Freytag Mitosis Lesson Plan
Freytag Mitosis Lesson Plan
Freytag Mitosis Lesson Plan
of a muscle.
There is still much we dont know about the
process, lots to learn and study in this field.
Learning outcomes:
Cell division helps heal, grow, and maintain a complex organism, like a human. (HS-LS1-4)
Learning outcomes:
Provide a model. ( HS-LS1-4)
Use various texts to make model interesting and enhance findings. (CCSS Science SL.9-10.5)
Writing is appropriate to task. (CCSS Science WHST.9-10.4)
Other Evidence:
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parts of the cell as we go. Stop and review if we hit a snag in the game. This will be a word game with
a 3D model component to help the students visualize. 10 minutes for this unless need more review
Introduce the topics of mitosis and meiosis. Begin Stemmom lab. (She gives the materials and how to, a
great layout.) Have students think about what it would take to become two people. Write it down in
their journals. Then discuss what barriers cells will have to overcome during mitosis, these will be
structure and function. Remind students, structure refers to cell parts and function is the ability for a
cell to do its job. We will record these in chart form. One side will be type of barrier and what type of
problem, and the other side will be possible solutions. Next the students play with the materials to
see what happens, needs to happen; this should bring up questions. Walk around and interact with
students as they discover. Have them explain what they are doing, and what is going on, are they
having problems. Next I will demonstrate with my own materials cell division. I need to remind
students that this is just a simulation and is by no means exactly like what happens. It would be
smoother and of course, smaller.
The lab will take the whole period. We will discuss follow up questions the next day, they will do them
for homework as the entrance ticket. To wrap for the class we will fill in the other side of our chart that
discusses possible solutions. 30 minutes for them, then my demo 10 minutes
Closure and Reflection:
Complete the chart we began at beginning of class. This time the students will complete the possible
solutions section. This will set them up to hear, and discuss, the answers tomorrow during the lecture. No exit
ticket assigned, but the entrance ticket is follow up for tomorrow, the questions at the end. They are critical
thinking and metacognitive in nature
Assessment is formative. I will be observing to see how they worked to understand the lab, and participated
in the process. What are the questions they ask targeting? This will help me tailor the lecture to target what
they are most interested in, and most confused about for the next day.
The nature of the task provides for differentiation. Its a manipulative, and everyone works to their capacity.
If someone has trouble manipulating the materials, I can have them partner with someone, a peer buddy.
When I do my own demonstration at the end it will be important that everyone can see, so I will take location
into consideration.
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Name of lesson:
Mitosis- How does skin repair itself?
Concept/Topic/Skill to teach:
Learn the nuts and bolts of mitosis
Standard(s) addressed, if applicable:
Beginning to lead them to understanding of the HS-LS1-4 standard. Understanding the role of cellular
Learning Outcomes
Understand what is happening within the cell during mitosis, and be able to recognize it in a picture of a cell.
Understand that a multi-celled organism is a collection of differentiated cells. Daughter cells receive
identical genetic information from the parent cell. Differences in cells are due to gene expression not
different DNA.
Lab worksheets from yesterday, lab journals, lecture handout and my PowerPoint lecture.
Understanding the components of mitosis, and how to recognize the different phases.
Anticipatory Set
We have begun building background knowledge with yesterdays lab. Today they will be given the
terminology that corresponds to their ideas, and hopefully answer all of the questions they had yesterday.
Instruction and Activities:
1. Begin with the essential question: How does skin repair itself? How does it know to do this? How
does the skin cells know what job they are to perform? This is written on the board to center their
2. The class will have their entrance tickets out and on their table. I will only verify the work was
completed, and then we will discuss the Post Lab answers and what we discovered during our lab the
day before. The questions address one design element that they were to address. Hopefully we have a
good deal of variety for our discussion. After the discussion they will turn in their lab, this will be for
formative assessment after our discussion. 20 minutes for discussion at most.
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3. After the discussion there will be a short lecture, I will do the lecture using PowerPoint and I will
give them an outline for their journals to take notes with.
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(Slide 40 will not be addressed today.) I would not cover meiosis in this class period. I want it to be no
more than 20 minutes, may take longer as we stop for discussions. 20-30 minutes
4. I will have the students watch the mitosis rap by Mr. W. This helps to internalize the information they
just learned, and gives another method of learning. I will provide the students with the lyrics with
diagrams as well. 3 minutes can watch it twice
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Day 3
Name of lesson
Mitosis lab- How does skin repair itself?
