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Position Statement

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Position Statement (100 points):

Due Date _________

Throughout the course we will be looking at environmental issues through reading and
discussions. As we all have our own opinions on the impacts of climate change on the world we
live in you will need to formulate a statement that states your beliefs. For this assignment you are
going to write a position statement taking a stance on your beliefs about the environment and
what changes that you believe need to be made. A position statement is an expression of ones
beliefs that is to the point delivering the authors stance on a subject. This statement should be no
longer than four sentences; anymore and you will be pushing towards writing a full paragraph.
Think of this as being a thesis sentence in an essay, you will want an initial declarative statement
and 2-3 additional sentences that help support what you are taking a stance on. Your position
statement should be direct and concise, so use your words carefully. Remember this is your own
position and belief, whether you want to support drilling for oil or reducing carbon emissions
take a stance on what you believe. You will not be marked down because your beliefs differ from
your classmates or my own beliefs. All steps into writing the position statement must be
submitted on time to receive full credit. On the day your position statement is due please come
prepared to read aloud your position statement.
- Research that supports your ideas and beliefs, summarized and cited in MLA
- 250 word blog post exploring your beliefs
- 3-4 sentence position statement stating your beliefs
- Read aloud to the class your position statement
Process for writing your position statement.
Brainstorming (does not need to be typed):
Write out one or two of your own beliefs about the environment and what changes you
believe need to be made. Think about:
- What do I know about this topic or subject?
- What information do I need to deepen my understanding?
- How does this impact the environment?
- What changes do I think need to be made?
Research (blog post):
Look up two articles on your topic that will be beneficial to deepen your understanding.
After you have read these articles please complete the following tasks for each article:
1) Cite article in MLA format
2) Write down two quotes that you found important
3) In one or two sentences explain how this article was helpful to you
Prewriting (blog post):
Write out 250 words or more to flush out your position and beliefs. This should be rough
and exploratory, feel free to include support from what you have researched to help you through

this process. Though you will only be submitting 3 to 4 sentences for your final draft flushing out
your beliefs and position will help you think about your own stance from a broader point of view.
Publishing of Position Statement (blog post):
You will submit your position statement on your blog. The final draft of this should be
different than your prewriting. Do not just cut and paste 4 sentences that you think are good.

The position statement should be returned to at the end of the unit. Students should
rewrite a new position statement based on what they have learned over the unit. The new position
statement should be different from the original, but can and should be on the same topic as the
original. Once students have written a new position statement, they should post both position
statements on their blog and write a 500 word reflection on the similarities and differences
between the two position statements, how their personal position has shifted or changed, and
how what they have learned has influenced their beliefs. Assessment
You will be graded on based on 4 criteria: drafting, connection to material and presentation of
your photo essay. You will also have a 5% stake in what you would like to be graded on.
Citations in MLA
Quotes from sources


Blog post 250 words


Well-articulated statement
o Direct statement about beliefs
o Reflects research
o Demonstrates opinion about subject
o Creates entry for conversation
o Free of grammatical errors
Read aloud or student choice____________________________


Colorado Academic Standards Addressed

Reading for All Purposes
1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and
evaluative strategies
f. Demonstrate knowledge of classical foundational works of world literature
g. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas,
and poems, at the high end of the grades 11CCR text complexity band
independently and proficiently. (CCSS: RL.11-12.10)
2. Ideas, evidence, structure, and style create persuasive, academic, and technical texts for
particular audiences and specific purposes
a. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is
particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power,
persuasiveness or beauty of the text. (CCSS: RI.11-12.6)
c. Use reading and note-taking strategies (outlining, mapping systems, skimming,
scanning, key word search) to organize information and make connections within
and across informational texts
e. Obtain and use information from text and text features (index, bold or italicized
text, subheadings, graphics) to answer questions, perform specific tasks, or
identify and solve problems
g. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of
the grades 11CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. (CCSS:

1. Style, detail, expressive language, and genre create a well-crafted statement directed at an
intended audience and purpose
a. Use a range of elaboration techniques (such as questioning, comparing,
connecting, interpreting, analyzing, or describing) to establish and express point
of view and theme
b. Create a clear and coherent, logically consistent structure appropriate to the
chosen literary genre (biographical account, short story, personal narrative,
narrative poem or song, parody of particular narrative style, play script)
2. Ideas, evidence, structure, and style create persuasive, academic, and technical texts for
particular audiences and specific purposes
c. Address audience needs and anticipate audience questions or misunderstandings
d. Select and build context for language appropriate to content (technical, formal)
e. Control and enhance the flow of ideas through transitional words or phrases
appropriate to text structure
f. Support judgments with substantial evidence and purposeful elaboration
g. Draw a conclusion by synthesizing information
h. Revise writing using feedback to maximize effect on audience and to calibrate
purpose. Follow the conventions of standard English to write varied, strong,
correct, complete sentences

3. Standard English conventions effectively communicate to targeted audiences and

a. Deliberately manipulate the conventions of standard English for stylistic effect
appropriate to the needs of a particular audience and purpose
b. Seek and use an appropriate style guide to govern conventions for a particular
audience and purpose
c. Seek and use an appropriate style guide to govern conventions for a particular
audience and purpose
Research and Reasoning
1. Independent research designs articulate and defend information, conclusions, and
solutions that address specific contexts and purposes
c. Critique and defend sources and information based on credibility, relevance and
appropriateness relative to context and purpose
2. Logical arguments distinguish facts from opinions; and evidence defines reasoned
Identify false premises or assumptions
c. Analyze rhetorical devices used in own and others appeals
d. Summarize ideas that include alternate views, rich detail, well-developed
paragraphs, and logical argumentation
Oral Expression and Listening
1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods
and audience awareness
a. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and
distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning,
alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization,
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a
range of formal and informal tasks. (CCSS: SL.11-12.4)
e. Choose specific words and word order for intended effect and meaning

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