9732 - 2011 H2 Economics

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(Syllabus 9732)

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

The syllabus is intended to provide the basis for a broad understanding of economics. Specifically,
the syllabus aims to develop in candidates:

1. an understanding of fundamental economic principles, theories and concepts, and of the

methods of analysis used by an economist;

2. the ability to use the tools of economic reasoning to explain, analyse and resolve economic
issues, and evaluate policy decisions;

3. the habit of reading critically, from a variety of sources, to gain information about the changing
economic activities and policies at the national and international levels;

4. the ability to use evidence in making rational arguments in economic context and understand the
roles of various economic agents.

Candidates are expected to demonstrate:

Understanding of

1. the main concepts, principles and theories employed within the field of economics

2. methods of analysis in economics

Ability to

3. understand and interpret economic information presented in textual, numerical or graphical form

4. select and apply economic concepts and principles to explain and analyse contemporary events
at the micro and macro levels

5. recognise unstated assumptions

6. make interpretations and valid inferences from information presented and evaluate the reliability
of information given

7. evaluate alternative theoretical explanations and perspectives of economic problems, issues and
policy decisions

8. organise and communicate economic ideas and arguments in a clear, logical and appropriate

1. Market System
This theme provides an introduction to the nature of economics and examines the operation of markets for goods and services. It also focuses on
how consumers and producers make decisions about the choices they face, recognising that in the market economy, both are motivated by self-
interest. Candidates should be able to understand the price mechanism as a means of allocating resources and be able to apply demand and supply
analysis to real world situations.

Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

1.1 Scarcity, Choice and Opportunity Cost

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

 Scarcity, choice and resource allocation  Explain the problem of limited resources and unlimited wants
- Concept of scarcity  Explain the concept of opportunity cost and the nature of trade-offs in the allocation of
- Inevitability of choices at all levels (individual, resources using production possibility curve analysis
firm, government) and concept of opportunity  Apply the basic concept of comparative advantage in everyday living and explain its
cost benefits in terms of specialisation, division of labour and exchange

 Explain that economic agents make decisions to arrive at the best alternative based on
 Applications of concept of opportunity cost their objectives
- Production possibility curve: shape and shifts  Understand that economic agents weigh the incremental benefits against incremental
- Comparative advantage and exchange costs in decision-making
- Specialisation and division of labour
- Rational decision-making by consumers, firms [An awareness that equality between Price (P) and Marginal Cost (MC) may not hold in
and government reality is required.]
Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

1.2 Resource Allocation in Competitive Markets

 Determinants of demand and supply for goods [A broad understanding of why demand curve is generally downward sloping and why
and services supply curve is upward sloping is required. A brief description without numerical illustration
will be sufficient.]

 Determination of equilibrium market prices  Identify the main influences on demand and supply in product markets

 Role of price mechanism in resource allocation in [Knowledge of the theoretical derivation of demand and supply curves is not required but
a market based economy the goals of consumers and producers in the market should be made explicit.]

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

 Applications of demand and supply analysis to  Understand that consumers and producers use the marginalist principle in decision-
various markets making
- Concept of elasticity of demand and supply  Apply knowledge of basic model of demand and supply to various markets
- Factors influencing the elasticity of demand  Understand the significance of demand and supply factors in influencing the price and
and supply in the short-run and long-run quantities traded

 Explain elasticity concepts and its applications e.g. an understanding of why and how
changes in prices of a product affect the business sales and revenue

[Elasticity characteristics of straight line demand and supply curves are not required.]
Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

1.3 Firms and How They Operate

 Objectives of firms  Understand the concept of profit as the difference between total revenue and total
- profit maximisation cost
- alternative objectives  Understand that firms make price and output decisions based on the marginalist
 Costs of production
- short run vs long run [An awareness of other possible objectives of firms is required.]
- fixed cost vs variable cost
- internal vs external economies of scale [An understanding of the concepts of Average Revenue (AR), Marginal Revenue (MR),

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

Average Total Cost (ATC) and Marginal Cost (MC) will be sufficient. Concepts on product
curves and derivation of the cost curves are not required.]

[An understanding that total cost incorporates a necessary minimum economic reward for
firms to remain in the market is required.]

[An understanding of the significance of variable costs and irrelevance of fixed costs in the
pricing and output decisions of firms is required. The diagram to explain short-run shut-
down condition is not required.]

