Math Curse Lesson

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Rachel Howson

November 2013
Math Curse Lesson Plan

This math lesson is designed for 23 fourth grade students at Belle Sherman
Elementary School. The direct instruction part of the lesson (reading the book,
solving problems) will take 30 minutes. The students will then work independently
on the activity. Some students will finish more quickly than others and may move on
to other work. The students will share their finished activity and engage in a group
discussion for 15 minutes the next day.
The students have been working within their second unit of the year, which
is focused on using four operations. In recent weeks, students have been engaged in
multi-step word problems. The Fourth Grade expectation when solving these
problems is as follows:
1. First read the problem. Determine the important information. Visualize the
2. Draw a bar model to represent the problem. There are different bar
models: combining numbers, comparing numbers, etc. Label the bar model
and indicate what you are trying to find with a question mark.
3. Do the computation off to the side but DO show your work.
4. Answer the question in a complete sentence.
We will be reading Math Curse by Jon Scieska and Lane Smith. The book is
focused on a girl who is cursed by her teacher starts thinking of everything in her
life as a math problem. Students and I will read the book together and solve some of
the problems using the method outlined above, as well as create our own math
problems to solve.
The class for which this lesson is designed is comprised of a heterogeneous
group of students. It is an ESOL cluster class, with a wide range of English
proficiency. The students are from Burma, Thailand, China, Dominican Republic,
Belgium, Israel and Columbia. Three of the students receive academic intervention
services in math, and nine receive these services for ELA.

Central Focus:
The purpose of the lesson is to practice determining the important
information in a word problem, determining the appropriate operation (+, -, *, / )
and writing a number sentence with a corresponding sentence in English. Most
importantly, this lesson encourages students to use their mathematic reasoning
skills to solve meaningful, contextual mathematics problems and to recognize the
application mathematics outside of the classroom. (Foster)

Standards Addressed:
CCSS.Math.Content.4.OA.A.2 Multiply or divide to solve word problems
involving multiplicative comparison, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a
symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem, distinguishing
multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.

CCSS.Math.Content.4.OA.A.3 Solve multistep word problems posed with whole
numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including
problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems
using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the
reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies
including rounding.

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to use a bar model to represent a word problem,
using a question mark to represent the unknown number(s)
Students will be able to determine the appropriate operation to solve
a word problem
Students will be able to identify the important information within a
word problem
Students will be able to identify a math problem within their own life
and represent it mathematically

Students will be evaluated on their ability to solve word problems by
selecting the correct operation and using a model to represent their work as they
work individually to solve word problems posed in the book. I will stop while
reading the book and ask students to solve selected questions on their whiteboards.
When students have completed their work they will show me their board. This will
be a formative assessment to see what students may need additional help.
Students will each write down a math problem during the activity portion of
the lesson. They will be assessed on their inclusion of the following in their problem:
1) Vocabulary (all together, both, combined, in all, sum, total, decrease,
difference, fewer than, left, less, minus, remaining, multiplied by, per, product
of, rate, times, twice, divided, half, how many of each, out of)
2) Quantities
3) A question that is clearly stated for the reader to answer
Students will be given a worksheet of each others problems for homework.
Students will be assessed on these word problem artifacts that should include: a bar
model that accurately represents the problem, their computations, and a number
sentence written vertically as well as a complete English sentence. Students will also
be formally assessed by their participation and contributions during whole group

Academic Language
In this lesson students will use the following terms: all together, both,
combined, in all, sum, total, decrease, difference, fewer than, left, less, minus,
remaining, multiplied by, per, product of, rate, times, twice, divided, half, how many
of each, out of. They will be able to use and interpret these terms in context to
determine the correct operation for solving and asking word problems.
Within this lesson students will be analyzing, interpreting, identifying main
ideas, representing information, using discipline specific words, and writing concise
and clear sentences that include proper English conventions.

Prior Knowledge/Prerequisite Skills
Students need to know their basic math facts. Students also need to have
some practice with problem solving using the three steps: model, equation, and
answering in a complete sentence.

