WM 2
WM 2
WM 2
6th Hour
Definitions- (n)
1. a hot, dry, dustladen wind blowing from northern Africa and affecting parts of
southern Europe
2. a warm, sultry south or southeast wind accompanied by rain, occurring in the
same regions
3. any hot, oppressive wind, especially one in the warm sector of a cyclone
Other Forms- siroccos, scirocco
Synonyms- sandstorm, dust storm, dust devil
Antonyms- none
Sentence- As the camel walked across the desert, a sirocco blew fiercely at its face.
Definition- (adj)
1. condescending or presumptuous; overbearing; arbitrary
Other Forms- high-handedly, high-handedness
Synonyms- authoritarian, dictatorial, overbearing
Antonyms- democratic
Sentence- The dictator in Russia was very highhanded.
Definition- (v)
1. to occur again, as an event, experience, etc.
2. to return to the mind
3. to come up again for consideration, as a question
4. to have recourse
Other Forms- recurred, recurring
Synonyms- persist, reappear, repeat
Antonyms- halt, stop
Sentence- As she talked to her friends, a horrifying memory recurred.
Definition- (n)
1. a room or place where food is kept; pantry
2. a supply of food
Other Forms- none
Synonyms- pantry, stock, groceries
Antonyms- none
Sentence- After she got home from school, she trudged to the larder.
Definition- (adj)
1. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.;
2. hot; burning; glowing
Other Forms- fervently, ferventness, nonfervent, nonfervently, nonferventness
Synonyms- ardent, ecstatic, earnest
Antonyms- calm, dull, unenthusiastic
Sentence- After seeing the candle-lit dinner Nick made for her, Bella felt fervent.
Definition- (v)
1. to draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke
Other Forms- elicitation, elicitor, nonelicited, unelicited
Synonyms- extract, bring out, evoke
Antonyms- give, cover, keep
Sentence- Poirot was determined to elicit the motif.
Definition- (n)
1. a radiance surrounding the head or the whole figure in the representation of a
sacred personage
2. any encircling ring of light or color; halo
3. Astronomy, corona
4. Geology, a zone of altered country rock around an igneous intrusion
Other Forms- none
Synonyms- corona, halo
Antonyms- none
Sentence- After tripping, Chelsea discovered an aureole in the ground.
Definition- (adj)
1. fixed in direction; steadily directed
2. firm in purpose, resolution, faith, attachment,etc., as a person
3. unwavering, as resolution, faith, adherence, etc.
4. firmly established, as an institution or a state of affairs
5. firmly fixed in place or position
Other Forms- steadfastly, steadfastness, oversteadfast, oversteadfastly,
Synonyms- staunch, faithful, dedicated
Antonyms- afraid, dishonest, false
Sentence- Her neighbors were very steadfast in their religion.
Definition- (v)
1. to give authority or official power to; empower
2. to give authority for; formally sanction (an act or proceeding)
3. to establish by authority or usage
4. to afford a ground for: warrant: justify
Other Forms- authorizable, authorizer, deauthorize/ed/ing, misauthorize/ed/ing,
Synonyms- empower, entitle, enable
Antonyms- refuse, reject, deny
Sentence- The general authorized only the top soldiers to handle the bombs.
Definition- (n)
1. a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm
2. anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite
3. a. the primal chaos before Creation
b. the infernal regions; hell
c. a subterranean ocean
Other Forms- none
Synonyms- chasm, crevasse, depth
Antonyms- none
Sentence- Todd screamed as he plunged into the everlasting abyss.
Definition- (adj)
1. penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having
deep insight or understanding
2. originating in or penetrating to the depths of ones being
3. being in or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious
4. of deep meaning; of great and broadly inclusive significance
5. persuasive or intense; thorough; complete
6. extending, situated, or originating far down, or far beneath the surface
7. low
(n) 8. something that is profound
9. the deep sea; ocean
10. depth; abyss
Other Forms- profoundly, profoundness, unprofound, unprofoundly
Synonyms- deep, intelligent, serious
Antonyms- light, open, superficial
Sentence- Meghans superficial behavior made her the very opposite of profound.
Definition- (n)
1. a tube or conduit bent into legs of unequal length, for use in drawing a liquid from
one container into another on a lower level by placing the shorter leg into the
container above and the longer leg into the one below, the liquid being forced up
the shorter leg and into the longer one by the pressure of the atmosphere
2. siphon bottle
3. a projecting tubular part of some animals, especially certain mollusks, through
which liquid enters or leaves the body
(v) 4. to convey, draw, or pass through or as if through a siphon (sometimes followed
by off)
Other Forms- siphonal/ic, siphonless, siphonlike, pseudosiphonal, pseudosiphonic
Synonyms- drain, funnel, pump
Antonyms- none
Sentence- Rick siphoned the gas from the abandoned car.
Definition- (n)
1. a person who carries a torch
2. a leader in a movement, campaign, etc.
Other Forms- none
Synonyms- leader, head, administrator
Antonyms- none
Sentence- Katniss was the torchbearer in the revolution.
Definition- (adj)
1. filled with intense feeling or passion; passionate; ardent
Other Forms- impassionedly, impassionedness, unimpassioned, unimpassionedly
Synonyms- ardent, fierce, heated
Antonyms- calm, apathetic, cold
Sentence- Marena was impassioned at the sight of Dean.
