Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech.
Website: Industrialization has provided humanity with materials and social benefits. It has also brought in its
Received: 11-05-2016 wake up many unwanted substances and social problems. One of these problems is the degradation
Accepted: 16-07-2016 of the environment. The environment, upon which our life is most dependent, has fallen victim of
pollution brought by the man himself through unplanned and unscientific development and mineral
Key Words: exploitation. Air pollution is an inevitable harmful by-product of rapid industrialization and urbanization
Biochemical parameters that is responsible for a variety of deleterious effects on both human and plant communities. It has
Dust accumulation been a major environmental concern since the beginning of industrialization, resulting in a release of
Evergreen plants gaseous and particulate pollutants into the atmosphere. A relationship between traffic density and
Foliar injuries photosynthetic activity, stomatal conductance, total chlorophyll content and leaf senescence has
Photosynthesis been reported. Exposure of evergreen plants to air pollutants create many changes in physiological
and biochemical parameters. Each plant species has a different ability to absorb and adsorb pollutants
by their foliar surfaces, which is influenced by several biochemical, physiological and morphological
characteristics. Rampant and uncontrolled use of fossil fuels in industries and transport sector has led
to an increase in concentrations of the gaseous pollutants. Indian cities are facing serious problems of
airborne particulate matter. Atmospheric particulate matter, which is a mixture of diverse elements, is
of most concern in context of public health. Particulates may also cause a reduction in yield, change
in photosynthesis and transpiration along with foliar injuries. The plant species which accumulate
more dust onto their surfaces can act as buffer around industries and along roadsides. The present
study deals with the plant-pollutant interactions and how the physical and chemical characteristics of
plants vary with air pollution. It also throws light on how dust affects various plant species and what
is the role of plants in dust accumulation.
amino acid. Visible injury symptoms may occur initially Recent studies have explored the possibility to find out
such as chlorosis and necrosis and gradually lead to de- the ability of plants to remove pollutants from the air and
creased productivity. act as sink for air contaminants (Sunita & Rao 1997, Dwivedi
& Tripathi 2007, Tripathi & Gautam 2007).
Trees act as a sink of air pollutants and thus reduce their
Plants being an important part of all ecosystems play a cru- concentration in the air (Prajapati & Tripathi 2008). They
cial role in monitoring and maintaining the ecological bal- play an essential role in reducing the airborne particulate
ance by actively participating in the cycling of nutrients pollution in the environment; therefore they should be
and gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen, etc. They are most planted to overcome the pollution problem in the urban
likely to be affected by airborne pollutants and the effects areas (Chakre 2006). It has also been found that trees can act
are widely observed on the leaves which are usually the as biological filters that can remove a large number of air-
most abundant and most obvious primary receptors of a borne pollutants and hence improve the quality of air in
large number of air pollutants. Plants provide an enormous polluted environments (Beckett et al. 1998). Urban trees,
leaf area for impingement, absorption and accumulation of especially the low volatile organic compounds (VOC) emit-
air pollutants to reduce the pollution level in the air envi- ting species can be a viable strategy to help reduce urban
ronment (Escobedo et al. 2008). They play an important ozone levels (Cardelino & Chameides 1990, Tanha, 1996;
role in indicating, monitoring and mitigating air pollution. Nowak et al., 2000) particularly through tree functions that
Adverse impacts of air pollution on biota and ecosys- reduce air temperature, remove air pollutants and reduce
tem have been demonstrated worldwide. Much experimen- building energy and consequent power plant emissions. The
tal work has been conducted on the analysis of air pollution foliage of plants, filters several numerous solid particles
effects on crops and vegetation at various levels ranging due to roughness and large contact area and thus can reduce
from biochemical to ecosystem levels (Tiwari et al. 2006). the damaging effect of particulate pollution. (Meusel et al.
