Monarchs - 1994

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66 11()
Student Life Seniors Underclassmen Sports
Academics Clubs Advertising Index
here were many dif-
PapiCCion LaVista Higfi Scfioo[ ferent personalities,
clubs, cliques, sports,
and styles at Papillion
LaVista High School. Each per-
son was unique and had different
Remem6er the time qualities to offer. However, every-
one did have one thing in com-
1993-1994 mon . They stopped to think
about what had happened during
Vo(ume 35 the 1993-94 school year.
Sit back now as we look back and
Remember the time...

402 Cen.ten.n.iaC Road

Papi(Cion., Nebraska 68046
Prindpa!: Mr. Dennis L. Smith
ScftooC Population.: 1_,402

Stephanie Olson ~
'Y "YES WE ARE" excited to clean
the whole school this year, thinks cus-
todians Paula Clary and Levi Goner.
(S. Minton)

Do you RemetnlJer what

your first aa.y of liigft. scfwo( wa.s (ike?
In the liaf(s of Pa.pi(Cion
LaVista. Higli Schoo( students wore ma.ny different
faces, sty(es, a.nd attitudes. Wlio wouCa
known we e~perienacf so much in so
CittCe time?

.A. "YES I AM " going to scho ol, .... "YES I AM" going to get an "A" in
thinks sophomore Beau Krajicek. (S. drafting, thinks junior Josh Kelly. (K.
Peterson) Robinson)

~ Opening
~ "YES WE ARE" living in this
mini-van, think seniors Matt Green-
berg and Kellie Vallinch. (H. Derr)

<IIIII Junior Andrea Burroughs thinks

"YES I AM" going to be mysterious
in my classes this year. (R. Knowles)

julie Armitage ~
he sun was hot, the sky was clear, and then it was over.
Summer always seemed like it lasted for only three
weeks. During that time everyone was working, laying
out, and racing around all night long. It was a time to
relax and check out the guys and gals.
"Summer meant friends, jobs, getting together, and hanging
out," said junior Maureen Barnes.
As the seasons changed and the sun got cool, somehow people
changed. Summer wasn't only for fun; it was a time to step back
and take a look at where we are all going in the futl}re.
"My friends and I all changed over the summer, but it only
made us better," stated senior Kara Cizek.
Soon, the sun went down and the days got shorter as school
approached. Students were cramming to have fun before they are
up all night to only cram for tests. Summer was full of memories
and good times. Students remembered the summer and the spe- _
cial events that happened, and couldn't wait until the 1993-1994
school year.
Senior Carey Marsalis remembered, "Going to Texas and
meeting a ton of cute guys, but I couldn't wait to get back to my
friends and school!"

A ~ Mark Grace hangs out with

senior Christina Rukstalis and Katie
Risch at Wrigley Field. (C. Rukstalis)

~ Spending time with Barney are

juniors Kendra Melhus, Jennifer
Robinson, LeAnne Karre, and Alicia
Miller. ( J. Robinson)

~ Student Lifo
_. Perfecting their moves at volleyball _._. Posing in front of Big Ben are
camp are seniors Jenny Bartlett, Kel- senior Jenny Johnson , ' 93 Grad
lie Vallinch, and Jamie Brandt. (K. Mark Harvey, junior Brian Wucher,
Vallinch) seniors Kristi Robinson, Jenny
Bartlett, Shannan Kelly, and Court-
<Ill Snuggling up in his sleeping bag is ney Cardaronella. (K. Robinson)
senior Doug Witch's big summer
excitement. (D. Wilch)

Mandy Brandt 94
.A. Spending their weekend together are
seniors Jason Jirkovsky, Kellie Vallinch,
Chris Wepfer, Jill Morin, Chad Kalal,
and Martin Wagner. (T. O'Callaghan)

.A.~ Being friends comes easy to

junior Josh Dalton, senior Iker Bil-
bao, and juniors Budge Austin and
Mike Ching. 0. Dalton)

~ Holidays are a great time for

friends to spend quality time together
as these sen iors demonstrate. (K.

------- - -------- - - - - - - - - ------ -- - -

veryone had someone they hung around in high school.
We always had our own little "group". Any high school
would show tell-tale signs of these cliques. Was Papil-
lion LaVista just like every other school?
fu any student at PLHS made their way through the halls they
found a different group of people around each corner. Students all
stayed around people who were like us for our whole high school
career. Some might say that these cliques were bad, but others just
thought these were the people they would remember for the rest
of their lives.
Senior Leah Pomykalski said, "Most of the people that hang
out together, do because they have common interests or have fun
being with each other. It becomes a clique when people begin to
separate everybody by the clothes they wear or what clubs they
belong to."
Papillion LaVista High School had its share of little groups
running here and there, sharing their experiences, and telling the
gossip. Maybe when students come back for their ten year
reunion all the same little groups would still be "hanging out"!

.6..6. Holding onto their friendship .A. A group that founded their friend-
are juniors Glynnis Smith, Erin ship in DECA hang our at Mall of
Kline, Leigh Jackson, and Jenny America at a convention in Minnesota.
Lawton. (G. Smith) (M. Logan)

eniors had many important things to do this year.

S One of them included staying in dorms and touring the

campus. It gave students their first hint of reality that they
would soon be gone and on their own.
"When you're touring the campus and see the college students
going to class, you really start to get nervous," said senior Heather
College campus visits were probably the best part of selecting
which college a student would finally attend.
Choosing the college that each student would attend for
approximately four years of a student's life was an extremely hard
task. Looking for all the right qualities like a beautiful campus,
housing and Greek life, professors and classes, and whether or not
the college would admit the student.
The decision of where PLHS seniors were going after high
school was very complicated and time consuming. It was also a
great chance to take a weekend and get ready for the best years of <IIIIIA Senior Randy Schultz looks on A Many students received a Red Let-
a student's life to begin. bedazzled with all his college infor- ter Day pamphlet explaining what a
mation. (M. Minton) visit at UNL consists of.

Student Life
.A. The search never starts too soon as
senior Krista Kirk helps sophomore
Teresa Happel look through college
info. (S. Dappen)

~ Srs. Jenny Johnson, Courtney

Knowles, and Monique White pon-
der about friendship that could sepa-
rate them college. (S. Dappen)

Mandy Brandt and Sara Dappen

.6..6. Jr. Budge Austin, Srs. Mandy .6. Seniors Eddie Hamblen and Leah
Brandt and Shannon Frederick, Jr. Pomykalski enjoy quality time
Josh Dalton, and Sr. Matt Green- together doing nothing but having
burg grin and bear it through out- fun! (file photo)
door ed. (S . Dappen)
~ Best friends since junior high, Srs.

91- Student Life

Dane-Ann Massey and Alan Grund
stroll merrily, merrily all the way to
class. (S . Dappen)
hat better times to remember than those spent with
a best friend?
It seemed as if that special bond that was tradi-
tionally made of two guys or two girls is now a
friendship between a guy and a girl. Originally it was a few girls that
would get together on the weekends to gossip and the guys would
plant themselves in front of the television and watch a game togeth-
Girls sought simple friendly companionship from guys.
Senior Dane-Ann Massey said, "Girls are looking for honest
advice and good conversation from guys. I definitely feel like I'm get-
ting that from Alan Grund."
Junior Shiloh Kuhns said, "Guys don't worry about gossiping as
much so you can trust them more."
"Girls are just easier to talk to and you get an honest answer from ·
a different point of view," said senior Nathan Looney.
During the 1993-1994 year, tradition was broken, friends of the
opposite sex were created, and memories were made that would last a
lifetime .

.A. Juniors Laura Sporcic and .A. Srs. Shelley Powers, Chad Kalal,
ankie Halter cheese for their maca- Aaron Barnes, and Willy Solomon
ni and cheese. (S. Dappen) bond together in the pits at lunch. (S.

Sara Dappen
o you remember the nicknames that students

D gave students? _
Students received their nicknames from
things they had done during the year, activi-
ties he or she participated in, or just because of their per-
sonality. Whatever the reason, students' nicknames
seemed to stick.
Junior Jenny Lawton was nicknamed "wag-o-van"
because of her silver 5-speed station wagon.
Here is a sampling of a few more nicknames:
Senior Matt Greenburg-Marty
Senior Kellie Vallinch-Smelly Stinch
Senior Jack Lehman-Big Budha
Senior Jacky Galitzky-Little Budha
Junior Erin Kline-Pudge
Junior Glynnis Smith-Linus
Sophomore Mike Ferris-Vinny
Sophomore Shauna Metschke-Sheen

.A.Srs. Alexis "Chex-Mex" Austin and .A.A. Sr. Krista "the C aptain " Kirk

.A.Jr. Stacey Swaim laughs at having
to ride home in jr. Jenny Lawton's Kellie "Smelly Stinch" Vallinch stay waits during lunch to get beamed up
Student Life silver station wagon. (S. Dappen) close to home at the garbage can. (S . by Scotty. (S . Dappen)
"-Srs. Melissa "baby Lissa" John- .6. Senior Jaime "Hime" Bellino gets .A.Jun ior Mindy " Dwi " McWain
·n and Bruce " Brucey" Schrage caught sneaking a surprise attack on kicks back in the lunch line and gets
idle together. (S . Neall) Senior Martin Wagner. (S . Dappen) excited anticipating the gourmet Sara Dappen
cuisine. (S . Dappen)
'Y Practicing her upper cut is junior ... A reward for hard work junior
Cherish Heidelberg at Teresa's Tae- Kate Deicke receives a second place
kwan-do. (C. Morrell) medal for ice skating. (File photo)

<IIIII Will he be the next Mozart? Junior ..&. Seniors Adam Conway and
Aaron Jessop fine tunes his skills on Shawn Walker display their vehicles
the piano. (M. Cavalier) after a day of off roading. What a
mess! (A. Conway)

94 Student Life
s we all knew at PLHS, a week could seem like a life-

school day.
time, as we counted down the days 'til Friday. Many
PLHS students found that taking up a hobby helped
pass the time and gave them a break from the regular

Some hobbies were nothing more than pastimes, but others,

like sports and music, took more dedication. "I started playing
the piano when I was seven years old, I hated it at first, but I have
grown to love it," said junior Aaron Jessop, who played for PLH-
S's show choir.
Some students felt that the feeling of accomplishment was one
of the greatest rewards of doing a hobby. "Doing something well,
that you have worked hard for, for a long time is a great feeling,"
said junior Kate Deicke.
Seniors Shawn Walker and Adam Conway, enjoyed getting
away from everything by driving down to Waverly, NE. and go-
ing off roading with their trucks. Walker's only comment about
this unique hobby was, "Sure was muddy!"

::njoying the outdoors seniors Jeff ....... Sophomore Amaan Archer con-
.sk and Ryan Sawn rake a break centrates as he lifts his partner during
n snowboarding. (file photo) competition. (File photo)

Meghan Cavalier 94
he Class of 1994 was welcomed to "explore their future" at
Graduate Straight this year. It was sponsored by PANDA,
Youth-to-Youth, and NHS. There were a variety of activi-
ties offered at Graduate Straight. Seniors found that they
could play basketball, volleyball, miniature golf, watch movies, get car-
icatures done, play game shows, or Karaoke!
"It was really fun. It was a lot better than I expected," said Jason
"The decorations were really cool. They had spaceships at the
entrance and an 'under the sea' theme in the cafeteria," commented
Stephanie Olson.
Though the seniors were happy to graduate from high school, still,
for many, Graduate Straight was found to be an emotional time.
"It was kind of sad because it was the last time we would ever get
together as the Class of'94," said Sonya Woolhiser.
"We are all going off to college soon, so this was a really good
chance for friends to say good-bye to friends," added Robert Busde.

A Seniors Heidi Park, Tricia .... Best friends seniors Steph Olson A.A. PLHS seniors wonder how their ... Senior Matt Kucera practices his
and Heidi Peterson proudly display unique head gear will help them stroke in miniature golf at the first
their caricature. (S. Olson) "explore their future". (S . Olson) hole. (S. Olson)

-------- - -- - - -- ---~------ ------~-~~ ------------- --- --

.6..6. PLHS senior guys try their hand .6. Senior Melissa Hanson records
at gambling (with other people's the guess made by senior Hank
money) at Graduate Straight. (S. Wojdyla on the number of M&M's
Olson) in the jar. (S. Olson)

Dawn Dries and Jennifer Yang JJ


he music from the 1993-94 Billboard ranged from classical to
hip-hop and everything between for students at PLHS.
Senior Mike Johnson said, "R & B music has a good beat,
it tells a story, and it's the best music to dance to."
This spectrum covered hip-hop skills to country line dancing. Being the
melting pot of the world it showed that there are various enjoyments in
Senior Stephani Sherwood said, "I like country because I have listened to
it since I was a little girl with my dad."
There were other types of music like alternative and hard rock as a music
selection, in which some students at PLHS dressed by the style of the music
they listened to.
The students clothing ranged from cowboy hats, to combat boots, and
the baggy fit.
Junior Marie Stewart said, "I dress the way I do because I want to be dif-
ferent, like the music I listen to. I don't really like the word alternative
though. I prefer the word original."
Music was then based on opinions and differences at PLHS.

Some music favorites of PLHS.

Xscape- "Just Kickin' it"
Stone Temple Pilots - "Plush"
Jodeci- "Lately''
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - "Fishing in the
Janet Jackson - "Again"
StereoMc's- "Connected"
Snoopy Dogg - "Doggy Style"
Blind Melon- "No Rain"
Tag Team - "Whoomp! There It Is"
SWV - "Right Here/Human Nature"

.A.Senior Justin Luebbert makes time .A. .A. While Junior Nancy King is
for music as he does his school work doing her school work she takes a
and eats. (M. Heyen) break from her music. (M. Heyen)
... ~ Sophomore John Bazis zones
inro his walkman ro find the right
song worth listening ro. (M. Heyen)

... Sophomore Ronald Henley gets

ready ro leave the school in a better
mood while listening ro some latest
rap music. (M. Heyen)

~ Senior Heather Gay tries ro be

slick while listening ro her music
instead of doing her school work.
(M. Heyen)
11 In The Still of The Night", Prom '94 was a very
memorable experience for all PLHS students
who attended the April 29 extravaganza. The
ballroom at University of Nebraska of Omaha
from 8:00-12:00 a.m. was filled with glamorous ladies
and handsome gentlemen dancing the night away.
Adding to the excitement were the huge video screens
displaying different angles of the dance floor and varied
music videos . Laurine Gilbert, Sunny Dickie, and
Christy Swanson, beautifully sang the prom theme song
"In The Still Of The Night."
"It was my best nights ever filled with many memo-
rable events," said Senior Ryan Brady.
After prom many students attended the Post Prom
party at Brunswick Mockingbird Lanes which was hosted
by PANDA. There students enjoyed bowling, eating and
just being with their friends until 4:00 in the morning.

~~ Taking a break fro m a romantic ~ Singing the theme song "In T he

dance during an enchanted evening Still of Th e N ig ht " , a re se nior s
are seniors Jenny Copple and Rob Christy Swanson , Sunny Dickey,
Cohee.(R. Cohee) and Laurine Gilbert. (C. Swanson)

-- - - - --- --------- --- -~ -- -

•.A. Taking their traditional 'before .A. Finally ready for prom are Juniors .A..A..A. Putting on the corsage is .A..A.Pinning on the boutonniere isn't
rom pictures' are senior Jill Morin Frankie Halter, Josh Dalton, Steve always one of the easiest parts of the that easy, but junior Kasey Frye and
1d junior Tyler Moore. Q. Morin) Paulson, Fred Batts, Laura Sporcic, night as seniors Mindy Minton and senior Jason Jirkovsky do it just fine.
Lauri Pearson, Jenny Lawton, and Tom Robinson show. (M. Minton) (K. Frye)
Kathleen Kessler. (F. Halter)
.A..A.Srs. Angie Scherzberg, Amy .A.Srs. Kipp LiaBraaten, Robert Bus- .&.Senior Victoria Martin and Junior
Williams, Jodi Janssen, and Jennifer tle, Jason McCartney, and Brad Stice Chris Lukasina debate whether or
Student Lifo Bartlett strut their stuff before prom. wonder why they feel a draft. (fil e no r to d ance ano th er d ance. (fi le
(file photo) photo) photo)
&Sr. Eric Williams, Jr. Mindy .&Seniors Denton Dye, Shawn Kask- .&Jrs. Shannon Flangan , Nathan

Sara Dappen ~
cWain, and Jr. Jenny Kline act ie , Jennifer Robinson , and Darcie Steele, Dana Smith, Mike Young,
;e m ovie sta rs in their limo . Schram cherish rheir lasr prom. (file) Dustin Quick, and Jeff Fay srroll in
le photo) red. (file)
tudents from PLHS took rules to the extreme.

S A majority of the students complained about the

school dress code in 1993-94.
Sophomore Derrick LaBat said, "I don't think stu-
dents should be told how to dress."
Students at PLHS said that they were in school to learn and
it didn't matter how they dressed or what they wore, as long as
they were getting their education.
Senior Caeli Cullen said, "Maybe there could be problems
with some things people wear to school, but I don't think it's
necessary for some principals to put in their opinion."
Other students felt PLHS was a prison or a lockdown.
"The students should have more flexible time to get back
and forth to each class," said senior Tara O'Callaghan.
As senior Billy Estelle also said, "The students need some
kind of flexibility on rules so that students can either learn
responsibility or pay the consequences if they get caught. "

Breakin' the law,

Breakin' the law
1. Students must accept the fact that appropriate dress for some
activities and learning situations are not necessarily appropriate
for others. .
2. The development of good taste in personal appearance
should be a cooperative effort between school and home.
Students are encouraged to arrive promptly to school to insure
a good start for the day. Chronic tardiness can be disruptive to the
student learning experience. Prompt and regular attendance can
be one important factor in a student's success or failure in school.
On the fifth tardy to class, the student will be sent to the office,
documentation made, and parent contacted. The policy will be
reviewed with the student. *Taken from the PLHS handbook of
.... Juniors John Thomas and Mar- .... Sophomore Daniel Weihert finds
ques Rollins are heading to class himself in detention with senior Rose
before they receive a tardy. Moelder. (M . Minton)
(L. Pendleton)

91) Student Lifo

• While talking on the phone, senior
Willie Dimauro sports a sag, of one
of the latest fads. (L.Pendleron)

... Sophomores Mike Ferris and Nick

Boswell obviously have not read their
school rules handbook. (M.Heyen)

Lynn Pendleton 91-

.... Henri (Junior Jason Morgan)
watches Emile's children Ngana
(Elizabeth Dowse) and Jerome
(Mike Armstrong) (R.Williams)

• Nellie (Sr. Sunny Dickey) sup-

pons Luther Billis Qr. Mike Buttry)
during the Thanksgiving Day Follies.

