Pauls Ielts
Pauls Ielts
Pauls Ielts
Posted on May 21, 2013 by Pearl 11 Comments
Prices rose from $10 to $15 within 3 months. Prices rose by 50%.
Note: Dont confuse the verbs rise (to become more) with raise (to make something
rise). Ex. School fees are set to rise. Our school has raised their fees by 5%.
to increase (v)
Birth rates in New Zealand stood at 20,000 at the start of this period and increased to a
peak of 66,000 in 1961.
You can use increase from (a number) to (a number); increase by ( number/percentage),
increase in value/price.
As a noun: There was an increase in house prices for the first 5 years.
to grow (v)
The population of internet users grew the fastest in Canada during this period.
As a noun: Canada experienced the fastest growth in Internet usage.
While sales of Product B remained steady, sales of Product A soared during the fourth
By 2030 the elderly Japanese population is predicted to skyrocket 150% within one or
two years. OR By 2030 the proportion of elderly Japanese is predicted to skyrocket
to 25%of the population within one or two years.
On the other hand, house prices spiked in the first two months after the recession.
As a noun: There was a spike in house prices in the first two months after the recession.
to jump (v)
New gym memberships jumped 10% immediately after the Christmas holiday period.
As a noun: There was a 10% jump in new gym memberships immediately after the
Christmas holiday period.
From there, the audience level continues to rise sharply, reaching a peak of 45% of the
population between 6 and 10 pm, also aptly known as prime time.
Conversely, audience levels for radio reaches a high in the morning by 9 am.
The graph shows an upward trend in household access to modern technology in the UK
from 1996 to 2003.
to decrease (v)
From that point, marriages decreased steadily until 1970 hitting a low of about 250,000.
As a noun: From that point, there was a steady decease in marriages until 1970 when it
hit a low of about 250,000.
to decline (v)
Although Australian exports increased slightly in the first year to its peak in 1986, it
gradually declined to about 11 million tonnes in 1990, remaining the smallest of the three
As a noun: Although there was an increase in Australian exports in the first year with a
peak in 1986, there was a gradual decline by 1990 and remained the smallest of the three
to drop (v)
Between the 2nd and 3rd quarter, sales of Product D took a dip of 10%, but later
regained growth by the 4th quarter.
As a noun: There was a 10% dip in Product D sales between the 2nd and 3rd quarter
followed by growth by the 4th quarter.
to fall (v)
Overall, we can see a downward trend in marriages between 1951 and 2003.
After a 10-year period of fluctuations, the total value stabilized at roughly 30% until
to remain/hold steady (v) ; to remain stable (v); to remain/stay constant (v) ; to remain/stay
the same (v)
By contrast, the figures for Japan remained steady just under 5% until the early 2000s.
Remarriages, on the other hand enjoyed a slight increase from 1971, but
overall remained stable throughout the century, reaching around 100,000 by 2003.
Exports continued to grow until it plateaued in 2002 for 5 years, after which it fell and
then bottomed out by 2009.
Student enrollment fluctuated wildly, but the trend was clearly upward.
As a noun: There were wild fluctuations in student enrollment, but the trend was clearly
Although mobile phones started with the lowest accessibility in 1996, it surpassed the
usage of home computers at the beginning of 1999.
In terms of following their budgets, Project X came in under their budget by 5K, whereas
Project Y exceeded their budget by 25K.
should make the most of your words, so make sure you just answer the question the
task is asking.
So heres a better rewrite of this introduction (including the students opinion he added in the
Some people think that a sense of competition should be encouraged in children, while others
believe that cooperation is more important to emphasize. While both views have their merits, I
believe that encouraging children to cooperate is more important and essential in raising
productive members of society.
It can certainly be daunting (intimidating) looking at a graph youve never seen before, interpret
the data, then write a clear overview and explanation of the data at an academic level all
within 20 minutes.
You dont need to feel intimidated though not when youve got a solid plan of attack and lots
of practice.
Heres your approach to the task:
1. Look at the graph carefully and take note of the title, all the labels, and any details
given. Make sure you clearly understand what youre looking at.
2. Identify the main patterns or trends find 2 important ones you will focus on in your
essay. You are often comparing data with each other. Look for similarities or
Once youve practiced this, it should come easy to you by the time youre sitting for your test.
You should be able to write this quickly so that you can spend more time on the overview
paragraph and detail paragraphs.
Your first paragraph (which can be one sentence) is a paraphrase of the title of the
graph/chart/table/diagram/map. Points to remember:
Do not copy the title word for word. This will cost you points if you do.