Lesson Procedures: Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Before I start the lesson, I will write the instructions on the board.
1. Read Math Curse with Ms. Rachel
2. Return to your table, complete the Math Curse word problem creator
worksheet and hand back to Ms. Rachel
3. Red NB? X-tra math? Manga High Introduce: (30 minutes)
With students seated on the rugs, we will begin by engaging in a discussion.
4. When do you use math, other than from 9:30-11:00 everyday? Do you
ever think of things that happen in your life as math problems? Today, I am
going to read
you Math Curse a story about a girl who is cursed by her teacher, and can never escape
math! Ah!
We will start by reading the story. On the first page, I will pause and ask the
students to tell me what operation I need to do to answer the first question. The
students will show me their answers on their white boards.
Why addition? How did you figure out what the problem is asking? How would
you solve problems 3? (When will Uncle Zeno quit sending me such ugly shirts?) How
did you come up with your answer?
I will continue to read, on the next page, about measurement, I will provide
students with a visual representation on the projector so they start thinking about
how they can visualize liquid measurement (they have a supplemental lesson on
metric conversions soon so it will be a plug!).
I will read the next page, and ask students to solve the first problem.
How many kids are there on the bus? How did you figure that out? What
operation did you use to find the answer?
For this questions students may use addition, or multiplication (5*4+1) and
addition. I will ask students to share their strategies.
On the following page there is a multiplication/division problem. The
character in the story has solved the first part four us (24/4=6).
What operation would you use to figure out that problem? 24 kids, four rows,
how many desks in each row? What if Mrs. Fibonacci rearranged the desk so that there
were 6 rows? 8? 2?
Have students share their thinking on their white boards. Check for
understanding, and strategies used. I will ask myself: Who used division? Who were
the first students to come up with the answers? Did anyone draw a picture?
Move on to the following question.
How many fingers are in OUR class? How many tongues?
Students will write their responses on the white board. Check for
understanding by having students show their work by holding up their white
boards. Have a student model their thinking and strategy for the rest of the class.
On the following page students have not yet moved on to fractions, so I will
explain briefly how they cold solve these problems but not go into much detail.
Continue to read for the following pages, until the problem about money (George
Washington is on the quarter and the $1 bill, Lincoln is on the penny and the $5 bill).
Ask students:
How many pennies are in a dollar? How many dollars are in five dollars? Which
statement is true? (Read from the multiple-choice options).
Have students share their answers and their thinking. Continue to read the
rest of the book until the end.
So, where did the character in this book encounter problems with math? What
did she do throughout the book? I am putting a math curse on you! Today, you all are
going to write about our own math problems. Lets thinkwhat should a math problem
We will review the first page of the story I have 1 white shirt, 3 blue shirts,
3 striped shirts, and that 1 ugly plaid shirt my Uncle Zeno sent me. How many shirts
is that altogether?
What did the author say they helped you figure out how to solve the problem?
I will pose this question to the students and see if they need some assistance
or if they are able to determine what they need to include in the question by
themselves. They have had some experience writing their own problems. My
objective is to make it clear that they all need to include a quantity, vocabulary, and
pose a question to the reader. We will write the three important pieces on the board
so they can all reference it while they are doing their work.
I will have some students share possible scenarios. I will share my own
personal math problem, to model to the students what it should look like when they
do it.
My math problem: At the Good Truck, each taco costs $4. A customer buys 3 tacos and pays
with a 20-dollar bill. How much change do I owe him?
We will write down my problem on the board. We will solve the problem together
and write the answer the way that students will be expected to on the back of their
worksheets. We will also write possible scenarios that we brainstormed (at the
grocery store, hours of sleep/night, sharing snack, ways to group the class, how
many hours of math class will we do this year, bank account savings, travel). I will
encourage students to make their math problems thoughtful, and that will puzzle
their classmates!
Explore (5-10 minutes)
Students will each be handed a work sheet that says I see math when My
question is students will write their problems and put the answer to their
problems on the back of their worksheet, the answer will include the bar model,
number sentence and English sentence (Foster). When students have finished
writing their problems, they will hand them to me and I will compile all of the
problems so that students will solve their classmates word problems for homework.
Each student will complete 4-5 problems created by their classmates.

Share Discuss: (15 Minutes)
The following day students will have completed their classmates word
problems. We will all meet in the circle to discuss our experience with each others
After solving some of your classmates problems? Where do they see math? Did
you enjoy working on the problems? Did you learn about any new places where you
can see math in the world? Lets try out a few problems.
Before this part of the lesson I will have gone through students work to
determine students level of understanding. I will ask: Which students struggled? Is
there a problem that all of the students have difficulty with? Did students use
different versions of a bar model to represent their thinking? From there I will ask
students to share, for instance if students used different models to represent their
problem, I will share the two examples. If there was a problem that multiple
students struggled with, we will review this problem. If there was a really
fascinating and thought provoking work problem, we will review it and discuss
what we liked/dislike about the problem, how the students used math to create this
problem, and if students thought it was easy/hard to solve and why.
Closure (5 Minutes)
I am really impressed with all of your math problems! I can tell you all have
been thinking really hard about where you encounter math in your daily lives!
Although it is tough to be under a math curse, math happens in our lives all the time.
The hard part is figuring out how to solve these problems. I can tell from looking at
your work that you are all well on your way to becoming math wizards, and soon there
will be no problem that can stop you guys! Keep looking out for math!
A significant number of students in my class do not speak English, which
becomes problematic as this lesson involves a lot of literacy skills. I will modify
some parts the lesson to ensure that all of these students are able to participate.
Before the lesson, I will review vocabulary and symbols with the ELL
students. Although the vocabulary does not always align with the correct operation,
it will help these students to focus on the meaning of the whole sentence and
familiarize them with key vocabulary. While reading the book, when I ask students
about questions in the book I will read the problem slowly and clearly. Where
applicable, I will break the problem into smaller parts. I will also write down the
numbers and visual cues on the board. This way the students will pick up the
vocabulary, and also the context of the word within the problem.
When students are asked to write their own math problems, I provide ELLs
with a mad lib like sheet so that they will not be responsible for creating an entire
problem, but they will start to understand the components that would be included
in these kinds of problems.
By providing support by modeling and emphasizing key words, students who
are struggling with word problems will benefit as well. Depending on my formative
assessment, I may provide these students with extra supports like the mad lib sheet
or the chart of the four operations. I will also encourage some students to use
manipulatives or model their word problem before they write it down.

