Vol XII 73
Vol XII 73
Vol XII 73
IANOVICI Nicoleta et al: Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality by anatomical leaf parameters
Annals of West University of Timioara, ser. Biology, vol XII, pp. 73-86
IANOVICI Nicoleta et al: Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality by anatomical leaf parameters
S-a observat c plantele cresc chiar i n zonele urbane afectate foarte mult
de diferite tipuri de poluani (oxizi de azot i hidrocarburi de sulf, ozon, pulberi,
fluorur de hidrogen, nitrai, etc). Poluanii auto au efecte pe termen lung asupra
plantelor prin influenarea coninutului de CO2, intensitii luminii, temperaturii i
precipitaiilor. Muli cercettori (Bhatti & Iqbal MZ, 1988; Darley et al, 1963;
Godzik & Halbwacks, 1986; Gupta & Ghouse, 1988; Inamdar & Chaudahri, 1984;
Iqbal, 1985; Krause & Dochinger, 1987; Karenlampi, 1986; Nivova et al, 1983) au
raportat efecte ale polurii aerului asupra morfologiei i anatomiei unor specii de
plante. Plantele urbane, din cauza lipsei de concuren n condiiile schimbrii,
Annals of West University of Timioara, ser. Biology, vol XII, pp. 73-86
IANOVICI Nicoleta et al: Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality by anatomical leaf parameters
FIG. 1 Seciuni transversale prin frunzele de Betula pendula (1,2,3), Corylus avellana (4)
Quercus robur (5,6) i Castanea sativa (7) prin sgei se indic depozitele negricioase de
Annals of West University of Timioara, ser. Biology, vol XII, pp. 73-86
FIG. 2 Seciuni transversale prin frunzele de Juniperus communis (1), Pinus silvestris (2),
Pinus nigra (3,4) - aderene pe suprafaa epidermei, obturarea stomatelor i lignificarea
parenchimului de transfuzie
FIG. 3 Seciuni transversale prin frunzele de Carpinus betulus (1,2) i Acer negundo (4)
prin sgei se indic depozitele negricioase de polifenoli; Robinia pseudacacia (3) cu
lignificarea nervurii mediane
FIG.4 Seciuni transversale prin frunzele de Plantago major (1) i Plantago lanceolata
IANOVICI Nicoleta et al: Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality by anatomical leaf parameters
Zone UG i PUG
Zone I i U
161/193 stomate/mm2
278/285 stomate/mm2
20/14 peri/ mm2
29/22 peri/ mm2
261/299 m
205/218 stomate/mm2
295/317 stomate/mm2
26/32 peri/ mm2
31/35 peri/ mm2
170/195 m
Zone UG i PUG
8/10 peri/mm2
13/10 peri/mm2
265/345 m
Zone I i U
120/124 stomate/mm2
180/195 stomate/mm2
11/10 peri/mm2
13/15 peri/mm2
250/325 m
Annals of West University of Timioara, ser. Biology, vol XII, pp. 73-86
IANOVICI Nicoleta et al: Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality by anatomical leaf parameters
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