Road Signs Lesson Plan

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Title: Road signs

Grade Level: Pre-K

Date: 3/10/2020

Essential Question
 What are some different types of roads signs you see when in the car?

 1.5.PK.C - Respond to what a speaker says in order to follow directions, seek help, or
gather information
 3.2. PK.A.1 – Sort and describe objects according to size, shape, color and texture
 5.1.PK.F – Identify basic American symbols

 Objective 8b: Students will be able to follow directions
 Objective 13: Uses classification skills
 Objective 30: Shows basic understanding of people and how they live

Materials and Equipment

 Hands on bulletin board pieces
 The book Truck by Donald Crews

Step by step game plan.

 Retrace the students memory by talking about a stop sign they learned about a few
weeks back and what it means (have magnet of stop sign to show a visual)
o Ask “Can anyone tell me what this sign is?” (Stop sign)
o What does it mean? (When driving you stop)
 Ask the students if there are other signs they may know or have seen and would like
to describe when in the car
 Tell the students we are going to look through a book at see if we can recognize any
more signs we may have seen on when in the car

Sequence of Lesson
 Read the book out loud and stop on the first page to ask a question.
 What do you see on the first page? (signs)
 Can anyone tell me what these signs mean
or say? (No turning left, one way, stop)
 Point out that the students all-ready know
the one sign (stop)
 Continue reading and stop on page three to talk about more signs that
you see in the picture and what they mean
 The yellow sign is for how tall a truck or car
can be to fit under something
 Ask what the green sign means after telling
the students what it says (there is a tunnel up
 Talk about the sign on the next page (speed limit)
 Continue talking out the signs on each page explaining what they
Small Group:
 Have students look at the magnet signs that will go on the hands-on bulletin
 Talk about each sign and what its function for the road is
 Explain to the students that we are going to sort them
o Ask “Do we remember what sorting is?” (putting things together that are similar)
 Show them an example then talk through the rest of signs and have the students put them
were they see fit

Closure/Summarizing Strategy
 After reading the book have students tell you one sign they remember from
the book and the meaning behind the sign or by describing what the sign
looks like
Small Group:
 As the students put the sign under the category they think best have them tell you why
they think the sign goes in that spot

 Have students work on the hands-on bulletin at center time and see what their though
prosses is on why they put a sign in the category they did? Where they looking at shape,
color, size?

Assignments (if any)


Special Considerations

Early Finishers
Group assignment, we all finish together for the read aloud
For small groups have students sort the signs by shape or color

Walk through the meaning of each sign with these students and ask for each one if they
see numbers, a picture or a sign and what it should go under

Have students tell you what the sign means before they put it in the correct
Special Accommodations
For the students who cannot read yet after they tell you if the sign has words, a
picture, or a number tell them what the sign says

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