Instructional Resources and Materials:
Math Curse by Jon Scieska and Lane Smith.
23 copies of the word problem solving worksheet
Visual representations of pint, gallon, quart to display on the projector
Individual whiteboard slates and dry erase markers and erasers
10 copies of the supplemental sheet for ELLs
ones, tens, and hundreds cubes for students who would like to model their
word problem before writing it

Theoretical Principals and or Research-Based Best Practices:
Malinsky and McJunkin assert that using literature in mathematics is a
valuable way to introduce and provide context for mathematical concepts in way
that is accessible to all students (Marci A. Malinsky, 2008 ).
Additionally, incorporating students home cultures into the classroom and
providing real work context for mathematical skills increases student engagement
and cultivates mathematical fluency outside of the classroom. Abstract and foreign
operations become more approachable when students can apply the reasoning to
familiar day to do activities (Ensign, 2003).


Ensign, J. (2003 ). Including Culturally Relevant Math in an Urban School .
Educational Studies , 34 (4), 414-423.
Marci A. Malinsky, M. M. (2008 , March ). Wondrous Tales of Measurement .
Teaching Children Mathematics , 410-413.

Foster, M. A. (n.d.). Mixing Up Math and Literature. Retrieved November 9, 2013,
from Polk County Public Schools : www.polk-
Marci A. Malinsky, M. M. (2008 , March ). Wondrous Tales of Measurement .
Teaching Children Mathematics , 410-413.

I presented this lesson to the whole class. In general, I think it is a struggle to
actively engage an entire class in a read aloud and address their individual needs. In
my situation, I felt particularly challenged because of the range of English
proficiencies in my class. By asking the class to participate by either solving the
problems presented in the book, or simply showing me the operations I felt was
something that helped students to be active participants.
Asking students to look for the application of mathematics outside the
classroom captured student attention, as they were eager to talk about themselves,
and also surprised to realize that they really do use math frequently. Many students
in my class play Minecraft (an online building/crafting game) and enjoyed sharing
how they used math to calculate their building needs.
I felt this task was appropriate and relevant to my students. By creating their
own problems they discovered math in their lives, and had to think about how to
turn it into a problem that others would understand. Many of the students in the
class also benefited from practicing solving word problems, and identifying the
appropriate operation. A recent assessment conducted by my mentor teacher
indicated that many students needed extra support and review.
The cloze activity that I created for beginning ELL students helped me to
identify which students were struggling and pinpointed specific vocabulary that
they misunderstood.
Students were able to present their mathematical thinking to the class in a
variety of ways. During the read aloud they were able to share different strategies
for various problems. I gave each student 4-5 of their classmates problems to solve
for homework, so every student was able to present their math experiences with
their peers. The following day, as we reviewed the problems students had the
opportunity to discuss challenges and share approaches. We decided to display our
class word problems and solution on the bulletin board for school community.
One common misconception I discovered when reviewing student work, was
the appropriate use of the bar model. Most of the students drew a model, but it did
not represent the operation, kinds of comparisons, or the unknown number. Most
students simply drew a bar, labeled it with numbers from their problem, and
haphazardly placed a question mark (if at all).
I also discovered that with more complex problems, students confused
vocabulary. For instance:
Jake has 7,591 rubber bands. He splits them equally into six boxes, and then he takes
away 93 rubber bands from each box and gives them away. How many rubber bands
are in each box now?

7,591 cannot be split equally into 6. This student knew there was a
remainder, but failed to critically consider the meaning of the remainder, how will
one rubber band be distributed among the 6 boxes?
When given the problem to solve, two students said you cant split that
number equally, two solved it correctly, and two subtracted 93 randomly.
I asked students to be as clear as possible when writing their problems for
their class, a number of them forgot to include units in their problems. I reviewed
this with students as they handed me their work, and then they fixed their
problem/solution. I noticed that all of the responses to their classmates work
included a unit. During the follow up discussion, we reviewed the rubber band
question. I placed one students solution under the document camera, and
immediately the student who created the problem raised his hand and explained
Ms. Rachel, I solved my own problem wrong!!.
When I told the student that we were going to display their answers, a
number of them spent time looking over their answers and revising their bar
models and answers that were incorrect.
I think that I did not do the greatest job of sequencing student work. In
retrospect, I showed problems that were hard for some students, but I displayed the
right solution. I did not ask students to think critically about where they made
mistakes, or ask them to point out the mistakes or strategies to me. For example,
when I came across a student who did an awesome bar model of his multiplicative
comparison, I decided to show it to the class and have him explain it. In the future, I
will try to be more thoughtful, and allow the students to facilitate more of the
I think in the future I would conduct a more accurate formative assessment
to deliver more targeted direction for individual students. I found when reviewing
the problems that I could have placed more emphasis on multi-step problems, and
accurately representing their work with a bar model as well.

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