.... The talented cast of South Pacific

gathers together for a group shot. (R.

94 Spring Musical
s the lights dimmed and the curtain rose, the audi-
ence began to take in the sound of the PLHS orches-
tra, as it set the mood for the beginning scene of
Rodgers and Hammersteins story of the South Pacif-
ic, which was performed by the PLHS drama and chorus depart-
ment on March 17, 18, 19.
The terrace of Emile de Becque's (Senior Rob Draper) planta-
tion home was where the story unfolds. It was here that Emile and
Nellie Forbush (Senior Sunny Dickey) first showed their feelings
for each other.
Meanwhile on another part of the island, Bloody Mary (Senior
Laurine Gilbert) tried desperately to sell her rare goods to sailor
Luther Billis.Ounior Mike Buttry)
The play also reminded the audience of the grim realities of
war, by the death of Lt. Cable (Sophomore Mike Jareo) while
behind enemy lines.
Junior Travis Brown summed up the entire musical experience
by saying, "All the hard work and determination ended up in a
greats how.

.& Getting lost in each others eyes .& Marine Lt. Joe Cable (Sophomore A Stewpot Qunior Travis Brown),
~ Emile (Senior Rob Draper) and Mike Jareo) li stens pati en tl y to Luther Bill is Q unior Mike Buttry)
ellie (Seni or Sunny Dickey) (R. Bloody Mary (Se nior Laurine and the Professor (Junior Pat
-illiams) Gilbert) (R. Williams) Wilson) do some male bonding. (R.

- ---- -~~- - ~· ,_,













omecoming at PLHS was a time to remember.

H The festivities only lasted a short weekend, but

the preparations had seemed to last much longer.
Spirit week started the exciting events, which led
to Friday's coronation, and game. Students crowded into the
auditorium which was uniquely decorated to the theme of
Aladdin ''A Whole New World."
"Coronation was beautiful, it took all of my make-up offl"
senior Sunny Dickey exclaimed.
The homecoming candidates were Jeanette St. Peter, Mandy
Brandt, Jenny Szynskie, Shannon Frederick, Jodi Janssen, Lau-
rine Gilbert, Carrie Hodsdon, Jeff Scherzberg, Joe Erdkamp,
Rob Cohee, Willy Solomon, Chad Kalal, Rick Kuiken, and
Andy Miller. The excitement began when Chad Kalal and Shan-
non Frederick were chosen Prince and Princess. As anticipation
filled the auditorium Willy Solomon and Laurine Gilbert were
announced King and Queen.
Following coronation, the royalty were presented at halftime
during the Monarch's victory game against Lincoln East. The
excitement of the game carried over into Saturday's evening dance
held by Student Council. The dance was the final event that
brought all of the weeks activities to an end. These were the times
to remember.

.A. Seniors Leah Pomykalski, Jill .A. .A.Seniors Billy Estelle and Julie .A. 1993 Homecoming Royalty, Queer
Morin , and Martin Wagner show Armitage stated, "Going to the Old Laurine Gilbert, King Willy Solomon
that "three doesn't always make a Market and the ConAgra Park, was the Princess Shannon Frederick, and Prinet
best part of Homecoming." (L. Chad Kalal. (D. Hassel)
crowd!" (File Photo)
• King and Queen Willy Solomon .&. .&. 1993 Hom eco ming Court L. to R. . .&. Chosen by the Senior Class, the
1d Laurine Gilbert on th eir ro yal Carrie Hodsdon, Jeanette St. Peter, Jodi Janssen, 1993 Homecoming Court. (D . H as-
Mandy Brandt, Jenny Szynskie, Princess Shan-
altz at the halftim e performan ce . non Frederick, Queen Laurine Gilbert, King sel) Shannon Frederick
~ .S c hwalm ) Willy Solomon, Prin ce Chad Kalal , Jeff
Scherzberg, Andy Miller , Rick Kuiken , Rob
Cohee and Joe Erdkamp. (D. Hassel)
Adam Abrahamzon
Anise Adams
Laura Adams
Jeanette Amweg
Natasha Anderson

Yugi Anderson
Julie Armitage
Scott Armstrong
Karen Arrigo
Alexis Austin

Glenda Baker
Robert Baker
James Bang
Christopher Barner
Aaron Barnes

Jennifer Bartlett
Todd Baustert
Jaemi Bean
Jaime Bellino
Latoya Bennett

Jared Bentley
Carrie Bernhardt
David Berube
David Bettin
Ryan Bierle

'4 Akxis Austin

Justin Biers
lker Bilbao
Robert Blair
Lawrence Blocker
Keri Bloes

Jami Boeck-Seffron
Jason Boggess
Heather Bolish
Jodi Borosko
Richard Bowyer

Becky Boyd
Ryan Brady
Chris Brandon
Amanda Brandt
Jamie Brandt

John Britton
Kari Brockman
Jami Brown
Clarence Bruner
Trisha Brunow

Melissa Buechler
Shane Bullie
Amy Bullock
Jeffrey Bumgardner
Joseph Burnett
eniors at had many ambitions, but most of them
were hopes and dreams for their futures.
" ..... to be a teacher for physically and mentally chal-
lenged children. I hope to be able to incorporate my love
of theatre and music into my teachings." -Eryn Cleveland
" ..... is to hopefully attend the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill and be the first one in my family to graduate from
college. I'm not quite sure on what I'd like to become, but what-
ever it is, I will try to be the best at it. " -Monique White
" ..... to major in Food Science and Technology, and to have a
loving husband to spend the rest of my life with." -Heather Gay
" ..... to be an elementary teacher, coach baseball, and have a
successful life." -Eddie Hamblen
" ..... to pursue a career in singing. I want to attend college and
major in vocal music performance. After graduation, I want to
travel around th e states singing." -Sunny Dickey
" ..... want a career in the music industry and I want to sing and
eventually produce other artists, all this after college, of course. I
also want to go to the Olympics and win the gold in Tai Kwan
Do. " -JJ Rand

A. Seniors Anne Trumble, and Juliet A.A. Senior Caeli Cullen isn't able to A. Seniors Lonnie Lape and Ryan
Martin glance at Hank Wojdyla and express her future dreams, due to a Bierle show school spirit by shaving
laugh as he reveals his future dreams. mouth full of blueberry muffin. (S. their football numbers. (S. Neall)
(S.Neall) Dappen)

-------------- ---------- - -- -- ---- - -

Robert Bustle
Jenifer Butler
Courtney Cardaronella
Andrew Carl
Tricia Carnes

Meghan Cavalier
Phillip Chamberlin
Jacob Christian
Kara Cizek
Eryn Cleveland

Robert Cohee
Jeff Coleman
Lisa Coleman
Jessica Collier
Adam Conway

Hollie Cook
Kimberly Cook
Jennifer Copple
Andrea Corey
Matthew Coursey

Caeli Cullen
Eric Danley
Sara Dappen
Brad Davey
Derek Davis
pirit Week at PLHS introduced the excitement and antici-

S pation of the upcoming Homecoming game and dance.

As the seniors prepared for their last homecoming, they
put forth an enormous amount of energy and dedication
to make it a spirited homecoming they would always remember.
"You have to be spirited, it's just natural, otherwise it will go by
so fast and we would miss it!," Senior Darrin Hurt exclaimed.
Monday started off spirit week as "Sunglass Day," which was
sponsored by FBLA. The students filled the halls wearing their
own shades. On Tuesday NHS had sponsored "Educate the Spar-
tans." Each student entered the building wearing their favorite
college sweatshirt. DECA sponsored hat day, "Top the Spartans."
Students had participated from wearing crazy hats to baseball
caps. Kept in good taste, the students came to school on Thursday
in their pajamas.
The week quickly came to an end, as Friday concluded spirit
week when the students dressed in maroon, gold, and white. The
seniors had not only shown an enormous amount of spirit at
school, but spirit was also present at their last homecoming game.
Senior Leah Pomykalski said, "Friday at school was great
because everybody got psyched up for the upcoming game!"

.A. Senior Angela Heywood , gets .A. .A. Senior Steve Peterson, junior .A. PLHS fans "bare" the weather
involved in sp irit week in an extreme- Kevin Sourdyke, and senior Doug through school spirit. (D. Hassel)
Seniors ly large way. (S. Neall) Wilch, show off their Monarch spiri t!
(File Photo)
- -- ------ - - ·

Jennifer Davis
Lori Davis
Stacy Deatz
Karen Dedrickson
Michael Deja

JoAnne Derks
Heidi Derr
Sunny Dickey
William Dimauro
Lindsay Dolce

Rhiannon Donahue
Kelly Dort
Damon Douglas
Jill Draper
Robert Draper

Richard Duncan
Phillip Dunning
Dustin Durant
Denton Dye
Melissa Oyer

Joyce Earley
April Ecis
Ryan Eggett
Nicole Eikmeier
Miranda Ellerbeck

Shannon Frederick ~
he 1993-94 school year added lasting friendships to

T the daily lives of most seniors.

Memories of the good times and the bad times filled
the students' minds with the hopes and dreams to
some day relive them.
High school gave students the chance to come in contact with
new faces. Some friendships made would be kept forever while
others would come and go.
Senior Tricia Carnes said, "There are some friends that you can
keep through your school years that you can keep for your whole
life. But there are some friends that go their separate ways when
you start meeting new people."
The new friends made during high school were the friends that
would always be remembered.
Senior Stacy Deatz said, "The friends you have in high school
will be the friends you'll remember for the rest of your life."
Senior year was the last year for students to make their best
impressions on their new and old friends. Achieving goals with
friends side by the side make it all worth while. High school was
the three years in students' lives when they had the opportunity to
live out their dreams. It was always comforting to have caring
friends along the way to help them come true.

.A. Se niors Jacky Galitzky , Tara .A. Seniors Jenny Johnson and Lau- .A..& Senio rs Fara Galvan and Crissy
O'Callaghan , and Kara Cizek take a rine Gilbert sit back and relax while Warren exch a nge th e d ail y goss ip
Seniors brea k a t th eir locke rs in b e twee n enj oying their free weekend ni ghts. hea rd throu gho ut th e p its du rin g
classes . (S. Frederick) (L. G ilbert) lunch . (M. Sterzinger)
.A. Seniors Carrie Hodsdon and ~ Seniors Eric Williams and Ian
anette St. Peter find seats together Rauch still hang out together while in
r the bus trip to cheerleading camp. the pits after knowing each other for
. Frederick) several years . (S. Dappen)

Seniors Damon Douglas , Rob ~ Seniors Rob Draper, Chara Quin-

wis, and Marqual Mungin stop in nelly, and Erin Cleveland put their
e hall s ro avo id their next hour heads together to make a Kodak
1ehers. (A. Austin) moment. (L. Gilbert)
,.- Se ni o rs Laurine Gilbert a nd ,.-,.- Senior Kyle Hendrickson pre-
Sunny Dickey show off their "stu- pares fo r a college entra nce exam on a
dent plan" at the I 993 College Fair. computer program in the Career Ed.
(M . Minton) Center. (S. Neall)

s thoughts of graduation and preparation for col-

A lege filled seniors minds, students became over-

whelmed with a list of things to be done.
There was the ACT /SAT tests to take, scholar-
ships deadlines to meet, college applications that were due,
and graduation presents were to be bought.
Seniors often wondered if there would ever be a break in
their busy schedule. "Senior slides" started during the first
week of school, and procrastination was a part of most
seniors' lifestyles.
The phrase "senior slide" had many different definitions
to the seniors at PLHS.
Senior Denton Dye defined "senior slide" as, "Having as
many study halls as possible, and being sure to use those
study halls to do absolutely nothing."
Every year, seniors promised themselves that they would
not procrastinate. But as tradition prevailed, everyone
wound up with a mile long list of things to do, with only a
short time to do the things in.
Senior Jamie Brandt mentioned, "Grades, ACT'S, scholar-
ships, and raising money for college are just a few things I
have to do before I can get ready to graduate!"

£ Seni o rs Alyssa Windham , Rob

Cohee, and Heidi Derr smile at the
thought of college at the College Fair.
Seniors (M . Minton)

- - - -- - - - - = - - - - --- - - - ---- - -
Joseph Erdkamp
Danial Ermish
Andrew Estell
Billy Estelle
Ryan Feldt

David Fichna
Henry Flores
Jason Foote
Aaron Ford

Tera Ford
James Frazer
Shannon Frederick
David Freeman
Teresa Gaddis

Jacky Galitzky
Fara Galvan
Kathryn Ganzel
Jason Garrett
Heather Gay

Nathan Gershon
Eyrick Gibson
Laurine Gilbert
Daniel Glazebrook

Mindy Minton ~
houghts of graduation filled many students' minds at

T PLHS with th e hopes of getting what they've always

wanted. Seniors all have different things in mind when
it comes to receiving graduation gifts. Some students
just wanted little things while others aimed for the higher valued
Graduating from high school comes once in a student's life. It is
an important time when everything is supposed to be perfect. It
may be the choice of walking partners, or the right outfit. Senior
Jenny Johnson replied, "What I want for graduation is for my
walking partner, Tommy Robinson, to grow a couple inches so I
can wear heels to graduation."
Vacations topped the graduating list. Plane tickets to paid trips
out of Nebraska put positive thoughts into some of the seniors'
minds. Senior Sarah Wagstaff replied, "What I want for graduation
is a nice new truck with a map in it to leave Nebraska. " Being out
on their own, without parents running their lives could only bring
some responsibility and freedom to a high school graduates life.
Some people just wanted to be able to say that they graduated
and received their diploma. Some proudly hung their golden
maroon tassel from rear view mirrors showing their accomplish-

.&. Ryan Greenhalgh waits patiently .&.Senior Karen Arrigo decides on the .A..A. Se ni or Sarah Wagstaff shows
in line with other seniors to order his grad uation motto for the 1994 grad u- what she wants fo r grad uation ... ro
graduating robe and 1994 tassel. (A. ation ceremony. (A. Austin) get o ut of Omaha. (A. Austin)
Kellie Gosch
Phillip Graef
Benjamin Gray
Ryan Gray
Megan Green

Matthew Greenberg
Ryan Greenhalgh
Cori Greer
Bruce Grimbly
Tracy Grimm

Alan Grund
Edwin Haas
Eddie Hamblen
Bart Hamilton III
Shanda Hamon

Jason Hamor
Benjamin Hansen
Michael Hansen
Melissa Hanson
Melinda Hauser-Larsen

Roger Hawley
Chad Hayes
Carrin Hayward
Chris Hedgecock
Tracy Heinert
Nick Hencke
Billie Henderson
Kyle Hendrickson
Lisa Hendrickson
Todd Henry

Angela Heywood
Sean Highberg
James Hike
Timothy Hinman
Billy Hipsher

Trent Hlavac
Jamie Hodge
Jeremy Hodges
Carrie Hodsdon
Sandra Hodsdon

Bobby Hood
Dustie Hopkinson
Nathan Hughes
Kelly Hunt
Darrin Hurt

Peter Ingle
Jason Ingram
Jodi Janssen
Karen Jellen
Sarah Jenn

------- . ---------------------------------------------------------

Regina Jensen
Jennifer Jessop
Jason Jirkovsky
Jennifer Johnson
Michael Johnson

Robert Johnson
Kristina Jones
Chad Kalal
Jodi Kalvelage
David Karasek

Shawn Kaskie
Melanie Kelley
Angela Kelly
Sean Kelly
Shannan Kelly

David Kendall
Angela Keuper
Jennifer Kidd
Edward Kimmey Jr.
Judson Kingman

Krista Kirk
Jennifer Knapple
Jeffrey Knott
Courtney Knowles
Jennifer Knowles
"YSara Dappen and Wes Sullivan are
senior representatives for Johnston Pho-
tography in Omaha, NE. (M. Minron)

or most seniors, getting their senior pictures taken

F was either a great amount of fun or an overwhelm-

ing hassle.
Those who had fun loved the idea of being treat-
ed like a model and being fussed over for an average time of
one and a half hours.
For those who found it to be a royal pain, they dreaded the
idea of finding clothes to wear, and smiling for something
that truly didn't make them happy.
Along with bringing favorite outfits to get their pictures
taken, people brought best friends, pets, cars, favorite
stuffed animals, and sports memorabilia.
Senior Angie Scherzberg said, "I brought my best
friend-my black Labrador retriever 'Doc'."
Although the actual process of getting the pictures taken
was very exciting, some students enjoyed the process of
preparing for the pictures the most.
'The best part was just going shopping with my friends,
getting all done up and wearing make-up, which I don't
usually do!" said senior Alyssa Windham.
Getting senior pictures taken was just one of the times to
remember for students at PLHS. Their pictures captured
memories of their senior year in a few photographs.

