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Piorkowskis Kindergarten Newsletter

[email protected]
School phone: 847-3920
Parent Teacher Conferences
Fun Valentines Day Challenge:
How many words can you create from the

Valentines Day Party Please spend some

time with your sweetie and help him or her
decorate a (box, bag, etc.) for our
Valentines cards! Send it to school with
your valentines day cards before Friday,
Feb. 13th. Thank you and enjoy being
creative together!
Monthly Shape Study!
This months shape:

I am asking that you be about 5

minutes early to your conference. I
have almost all of our conferences
back to back. If you run into problems,
we can simply reschedule! Please
come with questions that you may
have prepared. We are in the middle of
a quarter and right in the middle of
many assessments. Thank you!
R E M I N D E R S:

Check folders
Please continue to review sight words
Help your child learn to write his or her
last name
Remember to go to our class website
(weebly) for updates and information

February Birthdays

Happy Birthday
Ethan Davis February 8th
Damien Lockler February 9th
India Thompson February 28th
Our kindergarten shape this month is a
Diamond! Be sure to work with your child to
help him or her recognize what a diamond
looks like!

Mark Your Calendars!

February 5th: Early release at 1:30;

February 11th: Parent Teacher
Conferences 2:30-8:30 pm
February 16th: No School

A Look Ahead into the Month

Math: Working on numbers to 20;
organizing numbers; coins
Science: Plant life/Our non-fiction
them is NEW YORK CITY!
Social Studies: Presidents Day
Writing: Literary Non-fiction
Language Arts: Letter sounds, high frequency
words, handwriting, blending simple words, word
families and more!


S I G H T W O R D S:






Make sure to keep going over these words

with our children. Help them spell as well as
sound them out!

Counting Valentines
Valentines, valentines, how many do I
Valentines, valentines, count them with
I have red ones, orange ones, yellow
ones, too.
I have green ones, purple ones, and
some that are blue.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I
Count them with me! 1-2-3-4-5...

Kindergarten SKILLS we are now working on

S I N G I N G the A, B, CS
W R I T I N G our first and last names
I D E N T I F Y all 26 letters
C O U N T from 0-20
W R I T I N G numbers and letters
Thank you for working hard In and Out of class!

School starts at 8:00. Please have your child
In class and ready for a fun filled day of
learning! Late arrivals are signed in at the front
desk and given a pass for class.

Our kindergarten Open House is
Friday, February 13th from 5 to 8.
Our students have so much to show
off to everyone. We hope to see
everyone there!

We dismiss class at 2:30. Please let me know
about your childs daily transportation to ensure
his or her safety! If transportation changes,
please have in writing so that we can adjust

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