Bertoncin 2d Design
Bertoncin 2d Design
Bertoncin 2d Design
Instructor: Jeff Bertoncin
Email: [email protected]
Course Description:
The Advanced Placement Studio courses are offered through the Advanced Placement Program
sponsored by the College Board ( The requirements of the curriculum in this
course lead to the production of a portfolio which can be submitted as the performance assessment to the
Advanced Placement service. The portfolio will be created regardless of a students intent to submit it to
the College Board for grading. The assessment determines if the student is recommended for college credit
in studio art, and this credit is given by the college or university the student attends. It may result in college
credit hours and/or testing out of 101 courses in drawing or design. These courses are for the gifted and
interested students since they require considerable investment of time and energy as well as attainment of a
certain level of ability in the production of the arts.
The 2D Design Portfolio is designed to address a very broad interpretation of design issues and
media. Light and shade, line quality, use of color, composition, surface manipulation, and illustration of
depth are drawing issues that can be addressed through a variety of means, which could include painting,
printmaking, mixed media, etc. Abstract, observational, and inventive works may demonstrate drawing
competence. The range of marks used to make drawings, the arrangement of those marks, and the materials
used to make the marks are endless.
Course Competencies
Competencies for all art courses are based on achievement in areas of Art History, Art Production,
Art Criticism and Aesthetics.
1. This is an Advanced Placement class and will involve a great deal of outside the classroom
work on projects. This is considered on the level as homework. There will be at least two afternoons a week
that the art room will be available for students to work. (Competency: Art Production)
2. Students will be reading about, writing about and discussing art. Some projects have an element
of art history and classroom assignments will involve discussions of styles and motivation for art work
based on the culture and/or artist. (Competency: Art History; Aesthetics)
3. We do classroom critiques of all student projects. These critiques are based on the language of
art and how effectively the student has accomplished each task as assigned. (Competency: Art Criticism)
Course Expectations
All students enrolled in AP Studio Art are required to have successfully completed (C or above)
Drawing I and Transparent Painting or Opaque Painting. Their collected portfolio will be the basis for their
Advanced Placement portfolios
Breadth Section
1. AP students will be given a summer assignment sheet and meet with the instructor before the
end of the previous school year to discuss expectations and production. They will be given the
responsibility of completing those assignments during the summer break.
2. During the school year, students will be given outside classroom assignments both working in
their sketchbook and in completing assigned finished projects.
3. AP students will be assigned in class projects based on figure, still life, perspective and portrait.
These assignments are intended to create a well-rounded portfolio. Media will vary from project to project
and for some work they will have a choice.
Self Reflection:
Writing: Students will be assigned a period of time, on a regular basis to think about their
motivation for their 2D Design concentration. They will be asked to reflect on their ideas and they will
record of these reflections either by listing words or creating narrative to support their ideas and reflections.
As they develop their word lists they will be asked to focus on the words that are most attractive to them
and begin a narrative on ideas and images that would support their reflection.
Sketching: At this point students should be ready to sketch images that will support their
reflections. They will look for the images that support their interest. They will start simply and loosely in
order to be open to images that just happen as well as the ones that are comfortably planned.
Research: Using resources provided by the instructor, and on line searches, students will
find artists and art movements that reflect their ideas and images. Students will investigate how have other
artists treated the students concentration subject matter and communicated it visually? They will begin to
develop their own ideas for the finished work.
Artistic Integrity
All students in the high school art department are instructed in the use of source materials and
expected to apply that knowledge to their AP Portfolio. Working from published photographs or the works
of another artist is a copyright violation. Ongoing discussions about how to use source material as a
reference to original work will take place. Examples of work that has encroached on others work will be
shared and ideas on how to transform work into an original style will be discussed. Duplicated work from
online, magazine, or otherwise copyrighted images will be rejected for the student's portfolio.
Course Overview:
Course work for AP Studio 2D Design is separated into three distinct sections: Quality, Breadth
and Concentration.
Quality Section
Quality refers to the total work of art. Mastery of drawing should be apparent in the composition,
concept, and execution of the works, whether they are simple or complex. There is no preferred (or
unacceptable) style or content. For this section students are asked to submit actual works.
Breadth Section
The students work in this section should demonstrate and understanding of the principles of design
including unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, figure/ground
relationships. Successful works of art require the integration of the elements and principles of design;
students must therefore be actively engaged in these concepts while thoughtfully composing their art. The
work in this section should show conceptual, perceptual, expressive and technical range.