Concept/Topic/Skill to teach:
Applying what we have learned about mitosis to real examples
Standard(s) addressed, if applicable:
Furthering their understanding of the HS-LS1-4 standard. Understanding and analyzing the role of cellular
Learning Outcomes:
Understand what is happening during mitosis, the order that things occur and why.
Lab materials for lab-index card halves, microscopes one for each group, slides (or if not available will have
them projected at front of class), pencil, tape, and exit slip paper.
Understanding the components of mitosis, and how to illustrate the different phases.
Anticipatory Set
We have built background knowledge with the previous lab, and learned the terminology in yesterdays
lecture. We will extend this knowledge with a new lab that makes them apply the information they developed
and were given today.
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2. Explain what happens in the four stages of mitosis? Briefly, in your own words. (Prophase, Metaphase,
Anaphase, Telophase)
3. Can you predict why most of the cells, in the organism, would be in interphase?
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Remember safety first! Goggles on, if anyone were to drop a slide, and it breaks, we dont want glass in
anyones eyes!
1. View slides/slide images of a whitefish blastula and an onion root to see cells in various stages of
2. On each half note card, draw and label what you see. (Some stages may repeat).
3. Then use your drawings to demonstrate the order of mitosis. Do you see any obvious differences?
4. After your group has put the slides in order, ask me for your next task.
After everyone has completed their drawings we will discuss the order, similarities and differences of
mitosis. Then they will be taped into your journal for a visual concept map. 10 minutes
Postlab: Entrance ticket for tomorrow. You will turn these in at beginning of class.
1. Compare the mitosis of whitefish to the mitosis of onion root.
2. What would you change about this lab? Is there a part that was confusing?
3. Predict what would happen if the cells in the whitefish began dividing uncontrollably.
4. Research: What happens when cell division goes wrong? What is this called, and what is the end product?
Lab adapted from:;
The next step is for groups that finish ahead of the rest of the class: Complete rest of class
Tiered part of lesson/activity: After a group completes putting their drawings in order they will ask me for
the next task. Depending on level of challenge needed I will assign one of the following activities.
Tier one:
Generate a set of guidelines for students to help them decide what phase a cell is in.
List the elements of each phase they can look for. (Knowledge level)
Tier two:
Generate a set of guidelines for students to help them decide what phase a cell is in.
Illustrate what each phase looks like and give an example for students to compare. (Application level)
Tier three:
Generate a set of guidelines for students to help them decide what phase a cell is in.
Create a list of questions or diagram they can follow to decipher which phase a cell is in. (Synthesis level)
We will discuss the guidelines tomorrow at the beginning of class.
I will be walking around the room and speaking with each group to see how their understanding is
developing. I will also be checking the exit tickets. I will see what the questions they still have are, and see
if we need to go over mitosis in depth again or not. The postlab questions are going to be the entrance ticket
for the next day, I will be able to discern understanding from their answers.
I will project the slides on the board, in addition to being able to view them in the microscope. For the first
cell I will demonstrate, again, how to draw and correctly label the cell parts. I will also allow any unfinished
work to be done at home. Also if a group is having trouble I may have them discuss their thoughts with a
neighboring group (that has figured it out) and see if they can help one another troubleshoot. Groups will be
grouped heterogeneously; no specific people together just a random mix. They should be in twos, working
with a microscope works best with two.
Extension for gifted students: As groups complete the lab they will be asked to take it a step further and
construct guidelines to help students in the future distinguish the phases of a cell. We will then discuss this
topic as a class the next day.
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Day 4
Name of lesson
Mitosis What dont we know?
Concept/Topic/Skill to teach:
We dont know everything about cell division.
Standard(s) addressed, if applicable:
Furthering their understanding of the HS-LS1-4 standard. Understanding and analyzing the role of cellular
Learning Outcomes
Finish up mitosis, and ensure understanding.
Video: crash course: Splitting up is hard to do
Article: A mitosis mystery solved: How chromosomes align perfectly in a dividing cell
Science journals
Online quiz-Im assuming I already know all students will be able to complete it. I can also offer to stay after
school if need be for them to stay and take it.
Understand that we need further study of this topic, and hopefully complete our mitosis content knowledge
before moving on to further understandings.
Anticipatory Set
Today we extend our knowledge of mitosis, and see what has recently been discovered. This shows that this
topic is still relevant and still being studied. We will watch a video to review information and then read an
article (funny enough it is referenced in the video). We will work in groups to discuss this current event and
then work as a class. We will end with assignment of a quiz, to ensure basic understanding of mitosis before
we move on.
