Services (Third Ed., Pp. 385-485) - State College, PA: Venture Publishing

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Yanely Martinez

LEI 4724
Activity File 2
Activity Title 3: To Make This Box Represent Me, I Would
Jones, Alanna (Unknown). Games For Groups. Retrieved from
Dattilo, J. (2012). Learn About People, Inclusion, and Disability. In Inclusive Leisure
Services (Third ed., pp. 385-485). State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Equipment: An empty bow with a lid.
Description of Activity:
Have group of participants gat gather into a circle. The therapists will hold the empty
box and say, "to make this box represent me I would" (i.e. "I would fill it with chocolate
covered candy and then tape it shut because it is difficult to find out what is inside of me
but once I open up there are many wonderful surprises to be discovered.").
Once the therapist has completed the statement he or she passes the box to the next
person who then completes the sentence and then passes it to the person beside him
or her. The box continues around the circle until everyone has had a turn. After
everyone had a turn, begin a discussion. Some discussion questions that the therapist
can ask are: did the box make it easier to say something? or what did you learn about
Leadership considerations:
This activity can be used for small and large groups. This activity is used to learn the
perception that each person in a group holds about themselves and it provides them
with a chance to open up to others in a group. The best area for this activity would be
indoors, but it can be performed outside as well. The therapist plays as an initiator in the
activity but then steps back and is supervising as everyone else performs his or her
part. After everyone has participated, the therapist becomes the leader of the
discussion and asks all the questions and provides responds as well to the participants.
The questions the therapist asks are selected based on the subjects the participants
mentioned and their needs and interest.
*Participants with Traumatic Brain Injury:
These participants have suffered physical insult to the brain. They may have problems
with physical, emotional and/or social functioning. This activity will allow participants to
improve these skills and express themselves. Some participants may not be able to
communicate too much, so using images would be helpful. Provide multiple images and
allow them to pick up to 5 images to put in their box to represent them. The therapist
can demonstrate the activity by using pictures as well. The therapist will be very
involved and assist each participant in expressing themselves to the group. These
participants need a lot of assistance and concrete leadership strategies. To gain the

persons attention, say their name before giving directions. Also make sure that
directions are stated as simple as possible.
*Participants with Hearing Loss:
Using images for these participants to express themselves is very useful. Provide
multiple images and allow them to pick up to 5 images to put in their box to represent
them. The therapist can demonstrate the activity by using pictures as well. Having an
assistant for these participants would benefit them a lot. Using sign language and other
modalities that is beneficial for communication will be used. Always use a normal tone of
voice and speak in complete sentences. Therapists can use mouthing word and always
maintain face-to-face contact while communicating.

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