Ritual Magic of The Tree of Life
Ritual Magic of The Tree of Life
Ritual Magic of The Tree of Life
A particular aspect of Magic and the powers of the Kabbalistic Tree usable in all
your work with the Therapeutic Psalms.
We warn all those who use the instructions about to follow to do harm to another.
The Laws of Nature are both marvelous and harsh. You should be well informed of that
which the Sacred Book has to say: What you give you will receive in abundance (we
counsel you therefore to do nothing but good).
He who had ears hear that which the Spirit says to the churches(Apocalypse of
St. John, Verse 2/7). This should be said.
A particular aspect of Magic and the powers of the Kabbalistic Tree
usable now in your ritual work.
The Kabbalistic Tree is composed of ten Sephiroth (singular: Sephira); nine in the
physical plane are materialized through our planets:
Neptune Kether
Uranus Chokmah
Saturn Binah
Jupiter Chesed
Mars Geburah
Sun Tiphereth
Venus Netzach
Mercury Hod
Moon Yesod
The tenth Sephira is our Earth Malkuth
Each Sephira has a precise name:
Kether Crown
Chokmah Wisdom
Binah Understanding
Chesed Mercy
Geburah Strength
Tiphereth Beauty
Netzach Victory
Hod Glory
Yesod Foundation
Malkuth Kingdom.
These ten Sephiroth are linked by twenty-two Paths, each of which being the
representation of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
The 1st Path ALEPH - a
2nd Path BETH - b
The ten Sephiroth and the 22 Paths are the 32 Ways of Wisdom one must take to
return to the Father.
The Kabbalistic Tree is the symbolic representation of one of the theories of the
creation of the Universe, and one of the practical means to return to the Original Source.
The mental manipulation of the images which form the Kabbalistic Tree opens the
consciousness to understanding, and guides the sincere seeker along the difficult but
always wonderful road which leads to reintegration./
The Place:
to use the Kabbalistic Tree as a Pentacle on the altar, for all magical work
and principally for the Psalms, we counsel you to use novenas.
The novena is a period of 9 consecutive days during which one performs
the ritual. The first ritual of 9 begins one Sunday evening at the planetary
hour (which corresponds to the Planetary Pentacle selected). The 9 th takes
place 9 days later, on Monday evening and at the planetary hour (which
corresponds to the Planetary Pentacle selected). The following Sunday,
you can begin another novena. See the example below:
Mon Tue
First 2nd
Mon Tue
First 2nd
From Tuesday to Saturday, after the end of the novena, one should do not
magic regarding your requests. The following Sunday, you begin another
novena, this one for general magical work.
For the method of using the Psalms with the Pentacle on parchment, and perform
the ritual as described in that pamphlet. At the part where you must drink the water and
burn the parchment Pentacle, you drink the water after doing the sign of the Kabbalistic
Cross upon yourself, taking care to do it after soaking your fingers in the water of the
parchment Pentacle.
You make the sign of the cross before beginning the ritual which follows.
The parchment Pentacle must be placed on the Tree over the Sephira
corresponding to the chosen Psalm, and the luminary will be placed above it. At the end
of the novena, on the last day, burn the parchment Pentacle. The novenas begins on the
day you have drunk the water.
Using the Kabbalistic Tree as a Pentacle on the altar.
You should assemble the following materials:
Two church candles, four white wax candles, a candle in the color of the day
(Monday silver or white; Tuesday red; Wednesday orange; Thursday deep blue;
Friday pink; Saturday Violet; Sunday gold or yellow), a table, a white cloth, a
censer with charcoal, pontifical incense, matches, a small candlestick for each candle,
possibly your magical weapons1, and the Kabbalistic Tree.
Probably a dagger or sword impossible to tell without more detail, but that is appropriate for a Martinist.
Those in possession of the Initiatory Talisman of the Three Tutelary Angels wear
it hanging at the level of the solar plexus.
On Sunday at the appropriate planetary hour (see the table in the Appendix) or
on the day you must drink the water of the parchment Pentacle, is the first day of your
Set up the table and cover it with the white cloth. Please the Kabbalistic Tree at
the center of the table, and arrange the candlesticks which will receive the candles: one
at the top left of the table and one at the top right; and one on each of the letters hvhy,
and one on the table waiting to be placed on the chosen Pentacle. Also place the censer
and magical arms on the table.