Ensure youve got the information correct!
For example:
My introduction:
This graph compares the annual wheat exports of three major wheat producing countries
from 1985 to 1990.
instead of just saying countries or listing the three countries, I used major
wheat producing countries
Another example:
The graph below shows in percentage terms the changing patterns of domestic access to modern
technology in homes in UK
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.
My introduction:
The graph shows the upward trend of personal use of CD players, mobile phones, home
computers and internet access in UK households from 1996 to 2003.
Another example:
The diagram below shows the water cycle, which is the continuous movement of water on, above
and below the surface of the Earth.
My introduction:
The diagram illustrates the natural process of water transfer between sea, air and land, which
is also known as the water cycle.
Another example:
The diagram shows how salt is removed from sea water to make it drinkable.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.
My introduction:
The diagram illustrates how drinking water in our water supply system is processed from
sea water through the removal of salt and impurities.
The diagram illustrates how drinking water in our water supply system is processed from sea
water through desalination.
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Heres my approach:
Identify an overall trend: Right away I notice the graph divided into 2 halves the first
50 years and second 50 years. I see that early on the Agricultural and Manufacturing
sectors were strong/dominant for the first half then declined rapidly by the end of the
Another overall trend: I see the growth of the business and financial sector in the
second half and is stronger than the other 2 sectors by the end of the period.
Simply put, I see a big decline in Agricultural & Manufacturing and an increase in
Business and Finance. They actually cross-over.
You need to first choose two trends/features to discuss in detail. You can see in this chart that you
can divide your information into two parts in a couple different ways: Birth Rates & Death
Rates; or Historical rates (1900s) & Projected rates (from 2000 on). These trends should be
clearly stated in your overview/summary paragraph (which is the 2nd paragraph in your
For example:
Overall there was a significant rise in birth and death rates throughout the 20th century with a
widening gap between high birth rates and a much lower death rate. However, by 2021 this gap
will close with death rates expected to surpass birth rates in the future.
Lets work on one detail paragraph and work on the feature from the Overview/Summary
paragraph: Overall there was a significant rise in birth and death rates throughout the 20th
century with a widening gap between high birth rates and a much lower death rate. In our
detail paragraph we describe the birth rates and the death rates, mentioning peaks or major trends
and in relation to each other.
From 1901 to the 1960s, birth rates rose dramatically from just over 20,000 to a peak of around
65,000 in 1961. From there, births slightly declined but remained significantly high, fluctuating
above 50,000 until the end of the century. On the other hand, death rates, which was half of
birth rates in 1901, maintained a very gradual and steady growth to about 27,000 by the end
of the century.
Notes on what I wrote in this detail paragraph:
I use the past tense since this is historical data (in the past)
I dont mention every rise and fall, just the overall general trend noting the highest
point (peak).
I use descriptive adverbs such as dramatically and significantly, and adjectives such as
gradual and steady
I use around65,000 just over 20,000 for approximation since I do not have the actual
I use the linking phrase on the other hand that indicates a contrast in the birth and death
rate trends.
I relate the death rates to the birth rates by stating it was half of birth rates in 1901 and
that its growth wasnt dramatic like birth rates, but rather, it was gradual and steady.
- relative clause to describe death rates: which was half of birth rates in 1901
participial phrase to describe births: fluctuating above 50,000 until the end of the century
Remember to stick to your overview paragraph as your guide so that you dont start to write
about a different feature. As you only have 20 minutes to write the whole essay, dont get stuck
in writing about too many small details.
Ill write about the second detail paragraph (4th paragraph of this essay) for this graph in a later
post. Check back and stay tuned! Or subscribe to my blog to get updates on new lessons & tips.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task and write at least 150 words.
My approach:
1) Read the title and labels carefully.
2) Look for 2 main features or trends that stand out. Straight away you can see access for all 4
technologies increase. I also noticed that the growth for CD players and home computers were
very similar steady with similar gains. And the growth for mobile phones & internet use was
faster (steeper rise in shorter time). So I decide to focus on those trends and to organize my essay
around that.
3) Structure :
1st paragraph: Paraphrase title of chart
2nd paragraph: Overview/summary paragraph where you clearly state the main trends you
3rd paragraph: Details about first trend CD player & computer
4th paragraph: Details about second trend mobile phones & internet use
No need for a conclusion since you are just relating data. No need for any subjective
interpretations or opinions on the content.
My full essay (165 words):
The graph shows the upward trend of household access to CD players, mobile phones,
home computers and the internet in the UK from 1996 to 2003.