The impact of air pollution on the plant community has 1999). Leaves and exposed parts of a plant act as persistent
been studied in terms of plant-environment interactions since absorbers in a polluted environment (Samal & Santra 2002).
the plants are much sensitive in comparison to other organ- RELATIONSHIP OF TREE CHARACTERISTICS WITH
isms (Abbasi et al. 2004). AIR POLLUTION
Various strategies exist for controlling atmospheric pol-
lution, but vegetation provides one of the natural ways of Physical Characteristics
cleaning the atmosphere by absorption of gaseous and The diffusion pathway of absorbed pollutants is through
particulate matter through leaves (Varshney 1985). Once the stomata and resistance to flow is determined by the fre-
inside the leaves, the gas diffuses into intercellular spaces quency and distribution of stomata available for entry and
and may be absorbed by water films to form acids or react by dimensions of their apertures (Meidner & Mansfield
with inner leaf surfaces (Smith 1990). It is also revealed that 1968). Circumstantial evidence indicating that a decreased
the interception of dusts by vegetation makes an important stomatal frequency may accompany an increase in pollu-
contribution to the improvement of air quality in their vi- tion levels has been reported by Sharma & Butler (1973,
cinity (Prajapati 2012). Vegetation is an effective indicator 1975) and Sharma (1975). The cuticle is an effective barrier
of the overall impact of air pollution and the effect observed to the penetration of gases into the leaf interior (Unsworth
is a time-averaged result that is more reliable than the one et al. 1976). Although the potential for limited pollutant
obtained from the direct determination of the pollutants in penetration through the cuticle is acknowledged, there is
the air over a short period. no evidence to suggest that this contributes significantly to
A large number of trees and shrubs have been identified the internal pollutant concentration. Many factors are known
and used as dust filters to check the rising urban dust pollu- to influence the response of vegetation to gaseous air pol-
tion level (Rai et al. 2010). The use of plants as bio monitors lutants (Heck 1968). Jacobson et al. (1966) indicate that
of air pollution has long been established because these are higher transpiration rates at leaf margin may account for
the initial acceptors of air pollutants as they have scaveng- marginal necrosis following exposure to fluoride, while
ing property for many air pollutants (Joshi & Swami 2009). Brennan & Leone (1968) investigated the extent of foliar
Vegetation naturally cleanses the atmosphere by absorbing necrosis caused by sulphur dioxide or ozone.
gases and some particulate matter through leaves and con- Air pollutants damage plants, impair plant growth, and
sequently improves environmental quality and human limit primary productivity, according to the sensitiveness
health. of plants to pollutants (Ulrich 1984). The trees in urban
environments, improve air quality by enhancing the uptake toxic derivatives react with water at the cell surface and
of gases and particulate matter, especially near roadways then subsequently cross the plasmolemma into the cell, the
(Smith 1971). Atmospheric pollutants like SO2 adversely potential toxicity of the pollutant may never be realized if
affect various morphological and physiological character- the cell possesses mechanisms which are capable of elimi-
istics of plants. High soil moisture and high relative humid- nating the harmful molecules that cause strain. In theory,
ity aggravate SO2 injury in plants. Pollutants can also cause three mechanisms are envisaged which are: The capacity to
leaf injury, stomatal damage, premature senescence, de- (1) tolerate, (2) assimilate, (3) buffer the potentially toxic
creased photosynthetic activity, disturbed membrane per- derivatives.
meability and reduced growth and yield in sensitive plant The capacity to tolerate potentially toxic pollutant de-
species (Tiwari et al. 2006). Chlorosis of the leaf tip is the rivatives is a mechanism whereby cellular metabolism con-
first visible injury which gets extended inwards from veins tinues unaffected despite the presence of harmful pollutant
and along margins. Damages caused by air pollutants to molecules. The strain avoidance is estimated with the help
plants include chlorosis, necrosis, and epinasty (Katiyar & of a biochemical threshold level (Malhotra & Hocking 1976).
Dubey 2000).
