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Part No.


Makeready and Operation Procedures

Quick Start

QuadTech 3000 Series Vertical Stacker Bundler and RobotX

2005 QuadTech, Inc.

Stacker Edit Job Screen

Perform this procedure to set parameters on the Stacker Edit Job screen.

Setting job screen parameters

1 Touch the Stacker Edit Job navigational button to display the Stacker Edit Job

screen (Figure 1).

2 In the Bundle group box, set the following:

If you want to determine bundle size by the number of signatures

Bundle by Counttoggle to ON (green).
Numbertouch to set the bundle count.

If you want to determine bundle size by the length of the bundle

Bundle by Lengthtoggle to ON (green).
Lengthtouch to set the bundle length.

Touch the Quick Bundle Transfer button to toggle between

ON (green), automatically move bundles out of the strapping zone. This feature can slow
overall cycle times.
OFF (gray), move bundles out of the strapping zone only when the next bundle is ready.

3 Touch the Press Following button to toggle between:

Auto mode if you want the stacker to automatically follow the press speed.
Manual mode if you want to manually adjust the stacker speed.

Procedure continues

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Setting job screen parameters (continued)

4 In the Speed group box, set the following:

Beltstouch to set the speed of the upper and lower stacking belts.
Tablestouch to set the speed that the upper stacking table descends.
Bundle Transfertouch to set the speed that the bundle transfer moves.
Gapping Belttouch to set the speed of the stacking belts during the gapping sequence.
Lower Table Trimtouch to trim the speed of the lower table relative to the upper table.
Keep the lower table trim speed close to zero.

Stacking Belt Trimtouch to trim the speed of the stacking belts relative to the infeed belts.
Set the Belt Speed here and make fine adjustments on the Run screen.

Figure 1 Stacker Edit Job Screen






TP 8082

Procedure continues

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Setting job screen parameters (continued)

5 In the Drop-Down group box, set the following:

Upper Tabletouch to set the distance the lower table drops down before the upper table is
Lower Tabletouch to set the distance the lower table drops down before the end board
arm extends.
Gap Errortouch to set the distance the upper table or lower drops down when a break
occurs in the signature stream.
End Board Armtouch to set the distance the end board arm drops down when placing an
end board.

6 In the Pressure group box, set the following:

Upper Belttouch to set the upper stacking belts electro-pneumatic regulator.

Nip Belttouch to set the nip belts electro-pneumatic regulator.
Compression Ramtouch to set the compression rams electro-pneumatic regulator.

7 In the Broken Strap group box, set the following:

Touch the Broken Strap button to toggle between:

ON (green) if you want the stacker to automatically report a broken strap.
OFF (gray) if you want to disable broken strap detection.
Test Valuetouch to set the value at which the broken strap fault is generated.

The number displayed in the Actual Value display is the distance that the
bundle extends after the compression heads are removed.
The Test Value should be about 250 more than the Actual Value.
Procedure continues

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Setting job screen parameters (continued)

8 In the Strapping group box, set the following:

If you want to use the down pile feature on the index zone (optional equipment):
Down Piletoggle to ON (green).
Signatures Per Lifttouch to set the number of signatures per lift.
Mark Liftstoggle to ON (green) if the lift marker is present.
Compresstoggle to ON (green) if you want the stack to be compressed before you
begin to downpile the signatures.

If you do not want to use the down pile feature:

Down Piletoggle to OFF (gray).
Strapstouch to set the number of straps.
Offsettoggle to ON (green) if you want straps to be offset.
Rams Up Between Strapstoggle to ON (green) if you want the compression rams to be
up between straps.

9 Touch the Bundle Blow Out button (optional) to toggle ON (green) if you want to enable the

bundle blow out compression ski.

10 Under the Unit of Measure buttons, touch the mm button to set measurements to metric or
touch the Inches button to set measurements to English.

The unit of measure controls distances only. Pressure is always measured in
psi and speed are always percentages.

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Robot Edit Job Screen

Perform this procedure to access the Robot Edit Job screen.

Accessing the Robot Edit Job screen

1 Touch the Robot Edit Job navigational button to display the Robot Edit Job screen (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Robot Edit Job Screen

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Run Screen
Perform this procedure to use controls on the Run screen.

Using the Run screen

1 Touch the Run navigational button to display the Run screen (Figure 3).
2 Touch the Belt Speed arrow buttons to set the speed of the upper and lower stacking belts.
3 Touch the Bundles on Sample Pallet arrow buttons to set the number of bundles on the sample

The sample pallet is used to collect bundles for your inspection needs. From
the Run screen and put a number in the Sample Log (Bundle) Count text box.
When you want to extract a sample bundle, touch the Take Sample button.
4 Touch the Bundles on Prod Pallet arrow buttons to set the number of bundles on the

production pallet.
5 Touch the Run Production to Sample Pallet button to place production bundles on the sample

Figure 3 Run Screen

Procedure continues

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Using the Run screen (continued)

6 In the Sample Logs group box;

Touch the Pause Samples/Take Samples button to choose when to place bundles on the
sample pallet.
View the total number of bundles to be placed on the sample pallet in the Sample Logs text
View the number of bundles yet to be placed on the sample pallet in the Remaining text box.