We can see that while overall domestic usage for all personal technology steadily
increased, there was a more dramatic rise in mobile phone usage and internet access,
which had only started to be recorded from 1998.
In 1996, CD players were by far the most accessible at 60 % of UK households,
increasing steadily to just over 80% by 2003. Similarly, home computer accessibility
also steadily gained about 20% from roughly 30% to 50% domestic usage.
On the other hand, while mobile phones started with the lowest accessibility in 1996 at
about 18% usage, it climbed dramatically, surpassing home computers at the
beginning of 1999 to about 70% usage by 2003. Similarly, internet access, which
roughly only 10% of all households had in 1998, quickly climbed significantly to being
used by almost half of all UK households by 2003.
Here is my sample essay for the above diagram on how bricks are manufactured:
The diagram illustrates how bricks are made in the construction industry.
There are four stages in this process, starting with digging for raw materials, mixing
and shaping the bricks, then baking and cooling the bricks before they are ready for
shipment in the final stage.
The process begins with digging for clay, a type of sticky soil often used for making
pots as well. It is then sifted with a metal grid to remove any rocks or debris onto a
roller, then mixed with sand and water. From there, the bricks are either formed and
shaped by wire cutters or a mould.
Once shaped, the bricks are left to dry in a drying oven for 24 to 48 hours before
being fully baked twice. They are first baked in a moderate kiln at 200 to 980 C, then
baked again at a higher temperature of 870 to 1300 C. From there, they are left to cool
in a special chamber for 48 to 72 hours. After they have completely cooled, the bricks
are packaged for delivery to various construction sites.
(180 words)
*Note, the information I add about the clay is actually stated on the diagram at the bottom,
however it didnt come out in my picture unfortunately.
Task Question:
It is inevitable that as technology develops traditional cultures must be lost. Technology and
tradition are incompatible you cannot have both together.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Your steps:
1) Read carefully, then reread if you have to.
2) Underline key topic words:
Technology, traditional cultures, incompatible, lost
What does the statement say? That technology and traditional cutures cannot coexist at all. The
more technologically advanced our society becomes, our traditions will disappear.
3) What are you supposed to write about in your essay? This is what the call-to-action
question tells you: To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Do you agree or disagree with the notion that technology and traditional cultures cant
coexist? How far? Completely? Somewhat?
Your essay will be structured on what your answer is here. Once youve decided on your
answer (which you should do quickly), you should then begin to organize your ideas.
(More on this later!)
Analyse the following Task 2 questions. Identify the claim (underline key words) and the call-toaction parts.
1. The number of elderly people in the world is increasing. What do you think are the
positive and negative effects of this trend
2. Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the
world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels.
Do the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the advantages?
3. People naturally resist making changes in their lives. What kind of problems can this
cause? What solutions can you suggest?
4. Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have
transformed the way we live as well as postponing the day we die. There is no better
time to be alive than now. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
5. In most countries disabled people are not catered for adequately, e.g. buildings are often
inappropriately designed. Governments rely too heavily on charities and voluntary
organisations to provide assistance and funding. What further measures could be taken to
assist disabled people? Discuss.
1st sentence: Write about the general topic paraphrase the sentence that
introduces the question of the Task. You should write 1 2 sentences only.
Next sentence: Answer the question(s) asked in the Task. Try to write it in 1
sentence. This is your opinion and heart of your essay. A great way to write this is
to follow this format:
While [insert claim made in task question] , I believe/ agree/ disagree/ feel
The number of elderly people in the world is increasing. What do you think are the positive and
negative effects of this trend?
My introduction: (Note, I actually read a news article about our population a few weeks before
writing this! So, bonus lesson learned here keep reading!)
This year we are going to reach a total global population of 7 billion people. In about 14
years the population will increase to 8 billion. This growth, especially of elderly people, is
becoming more of a concern as there will undoubtedly not only be positive effects but
negative effects as well.
1. I wrote 2 sentences to introduce the topic of growing population.
2. I specified elderly people and referred to both positive and negative effects, which is
answering the question. It is only a discussion question of examining both sides.
Remember, the examiner is marking you on how you express, organize and support your ideas.
They arent judging you on your opinion. As long as its logical and cohesive (your argument is
supported and your ideas stick together) and written clearly, you will get a higher mark.
