Gse Math Unit 4

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Standards of Excellence

GSE Grade 6
Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Unit 4
One Step Equations and Inequalities
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 3
STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE .................................................... 4
STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL CONTENT ..................................................... 5
BIG IDEAS..................................................................................................................... 6
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS............................................................................................. 6
CONCEPTS & SKILLS TO MAINTAIN/ *FLUENCY ................................................. 7
STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING ..................................................... 8
MISCONCEPTIONS ...................................................................................................... 9
SELECTED TERMS AND SYMBOLS .......................................................................... 9
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES/TOOLS .................................................................. 11
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT LESSONS (FAL) ......................................................... 11
SPOTLIGHT TASKS ................................................................................................... 12
3-ACT TASKS ............................................................................................................. 12
Tasks ............................................................................................................................ 13

Set It Up ............................................................................................................ 15
Building with Toothpicks (Spotlight Task) ........................................................ 22
Fruit Punch (Spotlight Task) .............................................................................. 26
*Graphing Stories ............................................................................................ 30
Making Sense of Graphs .................................................................................... 43
Analyzing Tables ............................................................................................... 50
Who Has Faulty Thinking? (FAL) ..................................................................... 55
*Real-life Equations (FAL) ............................................................................ 56
When is it Not Equal? ........................................................................................ 57
*Evaluating Statements about Number Operations (FAL) ........................... 63
Its on Sale! ....................................................................................................... 64
The Catering Job ............................................................................................... 67
Culminating Task: Want Ads ............................................................................. 71

*Unit Web Links ........................................................................................................ 78

* Revised standards, new tasks, and other new resources indicated in bold red font.
** Existing task modified in the July 2015 edition

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

In this unit students will:

Determine if an equation or inequality is appropriate for a given situation.

Solve mathematical and real-world problems with equations.
Represent real-world situations as inequalities.
Interpret the solutions to equations and inequalities.
Represent the solutions to inequalities on a number line.
Analyze the relationship between dependent and independent variables through the use of
tables, equations and graphs.

Beginning experiences in solving equations will require students to understand the meaning of
the equation as well as the question being asked. The use of illustrations, drawings, and
balance models to represent and solve equations and inequalities will help students to
develop this understanding. Solving equations will also require students to develop effective
strategies such as fact families, and inverse operations. As effective strategies are developed,
students will revisit rate and proportional reasoning problems and solve them using strategies
developed in solving similar one-step equations.
Students will represent and model equations and inequalities that are based on mathematical and
real-world problems. Presented with these situations, students must determine if a single value is
required as a solution or if the situation allows for multiple solutions. This creates the need for
both equations (single solution for the situation) and inequalities (multiple solutions for the
situation). When working with inequalities, students will work with situations in which the
solution is not limited to the set of positive whole numbers but includes positive rational
numbers. As an extension to this concept, certain situations may require a solution between two
numbers. Therefore, the exploration with students as to what this would look like both on a
number line and symbolically will be explored.
The process of translating between mathematical phrases and symbolic notation is essential in
the writing of equations and inequalities for a situation. This is a two-way process and students
will be able to write a mathematical phrase for an equation.
The goal is to help students connect the pieces. This is done by having students use multiple
representations for mathematical relationships. Students will translate freely among the story,
words (mathematical phrases), models, tables, graphs and equations/inequalities. Given any one
of these representations, students should be able to develop the others.

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4


1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
algebraic representations for given contexts and can create contexts given equations or
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent a wide variety of real-world
contexts through the use of real numbers and variables in mathematical expressions, equations,
and inequalities. Students contextualize to understand the meaning of the number or variable as
related to the problem and decontextualize to manipulate symbolic representations by applying
properties of operations.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments using verbal or written explanations accompanied by expressions, equations,
inequalities, models, graphs, and tables.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model problem situations in symbolic, graphic, tabular,
and contextual formats. Students form expressions, equations, and inequalities from real-world
contexts and connect symbolic and visual representations.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students use number lines to graph equations and
inequalities. Students use tables to organize information to write equations and inequalities.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely define variables.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students seek patterns or structures to model and solve
problems using tables and equations. Students seek patterns or structures to model problems
using tables and inequalities. Students apply properties to generate equivalent expressions (i.e. 6
+ 2x = 3 (2 + x) by distributive property) and solve equations (i.e. 2c + 3 = 15, 2c = 12 by
subtraction property of equality, c = 6 by division property of equality).
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students generalize effective
processes for representing equations and inequalities based upon experiences. Students will be
solving for equations.


Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
MGSE.6.EE.8 Write an inequality of the form x < c or x > c to represent a constraint or
condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x < c
or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line
Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and
independent variables.
MGSE6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that
change in relationship to one another.
a. Write an equation to express one quantity, the dependent variable, in terms of the other
quantity, the independent variable.
b. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using
graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving
motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the
to represent the relationship between distance and time.
Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
MGSE.6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
utilizing strategies such as tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams (bar models), double
number line diagrams, and/or equations.
MGSE.6.RP.3a Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole-number
measurements, find missing values in the tables, and plot the pairs of values on the coordinate
plane. Use tables to compare ratios.
MGSE.6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant
MGSE.6.RP.3c Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g. 30% of a quantity means
30/100 times the quantity); given a percent, solve problems involving finding the whole
given a part and the part given the whole.
MGSE.6.RP.3d Given a conversion factor, use ratio reasoning to convert measurement
units within one system of measurement and between two systems of measurements
(customary and metric); manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying
or dividing quantities. For example, given 1 in. = 2.54 cm, how many centimeters are in 6

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4


Represent, analyze, and generalize a variety of patterns with tables, graphs, words, and, when
possible, symbolic rules.
Relate and compare different forms of representation for a relationship.
Use values from specified sets to make an equation or inequality true.
Develop an initial conceptual understanding of different uses of variables.
Graphs can be used to represent all of the possible solutions to a given situation.
Many problems encountered in everyday life can be solved using proportions, equations or
Students will solve one-step equations.


How is an equation like a balance? How can the idea of balance help me solve an equation?
What strategies can I use to help me understand and represent real situations using
proportions, equations and inequalities?
How can I write, interpret and manipulate proportions, equations, and inequalities?
How can I solve a proportion and an equation?
How can I tell the difference between an expression, equation and an inequality?
How are the solutions of equations and inequalities different?
What does an equal sign mean mathematically?
How can proportions be used to solve problems?
How can proportional relationships be described using the equation y = kx?
How can proportional relationships be represented using rules, tables, and graphs?
How can the graph of y = kx be interpreted for different contexts?
How does a change in one variable affect the other variable in a given situation?
Which tells me more about the relationship I am investigating, a table, a graph or a formula?

It is expected that students will continue to develop and practice strategies to build their
capacity to become fluent in mathematics and mathematics computation. The eventual
goal is automaticity with math facts. This automaticity is built within each student through
strategy development and practice. The following section is presented in order to develop a
common understanding of the ideas and terminology regarding fluency and automaticity in

It is expected that students will have prior knowledge/experience related to the concepts and
skills identified below. It may be necessary to pre-assess in order to determine if time needs to
be spent on conceptual activities that help students develop a deeper understanding of these
Using parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions and evaluate
expressions with these symbols.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Write and interpret numerical expressions.

