2 6 Wishon
2 6 Wishon
2 6 Wishon
6 Instructional Design - model and facilitate the effective use of research-based best
practices in instructional design when designing and developing digital tools, resources,
and technology-enhanced learning experiences.
The Lesson Plan Project was completed in ITEC 7430. The goal of this assignment
was to create a public service announcement to raise awareness for childhood obesity.
This reflection discusses how this artifact was able to do that.
This project utilized the research-based best practice of student-centered collaborative
learning in completing a project where I used a constructivist approach and acted as a
facilitator instead of a direct instructor. In order for this approach to be effective, I
modeled how to use Edmodo, Google Docs, Flip Cameras or other recording devices,
video editing software such as iMovie or MovieMaker, and the use of Google Drive as a
place for the students upload their videos. By modeling for the students how to use
these technologies, I was able to assume the role of facilitator and watch the students
work collaboratively to create and produce a project that was able to be shared with
their classmates and in some instances the school as a whole. The students gained
valuable experience working in an environment where they were their own problem
solvers and learned to ask and find the answer to the questions they had working
collaboratively instead of relying on me to answer them.
From completing this artifact, I learned that a teacher can use a constructivist approach
to teaching where student-centered assignments are completed and still be in control of
the classroom. For so long, I was fearful that in taking on the role of a facilitator or colearner, I would have a hard time controlling the students. This experience not only
changed my view of the constructivist approach, it reinforced all I had learned about the
effectiveness of student-centered instruction. If I were to change anything from this
assignment, I would have allowed the students to choose to address issues relating to
childhood obesity as well such as the rise in type two diabetes among children. This
would provide a deeper look at some of the issues facing children who are obese and
would have also provided viewers more information relative to childhood obesity.
This artifact definitely impacted student learning in a positive way. Students became
more comfortable working collaboratively with one another. Students also learned how
to use several different forms of technology to use the research they conducted to
produce a public service announcement. The impact of this artifact was assessed at
the end of the unit when the public service announcements were turned in and graded
using technology and content standards.