Assignment 2 Part 1 Interpolations and Compensations
Assignment 2 Part 1 Interpolations and Compensations
Assignment 2 Part 1 Interpolations and Compensations
Question 1
Construct NC program for the
drawing as depicted in Figure
1. Use the cutter radius
compensation in the program.
Cutter will be a 0.5 in dia. end
mill. Start contour from the
lower left corner of part and mill
around outside of part .625
deep. Mill around outside of
part using cutter compensation
to offset the cutter, and then
define the actual part geometry
to position the tool around part.
Question 2
Construct NC program for the drawing as depicted in Figure 2. To program this part profile, use the .750
diameter end mill, starting at the lower left hand corner. Use cutter radius compensation, and climb cut
part profile with only one finish pass .450 deep. Calculate the spindle speed and feed.
Tool 1: