Selection of Biomonitoring Species

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Selection of Biomonitoring Species

Lichens lack significant cuticle or epidermis and recommendations. Lichens and mosses are reli-
are devoid of a well-developed root system, able indicators of terrestrial air quality which due
therefore they absorb nutrients directly from the to lack of significant cuticle or epidermis make
atmosphere. Along with nutrients, pollutants are them well suited, bioindicators and biomonitors.
also absorbed and/or adsorbed on the lichen thalli Due of the lack of a well-developed root system,
without having any visible signs of injury to the lichens absorb both nutrients and pollutants
thallus. Lichens show differential sensitivity directly from the atmosphere. Higher plants
towards wide range of pollutants. Certain species (tracheophytes) are also employed in biomoni-
are inherently more sensitive, while some species toring studies, but as they also accumulate pollut-
shows tolerance to high levels of pollutants. ants from soil, interpretation of data requires
These characteristics make certain lichen species more understanding of contributing factors. The
suitable for being utilised as an indicator species ability of lichen and bryophytes to sequester
(based on their sensitivity and tolerance). These heavy metals yet remaining unharmed makes
features of lichens, combined with their extraor- them good biomonitors (Garty 2001).
dinary capability to grow in a large geographical Lichens have been used worldwide as air pol-
area, rank them among an ideal and reliable bio- lution monitors because they show sensitivity
indicators of air pollution. Periodically monitor- towards relatively low levels of sulphur, nitrogen
ing lichen community and physiological changes and fluorine-containing pollutants (especially
in the lichen species may be effectively utilised to oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, fluoride gas and
monitor air quality of an area. This chapter sum- fertiliser used). Phytotoxic gases adversely affect
marises the criteria for selection of biomonitor- many sensitive species, altering lichen community
ing species and how characters of host plant composition, growth rates, reproduction, physio-
influences lichen diversity. Details about differ- logy and morphological appearance. Whereas
ent lichen species utilised for biomonitoring have toxitolerant lichens concentrate a variety of pol-
been discussed. lutants in their tissues without being harmed.
Lichen species are often classified on the basis
of the requirements of substrates, pH and ambi-
3.1 Introduction ent nutrient status (Seaward and Coppins 2004).
Therefore, studying lichen communities can illu-
Gilbert in 1969 recommended the use of crypto- minate the surrounding environmental change
gamic epiphytes as bioindicators in the First (Table 3.1). Indeed epiphytic lichens have been
European Congress on the Influence of Air recognised as indicators of air pollutions since
Pollution on Plants and Animals, and European the 1800s (Nash 2008). Lichens are useful bioin-
countries were the pioneers in implementing the dicators, especially where technical instruments

V. Shukla et al., Lichens to Biomonitor the Environment, 47

DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-1503-5_3, Springer India 2014
48 3 Selection of Biomonitoring Species

Table 3.1 Succession of lichen communities in disturbed and undisturbed environment and changing pH of
Industrial pollution Intensive agriculture Ecological continuity,
Age of substrate pH < 3.5 pH 6+ unpolluted air pH 56
1 110 Lecanoriod Lecanoriod Graphidiod
2 520 Pseudeverniod Xanthoriod Usneoid
3 1550 Lecanoriod Xanthoriod Parmeliod
4 100+ Caliciod Dimorphic (Cladoniod) Lobariod