Light the charcoal, and then put incense on it.
To help you relax and place yourself in a propitious state for prayer, take three
large breaths and say (all prayers are to be spoken in a firm and clear voice):
My help cometh from Kether, the Crown, and from the Name of God,
Eheieh (Ey-Hey-Yey) Who, with the Archangel Metatron and the Seraphim, hath
made Heaven and Earth. Ye powers of Light of this marvelous sphere, I pray ye to
hearken unto my prayers. Amen. I, <your name>, invoke ye to come to my aid2.
Take one of the two liturgical candles, pass it three times through the smoke of the
incense, and, with your thumbnail, trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light.
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle on the candlestick at the top left of your table, and make a cross
with the flame of your match over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of the Column
of Severity, and that it may be for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect
me against the negative powers.
Then say, while placing your hands on both sides of the candle.
I have used King James Prayer Book English naturally you can do it in modern English.
All-Powerful God, who hearkens unto the prayers of them that invoke Thee,
consecrate this candle which I light in Thine honor, and in honor of the Powers of
Light attached to the Kabbalistic Tree, so that it might illuminate the darkness and
let Thy glory shine forth.
Take the second liturgical candles, pass it three times through the smoke of the
incense, and, with your thumbnail, trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light.
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle on the candlestick at the top right of your table, and make a
cross with the flame of your match over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of the Column
of Mercy, and that it may be for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me
against the negative powers.
Then say, while placing your hands on both sides of the candle.
All-Powerful God, who hearkens unto the prayers of them that invoke Thee,
consecrate this candle which I light in Thine honor, and in honor of the Powers of
Light attached to the Kabbalistic Tree, so that it might illuminate the darkness and
let Thy glory shine forth.
Take one of the four white candles, pass it three times through the smoke of the
incense, and, with your thumbnail, trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light.
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle in a candlestick and then both on the first letter of the Name of
God hvhy, ( y ) at the top right of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of your
match over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Yod, the
First Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Then say, while placing your hands on both sides of the candle.
All-Powerful God, who heakens unto the prayers of them that invoke Thee,
consecrate this candle which I light in Thine honor, and in honor of the Energy of
Yod, the First Letter which forms Thy Holy Name (Yod Heh Vav Heh), so that it
might illuminate the darkness and let Thy glory shine forth.
Put some incense on the charcoal.
Take the second of the four white candles, pass it three times through the smoke of
the incense, and, with your thumbnail, trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light.
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle in a candlestick and then both on the second letter of the Name
of God hvhy, ( h ) at the top left of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of your
match over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Heh, the
Second Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Then say, while placing your hands on both sides of the candle.
All-Powerful God, who heakens unto the prayers of them that invoke Thee,
consecrate this candle which I light in Thine honor, and in honor of the Energy of
Heh, the Second Letter which forms Thy Holy Name (Yod Heh Vav Heh), so that it
might illuminate the darkness and let Thy glory shine forth.
Take the third of the four white candles, pass it three times through the smoke of
the incense, and, with your thumbnail, trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light.
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle in a candlestick and then both on the third letter of the Name of
God hvhy, ( v ) at the bottom left of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of your
match over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Vav, the
Third Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Then say, while placing your hands on both sides of the candle.
All-Powerful God, who heakens unto the prayers of them that invoke Thee,
consecrate this candle which I light in Thine honor, and in honor of the Energy of
Vav, the Third Letter which forms Thy Holy Name (Yod Heh Vav Heh), so that it
might illuminate the darkness and let Thy glory shine forth.
Put some incense on the charcoal.
Take the fourth of the four white candles, pass it three times through the smoke of
the incense, and, with your thumbnail, trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light.
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle in a candlestick and then both on the fourth letter of the Name of
God hvhy, ( h ) at the bottom right of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of
your match over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Heh, the
Fourth Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Then say, while placing your hands on both sides of the candle.
All-Powerful God, who hearkens unto the prayers of them that invoke Thee,
consecrate this candle which I light in Thine honor, and in honor of the Energy of
Heh, the Fourth Letter which forms Thy Holy Name (Yod Heh Vav Heh), so that it
might illuminate the darkness and let Thy glory shine forth.
Remain silent for a few moments.