You can follow this 4-paragraph structure:
1. Introduction- introduce topic and give your clear answer to the task question (I fully
agree or disagree with the claim)
2. Main Reason #1 why you agree or disagree give examples and supporting details
3. Main Reason #2 why you agree or disagree give examples and supporting details
4. Conclusion restate your opinion (this is a very short paragraph probably 1 to 2
Heres an example:
Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools and parents are equally
responsible for solving this problem.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
My outline of ideas for my essay (not fully written out):
1. Introduction Write a sentence about the topic, paraphrase the claim and give my opinion I
completely disagree. I think only parents are fully responsible for solving this problem.
2. Main Reason #1
I believe parents are fully responsible for solving this problem.
main caregiver and spend the most time with their kids
should be the primary role model of living a healthy lifestyle
most effective because parents provide childs food/meals and guidelines for childs free
time and activities
3. Main Reason #2
Schools should not be responsible for solving this problem.
least effective because they dont provide for the childs regular diet
4. Conclusion restate my opinion that I completely disagree and believe that only parents,
rather than parents and schools equally, are responsible for changing childrens unhealthy
See my full sample essay for this question here.
Want to get your essay writing checked? Heres how: Essay Correction & Feedback
People naturally resist change in their lives. What kind of problems can this cause? What
solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Heres my 4-paragraph approach:
1. Introduction. First sentence paraphrases the topic of the question people avoid making
changes in their lives. Second/Third sentence answer both questions.
2. Problems caused by this resistance give examples not challenging oneself in
pursuing career or academic goals, staying unhealthy and unfit, staying in a bad
relationship, etc.
3. Possible solutions finding support groups, encouragement from family & friends, etc.
4. Conclusion restate answer and overall possible solutions.
Heres another example:
The widespread use of the Internet has brought many problems. What do you think are the main
problems associated with the use of the web? What solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Heres my paragraph structure:
1. Introduction paraphrase the topic, answer the questions
2. Main problems (I put both problems together) Privacy security and vulnerability of
4. Conclusion restate suggested solutions to address main problems
In my last post I wrote about how to organize an answer for this Task 2 question:
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important
professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both
these views and give your own opinion.
Following the 4-paragraph plan I wrote, here is my sample model essay:
Star athletes like LeBron James, Tiger Woods, and Manny Pacquiao receive multi-million
dollar contracts which are exponentially more than what other important professionals are
paid. This has led to controversy over whether this is justified and fair. Although I can
understand why some people feel this is unfair, I feel professional athletes are justified in
receiving this pay.
No one can deny that there are many people who provide much more meaningful services that
directly help or impact individuals and communities. People such as teachers, caregivers and
healthcare workers affect so many people by making their lives better and comfortable.
Despite their hard work and valuable service, they unfortunately arent paid the same
exorbitant wages as sport professionals, which seems unfair.
On the other hand, salary unfortunately does not always reflect the importance, need or value
of a job. In fact, salary more often reflects how much money the employer or the business can
pay. Professional athletes are part of the billion-dollar sports and entertainment industry that
plays a large part in the economy. A lot of consumers choose to pay money for pro sports and
related products, so the team owners have the money to pay these players huge sums.
Therefore, its justified that these players get their share of the profits. To put this in
perspective, elderly adults who need caregivers do not have a lot of money to pay their
caregivers, and so caregivers earn little.
In short, the large sums of money that sports professionals receive is justified because they are
earning that money from their employers by doing their jobs of entertaining and raising
profits for their employers.
(273 words)
Vocabulary/expressions to take note of:
others words used for a lot of money: huge sums, exorbitant wages, large sums of
money, multi-million dollar contracts, profits
experience. To really tackle the problem of unemployment, public money should be used to
assist the unemployed in furthering their education, upgrading their skills, or retraining in
a new field. By investing in educational and training programs for the unemployed, more
people will have a better chance of finding long-term meaningful employment, which will
ultimately reduce unemployment overall.
In short, I feel that while mobile phones and internet access is very useful for active job
searching, public funds are better spent on education and training to really tackle the
problem of unemployment.
(261 words)
Vocabulary & Expressions to take notice of:
to meet the demands of the job market (what kind of people employers want to hire)
to tackle a problem
long-term, meaningful employment (opposite would be a short-term job or lots of shortterm jobs, rather than a career)
Nowadays, more people are moving away from cities for more affordable
and comfortable lifestyles in the countryside, resulting in long distance
commuting to their work in the cities. Unfortunately, this leads to more
traffic congestion and pollution to the environment. I believe measures
such as promoting telecommuting and establishing remote offices will
reduce the number of long distance commuters and therefore their
impact on the environment.