are not economically feasible (Seaward 2008; ciated with heavy metal-rich substrates are com-
Guidotti et al. 2009). Moreover, a correlation mon species that tolerate metals and occur in
between air pollution and lung cancer in NE Italy both polluted and unpolluted areas. Most lichens
by studying lichen biodiversity (Cislaghi and requiring metal-rich substrates are crustose
Nimis 1997) suggests the potential use of lichens lichens belonging to the genera Acarospora,
to monitor human health. Aspicilia, Lecanora, Lecidea, Porpidia, Rhizo-
Lichen biomonitoring is an integral part of carpon or Tremolecia (Nash 1989; Purvis and
managing well-documented air quality data in Halls 1996; Bakor et al. 2004; Bakor and
wide areas of Europe and North America carried Loppi 2009).
out by different lichenologists and air quality The most commonly used lichen biomonitor-
regulatory agencies that include Nash and Gries ing methods are community analysis, lichen tis-
(2002), Nimis et al. (2002), Garty (2001), sue analysis and transplant studies. Lichens are
Hyvrinen et al. (1993) and Richardson (1992). long-lived and have wide distribution, so they can
Nash (2008) points out that the sensitivity to be monitored in field conditions permitting com-
different pollutants varies among different spe- paring air quality (spatial and temporal evalua-
cies. Moreover, Insarova et al. (1992) state that tion) of wide geographical area that too on low
the response to different pollutants and substrates cost. Toxitolerant/resistant lichens have extensive
may vary even within a species. geographical ranges, allowing study of pollution
As lichen species are differentially sensitive to gradients over large areas.
pollutants, the presence of these pollutants in the Human activities related to agricultural and
environment produces changes at community livestock uses cause the impoverishment of
level. Survival strategy of epiphytic lichens lichen communities, including the local disap-
growing close to a copper smelter in the Middle pearance of the most demanding species (Loppi
Urals was investigated, and it was found that in and de Dominicis 1996; Hedens and Ericson
Hypogymnia physodes, an asexually reproducing 2004; Bergamini et al. 2005; Nascimbene et al.
strong competitor, and Tuckermanopsis sepinc- 2007). The higher occurrence of Xanthorion
ola, a sexually reproducing weak competitor, species in agricultural and livestock stands com-
T. sepincol, benefit from the Cu sensitivity of pared with unmanaged forest may result from two
H. physodes. As under Cu stress, H. physodes factors: the high irradiance in more open wood-
produced only esorediate or low sorediate thalli land (Fuertes et al. 1996; Hedens and Ericson
and sharply decreased in abundance, while abun- 2004) and the high deposition of nutritious dust
dance of T. sepincola on birch trunks increased (Hedens and Ericson 2004; Motiejnaite and
(Mikhailova 2007). Fatynowick 2005).
Specific lichen communities on rock and soil Lichens grow on a wide range of substrates,
occurring in heavy metal-polluted areas world- both natural and man-made, and obtain their
wide, mainly related to mining of metals, have required nutrients and water directly from the
been investigated by several authors (e.g. Nash atmosphere. This uptake of nutrients from the
1989; Purvis and Halls 1996; Bakor et al. atmosphere means lichens are good indicators of
2004; Bansov et al. 2006). Some lichens asso- environmental disturbance as they bioaccumulate
3.2 Criteria for Selection of Biomonitoring Species 49

