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November 2014

Beyond the Cave


Laymon Hicks
By Melissa Hart & Dietrich Bader


Laymon Hicks said that his grandma would always

tell him, "When you fall down, get back up!" These
were his words of encouragement to his entire
audience of Summerville Union High School students.
On October 10, 2014, inspirational speaker, Laymon
Hicks, visited Summerville Union High School and
gave a very moving talk to the student body. His
speech appealed to many, especially those who have
gone through struggles or have friends and loved ones
going through rough times.
Humphrey Quirie, senior and Associated Student
Body member, stated, "It was the second time I heard
that speech, and every time I hear it, it inspires me
more and more to want to go out and do my best, to
want to go out and do what I can do to be someone in
Another student, Isaac Tucker, freshman, said, "It
was such a great encouragement."
Throughout his speech, Hicks wanted his listeners to
know three things.
He told them, "You have to be positive; good things
come to those who wait. Great things come to those
who go get it and to stop paying attention to the
people that dont matter. However, these things mean
nothing if you don't have the love and support from
your family and friends."
He later told students to text someone important to

them and remind them that they

Bailey Graham, a freshman,
said, "When I got home, I told
my mom, [since] she has always
been there for me."
After the speech was over, he
encouraged anyone who needed
help to come see him.
Amanda Hummel, senior and
ASB member, stated, "He was
one of the better speakers I
heard. He was very inspirational
and said he was grateful to be at
Teachers and students alike also
applauded his meaningful
The Principal of Summerville,
Mr. Johnstone, said, "I was very
motivated. About a week later, I Inspired and motivated, Summervilles Associated Student Body
heard the students all around mingled with Laymon Hicks before listening to him speak to the entire
campus repeating his words, so student body on October 10. His message to them: Dont be a bird.
I think the seriousness and the
humor of interacting with him
set in and affected them positively."
Trenton Bell, a freshman at Summerville, said, "His
Hicks had a very "hip vibe," which made him positive attitude was really cool and he was so funny."
relatable to the students. Many also admired his
You can find Laymon Hicks on Facebook. visit:

Q & A with the

Photos by Levi Graham



Q: Many of our students struggle as

they do not have the support system
at home to foster their future. What
advice do you have for that young
man or young woman who is
going it alone?

Q: Oftentimes, a young persons

hurdle is forgiving him or herself
for the mistakes made. What advice
do you have to help lead them to
the road to redemption?

A: My biggest advice is do it. The

lack of support should not hinder
you. Understand that even if your
family is not there, do not be afraid
to chase your dreams.

A: You are not alone. People who

hurt, hurt other people. If we give
them power, they will continue to
bully. Show them what they say
does not bother you. Stop giving
them power. Rise above.


Above: Hicks words were not the only catalyst of motivation during
his speech, his body language, including clapping and hip-rolling, also
captivated the students attention during the assembly. Below: Jordan
Cashman (senior)acts out for the audience. Top Right: Tim Reid (junior)
and Humphrey Quirie (senior) pose with himself.

Q: How do students decide who

their greatest influence is,
especially when they are
bombarded by the media and role
models who let them down so
A: Stop looking to celebrities as influential
people, look to people who live a lifestyle
attainable to you. You are not them and
never will be. You are meant to be yourself.

Q: For the teen who feels alone
when doing the right thing, what
advice do you have for him or her?
A: Get rid of any bad influences.
Friendship is not based on longevity,
it is based on emotion and who it
physically there.

Fashi nology
By Kara Wessel & Lauren Adams
Online Editor


Adorned in everything from safari ensembles to theme park gear, students at Summerville
Union High School did not hesitate to show their school spirit during this years "It's All
Fun and Games" themed homecoming week.
On Monday, students wore their class color, which was determined by their board game.
The freshmen wore red, sophomores wore yellow, juniors wore blue, and seniors wore
Tuesday's theme was multiplicity day, where students came together and coordinated
their outfits with their friends.
Laura Johnson, sophomore, stated that she was "definitely going all out for multiplicity
Junior, Travis Rogers, came up with the idea of hunting the lions, our homecoming
opponents, which led to Wednesday's theme: safari day.

Theme park day was Thursday, and students emulated anything from tacky-tourist outfits
to their favorite Disneyland characters.
Lastly, students were decked-out on Friday in head-to-toe orange, showing their school
spirit and preparing for the final home football game of the season.
Caleb Britt, freshman, expressed that he was most excited for "safari day, because I have
this hat called panama jack, and I'm going to wear it and look super swag."
Similarly, Jason Vaccarezza, eighth grade Connections Academy student, said he is "going
all out for orange-out day."
This week, even the teachers showed their school spirit. For multiplicity day, Mrs. Dieste,
Spanish teacher, said she, Mrs. Dewy, and Ms. Wessel all decided to dress up as minions
from the movie Despicable Me.
They wanted to "do something that is alike and silly," said Mrs. Dieste. "We all teach
freshmen and we're on the same side of the building, so we thought we could be minions."
With staff and students alike donning their spirited fashion, the ambiance around campus
is sure to set the tone for Fridays homecoming game.

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