Generating two numerical patterns using two given rules.
Interpret a fraction as division
Operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals

Fluency: Procedural fluency is defined as skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently,
and appropriately. Fluent problem solving does not necessarily mean solving problems within a certain
time limit, though there are reasonable limits on how long computation should take. Fluency is based on a
deep understanding of quantity and number.
Deep Understanding: Teachers teach more than simply how to get the answer and instead support
students ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives. Therefore students are able to see
math as more than a set of mnemonics or discrete procedures. Students demonstrate deep conceptual
understanding of foundational mathematics concepts by applying them to new situations, as well as
writing and speaking about their understanding.
Memorization: The rapid recall of arithmetic facts or mathematical procedures. Memorization is often
confused with fluency. Fluency implies a much richer kind of mathematical knowledge and experience.
Number Sense: Students consider the context of a problem, look at the numbers in a problem, make a
decision about which strategy would be most efficient in each particular problem. Number sense is not a
deep understanding of a single strategy, but rather the ability to think flexibly between a variety of
strategies in context.
Fluent students:

flexibly use a combination of deep understanding, number sense, and memorization.

are fluent in the necessary baseline functions in mathematics so that they are able to spend their
thinking and processing time unpacking problems and making meaning from them.
are able to articulate their reasoning.
find solutions through a number of different paths.

For more about fluency, see: and


The skill of solving an equation must be developed conceptually before it is developed
procedurally. This means that students should be thinking about what numbers could possibly be
a solution to the equation before solving the equation. For example, in the equation x + 21 = 32
students know that 21 + 9 = 30 therefore the solution must be 2 more than 9 or 11, so x = 11.
Provide multiple situations in which students must determine if a single value is required as a
solution, or if the situation allows for multiple solutions. This creates the need for both types of
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

equations (single solution for the situation) and inequalities (multiple solutions for the situation).
Solutions to equations should not require using the rules for operations with negative
numbers since the conceptual understanding of negatives and positives is being introduced
in Grade 6.
When working with inequalities, provide situations in which the solution is not limited to the set
of positive whole numbers but includes rational numbers. This is a good way to practice
fractional numbers and introduce negative numbers. Students need to be aware that numbers less
than zero could be part of a solution set for a situation. As an extension to this concept, certain
situations may require a solution between two numbers. For example, a problem situation may
have a solution that requires more than 10 but not greater than 25. Therefore, the exploration
with students as to what this would look like both on a number line and symbolically is a
reasonable extension.
The process of translating between mathematical phrases and symbolic notation will also assist
students in the writing of equations/inequalities for a situation. This process should go both
ways; students should be able to write a mathematical phrase for an equation. Additionally, the
writing of equations from a situation or story does not come naturally for many students. A
strategy for assisting with this is to give students an equation and ask them to come up with
the situation/story that the equation could be referencing.
The goal is to help students connect the pieces together. This can be done by having students use
multiple representations for the mathematical relationship. Students need to be able to translate
freely among the story, words (mathematical phrases), models, tables, graphs and equations.
They also need to be able to start with any of the representations and develop the others.
Provide multiple situations for the student to analyze and determine what unknown is dependent
on the other components. For example, how far I travel is dependent on the time and rate at
which I am traveling.
Throughout the expressions and equations domain in Grade 6, students need to have an
understanding of how the expressions or equations relate to situations presented, as well as the
process of solving them.
The use of technology, including computer apps and other hand-held technology allows the
collection of real-time data or the use of actual data to create tables and charts. It is valuable for
students to realize that although real-world data often is not linear, a line sometimes can model
the data.

The equal sign represents that the two sides of the equation balance, have the exact same value.
Some students have developed the notion that the equal sign means the answer is, based often
on limited experiences in elementary school where the answer is always on the right side of the
equal sign. In a study conducted in the late 1990s, researchers found that sixth-grade students
struggled to interpret the following equation:
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

All 145 students who were given this problem incorrectly believed that either 12 or 17 should
go in the box above (Falkner, Levi, and Carpenter, 1999). This finding reiterates the need for
teachers to constantly push their students understanding of equality.
Students need practice translating verbal expressions into expressions and equations, and also
translating expressions and equations into verbal expressions. The wording must dictate the
order of the terms. For example, three more than a number is transcribed x + 3, not 3 +
x even though those expressions are equivalent. In the example, three less than a number, it
is imperative that the order be x 3.
Students often confuse the statement five less than a number (x 5) with the inequality,
five is less than a number (5 < x). The difference between an expression and an inequality
needs to be clearly distinguished.


The following terms and symbols are often misunderstood. These concepts are not an inclusive
list and should not be taught in isolation. However, due to evidence of frequent difficulty and
misunderstanding associated with these concepts, instructors should pay particular attention to
them and how their students are able to explain and apply them.
The definitions below are for teacher reference only and are not to be memorized by
the students. Students should explore these concepts using models and real life examples.
Students should understand the concepts involved and be able to recognize and/or
demonstrate them with words, models, pictures, or numbers.
The websites below are interactive and include a math glossary suitable for middle school
students. Note Different sources use different definitions. Please preview any website for
alignment to the definitions given in the frameworks.
This web site has activities to help students more fully understand and retain new vocabulary
Definitions and activities for these and other terms can be found on the Intermath website.
Intermath is geared towards middle and high school students.

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Addition Property of Equality: Adding the same number to each side of an equation
produces an equivalent expression.

Constant of proportionality: The constant value of the ratio of two proportional

quantities x and y; usually written y = kx, where k is the constant of proportionality. In a
proportional relationship, y = kx, k is the constant of proportionality, which is the value of
the ratio between y and x.

Dependent variable- A variable that depends on other factors. For example, a test score
could be a dependent variable because it could change depending on several factors such
as how much you studied, how much sleep you got the night before you took the test, or
even how hungry you were when you took it.

Direct Proportion (Direct Variation): The relation between two quantities whose ratio
remains constant. When one variable increases the other increases proportionally: When
one variable doubles the other doubles, when one variable triples the other triples, and so
on. When A changes by some factor, then B changes by the same factor: A=kB, where k is
the constant of proportionality.

Division Property of Equality: States that when both sides of an equation are divided by
the same number, the remaining expressions are still equal

Equation: A mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign

Independent variable: A variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other
variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent

Inequality: A mathematical sentence that contains the symbols >, <, , or .

Inverse Operation: A mathematical process that combines two or more numbers

such that its product or sum equals the identity.

Multiplication Property of Equality: States that when both sides of an equation are
multiplied by the same number, the remaining expressions are still equal.

Proportion: An equation which states that two ratios are equal.

Solution: the set of all values which, when substituted for unknowns, make an
equation true.

Substitution: the process of replacing a variable in an expression with its actual

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Subtraction Property of Equality: States that when both sides of an equation have the
same number subtracted from them, the remaining expressions are still equal.

Term: A number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.

Variable: A letter or symbol used to represent a number or quantities that vary.

Use graphic organizers as tools for connecting various representations.
Hands On Equations
Pedal Power NCTM illuminations lesson on translating a graph to a story
Interactive grapher from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Algebra Balance Scales from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Manipulatives in order to solve equations


Formative Assessment Lessons are intended to support teachers in formative assessment. They
reveal and develop students understanding of key mathematical ideas and applications. These
lessons enable teachers and students to monitor in more detail their progress towards the targets
of the standards. They assess students understanding of important concepts and problem solving
performance, and help teachers and their students to work effectively together to move each
students mathematical reasoning forward.
More information on Formative Assessment Lessons may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.

For middle and high schools, each Georgia Standards of Excellence mathematics unit includes at
least one Spotlight Task. The Spotlight Tasks serve as exemplars for the use of the Standards for
Mathematical Practice, appropriate unit-level Georgia Standards of Excellence, and researchbased pedagogical strategies for instruction and engagement. Each task includes teacher
commentary and support for classroom implementation. Some of the Spotlight Tasks are
revisions of existing Georgia tasks and some are newly created. Additionally, some of the
Spotlight Tasks are 3-Act Tasks based on 3-Act Problems from Dan Meyer and Problem-Based
Learning from Robert Kaplinsky.