~ Seniors Mandy Brandt and Shan-

non Frederick are representatives for

~ Seniors
Bezy Photography in Bellevue, NE.
(M. Minton)

- - - - - - - -- -- -~--- - - - - - - ------ --
---- - - - ~~ - - -

Renee Knowles
Heather Kowal
Matthew Kucera
John Kuhn

Rick Kuiken
Dana Kvedoras
Stacey Lang
Andrea Lape
Lonnie Lape

Jennifer Larsen
Chris Larson
Shannon Leaders
Brian Lee
Jack Lehman

Angela Lewellen
Melissa Lewis
Robert Lewis
Kipp LiaBraaten
Robert Lightner

Jonathan Longcrier
Nathan Looney
Stacey Lowery
Jason Lowry
Justin Luebbert

~ -
\ .• ur•_, aA

Mindy Minton ~
Melissa Luth
Felicia Lyons
Michelle Lyons
Laura Maguire
Ronald Majerus

Carey Marsalis
Juliet Martin
Kevin Martin
Victoria Martin
Erin Maryanski

Mariann Masek
Dane-Ann Massey
Joshua Masters
Shawn Mateer
Amanda McAlear

Jason McCartney
Sarah McClellan
Sharon McKinney
Brian McLain
Adina Mclemore

Charles Mehalik
Candice Meurrens
Jill Mickells
Amy Miller
Andy Miller

~ Seniors
Brian Chad Miller
Shawn Miller
Jenny Milligan
Stephanie Minor
Mindy Minton

Brian Mizer
Matthew Mohri
Jill Morin
Marie Muggeo
Marqual Mungin

Melissa Munson
Heather Neitzel
Theresa Nespor
Scott Nielsen
Laura Norris

Tara O'Callaghan
Silvia Olsen
Keith Olson
Mark Olson

Stephanie Olson
Edward Ostlund
Matt Ostransky
John Oswald
Russell Ovens

Mindy Minton fi
long with the usual rituals PLHS seniors went through

A for graduation this year there were some extra decisions

the class of 1994 had to make.
A proposition was made by senior Melissa Lewis that
the tradition of walking partners be abolished. She felt that the
girls who did not have walking partners were being discriminated
against by being placed at the end of the line.
Another group of seniors was also against the fact that only
boys were allowed to wear the dominant maroon color, while girls
were designated to wear an "inferior" color of white.
At the annual cap and gown measurements, all the seniors had
an opportunity to project their personal opinions in a vote. First
of all, they voted as to how they thought the walking ceremony
should be. Secondly, students voted as to which color robes
should be worn on Graduation Day. A decision was reached that
the students could choose which color of gown they wanted,
either maroon or white.
As time carried on, seniors realized that the most important
thing was simply being able to graduate, and that the actual cere-
mony would soon be a distant memory. Although tradition was
disrupted, preparation for graduation was definitely a time to
remember for the class of 1994 seniors.

_. Seniors Chad Kalal, Jeanette St. _._. Senior Jamie Brandt waits for _. Although it was very early in the
Peter, Aaron Barnes, and Stephanie Melissa Lewis, senior, to sign a peti- morning, senior Brian Lee rakes rime
Sherwood make a group decision on tion for students who want to choose out to vote on which color of robe he
robe choice. (A. Austin) their own gown color. (A. Austin) prefers. (A. Austin)

--- -- -~~-- ~~- -~--

-- ~--~ - - ·

Seniors Denton Dye and Christy

Swanson ponder over which color
robe would look best-maroon or
white. (A. Austin)

Mindy Minton 94
Shonda Overman
Adam Page
Rick Painter
Leslie Paquette
David Park

Heidi Park
Kristina Peissig
Carlisa Pendleton
Lisa Petersen
Heidi Peterson

Sonya Peterson
Steve Peterson
Donelle Phelps
Danny Phillips

Steven Phillips
Jennifer Pierce
Jeremy Pietig
Derrick Pitchanau
Cheryl Podwinski

Leah Pomykalski
Michelle Powers
James Prchal
Jennifer Puckett
Chara Quinnelly

~ Seniors
David Ralls
Ian Rauch
Rochelle Redden
Kiley Reese
Pamela Richards

Jamie Richter
Ross Riepl
Mark Rist
Vesa-Matti Ritola
Ginger Robbins

Kristi Robinson
Thomas Robinson
Charles Roll
Kris Ronnei
Bryan Rowe

Mark Ruffin
Christina Rukstalis
Brent Saathoff
Tammi Sand
Ryan Sawn

Angela Scherzberg
Jeffrey Scherzberg
Randall Schultz
Callum Scott
Minyon Scott
he moments that two people share together can

T last a lifetime.
Moments which consist of laughter, enjoyment,
and romance, are those moments shared with
someone special that can add that extra touch.
"I think it's important to have a relationship so they can
share the high low points throughout the year together,"
senior Jodi Janssen said.
However there are some who disagreed, "It's great to
spend the year with someone special, but just think of how
hard it will be to leave and go off to college," senior Jaime
Bellino stated.
Senior year has always been a very difficult year to get
involved with someone close. However, if the person and
timing was right, some students said it all worked out in the
end. Couples at Papillion -La Vista High School could not
have agreed more, while walking hand in hand down the
halls, discussing future plans after graduation, or taking it
one day at a time.
Having someone special in a student's life during the
wonderful moments of graduation, was one more time of
togetherness that would always be remembered!

.&. Se nior s Erin Cleveland a nd .A. .A. Seniors Jenny Szynskie and Jeff .&. Seniors Jenny Bartlett and Darrin
Nathan Hughes, demonstrate their Szhersberg aren 't afraid to show their Hurt are caught in the act revealing
Seniors affection through harmon y. (D . Has- feelin gs in front of a c rowd. ( K. th eir emotions towards each other.
sel) Schwalm ) (K. Schwalm)
Jon Seda
Chuck Shanahan
Timothy Shaw
Delsey Sherrill
Stephani Sherwood

Sidney Sloderheck
Mark Smith
William Smuck
Steven Smyth
Willy Solomon

Justin Sonnenfelt
Joshua Sortino
Amy Sporcic
Craig Sporleder
Jennifer Sporven

Jeanette St. Peter

Kari Stacy
Melissa Sterzinger
Brad Stice
Dawn Stilen

Cara Stirts
Hollie Stirts
Timothy Stoller
Bryan Stoves
Jill Stultz

Shannon Frederick and Alexis Austin ~

Wesley Sullivan
Jamie Swanda
Christy Swanson
Debra Swanson
Jamie Szatko

Jennifer Szynskie
Anastasia Talley
Jennifer Taylor
Tina Thacker
Michael Thomas

Christopher Thompson
Katherine Thompson
Carissa Torkelson
Jeffrey Trask
Michelle Trent

Anne Trumble
Inger Ullvang
Kimberly Ulrich
Craig Underhill
Stephanie Vacek

Kellie Vallinch
Cara Vande Berg
Katrina Van Meter
Christopher Van Oeveren
Erin Vargas

Lisa Ventura
Audalyn Vessar
Randi Vetter
Judy Villosis
Austin Voorhes

Martin Wagner
Sarah Wagstaff
Shawn Walker
Jennifer Wallace
Christopher Warner

Christine Warren
Bryan Watson
Kevin Watts
Louis Weitkam III
Stacia Welch

Angela Wenzel
Chris Wepfer
Brenda Westlund
Aaron Wetzler
Monique White

Matthew Whitfield
Doug Wilch
Amy Williams
Eric Williams
Jenny Wilson
<1111 Seniors Becky Boyd and Kari .A. .A. Seniors Jeff Scherzberg, Lonnie
Stacy give each other a good night Lape, Rob Cohee, and Eric Danley
hug at the1993 DECA convention. kick back in the still of the night. (H.
(H. Derr) Derr)

.A. Senior Willy Solomon welcomes

senior Martin Wagner from Ger-
many by sharing American hospitali-
ty. (H. Oerr)


--- ------ ~~~~--~------------------ ----- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - --

Alyssa Windham
Keri Winkler
Henry Wojdyla
Doug Wood
Patricia Woods

Sonya Woolhiser
Chris Wroten
Heather Young
Michael Zafft
Todd Zellner

Louis Zimmerman
Thorn Hansen
Katie Tucker
...... Sen ior John Oswald tries ro ... Senior Chara Quinnelly grimaces ._A group of PLHS students gather ...... Seniors Angie Scherzberg and
hold in a mouthful of food as senior at the freezing cold weather while she together for a summertime blow out Stacia Welch take time out from
Jenny Szynskie attempts the Heim- tries rode-ice her car. (S. Neall) before the 1993-94 school year kicks gymnast ics practice ro battle their
lich maneuver. (H . Derr) off. (H. Derr) colds. (File photo)


-- --- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - --
!Be~t of J}uak.,
!}(ti~Uf2 ~ OO'te
:JW2iot aLru.~ fP te~Wet2t

Kristen Moore 94
Pick-up Lines
1. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?
2. What's your sign?
3. Hey baby, wanna wrestle?
4. Do you come around here often?

5. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.

6. Haven't we met?

7. Baby, you're just like Pepsi ... Gotta Have It.

8. What's a girl/guy like you doing in a place like this?

9. Who took the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes?
10. Hey baby, let's go to my place and watch Cop Rock.
....... Many PLHS students such as
junior Cami Fuerstenau decorate
their lockers according to their own
style. (A. Austin)

.... Juniors Mark Parras and Ryan

Williams slack in the computer lab
while junior Dan Keener avoids dis-
traction and keeps working. (M.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -----
- - - --- - -- ------ -- ~ -~- --

Michelle Abboud
Tanya Adam
Michelle Aduloju
Andre Agee
Chris Allred

Adam Arko
Charles Austin
Jeff Bacon
Robin Balagot
Maureen Barnes
Shannon Barr

Steve Bateman
Fred Batts
Alex Baumgarten
Wayne Bena
Trent Berg
Dave Bernal

Andy Bernatow
Nathaniel Bobert
Drew Boelter
Matt Boggess
Joyce Boggs
Farah Bolish

Steve Boller
Jennifer Bond
James Borchers
Caroline Bornhoft
Jeffery Bower
Roger Brendle

Curtis Brinker
Tony Brown
Travis Brown
Yolanda Brown
Shawn Bruhn
Phillip Brusca

Melissa Buck
Andrea Burroughs
Laura Burton
Michael Buttry
Jason Buys
Comments Most
Likely To Be Heard
1. What did you get for number one?

2. Did you do your homework?

3. Guess what I did this weekend!

4. Uh ... Shut up!

5. They did what with who?

6. Cool ... huh ... huh ... huh ...

7. Who are you going to homecoming/prom with?
8. Your place, my place, or here?

9. What's happening?

1 0. What is your problem?

A Juniors Jarrett McNabb, Barry A Planning the upcoming weekend .A.A. Checking up on a "sick "
Webber and Brian Wucher are dis- are juniors Amber Roth, LeAnna friend are juniors Wendy Crupper

cussing vital aspects of today's society Karre, Kendra Melhus, and Christa and Emily Flansburgh. (S. Neall)
for their government class. (S. Neall) Huffman. (M. Heyen)


- - --- -

- - -
Michelle Caldwell
Edward Calhoun II
Quentin Carritt
Glenda Casady
Jaime Chamberlain
William Charlier

Rachel Cheever
Michael Ching
Scott Ciminski
Jennifer Cohen
Erik Cole
Ryan Cole

Leann Coley
Gary Collier
Jennifer Conrad
Aaron Cooper
Barbara Cote
Daniel Courson

Audrey Crandall
Ryan Crick
Tiffany Crittenden
Cynthia Crook
Wendy Crupper
Chad Cullinane

Stacy Daeffier
Joshua Dalton
Kristi Daniell
Kathryn Deike
Rita Delsignore
Patrick Denton

Ryan Devine
Jill Dickey
Wes Dickey
Lisa Diener
David Dijak
Jeremy Divis

Jay Dollison
Robert Donaldson
Teresa Drake
Dawn Dries
Heidi East
Angela Eastep

Dawn Dries
Ways to spot a PLHS student
].Standing in the pits before school
2.Hanging out in their cliques
3.Showing school spirit by wearing
maroon, gold, and white
4.If they're gossiping
5.If they're wearing the trendy style
6.If they're sitting in Taco Bell
7.By their attitudes and facial expressions
B.If they're sitting in their car
9.If they're roaming the halls during class
1 O.Yelling "Hay! Ho! Go Monarchs! Go
Monarchs Go!" at all the games

.6. Sophomore Jenny Stice is amazed .6. Junior Kathleen Kessler tells .6..6. Sesame Street's Grover is seen
that anot her thirty minute lunch jun iors Stacy Swaim and Heather PLHS halls accompanying soph
juniors period is over. (M. Heyen) Hipschman about her stressed out more Megan Guenthner to class. ( ~
day at school. (S. Heyen)
Clifton Edwards
Kristen Eggers
Barry Eikmeier
Penny Eldred
Karl Elliffe-Odum
Jeffrey Elliott

Eliina Ellison
Glenford Ellison
Christopher Elston
Brenda Elze
Paul Evans
Tracy Evans

Christine Fairbanks
Jonathan Fast
Chessa Faulkner
Carrie Fay
Jeffrey Fay
Jeff Feliciano

Steven Fennel Jr.

Kellie Feurt
James Fitzgerald
Shannon Flanagan
Emily Flansburgh
Solomon Fortune

Farah Foster
Victoria Fowler
Jonathon Franta
Melissa Fredenburg
William Freeman

Jason Fruge
Cami Fuerstenau
Brian Gaddie
Kristofer Gaerlan
Thomas Goff
James Goins Jr.

Julie Grandgenett
Andre Green
Scott Greger
Terry Grindstaff
Mark Grover
Scott Guenthner

Sonya Peterson and Tricia Carnes 94

Deep Thoughts
1. Is infinity an odd or even number?
2. Why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
3. If you dropped your keys in a volcano, man, they're gone.
4. Don't play leapfrog with unicorns.
5. How does non-stick Teflon stick to the pan?
6. Do posters get hurt when they're tacked to a wall?
7. It takes a strong man to cry, but it takes an even stronger
man to laugh at him.
8. Would your headlights work if you were traveling at the
speed of light?
9. If you were a cow chillin' in a field, how many times a day
would you moo?
10. Why do they call it "rush hour" when you just sit there?

.A. ... Showing off his cool PJ's for

Spirit Week is sophomore Mark
Dreiling. (M. Heyen)

.... Juniors Sarah Lightner, Angie

Eastep, and senior Natasha Ander-
son wait patiently for junior Melissa
Keeling to reach out and touch some-
one. (S. Neall)

9~ juniors
Troy Guiffey
Amy Guice
Bethany Haberer
Jeremy Haden
Scott Hagan
Joe Halac

Shawna Haliburton
Joshua Hall
Kellie Hall
Mike Hall
Franklin Halter
Eve Halverson

Michael Ham
Thomas Hansen
David Hargrave
Paul Harney
Thomas Harrison
Heather Haschalk

Harry Hawkins
Nichole Haworth
Richard Hayes
Jess Haynie
Katrina Heerman
Cherish Heidelberg

TJ Heinert
Tiffany Henderson
Chris Hetzler
Jamie Heydenreich
Mandy Heyen
Jason Hill

Misry Hill
Jaime Hillman
Wendy Hinkle
Paul Hinrichs
Heather Hipschman
Kara Hoban

Sue Hoevet
Joseph Hoffman
Adrianne Hohnke
Jason Hollander
David Homan
James Horejsh
Songs to Sing In The Shower
1. "Splish, Splash, I Was Taking A Bath"

2. "Rubber Ducky"

3. "Singing In The Rain"

4. "Sesame Street Theme Song"

5. "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head"

6. "Blame It On The Rain"

7. "Rain Down On Me"

8. "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"

9. "Tears In Heaven"

10. "Rain"

_..._... .... Juniors Krystal Roberts, Kelly

Klostermeyer and Melissa Freden-
burg are talking about the latest
school news. (S. Neall)

........ Girl watching is a favorite pas-

time of these PLHS guys. (S. Jenn)

.... Juniors Terry Grindstaff, Scott

Whisenhunt, Robert Heckert and
Rick Sjoberg are proving that "Boys
will be boys." (S. Neall)

9/f juniors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- -- - - - - - - - - - - ---~- - - - - - - - - -
Ricky Hough
Christine Houwen
Mark Howard
Jason Hoyt
Philip Hrncir
Rachel Hubbard

David Hudson
Christa Huffman
Tara Hultz
Ken Hurley
Marcus Hurrington
Frank Ibero

Brandon Irvin
Leigh Jackson
Todd Jamison
Aaron Jessop
Eilleen Johnson
Katherine Johnson

Kristy Johnson
Amy Jolly
Amanda Jones
Darcy Jones
Jeremy Jones
Todd Jones

Lori Juarez
LeAnna Karre
Melissa Keeling
Michelle Keesee
Joshua Kelly
David Kemp

Kristina Kerns
Kathleen Kessler
Stacy Keyes
Aaron Kilpatrick
Nancy King
Michele Kliewer

Erin Kline
Jennifer Kline
Kelly Klostermeyer
Carie Kobiela
Matthew Koske
Katie Kothenbeutel

Dawn Dries 94
TVolleyball starters sophomores Shau-
na and Kim Crandall show 'Y'YJunior Kendra Melhus ponders
us their million dollar smiles after win- over what she would do for a million
ning districts. (K Vallinch) dollars. (M. H eyen)

Things you'd do for $1 million dollars
1. Get a job
2. Do homework
3. Clean house
4. Get a full body tattoo
5. Run through the halls only in my under
6. Hit my older brother/ sister
7. Eat school lunch
8. Jump off a two story house
9. Try Grapenuts for a week
10. Watch Bugs Bunny instead of Beavis and
Butthead for a week

94 juniors
Molly Krahmer
Michaela Krayneski
Anthony Kreis
David Krenke!
Jamie Krieg
Mark Kritenbrink

Shiloh Kuhns
Carrie Lape
Shabana La Puma
Jennifer Lawton
Aaron Layland
Anna Leatherwood

Lanette Ledgerwood
Jennifer Lee
Leanne Lemm
Sarah Lightner
Konrad Lindner
Anthony Litherland

Angela Lodes
Eric Lovelace
Barbara Lowery
Jamie Lubash
Brian Lubberstedt
Christopher Lukasino

Zachary Luppes
Dan Lusero
Michael Luther Jr.
Nicole Macaitis
Todd Mach
Jennifer Maeder

Alissa Malek
Melanie Markus
Jaime Masek
Roxanne Mason
Elaine Mathis
Sean May

Christopher Mayeaux
Robert McDonald
Karen McHenry
Thomas McKee
Scott McKibbon
Jarrett McNabb

Sonya Peterson and Tricia Carnes 94

Reasons Why Your Summer
Was Worthwhile
1. I got to leave Nebraska.