What you have just done is of great importance: be conscious of the fact that you
have just symbolically reenacted, at your level, the moment of the creation of the
You have just illuminated the Name of God.
You are now working with the Kabbalistic Tree, and by lighting the four candles
on the four letters which form the Name of God, you are putting yourself in contact with
the four planes of consciousness of the Tree.
You should now meditate for a few moments of what has just been said, and then
take the candle in the color of the day, which corresponds to the parchment Pentacle
selected, pass it three times through the smoke of the incense, and, with your thumbnail,
trace a cross on its base, saying:
I bless this candle in the Name of the All-Powerful, so that it may become a
channel for the Powers of Light of the Sephira (name the Sephira and the name of
the Powers of Light attached to it (see the Appendix).
(This blessing is only done once, for the first use of the luminaries at the beginning of each novena).
Place the candle in a candlestick, and make a cross with the flame of your match
over it before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
This injunction
This injunction
Remain standing, facing the East, with your two hands before you, palms facing
I, <your name>, invoke ye, Powers of the kingdom, be ye under my left foot
and in my right hand! Glory and Eternity, take me by my two shoulders, and direct
me in the paths of victory! Mercy and Justice, be ye the equilibrium and splendor of
my life! Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me! Spirits of Malkuth, lead me, <your
name>, betwixt the two pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of the Temple!
Angels of Netzach and Hod, establish me upon the cubic stone of Yesod!
O Gedulael, O Geburael, O Tiphereth, O Binael, pour forth upon me,
<your name>, the Love Divine! Ruach Chokmael, be thou my Light! Be that which
thou hast been, thou art and thou shalt be, O Ketheriel! lschim, assist me in the
name of Shaddai El Chai! Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai!
Beni-Elohim, be my Brethren in the name of the Son, and by the powers of Sabaoth!
Elohim, do battle for me, <your name> in the name of Tetragrammaton! Malachim,
protect me in the name of Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh! Seraphim, purify me that I might
become a receptacle for the Love Divine, in the name of Eloah! Chasmalim,
enlighten me with the splendours of Elohim and of the Shekinah! Aralim, act on me
<your name> so that my karma3 might be easier to manage! Ophanim, revolve,
shine and chase far away from all parts the Forces of Evil that they may no longer
harm me! Holy Powers, whirl, cry, pour upon over me <your name> the divine
virtues! Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh! Shaddai! Adonai! Yotchavah! Eyazereih!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah.
Remain silent for a short time and again notice what happens in you: sensation
of heat, shivers in certain parts of your body, tingling on for forehead, in the hair, etc.
Throw some more incense on the charcoal.
Then read the Conjuration of the Powers of Light once. Continue standing with
your hands before you, palms upwards.
I, <your name>, conjure You in the name of the Twenty-four Elders, in the
name of the Nine Angelic Choirs, O Spirits of Light (.).
I conjure You in the name of Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations,
Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim! I conjure You in the name
of the Four Mysterious Powers which bear the throne of the Most High, and who
have eyes before and behind; in the name of all who contribute to our Salvation!
There is definitely no mention of karma in the original! The original simply says Aralim, act!
I conjure You, Spirits of Light, in the Name of the True God, the God of
Life! In the name of the Seven Mysterious Lamps in the right hand of the Lord
Adonai! In the name of the Seven Churches of Assiah 4: in the name of Ephesus; in
the name of Smyrna; in the name of Pergamum; in the name of Thyatira; in the
name of Sardis; in the name of Philadelphia; in the name of Laodicea.
I conjure You () Illuminating Intelligences, by Heaven and Earth, by
the Sun and by the Moon, by the Day and by the Night! By all that is therein
contained, by all the Virtues therein enclosed, by the Four Great Primordial
Elements; by all that was perchance said or thought by the Sovereign Creator, by
His Supreme Will, by the Celestial Court where He reigns! By Him who has
produced all out of nothing, from the beginning, by those Glorious Fingers whose Ye
are. By all the Saints, by all those who, night and day, with one voice, ceaselessly
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts! Heaven and Earth are full of Thy
Majesty! Hosannah in the highest!
I conjure You () Illuminating Intelligences, Messengers of Light! I
conjure You in the name of Uriel, Guardian of the North; I conjure You in the name
of Raphal, Guardian of the East; I conjure You in the name of Mikal, Guardian of
the South; I conjure You in the name of Gabriel, Guardian of the West.
