Post-Colonialism: Kinkin Susansi
Post-Colonialism: Kinkin Susansi
Post-Colonialism: Kinkin Susansi
Arranged by:
Kinkin Susansi
University of Pamulang
Post-colonialism (or Postcolonialism) is the outlook and
studies as responses to colonial subjugation of European or
Western to Third and Fourth-world that emerged in 70s.
However, its not only talking about Western colonial
subjugation but also various reality of injustice, culture and
gender domination, sexual orientation issues, social class,
subaltern people experiences, etc.
Thus in literature, it is an interaction and reaction in
colonial societies and the effects of colonial practices on
literary productions.
The fusion of two traditions to which create new transcultural elements and produce a double identity that
contradicted, as a colonizer and colonized at the same
In literature, it causes ambivalency and confusing whether it
is oppossing or supporting colonialism. Because for
whatever, post-colonial texts suppose to uncontaminated by
the colonialist's concepts.
In this perspective, texts which are anti-colonial, which reject the premises of colonialists
intervention ( the civilizing mission, the rejuvenation of stagnant cultures ) might be regarded as
post colonial insofar as they have got beyond colonialism and its ideologies, broken free of its
lures to a point from which to mount a critique or counter attack.
( Childs & Williams 1997 : p. 4 )
...It is, rather than expresses, a certain will or intention to understand, in some cases
to control, manipulate, even incorporate, what is a manifestly different world
(Said 1978: 12).
The title of this poem, Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen is the year
in which the Anglo-Irish war began. This political poem explores the
human condition where the things most precious arelost in violence.
Many of the Irish patriots were connected intimately with Yeats, had
hoped that the time would freeing their country from the English
Post-colonialism realized that even though the colonial era has
finished yet, but the practices have not come to an end and now
has turned it face into neo-colonialism.
In post-colonial perspective, literary works emerged to unveil
subjugation, injustice, violence, discrimination, inequality, to
sound the marginal and subaltern people, so that from postcolonial productions yielded social and political products.
Post-colonial literature is a kind of literary work which describes
realistic experience of what really happens around us and to
remind dont just shut our eyes. It is believe that one voice could
lead into a betterment for our future and society.
-----Barry, Peter (2009) Beginning Theory: An Introduction
to Literary and Cultural Theory, Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
-----Endraswara, Suwardi (2013) Metodologi Penelitian
Sastra, Yogyakarta: CAPS.
-----Ashcroft, Bill, et al. (2007) Post-Colonial Studies: The
Key Concepts, London and New York: Routledge.
-----Ashcroft, Bill, et al. (2003) The Post-Colonial Studies
Reader, London and New York: Routledge.