 Spectrum of market competition  Explain the key features of each of the market structures
- features of the different market structures  Explain how firms compete in the respective market structures based on their features
- barriers to entry  Understand the relevance of barriers to entry in explaining differences between market
- behaviour of firms structures
• price discrimination  Apply these models in analysing and comparing markets and evaluate their usefulness
• price vs non-price competition as explanations of real world competitive behaviour
• collusion vs competition  Use the concept of profits to illustrate real world competitive behaviour of firms
• mutual interdependence in the case of (in protecting their profits)
- comparison on the basis of productive and [The geometrical explanation of the kinked demand curve is not required.]
allocative efficiency, equity, innovation and
consumer choice
2. Market Failure and Government Intervention
This theme examines the nature of market failure, its causes and possible policy remedies. Candidates should be able to understand why markets
may not allocate resources efficiently and the methods of dealing with market failure, together with an evaluation of their effectiveness.

Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

2.1 Market Failure

 Meaning of market failure and efficiency  Analyse why market dominance, imperfect information and immobility of factors of
production can lead to inefficiency
 Why markets may not work efficiently  Understand that externalities exist when there is a divergence between private and
- Market imperfections social costs/benefits

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

- Positive and negative externalities  Illustrate positive and negative externalities in both production and consumption using
- Public and merit goods simple demand and supply diagrams

 Inequalities in the distribution of income and [An understanding of what is meant by deadweight loss is necessary when discussing
wealth market failure. However, the analysis of deadweight loss using the concepts of consumer
and producer surplus is not required.]

2.2 Government Intervention in the Market

 Rationale for government intervention  Understand what is meant by a cost-benefit approach in the context of externalities

 Methods by which government intervene in [Knowledge of the technical methodology of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), including
markets and the impact on market outcomes discounting is not required.]

 Government failure  Explain why governments intervene in the markets to correct market failures
 Examine the various methods by which governments intervene in markets
 Discuss how governments may create inefficiencies when they intervene in markets
due to factors such as political objectives, administrative costs and lack of information
3. National and International Economy
This theme provides an introduction to the key indicators of economic performance, the basic AD/AS and AE-Income analysis, and the main
objectives and instruments of government policy. Candidates should be able to acquire a good knowledge of recent economic trends and
developments in Singapore and the international economy. Candidates should also be able to appreciate the possible underlying causes of these
trends and developments and to evaluate the effectiveness of government policies in the light of these events.

Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

3.1 Key Economic Indicators

 National Income Statistics [Gross Domestic  Understand the model of national income as a circular flow involving households,

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

Product (GDP) and Gross National Product firms, government and the foreign sector
(GNP)]  Explain the significance of each of the key economic indicators
 Interpret statistical data
 Inflation rate  Use the key indicators to assess the economic performance of an economy, including
international comparisons
 Unemployment rate  Analyse the limitations of using the indicators to measure economic performance as well

as standard of living of an economy including international comparison

 Balance of Payments (BOP)
[The construction of Consumer Price Index (CPI) is not required.]

[A broad understanding of the role of foreign direct investment, as a component of BOP, in

the Singapore economy is relevant.]

[The construction and computation of BOP account is not necessary but candidates should
have a broad understanding of the main accounts such as current and capital accounts, and
Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

3.2 How the Macroeconomy Works

 Income and Employment Determination  Explain what is meant by equilibrium in the macroeconomy using the circular flow of
- Key determinants of aggregate demand (AD) income and how the equilibrium output is determined
and aggregate supply (AS)  Explain the Multiplier Effect and recognise its limited effects in the Singapore
- Determination of equilibrium level of output economy
and price  Use AD/AS or AE-Income analysis to determine equilibrium level of output and price
- Meaning, components of Aggregate
Expenditure (AE) and their determinants
- Income determination using AE-Income

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

 Explain government macroeconomic objectives in relation to inflation, employment,
 Macroeconomic Aims, Issues and Policies economic growth and the balance of payments
- Aims and issues  Analyse the causes of economic problems in these areas, including the significance
• Inflation of cyclical fluctuations in the level of economic activity, and the economic
• Unemployment consequences of failure to achieve these objectives
• Economic growth  Use AD/AS or AE-Income analysis to illustrate macroeconomic problems in an

• Balance of Payments economy

[Labour productivity should be discussed as one of the influences on macroeconomic

Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

- Macroeconomic policies  Explain how the AD/AS or AE-Income approach may be used to analyse the way
• Fiscal policy fiscal, monetary and supply side policies, can affect the levels of employment, rate of
• Monetary Policy in the context of inflation, economic growth and the balance of payments position
Singapore  Define monetary policy in a broader context whereby interest rates and exchange
• Supply-side policies rates are alternative instruments
 Understand monetary policy framework in a small open economy such as Singapore
(i.e. openness to trade and capital flows)
- Explain objectives of monetary policy (inflation versus growth)
- Explain Singapore’s choice of using exchange rates rather than interest rates as
an instrument for its monetary policy
- Explain the causes and effects of changes in exchange rates and interest rates on

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

the economy

[An understanding of the exchange rate as a key indicator for a small open economy like
Singapore is required. Introduce the concept of exchange rate as a price of foreign
currency linked to balance of payments.]

