1. Of the two major initiatives profiled in the case (Fone+ and Windows Starter edition),
which one do you find more suitable to the context in China and India? Please list the
pros and cons of both the alternatives
2. Given that in 2007, China and India account for less than 5% of global revenues for
Microsoft, do you think your chosen strategy and initiatives would enable Microsoft to
create multi-billion dollar business in these two countries by 2010? Do you think the
Beijing Declaration can be achieved?
Assignments should be typed, single space, 12 Times New Roman Script. The cover page should
include the name of the case, the number of the group, and the names of the group members.
Assignments should not be more than 3 pages. Only hard copies submissions are allowed.
Group 5 to present. Deadline for submission is 1st August, 2015, before the start of the class.
Group 5 to email me a copy of their presentation by 31st July, 2015 5-00 PM.