Subtraction With Regrouping Lesson Plan 2014
Subtraction With Regrouping Lesson Plan 2014
Subtraction With Regrouping Lesson Plan 2014
Students will need to already have a basic understanding of base ten and base ten
language when working with numbers. Students will also need to be able to use the
standard subtraction algorithm. Students previously developed base ten knowledge and
language in last weeks (10/2) lesson and have demonstrated their ability to use the
standard subtraction algorithm in our FAIs and previous lesson plans.
Printed out base ten blocks for 9 groups. Each group will have: 9 hundreds, 20
tens, and 20 ones put inside a ziplock bag.
3 clear tubs labeled hundreds, tens and ones
5 gallon bags
32 Small bags
600 counters
9 base ten charts copied
Document Camera
Recording Answers worksheet 19 copies
We will begin the lesson by placing a one, ten and hundred on the document camera. We will
review with the students by asking them: How many ones are in a one, ten and hundred? How
many tens are in a hundred? Next we will write the number 361 on the board and ask for a
volunteer to write and say the number in base ten language. Lastly, we will ask for another
volunteer to make 361 with base ten blocks on the document camera and explain what they did.
Next we will direct the students attention to the front of the room. We will have set up 3 tubs
labeled hundreds, tens and ones. We will have previously split up the number 361 with our
popcorn kernel counters into 3 bags of 100, 6 bags of ten and one bag of one. In each bag of 100
there are ten bags of ten popcorn kernels. We will show the students how we have split up 361
popcorn kernels into 3 100s, 6 tens and 1 one in our tubs in front of the class, we will record this
amount on the board. We will refer back to when they answered how many 1s are in 1, 10, and
100 and how many 10s are in a hundred. Then, well ask, How many 10s are in the number
361? We expect students to not be able to answer this question, so we will then model counting
our 10s by counting the 10s in the hundreds tub and the bags in the 10s tub. If students start
counting by tens such as 10,20,30,40 We will tell them that yes that is a way we can count tens
but we want to count the groups of ten not the individual kernels. Then we will begin again
counting the groups of ten. We will record 36 tens and 1 one on the board. So we counted 36
tens and 1 one, is that number still 361? No matter what the students answer, we will
demonstrate that it is the exact same amount of popcorn kernels. Well do this by pouring all of
the popcorn kernels from the individual bag into the ones tub. Do we still have the same
number? Students should say yes because they will see that all the popcorn kernels are still
present. We will record 361 ones on the board. We will reiterate this idea by saying now we
have 361 ones, but this is the same as 3 hundreds, 6 tens, 1 one or 36 tens and 1 one. We will
record on the board 3 hundreds, 6 tens and 1 one = 36 tens and 1 one=361 ones. As you can see
from our example we can break up any number into different combinations of ones, tens or
hundreds. Now you and your partner are going to try to break up a number in 2 different ways on
your own.
We will evaluate if students understand the task based on their responses to our model of
breaking numbers apart. We will look for basic knowledge that numbers can be made up of
different combinations of ones, tens and hundreds. The goals and expectations will be clear
because we modeled an example of the task to the class.
We will summarize by calling the class together once again after they have finished their
subtraction problem. We will then ask students discussion questions. Why would we want to
choose different ways of breaking up numbers? How has breaking up numbers helped you
better understand borrowing? Are there any other kinds of math problems where we break up
numbers? We will record their ideas on the board. If students are not paying attention to the
classmate that is sharing we will utilize the repeating talk move. We will ask the student who
isnt paying attention to explain what their classmate said in their own words. If the student is
unable to do so we will ask the student to ask his classmate to explain again. We will then ask
the student to explain in his own words what the classmate said again. This will send the
message to the class to pay attention.
Approximate Time: 5 Minutes
Gearing Up:
Students with higher mathematical abilities will be paired and given a more challenging number
to break apart and subtract from. Furthermore, if students finish breaking apart a number or
subtracting quickly they can switch numbers with another team to try the process with another
Gearing Down:
Students with lower mathematical abilities will be paired and given an easier number to break
apart and subtract from. Furthermore, if they are unable to break the number apart two different
ways, they can focus on breaking the number apart one different way.