Instruction To Examinees Nov 2013
Instruction To Examinees Nov 2013
Instruction To Examinees Nov 2013
302, Indian Globe Chambers,142, Fort Street, Off D. N. Road, Mumbai 400001
10) Candidates may be allowed to use Electronic Calculators provided they do not have the memory
that can retain text or formulae previously keyed in. Irrespective of the use of calculator,
candidates are advised to invariably show all important steps and working notes relating to
solutions of practical problems along with their answers. Rough work done should be marked as
ROUGH WORK for Questions No. .. and scored off by drawing a line across the written
material. Rough work could be done on the back side of the ruled sheet. Exchange of calculators or
any other item / material shall not be permitted in the Examination Hall.
11) On receipt of the answer booklet, first of all, every candidate must write his / her Roll
number in the bottom right corner of the answer booklet. The total number of pages used
should be mentioned on the first page of the answer sheet. You need to ensure that the
invigilator has signed on the first page of your answer booklet and any other extra sheet
taken by you for writing the examination. Further, every candidate is expected to satisfy
himself/ herself that he / she has received correct and complete question paper and verify it
with reference to the Examination Time Table and Programme, and see that the total
number of questions and printed pages are in order.
12) Candidates are warned that writing of any matter on Question Paper, Hall Ticket, Identity Card,
Scale , etc. , or taking any paper (s) from the Examination Hall shall be viewed seriously and
entail disciplinary action.
13) Candidates must not write any irrelevant matter, criticism of question paper, any sort of appeal to
examiners, salutation or invocation to God, etc., anywhere in the answer sheet/s. This will invite
disciplinary action.
14) Candidates should write answers only on ruled sides of the answer sheet/s. In order to avoid
wastage and possibility of misuse, candidates will be issued additional answer sheets only on
demand after they have completely used the answer booklet provided to them initially at the start
of the examination. Any attempt to tamper with the answer booklet shall tantamount to
15) Each question should be started on a fresh page and sub question (s) of the same question should
be attempted in a consecutive order. While attempting a fresh question or sub question, the
candidate must clearly and prominently mention respective question number before the answer, in
bold capital letters.
16) Candidates are expected to write precise and to the point answers to the questions in neat and
legible handwriting. Candidates are advised that a reasonable standard of handwriting legibility is
expected by the examiners and that candidates may be penalized if undue effort is required by the
examiners to interpret scripts.
17) On completion of examination, the answer booklet and question paper must be handed over
immediately to the Invigilator on duty separately.
18) It shall be the personal responsibility of the candidate concerned to properly hand over his / her
answer booklet even if blank, to the Invigilator concerned on duty in the Examination Hall. Any
representation regarding omission to surrender the written answer booklet or part thereof in the
Examination Hall at the time of handing over his / her Answer Booklet, for any reason whatsoever,
shall not be entertained after the examination in that paper is over.
19) It is brought to your notice that in accordance with provisions contained in the Professional
Conduct Standards, if any candidate is found copying or involved in any other form of
malpractice, during or in connection with the examination, disciplinary action will be taken against
the candidate which may include expulsion or suspension from the membership of IAI also.
20) The candidates appearing for CA, ST and SA series examination will be given 15 minutes at
the start of the examination for reading the Question Paper. The candidates are strongly
encouraged to use this time for reading only, but notes may be made. The candidates then
have three hours to complete the paper. They should not start writing the answers in the
answer booklet before the start of the examination.
21) The Candidates are advised to email Ms. Gauri Totla at [email protected] for the issues
relating to the examination. Queries which are received within 15 days of completion of
examination will only be entertained.