airborne pollutants. These features of lichens, com- as an ecological tool and is also a standard feature
bined with their extraordinary capability to grow of assessing lichen floras (Gombert et al. 2004).
in a large geographical range and to accumulate Lichens exhibit differing levels of sensitivity
mineral elements far above their needs, rank to pollution. In general, air pollution sensitivity
them among the best bioindicators of air pollu- increases among growth forms in the following
tion. Epiphytic lichens (lichens growing on trees series: crustose (flat, tightly adhered, crust-like
or plants) are often best suited to the study of air lichens) < foliose (leafy lichens) < fruticose
pollution effects on lichen communities, lichen (shrubby lichens), though there are exceptions to
growth or physiology, and to the study of pollut- this gradation. The kind and the level of pollution
ant loading and distribution. Being located above to be monitored in a research area should be
the ground, epiphytic lichens usually receive taken into consideration in selection of the spe-
greater exposure to air pollutants and do not have cies of lichens that will be used as a biomonitor
access to soil nutrient pools (Purvis et al. 2008), (Riga-Karandinos and Karandinos 1998). Foliose
and as lichens usually grows on dead bark, there- lichens are better accumulators in comparison
fore chances of contamination by nutrient cycling with fruticose ones (St. Clair et al. 2002a, b).
is also minimal (Loppi et al. 1998; Shukla et al.
2013). As lichens depend on deposition, water
seeping over substrate surfaces, atmospheric 3.2 Criteria for Selection
gases and other comparatively dilute sources for of Biomonitoring Species
their nutrition, the tissue content of epiphytic
lichens largely reflects atmospheric sources of Not all biological organisms are suitable for use
nutrients and contaminants (Purvis et al. 2008). as biomonitoring tools. The general consider-
Lichens on soils and rock substrates are more ations which must be kept in mind in selecting
likely to be influenced by elements and chemicals biomonitoring organisms include (Wolterbeek
from these substrates, but otherwise share mor- et al. 2003; Conti and Cecchetti 2001):
phological and physiological characteristics of The organism must be capable of accumulat-
epiphytes. Under certain conditions, lichen floris- ing pollutants in measurable amounts, i.e.
tic and community analyses can be used in con- accumulate the pollutants without, however,
junction with measured levels of ambient or being killed by the levels with which it comes
depositional pollutants accumulated by lichens to into contact.
detect effects of changing air quality on vegeta- Have a wide geographical distribution: be
tion. This information can demonstrate the extent abundant, sedentary or of a scare mobility, as
of damage caused by air pollutants. Contaminants well as being representative of the collection
cause undesirable changes in species composi- area.
tion or presence/absence of lichen species. It is It should be available throughout the years or
important that any alternative factors (e.g. for the whole period of study, with relative
drought, grazing, habitat alteration) for changes easy for collection.
observed in species condition or composition (in The organism should show a differential
addition to air pollution) should be considered uptake/accumulation which is related to expo-
while using lichens floristic and community data sure, thus allowing either (1) relative pollution
in an air pollution assessment. levels to be determined or (2) the establish-
Lichen species can be divided into three ment of a more quantitative relationship to
categories according to bark type and nutrient deposition rate or air concentrations.
needs: nitrophytic species which prefer to grow on For assessing air borne contamination, the
deciduous tree bark enriched with dust or nutri- organism must not be subject to substantial
ents, acidophytic species which prefer acidic barks uptake or ingestion of metals from other sources.
and neutrophytic species which are indifferent Cost of collection and analysis should be
species. This categorisation is widely employed acceptable.
50 3 Selection of Biomonitoring Species

