Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Ms. Steiner
Sound Energy
I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
Sound Energy
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
Lesson 4 of a 9 lesson unit
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards. If
an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
Students will be able to:
Predict which medium through which sound will travel best
Summarize why sound travels best through solids
Work cooperatively with groupmates
4-PS3-3 Ask questions that can be investigated and predict reasonable outcomes based on patterns such as cause and
effect relationships
5.I.I.III.3 Make predictions based on analyses of data, observations, and explanations.
5.II.I.II.3: Know that there are different forms of energy
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Meaning of energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, potential & kinetic energy, vibrations
create sound
Monitor discussions
(formative and summative)
Student responses after partner share
Monitor experiments
Observations/data/inferences in journal
Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)
4 tanks of water
4 pairs of metal rods (bar magnets)
4 table groups
The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student
Take out your energy journals but do NOT open them yet. Sit quietly when you are ready.
When you are quiet, I will pass out goggles. If you talk, I will take your pair away.
Write 500,000,000,000.000 on the board.
Without talking, make a tiny dot with your pencil. Did you know that there are this many atoms (point
at the board)500 billionjust in your pencil dot?! Atoms are SO incredibly, crazy teensy tiny, but they
make up every single thing around us. Everything in this roomeverything in the worldis made up of
Tell your shoulder partner something that is made up of atoms. (literally anything!)
Pause. Pull sticks. What did your partner say?
Were going to play, Is it made up of atoms? Im going to give you the name of something.
Without talking, youll give me a thumbs up or down.
A basketball, the water in my cup, your body, the air
Who can raise their hand and tell me one of the states of matter? (write on board)
Bring students up to demonstrate the three states of matter (try to get every student at least once).
Tape off a section of the floor for the container. Draw models on the board.
Solid: stand very close, shake a tiny bit
Liquid: slide past one another
Gas: bounce around lots
Without talking, open up your energy journals to page 10. You will have 2 minutes to draw your models.
This is by yourself; I should not hear any talking.
You have 30 seconds to check your models with your shoulder partner.
Pause. Pull up image of astronaut wearing a space suit. Turn & talk with your partner about why he has a
mask over his head. Remind students to listen to their partners!!
Pause. Pull sticks. What did your partner say?
Im going to give you a minute to answer question 1 by yourself. I should not hear any talking.
Share your prediction with your shoulder partner. Make sure you are listening to what your partner is
Pause. Pull sticks. What did your partner say?
Before I pass out materials, each group needs to quietly decide an order for tapping their metal rods
together. You have 30 seconds. Give me a thumbs up when your group has an order.
Pause. Im going to pass out your materials. I need everyone to look at page 11. While you are
conducting your experiment, it is your job to think like a scientist, collect observations, and write those
observations on page 11 under question 2.
*Repeat for questions 3 & 4*
Pause. As a team, come up with your answers for 5 & 6. Look back at the observations that you wrote
down. You are allowed to talk with your team if that will help you. You have 2 minutes.
Pause. Put your pencils down. Bring your materials to the front table and sit quietly when your table is
cleared off.
Come back together as a whole class. Pull sticks. What did your group discover in your experiment?
Idea for students to leave knowing: Sound needs to travel through a medium. Sound travels best
through solids.