Lesson Plan Science5th
Lesson Plan Science5th
Lesson Plan Science5th
Miss Dahlin
5 Grade Science
Students will:
1. Understand that sound is a form of energy that travels in waves
referred to as compressional waves
2. Understand that sound waves can travel through different mediums,
including solids, liquids, and gases
3. Understand and observe that sound waves travel in a given direction
until an outside force or object gets in the way of its motion and
reflects it
4. Observe a variety of sound waves in lab stations and record their
observations in a wave booklet
The materials needed for this lesson are:
A few paper clips
Basin of water
Metal fork and spoon
A homemade drum or an actual drum
A rubber band strung between two pegs or nails
Stapler or hole punch
Musical instruments or a recording of music; CD, USB drive,
YouTube, etc.
A set of glasses and spoons for each group of students
5 copies of the Sound Waves Seen activity sheet for each student
Procedure Methods
1. Note: This lesson involves students working with a variety of lab
stations. Be sure to prepare these stations before beginning the
lesson. See number 7 below for a description of the lab activities.
Prior to this activity, students should understand that sound is a
form of energy that travels in invisible waves. They should
understand what a vibration and a medium are. They should
understand that when a vibration travels through the air and into
the ear canal it vibrates the eardrum, and they should understand
that the vibration of vocal chords creates our voice.
Tell students that through some in-class experiments they are going
to learn about sound as a form of energy and how that energy
travels. Begin the lesson by introducing a short piece of recorded
music to the class, either from a CD, USB drive, or from YouTube.
After a few minutes, ask students to explain what they know about
the sounds they have heard. How does sound get from its source (a
stereo, voice, etc.) to our ears? Students may say that sound moves
or jumps. Ask students to brainstorm different sounds and what
happens to create those sounds. For examples, a throat vibrating
creates a voice.
Work with students to create a KWL chart, a three-column list of
what the students think they Know about a topic, what they Wonder
about the topic, and a final column to be completed at the end of the
lesson on what they have Learned about the topic. Accept all
student ideas at this time and resist the temptation to explain or
correct their ideas.
After filling in what students know about sound under the Know
column, ask them to come up with questions about sound. Record
those questions in the Wonder column of your chart. Explain to
students that in the next two class periods they will be looking for
the answers to some of these questions. You may want to add some
questions in this column that relate to the lab activities. For
example: Can sound travel in water? Can sound travel through
solids? Can we always see things vibrate when we hear something?
What do sound waves look like?
Explain to students that they will be looking at how sound waves
travel through different objects and mediums at six lab stations. As
they explore the sound waves created at the different stations,
students will create a booklet of what they discover.
Pass out five "Sound Waves Seen" activity sheets to each student,
one for each lab station. At the top of each observation sheet, there
is a space for students to draw a diagram of the lab station activity.
Explain that after the lab, these pages will be compiled into student
Discussion Questions
Observe students' booklets on sound waves and assess their work using
this three-point rubric:
For a score of 3: Students must answer all questions on their
observation sheets accurately and thoroughly; diagrams must
accurately demonstrate how sound traveled in each activity and be
labeled according to directions.
For a score of 2: Students must attempt to answer all questions with
minor misunderstandings; diagrams are complete with minor errors.
For a score of 1: Students did not attempt to answer all questions,
and some answers show major misunderstandings or are not
complete; students did not follow directions to label diagrams; and
students have made no attempt to show how sound travels or one
which demonstrates little understanding of how sound travels.
Perfect Pitch
Have students explore pitches by creating their own homemade
instruments. Students can simply fill a set of glasses with different
amounts of water. Eight glasses with different levels is sufficient for
creating an octave of eight notes. After they have done this, strike each
glass. Do they all make a note of the same pitch? If not, can they arrange
the amount of water in the glasses in such a way as to play a simple tune?
They should record the arrangement of the glasses and amounts of water
in each glass on paper and add this to their sound notebook. Have
students share their tunes and then discuss what they learned from this
activity. Explain that the differences in pitch were a result of different
heights of columns of air above the water.
Graphs & Columns
Can take the experiments a step further so that when students have
collected all of their data, they can create graphs either in paper or Excel
format to compare and contrast the different objects and their sound
wave lengths to see which has the highest average for creating sound
waves and which has the lowest or none at all. This will help put in
perspective the experiments they have been analyzing and provide them
with additional experience in using Excel and graphing formats.
Suggested Readings
Sound: More Than What You Hear
Christopher F. Lampton. Enslow, 1992.
This book explores what sound is, how we perceive it, how it's recorded,
and how it's used to transmit information. The natural sonar of bats and
dolphins and the man-made sonar used underwater by the Navy are
discussed in one section.
How Bats "See" in the Dark
Malcolm Penny. Benchmark Books, 1997.
Here, readers will find a brief but thorough explanation of how bats use
ultrasonic echolocation to fly safely and locate food in the dark. Many
photographs and drawings illustrate the way that bats, as well as other
animals and humans using technology, use sound to "see" their world.
Vocabulary List
Definition: The total effect of sound, and the ability of an enclosed space,
such as an auditorium, to reflect sound waves to produce distinct hearing.
Context: The acoustics in the building were superb, making it an ideal
place for a concert.
compressional wave
Definition: A wave that carries sound energy.
Context: Compressional waves need a medium to travel.
Definition: The repeating of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves
off a surface.
Context: When they shouted into the canyon, their voices echoed back up
to them from the rocks.
Definition: The ability to perform work.
Context: The sun can be a powerful source of energy.
Definition: A material (solid, liquid, or gas) through which a wave travels.
Context: Liquid mediums, like water, are good conductors of sound.
Definition: Energy traveling away from a vibrating object.
Context: He was aware of a low sound, a hum, coming from the electric
Definition: To move rapidly back and forth.
Context: The string vibrated after being plucked.
Definition: A transfer of energy as it travels away from the energy source.
Context: She threw a rock into the water, causing a ripple of waves to
spread outward in all directions.
This lesson plan can be used to address the following academic standards
which are drawn from Idaho State Content Standards from the online site
of Idaho State Department of Education (ISDE).
Grade Level: 5th
Subject Area: Science
Standard 1: Nature of Science
Goal 1.2: Understand Concepts and Processes of Evidence, Models, and
5.S.1.2.1 Use observations and data as evidence on which to base
scientific explanations and predictions.
5.S.1.2.2 Explain the difference between observation and inference.
5.S.1.2.3 Use models to explain or demonstrate a concept.
Goal 1.3: Understand Constancy, Change, and Measurement
5.S.1.3.1 Analyze changes that occur in and among systems.
Goal 1.5: Understand Concepts of Form and Function
5.S.1.5.1 Explain how the shape or form of an object or system is
frequently related to its use or function.
Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills
5.S.1.6.1 Write and analyze questions that can be answered by
conducting scientific experiments.
5.S.1.6.2 Conduct scientific investigations using a control and a
variable(in classroom assessment, not on the ISAT).
5.S.1.6.3 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques to gather
and display data.
5.S.1.6.4 Use evidence to analyze descriptions, explanations,
predictions, and models.
5.S.1.6.5 State a hypothesis based on observations.
5.S.1.6.6 Compare alternative explanations and predictions.
Goal 1.8: Understand Technical Communication
5.S.1.8.1 Read and follow technical instructions (in classroom
assessment, not on the ISAT).
Joyce Nelson Bailey, master Science Teacher, nature lover, and freelance
science writer.
Tracy Coulson, middle school Special Education Teacher, Fairfax County
Schools, Virginia.