Make sure that you physically remove the sample pallet before you touch
the Reset Sample Log Count button.

Touch the Reset Sample Log Count button to reset the number in the Sample Logs text box
and the Remaining text box to one.

7 In the Strapper group box;

Touch the Start button to start the strapping cycle.

Touch the Stop button to stop the strapping cycle.
Touch the Start No Fence button to start the strapping cycle without placing the fences
around the stack of signatures.
Touch the Fences In/Fences Out button to manually extend and retract the bundler fences.

8 Touch the Eject Pallet button to eject the pallet from the LH or RH load conveyor onto the

stage position conveyor.

The button will signal to the robot and the robot will automatically zero the
appropriate values (bundles on production pallet).
9 Touch the Reset Signature Count button to reset the accumulated signature count (displayed at

the top right of the screen as Signatures:) to zero.

10 Touch the Table Speed arrow buttons to set the speed that the stacking tables descend.
11 Touch the Upper Table Retract/Extend button to manually insert (extend) or remove (retract)

the upper stacking table into the stacking zone.

12 Touch the Reset End Board Arm button to reset the end board inserter when the stacking cycle

is not functioning properly.

13 Touch the Manual Gap button to ON (green) create a manual gap in the signature stream.
14 Touch the Upper Belt Pressure text box to adjust the upper stacking belts electro-pneumatic

15 Touch the Nip Belt Pressure text box to adjust the nip belts electro-pneumatic regulator.

Procedure continues

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Using the Run screen (continued)

16 On the Run screen, touch the stacker icon to display the Stacker Manual Controls dialog

box (Figure 4).

Touch the Jogger button to ON (green) to engage the jogger.
Touch the Crusher button to ON (green) to lower the crusher roller.
Touch the Spot Crusher button to ON (green) to lower the spot crusher roller.
Touch the Belt Tension button to ON (green) to engage the belt tension.
Touch the Nip button to ON (green) to engage the nip roller assembly.
Touch the Pile Guides button to ON (green) to engage the pile guides.
Figure 4 Stacker (Manual Controls) Dialog Box

17 On the Run screen, touch the robot icon to display the Robot Information dialog

box (Figure 5).

The text in this dialog box represents the interlock circuit used to safely start
the robot. Green text indicates normal operation and red text indicates a
problem with that specific interlock.
Figure 5 Robot Information Dialog Box

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Stacker Active Job

Log Height text boxThis display shows you the log height as calculated by the photo eye on the
compression rams.
Signatures/log is set by the Press when a job is loaded. This setting can be changed at any time by
touching the By Count or By Length text boxes and entering a new number. The change will take
effect on the current bundle. Bundles should be as long as the pallet (front to back).
Figure 6 Stacker Active Job Screen

Home the stacker

Homing is an operator initiated action that puts the positional controlled axes in a safe and known
starting position and resets the entire machine. The programmable logic controller will not allow
the stacker to start and will not command any of these axes to move until the entire homing
sequence is successfully completed. Homing is generally needed after a drive fault, a new program
has been loaded, or electrical power has been lost. During a successful homing sequence the lower
stacking table, upper stacking table, bundle transfer, and end board inserter all move, returning to
their home positions. If the homing sequence is not properly completed, you will not be able to
restart the stacker. A common cause for incomplete homing is that the route the motorized
component takes to the proximity sensor is blocked. After taking the necessary safety precautions
(lock out and tag out the stacker), check these routes for paper jams or mechanical binding and
re-home the stacker. Perform this procedure to return the stacker motorized components to their
home positions.

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Homing the stacker

1 Step into the stacking zone so that the light curtain stops all operation in the stacking zone.
2 Clear all of the signatures from the upper stacking table and the lower stacking table.
3 Step into the strapping zone so that the light curtain stops all operation in the strapping zone.
4 Clear all of the unstrapped signatures or the bundle from the strapping zone.
5 Step out of the zone protected by the safety devices.
6 Clear all of the faults on the stacker and palletizer.
7 Press the Start push button to reset the safety devices.

Breaking the light curtains, or stepping on the safety mats, will result in a
stacker fault, and the homing sequence will fail. Stay clear of the stacker
safety devices.
8 From the Stacker Active Job screen (Figure 6), touch the System Home button to display the

System Homing dialog box (Figure 7).

9 Touch the Home Stacker or the Home Stacker and Presets button.

Each Home indicator should turn green indicating that the corresponding
component has returned to the home position.
Figure 7 System Homing Dialog Box

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Robot Active Job Screen

Perform this procedure to access the Robot Active Job screen.

Accessing the Robot Active Job screen

1 Touch the Robot Active Job navigational button to display the Robot Active Job

screen (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Robot Active Job Screen

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Quick Start

Makeready and Operation Procedures

Pallet Information Screen

The parameters on the Pallet Information screen (Figure 9).
Total Signature Count
Total Logs Produced
Signatures Per Log
Inspect Position button
Current Sample Total Signatures
Previous Sample Total Signatures
Figure 9 Pallet Information Screen

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