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

A Three-Act Task is a whole group mathematics task consisting of 3 distinct parts: an engaging
and perplexing Act One, an information and solution seeking Act Two, and a solution discussion
and solution revealing Act Three.
More information along with guidelines for 3-Act Tasks may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4


Task Type
Grouping Strategy

Content Addressed

Building with
(Spotlight Task)

Performance Task/
Performance Task/

Fruit Punch
(Spotlight Task)

Performance Task/
Partner/Group Task


*Graphing Stories

Learning Task
Partner/Small Group

Dependent and
Independent Variables

Set It Up

One Step Equations

Algebraic Expressions

Making Sense of

Performance Task/

Proportions, Rules, and


Analyzing Tables

Performance Task/


Who Has Faulty

Equations (FAL)
When is it Not

Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Performance Task/

Formative Assessment
Statements about
Number Operations
Performance Task/
Its on Sale!










Ratios and Percents


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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

The Catering Job

Culminating Task:
Want Ads

Performance Task/

Culminating Task/

Unit Rates




Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Set It Up

Back to Task Table

Adapted from Thinking Mathematically: Integrating Arithmetic and Algebra in Elementary School (Carpenter,
Franke, and Levi, 2003).

In this task, students will use the balance method to write and solve one-step equations and is
designed as a learning task. Students will also learn why conventions are an integral part of
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a
real-world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an
unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
algebraic representations for given contexts and can create contexts given equations.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent real-world contexts through the use
of real numbers and variables in mathematical expressions, equations.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments using verbal or written explanations accompanied by equations, models, and tables.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model problem situations in symbolic, tabular, and
contextual formats. Students form expressions, equations, or from real-world contexts and
connect symbolic and visual representations.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely define variables. Students substitute solutions into
equations to verify their results.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students use tables to organize information to write
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students seek patterns or structures to model and solve
problems using tables, equations.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students generalize effective
processes for representing and solving equations based upon experiences.
Why do we need conventions in mathematics?
How do I solve a one-step equation?

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Set It Up
Part I.
Marcus has 6 pet rabbits. He keeps them in two cages that are connected so they can go back and
forth between the cages. One cage is orange and the other cage is blue.
1. Show all the ways that 6 rabbits can be in two cages.
Orange Blue
Students may choose to illustrate the above situation with a pictorial representation.
2. Write an equation that represents the rabbits.
r + b = 6 or
Students may need to add an additional column to their table to assist them in writing an
Orange Blue Total
Students may also use their understanding of fact families to write multiple equations that
represent the rabbits.
3. Write a different equation that represents the rabbits.
r + b = 6 or
4. Write a different equation that represents the rabbits.
r + b = 6 or
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Note: Students should analyze the different equations and reflect on the addition and
subtraction properties of equalities. Teachers can also begin a discussion on the
relationship between the properties of equality and inverse operations.

Part II.
Find the weight of the pair of shoes and pair of socks.

13.9 ounces

1. Write an equation that represents the above balance scale.


= 13.9 ounces

2. What does 13.9 represent in the equation?

Thirteen and 9 tenths (13.9) represents the combined weight of the shoes and socks.
3. What do you notice about the shoes if the pair of socks weighs 0.8 ounces? How can you find
the weight of the pair of shoes if the pair of socks weighs 0.8 ounces?
The shoes weigh more than the socks and less than 13.9 ounces if the total weight is 13.9
13.9 0.8 = 13.1
If students use trial and error to determine the weight of the socks, guide them to use a
different method to also find the weight. Guiding questions may be necessary to help
students discover and use the inverse operation to undo the given operation to find the
weight. Students need to determine that they can use the inverse operation to solve
problems. This will help students understand why conventions are put in place to solve
equations and will assist them when solving more complicated equations.
4. How can you find the weight of the pair of socks if the pair of shoes weighs 13.1 ounces?
The socks weigh less than the shoes and less than 13.9 ounces if the total weight is 13.9
13.9 13.1 = 0.8
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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

If students use trial and error to determine the weight of the socks, guide them to use a
different method to also find the weight. Guiding questions may be necessary to help
students discover and use the inverse operation to undo the given operation to find the
weight. Students need to determine that they can use the inverse operation to solve
problems. This will help students understand why conventions are put in place to solve
equations and will assist them when solving more complicated equations.


13.9 ounces

a. Select a variable to represent the athletic shoes (tennis shoes).

Students may select any letter to represent the shoes. To stay consistent we will
select a to represent the athletic shoes.
b. Select a variable to represent the socks.
Students may select any letter to represent the shoes. To stay consistent we will
select s to represent the athletic shoes.
c. Write an equation that represents the above equations using variables instead of
a + s = 13.9
Students may need to first write the equation in words, and then write the equation
using variables.
d. Write an equation in terms of athletic shoes.
a = 13.9 s
Students may think about fact families to help them develop this equation.
e. Write an equation in terms of socks.
s = 13.9 a
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Set It Up
Adapted from Thinking Mathematically: Integrating Arithmetic and Algebra in Elementary School (Carpenter,
Franke, and Levi, 2003).

Part I.
Marcus has 6 pet rabbits. He keeps them in two cages that are connected so they can go back and
forth between the cages. One cage is orange and the other cage is blue.
1. Show all the ways that 6 rabbits can be in two cages.

2. Write an equation that represents the rabbits.

3. Write a different equation that represents the rabbits.

4. Write a different equation that represents the rabbits.

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Part II.
Find the weight of the pair of shoes and pair of socks.

13.9 ounces

6. Write an equation that represents the above balance scale.

7. What does 13.9 represent in the equation?

8. What do you notice about the shoes if the pair of socks weighs 0.8 ounces? How can you find
the weight of the pair of shoes if the pair of socks weighs 0.8 ounces?

9. How can you find the weight of the pair of socks if the pair of shoes weighs 13.1 ounces?

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13.9 ounces

a. Select a variable to represent the athletic shoes (tennis shoes).

b. Select a variable to represent the socks.

c. Write an equation that represents the above equations using variables instead of

d. Write an equation in terms of athletic shoes.

e. Write an equation in terms of socks.

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Building with Toothpicks (Spotlight Task)

Back to Task Table

In this inquiry-based task, students will generalize a formula for expressing the perimeter of a
figure built with toothpicks.
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form
for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative
rational numbers.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will reflect on the
reasonableness of their solutions and conjectures and revise their thinking accordingly.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will discuss
their observations and questions using the language of mathematics.
4. Model with mathematics. Students will use toothpicks to represent visual and spatial
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students will recognize the structure implicit in the
visual and spatial patterns and use this to derive a formula for determining the perimeter of the
nth figure in the sequence.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Through repeated reasoning in the
first four figures of a sequence, students will generalize mathematical relationships into a
formula for determining the perimeter of the nth figure in the sequence.
How do I evaluate an algebraic expression?
How can variables be used to describe patterns?
How do I solve a one-step equation?
Toothpicks (optional)
Copy of generic student work sheet
In this task, students will watch the video (Act 1), then ask what they noticed. They will then be
asked to discuss what they wonder or are curious about. These questions will be recorded on a
class chart or on the board. Students will then use mathematics to answer their own questions
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(Act 2). Students will be given information to solve the problem based on need. When they
realize they dont have the information they need, and ask for it, it will be given to them. Once
students have made their discoveries, it is time for the great reveal (Act 3). Teachers should
support good student dialogue and take advantage of comments and questions to help guide
students into correct mathematical thinking.
While students will probably come up with a wide variety of questions, this task, however, is
designed to encourage students to describe and generalize patterns using algebraic expressions.
Students will also write and solve one-step equations.
While the original task asks students about the perimeter of the shapes, students may go in a variety of
directions. BE FLEXIBLE!!!!! As long as you are working towards finding the formula for the pattern,
you are meeting the goal!

More information along with guidelines for 3-Act Tasks may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.
ACT 1:
Watch the video:
ACT 2:
Student work time to discover how to find the perimeter (area, triangular numbers, etc) of Shape
Students will compare and share solution strategies.
Reveal the answer. Test your theory.
How appropriate was your initial estimate?
Share student solution paths. Start with most common strategy.
Revisit any initial student questions that werent answered.
Does this same rule apply to area? If not, what is the new rule?
Make a new design and find the pattern.
Figurate Numbers:
Provide students with toothpicks to use as manipulatives.
Encourage students to draw out the situation on graph paper.