2. Go to bed at 3am, wake up at 3pm.

3. No school!!

4. I met a lot of cool people.

5. I spent it with my boyfriend/girlfriend.

6. I was able to watch all my soap operas.

7. No thinking for three whole months.

8. I made a lot of money.

9. I got a car.

10. I partied with friends.

.... Sophomore Mike Galvan tries

to get lucky with sophomores Angie
Doleman, Katie Vandusen, Christa
Brady, and Ronni Dame. (K. Robin-

... Hanging out the pits after eating

lunch are sophomores Matt Brown,
Jason Politte, and David Strom. (S .

9~ juniors
- - - - - -
Rebecca McNamara
Toni McPhatter
Mindy McWain
Catherine Mehlin
Liese Meier
Kendra Melhus

Naomi Merwine
Jason Metzler
Dale Meyer
Gregory Miles
Alicia Miller
Cheryl Miller

John Miller
Megan Moen
Polly Montejano
Kristen Moore
Melissa Moore

Tyler Moore
T raci Morehead
Jason Morgan
Christina Morrell
Stefanie Morrow
Rachel Mortensen

Paul Mouton
Kevin Mungin
Gregory Myers
Raymond Nauman
Alan Naumann

Sherri Neall
Charles Needham
Tara Nelson
Holly Newman
Hieu Nguyen
Joeseph Nims

Chris Noda
Mark Nolte
Britt Nordquist
Carla Norris
Kim Nunn
Justin O 'Connor

Matt Sterzinger
Things To Do In Study hall
1. Catch some ZZZZ's

2. Count how many people are picking their noses

3. Watch people drool over their desks while sleeping

4. Count how many bricks are along the walls

5. Make farm animal noises

6. Think of new and innovative ways to make spitballs

7. Count the ways your body can make strange noises

8. Flash passersby

9. Copy homework off of the 4.0 student beside you

10. Watch the in-house people go to and from the bathrooms

~ While sophomore John Gibson ~~ Junior Jason Morgan strains his ~ Junior Jay Dollison is practicing
takes his regular study hall nap, brain during study hall trying to one of the many academic aspects of
junior Jim Frazer actually gets in understand the basics of Chemistry. catching up on his Z's during his 1st

'94 Juniors
some time to do his homework. (M.
(M . Heyen) hour study hall.
Nichole O 'Neal
Kristie Ortgies
Jesse Ostdiek
Michelle Packard
Paul Paden
Christine Pagan

Julie Papp
Jay Pappas
Nathan Partridge
Mark Patras
Steven Patrick
Stephen Paulson
Laurie Pearson
Michelle Pehrson
Richard Pereksta
Ranae Peters
Kevin Peterson
Katrina Pfefferle

Darlene Pham
Khien Pham
Eddie Pierce
Thomas Piernicky
Jacob Pixler
Sandra Pohl

Keri Politte
Anthony Poole
Benjamin Popp
Shannon Powell
Ryan Prunty
Jeremy Pryor

Dustin Quick
Melissa Ramplin
Jason Rath
Christie Reed
James Reeder
Nicole Reicks

Dawn Riesberg
Michael Riggle
Jennifer Riggs
Holly Rightnowar
Paul Ripley
Jason Robbins
TJ unior friends Alicia Miller, Krystal
TTLeft behind, junior Jeremy Pryor Roberts, Cami Fuerstenau, Amber
tries to make his way back to class after Roth, and sophomore Desi Solomon

lunch. (S. Neall) catch up on current gossip. (S. Neall)

Student Slang
1. Shut-up
2. Exactly
3. Chillin'
4. Already there
5. Whatever!
6. Uh .... Yeah
7. Dude
8. What up?
10. For Real?

.&.Juniors Wendy Crupper and ....Junior Tyler Moore chills back and
Angela Lodes discuss about how says "wus up" to his sixth hour journal-
much they should borrow from ism class. (S. Jenn)
junior James Reeder. (M. Heyen)
84 Sophomores
Brandyn Roberts
Krystal Roberts
Jennifer Robinson
Curtis Rogers
jason Rojas
Marques Rollins

Amber Roth
Elizabeth Roy
Joseph Rubio
Micheal Ruff
Veronica Rush
Jennifer Rybin

David Sadowski
Ryan Samuels
James Sanderson
Shana Saveraid
Mary Schiefelbein
Jason Schneekloth

Bruce Schrage
Darcie Schram
Tina Schreckenberger
Mike Schroeder
Eric Schrotberger
Jason Schultz

Katie Schwalm
Tiffany Seek
Adriana Selzer
Micheal Seydlitz
James Shade
Staci Sharp

Jason Shores
Scott Shoup
Allison Shrier
Jamie Simpson
Richard Sjoberg
James Slie

Dana Smith
Danielle Smith
Glynnis Smith
Kevin Smith
Robert Smyth
Angie Snyder
Kevin Souerdyke
Jay Spiegelman
Angela Spilker
Laura Sporcic
Deana Sporvin

Brian Starn
Nick Stanner
Nathan Steele
Matt Sterzinger
Michael Stewart
Daniel Stilen

Andrew Stone
Allan Stone
Todd Stoves
Tiffani Strack
Ian Strauss
Joseph Strawn

Michael Streich
Virginia Styles
Stacy Swaim
Timothy Swartz
Brian Swiger
Heather Szeliga

Jeff Tadlock
Kelly Talley
Brett Tavener
Mark Taylor-Brown
Kevin T edore
Joey Thiessen

Dallis Thomas
Erik Thomas
John Thomas
Randy Thomas
Lindsey Thorpe
Dan Tiedeman

Jennifer Tighe
Steven Tinnel
Rebecca Todd
Amy Tomek
Ryan Tourangeau
Kelley Towne
Jennifer Tremblett
James T uzzio
Dale Vanek
Rebecca VanGorp
Jason Varner
Sam Vincent

Christine Wallace
Timothy Wallar
Kelly Waller
Michael Wallman
Neil Watson
Barry Webber

Shannon Weber
Amanda Weir
Scott Whisenhunt
Chris Whiteley
Clint Whitmarsh
Teri Wiese

Clint Wilen
Jennifer Wilke
Barry Wilkinson Jr.
Debra Williams
Ryan Williams
Jason Willmore

Joy Willmore
Jessica Wilson
Joseph Windler
Andrea Winters
Jan-Kevin Winters

Richard Witte
Cathy Woerth
Nicole Wright
Brian Wucher
Shannon Yager
Jennifer Yang

Norna Yeh
Lydia Ynclan
Connie Youmans
Michael Young
Favorite College Football
2. Notre Dame Fighting Irish

3. Florida State Seminoles

4. Texas A&M Aggies
5. Miami Hurricanes
6. Colorado Buffaloes
1. M ichigan Wolverines

8. USC Trojans

9. Oklahoma Sooners
1 0. Florida Gators

• Junior Andrea Burroughs greets a • Sophomore B.J. Sorenson • • Junior Kevin Tedore does no
fellow Wolverine fan before school. recounts the Huskers winning season want to relive the game between low
(S. Neall) for his friends, sophomores Michael State and Nebraska as he reads th

94 Juniors
Moore and Jeffrey N ielson. (M.
horrible report in the paper. (N
Amanda Aerts
Angela Albus
Zeppelin Allen
Corey Allmendinger
John Almeida
Dawn Altstadt

J azhan Am ill
Carrie Anderson
Jason Anderson
Robert Andsager
Richard Arch
David Archbold

Amaan Archer
Kara Armstrong
Melissa Asbury
Mario Augeri
Kristina Ausenbaugh
Jessica Bailey

Dylan Baker
Jason Balwin
Linda Bang
Megan Barber
Amy Barner
Natalie Baumgarten

Troy Baustert
John Bazis
Adam Beaty
Daniel Beck
Jason Beckstrom
Dominic Bellino

Kimberly Bernet
Christine Berube
Jill Bieker
Wesley Bieker
Amanda Bierle
Jane Bierman

Jeremy Boldt
Jeffrey Bonge
Nicholas Boswell
Micheal Boudreaux
Kurtis Boukal
Christa Brady
T "Uhh uhh huh" juniors Alicia Miller
and LeAnna Karre laugh at a Beavis and
Butthead book as they take a break from
journalism class. (S. Jenn)

Why you'd want to hang out with
Beavis and Butt-Head
1. They're pretty cool
2. They're making money
3. Fire, fire, fire, fire
4. They don't suck
5. Diarrhea cha-cha-cha
6. Breakin' the law
7. To feel smart cause they're dumb
8. They show destructive senseless
9. To be on MTV
10. Uhh, Yeah
90 Sophomores
- - - ---- -- ---~--~- ~- --- -

Jason Brezina
Katie Brockman
Eric Brown
Matthew Brown
Venessa Bruckner
Louise Bruner

Sarah Buechler
Craig Buesing
Adrienne Sullie
Jon Bunning
Tanika Bush
Andrea Buder

Sean Callahan
Angela Campbell
Ryan Campbell
Steven Carr
Bridget Chase
Christopher Chase

Carolyn Chavez
Nathan Chavez
Melissa Checksfield

•• Shannon Cheek
Allyson Chidester
Steve Cho

Chad Christensen
Tim Christensen
Kari Chubb
Elenisa Cisneros
Mary Classen
Alfred Cleveland III

Scott Cologne
Elizabeth Conklin
Brent Cornie
Kim Crabb
Kevin Craft
Kimberly Crandall

Michael Criger
Kathleen Crowder
Joshua Curto
Justin Cvancara
Angie Dahlman
Fast-food restaurants in Papio
1. Burger King
2. Taco Bell
3. Subway
4. Wendy's
5. Pizza Hut
6. Dairy Queen
7. McDonald's
8. Taco John's
9. Little King
1 0. Papa Louie's

• showing how disgusting cafeteria • •subway in Brentwood Crossings _.To Papio students, Taco Bell in
food really is is sophomore Mike is one of the more popular restaurants LaVista is always a favorite place to
Boudreaux. (M.Heyen) for PLHS students. (S .Neall) eat. (S .Neall)

94 Sophomores
Ronni Dame
Sarah Danley
Renee Darling
Matthew Davis
Jon Davison
Jill DeBoer

Cara Decker
Lori Dearinger
Kimberly DeGeorge
Nathan Decker
Jeffrey Delzeit
Devin Demont

Daniel Denton
Zachary Denton
Brian Deyke
James Diekmann
Nicholas Digiacomo
Shawn Dikmanas

Anthony Dimauro
Christopher Doyle
Mark Dreiling
Rachael Dunckel
Dale Ebisch
Jonathan Eggers

Brett Eggett
Kristina Eisenbeisz
Stacy Ellis
Matthew Epright
Jacqueline Erdkamp
Brandy Estell

Tammy Faubion
Brian Feller
Nali Ferguson
Michael Ferris
Jennifer Fields
Michael Fillmore

Corey Fitzgerald
John Fletcher
Latonya Floyd
John Foresman
Darold Foster
Jeffrey Fowler
Excuses Why You Do Not Have
Your Homework
1. My dog ate it.
2. I was sick last night.
3. I could not miss the latest news on Tonya Harding.
4. I turned it in yesterday, so you must have lost it.
5. I accidentally mistook it for toilet paper.
6. My house burned down last night.
7. It was stolen by alien students.
8. My locker will not open.
9. You must have forgotten to assign it.
10. I was showing school spirit at an event last night.

.&.Nor happy about having to do .&.Junior Barry Webber uses the fa- .&..&.Sophomore Dr an Podwinski is
h o m ewo rk are soph o m o r es Jeff mous saying, "When did you assign trying to figure our,how to do her as-
Bonge and Lance Milligan. (S . Peter- th at ?" fo r hi s reac her Mr. Kun es. signment. (S . Peterson)

son) (C. Morrell)
Andrew Frecks
Jim Frederick
Jessica French
Leslie Friend
Todd Fritz
Kasey Fry

Michael Fry
Derrick Fuller
Michael Galvan
Sara Gawecki
Kara Gebhardt
John Gibson

Shannon Ginbey
Jamie Glebavicius
Jennifer Glover
Holly Goff
Katherine Goines
Danielle Grant

Kent Grau
Andrew Greene
Michael Greer
Chris Gregoire
Kevin Griffin
Kirstina Grove

Megan Guenthner
Kristi Gunn
Gregory Hainline
Richard Hamblen
Sarah Hambrecht
Ed Hamilton

Joshua Hammel
Melinda Hammel
Jennifer Haney
Gina Hansen
Wesley Harris
Sara Hawkins

John Heckathorn
Andrew Heintzelman
Edward Hellbusch
Eugene Hellbusch
Ronald Henley
Bridgett Henn
1. You're so fat you'd have to wear a VCR as a pager.
2. You're so fat that every time you wear a red dress people say you look like the
Kool-Aid man.

3. You're so stupid it takes you an hour to make minute rice.

4. Your armpits are so hairy it looks like you have Buckwheat in a headlock.
5. You're so fat, every time you step on a scale it says,"To be continued."
6. You're so short you're the last one to know when it rains.
7 Your afro is so big that when you stand on top of a skyscraper people think it's

8. You're so fat that every time you wear a Malcom X t-shirt people think you're
a helicopter landing

9. You're so ugly you have to wear a steak around your neck for dogs to play
with you.

10 You're so funny I forgot to laugh.

.A. ~ Junior C hris N oda just heard .A.Juniors Kaela Krayneski and Jenny .A. .A. Junior C hessa Faulkner laughs

9~ Juniors
the punch line and acts like he gets W ilke are trying to enjoy the rest of because she just got the joke that was
the joke. (M. Heyen) lunch but they can't wait for school told ten minutes ago. (M. Heyen)
to get out. (M. Heyen)
Ryan Henning
Sarah Heslop
Michael Hiemer
Robert Higgins
Konnie Hill
Matthew Hill

Timothy Hill
Jason Hipsher
Adam Hoffman
William Hoffman
Danielle Holveck
Cherly Hooper

Ann Hou
Neal Hughes
Shawn Humphrey
Shannon Hunsinger
Tyler Hunt
Brandon Hurst

Christopher Iguchi
Matthew Ingle
Shane Irish
April Iverson
Heather Jarisse
}annie Jarecki

Michael Jareo
Brandon Jensen
Barton Johnston
Jason Johnston
Melissa Johnston
Charles Jones

Jesse Jones
Kerri Jones
Moriah Jones
Michael Julis
Jamie Jurgens
Michael Karas

Lindsay Kasparek
Aimee Keller
Paul Kempkes
Eric Kennedy
Todd Kessler
Joshua Key

Meghan Cavalier J.
Reasons you wear the clothes you do
1. To show my own personal style.
2. They're better than going to school naked.
3. My parents are too cheap to buy anything cooler.
4. They're comfortable.
5. Because I look good in them.
6. Because my mom dressed me this morning.
1. I like polyester.
8. Shopko was the only thing open.
9. These pants don't chafe when I forget to wear underwear.
10. Hand-me-downs are the only thing I can afford .

.A.Spirit Week is always a good time for stu- .... Many Monarchs, such as junior
dents to make fashion statements, as juniors Carrie Bornhoft, wear maroon and
Melissa Fredenburg and Kelly Klostermey- gold in honor of Papio's school col-
er are on Pajama Day. (M. Heyen)
ors. (M.Heyen)

94 Sophomores
Troy Kimminau
Jeffery Kinsella
Jonathan Kirk
Kevin Klein
Mandy Kliewer
Jennifer Kline

Eric Knight
Jennifer Knope
Kimberly Kolakowski
Robert Kothenbeutel
Adam Kratky
Allisyn Kulm

Jennifer Kunz
Jennifer Kunze
Joshua Kuper
Cory Kurtz
Donna Labuda
Brittany Lamp

lndhira Lapuma
Rickell Larson
Jus tin Laughlin
Caroline Laxton
Joanna Layton

Christopher Leach
Michael Leapley Jr.
Nathaniel Leinweber
Brandon Leventry
Brian Linnell
Tara Linton

Jamie Litton
Jennifer Litton
Timothy Logan
Matthew Long
Brandi Lovelace
Christine Lueder

Robert Luhrs
Douglas Lundvall
Christopher Maddox
Donald Maguire
Maureen Mahoney
Richard Mahr
TTBeing members of band and think
ing of their upcoming Florida tri[
T Junior Jennifer Robinson is happy makes sophomores Marja Ricci, Angel
to go to her locker for the last time Albus, and Alycia Robbins extreme!
before the weekend. (M . Heyen) excited. (S. Neall)

Things That Put A Smile On Your Face

1. A Lazy Boy chair
2. Getting a good grade on a super hard test
3. Having no homework
4. When there is a substitute teacher
5. Snow days
6. Winning a bet
7. Remembering inside jokes
8. The last day before summer vacation
9. The sight of an English teacher in pain
10. When your friend trips and falls after
warntng you not to

.A .... "How did the school finally g

my mom's recipe? This stuff is n•
that bad ," thinks junior Kevi

9-f Sophomores
Souerdyke. (M. Heyen)
Sean Mallary
Shannon Manzer
Jill Marchisio
Adam Marek
Shaina Marion
Ryanne Marshall

Erica Martens
Amy Martin
Ryan Marts
Barbara Masilko
Elizabeth May
Melissa McDonnell

Shenea McGeehan
Zachariah McGuire
Joshua Mcintosh
Angela Mclaughlin
Joshua McNamara
Alesia McWilliams

Jason Mehalik
Raymond Menichetti
Trevor Mersch
Shauna Metschke
Trishia Meyer
Julie Mickells

Nathan Middleton
Derek Miller
Jonathon Miller
Lance Milligan
Wes Minton
Michael Mizer

Brian Molczyk
Sara Monk
Michael Moore
Amber Morin
Michelle Moritko
Alicia Myers

Candise Nash
Sabastian Nastase
Jeffrey Neall
Randy Newman
Jeffrey Nielson
Jessica Null

Dawn Dries 94
1. Grumpy Old Men
2. Schindler's List
3. Reality Bites
4. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
5. Mrs. Doubtfire
6. Tombstone
7. Sleepless in Seattle
8. Philadelphia
9. 3 Musketeers
10. House Party 3

.&..&.Senior Eyrick Gibson tries to con- .&.Juniors Tori Fowler and Christine
centrate on paperwork but he can't help Howen give each other "the look" as
to think about going out once he gets
juniors off work at Park 4 Movie Theatre. (S.
they try to figure out what movie
they're going to see. (S. Neall)
Erin O'Doherty
Steven Ohlmeyer
Lindsay Olson
Amy Orona
David Ortleb
Jana Peterson

Lachunya Owens
Kimberly Parker
Randy Patterson
Corey Pixler
Eric Petersen
Jana Petersen

Maria Petito
Jamie Phillippi
Kimberly Pierson
Sean Pepin
Joseph Perry
Dyan Podwinski

Jason Politte
Adrienne Posey
Randall Power
Christina Powers
Christopher Prager
Kimberly Prier

Kathryn Protzman
Shawn Randall
Shawna Ratzlaff
Heather Reichenbach
Marja Ricci
Molly Riddle

Cynthia Rivera
Alycia Robbins
Jeremy Robinson
Scott Roegge
Daniell Ross
Elishia Roth
Best excuses for being late to school
1. My car wouldn't start.
2. I overslept.
3. I couldn't find a parking spot.
4. My alarm didn't go off.
5. I thought today was a snow day.
6. The traffic was bad.
7. I didn't hear the bell ring.
8. I had to go back home to get my books.
9. My friend was late picking me up.
10. The hallway was really crowded.