Chemical Characteristics
The effectiveness of a greenbelt in intercepting and re-
taining atmospheric pollutant depends upon several fac- The ability of each plant species to absorb and adsorb pol-
tors, viz., shape, size, moisture level, surface texture, nature lutants by their foliar surface varies greatly and depends on
(soluble or insoluble) of both the particulate matter and gas several biochemical, physiological and morphological char-
as well as intercepting plant parts (Ingold 1971). The prop- acteristics (Singh & Verma 2007). The sensitive species help
erties of leaves such as wettability, exposure, leaf orienta- to indicate air pollution and tolerant ones help in abate-
tion, age and roughness, strongly influence the dust inter- ment of air pollution. The tolerant species of plants func-
ception and retention (Beckett et al. 2000). Most plants tion as pollution sink and therefore, a number of environ-
experience physiological changes before exhibiting visible mental benefits can be obtained by planting tolerant spe-
damage to leaves when exposed to air pollutants (Tripathi cies in polluted areas. For this purpose, evaluation of plants
& Gautam 2007). Rai et al. (2011) stressed that air pollut- with respect to their tolerance level to air pollution may be
ants pose risks on yield of crops depending upon the emis- essential (Lakshmi et al. 2009). There are many factors con-
sion pattern, atmospheric transport and leaf uptake and on trolling tolerance in plants. From the scientific studies, in-
the plant’s biochemical defence capacity. Several vital formation is obtained about the plant pollutant interaction
physiological processes such as photosynthetic CO2 fixa- and role of absorption of pollutants. Industrial areas, resi-
tion and energy metabolism are also affected negatively by dential areas and roadsides are the targeted places for green
air pollutants. The adverse effect on plants depends not only belts. Primary pollutants are taken up based on the fate of
upon the concentration of air pollutants, but also on the transport of the pollutant within the plant body and form in
duration and combination of air pollutants. The filtering which it ends. When the pollutants are taken up at a higher
effects of evergreen trees have been reported to be better rate, it causes injury to the plants. Pollutants enter plants
than that of deciduous trees (Dochinger 1973). Single row through the stomata apertures. The gaseous pollutant passes
of trees planted with or without shrubs can reduce particulate through the mesophyll intercellular spaces and gets absorbed
matter by 25 percent (Anonymous 1981). Trees reduce air on the wet cell-walls and further diffuses into the cell sap.
pollution by intercepting airborne particles and retaining The capacity to assimilate the pollutant derivatives is based
them on the leaf surface, referred to as dry deposition. Some upon the plant’s ability to metabolize the pollutant to a less
particles can be absorbed by the leaf surface itself, although harmful form and to remove them through deposition or
most remain on the plant surface (Joshi & Chauhan 2008). translocation to sinks within the leaf or other plant organs
The effectiveness of internal leaf tissue to extract pol- (Taylor 1978). The capacity to buffer toxic derivatives as a
lutants is determined by the extent of cell surface area and mechanism of strain avoidance is based upon two assump-
degree of hydration. The state of hydration is vital since tions: (i) the derivatives of pollutants alter the cell’s ability
some studies indicate that the pollutant first reacts with water to buffer against changes in H+ and OH- (ii) such changes
and then in hydrated form interacts with the cell constitu- cause strain.
ents (Hocking & Hocking 1977). According to Taylor (1978), Particulates affect various biochemical changes such as
more is the surface area for removal, more rapid is the ex- decreased chlorophyll content and increased ascorbic acid
traction of the pollutant from the intercellular space on to (Mandal & Mukherji 2000, Garty et al. 2001, Masitha &
cell surfaces. Even though pollutant molecules and their Pise 2001, Gavali et al. 2002) have been reported. Vegetation
naturally cleanses the atmosphere by absorbing gases and chlorophyll content was due to degradation of chlorophyll
some particulate matter through leaves and consequently into phaeophytin by the loss of magnesium ions. Reduc-
improves environmental quality and human health. Trees tion in the concentration of chlorophyll content in leaves
remove pollution by intercepting airborne particles. Once of polluted area was observed in the plant species studied
inside the leaves the gas diffuses into intercellular spaces by Amulya et al. (2015). Similar changes in concentration
and may be absorbed by water films to form acids or react of pigments were also observed in the six tree species studies
with inner leaf surfaces (Smith 1990). Agricultural activi- which were exposed to air pollution due to vehicle emis-
ties and vehicular traffic are reported to accumulate more sion (Joshi & Swami 2009). It was also observed that leaves
dust on trees grown near to the source and found to exceed from polluted area had significantly lower chlorophyll con-
the environmental guideline values (Leys et al. 1998 and tent than control (Tripati & Prajapathi 2008, Stevovic et al.