In order to determine the contaminants accu- lichens involves following mechanisms (Nieboer
mulated in the biomonitors, organisms may be and Richardson 1981):
selected on basis of their accumulative and Intercellular absorption through an exchange
time-integrative behaviour (Wolterbeek and process
Bode 1995). In most of the studies, biomonitor- Intracellular accumulation
ing species for assessment of air pollution are Entrapment of particles that contain metals
often selected on basis of criteria such as speci- Heavy metal content in lichen thallus tends to
ficity, which implies that accumulation is con- alternate over time in phases of accumulation and
sidered to occur from the atmosphere only and subsequent release. The metal absorption in
provides a well-defined representation of a sam- lichens is influenced by geographical variations
pling site. Wolterbeek et al. (1996) asserted that (altitude), temporal variations (seasonal changes),
selection should be on the basis of the differ- acid precipitation, soil dust and local pollution
ences between local and survey variances, and sources (commercial, industrial, vehicular, min-
the almost implicit criterion for selection is the ing areas).
common occurrence of biomonitors. Earlier air
pollution was indexed by geographical vari-
ances in biodiversity and species richness, but 3.3 Biomonitoring Species
the recent studies are aimed at clarification of (World and India)
the impact of variable levels of atmospheric pol-
lution based on the response of the biomonitors Epiphytic lichen is being widely employed in
(such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpira- different ways as air quality bioindicator and/or
tion, element accumulation) (Paoli and Loppi biomonitor, starting with phytosociological
2008; Garty 1993). These studies are based on approach pioneered by De Sloover and Le Blanc
ecophysiological responses and relating impact (1968) to recent geostatistical modelling in
to response in terms of elemental accumulation; source apportionment of pollutants (Augusto
knowledge is gathered on the doseresponse et al. 2009). Biomonitoring with lichens at
relationships for the biomonitor of interest regional scale employing various lichens species
(Wolterbeek 2002). has been well studied in Europe and Northern
Of all biological species used in biomonitor- America (Loppi and Frati 2006; Thormann 2006;
ing, lichens have the most common occurrence. Pinho et al. 2004). Hypogymnia physodes,
Lichens usually have considerable longevity, Parmelia sulcata, Evernia prunastri and
which led to their use as long-term integrators of Pseudevernia furfuracea are established bioindi-
atmospheric depositions. Unlike higher plants, cator species (Table 3.2) (Herzig et al. 1989; Arb
they have certain characteristic, which meet sev- et al. 1990; Loppi et al. 2004; Bari et al. 2001). It
eral requirements of the ideal biological monitor. is recognised that a wide range of other sub-
They are perennial, slow growing, maintain a stances like phytotoxic gases, alkaline dust (pes-
uniform morphology in time and highly depen- ticides, fertilisers), heavy metals, polycyclic
dent on atmosphere for nutrients because root aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and radionu-
system is absent, and these plants do not shed clides, chlorinated hydrocarbon and uninten-
parts as readily as vascular plants. Other charac- tional man-made chemicals (PCDFs/PCDDs and
teristic of lichens is rapid uptake and accumula- PCBs) may also be detected and monitored using
tion of cations. The lack of waxy cuticle and lichens (Garty 2001).
stomata allows many contaminants to be absorbed Several gaseous air quality monitoring
over the whole lichen surface without exhibiting methods utilising lichens are available (Conti
damage there by permitting monitoring over and Cecchetti 2001). The lichen monitoring
wide areas. In addition, the lichen surface, struc- can be qualitative or quantitative and employ
ture and roughness facilitate the interception and single indicator species or community changes.
retention of particles. The absorption of metals in The choice of method depends on the pur-
Table 3.2 Variation in the concentration (g g1 dry weight) of metallic content in lichen species utilised worldwide for biomonitoring
S. no. Lichen species Country Al Cd Cr Cu Fe Hg Mn Ni Pb Zn As References
1 Parmelia Italy 110277 0.350.65 0.11.7 4.48.1 119246 0.100.22 30.4128 0.42.3 3.814.9 38.666.8 ND Loppi and
caperata (N) Pirintos
2 Parmelia Italy 2,384 0.191 3.6 9.1 1,800 ND 38.2 ND 15.9 65.7 ND Loppi et al.
sulcata (N) 1998
3 Flavoparmelia Serbia ND 0.1310 1.7553.714 6.14 476.6 ND 13.67 1.27 9.822.3 17.620.7 0.0031 Mitrovi
caperata (N) 0.2558 15.37 493.2 14.12 1.59 0.0037 et al. (2012)
ND 0.1546 1.4572 5.73 374.5 ND 12.4 1.09 7.310.1 17.024.3 0.0027
0.1942 1.4879 6.51 399.2 15.62 1.301 0.0038
4 Hypogymnia Southern ND 0.547.70 0.2275.85 3.710.8 3501,202 ND ND 1.08 9.3 55583 ND Bialoska
physodes (T) Poland 9.18 123.7 and Dayan
5. Ramalina lacera Israel 1,228 ND 4.410.1 5.19.9 1,033 ND 21.8 4.08.9 7.311.2 34.643.1 ND Garty et al.
(T) 1,587 1,403 29.5 (2003)
6 Pseudevernia Turkey ND ND ND ND ND ND 2.47 0.28 0.60 0.33 ND Yildiz et al.
furfuracea (T) (2008)
N native, T transplant
52 3 Selection of Biomonitoring Species

Table 3.3 Epiphytes responding to increasing influence of traffic or agriculture with decreasing or increasing
Frequency decreases Frequency increases
with increasing Frequency increases with Frequency decreases with with increasing
vehicular activity increasing vehicular activity increasing agricultural activity agricultural activity
Lecanora expallens Phaeophyscia nigricans Evernia prunastri Amandinea punctata
Lepraria incana Phaeophyscia orbicularis Hypogymnia physodes Caloplaca holocarpa
Parmelia saxatilis Phaeophyscia hispidula Lecanora conizaeoides Lecidella elaeochroma
Physcia tenella Xanthoria parietina Lepraria incana Physconia grisea
Pyxine cocoes Orthotrichum diaphanum Xanthoria parietina
Melanelia subaurifera
Parmelia sulcata
Phaeophyscia orbicularis
Physcia caesia
Modified from after Wolseley and James (2000), includes some prominent Indian lichen species

