Salt Magick English Translation
Salt Magick English Translation
Salt Magick English Translation
® SatAnanda, 2009
Originally produced as background material for
"Chaos Game"
Free online version
December 25, 2009
[email protected]
I found the "Macumba with Sal," as was the original file, which
last update was done in 2004.
I realized that this material would have good application when I realized
that both elements used (water and salt) were very common and
could be found anywhere, anytime, provided that the
magician at home.
The next step was to make it interesting for experienced magicians.
At the time I made notes, I used the operations
Chaos Magic, among them the popular divination. So that was interesting
and experienced, I removed all of the material "basic" and insert the proposals
more recent studies that have used successfully in my practice.
Arriving at this point, I finished work and I named the "Salt Magick."
As this material is intended to use at the work
made with the players of the Chaos Game, purposely omit some
information. Such information is necessary for the player to join the
game and in order to stimulate obtain this information through
Preliminary guidelines contained in the act of registration and shortly after him, not
transfer details for this material.
However, it is certain that this material will have readers who are not, were not
or not players will be the Chaos game. For those, my tip: Read and
to search. There is a vast literature on the internet. There is much material for authors
as Austin Osman Spare, Peter J. Carrol, Phil Hine and Frater U. '. D.'.
available on the Internet. There are various sites, forums and a list "Kaos-Brazil
Yahoo and Orkut communities as "Chaos Magic" which moderates
since 2005.
When my teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui, who gave me the contact
with another student of his, JRR Abraham who, in turn, introduced me to the
works of Peter J. Carroll and Phil Hine, where everything started.
By Cleber friend and his consort Camilla, couple of magicians that much
respect. To the friends list from Yahoo "Kaos Brazil" and the Commonwealth of
Orkut "Chaos Magic" (including here incurable lunatics about 3,000). The
mafia everyday: Canaanite, Lila, Reinaldo, Alessio, Daniel Theomagus, John
Paul, Iago, Don Rodolfo, Mordechai, Selector, Azoth, Reticulum, Ken Tsar,
K. Frater, Frater P., Hihipirate, Odysseus, Zed, Wsp, Fernandez, and Zelinda
Imagick of all, Wicca Women's tasty, Daniel Atalla, Eddie Van Feu,
Fire Thais, Bat, Witch, Horus, Davis, George, fans of Slayer, Fans
Pavarotti, Prof. Adhemar Ramos, the three Marys of CHAOS: (Mantis, and Kat
Thaiz), Prof. Lucas, who takes this stuff two years ago, Ricardo Maffia, Professor.
Carlos Rosa, yoga practitioners Arhatic, Michael, Anita, "the eighth circle" in
São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto bighead, brunette fucked in the RJ that
Mardi Gras 1998 and never saw, but I try to date, group
meditation Pocos de Caldas, Dr. ACACCI Barros, Franz Bardon, Eggy
my lawyer, my boxer Ozzy, my marine fish, my kids Jr. and Julia
Of course I have to leave here an outline rather than a dedication
special to all participants, players and game masters of "The Chaos
game ". It is the fault of you who left it here. Well done! The memory always
friends of Theosophy, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, Thelema, pastors and bishops
UCKG and all who read it all in the hope that their names
were here and seeing what is not, will get some form of badmouth
the book and me.
And before I forget: Thanks Z. for my first balloon ride.
That reader who has not mastered the basics of how the CM
"Technique of divination" Austin Osman Spare must first
search for information on subjects not burn stages and is lost
in the process.
Another question that always rebound, is the fact that there is no need
to be chained to anything or anyone. The freedom provided by the CM is
something that is not in any other system.
Objectivity is also important. Since the beginning always
heard the phrase "if it fits, throw it out" or "If it works good." This
practicality makes Chaos Magick becomes something really fun and
rewarding, while directing the focus to something really
important. No frills.
Mainly because for a magick act requires the occurrence of acts in a magick
in which the extra dimensional object and agent must be correlated.
Based on this point, I'm creating the universe of likely success
or failure of the venture. In short, I hurt him or not.