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Building with Toothpicks

Adapted from Andrew Stadel

What did/do you notice?

What questions come to your mind?

Main Question:_______________________________________________________________
Estimate the result of the main question? Explain?

Place an estimate that is too high and too low on the number line

Low estimate

Place an x where your estimate belongs

High estimate

What information would you like to know or do you need to solve the MAIN question?

Record the given information (measurements, materials, etc)

If possible, give a better estimate using this information:_______________________________

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Act 2 (cont)
Use this area for your work, tables, calculations, sketches, and final solution.

What was the result?

Which Standards for Mathematical Practice did you use?

Make sense of problems & persevere in
solving them

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Reason abstractly & quantitatively

Attend to precision.

Construct viable arguments & critique the

reasoning of others.

Look for and make use of structure.

Model with mathematics.

Look for and express regularity in repeated


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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Fruit Punch (Spotlight Task)

Back to Task Table

This task was adapted from ACHIEVE

In this inquiry-based task, students use proportional reasoning to determine a solution for
fixing a mix of fruit punch that has too much fruit punch mix.
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form
for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative
rational numbers.
MGSE.6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
utilizing strategies such as tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams (bar models), double
number line diagrams, and/or equations.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students determine the desired
ratio for fruit punch mix to water and evaluate whether or not the actual mix is proportionate to
the ratio from the recipe.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will discuss
their observations and questions using the language of mathematics.
4. Model with mathematics. Students may use concrete representations (tiles, chips, etc.) or
drawings (e.g., tape diagrams, number lines, rate tables) to reason about the problem.
6. Attend to precision. Students will attend to units of measure and precise academic language.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students will look for proportionality in various ratios
of fruit punch mix to water in order to determine a solution to the problem.
What is a proportion?
How can proportional relationships be represented using rules, tables, and graphs?
Tiles or chips (optional)
Copy of generic student work sheet (end of this task)

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In this task, students will watch the video (Act 1), then tell what they noticed. They will then be
asked to discuss what they wonder or are curious about. These questions will be recorded on a
class chart or on the board. Students will then use mathematics to answer their own questions
(Act 2). Students will be given information to solve the problem based on need. When they
realize they dont have the information they need, and ask for it, it will be given to them. Once
students have made their discoveries, it is time for the great reveal (Act 3). Teachers should
support good student dialogue and take advantage of comments and questions to help guide
students into correct mathematical thinking.
While students will probably come up with a wide variety of questions, this task, however, is
designed to promote a deeper understanding of proportional reasoning and connect their
understanding of similarity to direct proportions.
More information along with guidelines for 3-Act Tasks may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.
ACT 1:
Watch the video:
ACT 2:
Student work time to discover how fix the situation of the extra scoop being added. What is too
little water? What is too much water?
Students will compare and share solution strategies.
Reveal the answer. Watch the video: Discuss the
theoretical math versus the practical outcome.
How appropriate was your initial estimate?
Share student solution paths. Start with most common strategy.
Revisit any initial student questions that werent answered.
Instead of adding an extra scoop of crystals, what would you do if an extra cup of water
was added?
The recipe calls for 2.5 scoops of crystals for 7 cups of water. How much water is
needed for each scoop of crystal?
Provide students with scoops and cups or tiles to use as manipulatives.
Encourage students to draw out the situation to develop the proportions.
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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Fruit Punch

Adapted from Andrew Stadel

What did/do you notice?

What questions come to your mind?

Main Question:_______________________________________________________________
Estimate the result of the main question? Explain?

Place an estimate that is too high and too low on the number line

Low estimate

Place an x where your estimate belongs

High estimate

What information would you like to know or do you need to solve the MAIN question?

Record the given information (measurements, materials, etc)

If possible, give a better estimate using this information:_______________________________

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Act 2 (cont)
Use this area for your work, tables, calculations, sketches, and final solution.

What was the result?

Which Standards for Mathematical Practice did you use?

Make sense of problems & persevere in
solving them

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Reason abstractly & quantitatively

Attend to precision.

Construct viable arguments & critique the

reasoning of others.

Look for and make use of structure.

Model with mathematics.

Look for and express regularity in repeated


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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

* Graphing Stories

Back to Task Table

Adapted from Van de Walle, Karp, and Bay-Williams. (2010). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics:
Teaching Developmentally, and Lambdin, D. Lynch, R. and H. McDaniel. (2000). Algebra in the Middle Grades.
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 6, 195-198.

In this task, students will reason about the varying relationship between a variety of dependent
and independent variables by representing and discussing stories on open coordinate grids.
MGSE6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that
change in relationship to one another.
a. Write an equation to express one quantity, the dependent variable, in terms of the other
quantity, the independent variable.
b. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using
graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving
motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the
to represent the relationship between distance and time.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of graphs, and
in particular, how one variable relates to another.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent a wide variety of real-world
contexts through the use stories and graphs.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments about how to represent stories with graphs and vice versa.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model problem situations with graphs.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely identify variables and corresponding units of measure.
How does a change in one variable affect the other variable in a given situation?
Student pages (included in task) and a clock or stopwatch
1 to 2 days
In this task, students will start to reason about the quantitative relationship between two variables
that change in relationship to one another by graphing stories on empty coordinate grids.
Students will not actually express these relationships with equations in this task the purpose,
rather, is to get students thinking about how change in one variable relates to change in another
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* Graphing Stories
Introduction: Creating and Comparing Graphs of Two Stories
A girl walks down a set of stairs at a steady pace. When she gets to the bottom, she runs back up
the stairs. Once she gets to the top, she walks around in a circle at a steady pace. Draw a graph
that could represent this story.
Answers will vary slightly. Here is
one possible interpretation.


Look for misconceptions. Some

students may incorrectly represent
walking down with a downward
line, or running up with an
upward line. Point out the units of
measure on each axis to ensure
students are attending to

A boy walks up a hill at a steady pace. When he gets to the top, he runs down the hill. He then
continues walking at a steady pace. Draw a graph that could represent this story.
Answers will vary slightly. Here is
one possible interpretation.


Look for misconceptions. Some

students may incorrectly represent
walking up with an upward line,
or running down with an
downward line. Point out the
units of measure on each axis to
ensure students are attending to

Should the shapes of both graphs be similar? Why or why not?
Yes, they should be mostly similar in shape because in both stories, the child is traveling at a
slow but steady pace, then moving faster at a steady pace, before finally returning to a slower
but steady speed.
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Part II: Matching scenarios to graphs.

Match each story below to a graph on the following page. Be sure to justify your choices with
mathematical evidence.
a. The temperature of a frozen dinner from 30 minutes before it is removed from the freezer
until it is removed from the microwave and placed on the table. (Consider time 0 to be the
moment the dinner is removed from the freezer.) Graph 5

b. The value of a 1970 Volkswagen Beetle from the time it was purchased to the present. (It
was kept in great condition). Graph 4

c. The level of water in the bathtub from the time you begin to fill it to to the time it is
completely empty after your bath. Graph 2

d. Profit in terms of the number of items sold. Graph 6


e. The height of a baseball thrown straight up into the air, from when it is thrown to the time it
hits the ground. Graph 1

f. The speed of the baseball in the situation in item e. Graph 3

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Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3

Graph 4

Graph 5

Graph 6

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You may wish to project

this image on the board.

