BFG Daemon Run
BFG Daemon Run
BFG Daemon Run
Emperors Chosen
Grey Knights strike cruiser
Grey Knights strike cruiser
3 x Gladius class frigates
4 x Hunter class destroyers
3 x Nova class frigates
The Chaos fleet takes the first turn.
Generate Celestial Phenomena from the Deep Space
Generator table. The Grey Knights player may place 1
additional asteroid field anywhere on the board between the
mid-point and his board edge after the Chaos player sets up.
The sunward edge is either of the short edges.
The Chaos player places their entire fleet within 30cm of the
sunward edge.
The Grey Knights player places their entire fleet within 30cm
of the opposite short edge.
The Grey Knights use the standard Space Marine fleet rules.
Inquisitor Coldiron affords a +1 boarding modifier.
The game lasts until the Favoured Concubine is destroyed or
escapes via the short edge opposite its set up area.
Favoured Concubine escapes without being boarded
Major Chaos Victory
Favoured Concubine escapes after being boarded
Minor Chaos Victory
Favoured Concubine is destroyed without being boarded
Minor Grey Knight Victory
Favoured Concubine is destroyed after being boarded
Major Grey Knight Victory
Any other result is a draw.
Because of their deviant desires and lust for forbidden
pleasure, Lady Erzsebets Slaaneshi fleet had been reluctant
to give up their new found diversions, but with Abaddons
withdrawal from the Gothic Sector, the Imperial forces
became too numerous to remain. Belatedly, the Slaaneshi
fleet began its run towards the Eye of Terror.
Acting on information from his Inquisitorial operatives,
Inquisitor Lord Coldiron and the Grey Knights were able to
intercept the Chaos force as it began its run into deep space.
As the two fleets closed to contact, Brother-Captain Andros
manoeuvred his fleet behind a line of asteroid fields to mask
their approach. With a screen of Thunderhawks in the lead,
the Grey Knight strike cruisers, along with the two squadrons
of frigates, emerged from the left side of the asteroid belt. The
Chaos screening vessels surged forward to meet the threat.
As her escorts sped forward to meet the Imperial forces, the
Favoured Concubine launched waves of fighters and bombers
to support them. The Chaos fleet was unaware that the battle
barge, Divine Blade, along with the destroyer squadron were
skirting the opposite side of the asteroid field lining up for a
flank attack.
With her escorts drawn off, the approach to the Favoured
Concubine was clear, or so it seemed. As the Divine Blade
closed at full speed, its sensors detected the faint signature of
an enemy vessel off its starboard bow. Suddenly the threat
boards on the Divine Blade lit up with warning lights and
screaming alarms as an enemy vessel was detected close on
board. The Daemonette had materialized from the Warp and