Mannis et al. 2001). Presence of SO2 degrades the chloro- 2010).
phyll molecule through oxidation (Keller & Schwager 1977, The effect of dust on the pigmentation and growth of Vitis
Chaudhary & Rao 1977, Davis & Wilhour 1976, Bell & vinifera L. was studied in 2012 by Leghari et al. (2014) and
Mudd 1976). NOx absorption causes a reaction on cell walls a significant reduction in plant length, cover, number of
to form HNO2 and HNO3. leaves and total chlorophyll content was observed. It was
Leaf extract pH: The importance of pH in modifying the observed that there was a negative correlation between the
toxicity of SO2 has been shown in many studies. It was amount of dust accumulation and the plant growth param-
reported that plants with lower pH are more susceptible, eters.
while those with pH around 7 are more tolerant (Singh & Ascorbic acid: Ascorbic acid plays a significant role in light
Verma 2007). Ogunkunle et al. (2015) observed that changes reaction of photosynthesis (Singh & Verma 2007), activates
in pH were pronounced and significant in Acacia nilotica, defence mechanism (Arora et al. 2002) and under stress con-
Prosopis africana and Terminalia catappa. Vitellaria dition, it can replace water from the light reaction II (Singh
paradoxa also showed a significant change in the pH of the & Verma 2007). Ascorbic acid, a natural antioxidant in
leaf extracts between the control and exposed locations, plants has been shown to play an important role in pollu-
but no significant difference was observed across the ex- tion tolerance (Joshi & Swami 2007). It also plays a role in
posed locations. High pH may increase the efficiency of cell wall synthesis, defence and cell division. It is also a
conversion from hexose sugar to ascorbic acid, while low strong reducer and plays important roles in photosynthetic
leaf extract pH shows a good correlation with sensitivity to carbon fixation, with the reducing power directly propor-
air pollution (Escobedo et al. 2008). When cellular pH is tional to its concentration.
lowered, metabolism is inhibited leading to growth sup-
Bermadinger et al. (1990) and Kousar et al. (2014) also
noticed that the ascorbic acid contents of tree species in-
Total chlorophyll content: Depletion in chlorophyll im- creased because of air pollution. Ascorbic acid is a natural
mediately causes a decrease in productivity of plant and detoxicant that prevents the damaging effect of air pollut-
subsequently plant exhibits poor vigour. Therefore, plants ants in plant tissues (Singh et al. 1991). Large amounts of
maintaining their chlorophyll, even under polluted envi- ascorbic acid favour defence properties and pollution toler-
ronment are said to be tolerant ones (Singh & Verma 2007). ance in plants (Lee et al. 1984, Cheng et al. 2007) and indi-
It was also found that the chlorophyll content differed sig- cate high pollution levels.
nificantly across the locations for all of the tree species. The Relative water content (RWC): High water content in plants
highest chlorophyll contents for A. nilotica, P. africana ensures the maintenance of the physiological balance un-
and V. paradoxa were recorded at the staff residence (mod- der stresses such as air pollution, and the RWC is usually
erate traffic density), while T. paradoxa exhibited the high- associated with the protoplasmic permeability of cells, which
est chlorophyll content in the academic area (maximum traf- is involved in the loss of water and dissolved nutrients in
fic density). The control site had the least chlorophyll con- plants, resulting in senescence of leaves (Agarwal & Tiwari
tent for A. nilotica, P. Africana and T. catappa. The high 1997 and Tsega & Prasad 2014). Ogunkunle et al. (2015)
chlorophyll content recorded at the staff residence showed observed that RWC varied significantly across the locations
that A nilotica, P. africana and V. paradoxa exhibited tol- in all the studied tree species, the lowest RWCs were
erance to pollution in the area. recorded in all the tree species growing in the staff residence
A study conducted by Giri et al. (2013) indicated a de- area (moderate traffic density), while the highest RWCs were
cline in the chlorophyll content in trees growing in the in- recorded in the tree species growing in the student residence
dustrial areas and it was suggested that the reduction in area (minimal traffic density). Studies conducted by vari-
ous researchers have shown an increase in the relative water effects of reactive materials such as cement dust which may
content with the rise in pollution. Relative water content become evident at 2 g m-2 (Grantz et al. 2003).
has been found to vary with air pollution. In various studies, Limestone and cement dusts, with pH values of 9 or
it has been observed that RWC was higher at the polluted higher may cause direct injury to leaf tissues (Vardak et al.
sites as compared to the control site (Patel & Kousar 2011, 1995) or indirect injury through alteration of soil pH (Hope
Amulya et al. 2015). et al. 1991, Auerbach et al. 1997). Air particulates affect the
Benzene: Another pollutant ‘Benzene’ is recognized as overall growth and development of plants according to their
human leukaemogen and may cause injury to human bone physical and chemical nature (Gupta & Ghouse 1987). Air
marrow and damage to the immune system. In India, particulates also alter the morphology and anatomy of the
especially in Delhi, since 2008 onwards, the concentration leaves (Farooq et al. 2000, Pal et al. 2000, Shrivastava &
of benzene has shown a remarkable increase in its diurnal as Joshi 2002, Garg et al. 2000). Surface dust deposit may alter
well as nocturnal trend. In order to minimize the concentra- the optical properties of leaves, particularly the surface re-
tion of benzene in air, common plants like Dracaena flectance in the visible and short wave infra-red radiation
deremensis and Chamaedoreas seifrizii have been suggested range (Eller 1997, Hope et al. 1991, Keller & Lamprecht
by estimating Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) values. 1995).