.A. While walking through the hall- .&..&. Excited about going to class in .A.Trudging to first period are junic
ways before school, junior Jennifer the morning are juniors Paul Ripley Amy Jolly, Jill Dickey, and Eliina I
Robinson clutches on to senior Den- and Kirk Arquitte. (S .Neall) lison. (S.Neall)
ton Dye. (S .Neall)

. - - ----- -
Kerri Roy
Eric Ruetten
Douglas Rutledge
Joellen Sarver
Amber Scheffier
Lisa Scheideler

Clint Schieffer
Kelli Schlegel
Daniel Schmidt
Margaret Schu
Jonathan Schumacher
Nathan Seid

Meghan Sheets
Heath Shemek
Crystal Shirkey
Joshua Shuttleworth
Joshua Sikes
N atalee Skillman

Jason Slipsager
Drew Sloderbeck
Angela Smith
Keri Smith
Ryan Smith
Sarah Smith

Tara Smithberg
Desirae Solomon
Jason Sonnenfelt
Benjamin Sorensen
Heather Speice
Travis Spencer

Meredith Spiegelman
Phillip St. Clair
Jason Stafford
Miki Stanner
Ashley Steig
Ronnie Stephens

Jennifer Stice
Mary Stilen
Michelle Stoakes
Tracy Stoehr
Angela Stortz
Randy Stotler

Matt Sterzinger ~~
Ways To Make The Grade
1. Write the answers on your arm.
2. Very carefully, but efficiently.
3. Make a cheat sheet.
4. Write the answers on the neck of the person in front of you.
5. Write the answers on a piece of gum and then eat the evidence.
6. Take a pop quiz out on a date.
7. Put the cheat sheet on the bar under the desk and gradually
pull it out.

8. Look off your smart neighbor's paper.

9. Write the answers on the desk before the test.
10. Write on the front of your notebook and put it on the floor
next to you.

A_...,.. Sophomore Eric Peterson

reenacts a strategy of many students
by writing the answers on his hand.
(C. Morrell)

....... Without being detected, junior

Tom McKee slyly looks at his neigh-
bor's paper during a test. (C. Morrell)

... Sophomores Jennifer Stice,

Christa Brady, Crystal Shirkey, and
Laura Thompson do last minute
cramming for their Biology test. (S.

~.f- Sophomores
Nicholas Stroede
David Strom
Thomas Stuart
Matthew Sullivan
Sarah Swanger
David Swartz

Jacob Szatko
Ryan Tadlock
Jill Tanner
Melissa Tanner
Zabrina Tatum
Carri Taylor

Mike Teixeira
Rachel Thir\wa\\
Laura Thompson
Sara Tomek
Steve Topping
Sarah Torkelson

Emily Town send

Jason Tremblett
Joshua Tresemer
John Tuley
Rachel Tully
Timothy Tyler

Rebekkah Tyner
David Ullrich
Katrin Vandusen
Ryan VanHeeswyk
Jennifer Vesely
Michelle Vesely

Christopher Volenec
Kendra Wagner
Eric Wagoner
Mary Walker
Molly Watson
Andre Watts

Daniel Webinger
Emily Weddle
Clive Wegner
Daniel Weihert
Kevin Weitkam
Hebbie Wentzel

Dawn Dries 94
T Sophomore Neal Hughes cannot TT The cheerleaders are alwa
stop smiling about finally being a stu- shouting about why Papillion LaVi!
dent at the high school after waiting is such a great high school. (
so long. (S. Neall) Minton)

Best reasons to go to PLHS
1. The Beeper Patrol
2. No credit card scams
3. The girls
4. The boys
5. Mr. Rhoten
6. No Taco Bell fraud
7. Plenty of snow days
8. No drug busts
9. Because of the Huskers' biggest
fan "Big Red Mama Minton"
10. No stairs to climb
91) juniors
Jason Wetzler
Brian Wheeler
Rebecca Whisler
Andrew White
Sabrina Whitfield
Joel Wiegert

Richard Wiese
Amanda Wilcox
Angela Wihelmi
Benjamin Williams
David Williams Jr.
Julie Williams

Daniel Williard
Brian Wilson
Hyrum Wilson
Jennifer Windham
Elizabeth Wisner
Holly Witkovski

Chris Woodward
Heather Wrenn
Adam Yah
Michael Yost
Matthew Young
Melissa Zelasney

Matthew Ziegler
Travis Zimmerman
Aaron Zorko
Stephen Croucher

. Seniors Cara Stirts and Mark

nith and juniors Tony Kreis and
:remy Pryor think the newspaper
aff is one of the best reasons to go to
LHS. (K. Schwalm)
s the season for the 1994 Nebraska Cornhusker footbal

A team got under way, they were faced with an almos1

impossible mission of fighting through the season uncle·
feated. That was to be their team goal as they took on th<
motto "Refuse to Lose. "
The Huskers started with a couple of teams that wen
less than true opponents. However, U.C.L.A. stooc
to be a worthy opponent and the game providec
to be a true struggle of two teams with th<
desire to win. The Huskers showed the]
wanted it more as they came away with th<
The next true test of Nebraska's will t<
win came against Kansas State as the gaffil
went to the wire to decide the winner
With that in mind, the Husker's defens1
stood up to the bill and denied the Wild
cats of a two-point conversion. The Husker
prevailed to live to say "We Refuse to Lose ir
1993," with the 21-20 win over Kansas State.
The Colorado Buffaloes stood as the next fo1
that laid in Nebraska's path to #1. The Blackshirt
came to play and were able to fluster the Buffaloes' quar
terback Kardell Stewart all game as he was unable to complete :
single pass for a good portion of the game. This gave the Huskers thei
eighth straight win, with a 21-17 win over Colorado.
The last game of the season was neither a make or break game for th
Huskers as they had won a trip to the Orange Bowl whether or not the:
won the game. However, for Nebraska this was a rivalry, the game o
games. For years past the Oklahoma-Nebraska rivalries were looked at a
the games of the century.
The only thing on the Huskers' mind was to gain the glory of a victo
ry over the Sooners. The game was a shaky one with Oklahoma scorin1
the first seven points of the game. The Huskers, however, had not com
all this way to be denied their goal of "Refusing to Lose" and the:
responded by putting up 21 unanswered points on the scoreboard an<
came away with a 21-7 win.
The long dream of gaining respect finally came for the Huskers in th
Orange Bowl, when they were faced with what seemed by some to be :
waste of a game with Florida State. The Huskers were hit from all sides
as many felt that they should not even be placed on the same field wid
the Seminoles. The Huskers took it all in full stride and exploded out o
the locker room ready for war.
The Cornhuskers gave the high seeded Seminoles more than the:
could handle. Nebraska was able to kick Florida State up and down th
field. The score revealed the Seminoles as the victors, however, th1
Huskers won in every other aspect of the game. This was truly a showinl
of their "Refusal to Lose. "

94 Nebraska Cornhuskers
Jmmy Frazier led the Corn- Memorial Stadium is the "third The Blackshirrs lead another defen-
tskers to the Big 8 Championship. largest city" in Nebraska on football sive play against the Iowa State
Saturdays. Hawkeyes. (A. Heywood)
---------- ----- - - ' ~~- -------- -- - ----

Nine in a row show

he Monarch football team continued their winning tradi-
tion with a state record of nine straight playoff appearances.
Senior Dave Ralls said, "It was really a load off our
(senior class) shoulders."
The Monarchs finished the regular season at 8-1 , with their only loss
to Omaha Central.
They drew Hastings in the first round of the class ''A" state playoffS.
The Monarchs took a 21-10 lead into the fourth quarter, but gave it
up when Hastings scored rwo quick touchdowns to take a 24-2 1lead.
They had one last chance to score, but junior Frankie Halter's pass to
senior Jeremy Pietig on the opponent's 8 yard line was intercepted by
a H astings defender.
"It was one of the hardest things to overcome in my life, athletically
speaking," said Frankie Halter.
Frankie Halter led the Monarchs in passing with 1, 774 yards in 10
games. Senior Andy Miller led in rushing with 844 yards, and he also
led in scoring with 9 touchdowns. Senior Jeremy Pietig led in receiving
with 42 receptions and 610 yards.

.... Varsiry: Front row. Brian Wheeler, Lonnie La~. Tony Brown, JdfScherzberg, Ryan Brady, Andy Miller. Second row · Dan Sophomore: From row David Strom, Jay Amill, Derick Labat, Brian Deyke, Nick Digiacomo. Second ro
Glazebrook, Shane Sullie, Brian Ue , Tony Kreis, T.J. Heinen, Rob in Balagor, Chris Wepfer, Rob Cohee, Josh Sykes. Third row Chris Doyle, Justin Laughlin. Ed Hamilton, Andy White, Jason Anderson, Nathan Selph, Tim Christen:
- Ryan Bierle, Marcus Hurrington, Kevin Watts, Coach Kush, Coach Jarosh, Coach Boyd, Coach Allen, Coach Wendt, Mgr . Darold Foster, Eric Knight. Third row- Charlie Jones, Nick Stroede, Derrick Fuller, Mgr. Mart Ziegler, Co
Frank Ibero, Frankie Halter, Jason Ingram, Brian Molczyk. Fourth row- Bobby Lightner, Brian Wilson, Ben Popp, Randy Schuln, Lyman, Coach Sis, Coach ¥edinger, Jim Spieker, A.J. Frecks, Rickey Wiese. Fourth row- Jesse Jones, ~
Eric Danley, Coach Suhr, Jeremy Pierig, John Oswald, Greg Meyers, Rick Ku iken , John Gibson. Back row- Bob Baker, Josh Mas-
Leinweber, Ben Russel, Zac Demon, Shawn Dikmanas, Tim Logan, Jason Politte, Steve Cho, Troy Baus1
ters, Rick Sjoberg, Jack Lehman, Dave Ralls, Mike Yost, Brent Saathoff, Randy Thomas, Kevin Kinsella, Alan Grund, Eric
Back row- John Tuley, Asam Beatty, John Kirk, Mike Texiera, Justin Beckstrom, Chris Woodward, Clint S,
Petersen, Braud Freeman. (D. Hassle)
A Junio r Varsity: Front row- Eric Schroetberger, Mike Galvin, Jay Dollison, James C leveland, Andre Green. effer, Ben Williams, Shannon Ginbey, Greg Hainline. Not pictured- Heath Shemek and Willie Hoffman.
Second row- Jeff Elliot, Josh Kelly, Harry Hawkins, Coach Billinger, James Slie, Brian Feller, James Dickmann. Hassle)
T hird row- Todd Jamison, Jason Schuh, Tom Hansen, Chad Cullinane, Mark Patras, Bruce Schrage, Paul .6..6. Papillion- LaVista's Coach Gene Suhr ponders his team's next move. (
Harney, Rico Thomas. Back row- Mike Wallman, Joh Foresman, Joe Halac, Coach Bray, Jake Pixler, Scort
Shoup, Mike Schroeder. (D. Hassle) Schwalm)
Q: What was your
most significant me-
mory of this year 's
football season?

A: "Catching a touch-
down pass against
Creighton Prep,"
responded senior Rob

A: "Sacking Prep's
quarterback Jeff Verzal
and forcing a fumble
that led to our first
touchdown of the
game," said senior Bob

Varsity Football

PLHS- 37
Lincoln Northeast - 0

PLHS- 16
Creighton Prep - 14

Central - 19

PLHS- 42
Lincoln East - 7

PLHS - 24
Ralston - 0

.A. .A. .... Senior Eric Danley consoles .A..A. Senior Jeremy Pietig takes off PLHS - 24
junior Tony Kreis after a game end- on a pass route in a home game at the Omaha South - 0
ing shoulder injury. (D . Hassle) snake pit. (R. D uncan)
PLHS- 28
.... Senior Andy Miller sets his sights .A. Seniors Dave Ralls and Ryan Bier-
Bellevue East - 21 ot
on the first down marker while a Lin- le pursue the football while sopho-
coln East defender hangs on for the more John Gibson holds on by his
ride. (D. Hassel) fingertips. (R. Duncan) PLHS- 35
Millard North- 14

First Round State Playoffs

PLHS - 21
Hastings - 24
Hard work leads
Lady Monarchs to
state tournament
ge and inexperience didn't stop the girls' volleyball team from
having a great season.
The Lady Monarch's team boasted much strength and
courage this last year ending their season 21 - 13. The team
worked very hard knowing that their hours of practice would determine
how well they would do.
"We practiced a lot, and worked really hard. We wanted to show
everyone that we weren't going to be a pushover team; we wanted to
show what this team could really do. I think by the end of the season,
people knew," said sophomore Kim Crandall.
Taking advantage of their many practice hours, the Monarchs
captured the district title by defeating Bellevue East. With that win, the
girls advanced to the state tournament. Their first game was against
number 1 seeded Bellevue West. After two tough games, the eventual
state champs defeated the Monarchs 15-5 and 15-1.

.6..6. Front: Darcie Schram, Britt Nordquist, Kim Crandall, Yolanda Brown, .A. Front: Melissa Tanner, April Iverson, Jill Tanner. Middle: Mgr. Sarah
Jennifer Robinson. Back: Kellie Vallinch, Jenny Bartlett, Abby Sunderman, Danley, Melissa Zelasney, Jamie Jurgens, Coach Daylene Perrino. Back
Coach Gwen Egbert, Amanda Romjue, Shauna Metschke. (Hassel photo) Kendra Wagner, Meredith Spiegelman, Mandy Kliewer, Renee Darlin~
Linda Bang. (D. Hassel)
.A. Front: Jennifer Robinson, Jenny Stice. Middle: Wendy Buhs, Cherish
Heidelberg, Joyce Boggs, Angie Eastep, Darlene Pham. Back: Michele Klei- .6..6. Victory is sweet for sophomore
wer, Melissa Johnson, Megan Barber, Coach Dan O 'Connell, Cindy Crook, Kim Crandall after the Lady Mon·
Amy Orona, Mandy Heyen. (Hassel photo) archs grab an awesome win. (K.

9~ VoUeyball
Q: What was the main factor influenc-
ing the outcome of your season?

A: "Inexperience, we came out not

knowing how well we'd do but we
worked hard and surprised a lot of peo-
ple," said senior Kellie Vallinch.

PLHS 16-9-9 L
Lincoln NE 14-15-15
PLHS 15-15-6 L
Gross 17-11-15
PLHS 13-9 L
Columbus 15-15
PLHS 15-16 W
Kearney 13-14
PLHS 15-15 W
Ralston 3-11
PLHS 15-4-17W
Westside 7-15-15
PLHS 6-6 L
Marian 15-15
PLHS 15-15 W
PLHS 8-15-5 L
Millard North 15-13-15
PLHS 15-15 W
Fremont ll-8
PLHS 7-ll L
Lincoln SE 15-15
PLHS 15-15 W
Millard North ll-6
PLHS 15-15 W
Om. South 9-7
PLHS 15-15 W
Ralston 8-2
PLHS 10-12 L
Gross 15-15
PLHS 15-15 W
Om. North 11-5
PLHS 15-15 W
Millard South 9-1
PLHS 15-15 W
Westside 8-8
PLHS 15-12-15 W
Bellevue East 11-15-7
PLHS 10-1 L
Lincoln East 15-15
PLHS 15-10-ll L
Gross 7-15-15
PLHS 7-11 L
Abraham Lincoln 15-15
PLHS 15-15 W
Duchesne 11-4
PLHS 15-16 W
Millard South 2-14
PLHS 15-15 W
Ralston 8-1
PLHS 15-16 W
Fremont 5-14
PLHS 8-15-15 W
Bellevue East 15-7-13
PLHS 15-9-9 L
Marian ll-15-15
PLHS 15-15 W
Benson 9-4
PLHS 10-14 L
Lincoln NE 15-16
PLHS 15-15 W
Millard South 13-12
~.A. Gwen Egbert discusses her .A. Celebrating after a win is senior .A. Sophomore Shauna Metschke PLHS 15-15 W
:earn's win against Ralston after a rare Kellie Vallinch, junior Michelle concentrates on making the perfect Om. South 2-2
PLHS 15-6-15 W
10me game. (S . Neall) Kliewer, and sophomore Shauna pass during the state tournament in
Bellevue East 11-15-13
Metschke. (K. Schwalm) Lincoln. (K. Schwalm) STATE
PLHS 5-1 L
Bellevue West 15-15
Laura Adams
Competition helps experience

he boys' tennis team finished their season with tough
times at State, but ended with a new outlook for next
The Monarchs fell short in the first round of the
State tournament. The #l doubles team of Chris Noda and
Aaron Cooper were the only ones on the team to advance to the
second round.
"We both had high hopes to finish strong. I think we were both
a little nervous and that might have contributed to our second
round loss," said junior Aaron Cpoper.
The team's hard work was not reflected by their score of a 3-6
season. Both the Varsity and the Junior Varsity teams had fun
while making their season memorable.
"For the amount of work and effort we put in to this season we
were kind of disappointed that we didn't do a little better, but
overall the season was enjoyable," stated junior Joe Strawn.
As only a couple seniors left, the team promises to have a strong
return for next year's season .