Three approaches are used in creating their Breadth section:
1. Previous work from advanced art classes.
2. Outside classroom assignments, both summer and school year.
3. In class assignments presented by the instructor.
Concentration Section
A concentration is a body of related works describing an in-depth exploration of a particular
artistic concern. It should reflect a process of investigation of a specific visual idea. It is not a selection of a
variety of works produced as solutions to class projects or a collection of works with differing intents.
Students should be encouraged to explore a personal, central interest as intensively as possible; they are
free to work with any idea in any media that addresses design issues. The concentration should grow out of
the students ideas and demonstrate growth and/or discovery through a number of conceptually related
works. In this section, the evaluators are interest not only in the work presented but also in visual evidence
of the students thinking, selected method of work, and development of the work over time.
Students will develop a concentration through self-reflection and research will spend time in sketch
book writing, sketching and experimenting with ideas and concepts that will meet the criteria for a
2D design concentration. This section will be in the form of digital images.
Concentration Statement:
A written commentary describing what the students concentration is and how it evolved will be
done at the beginning of the concentration, after 6 pieces are completed and reviewed before included with
the Portfolio for grading.
1. What is the central idea in their concentration.
2. How does the work in their concentration demonstrate the exploration of their ideas? Students
can refer to specific images as examples.
Artists Statements
Prior to submitting concentrations to the College Board for grading, students will present their
work to the class along with an artists statement. This is their final critique and is done in a formal style
Self-Critique - An important element is ongoing self-assessment and reflection. Students will be
asked to self-assess their concentration each time it is presented using one of the two assessment tools
provided. Each tool asks for a reflection on the current work, its creation and success. The four criteria are:
Class Critique every two weeks the class will do a group critique of fellow students completed
concentrations. Students will make written notes in the sketch journals reflecting on the four parts of the
Formal Critique.
Students will then share their thoughts with comments that encourage, educate and inform being
reinforced by the teacher. Students will be guided to use the elements and principles of design in their
conversations as they analyze and interpret the work.
Ongoing conversations will be initiated by the instructor as to art, what it is, and students
reactions to certain works. Time will be allotted every two weeks to reflect on current ideas of art and their
place in todays society and journaling in response to open ended questions about art and the creative
process. These questions will come from NAEA, MNEA and fine art magazines as well as on line research.
Time Management
Students will be expected to manage their time in class to complete. The majority of work will
need to occur outside of class and the student will have to plan work, extracurricular activities around
projects to complete the amount of work needed for this class. I will be available after school on Mondays
from 2:30-3:30 pm most weeks to open the classroom for work and instructional assistance. Depending on
my schedule for the week, I can usually arrange to stay after on other days as asked.
This class is very heavy in the production of work. Students are not graded by the score they
receive from the Collage Board exam, although the scoring guides used in class reflect the guidelines of the
AP exam. Below is the grading system used for this class.
Project Procedures:
1. Extra Help: I will be available most days after school for students who need extra help or time
to complete their projects. Those times will be posted in the room in a prominent place.
2. Incomplete/Late Work: Because this course is an extremely project intense course, we must
help hold students accountable in completing work on a timely basis. All AP 2D Design assignments will
have a due date. Only extraordinary circumstances will affect a due date for a project. If a student is absent
on a due date, to receive full credit, their return must be accompanied by a note from the parent or guardian.
From time to time students will be asked to bring resources from home to the classroom.
Students will not be able to do their projects without these resources and will therefore
face a deficit in classroom time to complete quality projects.
Students who enroll in Advanced Placement Studio Art Courses and their parents/guardians will
be asked to sign an AP Commitment form. This form will outline the rigor of the course and course
expectations. The intent is for there to be no surprises as the course unfolds for either the students or their
School Policy: Once students enter the classroom, they are not allowed to leave for the first 15
or last 10 minutes of a class. Our goal is to protect instructional time and to cut down on the number of
kids who are asking to leave at the beginning of class or the end of class. Students lack of preparation
by not having their books or needing to use the restroom will not be an excuse. Only in extreme
emergencies will that student be allowed to leave.
Semester 1
Week one through four
Students will inventory portfolios. Work that has been created during the students art career will be
counted, critiqued and inventoried.
Students will review the AP Studio Art Course Description focusing on 2D Design
Out of classroom assignment: students will begin reflecting, writing and sketching in sketchbooks in an
effort to discover the focus of their concentration.
In class drawing will consists of excises in line weight, movement, gesture line, contour line drawing, and
continuous contour line drawing.
In class will focus on showing depth with linear perspective, placement, detail and color.
Weeks four through five
Students will create a work demonstrating two-point perspective, atmospheric perspective, contrast, and
balance using form.
Weeks six through seven
Focus will be on figure drawing though gesture lines, contour lines and continuous contour line. Line
weight will be included in criteria for successful work.