I conjure You of Celestial () Divine Messengers, by the Seven Golden
Candlesticks which shine before the Altar of God! By the Band of the Fortunate
who follow the footsteps of the Immaculate Lamb!
I conjure You, O Celestial () in the name of the all the Saints whom
God had chosen from before the creation of the Earth; through their merits which
are acceptable unto God!
I conjure You, O Celestial () Invisible yet Present Powers. I conjure
You O Celestial () by the Redoubtable Power of the Name of the Lord! By the
Glory of this Divine Name, manifested in the World and Who translated the most
beautiful of the attributes of God! I conjure You and adjure You, O Celestial (),
in the Name of these Attributes themselves! At the call of these all-powerful
syllables which form Your Holy Names, may You leave the Celestial Abodes that you
presently occupy. At the evocation of Your Glorious Names, () may You deign,
O Illuminating Powers, to descend to this place, and in these places where Your Holy
Names () will be uttered, to instruct those who invoke You, and shall hereafter
invoke You, to guide and conduct their works in all safety beneath Your Divine
I conjure You, O Celestial (), in the Name of Adonai Melech, the Master
of the Realm of Forms,! I conjure You in the Name of Shaddai, Mirror of Truth! I
conjure You in the Name of Hod, Lord and Master of the Divine Words! I conjure
You in the Name of Netzach, Sovereign Essence of Beauty! I conjure You in the
Name of Tiphereth, Principle of the Realm of Glory! I conjure You in the Name of
Geburah, Principle of Infinite Justice! I conjure You in the Name of Chesed, Mercy
Divine! I conjure You in the Name of Binah, [Boundless Understanding! I conjure
You in the Name of Chokmah,]5 Uncreated Wisdom! I conjure You in the Name of
Kether, Horizon of Eternity!
I conjure You, O Celestial Instructors, () in the Name of
Tetragrammaton! I Conjure You in the Name of Eheieh! I conjure You in the Name
of Elohim! I conjure You in the Name of Eloah! May it be thus in the Blessed Name
of the Lord! Amen. Amen. Amen. +++
I adjure You, O Celestial () in memory of the Arc of Seven Colors,
which appeared in the clouds, showing the covenant between the Eternal and the
patriarch Noah! I conjure You, in memory of the Luminous Column which
surrounded the Ark of the Covenant, showing the Covenant between the Eternal
and the Sons of Abraham6! I conjure You, Celestial Powers, in memory of the Signs
You made appear in the clouds shortly before the destruction of the Temple! I
conjure You, (..) O Spirits of Light and Truth, in memory of the Signs which
accompanied the Nativity of the Savior! In memory of the Hallelujahs in the
Valleys of Bethlehem! In memory of the Luminous Star which guided the Mages!
I, <your name>, call You, O Celestial (..), in the Name of all the Attributes
of God, that You might descend in this place to instruct me in all I must know for
my spiritual evolution, to protect me from all evil from wherever it may come, to
guide my steps towards You Light, so that love, peace and harmony may descend
upon me and that all my being may transcend.
I, <your name>, the humble servant of God, ask that You accord me the
kindness of responding to the calls which I make to You, and to accomplish that
which I ask of You so that I may be accorded Your protection and support. Amen.
<Here make your request>.
May this request be granted without prejudice as you see fit, through Your
virtues and by virtue of the Holy Names of: El, Elohim, Adonai, Sabaoth, El
Shaddai, Yod Heh Vav Heh. Amen.
The underlined part should be recited three times. Then the invocation ends with:
Nightly Exercise
In parallel to particular requests which you will invent, you must perform this
initatory work that I allocate to you.
This exercise is very important and has a real power to transmute your energies.
Before going to bed, review in reverse all the events of the day. As you analyze
your actions, ask yourself if they were positive or negative. If positive, you should relive
them emotionally. The sensations experienced again should procure you happiness, and
an intense joy which one should renew and augment the following evening. For negative
actions, you should review why you committed them, and promise yourself that in the
following days you will not allow yourself to have any negative emotions which might
push you into acting as they might wish.
How do the Powers of Light speak to you when you invoke them?