.A..A. Varsity Front: Tim Hinman, Chris Noda, Jason Schneekloth, Aaron
Cooper, Louis Zimmerman, Adam Masek. Back: Coach Dennis Beckman,
Todd Heruy, Kevin Jones, Aaron Ford, Eddie Pierce, Coach Greg Classen. (D.
.A.Junior Varsity Front: Paul Karlik, Brian Zimmerman, Anthony Kawr, Ryan
Welch, Subby Nastase, Ryan Tourangeau. Back: Coach Dennis Beckman,
Jason Hipsher, Travis Brown, Joe Strawn, Steve Olhmeyer, Coach Greg
Classen. (D. Hassel)

9l Boys Tennis

~Ju nior Aaron Cooper stares hard -.,Junior Eddie Pierce prepares him-
as his opponent while smashing a self for the perfect serve in order to
serve down hard over the net. (S. defeat his opponent with an awesome
Neall) ace. (S. Neall)

Q: What do you feel was your

greatest accomplishment this

A: "Aaron Cooper and I being

recognized as one of the best
doubles teams in the state,"
said junior Chris Noda.

Jefferson 2

Creighton Prep 9

Central 5

Millard South 7

Omaha South 1

Omaha Gross 0

Millard North 7

Bellevue East 6

.A. Practicing on his forehand swing .A. Focusing hard to make the perfect PLHS 4
during one of the team's many prac- play, junior Chris Noda easily gets
tices is senior Tim Hinman. (J. the ball over the net. (S. Neall) Ralston 5

Laura Adams
T Senior Shannon Leaders, a Mon·
arch infielder, is focused and in posi·
Softball takes 5th at state tion to field the ball during a game at
Halleck East. (K. Schwalm)

rough state tournament took its toll on the LadyMon-
archs, who ended their season at 23-10, with a 5th
place standing among all Class A softball teams.
The final tournament of the season was full of great
teams. Millard North, who beat Papio more than once during the
regular season, won the 1993 state championship, while Omaha
Gross was awarded the tide of state runner up. The LadyMon-
archs lost to Lincoln High, then defeated Omaha Central in ear-
lier games of the state tournament. Their final loss was to Lincoln
The Lady Monarchs had a very young team that also lacked
Senior Alyssa Windham said, "This season was a really great
learning experience for the many young players on the team.
With only four seniors, we had to show the underclassmen our
leadership and experience and help them to progress throughout
the season. This year was a building block for the years to come."

.6..6. Varsity Front: Alyssa Windham, Kathleen Kessler, Hilary Stockwell.

Middle: Christina Morrell, Jamie Heydenreich, Sonya Woolhiser, Jennifer
Cohen, Emily Townsend, Stephanie Olson, Julie Hickman. Back: Coach
Mike Govig, Coach Aimee Noel, Tina Powers, Shannon Leaders, Laura
Adams, Jenny Kline, Kristi Govig, Coach Nolan Beyer. (D. Hassel)

.&.Junior Varsity Front: Meredith Rhea, Angie Campbell, Jessica Clark,

Amber Morin. Middle: Shannon Hunsinger, Jennifer Lodes, Konnie Hill,
Alesia McWilliams, Kimberly Wroten, Christine Lueder, Kathy Doyle.
Back: Coach Aimee Noel, Louise Bruner, Melissa Johnston, Portia Burch,
Amanda Wilcox, Becky Borosko, Allyson Chidester, Coach Nolan Beyer.
Not pictured: Angie Foote. (D. Hassel)

J(},fJ Softball
t.f 7
Q: How does the degree of
practice prepare you for the
pressure of a close game?
A: "By working really hard in
practice , and pushing each
other, we became a lot more
confident during those pres-
sure situations. Winning those
close games made it all worth
while, too." Sr. Laura Adams

PLHS 21 Omaha Benson 2
PLHS 1 Omaha Gross 0
PLHS 4 Omaha Marian 3
PLHS 1 Millard North 5
PLHS 1 Millard North 6
PLHS 11 Westside 8
PLHS 9 Omaha Marian 6
PLHS 10 Lincoln East 5
PLHS 2 Omaha Gross 4
PLHS 7 Westside 1
PLHS 0 Millard North 14
PLHS 6 Plattsmouth 1
PLHS 9 Central 11
PLHS 4 Millard North 5
PLHS 10 Omaha North 3
PLHS 5 Lincoln SE 4
PLHS 15 Bellevue West 0
PLHS 0 Ralston 3
PLHS 9 Omaha Burke 7
PLHS 19 Omaha South 2
PLHS 10 Lincoln East 0
PLHS 11 Lincoln East 1
PLHS 3 Lincoln High 2
PLHS 0 Omaha Gross 9
PLHS 3 Millard South 2
PLHS 17 Bellevue East 8
PLHS 2 Lincoln NE 0
PLHS 9 Lincoln NE 2

Districts (1st):
PLHS 26 Bellevue West 3
PLHS 15 Northwest 1
PLHS 12 Northwest 2

State Tournament (5th):

~ After catching a fly ball for an out .&. Junior Kathleen Kessler takes a .&..&. The varsi ty infielders huddle PLHS 2 Lincoln High 3
iuring a home game, junior Emily mighty swing for the pitch during a between innings to discuss their strat- PLHS 11 Omaha Central 5
fownsend throws it in from the out- game held at the LaVista Sports egy for the next play. (K. Schwalm)
PLHS 2 Lincoln SE 4
ield. (K. Schwalm) Complex. (K. Schwalm)

Kellie Vallinch ~
Cross country finishes strong
oth PLHS cross country teams finished very strongly

B in their seasons, as well as in the state tournaments.

For the boys, seniors Willy Solomon, Doug
Wilch, and Peter Ingle all had strong showings at the
end, placing 16th, 17th, and 21st, respectively in the final
meet of the season. This put their team at 5th place in the state
for all Class A high schools . In girls state meet action, sopho-
more Desirae Solomon and senior Meghan Cavalier lead the
Monarchs to their sixth place standing among Class A schools
in Nebraska.
"We should've done a lot better as a team at state, but I
choked . Everyone else ran well, though," said senior Doug
Wilch of the boys performance in the final meet of the season.
All of the Monarch runners had a great season, both indi-
vidually and as a team . The older, more experienced runners
helped their younger teammates and taught them lessons they
will remember in the seasons to come .

.&..&.Boys Front: Ben Gray, Roland Wimpy, Mark Drieling, Eric Wagoner,
Jon Bunning. Middle: Barry Webber, Dave Williams, Brian Lubberstedt,
Josh Kuiper, Peter Ingle, Chris Lukasina, Brian Wucher, Doug Wilch. Back:
Matt Ingle, Jarrett McNabb, Willy Solomon, Coach Don Patton, Bob Hig-
gins, Steve Peterson, Randy Stotler. (D. Hassel)

.&.Girls Front: Jennifer Tremblett, Kara Gebhardt. Middle: LeAnna Karre, .&..&.Brian Lubberstedt, Josh Kuper, .&.Taking pride in their second place
Stephanie Vacek, Silvia Olsen, Meghan Cavalier, Cara VandeBerg, Alicia Brian Wucher , Roland Wimpy, standing are: (f) Eric Wagoner, Doug
Miller. Back: Amber Roth, Krystal Roberts, Dane-Ann Massey, Coach Bob Doug Wilch, and Bob Higgins are all Wilch , Willy Solomon, (b) Brian
Williams, )ami Brown, Desirae Solomon, Kim Parker.(D. Hassel) participants in the "mud run ". (P . Lubberstedt, Brian Wucher, Randy

Ingle) Stotler, and Peter Ingle. (B. Williams)
Cross- Country
- -----~- "--- --

Q: What is the best and the

worst part about being a part of
the Cross-Country team?

A: "Competition is the answer

to both questions. I love it, but
there is always someone better
than you." -Sr. Peter Ingle

Q: What did you

enjoy most about
the season?

A: "It was really great because

we are all so close, kind oflike a
family. We always worked
together and helped each
other." -Sr. Meghan Cavalier

Ralston Invite ................. 2nd
Millard South Invite ....... 2nd
Lincoln High Invite ........ 4th
Creighton Prep Invite ..... 2nd
Northwest Invite ............ 2nd
Kearney St. Invite ........... 3rd
Millard North Invite ...... 2nd
Metro ............................. 2nd
Districts ......................... 2nd
State ................................ 5th

Ralston Invite ................. 5th
Millard South Invite ....... 7th
Lincoln High Invite ...... 1Oth
Creighton Prep Invite ..... 3rd
Bryan Invite .................... 7th
Kearney Invite ................. 3rd
Millard North Invite ....... 5th
Metro .............................. 5th
Districts .......................... 3rd
State ................................ 6th
~Sophomore Desirae Solomon fol- .&.After receiving their medals, .A..& With intensity in his eyes, senior
_ows closely behind her opponent seniors Jami Brown and Meghan Willy Solomon uses his last kick to

:rom Lincoln Southeast. (B . Cavalier wait for the other runners to sprint for the finish line at the state
Williams) be recognized. (B. Williams) meet. (B . Williams)
Kellie VaUinch
T Junior Lindsey Thorpe proves
practicing putting makes a perfect
Girls' golf returns to state after a putt. ( S. Jenn)

long, five year absence

he girls' golf team finally returned to the state tourna-
ment after a five year absence.
They finished in 9th place, out of 12 teams, ahead
of Marian, Burke, and North Platte.
According to Coach Dave }ellen, "The girls played well."
To get to state the girls had to win their district tournament,
and for the past two years they had come up short, but not this
Senior Lindsay Dolce said, "We have really worked hard the
past couple of years and we weren't about to let it get away again
this year."
Junior Lindsey Thorpe, and seniors Anne Trumble, Lindsay
Dolce, and Amy Williams led with a combined total of 397
strokes to finish in second place in districts.
In regular season duals the girls team finished at 7-1. They
rolled off six consecutive wins in duals after losing to Marian in
their second dual of the season.
"Losing all those experienced seniors will leave a lot ofbig holes
to fill for next year's team," said Coach Dave }ellen.

.& Front row - Pam Richards, Amy Williams, Kim DeGeorge.

Middle row - Anne Trumble, Lindsey Thorpe, Glenda Cassady,
Ann Hou. Back row - Lanette Ledgerwood, Coach Dave }ellen,
Lindsay Dolce. Not pictured- Shannan Kelly. (D. Hassel)

~ GirlsGolf
Q: What was your team's
greatest achievement as a

A: "Our team's greatest

accomplishment was coming
in second at districts." Senior
Anne Trumble

PLHS- 199
Thomas Jefferson -299

PLHS- 205
Omaha Marian - 188

PLHS- 191
Omaha Central - 212

PLHS- 209
Millard South - 227

PLHS- 189
Ralston- 219

Abraham Lincoln lnv. - 2nd

PLHS- 202
Omaha South- 255

PLHS- 206
Omaha Gross - 249

Duchesne lnv. - 2nd

PLHS- 217
Bellevue East- 249

Ralston- Westside Inv.- 7th

Metro Tournament- 4th

District A - 2 - 2nd

State Tournament - 9th

...... Senior Lindsay Dolce tries to • senior Anne Trumble gets ready to
improve on her golf cart chip shot. follow through on a chip shot in the
(S. Jenn) rough. (M. Minton) TJ Reinert
Gymnasts tumble to state meet

he Monarch gymnastics teams ended their successful
seasons with strong standings at the state meets. The
boys team placed 4th, while the girls took 5th. Junior
Nick Stanner led the boys' team, while senior Stacia
Welch, who placed 7th in the vault event, and junior Dawn Ries-
berg were the leaders for the Lady Monarchs.
The girls' state meet was a two day event, where only the top
four teams would return the second day. Papio came within a
spread of less than two points of being able to return.
"We came really close and we were all really disappointed that
we didn't overcome Millard South's one point lead to put us into
the finals," senior Stacia Welch commented of the situation.
Of the boys' performance at their state meet, junior Nick
Stanner said, "We did pretty good, but I think we could've done
better. I don't know. I was sorry to see it end, though."

.A.Front row: Hilary Smith, Staci Walker, Miki Stanner, Jodi Janssen, Jessica
French, Dawn Riesberg, Stacia Welch. Middle row: Coach Bob McCaw,
Angie Scherzberg, Jill Bieker, Phil St. Clair, Jason Tremblett, Curt Huff-
man, Kendra Melhus, Amy Martin, Coach Rudy Murray. Back row: Eric
Ruetten, Nick Stanner, Kipp LiaBraaten, Brad Stice, Kyle Hendrickson,
David Swartz, John Fletcher, Nathan Hughes. (D. Hassel)

... .A.Sophomore Phil St. Clair takes

time out from his work-out to chalk
up his hands during practice. (K.

... Senior Angie Scherzberg concen-

trates on her form while practic-
ing her routine on the uneven bars.
(K. Schwalm)

~ Gymnastics
Q: What did you like most
about being a part of the girls'
gymnastics team this season?

A: "I really liked being with

my friends during the season. It
helped a lot to have them there
with me during competition."
Jr. Dawn Ries-

Q : What was the

hardest part about your season
and what was the best thing
about it?
A: "It is really hard to learn new
maneuvers, especially when
they are difficult, but I loved
traveling to other schools to
compete. " Sr. Kipp LiaBraaten

PLHS 110.60 Lincoln East 65.70
PLHS 11 4.9 Lincoln Northeast 100.90
PLHS 122.80 Lincoln Southeast 152.00
PLHS 122.80 Millard South 146.70
PLHS 122.40 Ralston 112.15
PLHS 121.40 Millard North 113.50
PLHS 123.55 Millard South 137.70
PLHS 122.05 Omaha North 99.95
Millard South Invite .... 4th out of 10 teams
Monarch Invite .............. 1st out of 8 teams
State Tournament .......... 4th out of 8 teams

PLHS 126.75 Lincoln East 112.05
PLHS 128.60 Omaha South 95.15
PLHS 126.75 Lincoln High 90.45
PLHS 127.85 Lincoln Northeast 119.40
PLHS 127.85 North Platte 99.75
PLHS 127.40 Omaha Burke 120.95
PLHS 126.90 Lincoln Southeast 136.15
PLHS 126.90 Millard South 131.10
PLHS 131.65 Ralston 123.30
PLHS 136.40 Millard North 142.60
PLHS 134. 25 Millard South 135.95
PLHS 136.00 North I Central 133.40
Grand Island Invite ....... 4th out of 12 teams
Millard South Invite ..... 4th out of 10 teams
Monarch Invite ............. 4th out of 12 teams
Metro Tournament ........ 4th out of 7 teams
State Tournament ......... 5th out of 14 teams

• • While showing her skill on the .&.Freshman Curt Huffman focuses

balance beam , sophomore Jill Bieker
perfects her fo rm befo re th e nex t
meet. (K. Schwalm)
on upper body strength to acco m-
plish perfection on the parallel bars.
(K. Schwalm)
Laura Adams and Kellie Val/inch JfM_
Boys' basketball season full of ex-
citement; ends at 12-8
If there was one word to describe the 1993-1994 boys' basket-
ball season, it would be "exciting". The final game of the season
was a perfect example. In the District A-4 Final, the Monarchs
lost in triple overtime to Omaha Central, 43-41.
The team practiced hard throughout their season, which made
them one of the best in the Metro Conference.
Junior Josh Dalton said, "We worked really hard and it paid off,
especially in those games that came down to the end."
It was a bumpy ride, but those who followed the Papillion-
LaVista Boys' Basketball team knew the excitement of a close
game could not be matched. The Monarchs, who ended 12-8,
were known for their ability to put on a show, and from the in-
tensity of the game, the crowd felt the pressure and strain, as if
they were playing themselves.
Basketball fans will always remember the determination in the
eyes of a Monarch basketball player. Their dedication and love for
competition were traits that everyone admired .

.A. .A. Varsity Front: Mike Hanson, Phil Graef. Middle: Tony Kreis, Tyler
.A. Reserve Front: Kurtis Boukal, Rick Arch, Joel Wiegert, Josh Kuper,
Moore, Mike Muma, Jeff Fay, Willy Solomon, Marqual Mungin, Josh Dal-
Michael Moore, Nick DiGiacomo. Back: Tim Logan, Jim Frederick, K.C.
ton, Chad Kalal. Back: Asst. Coach Kevin Kush, Denton Dye, Kevin Mun-
Grau, Coach Kevin Kush, Matt Brown, Clint Schieffer, Josh Tresemer.
gin, Coach Kevin Albers, Kevin Soeurdyke, Matt Coursey, Asst. Coach Dave
(D. Hassel)
Hubert. (D. Hassel)

.A. Junior Varsity Front: Mike Teixeira, Andre Watts, TJ Heinert, Jeremy .A. .A. Senior Chad Kalal releases a
Pryor, Mike Ching, Tyler Moore. Back: Brett Tavener, Joe Halac, Jake pass from underneath the basket dur-
Pixler, Coach Dave Hubert, Kevin Kline, Jim Sanderson, Marques Rollins. ing the Monarchs' game against Mil-
(D. Hassel) lard South. (K. Schwalm)
Q: What was your most excit-
ing or memorable play of the

A: "Dunking and hanging on

the rim in the Bryan game!"
Sr. Willy Solomon

PLHS 57 Northwest 43
PLHS 52 Lincoln NE 48
PLHS 54 Benson 62
PLHS 42 Millard South 45
PLHS 49 C. Prep 62
PLHS 58 Burke 50
PLHS 45 Ralston 36
PLHS 66 Westside 37
PLHS 63 Bellevue East 41
PLHS 32 North 43
PLHS 64 South 52
PLHS 56 Bryan 50
PLHS 62 Central 82
PLHS 71 Lincoln High 47
PLHS 45 Millard North 54
PLHS 43 Gross 40

Metro Tournament:
PLHS 59 Central 48
PLHS 45 C. Prep 67

PLHS 54 Northwest 48
PLHS 44 Central 46; 30T

With everyone watching intently, .&. Protecting the ball from a Prep op- .&. .&. Watchi ng th e game closely
1ior Kevin Mungin shows what ponent, while looking for an open from the sideline are Coaches Kush,
s made of with a powerful dunk. teammate is senior Marqual Mungin. Albers, and Hubert along with senior

. Duncan) (K. Schwalm) Willy Solomon. (K. Schwalm)
Kellie VaOinch
Winners never quit ...

he girls' basketball team ended the year on a sour note
with their district final loss to Bellevue East, ending
their hopes of a state tournament appearance.
With that loss, the girls, their fans, and parents all
knew the team was a winner in many other ways.
The team was known for their tight unit on the court and the
trust they had in each other's abilities.
"We worked together really well because we were all good
friends, and usually hung out together, and did other team things
on the weekends," stated senior Heidi Derr.
The team's record of8-12 doesn't show the talent the team dis-
played. Even in their losses the team never gave up. They dis-
played character through sportsmanship that other teams could
not match.
"We always played strong to the end. We had trouble with the
close games, but we never gave up, " commented senior Alyssa
Windham .