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Part III Jumping Jack Activity

In groups of 4, you will conduct the following activity. Each student will need to take on one of
the following roles: 1) jumper, 2) counter, 3) timer, and 4) recorder.
The jumper will do jumping jacks for 2 minutes straight.
The counter will count the number of jumping jacks performed aloud.
The timer will monitor a stopwatch/clock and call out, Time! every 10 seconds.
The recorder will keep a written record of the total number of jumping jacks performed at
every 10-second interval.
Before conducting this activity, look at the graphs below. If time is represented on the x-axis,
and the number of jumping jacks performed is shown on the y-axis, make a prediction: which
shape do you think will most likely match your data? Explain your reasoning in the space below.
Answers will vary. Be sure to allow students to debate which ones make sense and which ones
do not make sense (based on this particular context). You may want to ask students to
describe and/or translate each of these representations as a sense-making strategy.

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Now, graph your groups data on the grid below. Connect the dots with a ruler or straight edge.
Data will vary.

1. Explain the shape of your graph. Why is it steeper or flatter in certain parts?
Students should explain that the flatter parts represent either resting time or periods in
which fewer jumping jacks were performed, while steeper parts represent periods in which
many jumping jacks were done within a shorter period of time (thus, the rate of jumping
jacks was higher).
2. How would the shape of your graph change if the sizes of the intervals were changed? Give
an example.
Answers will vary. For example, if the time intervals were smaller, the graph would not be
as wide. If the intervals for jumping jacks were larger, the graph would be shorter.
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Part IV: Create a Secret Location Graph

Using the grids below, create a graph that shows the varying number of people who might be
present in the following secret locations at various times throughout a weekday.
1. The number of people at the grocery store on a weekday. Graphs will vary.
Students should
2. The number of people at your house on a school day. Graphs will vary.
be able to
3. The number people driving a car on the road on a weekday. Graphs will vary.
justify the
4. The number of people at McDonalds on a weekday. Graphs will vary.
shapes of their
5. The number of people at school on a weekday. Graphs will vary.
Back to Task Table
6. The Analyzing
number of people
in a hospital on a weekday. Graphs will vary.

For one of the graphs above, explain the shape you drew. Be sure to relate the shape of the graph to the
context of the scenario.
Responses will vary. Example response: The number of people at McDonalds spikes around 8 A.M.
for breakfast, then tapers off around 9 A.M. when most people are in school or at work. It peaks
again around noon because of lunch time, and then slows down before finally peaking again around
6 P.M. for dinner. After 8 P.M., the number of people at McDonalds drops until it closes at 11 P.M.
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Have students create their own stories to trade with a partner to graph. Or have students
create graphs to trade with a partner to draft a corresponding story.
In Part IV of this task, you may want to assign each scenario to small groups of students.
After the groups create their graph, you can allow students to do a gallery walk and try to
determine which scenarios match the graphs.

Allow students to explore interactive graphs, such as:
This applet allows you to explore interactive distance-time and velocity-time graphs. You
can also take screen shots of various graphical scenarios and allow students to practice
interpreting the graphs (see below).

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Graphing Stories



Introduction: Creating and Comparing Graphs of Two Stories

A girl walks down a set of stairs at a steady pace. When she gets to the bottom, she runs back up
the stairs. Once she gets to the top, she walks around in a circle at a steady pace. Draw a graph
that could represent this story.



A boy walks up a hill at a steady pace. When he gets to the top, he runs down the hill. He then
continues walking at a steady pace. Draw a graph that could represent this story.

Should the shapes of both graphs be similar? Why or why not?

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Part II: Matching scenarios to graphs.

Match each story below to a graph on the following page. Be sure to justify your choices with
mathematical evidence.
g. The temperature of a frozen dinner from 30 minutes before it is removed from the freezer
until it is removed from the microwave and placed on the table. (Consider time 0 to be the
moment the dinner is removed from the freezer.)

h. The value of a 1970 Volkswagen Beetle from the time it was purchased to the present. (It
was kept in great condition).


The level of water in the bathtub from the time you begin to fill it to to the time it is
completely empty after your bath.


Profit in terms of the number of items sold.


k. The height of a baseball thrown straight up into the air, from when it is thrown to the time it
hits the ground.


The speed of the baseball in the situation in item e.

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Part III Jumping Jack Activity

In groups of 4, you will conduct the following activity. Each student will need to take on one of
the following roles: 1) jumper, 2) counter, 3) timer, and 4) recorder.
The jumper will do jumping jacks for 2 minutes straight.
The counter will count the number of jumping jacks performed aloud.
The timer will monitor a stopwatch/clock and call out, Time! every 10 seconds.
The recorder will keep a written record of the total number of jumping jacks performed at
every 10-second interval.
Before conducting this activity, look at the graphs below. If time is represented on the x-axis,
and the number of jumping jacks performed is shown on the y-axis, make a prediction: which
shape do you think will most likely match your data? Explain your reasoning in the space below.

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Now, graph your groups data on the grid below. Connect the dots with a ruler or straight edge.

3. Explain the shape of your graph. Why is it steeper or flatter in certain parts?

4. How would the shape of your graph change if the sizes of the intervals were changed? Give
an example.

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Part IV: Create a Secret Location Graph

Using the grids below, create a graph that shows the varying number of people who might be
present in the following secret locations at various times throughout a weekday.

The number of people at the grocery store on a weekday.

The number of people at your house on a school day.
The number people driving a car on the road on a weekday.
The number of people at McDonalds on a weekday.
The number of people at school on a weekday.
The number of people in a hospital on a weekday.

For one of the graphs above, explain the shape you drew. Be sure to relate the shape of the graph to the
context of the scenario.

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Making Sense of Graphs

Back to Task Table

In this task, students will create and analyze graphs to demonstrate their understanding of direct
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
MGSE6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that
change in relationship to one another.
a. Write an equation to express one quantity, the dependent variable, in terms of the other
quantity, the independent variable.
b. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using
graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving
motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the
to represent the relationship between distance and time.
MGSE.6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
utilizing strategies such as tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams (bar models), double
number line diagrams, and/or equations.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
algebraic representations for given contexts and can create contexts given equations.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent a wide variety of real-world
contexts through the use of real numbers and variables in mathematical equations and graphs
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments to compare the equation and graph.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model problem situations in graphs from equations and
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Coordinate graph and tables.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely place ordered pairs on the coordinate plane.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students seek patterns or structures to model and solve
problems using tables and equations.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students generalize that as k gets
larger the line gets steeper.
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How can proportional relationships be represented using rules, tables, and graphs?
How can algebraic expressions be used to model real-world situations?
How can we solve simple algebraic equations, and how do we interpret the meaning of the
graph paper
colored pencils
It is important for students to compare multiple graphs and describe the variation that occurs
between the graphs and their corresponding equations. Teachers should support good student
dialogue and take advantage of comments and questions to help guide students into correct
mathematical thinking.

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Making Sense of Graphs

The graph below shows the amount of money required to buy gasoline if the cost per gallon is

a. What two quantities vary proportionally in this situation?

The price of gas varies proportionally with the number of gallons of gas purchased.
b. What is the value of the constant of proportionality? What does this value represent in the
context of the problem? How is the constant of proportionality represented on the graph?
The constant of proportionality is 2. This value represents the price per gallon of gas.
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c. Write an equation to represent this situation.


The constant of proportionality is 2 which means = .

Therefore, y = 2x.
d. Suppose gas prices rose to $3.00 per gallon. How would the graph change? Explain your
The graph would get steeper, because for every one increase in the number of gallons
purchased, there is an increase of $3.00 in the cost instead of $2.00. Over the same amount
of horizontal increase, there is a larger vertical increase, which would make the graph

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e. Write an equation to represent the situation in part d.


The constant of proportionality is 3 which means = .

Therefore, y = 3x.
Extension change the gas price to $4.50 per gallon. Graph and explain the changes to the
graph. Do this with several different prices for practice. Students could also come up with their
own gas prices and explain how their graph looks. Questions to ponder Are the graphs getting
steeper? Where would a line be on the graph given a certain gas price?

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Making Sense of Graphs

The graph below shows the amount of money required to buy gasoline if the cost per gallon is

a. What two quantities vary proportionally in this situation?