This can only result in weakening of the magician who then become overwhelmed by a
person who often only have a few physical attributes to offer. By
use their spectrum psychic magick intent of dominating others,
the magician creates a trap for himself, where the psychic spectrum can
enslave him and hold him to his object of desire as to create a relationship
The first part presents the two elements, salt and water. I make a
exercise that I consider indispensable for the realization of any magick,
I nominate that allegorically brainstorming, lending a term very
used in creative processes in advertising and marketing.
It is through this exercise that we list the points
relevant as a basis for the work to be developed, and is
this part that research should focus more heavily.
This workI tried not to delve much into theory to not get boring. By
promptly report this reason some points that should be observed.
Develop here, briefly, some possibilities that
elements offer me.
Many of them, even the veterans, even using the process of analyzing the
potential "of objects and elements they use in their magicks.
When I created this method, the preparation of magicks became much
simple and many elements that I thought would be necessary were eliminated
incorporated and others.
In the third part I present another application for the Salt Magick
creation of an oracle. Magickal applications in advance that these elements
are endless and this work is only a spark of possibility that
can be explored.
The main merit of what is here, is the encouragement and presentation of possibilities
encountered in using these elements. And the presentation of the means used to cosntrução
a magick with them. The results and the actions that will leave them
to the imagination and the insights received during and after the magician
Our planet and our bodies are formed in large part (no
comma) by water.
The magickal use of water from the principle of interaction with this
anchor parent planetary and individual, as a key particle-drop (to be
human) that is detached from the whole-ocean (the sea of chaos "). It is included here to
organization of the water element as the major states of suggestion
called "matter", being solid, fluid, super-bridge ethereal presence
in their solid, liquid and gas.
In an analysis between the centers energy called "Sahasrara" and Muladhara where the
planet would intersected by Kundalini Sakti. Complementing the proposed dual of "Heaven
and Hell, "" Heaven and Earth "and many others. Finally and most relevant from the viewpoint
of our proposed work is the state representative of the proposed ice Frater U:. D:. in
his "Ice Magic", the classic novel chaotic broad knowledge of magicians and that sums up
considerably, the main purpose of this state applicability in magick.
Net In its liquid form, it is clear the parallel with the nadis. The
seas and rivers. The very chaos with endless allusions to the "Sea of Chaos" and "Ocean
Chaos. "
We have the water that washes and leads. But the same water hitting, passing and
runs. Far from its strength, it takes life and action multiprocessual and systemic.
Taking its ubiquity as involving the exterior and interior,
expanding its range of macro-to micro-world body.
Here we enter the paradigm of the prana (or chi, ki, mana, etc.). We
the "transcendence" which came from the liquid to return to it. Or we come from
solid return to it. Never think of emanating. It would be the primal state of
the gaseous water? Being the most ethereal, it appears as an ultimate goal and therefore
as initial. In two parallel would be the maximum and minimum. An exchange.
We played for either side as those who have not purchased your
maturity or as those who have not assimilated the weight of this maturity.
In this state of subtlety and volatility, are lighter, but more
susceptible to all weathers. The molecule more "spaced" acquires a
opening a wide range and are no longer important interaction and action itself, but
yes the reference.
The idea of karma and consequence is irrefutable. And now here is the
threshold. This state of psychic phenomena and all events
extra dense matter, they are the most common and the constitutions
energy of the physical body (aura and chakras) and their constitutions ethereal, more
sophisticated as the wrapper of a multidimensional matrix.
The gaseous state is too rich and complex, but this brief
illustration on the specific job, we will highlight the most liquid, by
be the physical source used. In a future opportunity, I can stretch more
descriptions of the solid and gaseous. As well as to develop something magickal
2 - We have the advantage (and always bump this point) of daily living
with the Afro-Brazilian cults, which allow us a broader and more
grounded when used as elements related to nature herbs
and plants in general as well as condiments and culinary elements,
fauna, flora and local folklore.
Harmonization of home:
To give dry taps gently with the towel and get dressed preferably in clean clothes.
Do this ritual once a month.