.A.A.Varsity Front: Mandy Wilcox Mgr., Ashley Steig Mgr., Carey Marsalis .ASophomore Front: Tina Powers, Chris Leuder, Emily Townsend, Ann
Mgr. , Alyssa Windham, Victoria Martin, Chessa Faulkner, Glenda Casady, Hou, Angie Dahlman. Middle: Shauna Metschke, Sarah Smith, Desi
Coach Bob Williams. Back: Kellie Vallinch, Stephanie Vacek, Dane-Ann Solomon, Renee Darling. Back: Coach Mary Hohl, Louise Bruner, Carrie
Massey, Leah Pomykalski, Kim Crandall, Jackie Erdkamp, Melanie Markus, Anderson, Amy Orona, Ashley Steig Mgr. (D. H assel)
Heidi Derr. (D . Hassel)
.A.A. Senior Alyssa Windham stares
.AJunior varsity Front: Tina Powers, Desi Solomon, Emily Flansburgh, Kel- at her opponent determined to block
lie Feurt, Lindsay Thorpe, Emily Townsend. Back: Mandy Wilcox Mgr, Car- the incoming pass. (S. Neall)
rie Anderson, Coach Jim Jennings, Shauna Metschke, Ashley Steig, Mgr.
(D. Hassel)
Q: What was the most disap-
pointing part of your season?

A: "I think the most disap-

pointing part would be our
loss to Bellevue East in the
District final, " replied senior

Northwest 36
Lincoln Northeast 45
Benson 42
Millard South 60
Marian 76
Burke 53
Westside 23
Burke 44
Ralston 23
Westside 29
Bellevue East 43
North 51
South 40
Bryan 41
Central 30
Lincoln High 57
Millard North 53
Gross 54
South 39
~~ Senior Dane-Ann Massey helps .A. During the holiday to urnament .A. ] unior Melanie Markus makes the
'Y giving a little room for senior Leah senio r Kellie Vallinch takes a fas t steal and completes it with an awe-
'omykalski to get off a clean shot. (S. break down the court against O maha some left h a nd ed lay u p . (K.
Bellevue East 48
~eall) Westside. (K. Schwalm) Schwalm)
Laura Adams 94
Gray grapples his way to

'' I
silver at state meet
t was a good year. We tied school records for most du-
als won, with 13, and most state qualifiers, with 11.
Our senior class did an outstanding job," responded
coach Kupfer after being asked to summarize this past
years outcome.
The year was highlighted by senior, transfer Ryan Gray's sec-
ond place finish at the state wrestling tournament in Lincoln. He
wrestled at 145 pounds and lost in double overtime on a referee's
" Wrestling in the state final, was one of the best experiences of
my life. Especially walking in the parade of champions," claimed
Gray after finishing second.
The future looks very good for next year's team. They have
eight lettermen and six state qualifiers back to go with the two
best freshman classes they've ever had.
Coach Kupfer said, "I look forward to next year."
Tyrone Martinez, a freshman, finished third at 103 pounds at
the state tournament.

• Wrestling: Front row- Tyrone Martinez, Jeff Conley, Kevin Tadlock, Mgr. Angela
Varner, Ryan Tadlock, Jason Grindstaff, Mike Windham. Second row - Dave
Beasley, Jerry Seffron, Chris Freese, Jarian Gibson, David Dijak, Derek LaBat, James
Cleveland, Eric Ruetten, Jayson Moline, Eric Butler, Sean Salter. Third row - Sean
Scribner, Eric Williams, Tim Christiansen, Coach Gross, Coach McCaw, Coach
Kupfer, Coach Billinger, Terry Grindstaff, Jason Buys, Nick Boswell. Fourth row-
Ed Hamilton, Roland Wimpey, Darold Foster, Mike Ferris, Robert Heckert, Zac
Denton, Matt Rist, Ryan Gray, James Diekmann, Paul Hunt, Troy Jensen. Back row
- Kevin Martin, Lucas Davis, Victor Baptist, Wes Dickey, Jeff Scherzberg, Jack
Lehman, Keith Popp, Steve Peterson, Shawn Dikmanas, Mike Boudreaux, Tim Wal-
lar, Matt Davis. (D. Hassel)

_.. Senior Jeff Scherzberg locks heads _.._.. Sophomore Tim Christiansen
with junior James Diekman, while ties up his prey while waiting for the
Coach Kupfer keeps a watchful eye hand to fall, during a dual meet. (S.
during a practice session. (K .

- -----~- -~~-·-~- -~---- ~--·

Q: What was the most ex-

citing part of being in the
state final?

A: "Even though I lost in

double overtime, I still
knew I was a champion, "
responded senior Ryan
Gray after the state final.


Papio Qpp_
Central 56 6

Bell. West 42 27

Lincoln NE 51 21

Benson 66 6

Ralston 34 21

Columbus 27 35

S. Sioux City 37 23

Mill. South 43 28

Bryan 52 15

Fremont 50 12

Mill. South 35 23

Gross 15 42

Northwest 62 6

CBTJ 47 24

Fremont 45 18

Fremont 3rd
Bell. West 2nd
Mill. South 5th
~ Senior Ryan Gray wrestles in his A Sophomore Nick Boswell is tied Metro 5th
~ mifi n almatch on his way to the up at the moment and can't come to Monarch Duals 2nd
ate final, which he finis hed second. the phone right now. (K. Schwalm) Districts 3rd
\.1. Carnes)
State 9th

Tj Heinert 9.1)
Janssen gold again!

he Monarch swim teams made a strong showing, de-
spite losing some key talent from last years team.
"We had a really young team this year so we got off to
a slow start, bur all of our hard work paid off at metro
and state," said senior Sean Highberg.
Senior Jodi Janssen capped off the swim team's season with her
fourth state diving tide. She broke the state record for most points
scored at a state meet and for most state tides with four (the pre-
vious record was three). Janssen's sternest competition during her
four year reign came this year from freshman Amanda Zins of
Lincoln Southeast. Jodi was not assured of her fourth state tide
until her last dive. Zins dove in front of]anssen and took the lead.
Janssen needed a dive of 30 points or greater and she hit her last
dive which was worth 38 points and sealed her fourth state tide.
''I'm really elated it is over. It feels as if a load and all the pres-
sure has been lifted off my shoulders," said senior Jodi Janssen .

.._.._ Front row- Jenny Windham, Dawn Riesberg, Jaime Chamberlain, Jill Bieker.
Second row- Mgr. Mandy Ellerbeck, Andi Selzer, Wes Kuhns, Joe Brodrowski, Kon-
rad Linder, Chris Branch, David Strom, Kathy Goines, Mgr. Jennifer Davis. Third
Row- Coach Jamie Blinn, Josh McNamara, Randy Stotler, Kevin Grifin, Judson
Kingman, Sean Highberg, Wayne Bena, Chris Hansen, David Ullrich, Coach Lynn ,._,._ Senior Jodi Janssen ends her ,._ Junior Angie Spilker touches as
Weaver. Top row- Beth Conklin, Cynthia Rivera, Lora Ellinger, Tera Ford, Veleka reign as state champion with her sophomore Sara Gawecki takes off
Linder, Sara Gawecki, Angie Spilker, Michelle Packard. (D. Hassel) fourth state gold medal at the De- during a dual meet, relay event, at Pa-
vaney Center. (S . Neal\) pillion-LaVista. (S. Jenn)
._Diving 1' earn: Front row -Jason 1' remb\ett, Chris Branch, Curt Hoffman.
Top row- Dawn Riesberg, Jodi Janssen, Jenny Windham, Jaime Chamber-
lain. (D. Hassel)
Q: What was your most excit-
ing and memorable moment
of your four year reign as state
diving champion?

A: "Looking over, before my

last dive, and seeing my
friends there supporting me.
That was a very awesome and
indescribable feeling," said se-
nior Jodi Janssen.

Varsity Swimming

Boys Girls
Marian 88/97

Prep 69/115

S. Sioux City 81/104 102/83

Lincoln High 46/127 85/99

0. South 65/21 70/13

Central 123/48 104/82

B. East 108/71 77/109

Westside 85/93 64/123

Gross 123/27 100/64

Ralston 88/79 86/76

Lincoln SE 39/144 106/74

• • Senior Sean Highberg finishes

strong in the 100 meter butterfly at
the Papillion-LaVista pool. (S. Jenn)

• Papillion swimmers are shown

here exploding off the blocks during a
prac tice session while coach Jamie
Blinn looks on. Q. Davis)

~• Juniors Andi Selzer and Angie • Seniors Judson Kingman and

pilker model the latest swimwear Sean Highberg take an R & R break
tshion for the upcomi ng year. a. during an early hour practice. (S.

>avis) Jenn)
TJ Heinert
High expectations shattered by loss
to Bellevue East in District finals

he boys' soccer team ended their season strong with a final
record of 10--4 with high expectations for the years to come
"There's enough experience on the team to have a suc-
cessful season this year, however there are enough under-
classmen gaining experience for us to be successful next year too," said
junior Kevin Souerdyke.
Being positive was definitely a huge contributing factor to this
team's success. When asked about a strength of this year's team senior
Jamie Richter commented, "One thing that was strong about our
team is how we overcame intimidation from the higher ranked teams.
We were confident in ourselves, and in our teammates. I think that
was the main reason for the big wins against Creighton Prep, and Mil-
lard North."
A loss in the second round of the district tournament against Belle-
vue East ended the monarchs dream of a state title.
In the words of Coach Ryan Sis, "Always play as though there is a
chance you could lose, that way you won't."

AA Varsity Front: Andre Watts, Tony Kreis, Sean Scribner, Shawn May,
Jason Jirkovsky. Second: John Almeida, Ross Riepl, Jamie Richter, Scott
Guenther, Chris Wepfer, Mike Riggle. Third: Coach Christi Iosbaker, Mar-
tin Wagner, Kevin Souerdyke, Dave Bettin, Coach Ryan Sis. Back: Budge
Austin, Joe Windler, Rick Witte, Trent Berg, Neal Hughes, Chad Kalal. (D .

A Junior varsity Front: Jimmy Melonis, Bryan Bartlett, Jeremy Boltd, Paul
Ripely. Second: Chris Goyden, Andy Leach, Christian Hansen, Mark }ellen,
Erin Arhenon, Scott Strickler. Third: Coach Chip Hendrichs, Cory Kunz, A A Senior Chad Kalal shows his A Taking time to set a play, junior
Justin Lastovica, Pat Abboud, Adam Arko, Fred Goins, Coach Terry Bernth.
defensive capabilities by clearing the Joe Windler views the field to find an
Back: Nick Coomes, Doug Lundvall, Matt Brown, John King, Matt Pate-
naude, Justin Thomas. (D. Hassel) ball from the box. ( R. Duncan) open teammate. (R. Duncan)

9-f- Boys' Soccer

: What factor con-
tributed mo st to
your team's success
this season?

A: "Our success came from the

determination and intensity of
our TEAM! "
Sr. Chad


PLHS 2 Gross 1

PLHS 3 Bryan 2

PLHS 2 Westside 3

PLHS 12 South 0

PLHS 1 Abe. Lincoln 0

PLHS 1 Bell. East 0

PLHS 4 Creighton Prep 2

PLHS 1 Mill. North 0

PLHS 3 Mill. South 2

PLHS 1 Mill. North 5

PLHS 4 North

PLHS 0 Ralston 3

PLHS 2 Central 1


PLHS 0 Bell. East 2

.A. Junio r Budge Austin wo rks his .A..A. Jun io r goa lkee per Kevin
way around rhe defense in order ro Souerdyke punrs rhe ball back in ro
receive rhe ball whil e sen io r Ross play afrer making a grear save (R.
Riepl moves ro space. (R. Duncan) Duncan)
T Sophomore Jackie Erdkarnp uses T T Attemptin g to steal the ball
Girls finish one step short of her head to pass the ball ahead to a
teammate, as a Marian defender looks
away from an op po nen t is senior
Stephanie Vacek in a game at Zupan
on. (C. Morrell) Field in Papillion. (C. Morrell)
state title; end at 15-4

he Lady Monarch soccer team did everything they needed
to do to get to the state final game. Unfortunately, fate was
working against them as they lost a heartbreaker to Mil-
lard North 4-0, leaving them in second place with a record
In district play, Papillion-LaVista blew out Skun 14-0 and avenged
their early season loss to Omaha Gross by beating the Cougars 2-0.
They won the district championship by upsening Lincoln East 3-1,
and advanced to the state tournament.
The team was very close and worked extremely well together, which
helped them to accumulate numerous victories throughout the season.
"Everyone really gets along on our team this year and it seems like
we're always having fun. Some teams are always yelling at each other,
which seems to get in the way of the game. We never had to worry
about that," said senior Kristi Robinson.
Soccer fans will always remember the hard work, determination,
and sweet success of the 1994 Lady Monarchs' season .

.A. .A. Front: Victoria Martin, Joanne Derks, Kasey Fty, Dawn Riesberg, Jamie Szatko, Jennie Robin-
son, Christie Wallace. Middle: Kari Stacy, Kellie Feun, Kristi Robinson, Emily Flansburg, Melissa Fre-
denberg, Nancy King. Back: Coach Kerrie Jackson, Heidi Derr, Leah Pomykalski, Angela Heywood,
Jackie Erdkamp, Stephanie Vacek, Coach Bill Jackson. (D. Hassell)

._ Junior Varsity. Front: Michele Derks, IGm Heitman, Dayle Ebisch,

Megan Guenthner, Michelle Moritko, Stacy Vendeiti, Joey Adolf. Middle:
Jennifer Robinson, Kelly Bowyer, Lori Juarez, Kristy Feurt, Christina Mor-
rell, Britt Nordquist, Jennifer Lodes, Jessica French. Back: Katie Ahlman,
IGm Wroten, Beth Bennett, Coach Nolan Beyer, Stacey Miller, Emily

Townsend, Stacey Mallary. (D . Hassell)

Girls' Soccer
T Senior Jaime Szatko's aggressive : With so many returning
persistence pays off as she makes her
move and takes the ball from an
opponent. (C. Morrell)
Q seniors and letter winners
from last year's team, are
experience and leader-
ship this year's team 's
biggest asset?

A: "Yes, I think all the experience of

the seniors lead us to a successful sea-
son. But it wasn't just the seniors; all
the players on the
team played a spe-
cial role." Sr.
Heidi Derr

PLHS 3 Omaha Westside 1
PLHS 0 Om. Gross 1 (OT)
PLHS1 2 Omaha Bryan 0
PLHS 8 Omaha South 0
PLHS 7 CB Abe Lincoln 0
PLHS 6 Bellevue East 0
PLHS 2 Omaha Marian 1
PLHS 1 Mil. North 2 (OT)
PLHS 5 Omaha North 0
PLHS 5 Ralston 1
PLHS 5 Omaha Central 0

Millard South Invitational:

PLHS 4 Millard South 1
PLHS 1 Millard North 4
2nd Place

PLHS 14 Skutt 0
PLHS 2 Omaha Gross 0
PLHS 3 Lincoln East 1
District Champions

PLH S 2 North Platte 0
PLHS 3 Millard South 2
PLHS 0 Millard N orth 4
State Runners -Up

A Concentrating on strategy while A Taking time out from the pressure

dribbling the ball up the field is of the game to cheer up an injured
junior Melissa Fredenberg . (K. Senior Joanne Derks is Senior Kari

Schwalm) Stacy. (C. Morrell)
Kellie Vallinch
T C oncentrating hard on making the
Girls' tennis swings to state; perfect serve, senior jill Stultz shows
h er grea t fo rm on t h e co urt. (K.
freshman Erin Waters places 2nd Schwalm)

he girls' tennis team shined playing strong in each and

T every match they played.

The young team had some problems in the begin-
ning of their season, with some early losses, but the
team worked together and ended strong.
''At the beginning of the year we were at each others throats. As
the year progressed we started to really pull together as a team. I
feel that we have played to the best of our ability, and have sur-
passed our own expectations. I am proud to be a member of this
tennis team, " stated senior Jill Stultz.
The girls' team overcame personal differences and learned how
teamwork was the most important. With this teamwork came
individual confidence which led the team to a state appearance.
Freshman Erin Waters made it to the #1 singles finals, but lost
disappointingly in a great match. With many strong underclass-
men returning, the years to come will be promising.

