchronize with the rules for finding Markesh. I believe
that a strong lagna and 8 th house result into a long span of
life and weak lagna and 8 th house give short life.
There are certain dasa-bhukti such as Rahu-Saturn,
252 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
Transit Rules:
Certain rules for transi.t of planets have been suggested
by our sages to determine the time of death.
1. When Saturn will transit in the sign occupied by the
lords of 8 th or 121h house , the death may take place,
Saturn's transit in these signs, or in trines from there.
with reference to other houses in the birth chart, will
bring disaster pertaining to that house.
2. Transit of Saturn through the sign occupied by 22 nd
Drekkana or by Mandi may bring death.
3. Subtract the longitude of Saturn from that of Mandi and
see that which particular sign and navamsa it denotes,
the death will come in evidence when Saturn will transit
either of that.
4. Add the longitudes of 6 th , 8 th and 121h lords and divide
the total by 12. Saturn's transit in that sign and
longitude, or in the trine from there, may cause death.
5. Jupiter's transit may also cause death when it transits
in a sign triangular to the 8 th lord.
6. Add the longitudes of Sun, lagna and MandL Jupiter's
transit over this point, or its trine, may bring about the
end of life,
The Length of Life 253
4(tct(\1Iiln.;;q)l4iti'3tQ$d'1"l. I
Wrn' 'lft.H"""'tj:d~S'll ="6iIPI; II
It is very difficult for Lllkshmi (wealth) and Saraswati
(knowledge) to stay together. [ do pray, let them always
stay together with scholars.
Easy Method for
Judgement of Life Span
On the great demand of the learned readers we are
giving a very easy and astonishing m ethod of finding out
the exact span of life on the basis of just birth constellation
and its pad, in which the native is born. Even a lay man can
find out the approximate year of the end of life of the native.
However, first of all find out if the span of life is long, middle
short or if there is Balarishtayoga. On the basis of following,
one can ascertain the major period, su b ~ period(bhukti) and
sub~ sub period of the death of the native.
"<!Ill,'; ~".Ili.~1lI ~
til' It a" flIlli <1>,:\ ., ~,
~ ~ C5 tfi{lqqlt't::tfCMI
'I<'t ~ ~ Of re"",1lI <Iit"S'r <:To: "
Wealth reaches the lion among men, who engages
himselfin an occupatiOTL Only cowards talk ofdivine help.
Forget divine help and work with confidence. Even then if
you. do not achieve results, what is your fault?
'"'" "'" "% ..rrm, '"'" "~.'''Rofl I
~ ff;J "I'RfCZi, qtuS(vq" tI!IT ~ II
He whose home is deprived of his mother and sweet
speaking wife, should leave the home and go to the forest,
as both af the Iwme and forest are equal for him.
Longevity at a glance :
Dr. B.V. Raman has specified at various places that no
amount of calculation can make one expert in determining
the exact longevity of the native . The concerning astrologer
must possess pious heart, pure mind. wide experience and
God's grace of true intuition, in addition to thorough and
proper study of the subject. We are presenting some of the
most valuable guidelines to find out that the longevity falls
in which part of the life of the native. Is it Balarishta, s hort
life, middle life or long life? The learned astrologers and
students m ay go through the following guidelines which will
help them in the judgment of the span of life of the native.
We humbly opine that finally dasa*bhukti of the killer planet
should be examined before reaching to any conclusion.
Intuition does playa prominent role in the judgment or the
age of the subject . Along with knowledge and experience,
one s hould concentrate deeply on the horoscope for finding
out the markesh planets. Transiting planets will pin point
the year and month of the d eath of the native, whic h we will
try Lo discuss elsewhere.
Maraka planets-
1. The 3 n1 , 8 th or the 1 ph house from the lord of the
2. The 8 th house from the ascendant.
272 Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases
S.No Name of the Book Author/Editor Pl.Jblisher
1. Srihal Parashar Maharishi MIs Ranjan Publications,
Horoshashtra Parashar 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
2. Hora Ratnam Sri Balbhadra MIs Motilal Sanarasi Oass
Mishra Publishers Pvt. ltd.
41 , U.A. Bungalow Road,
Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007
3. Brihajjalakam Sri Varahmihir Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
4. Sarvarth Sri Venkatesh MIs Chowl<hamba Surbhartl
Chintamani Sharma Prakashan, K-37/117, Gopal
Mandir Lane, P.B. No- 1129,
5. Maan Sagan MIs Sagar Publications
72, Janpath. Ved Mansion,
New Delhi-110001
6. Vriddh Acharya Neeraj Mis Ranjan Publications,
Yavanjatakam 16, Ansari Road, Oaryaganj
New Delhi-110002
7. Jatak Parijat Au thor- Mis Ranjan Publications.
Sri Vaidyanath 16. Ansari Road. Daryaganj
Editor-Dr.Suresh New Delhi-110002
Chandra Mishra
6. Bhaav Kutuhalam Author- Mis Chowkhamba Surbharti
Sri Jeevnath Prakashan,
Editor- Dr. Hari K-371117, Gopal Mandlr Lane,
Shankar Pathak p.e. No- 1129, Varanasi-01
9. Saravali Sri Kalyan MIs Ranjan Publications,
Verma 16. Ansari Road . Daryaganj
New 0eIhi-110002
10. Ullar Kalamrit Kavi Kalidas Mis Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
11 . Jaatak Acharya Mukund Mis Ranjan Publications,
Bhushanam Daivagya 16. Ansari Road. Daryaganj
New Delhi- 110002
12. Jataka Bharanam Srj Dhundhiraj MIs Ranjan Publications,
16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
274 Bibliography
Available at :
1. Mis UBS Publisher5 Distributors Pvt ltd 2,M/s MoWal Sanarasi Dass Publishers(P)lt
5, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, 41 . U.A. Bunglow Road. Jawahar Nagar,
New Delh!-II0002 Phone: 01123273601-04 Delhi-tlO 007 Phone : 011-23851985
3. MI, Chowkhamba Sanskrit P,aU,hthin 4.M/s Alpha PubUcatlons(Publishers)
38. U,A. Bungklw Road, Jawahar Nagar, 2640. Roshanpura. Nai Sarak,
P,Q,B. No.-2113, DeIhi-1I0 007 Delhi-II0006
Phone : 011-23856391/41530902 Phone ; 0112327$468123268053
5. MI' Nishkaa m Peeth Prlkuhan S.Mls Sukrili Nlkunj
SMnkefs House of Astrology, R-12A. C1/505. SectorG. Jankipuram.
Haulkhas, New Delhi16 Ph: 011 -26512523 Lucknow226 021 Phone: 0522-4043069
7, Mil Rupa & Co. 8.Mls Nifogi Duniya Prikashan
7116. Ansari Road, Daryaganj. 389. Joshi Shawan, jI-1aniharoll Ka Rasia,
New Delhi-110002 TriPOiya Bazal, Jat..,ur.{)3 Phone: 0141232137