Dracaena deremensis has been found to be tolerant and Hicks (1986) reported in his work that although the rate
also good absorber of benzene in the air by a NASA study, of dry deposition of atmospheric particles to a plant and
while Chamaedorea seifrizii was found to be sensitive and soil is much slower as compared to occult (wet) deposition,
can serve as bioindicator which might further help in miti- nevertheless it acts nearly continuously and affects all the
gating the benzene pollution (Saxena & Ghosh 2015). exposed parts of plant. The important physical properties of
Thus, these biochemical and physiological parameters dusts which determine the potential transport distance from
are readily affected by pollutants and their study can reveal a source are gravity specific and dependant on the particle
the quality of air. size. Gravitational sedimentation is the main depositional
process, for particles >1 µm diameter, while for particles <
DUST ACCUMULATION BY LEAVES 0.001 µm diameter, i.e. RSPM (Respiratory Suspended
Interaction between plant morphology and dust accumu- Particulate Matter), inertial properties become increasingly
lation: Atmospheric particulate matter is a mixture of di- important (Chamberlin 1986, Flower et al. 1989, Wesely &
verse elements. Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) with Hicks 2000, Raupach et al. 2001). Properties of both parti-
aerodynamic diameter < 10 µm (PM10) or < 2.5 µm (PM2.5) is cles and the vegetation are important in deciding their in-
of most concern in context of public health because of the teractions, and consequently the effectiveness of particle
presence of PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) removal from atmosphere (Prajapati 2012). Dust capturing
capacity of plants depends on their surface geometry,
(NEPC 1998, 2003). Many epidemiologic studies have high-
lighted the health implications of fine particles with aero- phyllotaxy and characteristics such as hair, cuticle, height
and canopy of tree.
dynamic diameter smaller than 10 µm. (Katsouyanni et al.
2001, Kunzli et al. 2000, Pope et al. 2002, Peng et al. 2005 Walker & Everett (1987) reported that there is a decrease
and Prajapati et al. 2006). Removal of pollutants by plants in leaf surface dust load with increasing distance from high-
from the air is done by three means, namely absorption by ways. Keller & Lamprecht (1995) reported that dust levels
the leaves, deposition of particulates and aerosols over the near the Dalton Highway in Alaska were relatively invari-
leaf surface, and fallout of particulates on the leeward side able over much of the summer growing season and that over
of vegetation which ultimately is decided by air movement 85% of the dust falling on vegetation surfaces may be re-
(Rawat & Banerjee 1996). Mineral dusts in general are less moved. Chattopadhyay (1996) reported that leaves respond
soluble and less reactive as compared to the anthropogenic to pollution and undergo quantitative changes in varying
acid-forming sulphate and nitrate particles (Flower et al. degree in a number of leaf surface micromorphological char-
1989, Grantz et al. 2003). Dusts with pH values 9, may acters. The capacity of tree species to intercept dust de-
cause direct injury to the leaf tissues on which they get pends on its surface geometry, phyllotaxy, leaf external
deposited (Vardak et al. 1995) or indirectly through soil pH characteristics (such as hairs, cuticles etc.) and height (Nowak
alteration (Hope et al. 1991, Auerbach et al. 1997). The 1994 and Singh 2000).
direct physical effects of mineral dusts on vegetation be- Leaves tend to have differences in several aspects of
came apparent only at relatively high surface loads of more their surfaces. Some types of leaves have greater surface
than 7 g m- 2 (Farmer 1993) as compared with the chemical rigidity or roughness than others, which may affect their
stickiness or particle solubility. Therefore, certain plant temple tree (Plumeria rubra), Java plum (Syzygium cumini)
leaves may be more useful for efficient dust capturing than and several other roadside and street trees have been found
other plants (Anonymous 2006). The leaves with complex to be more suitable in urban environment.
