ITE3001 Mini Project Phase 1

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ITE3001 Information Technology Essentials Services Mini Project

Contributes 50% of Total Module Marks

This Mini Project consists of four parts (Part 1 to Part 4). You are advised to submit your completed work in two different phrases (Phrase 1 and Phrase 2).

Phrase 1
You are required to complete Part 1 and Part 2 in this Mini Project. Upload your 3 completed files (dont compress them into a single file of ZIP/RAR/7z format) : File to submit for Part 1 : proposal.docx Files to submit for Part 2 : flyer.docx, flyer.pdf to Moodle through the assignment link "Mini Project (2013-2014) Phrase 1" on or before 17-Oct2013 5:00 p.m. Introduction The Environmental Protection Department (EPD ) aims to formulate policies and plans on environmental protection, energy, conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. The continued growth in wasteloads means Hong Kong is running out of landfill space far earlier than expected, and the existing landfills will be filled up, one by one, in mid to late 2010s if waste levels continue to increase at current levels. Therefore, EPD is now putting a lot of effort to promote the different methods to reduce and recycle waste in Hong Kong. Part 1 : Select and Use Internet Services (15% of Total Module Marks) Estimated Time To Complete : 2.5 hours You can only use Microsoft Word 2010 or 2007 to complete Part 1. Background to the problem Assume you are the IT (Information Technology) manager of EPD, and you are responsible to manage and design the computer network as well as internet services. Due to limited time, budget and resources, propose only four internet services that are essential to enable efficient communication with HK citizens and environmental organizations. For each internet service you proposed, describe its usage and explain why the service is appropriate. Also, suggest the security measures should be observed to ensure secure communication. Use Microsoft Word to create a proposal which summarizes your ideas about the selected internet services, usages and the security measures. The total number of words in the proposal must be less than 500, and you may also include diagrams which can help to explain your ideas. The filename of the completed Word file must be proposal.docx . Marking Criteria 1. Identify the target users and clearly state the assumptions about these target users. 2. Clearly describe the four internet services with supporting reasons. 3. Identify the effective security measures that should be observed.

Part 2 : Microsoft Word 2010 (10% of Total Module Marks) Estimated Time To Complete : 1.5 hour You can only use Microsoft Word 2010 or 2007 to complete Part 2. Background to the problem Assume you are the graphic designer of an advertising company, the senior officer of EPD has asked you to design a 1-page flyer1 () to promote the methods to reduce and recycle waste in order to let more citizens know they can also contribute to a green city. You decided to use Microsoft Word to create a great looking2 flyer to effectively convey your message to the target citizens. It is required that the completed Word file should be in A4size and less than 3 MB in file size. You must also produce an exact copy of the completed flyer in PDF file3 format so that I can view the true layout of your flyer. The filenames of the completed Word file and PDF file must be flyer.docx and flyer.pdf respectively. For more information about waste reduction, you may visit "HK Waste Reduction Website" : Marking Criteria 1. Clear message about the ideas to promote. Avoid putting too many words in the flyer. 2. Flyer layout (e.g. arrangement of words, graphics, pictures etc.) and design (colours, font styles etc.) 3. Can demonstrate the appropriate use of techniques learned in this module (e.g. graphics, WordArt, multi-column layout, page border, links between textboxes etc.)

1 2

A flyer is single page leaflet. To see some sample flyers, you can search images in Google using keywords "flyer sample" This article may be useful to you : "10 Easy Ways to Make Your Flyer Stand Out in the Crowd" 3 Open the completed flyer in Word 2010, click File tab choose Save As command choose PDF (*.pdf) in the Save as type dropdownlist

Phrase 2
(The content will be ready soon)

Part 3 : Google Sites (15% of Total Marks) Estimated Time To Complete : 1.5 hour You can only use Google Sites and Microsoft Word 2010 or 2007 to complete Part 3. Background to the problems (The content will be ready soon)

Part 4 : Microsoft Excel 2010 (10% of Total Module Marks) Estimated Time To Complete : 1 hour You can only use Microsoft Excel 2010 or 2007 to complete Part 4. Background to the problems (The content will be ready soon)

IMPORTANT NOTICE Each student has to submit his/her own work. Plagiarism will be treated seriously. Late submission will receive ZERO marks
The result of this assessment will not be counted if you do not meet the minimum attendance requirement (if any) governed by the general academic regulations of your programme/course unless approval of the campus principal has been granted.

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