The first measure would incentivize city-based companies to promote
and mandate telecommuting within their workforce. By providing
subsidies or tax breaks to companies that have a certain percentage of
their employees work from home via internet and phone connection,
more companies would actively facilitate telecommuting. For example,
there could be a rotating schedule so that every day the numbers
commuting to the office stay at a specified low number.
Another similar measure would be to build small government-funded
remote office hubs or telecommuting centers in suburbs outside major
cities. By leasing these out to corporations based in the nearby city, the
As the main caregiver and educator, parents spend the most time with their children and therefore
are the biggest influence on the way their child eats and acts. The best way to solve this is to be a
role model for their child, by making healthy choices on what to eat and how much activity or
sports they take part in. If a child sees their parent eating vegetables or goes for a walk with them
after dinner, their habits will change for the better. Besides, with parents in control of providing
the childs day-to-day food and organizing their childs free time activities, they are the most
effective ones to tackle this problem.
Because the primary purpose of school is to focus on academics and learning development,
schools should not be responsible for solving the problem of childrens unhealthy lifestyles.
Moreover, with 20 students or more in a classroom, teachers already have a relatively small
amount of time with each child to actually influence their decisions on what to eat and what to
do. In short, schools would be the least effective because they have no control or means over
what each child eats or how they spend their free time.
To sum up, I believe that only parents, rather than parents and schools equally, are responsible
for changing childrens unhealthy lifestyles. As primary caregivers and role-models, parents,
rather than schools, are closest and most influential to each child.
( 287 words)
There are several different types of Task 2 questions that can all be answered using the 4paragraph structure.
Here are the different kinds of questions:
1. Agree or Disagree
Ex. Some people think that scientists experimenting with animals in a laboratory is the only way
we can guarantee new products will be safe for human use. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?
(See example); (See another example)
2. Advantages/Benefits outweigh Disadvantages/Drawbacks
Ex. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move to
regional areas outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
3. Discuss two views plus your opinion
Ex. Some people say children no longer need to develop handwriting skills. Others believe that
handwriting is still important. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
(See an example); (See another example)
4. Discuss two views only (no opinion)
Ex. Many people believe that an effective public transport system is a key component of a
modern city. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public transport.
(See related post)
5. Causes/Problem and Solution
Ex. Crime rates tend to be higher in cities than in smaller towns. Explain some possible reasons
for this problem and suggest some solutions.
(See related post)
6. Two questions/ two-part questions
Ex. To some people studying the past has little value in the modern world. Why do you think it
is important to do so? What will be the effect if children are not taught history?
7. Opinion
Ex. Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our
personality and development than other experiences we may have in life. Which do you consider
to be the major influence?
Regardless of what they are asking you to write about, they can all be answered with two main
body paragraphs (plus introduction and conclusion paragraphs). Go through each question and
brainstorm you ideas and see how you would divide and organize your answer.
Ill write more about each type of question and more on the sample questions later.
If there are topics not covered, feel free to email me or comment and Ill try my best to write a
post on it.
Good luck everyone!
(If you see at the bottom of this post, Ive tagged everything.)
July 2, 2014 Leave a reply
Here is version A:
The top table shows four different categories of very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied and no
comment about peoples opinion on shops and was divided between male and female shoppers.
The second table shows the same four categories divided by males and females about the
restaurants in the new mall. The pie chart also shows the same categories for both male and
female shoppers with the design of the mall.
Here is version B:
Overall, the majority of shoppers were satisfied or very satisfied with the shops, restaurants and
design of the new mall. In general, men and women felt similarly about the shops and design,
while more males were satisfied with the restaurants compared to women.
Which one is better and why? Version B is better because:
1. Although Version A has grammatically correct sentences and is accurate in its meaning,
it only describes what the tables and pie chart show. It doesnt give any meaningful
information about the actual data. As an overview paragraph, it doesnt identify any
important trends or patterns.
2. Version B, on the other hand, identifies the overall feature that the majority of shoppers
(which implies both men and women) were satisfied/very satisfied in all 3 graphs
regarding shops, restaurants and design. It also shows another important feature and
that is men and women had similar opinions about the shops, but there was a difference
about how they felt with the restaurants more men were satisfied compared to women.
This is meaningful information that the reader can easily understand and gain a clear
understanding of the data.
3. Version A consists of 3 long sentences in this paragraph, without adding any new insight.
Version B is shorter only 2 sentences but gives a lot of insight and useful ideas.
4. The 2 paragraphs that follow this overview paragraph should give the details supporting
these 2 main trends of how males and females had similar opinions and when they had
differing opinions.
