Nutkins Registration Pack 2015

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Registration Form

Name of child:
Date of birth:
Address (including postcode):
Parents/Guardians name/s and Telephone No:
Email Address:
Who has parental responsibility for your child?
Who is authorised to pick up your child ?
Any other Contact names or numbers in the
event of us being unable to contact any of the
above ?
Name, Address and Tel No of Doctor :
Immunisations up to date:


Any other information including Dietary, Medical

and Allergies:
Language spoken at home:
Any others professionals involved with your
family? (e.g. social worker, health visitor) etc.
I, the parent/guardian of the child named above give my permission for the child to attend hospital
with a member of Nutkins staff in an emergency at the playgroup leaders discretion. I have read,
understood and agree to the preschool policies and procedures.
Parent/Guardian signature..........................................................................................Date..................................
Any other information or concerns (Please use other side if required)

Staff Use
Date of Birth Verified:


[email protected]

Start Date :
(very important)
07595 603498

This Parental Declaration will set out the hours and patterns of access to the Funding that the
parent and provider have agreed to and will be valid the entire time the child attends the setting.
The notice period to leave the setting is 4 weeks. Failure to adhere to this may result in
the repayment of your funding or it being withdrawn at a new Provider.
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
Child/rens details to be completed by the Parent / Carer

First Name: _________________________

Date of Birth: __/__/__

Surname: ______________________________

Gender: Male / Female (delete as appropriate)

Has the childs DOB been verified (i.e. birth certificate/medical card): Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Postcode: __________________________
Home Tel: __________________________


Maximum entitlement remains at 15 hours per week if claiming EEE / 2YOO at 2 Providers
(max 570 hour/year if over more than 38 weeks).
1 ) Setting Name

Date Registered

Date Started

Days / Hours Attending

per week

Hours Claiming
per term

2 ) Setting Name

Date Registered

Date Started

Days / Hours Attending

per week

Hours Claiming
per term

Does your child attend a provision in a borough other than Havering: Yes / No
If yes please complete the name of the Provider:
1 ) Setting Name

Borough Name





Parental Declaration
By signing this declaration, I agree with the following conditions of the funding:
I understand that the 15 hours free entitlement must be free at the point of delivery and that I
cannot be charged for this in advance.
I have received a detailed parent guide from the Provider and have been advised of additional
services available for my child and I understand that I will have to pay fees for these services.
I understand that I have to provide notice, in line with the Provider terms and conditions, in order
for the funding to follow my child if they move to another setting during the funded term.
If I do not adhere to the notice period as stated on this agreement I agree that I may be liable for
the cost of the funding at this or any other provider.
I understand that if my child leaves the Provider they will complete a Funding Transfer Form.
My child is not registered to claim more than 15 hours funding.
I have not been charged a Registration / Administration Fee in relation to this place.
Signature Parent / Carer / Guardian:
Name Parent / Carer / Guardian:
Relationship to Child:
Date: ___/___/___

Provider use:
Date of review:
Date: ___/___/___

New Child Registration Form

Complete in BLOCK CAPITALS using one form per child and record the childs details as they appear on the birth
Proof of address should be provided for the applying parent
Please ensure that an ethnicity code has been selected. Should a parent / carer not wish to provide a code, this must be
entered on to the form as REFU (Did not wish to be recorded).
Once completed a copy of this form should be made available to the parent / carer.
Please ensure you parent has read and understood the declaration before signing this form.

Provider Name
Registration date

Start Date at setting

The child below may

be eligible for (please

EEE Two Year Old Funding

EEE Three Year Old


Early Years Pupil Premium

for three and four year olds

Child details
First Name

Date of birth



Gender (please tick)




Home Address and postcode

First /Home Language Spoken

Parental Funding Declaration Form in
place? (please refer to EEE Guidance for
further information)



Parent / carer details

Parents claiming the EEE for two year olds and the Early Years Pupil Premium must also provide their Date of Birth*
and National Insurance Number (NINO) or National Asylum Seekers (NAS) Number**.

