DBQ - America Enters Wwi-1

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The documents discuss factors that influenced US neutrality and entry into WWI, including economic interests, isolationist sentiments, German submarine warfare, and the Zimmerman Telegram.

Initially, many Americans wanted to remain neutral and isolated from the war in Europe. The US had economic ties to both sides but officially maintained neutrality.

Increasing German submarine attacks on American ships, the revelation of the Zimmerman Telegram proposing an alliance with Mexico against the US, and the desire to make 'the world safe for democracy' convinced President Wilson and many Americans to enter the war.


S.S. 221

Name: __________________________________
Date: ____________________
Period: ____
World War I
Document Based Question

Historical Context: World War I started in Europe in August 1914. For three years Americans debated
whether the United States should enter the conflict. Eventually in 1917, America joined the Allies.
Some Americans protested this decision. In response, the U.S. government launched a major campaign
to win support for the war.
Task: Using information from the documents and your knowledge of U.S. history, think about the
questions that follow each document. You will then create a brief outline categorizing the documents
and then write a thesis statement expressing your opinion and conclusions.
Document Based Question: Should America abandon neutrality and enter WWI in 1917?
Document Directions:
Read and examine the following documents. Underline key words and make notes in the margin if you
wish. Then categorize the documents using the chart on the next page and write a thesis statement
expressing your opinion about the American entry into the war.
*****Before you begin*****
Start thinking about what situations you would support America going to war. This can help inform
your thesis and conclusions after analyzing the documents related to World War I.
Directions: For each of the following situations, consider whether you agree or disagree that it is a
valid reason to go to war. Be prepared to defend your answer to the class.
A = Agree
D = Disagree
1. Our country is attacked by another countrys army.

2. One of our allies is attacked by another country.

3. A terrorist from another country assassinates our President.

4. One of our navy ships is intentionally sunk while in a foreign countrys harbor.

5. A territory under our control rebels against our rule.

Document A:
President Wilsons declaration of neutrality at the start of the war
The effect of this war upon the United States will depend upon what American citizens say and do.
Every man who really loves America will act and speak in the true spirit of neutralityThe spirit of
the Nation in this critical matter will be determined largely by what individuals.do and say, upon
what newspapers and magazines contain, upon what ministers utter in their pulpits
The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try mens
souls. We must be impartial in thought as well as in action

President Woodrow Wilson

from a speech to the U.S. Senate, 1914

Think: What policy is Wilson promoting about the war in Europe?

Think: According to Wilson who is responsible for the success of that policy?
Think: How does this document help you answer the DBQ?

Document B:
President Wilsons Declaration of war speech
Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom
of its peoples
We have no quarrel with the German people. We have no feelings towards them but one of sympathy
and friendship. It was not upon their impulse that their government acted in entering this war. We
are accepting this challenge. to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation
of its peoples, the German peoples included.The world must be made safe for democracy.We are
but one of the champions of the rights of mankind.
- President Woodrow Wilson
from a speech to Congress, April 2, 1917

Think: What does Wilson believe about the people of Germany?

Think: What reasons does Wilson give for going to war?
Think: How does this document help you answer the DBQ?

Document C
Cartoon in response to German U-Boat Attacks on American Ships at Sea (1917)

Think: What is
President Wilson doing
in the cartoon?
Think: What is the
reason for his actions in
the cartoon?
Think: How does this
cartoon help you answer
the DBQ?

Document D:
U.S. Exports to Europe 1910-1915 (exports = selling goods to another country)
Think: What is the
trend related to exports
to Britain? (U.K.)
Think: What is the
trend related to
Think: What does this
chart tell you about
American neutrality?
Think: How does this
chart help you answer
the DBQ?

Document E:
The Zimmerman Note
On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this it is our
intention to keep neutral the United States of America. If this attempt is not successful we propose an
alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace.
We shall give generous financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost
territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details are left for your settlement. Please call to the
attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises
to compel England to make peace in a few months.

Note from the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman to German Ambassador to Mexico
(written January 19, 1917). Intercepted and released by British naval intelligence

Think: What would Mexico get out of allying with Germany and fighting the United States?
Think: What does Germany say about war with England?
Think: How does this help you answer the DBQ?

Document F:
Risk of Going to War The Numbers
The following charts shows how many soldiers were in the U.S. Army in 1916. Also it shows the
number of soldiers killed (not including the wounded) in one battle in 1916 (The Battle of the Somme)
U.S. Army in 1916: 200,000 troops

Men Killed During the

Battle of the Somme

Document G:

Think: Would this information make you more

or less likely to support American entry into
WWI? Explain.
Think: How does this document help you
answer the DBQ?

The Sinking of the Lusitania

Think: What was the purpose of the notice from the Imperial
German Embassy?
Think: What effect do you think that the incident described in the NY Times might have had on
American public opinion about involvement in the war?
Think: How do these documents help you answer the DBQ?

Document H:
A Jersey City, NJ Munitions Factory lay in ruins after it was blown up by German Spies in July, 1916
Think: What is significant about the date
of this disaster?
Think: How might the events at the
munitions factory swayed American public
opinion about the war?
Think: How does this document help
answer the DBQ?

Document I:
Singing Against the war Alfred Bryan - 1915

*We will listen to the audio together*

I Didnt Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier
Ten million soldiers to the war have gone,
Who may never return again.
Ten million mothers hearts must beak,
For the ones who died in vain.
Head bowed down in sorrow in her lonely years,
I heard a mother a murmur thro her tears:
I didnt raise my boy to be a soldier,
I brought him up to be my pride and joy,
Who dares to put a musket on his shoulder,
To shoot some other mothers darling boy?
Let nations arbitrate their future troubles,
Its time to lay the sword and gun away,
Thered be no war today,
If mothers all would say,
I didnt raise my boy to be a soldier.
What victory can cheer a mothers heart,
When she looks at her blighted home?
What victory can bring her back,
All she cared to call her own?
Let each mother answer in the year to be,
Remember that my boy belongs to me!

Categorizing Chart

Directions: Now that you have discussed and analyzed the documents, use the chart below to organize
your documents. When your chart is complete, construct your thesis statement at the bottom.
DBQ: Document Based Question: Should America abandon neutrality and enter WWI in 1917?

Reason 1
Body paragraph 1

Reason 2
Body paragraph 2

Reason 3
Body Paragraph 3

Reason 1
Body paragraph 1

Reason 2
Body paragraph 2

Reason 3
Body Paragraph 3

List reason (clause)

Explain each reason

What document(s)
support that reason?

List reason (clause)

Explain each reason

What document(s)
support that reason?

Thesis Statement: (Choose which one you agree with)

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