When organized this way:
1. introduction paragraph
2. overview paragraph
3. detail paragraph
4. detail paragraph,
it makes it very easy for the reader to understand the graphs and charts.
Please note, these are not the only features that you can focus on, but these are the ones that I
chose straight away because they stood out to me. Part of your strategy is to choose two features
that stand out to you straight away that you can identify and explain to your reader. You should
only spend 20 minutes on this full essay.
So remember, dont just describe what you see on the table or graph. Make the data meaningful
for your reader and easy to understand.
Here is my full sample essay for this Task.
December 12, 2012 4 Replies
number + noun (if there is more than one, the noun must be plural)
4) If students dont want to do this kind of jobs in the future, there arent many options.
6) The number of applications for this particular job has dropped in recent years.
7) There are many things that should be considered when suggesting solutions.
10) Does Do the client and project manager agree to the terms of the contract?
The subject is plural (client AND project manager), so question verb (auxiliary verb) is
number + noun (if there is more than one, the noun must be plural) BUT
phrases of time, money and weight when regarded as one unit (+ singular verb)
number + noun (if there is more than one, the noun must be plural)
after phrases such as kind of (+ singular), one of (+ plural noun + singular verb),
the/a number of ( + plural noun + singular verb), etc.
phrases of time, money and weight when regarded as one unit (+ singular verb)
Ill give the answers shortly in the comments below. In the meantime, give it a go!
**Answer posted here **
Most, as in:
Most university students prefer classes that start after 10 a.m.
Here, the noun university students is plural and is used as a general group. No determiner
(such as the) is used after most.
Most of, as in:
Most of the students in our dormitory have their first class after 10 a.m.
Here, the noun the students is a specific group those in our dormitory. So its a large portion
within a specific group of students. You need to use a determiner (the/my/his/her/your/our/their/)
followed by the noun if you use most of. For example, Most of my students have studied
English since primary school.
More examples (you can see the slight difference in meaning):
According to a nation-wide survey, most employees feel they shouldnt have to work
more than 40 hours per week.
Most of the employees (at my company) feel they shouldnt have to work more than 40
hours per week.
Finding balance
Kristina Alexanderson via Compfight
I wrote a full sample essay to this type of question see this post: Sample IELTS Task 2 essay
for agree disagree.
A good question came up from a reader:
The question type to what extent do you agree or disagree seems rather confusing to me. On
the Road To IELTS website, they always present both points of views but is it just as good only
to agree or disagree as you have done here?
Heres my answer to that:
Depending on the question and topic, I think its best to go with what you feel comfortable with
and find the easiest to write. If you can come up with two main points to support a complete
agree or complete disagree, then do that.
If you feel that you have more of a balanced/neutral view where you can quickly think of one
strong main support for agree and one strong main support for disagree and therefore want to
present both views, then do that. Just make sure that you state in the introduction that you have a
balanced or neutral view.
Heres a quick outline:
1st paragraph: Introduction see my post on How to write introductions quickly . Again,
remember to state that you have a balanced view here.
2nd paragraph: Main point for supporting/agreeing with detailed examples/support On one
hand, I feel that
3rd paragraph: Main point for disagreeing with detailed examples/support On the other hand,
it is apparent that.
4th paragraph: Short conclusion
In some countries, some young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between
finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
Make sure that you remain neutral and not include your opinion.
Heres the organization of your essay:
1. Introduction paraphrase the topic/claim and state the 2 views
2. Body Paragraph #1 View 1 (positive effect/advantage) with supporting details
3. Body Paragraph #2 View 2 (negative effect/disadvantage) with supporting details
4. Conclusion restate the two views
*Check back here and Ill show a full sample essay for these questions in the next post!
Restate your opinion that you wrote in your introduction and include the main reasons you wrote
in your main paragraphs. This should be one to two sentences.
Expressions to start your conclusion with:
In short,
To sum up,
In summary,
To summarize,
In conclusion,
To conclude,
a paraphrase (use of different words but same meaning) of the topic and issue presented
in the task question
your opinion (if it is asked, please see the different types of Task 2 questions)
It should be 2 -3 sentences. Here are examples of the Task question and my introduction:
Task 2 question: More and more city workers are deciding to live in the country and travel into
work everyday. The result is increased traffic congestion and damage to the environment. What
measures do you suggest that would encourage people not to travel such long distances to work?
(see this suggest measures essay)
My introduction:
Nowadays, more people are moving away from cities for more affordable and comfortable
lifestyles in the countryside, resulting in long distance commuting to their work in the cities.