Instruction and Activities:
1. Write on the board: How do chromosomes align perfectly in a dividing cell?
2. Discuss our guidelines for mitosis. Pointing out the differences in the phases. Id write some on the board
for everyone to visualize. If some did illustrations I will have them share these as well. This is just a great
way to review what we learned yesterday. 10 minutes
3. Watch a crash course video to give another perspective.
About 11 minutes
4. Hand out an article/current event. A mitosis mystery solved: How chromosomes align perfectly in a
dividing cell. This is the same article mentioned in the above video (funny that I found the article and then
decided on the video). Students will form groups of three/four students. They will read it and complete a
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current event summary using the following outline. They will discuss as group but will need to complete an
outline in their own science journals. I will walk around and help with terminology and checking for
The process of mitosis is extremely precise; when it comes to manipulating DNA, cells verge on being obsessive and with good reason.
Gaining or losing a chromosome during cell division can lead to cell death, developmental disorders, or cancer.
AsTomomi Kiyomitsu, a postdoctoral researcher in Whitehead Member Iain Cheesemans lab,watched mitosis unfold in symmetrically
dividing human cells, he noticed that when the spindle oscillates toward the cells center, a partial halo of the protein dynein lines the cell
cortex (a layer of proteins covering the inside of the cell membrane) on the side farther away from the spindle. Kiyomitsu determined that
the motor protein dynein is anchored to the cell cortex by a complex that includes the protein LGN, short for leucine-glycine-asparagineenriched protein. The stationary dynein acts as a winch to pull on the spindle pole, and the microtubules and chromosomes attached to it,
toward the cell cortex.
Kiyomitsu found that when a spindle pole comes within close proximity to the cell cortex, a signal from a protein called Polo-like kinase 1
(Plk1) emanates from the spindle pole, knocking dynein off of LGN and the cell cortex, stopping the spindle poles forward motion, and
freeing dynein to move to the opposite side of the cell.
Kiyomitsu also noticed that a layer of LGN extends all around the cell cortex, except in the areas that are closest to the chromosomes. After
testing a couple of signaling molecules associated with chromosomes, Kiyomitsu determined that a signal from the chromosomes, involving
the ras-related nuclear protein (Ran), blocks LGN, and therefore dynein, from attaching to the cell cortex closest to the chromosomes. His
work suggests a key role for Ran in directing spindle orientation.
Image: Courtesy of Nature Cell Biology and T. Kiyomitsu and I. Cheesman.
FEBRUARY 12, 2012
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. To solve a mystery, sometimes a great detective need only study the clues in front of him. Like Agatha
Christies Hercule Poirot and Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes, Tomomi Kiyomitsu used his keen powers of
observation to solve a puzzle that had mystified researchers for years: in a cell undergoing mitotic cell division, what internal
signals cause its chromosomes to align on a center axis?
People have been looking at these proteins and players in mitosis for decades, and no one ever saw what Tomomi observed,
says Whitehead Institute Member Iain Cheeseman. And its very clear that these things are happening. These are very strong
regulatory paradigms that are setting down these cell division axes. And careful cell biology allowed him to see that this was
occurring. People have been looking at this for a long time, but never with the careful eyes he brought to it.
Kiyomitsu, a postdoctoral researcher in Cheesemans lab, published his work in this weeks issue of the journal Nature Cell
The process of mitotic cell division has been studied intensely for more than 50 years. Using fluorescence microscopy, todays
scientists can see the tug-of-war cells undergo as they move through mitosis. Thread-like proteins, called microtubules,
extend from one of two spindle poles on either side of the cell and attempt to latch onto the duplicated chromosomes. This
entire spindle structure acts to physically distribute the chromosomes, but it is not free floating in the cell. In addition to
microtubules from both spindle poles that attach to all of the chromosomes, astral microtubules that are connected to the cell
cortexa protein layer lining the cell membraneact to pull the spindle poles back and forth within the cell until the spindle
and chromosomes align down the center axis of the cell. Then the microtubules tear the duplicated chromosomes in half, so
that ultimately one copy of each chromosome ends up in each of the new daughter cells.
The process of mitosis is extremely precise; when it comes to manipulating DNA, cells verge on being obsessive and with
good reason. Gaining or losing a chromosome during cell division can lead to cell death, developmental disorders, or cancer.
As Kiyomitsu watched mitosis unfold in symmetrically dividing human cells, he noticed that when the spindle oscillates
toward the cells center, a partial halo of the protein dynein lines the cell cortex on the side farther away from the spindle. As
the spindle swings to the left, dynein appears on the right, but when the spindle swing to the right, dynein vanishes and
reappears on the left side.
