This document contains a list of references or sources used in a publication. It includes 11 sources such as books on designing user interfaces, electronic commerce, accounting systems, developing online stores, and software engineering. The sources cover topics like user experience design, e-commerce, accounting, web development with PHP and MySQL, and HTML/CSS. They were published between 2001 and 2012 by various publishers including Addison-Wesley, Informatika, Ardana Media, and Apress.
This document contains a list of references or sources used in a publication. It includes 11 sources such as books on designing user interfaces, electronic commerce, accounting systems, developing online stores, and software engineering. The sources cover topics like user experience design, e-commerce, accounting, web development with PHP and MySQL, and HTML/CSS. They were published between 2001 and 2012 by various publishers including Addison-Wesley, Informatika, Ardana Media, and Apress.
This document contains a list of references or sources used in a publication. It includes 11 sources such as books on designing user interfaces, electronic commerce, accounting systems, developing online stores, and software engineering. The sources cover topics like user experience design, e-commerce, accounting, web development with PHP and MySQL, and HTML/CSS. They were published between 2001 and 2012 by various publishers including Addison-Wesley, Informatika, Ardana Media, and Apress.
This document contains a list of references or sources used in a publication. It includes 11 sources such as books on designing user interfaces, electronic commerce, accounting systems, developing online stores, and software engineering. The sources cover topics like user experience design, e-commerce, accounting, web development with PHP and MySQL, and HTML/CSS. They were published between 2001 and 2012 by various publishers including Addison-Wesley, Informatika, Ardana Media, and Apress.
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B. Shneiderman, C. Plaisant. (2010). Designing The User Interface. Addison Wesley.
Budisety, H. (2011). Sukses Membangun Toko Online dengan E-Commerce. Yogyakarta: C.V ANDI OFFSET. Connolly, Thomas M., Begg, Carolyn E. (2008). Business Database System. Addison Wesley. E. Turban, David K, J. Lee, T. Liang, D. Turban. (2012). Electonic Commerce 7th Edition. United State: Pearson. Mulyadi. (2001). Sistem Akutansi 3th Edition. Salemba Empat. Nugroho, A. (2003). Memahami Perdangan Modern di Dunia Maya. Bandung: Informatika. Nugroho, B. (2008). Membuat Aplikasi Penjualan dengan PHP & MySQL. Jakarta: Ardana Media. P. Maclntrye, B. Danchilla, M. Gogala. (2011). Pro PHP Programming. Apress. Pressman, Roger S. (2010). Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Shelly, Woods, Dorin. (2010). HTML,XHTML, and CSS 6th Edition. Shelly Cashman Series. Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Enginering 9th Edition. Sommerville.