The Powers of Light which you invoke always respond to our prayers in
proportion to the measure that we have performed the necessary work of
reharmonization. But unlike us, they have no physical body. So, in order to
communicate with us, they use their subtle body. And it is across the subtle worlds that
the speak to us and reply to our questions.
The Powers of Light use our intuition This little voice which speak to us so
often, this little voice which makes us foretell if it is good or bad. Do you listen
to that little voice? If we are honest with ourselves and take a mental step
backwards, we will easily see that the Powers of Light have often warned us
about what should be done in certain situations. They have done this by means of
what we call intuition. They were there when we had to make a choice about a
love affair, work, an important decision affecting our future Unfortunately, for
many of us, we have not listened. How many times have we had a presentiment
which later proved correct which perhaps we did not follow? How many times
has a little voice said to us: I forgot something but I dont know whatand in a
day you realize that you forgot an important folder or your keys? All these
intuitions are not anodyne: they are the reality of a power beyond our material
The Powers of Light use coincidences Often we realize that our life is the
consequence of little things. How did we meet the man or woman in our life? By
chance, we are told. But is it really chance? Why do we encounter a specific
person at a given moment; and that encounter engenders radical modifications in
our life? Is this chance? There are no fortuitous coincidences, and chance has no
role in this. Our life is but an assembly of situations and events which are
sometimes anodyne, but which however are the weft of our existence.
The Powers of Light use our dreams Some dreams are not without
significance, and they correspond to a real message which is delivered to us.
Some call these premonitory dreams. If often happens that one dreams of a
person without knowing why. A few days later that person telephonesWe even
dream of something desired as all cost, and a short time later our wish is realized.
All these are means by which the Powers of Light use to speak to us. Note that
there is never a question of speaking to us directly, other than that some people have a
sensitivity innate or acquired which allows them to come close to dialog. This faculty
is not reserved to an elite, and it is accessible to all. One must simply know how to listen
to all these little signs in ones life.
For some, these signs have no significance: for others these signs dont even exist.
Effectively the Powers of Light are not always present. Sometimes they are there but
cannot intervene, for we are not ready to receive them (at the vibratory level). We must
then engage in work of vibratory contact with the Powers of Light. When we telephone
somebody, it is not enough to pick up the handset to speak to our counterpart: we must
also dial their number. In the domain of work with the Powers of Light, it is identical,
and it is necessary to make contact by dialing a good number.
How can we get in contact?
To receive signs and replies from the Powers of Light, one must be in vibratory
contact with them. This contacts can only be made across a relay. We must create a
channel between the Powers of Light and ourselves. We must create a channel between
the subtle world and the physical world. Prayer is the main relay. But since the world is
humanized, a multitude of esoteric tools exist more particularly aimed at a more
determined action. This is one of the functions of this new concept of the Kabbalistic
The work is not easy and the result not always immediate. But he who persists
will be recompensed for his efforts. Nevertheless, the effects will make themselves felt
quickly enough by a sense of wellbeing. Our vision of the world which surrounds us is
changed. The little daily annoyances appear less important and even futile. These first
signs are the result of the phase of vibratory purification. Then, the channel will be
created, and you will then be able to concretize your positive aspirations.
Divine Name in Atziluth
Name of Archangel in Briah
Name of Angelic choir in Yetzirah
Name of Sephira (Planet) in Assiah
As these look suspiciously like Golden Dawn attributions, I added the Hebrew for the Planets and the
Angelic Choirs.
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Place some incense on the charcoal.
Light the candle on the second letter with forms the Name of God, hvhy, ( h )
at the top left of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of your match over it before
lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Heh, the
Second Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Light the candle on the third letter with forms the Name of God, hvhy, ( v ) at
the bottom left of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of your match over it before
lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Vav, the
Third Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
Place some incense on the charcoal.
Light the candle on the fourth letter with forms the Name of God, hvhy, ( h )
at the bottom right of the Tree, and make a cross with the flame of your match over it
before lighting it, saying:
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
Remain silent for a few moments, then say:
I light this candle so that it might be a vehicle for the energy of Heh, the
Fourth Letter which forms the Name of God (Yod Heh Vav Heh) and that it may be
for me <your name> a true shield of light to protect me against the negative
This injunction
All-Powerful, the Eternal, He who hath created all out of nothing, who Was before
and Will Be forever, be benevolent towards me now and forever more. Amen.