What you need: a white cloth, a black candle, a glass bowl; salt
thick, fine salt.
The first night of the waning moon, place the candle in a bowl and put
little water inside (one finger). Burn the black candle and say three times: "Moon
departure, take the spells of my life "
Then put into the bowl around the candle, a handful of salt
thick, and say three times: "With the salt crystal, which will undo the harm."
Then, on the salt, place the fine salt, and repeat three times: "Salt
on salt, heat with heat, one that made me ill, who feels your pain. "Let the
candle burning until the end. However after it will fade a bit.
This piece along with the rest of the salt, you put inside a cloth
White never used before. Closes the cloth giving it 7 knots, and have everything to
sea water or river, asking for the "waters of justice and will take full
any spell. "Get out there not looking further back.
What you need: 1 bag of green fabric, three golden coins, lacquer
colorless, a red towel, water and salt.
Make the following way: easily arrange the coins in gold
fairs from sellers of coins or antique shops.Preferably the larger and older.
Mas can also leave them with salt water,or leave them
in the rain. If your charm can not be wet, so the ideal is
put it in a dish with sea salt.
The starting point, the initial insight that led me to the top of
Salt Magick development is on "tank liquid psychic" of
Master Choa Kok Sui, presented in his most famous book "Miracles of Healing
Pranic. The salt in it "breaks or transmutes' the water," holds or pulls. " And then
then we have a great point of purification. For over 10 years of use in each
room of my house and my company a small bowl of water with
salt which I always do regular maintenance.
This maintenance is nothing more than change the water every 3 days
average, or that the salt present modifications.
A procedure that helps maintain stable energy chi (for
who deals with the techniques of Feng Shui) and establishing a relationship
ethereal general cleaning.
At least for me it works very well.
If you are interested in trying out, stay tuned for that has not
contact with this water. Imagine that there are "stool" psychic.
Therefore, if you spill on the floor, touching or break somewhere, the magician
should seek to immediately clean the area with alcohol, if using a
spray bottle.
Water as this can be made as support for Blue Magick, where the magician consecrates salt
and water to multiply financial spraying in all the money in your wallet or handles, for
example. As catalyst and transmutation, we can use magicks to cure,
elimination of problems or undesirable habits.
I can not answer for people who use my name or my work so as to harm others.
But remember: There are no leaflets or ready-made recipes for a magician's
chaos, and what is here is just ONE way to do it, but it worked,
or in other words, it was tested and approved.You do not need
this way, and may find even more efficient ways to reach their
Note: Despite having lost weight over 20 pounds using magick Salt
weight loss, I will create an example for quitting cigarettes,
so that it is impersonal
The magician does not know the conventional way of releasing secrets
must practice it for a period before starting to use the secrecy-decree. No
no problem to replace the secret-a secret decree to conventional
Salt Magick achievement, especially if the magician has not yet mastered the
divination technique safely. In this case, you better have a
practice more.
As already pointed out, this material is intended for magicians who already have
some familiarity with the basics of Chaos Magic.
Continuing with the secrecy-decree, we have therest of the sentence (and here
I present the second differential of secrecydecree): It's an order. In this
use it will be an order to the object to be consecrated.
In this case, we will devote the water and salt.
(I decree) that you will retain (or attract, or pull, orsugar) all my
desire (or addiction or compulsion) by smoking.Omen. (or so whether or
namaste, or IGHTS)
Then, eliminating the key mantra of the commandof the decree, we have:
Cutting the repeated words come to:
Would result in something like:
Joining with the key mantra, our secret-decree (mantric) for salt is
The construction of the glyph in the traditional way, you can follow guidelines
varied. The magician can build a glyph in the words of secrecy mantric
or you can eliminate the confidentiality and use a glyph mantric mounted
directly with the visual representations of intent, for example.
But in any case for obtaining a pictorial secrecy, he will always have
a direct relationship with intent.
-Count how many letters are there in each mantra, for instance, the mantra of
water (TROCUM TURN THAT JOPALOGS) there are 21 letters reduced to 2 +1 = 3.