For Kiyomitsu, the key to the alignment mystery was dynein, which is known as a motor protein that walks molecular
cargoes along microtubules. Kiyomitsu determined that in this case, dynein is anchored to the cell cortex by a complex that
includes the protein LGN, short for leucine-glycine-asparagine-enriched protein. Instead of moving along an astral
microtubule, the stationary dynein acts as a winch to pull on the spindle pole, and the microtubules and chromosomes
attached to it, toward the cell cortex.
Kiyomitsu found that when a spindle pole comes within close proximity to the cell cortex, a signal from a protein called Pololike kinase 1 (Plk1) emanates from the spindle pole, knocking dynein off of LGN and the cell cortex, stopping the spindle
poles forward motion, and freeing dynein to move to the opposite side of the cell. These oscillations continue with decreasing
amplitude until the spindle settles along the cells center axis.
As he was deciphering dyneins role in spindle alignment, Kiyomitsu noticed that a layer of LGN extends all around the cell
cortex, except in the areas that are closest to the chromosomes. As the chromosomes swing back and forth, the area cleared of
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LGN changes in response. Because dynein needs to anchor to LGN, this cleared area ensures that dynein can only attach and
pull to the right and left of the aligning chromosomes, rather than from above and below.
After testing a couple of signaling molecules associated with chromosomes, Kiyomitsu determined that a signal from the
chromosomes, involving the ras-related nuclear protein (Ran), blocks LGN, and therefore dynein, from attaching to the cell
cortex closest to the chromosomes. Ran bound to guanosine-5'-triphosphate (Ran-GTP), which controls nuclear import in the
interphase stage of mitosis, had previously been suggested to control spindle assembly during mitosis in germ cells, but roles
for the Ran gradient in mitotic non-germ cells were unclear. Kiyomitsus work suggests a key role for Ran in directing spindle
Kiyomitsu says the axis that the spindle poles travel along is crucial to cells.
The spindle orientation is critical for maintaining the balance between stem cells and mature cells during development, he
notes. And if this orientation becomes dysregulated or misregulated, it is reported that this may contribute to causing cancer
even if chromosomes are properly segregated.
This work was supported by the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, the Searle Scholars Program, and the Human Frontiers
Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and the
American Cancer Society.
Iain Cheesemans primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and
all his research is conducted. He is also an assistant professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Full Citation:
Chromosome and spindle pole-derived signals generate an intrinsic code for spindle position and orientation
Nature Cell Biology, published online February 12, 2012
Tomomi Kiyomitsu (1) and Iain M. Cheeseman (1)
1. Whitehead Institute, Nine Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142
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5. Finish the class with a final video, by the Amoeba sisters. This is just a fun video to be a review for the
8 minutes
6. Remind the class that their current event will need to be completed and turned in by class tomorrow.
7. Assign an online quiz. It is not open book. This tests for your understanding. You will have an opportunity
to do better if you dont do well. This is checking to see if I need to go over anything again. Stressing retakes
are available, so dont cheat! I will use google docs or Edmodo to give the quiz. Here is a copy of the
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Name: _____________________________________
Date: ________________
Mitosis Quiz
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Use full sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation!
4. Specify what order these pictures should be in according to mitosis. Explain your reason.
5. Do you agree that cells not undergoing mitosis are resting? Explain your answer.
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Mitosis Quiz-Rubric
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
1. Explain what is
occurring in the
above illustration
of anaphase.
explanation with
vocabulary used.
Explanation was
mostly correct,
there were a few
mistakes, or
explanation givenchromosome are
too small, until
they condense.
(Multiple ways to
describe this
One of the
explanations is
incorrect, or shows
only partial
No understanding
of chromosomes
during mitosis, or
no answer
3. Why is cell
Demonstrates that
cells must divide
to stay alive,
repair the
organism, and for
organism growth.
understanding by
leaving out one, or
two, of the
following: to stay
alive, repair the
organism, and for
organism growth.
4. Specify what
order these
pictures should be
in according to
mitosis. Explain
your reason
5. Do you agree
that cells not
undergoing mitosis
are resting?
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Explain your
cells are
completing their
jobs when not in
mitosis. Also they
are growing and
preparing to enter
mitosis if the
organism has
mitosis, showing
shows no
understanding for
No attempt at an
Grade: ___________________________________
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Date: ________________
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Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Use full sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation!
4. Specify what order these pictures should be in according to mitosis. Explain your reason.
The order is 4 (prophase), 1 (metaphase), 3 (anaphase), 2 (telophase)
May not know names of phases but must explain that the chromosomes are visible as pairs.
They are connected by a centromere, or just connected at the middle. Next they line up along
the equator, or metaphase plate. Here the centrioles can be seen at the poles. Next they split
apart. Finally the cleavage furrow is see splitting the two cells into two cells. This answer can
be a great variation of these explanations.