In Thy Name I command the Forces of Evil never again to breach this
Your forward-stretched arm indicates the direction of South.
Ye Forces of Evil, I command Ye in the Name of the Powers of Light of the
Tree and of the South, never again to breach this passage and never again to harm
me by the power and dominion of the All-Powerful. Amen.
You now make a quarter-turn to the right, arm still extended. Now you face the
West, and make a large Cross before you. When this is done say:
O Powers of Light from the West, hear my prayer. I, <your name> pray Ye
to grant me strength, courage and Thy protection, Ye who are the messengers of the
All-Powerful, the Eternal, He who hath created all out of nothing, who Was before
and Will Be forever, be benevolent towards me now and forever more. Amen.
In Thy Name I command the Forces of Evil never again to breach this
Your forward-stretched arm indicates the direction of West.
Ye Forces of Evil, I command Ye in the Name of the Powers of Light of the
Tree and of the West, never again to breach this passage and never again to harm
me by the power and dominion of the All-Powerful. Amen.
You now make a quarter-turn to the right, arm still extended. Now you face the
North, and make a large Cross before you. When this is done say:
O Powers of Light from the North, hear my prayer. I, <your name> pray Ye
to grant me strength, courage and Thy protection, Ye who are the messengers of the
All-Powerful, the Eternal, He who hath created all out of nothing, who Was before
and Will Be forever, be benevolent towards me now and forever more. Amen.
In Thy Name I command the Forces of Evil never again to breach this
Your forward-stretched arm indicates the direction of North.
Ye Forces of Evil, I command Ye in the Name of the Powers of Light of the
Tree and of the North, never again to breach this passage and never again to harm
me by the power and dominion of the All-Powerful. Amen.
You now make a quarter-turn to the right, with your arm still extended. You have
returned to face East, and you make a large Cross before you. Then you place the lit
candle on the Sephira which corresponds to the chosen parchment Pentacle.
You have just traced a magical circle of protection.
Remain there for a period of time to sense what now happens in you: sensation of
heat, shivers in certain parts of your body, tingling on for forehead, in the hair, etc.
Then look at the Kabbalistic Tree for a few minutes in such a way as to capture
the energy of its waves and forms. Imprint this image on your spirit, so that you can
project it mentally upon problems you encounter (a delicate meeting with a superior,
some distress, a depressed moment, to calm an aggressive person, a negative ambience,
Remain silent for a few moments, and place some more incense on the charcoal.
With the thumb of your right hand, make a small cross on your forehead, mouth,
heart, and upon the text which follows, and which you are now going to read.
Standing, face the East with your two hands before you, palms facing upwards.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the
life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness
comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The
same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him
might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He
was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He
came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of
man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and
Remain silent for a short time and again notice what happens in you: sensation
of heat, shivers in certain parts of your body, tingling on for forehead, in the hair, etc.
Remain standing, facing the East, with your two hands before you, palms facing
Then read the Invocation of Solomon.
I, <your name>, invoke ye, Powers of the kingdom, be ye under my left foot
and in my right hand! Glory and Eternity, take me by my two shoulders, and direct
me in the paths of victory! Mercy and Justice, be ye the equilibrium and splendor of
my life! Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me! Spirits of Malkuth, lead me, <your
name>, betwixt the two pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of the Temple!
Angels of Netzach and Hod, establish me upon the cubic stone of Yesod!
O Gedulael, O Geburael, O Tiphereth, O Binael, pour forth upon me,
<your name>, the Love Divine! Ruach Chokmael, be thou my Light! Be that which
thou hast been, thou art and thou shalt be, O Ketheriel! lschim, assist me in the
name of Shaddai El Chai! Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai!
Beni-Elohim, be my Brethren in the name of the Son, and by the powers of Sabaoth!
Elohim, do battle for me, <your name> in the name of Tetragrammaton! Malachim,
protect me in the name of Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh! Seraphim, purify me that I might
become a receptacle for the Love Divine, in the name of Eloah! Chasmalim,
enlighten me with the splendours of Elohim and of the Shekinah! Aralim, act on me
<your name> so that my karma might be easier to manage! Ophanim, revolve, shine
and chase far away from all parts the Forces of Evil that they may no longer harm
me! Holy Powers, whirl, cry, pour upon over me <your name> the divine virtues!
Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh! Shaddai! Adonai! Yotchavah! Eyazereih!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah.
Remain silent for a short time and again notice what happens in you: sensation
of heat, shivers in certain parts of your body, tingling on for forehead, in the hair, etc.
Throw some more incense on the charcoal.
Then read the Conjuration of the Powers of Light. Continue standing with your
hands before you, palms upwards.
syllables which form Your Holy Names, may You leave the Celestial Abodes that you
presently occupy. At the evocation of Your Glorious Names, () may You deign,
O Illuminating Powers, to descend to this place, and in these places where Your Holy
Names () will be uttered, to instruct those who invoke You, and shall hereafter
invoke You, to guide and conduct their works in all safety beneath Your Divine
I conjure You, O Celestial (), in the Name of Adonai Melech, the Master
of the Realm of Forms,! I conjure You in the Name of Shaddai, Mirror of Truth! I
conjure You in the Name of Hod, Lord and Master of the Divine Words! I conjure
You in the Name of Netzach, Sovereign Essence of Beauty! I conjure You in the
Name of Tiphereth, Principle of the Realm of Glory! I conjure You in the Name of
Geburah, Principle of Infinite Justice! I conjure You in the Name of Chesed, Mercy
Divine! I conjure You in the Name of Binah, Boundless Understanding! I conjure
You in the Name of Chokmah, Uncreated Wisdom! I conjure You in the Name of
Kether, Horizon of Eternity!
I conjure You, O Celestial Instructors, () in the Name of
Tetragrammaton! I Conjure You in the Name of Eheieh! I conjure You in the Name
of Elohim! I conjure You in the Name of Eloah! May it be thus in the Blessed Name
of the Lord! Amen. Amen. Amen. +++
I adjure You, O Celestial () in memory of the Arc of Seven Colors,
which appeared in the clouds, showing the covenant between the Eternal and the
patriarch Noah! I conjure You, in memory of the Luminous Column which
surrounded the Ark of the Covenant, showing the Covenant between the Eternal
and the Sons of Abraham! I conjure You, Celestial Powers, in memory of the Signs
You made appear in the clouds shortly before the destruction of the Temple! I
conjure You, (..) O Spirits of Light and Truth, in memory of the Signs which
accompanied the Nativity of the Savior! In memory of the Hallelujahs in the
Valleys of Bethlehem! In memory of the Luminous Star which guided the Mages!
I, <your name>, call You, O Celestial (..), in the Name of all the Attributes
of God, that You might descend in this place to instruct me in all I must know for
my spiritual evolution, to protect me from all evil from wherever it may come, to
guide my steps towards You Light, so that love, peace and harmony may descend
upon me and that all my being may transcend.
I, <your name>, the humble servant of God, ask that You accord me the
kindness of responding to the calls which I make to You, and to accomplish that
which I ask of You so that I may be accorded Your protection and support. Amen.
<Here make your request>.
May this request be granted without prejudice as you see fit, through Your
virtues and by virtue of the Holy Names of: El, Elohim, Adonai, Sabaoth, El
Shaddai, Yod Heh Vav Heh. Amen.
The underlined part should be recited three times. Then the invocation ends with:
I implore You, O Celestial (), in memory of the Signs which You
deigned to transmit to the Apostles! Deign, of Spirits of Light, to manifest to me
Your Accord and Your Aid. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Silence and meditation.
Remain silent for a short time and again notice what happens in you: sensation
of heat, shivers in certain parts of your body, tingling on for forehead, in the hair, etc.
Remain for a few minutes imagining living in the situation for which you are
asking, with as much emotion as possible, then:
You thank the Powers of Light for having granted your request.
O All-Powerful God, You, <name the Powers of Light which you have
invoked>, I <your name> now thank for all that you have given me. I thank You for
all the prayers which you have granted. May Peace Divine remain forever between
You and me. Amen. At this same time I, <your name>, place all my family under
your divine protection. Amen.
Throw some more incense on the charcoal, saying:
May the scent of this incense be to You the symbol of my recognition and my
gratitude. Amen.
To end, extinguish the candles in the reverse order in which you lit them, and
remember they should only be used in your rituals. Nobody else should be allowed to
touch them.
On the last day of your novena, let the candles burn to the end, after burning the
parchment Pentacle.