-Go to Google (or another search engine) and type this word in the search for
image. Go to the third-image or 21st
-Print on yellow paper and repeat the process for the confidentiality of Salt
For many years I only use one type of incense which is the incense
sandalwood, bought AMORC Curitiba which is the purest sold in Brazil.
Incense bad tar release and disrupt the magical act.
The magician can use an incense related to his intent, but if
do not want to miss, always use the sandalwood incense.
We now have the secret decree-decorated and printed with the cyber-
yantra of salt and water. Let the loading and release:
-Provide an empty container where you pour the water and salt.
-Bring the salt around the mouth and begin to recite the mantra rather slowly
and calm, with rhythmic and uniform. Right now the thought is to "give
an order. " It is a decree, do not forget! Look for impregnating the salt with this
mantra. Try to imagine that this mantra pervades every particle of salt.
Place the salt CY in front, near the eyes.
If you have the screen computer or on a sheet, the magician should close your eyes and open
quickly and that, when you close your eyes, the image must
be retained as long as possible. Until we get for a few seconds,
see the image with your eyes closed.
-Repeat this mantra until the salt has covered the entire CY inside the container.
-Go to the water and repeat the whole process.Using the mantra of the water and
CY put the water on the salt before pouring the water into the container in
who poured the salt. The two-CY will be wet at the end. Do not worry.
-After the baptism of CY, you remove them carefully so they do not split.
It's okay to rip. Separate them and leave them somewhere where
are in contact with the earth and the sun. Or, if you live in an apartment, let
them in contact with the sun at least holding it in the window or service area.
They must "quara" during the period of Vivendi (Vivendi see below).
But in our case, the sealing will be necessary due to the period
where we use the magick "open" ie, the period that we are not
involved in the process of ritual, but it will be active. I named this
Vivendi period.
During this period, the magick will be constantly "enhanced." For this
reason, the sealing will put a "being" to replace it in a process
constant ritual. Something like the magician in person had 24 hours in
ritual at the moment is the period of vivendi. For this period, I use
a special server. A dedicated server for vivendi. But
-To seal the magick, the magician has already added the numbers that used previously
to seek both CY (salt and water) and reduced to find a third
number. Is the number of times to repeat the final phrase: "This is your
seal! " Lift-container above his head and recite a consecration. Elect a
"Being" or something to that claim. It may be your totem animal, can be a be
illusory, a god, a saint, a guru, a Barbie doll or something.
The important thing is to deliver the invocation of which will be doing the sealing. About
saddle is not the magician but is sealed by magick magick. At this time, not
more participation "physical" in the process. And remember that this being is who
take care of the continuity of his magick while on vivendi.
The magician can, for example, using the semi-god "Saliva" to seal the
magick. In one illustrative example, an invocation would be more or less
An important observation in this case: The magick will be "open"
for a period. For this reason, the sealing is necessary because ensure
it is not modified. Even if your dog takes a few sips of it,
even a kick in the bowl and drop a piece of water, it still
is active, depending on the sealing. For this reason this procedure does not
can be neglected.
I gave this name to the period in which salt water is being activated.
This period will be the largest number reduced, the lowest low.
For example, I added the letters of the first decree, the result Secrecy
was 21, which was reduced in March, I added the second gave 26 which was reduced 8.
Decreasing the number 8 March, I have the 5-day vivendi.
The days that stay with the container of salt water always
next to me at the place where I sleep every night.
For example:
If I quit, I will seek to direct my thoughts
for it just before bedtime.
Preferably, this thought will be my last thought
before bedtime.
Thus, I can use this period so as to cause this
If the magician has in practice lucid dreaming, you should direct your
dreams that during this period, are empowering their intent. And for
providing insights about it.
During this period the aim should be experienced at any time within 24
hours a day, preferably.
If you stop smoking, for example, can not pass over your head
on smoking in vivendi that is, not just thoughts.but the actions must
all be directed to the goal in that period.
At the end of the period of vivendi, there is the closing of this powerful
magick. In this period of vivendi, which shall not extend beyond eight never
days, the magician will have experienced the effectiveness of their intent.
