Short Range Learning Objectives/ Standards For Unit 2 Grade Economics Unit

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3. Short Range Learning Objectives/ Standards for Unit (LO 2.2) (APS 1&2)
2nd Grade Economics Unit:
The objectives for this unit were to understand goods and services and the importance of money in our
economy. I designed this unit to include direct, interactive, and independent instructions. The students are
taught through direct instruction and visual and kinesthetic learning: making $1.00 and H2Olympics. The
students are given many opportunities during this unit to be hands on but also to be taught directly by me,
with me asking students questions to determine their prerequisite knowledge. One of my goals for this
unit is to provide students will differentiated instruction, which will allow them opportunities to work on
their own, experiment, and have fun learning.

Unit Objectives, Standards, Strategies, Accommodations/ Adaptions,

and Assessments
Lesson 1: Goods and Services
Lesson Objective: Students will be able to correctly identify examples of community
workers/members and determine whether they provide goods or services with 80%
Social Studies- 2-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the role of goods
and services and supply and demand in a community.
Indicator 2-3.1: Summarize the role of community workers who provide goods and
Instructional Strategy(s): Interactive instruction- students were cooperative learning
during each station.
Accommodations/ Adaptions:
Extended time
Definition of some of the cards will be given
Assessment: Students will watch a short video on goods and services. We will create an
anchor chart with the definition of each and some examples. There will be a card on each
desk and the students will rotate and have to determine if what is listed on the card is a
good or service. We will check their answers as a class.

Lesson 2: Lemonade For Sale Read-Aloud and Journal Write

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to identify key details in a text about goods and
services. Also, they will be able to write an explanatory text about what good or service
they would provide the community of Ninety Six.

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ELA- 2.SL.2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or
information presented orally or through other media.
ELA- 2.W.2: Write an informative/explanatory text in which they introduce a top, use
facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Instructional Strategy(s): Indirect instruction- students will think and talk about what
they have heard in the story. Also I will use the strategy, independent study when they are
doing their journal entry.
Accommodations/ Adaptions:
Extended time
Prompt written on the Promethean board (color coded)
Larger lined paper
Assessment: I will read aloud to the class and we will have a reflective discussion during
different times in the story. Students will create a graphic organizer and then write a
journal entry with what they put into their graphic organizer.

Lesson 3: Making One Dollar

Lesson Objective: Students will use coins to make one dollar with 80% accuracy.
Math- 2.MD.8: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and
pennies, using $ and symbols appropriately.
Instructional Strategy(s): Direct instruction- drill and practice
Accommodations/ Adaptions:
Extended time
Hair technique
Assessment: Students will complete a page in their math book with my help and then
they will complete two pages on their own and I will check them. They will also
complete their homework pages for this lesson.

Lesson 4: H2Olympics
Lesson Objective: Students will experiment with water drops on the four different coins.
They will predict and record data onto a line plot or graph.
Science- 2.S.1A.3: With teacher guidance, conduct structured investigations to answer
scientific questions, test predictions and develop explanations: (1) predict possible

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outcomes, (2) identify materials and follow procedures, (3) use appropriate tools or
instruments to collect qualitative and quantitative data, and (4) record and represent data
in an appropriate form. Use appropriate safety procedures.
Math-2.MD.10 Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to
represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put together, take-apart, and
compare problems using information presented in a bar graph.
Instructional Strategy(s): Interactive instruction- peer partner learning
Accommodations/ Adaptions:
Extended time
Written instructions for each group
Assessment: Students will make their predictions on a chart for each coin. They will then
conduct the experiment with each coin. As they are conducting the experiment they will
create a bar graph or line plot to show the results. They will then compare their
predictions and actual results in a math equation.

Lesson 5: Mrs. Dorns Market

Lesson Objective: Students will use the money they have collected over the weeks
(income) period to buy products from our classroom store. They will have to tell me
how much money have total and write it the correct way with either $ or symbols.
Math- 2.MD.8: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and
pennies, using $ and symbols appropriately.
Social Studies- 2-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the role of goods
and services and supply and demand in a community.
Social Studies- 2-5.1:Identify examples of markets and price in the local community and
explain the roles ofbuyers and sellers in creating markets and pricing.
Instructional Strategy(s): Interactive instruction and independent study
Accommodations/ Adaptions:
Extended time
Assessment: As a class we will talk about good and services and review the different
coins and how many of each make $1.00. Students will be called to the back of the room
to come to the market. While they are at their desk they will bee completely a worksheet
with money, goods, and services. After we will go over the worksheet and I will collect it
as a post assessment for the unit.

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