Definition- (v)
1. to instigate or foster (discord, rebellion, etc.); promote the growth or development
2. to apply warm water or medicated liquid, ointments, etc., to (the surface or the
Other Forms- fomenter, unfomented
Synonyms- arouse, brew, incite
Antonyms- discourage, deter, conclude
Sentence- The old man was executed for fomenting an uprising.
Definition- (n)
1. a direct route traveled quickly (usually in the phrase make a beeline for)
Other Forms- none
Synonyms- shortcut, straightaway
Antonyms- none
Sentence- Ella made a beeline for the television.
Definition- (adj)
1. dreamily or wistfully thoughtful
2. expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness
Other Forms- pensively, pensiveness, overpensive, overpensively, overpensiveness
Synonyms- dreamy, wistful, thoughtful
Antonyms- uncaring, negligent, ignorant
Sentence- Brians dreams of finding a friend made him a pensive person.
Definition- (v)
1. to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice exceedingly; be highly elated or
2. Obsolete. to leap, especially for joy
Other Forms- exultingly, self-exulting
Synonyms- rejoice, celebrate, cheer
Antonyms- be sad, conceal, grieve
Sentence- After winning the lottery, the Dangremond family exulted.
Definition- (v)
1. to raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily (usually
followed by at or about)
2. to oppose by inconsequential, frivolous, or sham objections
(n) 3. a trivial and annoying objection
4. the raising of such objections
Other Forms- caviler, cavilingly, outcavil/ed/ing, outcavilled/ing uncaviling, uncavilling
Synonyms- carp, criticize
Antonyms- none
Synonyms- Mitch caviled at the unrealisticness of the program.
Definition- (adj)
1. characterized by or in a state of uproar; tumultuous
2. making an uproar; confused and noisy, as an assembly, person, etc.
3. very funny, as a person or situation
4. very loud, as sounds or utterances
5. expressed by producing uproar
Other Forms- uproariously, uproariousness
Synonyms- boisterous, clamorous, hilarious
Antonyms- solemn, unfunny
Sentence- The uproarious pick-up line offended the girl deeply.
Definition- (n)
1. a number of young produced or hatched at one time; a family of offspring or
2. a breed, species, group, or kind
(v) 3. to sit upon (eggs) to hatch, as a bird; incubate
4. (of a bird) to warm, protect, or cover (young) with the wings or body
5. to think or worry persistently or moodily about; ponder
6. to sit upon eggs to be hatched, as a bird
7. to dwell on a subject or to meditate woth morbid persistence (usually followed by
over or on)
8. kept for breeding
9. (verb phrases) brood above/over, to cover, loom, or seem to fill the atmosphere
or scene
Other Forms- broodless, unbrooded
Synonyms- offspring, breed, chicks
Antonyms- parent, child
Sentence- Gabby the Hens brood of children pecked at her feet.
Definition- (n)
1. often, hinterlands. the remote or less developed parts of a country
2. the land lying behind a coastal region
3. an area or sphere of influence in the unoccupied interior claimed by the state
possessing the coast
4. an inland area supplying goods, especially trade goods, to a port
Other Forms- none
Synonyms- outback, boondocks, borderland
Antonyms- metropolis
Sentence- Behind Bexhill laid a deserted hinterland.
Definition- (adj)
1. formally precise or proper, as persons or behavior; stiffly neat
(v) 2. to draw up the mouth in an affectedly nice or precise way
3. to make prim, as in appearance
4. to draw (ones face, lips, etc.) into a prim expression
Other Forms- primly, primness, unprimmed
Synonyms- demure, correct, tidy
Antonyms- untidy, informal, rumpled
Sentence- Tara was very prim as she made conversation at the table.
Definition- (v)
1. to tread or step heavily and noisily; stamp
2. to tread heavily, roughly, or crushingly (usually followed by on, upon, or over)
3. to act in a harsh, domineering, or cruel manner, as if treading roughly (usually
followed by on, upon, or over)
4. to tread heavily, roughly, or carelessly on or over; tread underfoot
5. to domineer harshly over; crush
6. to put out or extinguish by trampling (usually followed by out)
(n) 7. the act of trampling
8. the sound of trampling
Other Forms- trampler, untrampled
Synonyms- crush, flatten, hurt
Antonyms- aid, assist, cure
Sentence- Jack trampled Will as he went to meet his friend.
Definition- (n)
1. an artificial channel for conducting water, often fitted with a gate (sluice gate) at
the upper end for regulating the flow.
2. the body of water held back or controlled by a sluice gate
3. any contrivance for regulating a flow from or into a receptacle
4. a channel, especially one carrying off surplus water; drain
5. a stream of surplus water
6. an artificial stream or channel of water for moving solid matter
7. also called a sluice box. Mining. a long, sloping trough or the like, with grooves
on the bottom, into which water is directed to separate gold from gravel or sand
(v) 8. to let out (water) by or as if by opening a sluice
9. to drain (a pond, lake, etc.) by or as if by opening a sluice
10. to open a sluice upon
11. to flush or cleanse with a rush of water
12. Mining. to wash in a sluice
13. to send (logs) down a sluiceway
14. to flow or pour through or as if through a sluice
Other Forms- sluicelike, undersluice, unsluiced
Synonyms- channel, douse, flume
Antonyms- none
Sentence- Gale washed his hands at the miners sluice.