5. Do you agree that cells not undergoing mitosis are resting? Explain your answer.
No I do not agree. The cell isnt resting, but doing the job of the cell. For example, if it is a
blood cell it is busy carrying oxygen to other cells, or if its a muscle cell, it is busy moving
parts of the body. It is also growing and preparing for another round of mitosis if the organism
needs it to.
Mitosis Quiz-Rubric
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
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1. Explain what is
occurring in the
above illustration
of anaphase.
explanation with
vocabulary used.
Explanation was
mostly correct,
there were a few
mistakes, or
explanation givenchromosome are
too small, until
they condense.
(Multiple ways to
describe this
One of the
explanations is
incorrect, or shows
only partial
No understanding
of chromosomes
during mitosis, or
no answer
3. Why is cell
Demonstrates that
cells must divide
to stay alive,
repair the
organism, and for
organism growth.
understanding by
leaving out one, or
two, of the
following: to stay
alive, repair the
organism, and for
organism growth.
4. Specify what
order these
pictures should be
in according to
mitosis. Explain
your reason
5. Do you agree
that cells not
undergoing mitosis
are resting?
Explain your
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No attempt at an
Grade: ___________________________________
2. If the quiz was not passed by the class this will be a time to go over the parts that they still have
questions on. Therefore this would be tailored per individual needs. If only one or two students did
not do well, I would ask them to come in after school to get one on one time, or give them some
resources to help them at home. This would again be tailored to the needs of the student.
We will work on this as long as needed. If we must do this step, I wont do the lecture today. I will
have them watch the video as a prelude and then do the lecture next day.
3. Next we work on Meiosis. I will begin with a lecture, hopefully not too long, that delves into the
content area. Since we already have a background of mitosis this should not be too much new
material for the students. They will be given an outline of the slides to aid in their note taking. The
slides will also be on our class website if they need to revisit the material. 20-30 minutes
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4. Next we will watch the Crash Course video: Where sex starts. If we run out of time I will begin the
next class with this. 12 minutes
Closure and Reflection:
The closing activity is a concept map. I dont expect them to finish this in class, it will be their entrance
ticket for tomorrow. They will get a copy of the mitosis vs meiosis chart, and a concept map. They will then
puzzle out the differences that they notice. I dont expect perfection this is just getting them to note the
similarities and differences. If we do the lecture today, I expect there to be a bit more information on their
charts. I expect certain information to be on there, and the rest they deduce will be bonus information; while
important it cant be deduced from this picture alone.
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Summative: the assessment given for homework is summate, but if they dont do well, there is an option for
retake once we do master the information.
Formative: the assigned homework is going to be formative. What did they notice about meiosis as compared
to what we already know about mitosis?
Learning disabilities: The test can be retaken if the goal of understanding mitosis was not reached. We will
go over the information and help those that havent gotten the content yet.
I have also given out the lecture in outline form to aid in note taking.
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jobs. I will call on students using a random selection of names so that they are all included equally
in this discussion. (Probably names on popsicle sticks pulled out of a bag.) 10-15 minutes
3. If we did not do the meiosis lecture we would do so now. If we have done so we will move on.
4. Begin the lab: Mitosis-Meiosis doing it on the table (catchy title right?) I got the idea for it at this
This lab is a great way to analyze and synthesize what is happening during both processes. This lab
uses manipulatives and allows students to move them around to understand what is happening. I start
by handing out their worksheets. Then we will go over the objective, identification, inventory,
assumptions, and procedures together. After we have gone over these I will hand out the inventory
(or they will move to lab stations if we have that setup). They will check for all the items in their
inventory and then they may begin. In pairs they will move through the procedure. I will be walking
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around and monitoring the groups. They are not expected to finish this lab. If not all groups
complete the lab they will have time to do so tomorrow. If they finish they will be expected to
complete the questions, and summary for classwork and/or homework. If they do not finish they
should complete as much as they can for homework and finish the rest in class tomorrow. Expected
to take 40 minutes possibly more, they will work until they complete the lab.
The student handouts follow:
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Formative: I will be monitoring the groups, are they getting the point of the lab? Are they asking the same
questions? Are they able to work out the lab with little help, or are they needing a lot of extra scaffolding?
These will help me to tailor tomorrows lesson.
Learning disability adaptations: Students will work together in pairs instead of by themselves. This provides
a bit of extra scaffolding. I will also be walking around to aid any that need a bit of extra help. The lab will
not be rushed and they can have extra time if necessary. Also the lab questions and summary will be finished
at home.