First Name


Contact number


Home Address and postcode (if different from above)

Proof of address

Council Tax bill / Gas Bill / Electricity Bill / Water Bill

Date of Birth*


Ethnicity Codes
The Ethnicity Codes provided are classified by the Department for Education (DfE) for Schools and Early Years provisions and
will be used to identify take up of early years places across xxxxx. Please tick the code which best describes your childs

White, British
White, Irish
Traveller of Irish Heritage
Gypsy / Roma
White, any other White Background
Mixed, White and Black Caribbean
Mixed, White and Black African
Mixed White and Asian
Mixed, any other mixed background
Asian or Asian British, Indian
Asian or Asian British, Pakistani
Asian or Asian British, Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British, Any other Asian Background
Black or Black British, Caribbean
Black or Black British, African
Black or Black British, Any other Black background
Any other ethnic background
Did not wish to be recorded
Not Obtained

Funding Requests for Early Education for Twos and Early Years Pupil Premium - To be eligible for funding your family
must be in receipt of one of the following:

Income Support
Income-based Job Seekers allowance
Universal Credit
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child tax Credit (provided you are not also entitlement to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no
more than 16,190)
The child has been in local-authority care for 1 day or more in England or Wales (Evidence Required)
The child has been adopted from care in England or Wales (Evidence Required)
The child has left care through a special guardianship or a child arrangement order in England or Wales (Evidence
The child is entitled to for Disability Living Allowance (Two Year Olds Only Evidence Required)

Parental Agreement please delete as appropriate

I have received the Early Educational Entitlement Free Places for 2, 3 and 4 year Olds A detailed guide for
Parents and Guardians
I agree to the Local Authority using the information provided to enable my childs setting to claim Early Education
Entitlement for my two, three or four year old and / or the Early Years Pupil Premium.
The information I have given on this form is complete and accurate. I understand that my personal information is held
securely and will only be used for the administration of early years funding.

Parent / Carer signature:...Date:

Permissions (please answer all statements)

CCTV I DO / DO NOT ( Please delete) give permission for my child
To be recorded on the CCTV cameras in the building for the purposes as described in the CCTV Policy of
which I have a copy of. (Not applicable at Nutkins, Bretons or Playdays 3)
Food I DO / DO NOT give permission for my child to eat food at Preschool which has been donated or
provided by the preschool or parents. This may include homemade cakes, bread or other produce. I
understand that any food preferences or allergies will be actioned by the staff prior to my child being
offered the food. I confirm that any food or snack items which I bring into Preschool for the children to
consume will be in line with Food Hygiene requirements, eg only Pre-Bagged / Pre-Washed Fruit and
Vegetables, or items that are in packaging (not loose fruit or vegetables).
Learning Journey I DO / DO NOT give permission for my childs key person to take home their learning
journey to update as required. I understand that the paperwork will be taken straight home and that
confidentiality will be upheld at all times.
Photographs During your childs time at preschool we would like to take photographs as evidence of our
work to show Ofsted. These photos will be for use within the setting and for our records only they will
not be used externally. I DO / DO NOT give consent for photographs to be taken by pre-school staff.
Outside Agencies I DO / DO NOT give consent for staff and other agencies such as Ofsted, Area
Senco, Health Visitor to carry out and record observations on my child for the purposes of developmental
Outings I DO / DO NOT give consent for my child to be taken out of the setting as part of our daily
activities. I understand that additional consent will be requested for major outings.
Video I DO / DO NOT give consent for the nursery/parent audience (please delete as appropriate) to
record public show events such as Christmas/Easter/Sports Day etc on video.
Facebook I DO / DO NOT give permission for my childs photo (without name) to be used on the
settings Facebook page, website, newsletter and/or local newspaper (please delete as required).
Sunscreen I DO / DO NOT give consent for sunscreen to be applied to my child when necessary.
Changing Clothes It may be necessary to change your childs clothing as a result of messy play,
wet/soiled clothing etc. I DO / DO NOT give permission for the preschool to change my childs clothing
as required.
Nappies I DO / DO NOT give permission for the setting to change my childs nappy as and when
Transitions To support smooth transitions between ourselves and your childs next setting or a setting
they currently attend, it is important to share relevant information such as observations, photos, reports
and data. I DO / DO NOT give permission for this information to be passed on.

Childs Name ..Parents Signature Date.

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