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

b. What is the value of the constant of proportionality? What does this value represent in
the context of the problem? How is the constant of proportionality represented on the

c. Write an equation to represent this situation.

d. Suppose gas prices rose to $3.00 per gallon. How would the graph change? Explain
your reasoning.

e. Write an equation to represent the situation in part d.

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Analyzing Tables

Back to Task Table

In this task, students will demonstrate a deeper understanding of direct proportions through
tables, graphs, and rules (equations).
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
MGSE6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that
change in relationship to one another.
a. Write an equation to express one quantity, the dependent variable, in terms of the other
quantity, the independent variable.
b. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using
graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving
motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the
to represent the relationship between distance and time.
MGSE.6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
utilizing strategies such as tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams (bar models), double
number line diagrams, and/or equations.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
algebraic representations for given contexts and can create contexts given equations.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent a wide variety of real-world
contexts through the use of real numbers and variables in mathematical, equations, and graphs
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments to compare the equation and graph.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model problem situations in graphs from equations and
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Coordinate graph and tables.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely place ordered pairs on the coordinate plane.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students seek patterns or structures to model and solve
problems using tables and equations.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students generalize that as k gets
larger the line gets steeper.
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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

How can proportional relationships be represented using rules, tables, and graphs?
How can algebraic expressions be used to model real-world situations?
How can we solve simple algebraic equations, and how do we interpret the meaning of the
graph paper (optional)
It is important for students to communicate their understanding of direct proportions using
multiple representations. Students should also explain how each representation demonstrates
proportional reasoning. Teachers should support good student dialogue and take advantage of
comments and questions to help guide students into correct mathematical thinking.
Ask students to graph each data set. Compare graphs to proportional data sets and sets that are
not proportional.

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Analyzing Tables
Consider the tables below where the x- and y-values represent two quantities. For each table, do
the following:
a. Do the quantities vary proportionally? Explain how you know.
b. Write a rule for each table in words.
c. Write the rule as an equation.
Table 1



a. The quantities x and y vary proportionally because = for each pair of values.

b. In other words, the ratio between the two quantities y and x is constant (2).
c. For each entry in the table, y is two times x. Rule: y = 2x

Table 2







a. The quantities x and y vary proportionally because =

for each pair of values.

b. In other words, the ratio between the two quantities y and x is constant .
c. For each entry in the table, y is one-tenth times x. Rule: =

or =

Table 3





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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4



a. The quantities x and y do not vary proportionally because is not constant for each pair of

b. In other words, the product between the two quantities y and x is constant (1).
c. For each entry in the table, y times x is equal to 1 or y is 1 divided by x.

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Analyzing Tables
Consider the tables below where the x- and y-values represent two quantities. For each table, do
the following:
a. Do the quantities vary proportionally? Explain how you know.
b. Write a rule for each table in words.
c. Write the rule as an equation.
Table 1











Table 2

Table 3

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Who Has Faulty Thinking? (Formative Assessment Lesson)

Source: Georgia Mathematics Design Collaborative, 2013
Back to Task Table
Click here to download this FAL from the Georgia Mathematics Teacher Wiki Forum

In this task, students will translate between word sentences and equations and produce
appropriate equations in more than one way.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
This Formative Assessment Lesson will help you to identify and support students who have
difficulty in:
Representing an unknown number for a given problem
Writing an equation to represent a mathematical problem
Read a problem situation
Determine and identify the unknown of the problem situation
Assign a variable to represent the unknown
Write down what the variable represents
Write an equation that will find the value of the unknown for the problem situation

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Real-life Equations (Formative Assessment Lesson)

Back to Task Table

Source: Formative Assessment Lesson Materials from Mathematics Assessment Project
In this task, students will make sense of equations that express the relationship between two realworld variables, as well as explore the meaning of variables in contextualized equations.
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.
Look for and make use of structure.

Tasks and lessons from the Mathematics Assessment Project are specifically designed to help
teachers effectively formatively assess their students. The way the tasks and lessons are designed
gives the teacher a clear understanding of what the students are able to do and not do. Within the
lesson, teachers will find suggestions and question prompts that will help guide students towards
understanding. For more information access the MAP website:
The task, Real-life Equations, is a Formative Assessment Lesson (FAL) that can be found at the
The FAL document provides a clear lesson design, from the opening of the lesson to the closing
of the lesson. NOTE: This FAL is also called Interpreting Equations.
The PDF version of the task can be found at the link below:

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

When Is It Not Equal?

Back to Task Table

In this task, students will write and solve one-step inequalities and graph them on the number
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE.6.EE.8 Write an inequality of the form x < c or x > c to represent a constraint or
condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x < c
or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
algebraic representations for given contexts and can create contexts given inequalities.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent a wide variety of real-world
contexts through the use of real numbers and variables in mathematical inequalities. Students
contextualize to understand the meaning of the number or variable as related to the problem and
decontextualize to manipulate symbolic representations by applying properties of operations.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments using verbal or written explanations accompanied by inequalities and number lines.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model inequality situations on a number line.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students use number lines to graph inequalities.
Students use tables to organize information to write inequalities.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely define variables.

What strategies can I use to help me understand and represent real situations using
How can I write, interpret and manipulate inequalities?
How can I solve an inequality?
How are the solutions of equations and inequalities different?

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

When Is It Not Equal?

Particular care should be used when working with inequalities not to utilize negative numbers.
Students will be exposed to negative numbers in unit 6 and will also deal with graphing them
at that time. This task will restrict to positive rational numbers.
Write an inequality for the following statements.
1. You need to earn at least $50.
x > 50
2. You can spend no more than $5.60
x < 5.60

3. The trip will take at least 4 hours.

4. The car ride will be less than 8 hours.
5. Four boxes of candy contained at least 48 pieces total.
4x > 48
6. With Johns 7 marbles and mine, we had less than 20 marbles together.
x + 7 < 20
7. Seven buses can hold no more than 560 students.
7x < 560

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Graph the following inequalities:

8. p > 17

9. b < 7

10. t < 4

11. r > 10

12. k < 18

13. m > 1

14. d > 2

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Circle the numbers that are part of the solution for the inequalities below.
15. x + 2 > 5


10 )

16. v 4 < 10



15 )

17. 4b < 15


6 )

/3 r > 3



30 )

19. 0.5w > 2.3


10 )

20. t + 1.5 < 3.6

( 0.6




3.2 )

Write an inequality for each situation.

Students are translating the verbal expressions into statements of inequality, not solving
21. What is the minimum number of 80-passenger buses needed to transport 375 students?
Choose and justify a solution (4, 4 11/16, 5)

80b > 375

4 11/16 and 5 are solutions to the inequality but 5 is the answer to the question.
22. What is the minimum speed needed to travel at least 440 miles in 8 hours? Choose and
justify a solution (54 mph, 55 mph, 56 mph)
8r > 440
55 and 56 are solutions the inequality but 55 is the answer to the question
23. What is the least number of boxes needed to package 300 candies if each box will hold 16
candies? Choose and justify a solution (18, 18 , 19 )
16b > 300
18 and 19 are solutions to the inequality but 19 is the answer to the question

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

When Is It Not Equal?

Write an inequality for the following statements.
1. You need to earn at least $50.
2. You can spend no more than $5.60
3. The trip will take at least 4 hours.
4. The car ride will be no more than 8 hours.
5. Four boxes of candy contained at least 48 pieces total.
6. With Johns 7 marbles and mine, we had less than 20 marbles together.
7. Seven buses can hold no more than 560 students.
Graph the following inequalities:
8. p > 17
9. b < 7
10. t < 4
11. r > 10
12. k < 18
13. m > 1
14. d > 2

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Circle the numbers that are part of the solution for the inequalities below.
15. x + 2 > 5


10 )

16. v 4 < 10



15 )

17. 4b < 15


6 )

18 1/3r > 3



30 )

19. 0.5w > 2.3


10 )

20. t + 1.5 < 3.6

( 0.6



3.2 )

Write an inequality for each situation.