pose of the survey, the size of the study area, lichens provide different options as biomonitors
resources available and the desired detail of the of the air pollution, depending on the selected
output. Thus, lichens have a long history of species. The biomonitoring capability of lichens
use as monitoring of environmental pollution. has been studied in depth for various contami-
Several authors have advocated the use of bio- nants (Blasco et al. 2011).
logical monitoring to assess and understand the As certain lichen species are inherently more
status of trends within natural ecosystem (Jeran sensitive to airborne contaminants, air quality
et al. 2002; Godinho et al. 2008). can be effectively monitored by occasionally re-
Although the majority of lichens are sensitive evaluating lichen community and/or assessing
to pollutants in the environment, some are able to physiological parameters. Pollution related
survive on substrates rich in heavy metals (Purvis changes can then be documented by comparing
and Halls 1996). Additionally, differential sen- follow-up data to original baseline data (St. Clair
sitivity to pollutants has led to production of pollu- 1989).
tion scales based on delimitation of zones Lichens can be collected from substrates of
characterised by specific lichen flora (Hawksworth determinable age such as twigs, or mean tissue
and Rose 1970). Numerous investigations of the concentrations of selected species can be com-
interaction of lichens with its ambient environ- pared over time. However, caution should be
ment reveal that lichens may be assigned to three used in such correlations. Gartys (2001) review
categories in terms of their responses to air pollu- of a dozen studies of age-related differences in
tion (Garty et al. 2003): sensitive species, with lichen thalli (vegetative bodies) revealed that dif-
varying degrees of sensitivity to the detrimental ferences are not always significant, nor always
effects of pollutants, but ultimately succumbing size related, and vary with growth rate, target ele-
to air pollution; tolerant species, resistant to pol- ment and lichen species.
lution, belonging to the native community and In particular, the epiphytic species Hypogymnia
remaining intact in their native habitat; and physodes has been shown to be one of the most
replacement species, making their appearance suitable lichen monitors (in situ or transplanted)
after destruction of the major part of the native of atmospheric metal concentrations in central
lichen community as a result of pollution. Europe (Jeran et al. 1995; Vestergaard et al. 1986;
In the presence of pollution, each species of Herzig et al. 1989). Hypogymnia physodes is
lichens responds in a different biological stress relatively commonly occurring lichen for
degree and consequently shows a different bio- which baseline levels of heavy metals have
monitoring capacity (Table 3.3). Therefore, been established using data from the species
3.3 Biomonitoring Species (World and India) 53