On the day ends, soon after waking, he will collect the CY's
and burn them. If the basin is used for metal, he can use his own bowl
to burn the CY's.
Must flush the toilet and then throw the salt water with water
in motion, throw it in a river or running water.
You should also clean the bowl or container with rubbing alcohol and save
ONLY for use in magick. It is common that the magician has
has acquired some result at the end of this period, but should still
observed a period up to 7 times higher than vivendi to achieve
end of desire.
The magician must build his magick with the "translations" that you want
For the oracle, as previously agreed. I suggest he start with the
"Yes" and "no", for only after a time, starting on to more
specific and more elaborate answers.
I always use the same bowl for the query. This is a watershed
found in these simple $ 1.99 black or dark. But the magician
can use any container for this purpose, even a
carton of ice cream or margarine. Do not reuse this bowl for no
other purpose.
But Here, the oracle, only worked efficiently refined salt with water.
Construction and consulting The construction is the transformation of common elements in
magickal elements, and the query includes the interaction with the magician
The more experienced magician will see many possibilities for the construction of
oracle. For this I leave open their own design for the construction,
according to your preferences.
For the beginner magician, just as an illustration, some will pass
tips on how to proceed with construction. An orientation is plausible in
meaning of this construction is as simple as possible, since the elements
are equally simple and common. This is a proper fit
treat them with the same simplicity.
-Opening: can be done in several ways, I suggest the RMP but other
ritual can be done, provided that it meets the primary goal of RIF is
indeed important to the success of a magick. In my case, I add a
mention of "protection" (magician and magick) and "multidimensional open", and
a brief "improve" the psychic censor and ban.
At first, while he was still at the time of the conventions, the responses were almost
always the same. Only after a period that I began to get
different results for different answers, until he finally settled
a standard. At this point, I realized I was ready to use the oracle
for divination.
Reactions of salt
The salt will always show some reaction when left in contact
with water for some period. The interpretation of these reactions is that I
led to create a way to find something at this point.And not
take me long to get good results in these interpretations. Just be
available for testing.
I present here some possible reactions with the salt, at least those
occur in 99% of cases. But it is clear that reactions may occur
different than these. In conversation with a masters 'games' Chaos
the Game, "to conduct this experiment, small insects appeared around the
water, and there was no incidence of insects in your home.
Some way, the salt brought "life and wind" to his oracle, which can be interpreted
according to the understanding and the psyche of the magician. Unfortunately, no
we develop the process as we wanted, but the experience was
valid. In this work, I am presenting some alternatives, but
magician may be surprised with quite different results.
These changes are only observed in a period of over 24
My salt:
1 - "burst" - the salt form something like a dense foam that leaves
water, lodging in the container walls and can even go out to
beyond the inner wall, going to the outside of the container.
6 - "painted" - he has changed over time the color of the water, generally for
brown or yellow, or another specific color other than black.
He vivendi had a period of five days, which caused me to deduce that each
days correspond to two years and this was one of the most amazing experiences
I've had with an oracle in my entire life. There is much rich detail
the reactions shows that the oracle, and for several moments, we find
with the strange feeling that he is "alive".
When using the oracle, I had good results with Oscillograph and
Solar diamond, used at specific times.
The flurry with a crystal of hematite, associated with the objective of
resolve a complaint (on the rock chart and graph of the basin) was 100%
efficient in the use of the oracle.
In Salt magick, the incorporation of crystals inside the bowl with water and
salt enhancer, and served as the accelerator.
I am constantly trying new elements, mixing other
elements in salt, cooking oil. It was one of the alternatives that did not
right. Nor is it good move or stir the water. What I see is that in
silence it works better.
I tried to burn the mantra and play an mp3 through the next
basin for a period of 12 hours or so. Although he tried
only once, the result was positive.
In a counterpoint to a particular magick, I drew four runes
in a sugar cube and put it to dissolve in water with salt and
result was positive.
I am very pleased with the end result and with the goal
wanted from this work is to share this path we
up here and show a little about how an interpretation of a meta-
system, regarded by many as "limited" and source of much prejudice,
may be useful in obtaining new procedures in magick.
