lpwk36 7gr8
lpwk36 7gr8
lpwk36 7gr8
Desired Results
Established Goals/Objective:
Students will continue with their journey to think critically, incorporating executive functions as they,
practice for graduation.
Identify the elements [art] (Per state goal 25A) and demonstrate knowledge
and skills to create visual works of art using manipulation, eye-hand coordination, and building imagination, (Per
state goal 26B). Students [will] understand how the arts shape and reflect history, society and everyday life. (Per
state goal 27)
Essential Questions:
Expectations of graduates
How to think analytically and critically
Executive function
How to move as one entity
Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Learning Plan
Learning Activities: Monday: Students will view a short snippets of Mr. Magoriums Wonder
Emporium and reflect upon the next step of his apprentice Tuesday: Students will ditto Mondays
activities Wednesday: Ditto Tuesdays work. Thursday: Begin critique . Friday: Walk-a-thon.
Monday: Students will review expectations of a graduate and discuss their next step. Tuesday:
Continue with practice. Wednesday: Boat trip Thursday: Graduate
Strategy Key
CS-Coop Structure
GO-Use of Graphic Organizers
PC-Peer Coaching
DI-Direct Instruct
M- Modeling
G/MP-Guided Monit Practice
IP-Id Practice
Assessment Key
SE-Self Evaluation
I/GP-Id/Grp. Proc
GCA-Graded Class Assignment
PTL-Perf Task List
RR: Running Record
TOD-Tea Obs w/Doc
P/PR-Pres/Proj w/Rubric
Practice for graduation
As various groups rotate into
the art room they will view a
video that can be applied to
art and their final days as
eighth graders