Table 3.4 Baseline values for some common metallic Humidity, temperature and light conditions
pollutants in Hypogymnia physodes
inside forests can be altered by forest clearing
Elements Background Enriched and logging (Franklin and Forman 1987; Murcia
S. no. (mg g1 dry weight) average average 1995; Moen and Jonsson 2003; Belinchn et al.
1 Pb 19.5 126.9
2009), causing the systematic reduction and local
2 Zn 73 427
extinction of some of the most outstanding repre-
3 Cd 0.56 2.56
sentatives of sensitive communities as in the case
4 Cr 2.11 43.50
of Thelotremataceae lichens.
5 Ni 1.72 12.28
6 Cu 6.0 28.6
In order to compare the bioaccumulation
7 Fe 621 3081 capacity of four established bioindicator species
8 S 738 1695 (Hypogymnia physodes, Parmelia sulcata,
Pseudevernia furfuracea and Usnea hirta) with
After Bennett (2000)
the help of transplant study carried out in urban
site of North Italy revealed that H. physodes,
collected worldwide (Table 3.4) (Bennett 2000). P. furfuracea and U. hirta have a similar accu-
In northwest Britain, Lobaria pulmonaria is mulation capacity, while P. sulcata has lower
being utilised with its limitation being present capacity Bergamaschi et al. (2007).
on trees with bark pH >5 (Farmer et al. 1991). Tolerance of a lichen species to excessive con-
In Italy epiphytic foliose lichen species, belong- centrations of metals is based on different bio-
ing to the genera Xanthoria and Parmelia, were chemical mechanisms of detoxification, among
mostly employed as bioaccumulators (Nimis et al. which the dominant role is played by reactions of
2000). The use of a single species in the same sur- metal ion complexation with organic acids con-
vey is recommended by several authors (Bargagli tained in lichen thalli and extracellular decompo-
1998) to minimise the data variability (Minganti sition of the complexes on the thallus surface or
et al. 2003). on the walls of mycobiont hyphae (Mikhailova
Trace metal pollution in natural ecosystems in and Sharunova 2008).
Serbia have been monitored utilising the lichen Nitrophytic species need both a relatively high
species Flavoparmelia caperata because of its bark pH and at least some additional nitrogen as
wide distribution and proven sentinel functions well. On acid bark, the pH rather than nitrogen is
(Mitrovi et al. 2012). a limiting factor for their occurrence. On basic
L. pulmonaria prefers light and exposed areas bark, nitrogen can be limiting, but this is hardly
as long as its water demand is met (Barkman the case in urban or rural circumstances, where
1958; Renhorn et al. 1997; Hazell and Gustafsson nitrogen is usually widely available while acido-
1999). Similarly, some species of Collema and phytic species require an acid substrate, but many
Leptogium even survive on remnant trees and of them are sensitive to increased levels of nitro-
acclimatise to the new exposure conditions after gen as well (van Herk et al. 2002).
clear cut (Hazell and Gustafsson 1999; Hedens In India till date biomonitoring studies which
and Hedstrm 2007). have been conducted have employed Pyxine cocoes
The presence of cyanolichens is closely (Swartz) Nyl. in active biomonitoring studies. These
related to microclimate, as they prefer sites with studies have provided the air pollution level of vari-
high humidity and moisture availability (Barkman ous major cities of India which included Kolkata
1958). Cyanolichen richness was also larger in (capital city of West Bengal), Bengaluru (capital
unmanaged forests with high tree cover and city of Karnataka), Pune (IT hub) and Lucknow
diameter. Mikhailova et al. (2005), studying the (capital city of Uttar Pradesh). These studies have
influence of environmental factors on the local- showed that Kolkata is highly polluted metropolitan
scale distribution of cyanolichens in Russia, in India. Crustose lichen Rinodina sophodes has
concluded that most of the cyanolichens studied been employed for air quality monitoring in the
preferred habitats with larger trees. industrial city of Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh).
54 3 Selection of Biomonitoring Species
% bioaccumulation of metals in 4 species

120 It was found that P. hispidula had maximum

100 97.0 accumulation of metals as well as PAHs fol-
lowed by Pyxine, while Graphis accumulated
80 64 % less than P. hispidula. Findings establish
the use of Pyxine and Phaeophyscia hispidula as
bioindicator species in India (Bajpai et al.
40 unpublished).
It has been observed that ultrastructural fea-
ture also affects the adsorption of pollutants asso-
0 ciated with particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10
P.hispidula Pyxine Lecanora Graphis
(Fig. 3.3).
Fig. 3.1 Comparative bioaccumulation potential of four In a developing country like India, biomoni-
lichen species for metals toring is in its preliminary stage and needs more
elaborate and extended programmes (like nation-
% bioaccumulation of PAHs in 4 species

120 wide projects) to utilise biomonitoring tech-

100 niques for pollution monitoring in vast different
89.4 geographical conditions where employing instru-
80 ment is not feasible task.
40 3.3.1 Are Lichens Suitable