21. What is the minimum number of 80-passenger buses needed to transport 375 students?
Choose and justify a solution (4, 411/16, 5)

22. What is the minimum speed needed to travel at least 440 miles in 8 hours? Choose and
justify a solution (54 mph, 55 mph, 56 mph)

23. What is the least number of boxes are needed to package 300 candies if each box will hold 16
candies? Choose and justify a solution (18, 18 , 19 )

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Evaluating Statements about Number Operations

(Formative Assessment Lesson)

Back to Task Table

Source: Formative Assessment Lesson Materials from Mathematics Assessment Project
In this task, students will represent inequalities algebraically and in words, while substituting
values into inequality statements in order to test their validity.
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a realworld or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
MGSE.6.EE.8 Write an inequality of the form x < c or x > c to represent a constraint or
condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x < c
or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
6. Attend to precision.
Tasks and lessons from the Mathematics Assessment Project are specifically designed to help
teachers effectively formatively assess their students. The way the tasks and lessons are designed
gives the teacher a clear understanding of what the students are able to do and not do. Within the
lesson, teachers will find suggestions and question prompts that will help guide students towards
understanding. For more information access the MAP website:
The task, Evaluating Statements about Number Operations, is a Formative Assessment Lesson
(FAL) that can be found at the website:
The FAL document provides a clear lesson design, from the opening of the lesson to the closing
of the lesson.
The PDF version of the task can be found at the link below:
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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Its On Sale!

Back to Task Table

In this task, students will solve retail problems using proportional reasoning.
MGSE.6.RP.3c Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g. 30% of a quantity means
30/100 times the quantity); given a percent, solve problems involving finding the whole
given a part and the part given the whole.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
proportion to represent the given situation and solve to find the answer.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
written explanations for their work with percent.
6. Attend to precision.

How can proportions be used to solve problems?

How is percent used to solve problems?

Its on Sale!
Answer Key
1. A) $170.50
B) $6,125
C) 70%
D) $4,335.50

2. 735 total cars

3. Lucy is 120
4. The total bill
was $86
Rachel is 160 cm

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5. A) 25%
B) 3
C) 75%, 9

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Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4


Its On Sale!
Part 1
Dishwashers on sale for 45% off. Original price is $310.

Washer and Dryer combo for $2450. This is 40% off the original price.

Refrigerator was $2450 and is now $1,715.

1. Logan went to the local appliance store and bought a washer/dryer set, a refrigerator, and a
dishwasher. She was thrilled to discover that all the items were on sale.

A. How much did the dishwasher cost at the sale price?

B. What was the original price of the washer/dryer set?

C. The refrigerator is on sale. Logan wants to know what percent of the original price she paid
for this item.

D. What is the total amount she spent on all the items she purchased? Explain how you
found her total cost.
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Part 2

Solve the given problems and show your work.


In the annual car show, 40% of the cars in the main display area are used cars. Given that
294 cars are used cars, what is the total number of cars in the show?


Rachel is 40 cm taller than Lucy. Rachel is 25% taller than Lucy. How tall is Lucy?


Mike and Chris went to dinner. Chris insisted that they leave a 20% tip for the waitress.
Mike left a $17.20 tip. How much was their bill before the tip?


Jenny and Tim run a bed and breakfast in Crawford, Georgia. Jenny painted of her
rocking chairs red to match her new door.

A. What percent of her chairs did she paint red?

B. Jenny has 12 chairs on her front porch. How many chairs are painted red?

C. If she wants to paint all her chairs red, what percent still need to be painted? How
many chairs need to be painted?

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

The Catering Job

Back to Task Table

In this task, students will reason about unit rates to determine best deals.
MGSE.6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose he appropriate
way to solve problems involving unit rates. Students will choose the best deals given several
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will construct
written arguments to proof which is a deal is best using unit rate.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely divide numbers to the hundredths place.
How can proportions be used to solve problems?
How is unit rate helpful when solving problems?

The Catering Job

Mrs. Smith works for a catering company. She is in charge of buying the food for a special
event. It is very important to her boss that she buy the supplies at the best unit rate.
1. Below are the prices Mrs. Smith found on shrimp:

Kroger sells a package of 15 shrimp for $8.99. (unit rate $0.59)

Publix sells a package of 12 shrimp for $8.34. (unit rate $0.69)
The Bluffton Oyster Company sells a package of 20 shrimp for $10.02. (unit rate $0.50)

Where should she buy the shrimp? Show your work and WRITE an explanation for Mrs. Smith
to give to her boss to show him that she chose the best deal on shrimp. The Bluffton Oyster
Company is the best deal. Students have a written explanation that includes the unit rate for
each of the three stores.

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2. Below are the prices she found on potatoes:

Kroger sells 10 pound bags of potatoes for 3.69 (unit rate $0.37)
Publix sells 5 pound bags of potatoes for $2.45 (unit rate $0.49)
Wal-Mart sells 20 pound bags of potatoes for $7 (unit rate $0.35)

Where should she buy potatoes? Show your work and WRITE an explanation for Mrs. Smith to
give to her boss to show him that she chose the best deal on potatoes. Wal-Mart is the best deal.
Students have a written explanation that includes the unit rate for each of the three stores.

3. Below are the prices Mrs. Smith found on corn on the cobb:

Snooks sells 25 pieces of corn for 12.50 (unit rate $0.50)

Publix sells 3 pieces of corn for $1 (unit rate $0.33)
The Farmers Market sells 12 pieces of corn for $4.80 (unit rate $0.40)

Where should she buy corn on the cob? Show your work and WRITE an explanation for Mrs.
Smith to give to her boss to show him that she chose the best deal on corn on the cob. The
Farmers Market is the best deal. Students have a written explanation that includes the unit
rate for each of the three stores.

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4


The Catering Job

Mrs. Smith works for a catering company. She is in charge of buying the food for a special
event. It is very important to her boss that she buy the supplies at the best unit rate.
1. Below are the prices Mrs. Smith found on shrimp:

Kroger sells a package of 15 shrimp for $8.99.

Publix sells a package of 12 shrimp for $8.34.
The Bluffton Oyster Company sells a package of 20 shrimp for $10.02.

Where should she buy the shrimp? Show your work and WRITE an explanation for Mrs. Smith
to give to her boss to show him that she chose the best deal on shrimp.

2. Below are the prices she found on potatoes:

Kroger sells 10 pound bags of potatoes for 3.69

Publix sells 5 pound bags of potatoes for $2.45
Wal-Mart sells 20 pound bags of potatoes for $7

Where should she buy potatoes? Show your work and WRITE an explanation for Mrs. Smith to
give to her boss to show him that she chose the best deal on potatoes.

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

3. Below are the prices Mrs. Smith found on corn on the cobb:

Snooks sells 25 pieces of corn for 12.50

Publix sells 3 pieces of corn for $1
The Farmers Market sells 12 pieces of corn for $4.80

Where should she buy corn on the cob? Show your work and WRITE an explanation for Mrs.
Smith to give to her boss to show him that she chose the best deal on corn on the cob.