 Discuss the possible conflicts in government objectives and the links between
macroeconomic problems and their inter-relatedness
 Evaluate the effectiveness of government’s macroeconomic policies using the AD/AS
approach or AE-Income approach, especially with reference to the Singapore

[Interest rate determination and graphical illustration of the transmission mechanism are
not required. A descriptive explanation of how monetary policy works will be sufficient.]
Syllabus Content Candidates should be able to:

3.3 International Economics

 Benefits from trade  Explain the gains from international trade using the concept of comparative
 General pattern of trade between Singapore and
the rest of the world. [Theory of absolute advantage is not required.]

 Free trade and barriers to trade  Use demand and supply analysis to explain pattern of trade between countries
 Explain Singapore’s pattern of trade with the rest of the world and recent
 Globalisation and capital flows developments (e.g. FTAs)
 Explain why protectionism exists

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)  Explain the trend towards globalisation and examine its impact on trade in goods,
capital flows and international movement of labour

[An awareness of the role of World Trade Organisation (WTO) in promoting free trade is
The assessment format for the H2 syllabus comprises 2 papers:

H2 Economics (4 hours 30 minutes) (100%)

Paper 1 Case Study Questions

2 hrs 15 min Candidates will be given 2 sets of questions based on 2 condensed write-ups of about 2-3 pages each on a multi-faceted
economic issue or policy decision, including a set of data. Questions pertaining to each of the cases will comprise data
response type questions based on quantitative data and higher order type questions which will require candidates to apply
economic principles in analysing, synthesising, evaluating or solving the economic problem. Each set of case study questions
will consist of 20% of the total marks, of which 8% of this will be allocated to data response type questions and 12% will be
allocated to higher order type questions. Candidates may also be asked to assume a role in resolving the economic problem

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

of the case.
Each set of questions will carry 30 marks.

Paper 2 Essay Questions

2 hrs 15 min Candidates are required to answer a total of 3 essay questions. They are required to answer at least one question each from
Section A and Section B. The third question can be chosen from either section.
Each question will carry 25 marks.
Section A
Three essay questions focusing mainly on microeconomics. Candidates must answer at least one question from this
Section B
Three essay questions focusing mainly on macroeconomics. Candidates must answer at least one question from this

Paper 1 and Paper 2, taken as a whole, should incorporate a good balance of questions on microeconomics and macroeconomics.
S/N Author Title Year Publisher
General Texts
1 Sloman, John Economics 6th ed 2005 Pearson
2 Sloman, John Essentials of Economics 4th ed 2006 Pearson
3 McEachern, William A. Economics 8th ed 2006 South-Western College Publishing
4 Miller, Roger Economics Today 14th ed 2007 Pearson
5 O’Sullivan, Arthur; Sheffrin, Steven M.; Lim, K.L. & Principles of Economics 2007 Pearson
Seevaratnam, Vijayakala
6 O’Sullivan, Arthur & Sheffrin, Steven M. Economics: Principles and Tools 5th ed 2006 Pearson
7 Mankiw, N. Gregory Principles of Economics (International 2009 South-Western College Publishing

9732 H2 ECONOMICS (2011)

Student Edition)
8 Quah, Euston; Wilson, Peter & Mankiw, N. Gregory Principles of Economics: An Asian Edition 2007 Cengage Learning
9 Grant, Susan J. Stanlake’s Introductory Economics 7th ed 2000 Pearson
10 Bamford, Colin; Brunskill, Keith; Cain, Gordon; Economics: AS Level and A Level 2002 Cambridge University Press
Grant, Sue; Munday, Stephen & Walton, Stephen

11 McConnell, Campbell R. & Brue, Stanley Economics 18th ed 2008 McGraw Hill
12 Case, Karl E. & Fair, Ray C. Principles of Economics 8th ed 2008 Pearson
13 Ison, Stephen & Wall, Stuart Economics 4th ed 2006 Pearson
14 Ekelund, Robert; Ressler, Rand & Tollison, Robert Economics: Private Markets and Public 2006 Pearson
Choice 7th ed
15 Lipsey, Richard & Chrystal, Alec Economics 11th ed 2007 Oxford University Press
16 Beardshaw, John; Brewster, Dave; Cormack, Paul & Economics: A Student’s Guide 5th ed 2001 Pearson
Ross, A.
17 Begg, David; Fischer, Stanley & Dornbusch, Rudiger Economics 8th ed 2005 McGraw Hill
18 Frank, Robert H. & Bernanke, Ben Principles of Economics 4th ed 2008 McGraw Hill
19 Parkin, Michael Economics 8th ed 2007 Pearson
20 Sexton, Robert Exploring Economics 4th ed 2008 South-Western College Publishing
1 - Economic Review (quarterly) - Philip Allan
2 - Economics Today (quarterly) - Economics Today Ltd

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