P.hispidula Pyxine Lecanora Graphis
The lichen species accumulates huge amount of
metals, metalloid, pesticides and radionucleo-
Fig. 3.2 Comparative bioaccumulation potential of four tides in their thallus, but they cannot be consid-
lichen species for PAHs
ered as phytoremediator (bioremediator).
According to Zabludowska et al. (2009), phytore-
In the temperate regions of Garhwal mediators should have the shortest life cycle,
Himalayas, lichen Phaeophyscia hispidula is a larger biomass and capability to hyper-
common lichen of urban areas and one of the accumulate toxic contaminants with no harm to
most widely utilised lichen species in Garhwal self. The lichens are also capable as hyper-
Himalayas, along with other species such as accumulating of various toxicants and remaining
Pyxine cocoes and Pyxine subcinerea. unharmed, but they fail to produce larger biomass
Nitrophilous lichen P. hispidula presents a large due to its slow growth rate. Due to this reason, it
contact surface for atmospheric pollutants and is is universally accepted that though lichens are
able to accumulate high amounts of heavy metals excellent bioindicator and bioaccumulator, but
in polluted areas. However, it did not show visi- are not suitable phytoremediator. Although it is
ble signs of injury, which can correlate with still difficult to point out the exact sources of
increased tolerance of this species to atmospheric metals that are accumulated by lichens, but their
pollution (Shukla and Upreti 2007). distribution helps to elucidate their origin.
Morphology plays a predominant role in Exploratory analysis revealed that the accumula-
nutrient accumulation based on the available tion of toxic metals in lichens may be used in
surface area for adsorption and/or absorption determining the air quality of the city and can be
(Blasco et al. 2011). Among the four lichen spe- used for future biomonitoring studies. However,
cies (Phaeophyscia hispidula, Pyxine, Lecanora for economical and practical reasons, biomoni-
and Graphis), the bioaccumulation potential of toring is absolutely necessary to establish and
metals (Fig. 3.1) and PAHs (Fig. 3.2) was found maintain region-wide monitoring systems and for
significantly different among the growth forms. retrospective studies.
3.4 Host Plants for Lichen Colonisation 55

Fig. 3.3 SEM image showing ultrastructural features <5 m in the compartment while PM of diameter >10 m
of lichen species, Pyxine subcinerea (hexagonal compart- are not adsorbed on the surface (Shukla 2012)
ments), which readily adsorb and retain PM of diameter

3.4 Host Plants for Lichen including microclimate, atmosphere and substrate
Colonisation chemistry as well as substrate structure (Hauck
and Spribille 2005). Lichens grow on any sub-
Small-scale distribution of epiphytic lichens is stratum that provides a convenient foothold to
controlled by the spatial and temporal variation them. This may be tree trunk, rotting wood (cor-
of several biotic and physicochemical factors ticolous), soil (terricolous), humus (humicolous),
56 3 Selection of Biomonitoring Species

