Interferon Drug Study

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Brand/Generic Classification Action Indication Adverse Nursing Consideration

Name Reaction

Interferon Interferon beta 1a is Interferon beta- Headache, 1. List age at

beta-1a / produced by 1a: indicated for flu-like diagnosis, frequency
Avonex Immunomodul
mammalian cells the treatment of symptoms, of exacerbations,
ator into which the patients with nausea, other therapies
human interferon relapsing forms of myalgia, prescribed, outcome.
Interferon beta gene has been multiple sclerosis URTI, fever,
2. Note any
beta-1b / introduced. to slow the pain,
hypersensitivity to
Betaseron Interferon beta-1b is accumulation of asthynia,
human albumin or
a genetically physical disability chills,
interferon beta.
engineered plasmid and decrease the infection,
Assess psychological
containing the gene frequency of sleep
status noting
for human clinical difficulty,
depression or
interferon betaser17. exacerbations. dizziness,
suicidal ideations;
Interferon betas Patients with diarrhea,
use with extreme
have antiviral, multiple sclerosis sinusitis
antiproliferative, in whom efficacy
and has been 3. Determine if
immunoregulatory demonstrated pregnant; drug has
effects. Mechanism include patients abortifacient
for the beneficial who have properties.
effect in the MS is experienced a first
unknown, although clinical episode 4. Monitor
hematologic profile
the effects are and have MRI and hepatic enzyme
mediated through features levels q 3 months.
combination with consistent with
specific cell multiple sclerosis.
receptors located on Safety and
the cell membrane. efficacy in patients
The receptor-drug with chronic
complex induces progressive
the expression of a multiple sclerosis
number of have not been
interferon – induced established.
gene products that
are thought to be
the mediators of the Interferon beta-
biologic effects of 1b: is indicated for
interferon beta-1a the treatment of
and beta-1b. relapsing forms of
multiple sclerosis
to reduce the
frequency of
Patients with
multiple sclerosis
in whom efficacy
has been
include patients
who have
experienced a first
clinical episode
and have MRI
consistent with
multiple sclerosis.

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