Middle Childhood

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Middle Childhood

1. Explains at least two physical developmental milestones that typically developing

children should attain during this period of development.
During this age a childs height and weight are still increasing. A lot of the growth is
consistent with genetics. Not only is the body still growing but the brain is also still
developing as well.
2. Explains at least two language developmental milestones that typically developing
children should achieve in this period of development.
The foundation of language development is set early on during preschool and elementary
however, the language is being strengthen and expanded during middle childhood.
During Middle childhood a child is now able to hold a meaningful conversation. The
thought process is way more complex by this time. A child this age is able to reason and
is able to use correct grammar.
3. Explains at least two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing
children should achieve in this period of development.
According to Piagets theory around age 7 to 11 is when children go through the concrete
operational stage. During this period Piaget states that a childs thought is more logical
and flexible. Children are also going through information processing stage during this
time and memory stage. Thought processes are coming together and making more sense
that it ever has as far as logic and reasoning goes.
4. Explains at least one sign that may signal atypical development during this period of
During this stage I would say that atypical development would be if a child is unable to
process and understand simple instructions. By this age a child should be able to follow
directions and understand simple instructions. If a child is unable to process information
by this age that is definitely a huge concern.
5. Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their childrens
learning and development during this period of development.
During this age families can continue to read with their child, this expands and
strengthens vocabulary. Stimulates the brain and promotes healthy social/emotional

6. Incorporates at least two images that relate to physical, language, or cognitive

development for this period of development to enhance the visual appeal of your fact

7. Explains at least two social-emotional developmental milestones that typically

developing children should achieve in this period of development.
According to the CDC during this stage children start to form stronger, more complex
friendships and peer relationships. They also state that it becomes more emotionally
important to have friends, especially of the same sex.
8. Explains at least two moral reasoning self regulation developmental milestones
that typically developing children should achieve in this period of development.
During this age children are definitely thinking on a more complex level. They are also
aware of when they have hurt someones feelings, they will show empathy and be more
sympathetic towards others.

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