Unfortunately, this leads to more traffic congestion and pollution to the environment. I believe
measures such as promoting telecommuting and establishing remote offices will reduce the
number of long distance commuters and therefore their impact on the environment.
1st & 2nd sentences paraphrase topic in task question. I dont repeat words directly as it
will affect score.
3rd sentence answers the task question I suggest measures.
Task 2 question: Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools and
parents are equally responsible for solving this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement? (see this agree/disagree essay)
My introduction:
In the media we often hear or read about the rising trend of children leading unhealthy lifestyles.
While many believe both schools and parents share equal responsibility for solving this problem,
I disagree and feel that parents are fully responsible for changing the unhealthy lifestyles of their
Task 2 question: Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people
in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is
unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (see this discuss and give your
opinion sample essay)
My introduction:
Star athletes like LeBron James, Tiger Woods, and Manny Pacquiao receive multi-million dollar
contracts which are exponentially more than what other important professionals are paid. This
has led to controversy over whether this is justified and fair. Although I can understand why
some people feel this is unfair, I feel professional athletes are justified in receiving this pay.
1st sentence paraphrases the topic given in the task question. Ive added a bit more details
w/ the names only because I know these star athletes and it introduces this specific topic
quite well. If you dont know of any big pro stars, you dont need to put any in. I dont
use the exact same words in the task Ive added multi-million dollar contracts and
exponentially more to show a range of vocabulary.
2nd sentence just states what the debate is
3rd sentence states both views of the debate and my own opinion all in one sentence.
Task 2 question:
Early technological developments helped ordinary people and changed their lives more than
recent developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
My introduction:
Our lives have greatly benefited from technological developments throughout history. While
some people feel that early inventions helped ordinary people more than recent technological
developments, I feel both early and recent advances have had an equally significant impact on
ordinary people.
Task 2 question:
In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move to regional
areas outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
My introduction:
As business growth becomes a priority worldwide, industries and businesses in some countries
are being encouraged to relocate away from the big cities to regional areas. While this may have
some disadvantages, I feel there are more advantages to benefit everyone.
1st sentence quickly introduces topic and paraphrases the task claim. I do not copy wordfor-word the task question and I use synonyms, such as relocate away from for move
2nd sentence states my answer to the task question that advantages outweigh the
If you practice just writing introductions quickly to sample task questions, it will become much
easier on test day!
Look at the key words I circled in yellow. These are the words Im going to SCAN for in the
passage. Numbers are especially quick and easy to scan for. Here is the paragraph I found the
words I scanned for.
Straight away I see 30 per cent. Notice the yellow underlines the key words is responsible
indicates causes and weve got 30 per cent. However, the text underlined in pink shows that
this percentage is for all deaths from cancer, not deaths in the United States as written in
question #4. By reading this part carefully, you would see that this statement does not match the
writers view and therefore you choose the correct answer of NO.
Heres the next question:
Scanning through the passage I come across the 4th paragraph and see married couple and
one partner. Here is the paragraph:
Reading carefully, the part underlined in pink doesnt mention anything about the other partner
likely to take up smoking. I continue to read to the end of that paragraph and still, there is
nothing about the non-smoker partner taking up smoking. After scanning the rest of the passage
for marriage or partner, I dont find anything else. Therefore, I would choose NOT
Now to the next question:
Key word to scan for is teenagers. I cant find the exact word teenager but I do find a word
associated with teen years, which is adolescence. Heres what I find:
Reading carefully here, Ive underlined that 17 % of people with lung cancer got it from secondhand smoke (from their smoker parent) when they were teenagers. Therefore, I will correctly
choose YES.
Now, heres the last question:
Im going to scan for UCSF study first because its an acronym and probably easiest to spot.
Then Ill look for opponent or finance or similar words. Ive found the paragraph with
I dont see anything with opponent or finance so I continue to the next paragraph:
Ive found opponent, but it says nothing here about financing the study or anything similar
to that, ie. paid for the research. It only states that it was published in the Journal, which isnt
the same. Therefore, I can correctly choose NOT GIVEN.
Practice using this strategy of SKIM, SCAN, READ INTENSELY around the key words
youve located. Be careful of pitfalls (hidden danger or trap!). Ill write about these mistakes to
avoid in another post.
ex. Students need to learn about money, but it isnt taught in school.
{independent clause}, but {independent clause}.
ex. Schools do not teach financial education to our children; as a result, many young graduates
today are in a lot of credit card and school loan debt.