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GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Culminating Task: Want Ads

Back to Task Table

In this task, students will demonstrate their understanding of direct proportions as applied to the
context of newspaper want ads.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
MGSE6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that
change in relationship to one another.
a. Write an equation to express one quantity, the dependent variable, in terms of the other
quantity, the independent variable.
b. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using
graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving
motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the
to represent the relationship between distance and time.
MGSE.6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
utilizing strategies such as tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams (bar models), double
number line diagrams, and/or equations.
MGSE.6.RP.3a Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole-number
measurements, find missing values in the tables, and plot the pairs of values on the coordinate
plane. Use tables to compare ratios.
MGSE.6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students choose the appropriate
algebraic representations for given contexts and can create contexts given equations or
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students represent a wide variety of real-world
contexts through the use of real numbers and variables in mathematical expressions, equations,
and inequalities
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
arguments using verbal or written explanations accompanied by expressions, equations,
inequalities, models, graphs, and tables.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model problem situations in symbolic, graphic, tabular,
and contextual formats. Students form expressions, equations, and inequalities from real-world
contexts and connect symbolic and visual representations.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students use number lines to graph equations and
inequalities. Students use tables to organize information to write equations and inequalities.
6. Attend to precision. Students precisely define variables.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students seek patterns or structures to model and solve
problems using tables, and equations. Students seek patterns or structures to model problems
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using tables and inequalities. Students apply properties to generate equivalent expressions (i.e. 6
+ 2x = 3 (2 + x) by distributive property) and solve equations (i.e. 2c + 3 = 15, 2c = 12 by
subtraction property of equality, c = 6 by division property of equality).
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students generalize effective
processes for representing equations and inequalities based upon experiences. Students will be
solving for equations.

What is a proportion?
How can proportions be used to solve problems?
How can proportional relationships be described using the equation y = kx?
How can proportional relationships be represented using rules, tables, and graphs?
How can the graph of y = kx be interpreted for different contexts?
How can algebraic expressions be used to model real-world situations?
How can we solve simple algebraic equations, and how do we interpret the meaning of the

In this task, students will demonstrate their understanding of direct proportions. Students will
demonstrate algebraic thinking using current newspaper Want Ads. The investigation will
have several parts. It is important for students to communicate their understanding of direct
proportions using multiple representations. Students should also explain how each representation
demonstrates proportional reasoning. Teachers should support good student dialogue and take
advantage of comments and questions to help guide students into correct mathematical thinking.
While this task may serve as a summative assessment, it also may be used for teaching and
learning. The task is designed assess students at the end of the unit, yet aspects may be
interspersed appropriately throughout the unit so that students are aware of what is expected of
them. It is important that all elements of the task be addressed throughout the learning process.

Want Ads
1. Select an advertised position with an hourly rate from the want ads.
Possible Solution (A page of want ads is attached for your use)
Answers will vary. The rest of the solutions will assume a $10.00 per hour job.
2. How much money would you make at this job if you worked one hour? Two hours?
Three hours? Four hours? Five hours? Zero hours?
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Possible Solution







3. What is the greatest amount of money you could earn in one week at your job? Explain
your reasoning.
Possible Solution
If I ate while I worked, worked 7 days a week, and only slept 7 hours per night, I could
work 17 hours a day for 7 days which would be 119 hours, and I would make $1,190.
4. Write a variable expression that represents how much you will be paid if you work x
hours at your selected rate.
Possible Solution
5. Evaluate your expression when x = 35. Explain what your answer means in this situation.
Possible Solution
350. If I worked 35 hours, I would make $350.
6. If y equals the total amount you are paid, write an equation that represents how much you
will be paid if you work x hours at your selected rate.
Possible Solution
y = 10x
7. Make a table of values containing five coordinate pairs ( x, y ) , each of which satisfies your
Possible Solution

8. Plot the points you found in question 7. Describe what your graph looks like.
Possible Solution
A line through the origin that goes up and to the right.
9. Suppose you got a raise and made $2.00 more per hour. How do you think your graph
would change?
Possible Solution
It would be steeper because for the same amount of horizontal change, there is more
vertical change (for every one hour, the pay increases by $2)
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
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July 2015 Page 73 of 96
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

10. Suppose your hourly rate is k dollars. Write the equation that represents how much you
will be paid, y, if you work x hours.
Possible Solution
y = kx
11. If you wanted to earn $600, how many hours would you need to work at your job?
Answers will vary based upon hourly rate.
12. If you wanted to earn $1500, how many hours would you need to work at your job?
Answers will vary based upon hourly rate.
13. If you wanted to earn at least $1000, what is the minimum number of hours would you
have to work at your job?
Answers will vary based upon hourly rate, students should realize this question
involves an inequality. Students should solve an equation (expression = 1000) and
should be able to write a related inequality (greater than or equal to 1000)

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Culminating Task: Want Ads

Entry Salaries for Professional Occupations
Career: Actuaries
Description: Actuaries analyze the financial costs of risk and uncertainty. They use
mathematics, statistics and financial theory to assess the risk that the risk that an event will occur
and to help businesses and clients develop policies that minimize the cost of that risk. Hourly
rate: $40.00 per hour
Career: Accountants and Auditors
Description: Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that
financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and
auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
Hourly rate: $30.00
Career: Financial Analysts
Description: Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals making
investment decisions. They assess the performance of stocks, bond, and other types of
investments. Hourly rate: $35.00
Career: Aerospace Engineers
Description: Aerospace engineers design aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. In
addition, they test prototypes to make sure that they function according to design. Hourly rate:
Career: Computer Programmers
Description: Computer programmers write code to create software programs. They turn the
program designs created by software developers and engineers into instructions that a computer
can follow. Hourly rate: $35.00
Career: Cost Estimators
Description: Cost estimators collect and analyze data to estimate the time, money, resources,
and labor required for product manufacturing, construction projects, or services. Some
specialize in a particular industry or product type. Hourly rate: $25.00

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Culminating Task: Want Ads

1. Select an advertised position with an hourly rate from the want ads.

2. How much money would you make at this job if you worked one hour? Two hours?
Three hours? Four hours? Five hours? Zero hours?

3. What is the most amount of money you could earn in one week at your job? Explain your

4. Write a variable expression that represents how much you will be paid if you work x
hours at your selected rate.

5. Evaluate your expression when x = 35. Explain what your answer means in this situation.

6. If y equals the total amount you are paid, write an equation that represents how much you
will be paid if you work x hours at your selected rate.

7. Make a table of values containing five coordinate pairs ( x, y ) , each of which satisfies your

8. Plot the points you found in question7. Describe what your graph looks like.

9. Suppose you got a raise and made $2.00 more per hour. How do you think your graph
would change?

10. Suppose your hourly rate is k dollars. Write the equation that represents how much you
will be paid, y, if you work x hours.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
Richard Woods, State School Superintendent
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

11. If you wanted to earn $600, how many hours would you need to work at your job?

12. If you wanted to earn $1500, how many hours would you need to work at your job?

13. If you wanted to earn at least $1000, what is the minimum number of hours would you
have to work at your job?

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July 2015 Page 77 of 96
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

*Unit Web Links

Back to Task Table
Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities
MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a
question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use
substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or
inequality true.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a
real-world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an
unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
MGSE.6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational
MGSE.6.EE.8 Write an inequality of the form x < c or x > c to represent a constraint or
condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x < c
or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line
PARCC Prototype Item:

Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities

Richard Woods, State School Superintendent
July 2015 Page 78 of 96
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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework
GSE Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 4

Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and

independent variables.
MGSE6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that
change in relationship to one another.
a. Write an equation to express one quantity, the dependent variable, in terms of the other
quantity, the independent variable.
b. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using
graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving
motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the
to represent the relationship between distance and time.
Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
MGSE.6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
utilizing strategies such as tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams (bar models), double
number line diagrams, and/or equations.
See links listed in Unit 2
MGSE.6.RP.3a Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole-number
measurements, find missing values in the tables, and plot the pairs of values on the coordinate
plane. Use tables to compare ratios.
See links listed in Unit 2
MGSE.6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant
See links listed in Unit 2
MGSE.6.RP.3c Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g. 30% of a quantity means
30/100 times the quantity); given a percent, solve problems involving finding the whole
given a part and the part given the whole.
See links listed in Unit 2
MGSE.6.RP.3d Given a conversion factor, use ratio reasoning to convert measurement
units within one system of measurement and between two systems of measurements
(customary and metric); manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying
or dividing quantities. For example, given 1 in. = 2.54 cm, how many centimeters are in 6
See links listed in Unit 2
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 4: One Step Equations and Inequalities
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