Weeks eight through ten
Drawing from life in sketchbooks will be the emphasis. The students will be given a series of drawings that
will be completed in this two-week period. The focus will be on the elements and principles that dominate
their work.
Students will write a descriptive paragraph describing their work. Essential questions will consist of: How
was line used? What principles were emphasized in the completion of the drawing? Is there significant
emphasis on particular elements? What did you discover about your approach to composition?
Weeks eleven through twelve
Students will use their reflections and observations from previous weeks to develop their concentration
more fully. At this time a preliminary concentration statement will be prepared.
Students will work on small drawings in pen & ink, charcoal, chalk pastel, & graphite to test their skills in
media control.
Weeks thirteen through fifteen
The focus will be on the use of computer enhanced images using Adobe Photoshop. Basic skills will be
assessed with downloaded images. Color, line, emphasis and unity will be the focus. Concentrations #1
and #2
Students will learn to scan images from their sketchbook and, using Adobe Photoshop filters, manipulate
the images.
Instruction will be given on completing Concentration Reflection and Self-Assessment rubric.
Weeks sixteen through eighteen
Students will complete their #3 and #4 concentration pieces. At end of eighteenth week, concentrations are
Winter Break Assignment
Students will be assigned Concentration #5 and #6 to be completed during the winter break.
Semester 2
Weeks 1 through Week 2
Concentration #7 and Critique
Students will assess progress during first semester. They will revisit their inventory and make additions.
Students will make a three project projection. They will define their idea, media and application to their
Weeks 3 through Week 4
Concentration #8 and Critique
Students will present their portfolio to date and the class will formally critique the work that has been
created. Each student will do a written critique of the work displayed.
Weeks 5 through Week 6
Concentration #9 and Critique
Students will be instructed in creating digital images. Students will schedule a time for photographing and
will be responsible to keeping digital images taken up to date.
Weeks 7 through Week 8
Concentration #10 and Critique
Students will inventory their portfolio and make decisions on the work that will be included in their breadth
section. They will continue creating digital images.
Weeks 9 through Week 10
Concentration #11 and Critique
Decisions will be made concerning the Quality Section of the Portfolio. Ideas will be shared with the
teacher and class for input. They will continue to save digital images.
Weeks 11 through Week 12
Concentration #12 and Critique
Students will begin to develop their Artists Statements which will reflect their motivation for their
concentration, a brief biography and art education and comments on two specific pieces in their
Weeks 13 through Week 14
Strong 4
Good 3
Weak 2
Poor 1
Demonstrates a
good understanding
of Elements &
Principles of design.
Shows purposeful
Shows an emerging
awareness of
Elements &
Principles of design.
Shows little
awareness of
Elements &
Principles of design.
Composition is
Demonstrates little
skill in composition.
Problems are not
resolved. The work
is poorly effective
in supporting the
Technique and
media show an
limited success
Work is inept.
Good evidence of
problem solving.
The work is
effective in
supporting the
concentration. Has a
sound visual impact.
Technique and use
of media handled
Demonstrates some
skill in composition.
Shows effort, but
problems not
resolved. The work
is somewhat
effective in
supporting the
Technique and
media show some
Shows a lack of
understanding of the
Elements &
Principles of design.
Demonstrates little
skill in composition.
Problems are not
resolved. The work
does not support the
Techniques and use
of media are
Why did you rate yourself the way that you did? (2+ sentences) 1 pts
What are some of the dominant shapes, expressive forms, color schemes, and textures that carry
significance in the work? (2+ sentences) 4 pts
Is the work ordered/balanced? Or chaotic/disturbing? What makes for the order or chaos? Would you use
words such as unity, variety, contrast, balance, movement, and rhythm to describe characteristics of this
work? Explain. (3+ sentences) 6 pts
Does the work evoke any feelings (calm, happy, sad, peaceful, energetic, etc.)? To what do you ascribe
your feelingthe use of colors, shapes, technique, value, contrast, exposure, and/or theme? (2+ sentences)
Is there symbolism used in the work to convey meaning other than what one sees? Explain either way. (2+
sentences) 4pts
What is your general impression the work? What did you want the viewer to think about? Did you
successfully get your message across? (3+ sentences) 6 pts
Rubric Score
x 20 = __________________points
/200 pts
/75 pts
Advanced Placement
Personal Reflection/Teacher Assessment
Concentration #______
Name _______________________ AP Course _________ Date ______
What is your concentration? ___________________________________
What media did you use? ______________________________________
Describe and analyze your concentration.
Rate your project. Circle your response, 5 being the highest.
Piece supports concentration
Concentration is creatively supported
Work is technically sound
If you were to grade this piece you
would grade it:
Use of class time