{independent clause}; as a result, {independent clause}.
ex. If we want our children to become independent, they need to learn about budgeting and
saving money.
{dependent clause}, {independent clause}.
ex. Because I feel nervous, I dont know what to write when I look at the question, so I just start
to write without planning my essay.
{dependent clause}, {independent clause + dependent clause}, so {independent clause}.
2. Vary the length of your sentences. Mix short and long sentences. Sometimes a short sentence
that follows some long sentences can have a dramatic impact on the meaning you intend. Too
many long sentences make it difficult for the reader to follow. And too many short sentences
make it too choppy and therefore unpleasant to read.
3. Use different ways to begin a sentence:
Although some people feel parents should teach their children about money, I believe financial
education should be taught in school.
Begin with a participle or an adjective. The participle/adjective phrase must refer to the
subject of the independent clause:
Hoping to pass their final exam, the students studied all night. (Hoping to pass their final
exam is an -ing participle phrase that refers to the students)
Driven with determination, the students studied hard all night. (Driven with determination is a
past-participle phrase that refers to the students)
Optimistic about the exam, the students were able to have a good nights rest the night before.
(Optimistic about the exam is an adjective phrase that refers to the students)
With the help of government subsidies, many first-time small business owners can grow
successful businesses.
Using the steps Ive written about before: Analyzing the Task Question and the 4-Paragraph
Structure, here is how you can approach the Opinion essay.
With the recent developments in technology like e-books, some people feel that printed media
like books, newspapers, and magazines will soon be a thing of the past. Others feel that these
forms of media will never disappear. What is your opinion?
Here, we are asked our opinion on what will happen to printed media in the future. Choose
which view you support and brainstorm for 2 major reasons.
My outline:
Conclusion (restate my opinion): Technology in ebooks has made access to media and
literature so convenient and affordable that I believe printed media will soon be phased
other terms to use for/with e-books: digital books, online news, digitally publishing,
downloading instantaneously, iPads, (Amazon) Kindle, e-Readers, mobile device
other terms for printed media: paper-bound books, actual newspapers, physically publishing
to be phased out (no longer be sold or available)
Here is my essay:
The tables and pie chart show the findings of a customer satisfaction survey conducted at a new
shopping mall in London.
Overall, the majority of shoppers were satisfied or very satisfied with the shops, restaurants and
design of the new mall. In general, both men and women felt similarly about the shops, while
more males were satisfied with the restaurants compared to women.
When asked about the design of the complex, 62% of both sexes were satisfied and 17% were
very satisfied, leaving only 11% and 10% for those who were dissatisfied or had no comment.
When asked about the shops, both sexes gave their approval with 62% of males and 71% of
females either satisfied or very satisfied. Interestingly enough, exactly 20% of both males and
females were dissatisfied.
Views differed most when asked about restaurants. Males were more positive, with 80% satisfied
or very satisfied and just 5% dissatisfied. Females, on the other hand, were less positive with
59% approval ratings and a much more noticeable 21% disapproval rate.
(171 words)
Useful words and expressions used:
Take note of the organization and how I followed my two important features that I identified in
my overview paragraph:
1. Paragraph 1 introduction rephrased the question & title of the graphs
2. Paragraph 2 overview paragraph 1) Majority of both sexes were satisfied or very
satisfied in all 3 charts. 2) Men & women had similar opinions on the shops but differed
with the restaurants more men were happy with the restaurants
3. Paragraph 3 Details on majority being satisfied or very satisfied with the design & with
the shops
4. Paragraph 4 Details on the difference in opinion on the restaurants.
Gradually taking over: people rely more and more on personal gadgets to manage
things for them and we end up not being able to function without them, for example: use
smartphone apps to organize their schedules, work projects, etc.; mobile devices can
easily distract us and we waste a lot of time on them playing games or just chatting or
tweeting with people we dont know well on social media
Led to positive aspects: mobile communication allows us to keep in touch/share photos
& videos with distant friends and relatives, keeps us up to date in our knowledge &
enables us to learn faster and more since we can have instant access to news and articles;
allows us to work from home so that we dont have to commute to work and improve
work-life balance
My opinion (after I brainstormed both views): While I believe both views hold true, I
feel its up to each individual to decide how and when they use technology and that they
can make it lead to more positive aspects in their life.
2. Body Paragraph Discuss one view gradually taking over our lives explain +
3. Body Paragraph Discuss second view it has led to many positive aspects explain +
4. Conclusion restate your opinion
I will post a sample essay in a later post. Check back later!