shapes and large circumference area collect particles more The deposition of gaseous pollutants and particulate
efficiently than simple leaves with smaller area (Ingold matter and their interception are greater in woodlands than
1971). Plants with leaves having a large surface area function in shorter vegetation (Fowler et al. 1989, Bunzl et al. 1989).
as an efficient pollutant trapping device. The presence of trees in the urban environment can thus
Role of plants in dust accumulation: Investigations related improve air quality by enhancing the uptake of gases and
to quantification of the dust capturing capacity of urban particles (McPherson et al. 1994, Beckett et al. 1998, 2000,
canopies have received attention in the recent past decades Freer-Smith et al. 1989) near roadways (Smith 1971) and in
(Ram et al. 2015). The estimations of removal of atmospheric agricultural situations (Raupach et al. 2001). Leaf petioles
particulate matter by plants have been done by several are more efficient particulate impactors than either twigs
researchers. For example, trees in Beijing, China captured (stems) or leaf lamina (Ingold 1971). Green belts reduce
1,261.4 tons of pollutants that resulted in a reduction of noise pollution (Pal et al. 2000, Fang & Ling 2005, Martinez
772 tons of PM10 per annum from the air (Yang et al. 2005). Sala et al. 2006). The trees and shrubs have been identified
Nowak et al. (2006) demonstrated the variation in pollution as dust filters to check the rising urban dust pollution level
removal by urban trees in several U.S. cities and estimated in the area (Rai et al. 2010).
that the total annual air pollution removal by urban trees is Prajapati & Tripathi (2008) while studying the dust in-
approximately 7,11,000 metric tons ($3.8 billion value). terception efficiency and impact of dust deposition on bio-
Removal of approximately 4% and 3% of PM10 annually by chemical properties of leaves of some selected tree species
urban plant canopies in West Midlands and Glasgow, United such as Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis, Mangifera
Kingdom, respectively, was reported by McDonald et al. indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Psidium guajava and
(2007). Suspended particulate matter usually clogs stomata Dendrocalamus strictus, found maximum dust interception
apertures and prevents the exchange of gases by leaves. The on the leaves of Dalbergia sissoo and least on Dendro-ca-
film of dust causes a hazardous situation for plants as it lamus strictus. It was found that all species have maximum
results in reduction of effective pollination (Anonymous dust deposition in the winter season followed by summer
1983). and rainy seasons. An investigation of the seasonal varia-
Maheshwari (1963), Chee & Ridwan (1984) and Shetye tion in dust accumulation on leaves and leaf pigment con-
& Chaphekar (1980) surveyed the dust fall on common road- tent of six plant species of mixed habitats was carried out on
side trees in Mumbai (India) and reported that the leaves of the sides of the National Highway (NH 6) at Sambalpur,
Mango (Mangifera indica), Ashoka (Polyalthia longifolia), Orissa, India. The plants selected for study were Pongamia
Pongamia (Derris indica) and Umbrella (Thespepsia pinnata, Tabernaemontana divaricata, Ipomea carnea,
populnea) trees captured higher amounts of dust as com- Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis and Quisqualis indica.
pared to other neighbouring plants. Filtering capacity of The observed rend of dust accumulation was in the order T.
green belts increases with more leaf area, and is reported divaricata > I. carneaipomea > P. pinnata > F. religiosa >
higher for trees than bushes or grassland (Givoni 1991). F. benghalensis > Q. indica. One-way analysis of variance
Wang et al. (2011) investigated the leaf dust capturing showed significant difference in dust accumulation among
capacities of 14 common urban greening plants and their plant species (F1 = 4.674, P < 0.01 and between F2 = 9.240,
relationships with surface micro-morphology. Among the P < 0.01). It was seen that dust load increases with the in-
selected plant species, leaf dust capturing capacities ranged creasing number of vehicles on highway (major emission
from 0.23 g m-2 (Trifolium repens) to 4.51 g m-2 (Pittosporum source). The result shows significant negative correlations
tobira). The study concluded that plants with higher dust between dust load and pigment in summer and rainy season
capturing capacities and with leaf micro-morphological (Prusty et al. 2003).
properties such as epidermal cell, wax and sunken stomata Raina et al. (2008) reported that dust impairs visibility
can be recommended for introducing as urban greening plant and the particulate dust falling on leaves may cause foliar
species. injuries, reduction in yield, change in photosynthesis and
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