Gifted students adaptations: The class is work to their own capacity. If they finish early they can move to
other groups and help guide them if needed. They may not give answers but by helping the other students it
will cement the information a bit more. Peer learning!
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4. Get into groups for another current event. Read the article: The History of Chromosomes May Shape
the Future of Diseases by Carl Zimmer
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As we did for day four: Students will form groups of three/four students. They will read it and
complete a current event summary using the following outline. They will discuss as groups but will
need to complete an outline in their own science journals. I will walk around and help with
terminology and checking for understanding. 15-20 minutes to complete the current event
AUG 30 2005
The common ancestor of humans and the rhesus macaque monkey lived about 25 million years ago. But
despite that vast gulf of time, our chromosomes still retain plenty of evidence of our shared heritage.
A team of scientists at the National Cancer Institute recently documented this evidence by constructing
a map of the rhesus macaque's DNA, noting the location of 802 genetic markers in its genome. Then
they compared the macaque map to a corresponding map of the human genome. The order of thousands
of genes was the same.
"About half of the chromosomes are pretty much intact," said William Murphy, a member of the team,
now at Texas A&M University.
The other chromosomes had become rearranged over the past 25 million years, but Dr. Murphy and his
colleagues were able to reconstruct their evolution. Periodically, a chunk of chromosome was
accidentally sliced out of the genome, flipped around and inserted backward.
In other cases, the chunk was ferried to a different part of the chromosome. All told, 23 of these
transformations took place, and within these blocks of DNA, the order of the genes remained intact.
"It's fairly easy to see how you can convert the chromosomes from the macaque to the human," Dr.
Murphy said.
This new macaque study, which is set to appear in a future issue of the journal Genomics, is just one of
many new papers charting the history of chromosomes - in humans and other species. While scientists
have been studying chromosomes for nearly a century, only in the last few years have large genome
databases, powerful computers and new mathematical methods allowed scientists to trace these
evolutionary steps.
Scientists hope that uncovering the history of chromosomes will have practical applications to diseases
like cancer, in which rearranged chromosomes play a major part.
Scientists have known for over 70 years that chromosomes can be rearranged. With a microscope, it is
possible to make out the banded patterns on chromosomes and to compare the pattern in different
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Scientists discovered that different populations of fruit fly species could be distinguished by inverted
segments in their chromosomes.
Later, molecular biologists discovered how cells accidentally rearranged large chunks of genetic material
as they made new copies of their chromosomes.
By the 1980's, scientists were able to identify some major events in chromosome evolution. Humans
have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for example, while chimpanzees and other apes have 24. Scientists
determined that two ancestral chromosomes fused together after the ancestors of humans split off from
other apes some six million years ago.
But a more detailed understanding of how chromosomes had changed would have to wait until scientists
had amassed more information. The mystery could not be solved with data alone. Deciphering the
history of chromosomes is like a fiendishly difficult puzzle.
One well-studied version of it is known as the pancake problem. You have a stack of pancakes of
different sizes, and you want to sort them into a neat pile from small to big. You can only do so by using
a spatula to flip over some of the pancakes. Even a dozen pancakes make this a viciously hard problem
to solve.
"Flipping chromosomes is a lot like flipping pancakes," said Pavel Pevzner of the University of
California, San Diego.
In the mid-1990's, Dr. Pevzner and Sridhar Hannenhalli of the University of Pennsylvania invented a fast
method for comparing chromosomes from two different species and determining the fewest number of
rearrangements - the equivalent of pancake flips - that separate them.
They introduced the method with a series of talks with titles like "Transforming Cabbage Into Turnips"
and "Transforming Mice Into Men."
"That opened the floodgates," said Bernard Moret of the University of New Mexico.
Scientists have used methods like Dr. Pevzner's to study different groups of species.
Dr. Pevzner himself joined with Dr. Murphy and 23 other scientists to analyze the last 100 million years
of mammal evolution. They compared the genomes of humans to cats, dogs, mice, rats, pigs, cows and
horses, using a program developed by Harris A. Lewin and his colleagues at the University of Illinois,
called the Evolution Highway.
The program allowed them to trace how each lineage's chromosomes had become rearranged over time.
They published their results in the July 22 issue of Science.
(Page 2 of 2)
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The scientists found some chromosomes barely altered and others heavily reworked. They also
discovered that the rate for rearrangements was far from steady. After the end of the Cretaceous Period,
when large dinosaurs became extinct, the chromosomes of mammals began rearranging two to five times
as fast as before. That may reflect the evolutionary explosion of mammals that followed the dinosaur
extinctions, as mammals rapidly occupied new ecological niches as predators and grazers, fliers and
More puzzling is the fact that different lineages became rearranged faster than others.
