Emerging Trends in Teacher Education Jagdish B. Rathod, PH.D
Emerging Trends in Teacher Education Jagdish B. Rathod, PH.D
Emerging Trends in Teacher Education Jagdish B. Rathod, PH.D
RATHOD (355-359)
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teacher education. Teacher education is continuous process and its pre service and in- service
components are complimentary to each other .
In certain regions, like the North-East, there are even uncle qualified teachers. As far as
in service education is concerned the situation is not very encouraging. In this scenario it has
been observed that teacher educations are not professionally committed and overall
competencies of teachers leave much to be desired.
Present Situation :National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) as a non-statutory body has taken several steps
as regards quality imbruement in teacher education . We use Computer and internet in the field
of education has changed the procedures and patterns of education. now education knocks at the
door of students of learners Education today is more than teaching and learning with an emphasis
on technology. While analyzing the impact of technology on Teaching and learning one must
take note of the information society in which the emphasis is on the qualitative changes in every
sphere of work The teaching and learning technology has progressed from classroom lectures
and seminars to virtual classrooms the virtual classroom means there are no walls or limits on
who can learn or where they can learn it it is clear that in a globalized world only those people
with an access to information and knowledge will have the best opportunities to improve their
quality of life and gain power.
Foundation and technique :
The Educational ideas come From the Philosophyand beliefs about epistemology, society/culture
,the individual and learning These foundation elements control the content and organization of
curriculum Philosophy How we live and how and what we teach. phial assumption about the
nature of the good life plays a significant role in determining
The psychology is a science of behavior .Psychology gives imp To development of
learner through teaching learning process there are various theories and techniques of learning
mental discipline behaviorist and the gestalt field learning theories e-learning of e-education is
flexible education where a learner can learn any content according to his or her needs and
e-Learning :
We Can learn Educational Concept easily by the help of e-learning. e-learning is the use of
electronic media educational technology and information and communication technologies (ICT)
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in education e-learning includes numerous types of media that deliver text audio images,
animation and streaming video and includes technology applications and processes such as audio
of video tape, satellite TV, CD.ROM and computer-based Learning, as well as local intranet
bad web-based learning as learning can occur in or out of the classroom it can be self-paced
,asynchronous learning of may be instructor-led synchronous e-learning is suited to distance
learning and flexible learning but it can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching,in
which case the term blended learning is commonly used e-learning includes, and is broadly
synonymous with multimedia learning, technology-enhanced learning (TEL),computer-based
instruction(CBI)computer managed instruction computer based training (CBT) computerassisted instruction of computer-aided instruction (CAI),internet-based Training (IBT) Flexible
learning web-based training (WBT) online education, virtual education, virtual learning
environments (VLE) (which are also called learning platforms),M-learning ,and digital
India is highly populated Country. In India if we try to go develop fast Education the e-learning
is help for educational development. Uncontrolled population is a major constraint in the path of
success due to overcrowding teachers as well as learners as well as learners feel not so good in
classrooms consequently learning cannot take place in proper way .in this fast and mechanical
era students and teachers both have no time to interact with one another in these circumstances
students become un in directional and feel restless e-learning apparently provides a solution to
these problems .A new trend called e-learning affects traditional education very much in
different aspects in a country like India ,traditional education is unable to provide education so
that only one e-learning can help for fast education.
Teacher Education :It Is University acknowledged that education is an effective means for social reconstruction and
to a great extent it offers solutions to the problems a society is faced
1. Selection
2. Short duration of teacher training programs.
3. Incompetency of pupil teachers .
4. Teacher education program have narrow &
5. Rigid curriculum ,
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part an India and developing country is not uniformly developed in terms education
References :
http://www.e-learning .com
http://www.writing enter.unc edu
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