rocks and stones and bricks (saxicolous), lime to metabolic activity of the phorophytes and,
plaster (calcicolous), moss (musicolous), leaves secondly, from external environment like rain,
(foliicolous), iron pillars, glass panes or insects. snow fog, dew, etc. Of the two externally derived,
The nature of the substratum is an extremely moisture content has been found to be important
important factor determining the growth of source for lichens.
lichens. Few lichen species are able to grow suc- Barks with different densities, porosities, tex-
cessfully on a wide range of substrata. Substrate- ture and internal structure differ in their water
indifferent species tend to be widespread, while holding capacities. Among oak and pines, oak
substrate-specific species tend to be restricted in has been found to retain more moisture and
distribution. Thus, lichen communities growing liberate at regular intervals for a longer period of
on trees will be different from those growing on time. Bark water capacities of Quercus species
rock or on soil (Hauck et al. 2007). Communities and Pinus albicaulis have been found to be a fac-
growing on rock will be further different based tor resulting in difference in the lichen diversity.
on whether particular rock is acidic (siliceous) or Moisture capacities of bark differ with exposure
basic (calcareous). and age of tree (Brodo 1973).
Bark with rich nutrient (eutrophicated bark) A study on the different diameter of twigs of
are favoured by some species of Caloplaca, Quercus semecarpifolia and Q. leucotrichophora
Phyllospora, Phaeophyscia and Physcia, while exhibits that pH of twig varies with diameter of
Arthonia, Bacidia, Graphis and Lecanora the twig and so the resulting lichen diversity also
colonise on non-eutrophicated bark. Foliicolous varies. The diversity of twig lichens exhibits a
lichens require perennial leaves for their growth. decreasing trend with increasing diameter as well
Texture of the bark smoothness, hardness, as pH. The younger twigs with 12 cm diameter
relative stability and surface features restricts the are dominated by crustose lichens, and as the
lichen diversity on the substratum. Ease of colo- diameter increases, crustose lichens are replaced
nisation is a prominent factor dependent on the by foliose and fruticose lichens (Kholia et al.
surface texture. Lichen diaspores get trapped and 2011). Rock and soil also absorb, bind and release
develop on rough surfaces more easily than on water at different rates. Lichens least prefer colo-
smooth surfaces. The exfoliating nature of the nisation on sand as it has least water holding
bark does not support lichen colonisation as in capacity. Sand stone being porous has moderate
Pinus roxburghii, while smooth textured and fis- water holding capacities and is much preferred
sured bark supports highest lichen diversity as in by lichens for colonisation.
the case of Mangifera indica (Sheik et al. 2009). Availability of nutrients has great significance
The lichen community occurring smooth in lichen distribution (Hauck et al. 2001).
twigs are quite different from that on rough and Barkman (1958) concluded that it is important to
older twigs from the same tree as in the case of characterise the chemical composition of water
Graphioid lichens which prefer smooth bark. In in direct contact with the lichen and bark on
North America, the leaves of the tree Thuja pli- which it colonises than the substrate itself as
cata are colonised by twig-dwelling species many minerals in the substrate are either insolu-
which has been attributed to scurfy and rough ble or not available to the plant.
nature of the leaf surface (Brodo 1973). It has been observed that the stem flow
Availability of moisture is contributing factor (water flowing from the crown of the tree down
on distribution of lichen on the tree trunk as sub- to the trunk after rain) is rich with nutrients
strate moisture acts in hydration of the thalli, especially potassium, calcium, sodium, organic
which influences rate of photosynthesis and matter, soluble carbohydrate and polyphenols,
respiration in lichens (Harris 1971). While which is an major source of nutrients to the
considering moisture relations of bark, two epiphytic lichens (Hauck et al. 2002; Hauck
sources are there: firstly, moisture originating due and Runge 2002).
References 57

Table 3.5 Influence of bark chemistry (based on the ash content) on epiphytic vegetation
S. no. Type of bark Ash content (%) Vegetation Epiphytic lichen vegetation
1 Eutrophic [5] 812 Acer, Sambucus Mangifera and Prunus Physcoid
2 Mesotrophic [2] 35 Quercus, Fagus and Fraxinus species Arthoniod and Parmeliod
3 Oligotrophic 0.42.7 Betula, Picea and Abies species Caliciod
After Brodo (1973)

A close correlation is known to exist between which are anheliophytic (against shade) and
total electrolyte concentration (determined by thermophobous (disliking heat) are restricted on
ash content of the bark and epiphytic vegetation) north face of the tree trunk.
(Table 3.5). In rock as substratum, acidic and Lichenbark interface is dependent on the
basic nature of the rock determines lichen diver- extent penetration of lichen appendages into the
sity (see Sect. 1.3). Serpentine rocks are rich in tree bark which is fairly dependent on the type of
magnesium, silicon and iron with low soluble the substratum and morphology of the lichen
potassium and phosphate with nickel and chro- species. Fruticose lichens penetrate deep into the
mium which does not support colonisation of substratum up to the cambium, while foliose
plant communities (Rune 1953). lichens penetrate less but firm attachment with
Although lichens absorb and accumulate the help of rhizinae.
nutrients, the nutrient profile does not accurately Substrate specificity is defined as the extent to
reflect the composition in the substratum, and it which a lichen is restricted to a narrowly defined
has been concluded that probably of the total substrate type, and it primarily depends upon the
nutrient content in lichens, the contribution of the plants requirements and tolerances. If the lichen
substratum is least. species requires more nutrient, it will grow on
Distribution of lichen species and communi- substrate containing large amount of nutrients like
ties is strongly correlated with substrate acidity calcicolous lichens which prefer calcium-rich
of which hydrogen ion concentration (pH) is an substrate, limestone (Ahamadjian and Hale 1973).
important determining factor. Acidity and alka-
linity affects the bioavailability of the element.
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