Vilseck Elementary School Literacy Project (Proposal)
Vilseck Elementary School Literacy Project (Proposal)
Vilseck Elementary School Literacy Project (Proposal)
Vilseck Elementary School will construct a systemic structure to have
Balanced Literacy fully implemented in all Kindergarten through Grade Five
classrooms by School Year 2016-2017. This implementation is based on
the tenants of the DoDEA Pacific Literacy Project (PLP). Many of the
features of the PLP will be utilized in the Vilseck Literacy Project:
Balanced Literacy framework
Instructional Support Specialists (ISS) functioning in the Literacy
Support Specialist (LSS) and Literacy Facilitator (LF) fashion.
Literacy Partnership meetings with VES Administration and ISSs on
a bi-weekly basis.
Professional Development for the ISSs on all eight components of
Balanced Literacy and Literacy Coaching
Professional Development for Classroom teachers and Specialists
involved in the teaching of English Language Arts about all eight
components of Balanced Literacy
A gradual roll out of the program with K-1 in the first year of
implementation (2014-2015), Grades 2-3, and Multiage, (2015-2016)
and Grades 4-5 the following year (2016-2017).
The Response To Intervention (RTI) framework based on tiered
Data tracking to support the RTI to move students in and out of
services or within the service continuum
Differentiated Professional Development
SY 2013-2014
(Pre-Implementation for K-1)
Resources Needed
Substitute Days for .5 day of training
8 (6 Kindergarten, 5 First
in May 2014
Grade, 2 LI teachers, 1 ESL
3 Literacy Facilitators/Literacy
Support Specialists will
participate without substitute
Resources Needed
Substitute Days for two .5 day of
14 (6 Kindergarten, 5 First
Grade, 2 LI teachers, 1 ESL
13 (3 Multiage, 4 Second, 4
Third, 1 LI Teacher, and 1
Gifted Education Teacher)
3 Literacy Facilitators/Literacy
Support Specialists will
participate without substitute
35 Days
Resources Needed
Substitute Days
SY 2014-2015
o 20 Professional Development days requested
15 K-2 classroom teachers
Incorporate 5 specialists (Special Education, ESL, etc.)
into the training
Training will consist or 2 half days of trainings in August
and January.
SY 2015-2016
o 35 Professional Development days requested
10 Third through Fifth Grade teachers
25 days to be utilized for further Professional
Development for the K-2 teachers that launched VLP in
SY 2014-2015.
Remaining days to be used for new K-2 teachers to VES
that will require differentiated Professional Development
to meet their needs and catch up with the Balanced
Literacy practices introduced to K-2 in SY 2014-2015
SY 2016-2017
o 35 Professional Development days requested
All K-5 classroom teachers and specialists that work with
Balanced Literacy will continue to receive differentiated
Professional Development based on needs assessments
These trainings will be held in half day increments based
on then needs of the staff
Different grade levels educators or specialists will
attend sessions based on their Professional
Development needs throughout the school year.
Utilization of the Bavaria District Instructional Support Specialist