Cdsinit of Cadence
Cdsinit of Cadence
Cdsinit of Cadence
;; NCSU CDK Copyright (C) 2006 North Carolina State University
((LOCAL_CDK_DIR (getShellEnvVar "CDK_DIR")))
(if (not (boundp 'NCSU_CDK_LOADED))
(let () ; CDK needs to be loaded, so load it.
(procedure (prependNCSUCDKInstallPath dir)
(strcat NCSU_CDK_DIR "/" dir))
(printf "Loading NCSU CDK 1.5.1 customizations...\n")
(setq NCSU_newLayoutMenuLabels t)
(putpropq (hiGetCIWindow) 96 "maxLayerPoolSize")
(envSetVal "graphic" "drfPath" 'string
(strcat NCSU_CDK_DIR "/cdssetup/display.drf"))
(if (isFile (prependNCSUCDKInstallPath "cdssetup/cdsenv"))
?envFile (prependNCSUCDKInstallPath "cdssetup/cdsenv")
?tool "ALL"))
(if (isFile "~/.cdsenv")
?envFile "~/.cdsenv"
?tool "ALL"))
((configFileList (list ; ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
; ""
(path (strcat ". ~ "
(prependNCSUCDKInstallPath "skill/config_files"))
(saveSkillPath (getSkillPath))
file )
(setSkillPath path)
(foreach file configFileList
(if (isFile file)
(loadi file)))
(setSkillPath saveSkillPath))
((bindKeyFileList (list
(path (strcat ". ~ "
(prependNCSUCDKInstallPath "cdssetup")))
(saveSkillPath (getSkillPath))
file )
(setSkillPath path)
(foreach file bindKeyFileList
(if (isFile file)
(loadi file)))
(setSkillPath saveSkillPath))
(sstatus writeProtect nil)
(let ((skillPathElements
(list "." "~"
(asiGetTool 'spectreS)
'modelPath (strcat NCSU_CDK_DIR "/models/spectre/nom/"))
(asiGetTool 'hspiceS)
'modelPath (strcat NCSU_CDK_DIR "/models/hspice/public/"))
(envSetVal "graphic" "drfPath" 'string
(strcat NCSU_CDK_DIR "/cdssetup/display.drf"))
(setq lePlotTemplate
(prependNCSUCDKInstallPath "cdssetup/layoutPlotTemplate"))
(setq schPlotTemplate
(prependNCSUCDKInstallPath "cdssetup/schPlotTemplate" ))
(unless (getShellEnvVar "SKIP_CDSLIB_MANAGER")
(printf "Done loading NCSU_CDK customizations.\n")
(printf "NCSU CDK already loaded.\n")
; you get to this let if NCSU_CDK_DIR is nil
(let ()
(printf "Environment variable CDK_DIR must be defined to use\n")
(printf "the NCSU CDK. It is not defined in the calling environment\n")
; Set vertical marker font and size (36 point font below)
envSetVal("viva.vertMarker" "font" 'string "Fixed [Misc],36,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0")
; Set horizontal marker font and size (36 point font below)
envSetVal("viva.horizMarker" "font" 'string "Fixed [Misc],36,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0")
; Set vertical and horizontal dx/dy markers' font and size (36 point font below)
envSetVal("viva.multiDeltaMarker" "font" 'string "Fixed [Misc],36,-1,5,50,0,0,0,
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; The following work for plotting expressions with the calculator
; Set line thickness to thick
envSetVal("viva.trace" "lineThickness" 'string "thick")
; Set line type to solid
envSetVal("viva.trace" "lineStyle" 'string "solid")