But after so many doors in the face, the publication that reaches
now in your hand is also a form of protest.
Protest about the inevitability of change and distribute on behalf
own this material and to know that still hold sway in circles
publishing the frivolities of self-help booklets, mostly North
American-style "and will mentalize.
December 25, 2009
Hermetic Magic, Israel Regardie
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (sometimes abbreviated as "RIF") is a
fundamental ritual of ceremonial magic. He was originally taught by
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as abanishing ritual.
1 Purpose
2 Ritual
2.1 Part 1 – The Qabalistic Cross (or Rose Croix)
2.2 Part 2 - Pentagrams
2.3 Part 3- Invocation of the Archangels
3 On the Tree of Life
4 Uses for Ritual
5 Dealing with psychic attacks
6 References
The first task of a Magician in every ceremony istherefore becoming
his Circle absolutely impenetrável.-Aleister Crowley
A ban is usually done before the start of a ritual
magical. This will clear the area of ritual -whatever be a fourth or a
magic circle – all those elements that may interfere with the operation
magic. The Ban is to remove all objects from one place to
to work within this space reserved for those objects that are
pertaining to the operation.
In elaborate ceremony, the Magician can chooseto ban all
elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, & Spirit), theplanets, the signs of
Zodiac, spirits, shape-divine and even the ten Sephiroth. Including
forces that will be invoked are banned. AsCrowley says, "because this
force as it exists in Nature is always impure. "
Banishing rituals can also be executed asintended
itself. This can be done for several reasons – to clear a room or house,
The Ritual
Part 1 – The Qabalistic Cross (or Rose Croix)
1 - Touch the forehead and say ateh
2 – Tap sex and tell MALKUTH
3 – Tap the right shoulder and say 'EV-GEBURAH
4 - Tap the left shoulder and say VE -GEDULAH
5 - Put your hands together at chest and tell LE -Olahm AMEN
Part 2 – Pentagrams
"Before me Raphael"
11 - "Behind me GABRIEL"
12 – "My right MICHAEL"
13 - "On my left hand Auriel -
14 - "For my flames the Pentagram"
1 - A person who wants to use the strengths of the Aeon of Horus in this ritual should
watch in detail: the exchange of traditional images of the cherubim
Raphael and Gabriel. The New Aeon has brought a new assignment with the elements
the four beasts: Water is now Man / Angel and Air is the Eagle.
These concepts were passed to the experiences of Therion and Aethyr 23
24, in Liber 418. The quote below is from the 24th:
So the front of the East (Boleskine), Figure with Head of the Eagle and
man's body behind, head of human male body in the right,
Lion head with the male body and the left, head of Taurus with
male body as well.
3 - This powerful but simple ritual, was used throughout life by Aleister
Crowley. He is concerned with work in the sphere of Malkuth.
7 - Originally the Golden Dawn, survives today as one of the most efficient
rituals of magic. Crowley subsequently made a new version (the way
Banishing) associated with the concepts of the New Aeon, baptizing them in the Liber
XXV. See also Liber 6.
You can figure for yourself the ways of the Angels or before
Archangels. For example: Raphael, starting with "R", will head to Glory
Solar, and "Phe" which follows shows that the rest of the martial aspect of it is, the
"LA", which completes the name (for the most angelic entities) indicates that
he takes the Sword and the Balance.
1. Close your eyes and spin in a circle until you can feel the direction in which the
real or imaginary wave of negative energy originates. Once found
this direction, face it firmly. The path of the Magician is not a path
for cowards. Remain proudly standing on his forehead and envision a
bright electric-blue pentagram with one point up.
2.Now bring your hands to the height of his forehead surrounding the bright
star. The hands should form a triangle with the point up (triangle
fire). So, you have a triangle of manifestation, surrounding the
Pentagram with your thumbs to the base.
3. Now take a deep breath, and while you exhale the air
contained in the lungs, advance left foot and throw your hands
forward while viewing the pentagram on his forehead shifting
is fast in the direction you're looking at. This has the effect of expelling