Minjina Kuhinjica-Pileća Čorba - Chicken Soup
Minjina Kuhinjica-Pileća Čorba - Chicken Soup
Minjina Kuhinjica-Pileća Čorba - Chicken Soup
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Stavite pile da se kuva. Povre oistite i iseckajte na komadie, veliina i oblik po elji :) Na malo ulja proprite povre.
Kuvano pile oistite od kostiju, meso iseckajte i dodajte proprenom povru. Naliti proceenom vodom u kojoj se kuvalo pile i
kuvati jo 20 minuta. Zainiti biberom i biljnim zainom po ukusu. Na kraju dodati iseckani perun i neutralnu pavlaku.
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Chicken soup
1 chicken (less than 1 kg)
4 potatoes
2 bigger carrots
1 bigger red (or regular) onion
1 tomato
100ml of neutral cream
Cook the chicken and clean and cut the vegetables in any shape you want. Fry them in a bit of oil. Remove the bones from the
chicken, cut the meat and add it to the fried vegetables. Pour the water in which you cooked the chicken over the meat and
the vegetables and cook for additional 20 minutes. Add pepper and spices to taste. Towards the end, add the parsley and
neutral cream.
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