"The dog's chromosomes have been evolving at least two to three times cats' or humans'," Dr. Murphy
said. "And the mice and rats have been going even faster than the dogs."
(Rodents are by no means the record holder. A 2004 study found that sunflower chromosomes have been
rearranging about three times as fast as rodents'.)
The new results raise questions about how evolution makes chromosome rearrangements part of a
species' genome. In many cases, these mutations cause diseases, so natural selection should make them
disappear quickly from a population.
But scientists have also documented some rearrangements that are not hazardous or that are even
beneficial. This year, for example, scientists discovered that some Northern Europeans carry a large
inverted segment on one of their chromosomes. This inversion boosts the fertility of women who carry
Chromosome rearrangements may also play a role in the origin of new species. Scientists often find that
closely related species living in overlapping ranges have rearranged chromosomes. The mismatch of
chromosomes may make it impossible for the two species to hybridize.
As a result, the rearrangements may then spread through the entire new species. But Dr. Murphy isn't
willing to speculate whether rodents have a faster rate of chromosome rearrangements because of the
way they form new species.
"There really isn't enough genome sequence to be sure," he said.
The Science study and the newer study on macaques suggest that chromosomes tend to break in certain
places, a hypothesis first offered by Dr. Pevzner in 2003.
"Genomes do not play dice," Dr. Pevzner said. "Certain regions of the genome are being broken over
and over again."
It is too early to say why these regions have become break points, said Evan Eichler of the University of
Washington, who was not involved in the mammal study. "There's something about these regions that
makes them hot, and we have to figure out what that hot factor is," he said.
Dr. Eichler argues that it is important to figure out what that is because a number of human congenital
diseases are associated with chromosome rearrangements at these same break points.
Freytag, Heather 53
"Here you have a beautiful connection," he said. "The same thing that causes big-scale rearrangement
between a human and chimp or a gorilla, these same sites are often the site of deletion associated with
Some of these diseases involve chromosome rearrangements in a fertilized egg, leading to congenital
disorders. Cancer cells also undergo large-scale chromosome rearrangements, often at the same break
points identified in the recent evolution study.
"We could have inherited some weaknesses in our genome that we have to understand and deal with
medically," said David Haussler of the University of California, Santa Cruz. "And that has to do with the
history of how our genome is built."
Learning disabilities adaptation: the students that need it are given extra time to complete the lab. The lab is
already done in groups to help scaffold. Also I am giving another presentation of meiosis using music. The
second part of the class is also in groups. The written part can be done at home and turned in tomorrow.
Extension for gifted students: if they complete the lab ahead of time and do not wish to help others I have
offered them a new challenge. They may calculate how long a cell is any given phase of mitosis. This may
be hard but I think they will be up to the challenge, and the website will clearly walk them through the
Freytag, Heather 55
Freytag, Heather 56
Freytag, Heather 57
Freytag, Heather 58
Freytag, Heather 59
Meiosis Quiz
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Use full sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation!
1. Put the meiosis cards in order, and tape to your quiz. After each card specify what is happening in the
picture. Keep it brief: just a sentence or two will do. (Suggestion: put cards in order on your paper,
check work, and then tape them down.)
2. Give me two ways that meiosis is different than mitosis. (Use complete sentences!)
4. Do you agree that without meiosis there would still be genetic diversity? Explain your answer.
Extra credit only: If you finish early request the mitosis cards. Put them in order correctly and you will
receive a special treat!
Freytag, Heather 60
Meiosis Quiz-Rubric
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Nearing proficient
1. Put the meiosis
cards in order, and
tape to your quiz.
After each card
specify what is
happening in the
One of the
differences is
incorrect, or shows
only partial
No understanding of
meiosis or mitosis, or
no answer attempted.
3. Describe how
meiosis provides
genetic variation in a
Demonstrates partial
understanding by
leaving out one, of
the following: genetic
material from the
father and/or mother,
crossing over, or
Agrees or shows no
understanding of
clone offspring, or
does not answer.
Freytag, Heather 61
Grade: ___________________________________
3. After everyone has completed the quiz we will move on to disease and disorders that arise when
meiosis and mitosis do not go as planned. This will be a PowerPoint lecture. I will give a written
version of the notes to aid in note taking. 20 minutes
Freytag, Heather 62
4. Now I will introduce the final project. This will be what we work on for the next few days in order to
allow time for the groups to complete the project. Use rest of class to go over and answer questions
about 10- 15 minutes
The assignment: (including all their handouts) follows
Freytag, Heather 63
Step six:
After peer reviews, complete a final draft. Make sure to compare the checklist with the final product, and
your rubric. The items should be addressed to the best of your ability.
Step seven:
Each group will present their final product to the class. Remember to explain what your product represents.
Your group will turn in the final product for a grade. In addition, each group will turn in a typed paragraph
that answers these questions: (Everyone should have say in the final paragraph!)
1. What did you learn from this activity?
2. What would you change for the next time?
3. How did your group work together? (Did everyone do their share, was everyone helpful, etc.) No
tattling, I want a real assessment of your work. YOU are part of the group too.
4. Do you still have any questions about cellular division? If so, what are they? If not, what do feel was
most important about cellular division?
Turn in:
Rough draft on day it is due.
Finished product at end of presentation.
One paragraph, per group, at end of presentation.
Freytag, Heather 64
Freytag, Heather 65
Freytag, Heather 66
Freytag, Heather 67
Meiosis Quiz
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Use full sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation!
Freytag, Heather 68
1. Put the meiosis cards in order, and tape to your quiz. After each card specify what is happening in
the picture. Keep it brief: just a sentence or two will do. (Suggestion: put cards in order on your
paper, check work, and then tape them down.)
Chromosomes have duplicated, and centrioles have formed. First phase will begin.
Nuclear envelope disappears, and homologous pairs of chromosomes have condensed and paired up.
Then paired again with non-sister chromatids. Spindle fibers have formed at the centrioles.
Chromosomes have formed tetrads; crossing over occurs.
Chromosomes line up in the center. They line up as tetrads.
Chromosomes are pulled apart. Still as sister chromatids.
Cell cleavage occurs, leaving two cells. No interphase.
Cells line up. Just like in mitosis. This is the second phase.
They pull apart, no they are separated.
End up with four gametes. Each with a half number of chromosomes.
2. Give me two ways that meiosis is different than mitosis. (Use complete sentences!)
Mitosis has one phase, meiosis has two phases.
Mitosis ends with exact copies of genetic material, meiosis has genetic variation.
Meiosis ends in haploid gamete cells, mitosis ends in somatic diploid cells.
Chromosomes align at tetrads in meiosis, but align as single file pairs in mitosis.
Mitosis job is to keep an organism alive, providing growth and repair. Meiosis job is to provide
genetic variation and integrity to new organisms.
3. Describe how meiosis provides genetic variation in a species.
Crossing over and independent (random) assortment.
4. Do you agree that without meiosis there would still be genetic diversity? Explain your answer.
No I do not agree. Without meiosis we would just produce clones of ourselves.
Extra credit only: If you finish early request the mitosis cards. Put them in order correctly and you will
receive a special treat!
Freytag, Heather 69
Meiosis Quiz-Rubric
Purpose: Working up to demonstrating HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Nearing proficient
1. Put the meiosis
cards in order, and
tape to your quiz.
After each card
specify what is
happening in the
One of the
differences is
incorrect, or shows
only partial
No understanding of
meiosis or mitosis, or
no answer attempted.
3. Describe how
meiosis provides
genetic variation in a
Demonstrates partial
understanding by
leaving out one, of
the following: genetic
material from the
father and/or mother,
crossing over, or
Agrees or shows no
understanding of
clone offspring, or
does not answer.
Freytag, Heather 70
Extra credit only: If
you finish early
request the mitosis
cards. Put them in
order correctly and
you will receive a
special treat!
Grade: ___________________________________
2. They will get into groups and begin the final project. I will walk around and provide help as needed. I
will also be checking for understanding and group participation.
3. As they get to rough draft one stage, I will check their work and give them helpful feedback.
4. They will revise, based on my feedback, their project. Rough draft two will be given to a fellow
group of students. The reviewee will provide feedback based on the checklist I provide them.
5. The groups will make a final revision and prepare to sell it to the class (hospital board).
6. After their presentation of their project (really just a check out my work type situation nothing
formal) they will hand in a metacognition paragraph on what they learned and how well they worked
together. This will be turned in with their project. Depending on what I see in the groups I may
change the metacognition paragraph to individual work and each group turns one in per group
7. I will grade projects based on the rubric.
8. If everyone receives proficient we will move on to our genetics unit.
The last few numbers are to occur over the course of two to three days, possibly four.
Closure and Reflection:
This is the closure. I have tied in cellular replication to everyday life. I will use this information to continue
on to genetics.
Formative assessment while the groups are working.
Summative assessment once they turn in their final work.
Groups are working together, and there is ample time to do the work. I am allowing class time for the group
work so that everyone is available and ready to do their part.
Freytag, Heather 71