A.A. Varsiry From: Sabrina Whitfield, Eileen Johnson, Darlene Pham, Pamela Richards.
Middle: Polly Montejano, Lindsey Thorpe, Coach Greg Classen, Erin Waters, Ann T rum-
ble. Back: Jill Stultz, Chrisry Swanson, Anna Josefovich, Mary Scheffelbein. (D. Hassel)
A From: Hilary Stockwell, Brenda Teachman, Heather Wrenn, Alicia Miller Sarah Kreit-
low. Middle: Megan Crosby, Shobana LaPuma, Melissa Moore, Ann Hou, Indhira
LaPurna, Wendy Buhs. Back: Jami Roberts, Joyce Boggs, Coach Gary Welch, Katie Fraz-
er, Melanie Hall. (D. Hassel)

~ Girls' Tennis
: As a senior do you
feel that you had to
step up and take a
leadership role this

A: "As a senior I feel no differ-

ent toward the role I played last
year. In our tennis team this
year, everybody is equal. There
is no division between the play-
ers . We all enjoy playing and
that is all there is to it." Sr.
Christy Swanson

... Junior Lindsey Thorpe looks .A.Junior Polly Montejano, and .A..A. Finishing her serve, junior Dar-
1tenrly at the ball being returned to sophomore Sabrina Whitfield watch lene Pham looks on to see if her
er. (S . Neall) as their returned ball sails past their opponent will return it. (K .
opponents. (K. Schwalm) Schwalm)

Laura Addms J{j/j

See-saw season plagues Monarch T Following through on his pitch is
junior Frank Halter in a game at
baseball; team returns to state Fricke Field. (S. Olson)

urprising wins and devastating losses were a true burden to
the 1994 Papillion-LaVista baseball ream. The Monarchs
seemed to show intensity when competing against the
tougher teams, but let down their guard when playing
against teams not at their level of play.
"I really want to go to state. I'll be disappointed if we don't
because we definitely have the ability to do it," commented senior
Shawn Kaskie.
By beating Creighton Prep 8-6 in the district final game, the
Monarchs earned that right to advance to the state tournament at
Rosenblatt Stadium. The first round saw Papillion-LaVista facing
a determined Lincoln Southeast squad, who outplayed the Mon-
archs, rhus eliminating them from the tournament by a score of
6-2 and ending their season at 15-10.
Though the season did not end quite as we had hoped, we will
always remember the triumphant victories and agonizing defeats
of 1994 Monarch baseball.

..&. ..&. Varsity Front: Dave Ortlieb, Fred Batts, Brian Gaddie, TJ Heinert.
Middle: Ed Hamblen, Chris Noda, Frank Halter, Josh Dalton, Shawn Kask-
ie, Andy Bernatow, Jeremy Pietig, Mike Ching. Back: Coach Kent Bray,
Matt Greenberg, Steve Paulson, Coach Jim Thomas, Kevin Peterson, Eric
Peterson, Coach Tim Mathison. (D. Hassel)

..&. Junior Varsity. Front: Blake Selph, Nick Bellino, Russ Jessop. Middle: Jeff ..&. Reserve. Front: Justin Bond, Scott Klostermeyer, Jason Dailey, Spencer
Neall, Ben Russell, Nick Stroede, Derrick Fuller, Chris Doyle, Kurtis Kimball. Middle: Robbie Joseph, Kevin Johnson, Craig Dyer, Scott Heiman,
Boukal. Back: John Foresman, Tim Logan, Aaron VanDeBerg, Coach Butch Jason Prewitt, Brian Boone, Jesse Jones, Kevin Kerns. Back: Cody Trofhoh.,
Kimball, Josh Tresmer, Nate Leinweber, )on Eggers. (D . Hasse\) Kyle Schneider, Mike Stevens, Coach Bill Lynam, Blaine Christiansen, Jason
Politte, Johon Kennedy. (D. Hassel)
T Charging a grounder from the sec- : What do you feel
ond base position and hoping to is yo ur team's
make the play is junior TJ Heinert.
(S. Neall)
greatest strength?

A: "Most of the guys on the

team are pretty good friends
and we work
really well
together. Also,
some guys on
the team have
been playing
together for a
long time and that makes a big
difference in how well a team
can do." Sr. Matt Greenberg

PLHS 4 Omaha Burke 2
PLHS 17 Omaha Gross 7
PLHS 6 Millard South 5
PLHS 0 Creighton Prep 5
PLHS 2 Ralston 5
PLHS 3 Omaha Bryan 9
PLHS 12 OmahaCentral 7
PLHS 10 Omaha Benson 14
PLHS 10 Omaha South 6
PLHS 3 Millard North 6
PLHS 12 Lincoln High 3
PLHS 4 Lincoln East 0
PLHS 3 Bellevue East 0
PLHS 11 Om. Westside 12
PLHS 13 Bellevue West 9
PLHS 2 OmahaNW 5

Monarch Invitational:
PLHS 7 Lincoln SE 2
PLHS 1 Creighton Prep 9
PLHS 8 Lincoln NE 6

Northwest Invitational:
PLHS 6 Ralston 3
PLHS 8 Millard North 3
PLHS 4 Omaha NW 8

PLHS 5 Omaha Bryan 3
' A. Warming up the pitcher A. With a Monarch batter at the
PLHS 8 Creighton Prep 6
~tween innings is sophomore catch- plate, the rest of the team cheers him
. Eric Peterson in a game at Fricke on from the dugout, while each State Tournament:
PLHS 2 Lincoln SE 6

ield. (S . Neall) awaits his turn to bat. (S. Neall)

Laura Adams and Kellie Vallinch

'Y'Y Senior Mandy Brandt tinishes

Gibson and Vanoeveren 'Y Senior Chris Vanoeveren slows

down after winning his qualifying
third in her qualifying heat, in the
lOOmeters, with a time of 12.59. (M.
heat in the 200 meters. (M. Heyen) Heyen)
capture all class golds
hris Vanoeveren and Jon Gibson came away with all class

C gold medals at the state track meet at Omaha Burke.

Vanoeveren won his gold in the 200 meter race with a time
of22.38. Gibson triple jumped 47' 10.5'' for his medal.
Joe Erd.kamp set a school record in the discus with a throw of 172'
10.5'' good enough for a fourth place finish at state. Doug Wuch set a
school record in the 3200mt run with a time of 9:46.20. The 4x1 00
relay team of Ryan Brady, Chris Vanoeveren, Andy Miller, and Jon
Gibson ran third at state and set a school record with a time of 43.19.
The boys team's best finish of the year was a second place finish at the
Metro meet.
Melissa Buechler, Mandy Brandt, Melanie Markus, Shauna
Metschke, and Yoli Brown all medaled at state for the girls team. New
school records were set by Markus with a long jump of 18' 6". Jamie
Heydenreich threw the shot put 39' 6.5" to break the school record.
Brown, Markus, Metschke, and Brandt broke a school record in the
4x100 relay with a time of50.20.

AA Front row- Brian Lubberstadt, Deb Williams, Coach Feala, Coach Lyman, Coach Patton,
Coach Bragg, Coach Medinger, Jeremy Hosb ien, Roland Wimpey. Second row - Doug Wilch,
Eric Wagoner, Derrick Labat, Paul Harney, Mike Yost, Joe Erdkamp, Sean Salter, David Sedivy,
Dan Cameron, Wes Colbert, David Beattie. Third row- Jason Hollander, David Williams, Joe A Front row - Katie Hnreir, Renee Kruger, Kelley Forde, Molly Mila Kovich, Steph Adulojt
Petito , Bobby Higgins , Chris Lukasina, Jason Moline, Robert Youman;, Jon H arrison , Mark Beth Conklin , Sarah Buechler, Tina Powers, Lee Briggs, Laronya Floyd. Second row - Step
Ballinger, Dyea Rowland, Steph Zeeb, Leslie Friend , Mandy Bierle, Christa Brady, Jane Bie
Shobe, Josh MacNamara, David Ullick. Fourth row -Josh Kuper, Chris Brandon, Dan Glaze-
mann , Allyson Kulm, Kara Gebhardt, Crystal Fender. Third row- Renee Darling, Sarah Smid
brook, Rick Arch, John Cycchoszz, Kevin Stacoffe, Joe Nims, John Gibson, Robin Balagot, Brian
Meghan Cavalier, Cara Vande Berg, Kim Parker, Desi Solomon, Mandy Brandt, Yoli Brown, St;
Lee, Drew Nelson. Fifth Row - Rick Mennichetti, Sebastian Nastase, H on Bunning, AI Stone, cia Welch, Jamie Heyden reich , Emily Scherzberg, Stacy Lashinski. Fourth row- Jamie Snowde1
Andre Green, Ryan Brady, Andy Miller, Clinton Moore, Dave Fleming, Mike Smith. Back row- Angie Eastep, C hessa Faulkner, Jana Petersoon, Shauna Metschke, Louise Bruner, Melan
BJ Sorenson, Jarett McNabb, Mike Eller, Tom Bessey. Markus, Kim Crandall, Amanda Romjue, Leslie Roth, Cherish H eidelberg, Beth Haberer, Ca
dice Buys. Back row - Tricia Rollins, Abby Sunderman, Dane Ann Massey, Coach Hunslt

~ Sports
Coach Hohl , Coach Sunderman, Coach Cudly, Coach Egbe rt, Melissa Buechler, )ami Bro"
Wendy Hinkle.
Q: How did you feel
about the overall
outcome of your

A: ''An outstanding
performance by the
team considering
the number of
injuries," responded
boys' track coach,
Don Patton.

A: "As a team I feel

we competed with
the best teams in the
state very well,"
replied senior
.A. Senior Melissa Buechler closes the
Melissa Buechler.
gap on the leader during her 400
meter qualifying heat at state. (N .
Girls & Boys Results

Meet .R G
Kearney Invite 4th

Ralston Invite lOth 5th

Mill. South Inv. 4th 3rd

Om. Central Inv. 3rd

Bellevue Invite 2nd

Monarch Invite 3rd 1st

Metro Confer. 2nd 3rd

Districts 2nd 2nd

State 5th 13th

Junior Jon Gibson leaps for a

wol record in the triple jump in
: stare finals for his first gold medal.
:. Heyen)
•--------- -

Golfers swing to successful

season; Schrage 7th at Metro

he 1994 Boys' Golf team was very young. With only
one senior, there was a lot of inexperience. The mem-
bers of the team, however, had no doubts in their minds
that they had the ability to be very successful.
"I think we have a real good team. It just seems like sometimes
we don't play with our heads on straight," commented junior
Bruce Schrage.
In Metro competition, the Monarchs placed 1Oth out of 18
teams. Schrage was awarded a 7th place medal for his score of 77.
Following Metro, PLHS golfed in district competition, where
they shot a 339 and placed 5th out of 8 teams.
With all of the young golfers on the 1994 squad, the outlook
was good for the years to come. With time comes experience, and
with experience comes victory and all-around success. Papillion-
LaVista golfers and participants of any Monarch sport will always
remember the lessons learned and the discipline taught by their
coaches and more experienced teammates .

.A. Front: Dale Savington, Ryan Henning, Bruce Schrage, AJ Frecks, Travis
Brown, Bart Johnston. Back: Rich Pereksta, Aaron Barnes, Ben Aken, Coach
Mike Logan, KC Grau, Tyler Moore, Kyle Ulrich.

.A. Concentrating on his techniq1

for the perfect swing is sophomo

Ryan Henning. (S. N eall)

Boys' Golf
Junior Tyler Moore sports his ........ Junior Bruce Schrage checks his :What is this year's
ncy "Monarch Golf' jacket as he swing, while freshman Kyle Ulrich ........ Practicing his swing at the dri- team's greatest
akes his way to the next hole wi th looks on, hoping to learn a new tech- ving range is sophomore KC Grau.
1bs in hand. (K. Schwalm) (S. Neall)
strength? Greatest
nique. (S . Neall)

A: "I think being a young golf

team is both a strength and a
weakness. Since the team con-
sists of all underclassmen but
myself, we put a lot of pressure
on our younger members, even
freshmen , to bring in some low
scores. But, I think that will
better prepare them for the
years to come."
Sr. Aaron





PLHS 149 OM. SOUTH 178




PLHS 159 OM. GROSS 154

PLHS 336, 8TH OF 15

PLHS 338, 7TH OF 18

PLHS 181, 6TH OF 8

PLHS 342, 9TH OF 12

PLHS 331, 8TH OF 17

PLHS 332, lOTH OF 18

PLHS 339, 5TH OF 8

Kellie VaUinch '[#.

--------- --------- -------- - - - - - --

Success was not measured

solely on competitions

his year's Porn Squad worked long and hard on their
routines for competitions. There were rigorous hours
before and after school.
"Despite the disappointments on the outcome of
our competitions, I know we worked the hardest and we did our
very best," replied senior Jeanette St. Peter.
"I feel that the results from this year's competitions did not rep-
resent the squad very well," responded senior Christy Swanson.
Competitions aren't the only reason the porn squad practices
long and hard. There are the games and the pep rallies that moti-
vate them. The porn squad performs at the halftime of every var-
sity football and basketball game.
"Performing at the halftimes of the varsity basketball games,
with a full house, is one of the greatest feelings in the world," stat-
ed senior Jenny Synskie after being asked about the crowd's reac-
tions to their performances.

..&. Porn squad sports their new doos ..&. Sporting their Martin active wear, ..&. Sophomore Katie Vandusen an>
in front of hundreds at the Bob juniors Heather Hipschman, Glyn- Junior Dustin Quick hold on as th
Devaney Sports Center. (G. Smith) nis Smith, and Leigh Jackson bond Monarch Football team prepares t
during porn camp. (file photo) charge through. Dustin Quick designe
all the run-throughs for the footba
games. (K Schwalm)

~ Sports
Q: How do you feel
about this year's

A: "Despite the dis-

appointments on the
outcome of our com-
petitions, I know we
worked the hardest
and we did our very
best," replied senior
Jeanette St.Peter

A: "Being on the
squad for the last
three years I feel that
we had our best per-
formance this year at
metro, although the
outcome didn't show
it," quoted senior
Jaime Bellino.

Q: What was the

most exciting thing
about being on porn?

A: "I met so many

people I would
not have otherwise
known, even within
the school," said
sophomore Sarah
'- Part of Papio's porn squad takes .A..A. Porn Squad Front Row- Danelle Grant, Katie Vandusen, Sarah Ham-
>art in the annual ritual of toilet brecht, Sarah Buechler, and Jeanette St. Peter. Second Row- Leigh Jackson,
>apering the homecoming courts Monique White, Jenny Synslcie, G lynnis Smith, Ch ristine Fairbanks, and
1ouses. (G. Smith) Kristy Johnson . Back row - Sunny Dickey, Heather Hipschman, D ustin
Quick, Jaime Bellino, Christy Swanson, Carni Fuersstenau, and Carrie Hod-
son. (T. Bezy)
Looking good in '94
heerleading didn't start at the beginning of football season;

C it started at the end of school, the year before. The cheer-

leaders practiced for at least two hours a day, during the
summer, for their summer camp competition.
"The hard work pays off after you place high in competitions," said
junior Toni McPhatter.
At camp Boys' Varsity finished first in the cheer and home porn
routines. The Girls' Varsity and Junior Varsity squads both finished
first in their sideline routines. The Wrestling squad took home the
most improved squad award.
All four squads competed at the Metro Spirit Spectacular. The
Boys' Varsity placed second in their division.
The cheerleaders are also responsible for cheering at several school-
sponsored athletic events.
Senior Jenny Johnson said, "Winning games is the greatest."
"Cheering when a lot of people are there to watch is very exciting,"
replied sophomore Krista Brady.

.&. Wrestling: Front row - (Jaime Hillman), LaTonya Floyd, Rebecca

Whisler. Second row - Eilleen Johnson, Brenda Elze, Tammy Faubion,
Aimee Keller. Back row- Marja Ricci, Julie Williams, (Rachel Thirwall). (D. :
.&..&. Junior Katie Kothenbeutel
shows off her winning Monarch spir-
.&..&. Girl's Varsity: Front row- Leslie Friend, Crystal Shirkey, Tara Smith- it at a home football game. (K .
berg. Back row - Mary Classen, Shawna Haliburton, Jenny Kline, Jamie Schwalm)
Grayson. (D. Hassel)

.&. Junior Varsity: Front row- Christa Brady, Kristi Gunn, Sarah Buechler. Back
row- Melissa Checksfield, Mary Mulka, Ronni Dame, Jill Deboer. (D. Hassel)

9.1J Sporn
- ------ ~ ~---------- -~ -----~~~ ....... ·-· . ~ ~

Q: What was a
highlight of this
year's squad?

A: "Winning
games is the
greatest part, "
replied senior
Jenny Johnson.

A: "Performing
well in competi-
tions is one of
my best," said
senior Stacia

A: "Cheering
- at the football
games with all
the fans is a
great feeling,"
junior Laurie
Pearson .

~• Boys' Varsity: Front row- Stacy Deatz, Toni McPhatter. Second row- .A. Boys' varsity cheerleaders junior
aurie Pearson, Jacky Galitzky, Mandy Brandt, Jenny Johnson. Third row- Maureen Barnes and senior Jacky
:acie Kothenbeutel, Stacia Welch, Maureen Barnes. Back row - Shannon Galitzky show a little cheerleader
rederick. (T. Bezy) unity. (K. Kothenbeutel) T] Heinert
T AP European Histo ry students .... Seniors Kristi Robinson and Tera
were able to see the effects of the Ford pose with their Calculus book at
Skateland for needed extra credit. (K.
Brain drain- most Holocaust by seeing Schindler's List.
(S. Minton) Robinson)

difficult classes

dvanced Placement (AP) Calculus, Government, Eu-
ropean History, and Literature and Composition
were the more difficult classes offered at Papillion-La
Vista High School. Each AP class prepared students
to take a test, consisting of multiple choice and free response
questions, in April or May of 1994.
Preparation for the AP test included taking practice tests, read-
ing materials, and studying. Senior Andrea Corey said, "It's the
only class you can get a 60% on a test and it's good."
Students who earned a 3, 4, or 5 (5 being best) on the AP test
could receive college credit if their college choice accepted AP
credit. ''AP Government is really challenging, but it's worth it if I
get college credit," junior Matt Sterzinger commented.
AP classes proved to be difficult, but senior Kevin Martin
joked, "They're the 'funnest' classes I've ever had," after taking all
four AP classes.

A A AP Literature and Composition oOIIII.A. Juniors Chris Noda, Charles A Junior Andre Agee and seniors
is making senior Anne Trumble's life Needham, and Ryan Cole learn to Austin Voorhes, Joyce Early, Kristi-
very stressful. (C. Morrell) use the Macintosh in AP American na Jones , and Kevin Martin react
Government. (S. Jenn) nicely to AP European History. (A.

'9-f- AP CLasses
~ Senior Kevin Martin has a "heavy" A Seniors Jason Lowry, Anise Adams,
load of homework due to the four AP and Hank Wojdyla and junior Cherish
Heidelberg found that reading is an im-
classes he is raking. (S. Jenn) portant aspect in AP Literature and Com-
position. (C. Morrell) ·

v. . . Rob.mson
n.rtstt ~
'Y Martin Wagner, Silvia Olsen, In-
ger Ullvang, Iker Bilbao. No t Pic-
tured Matt Ritola, Anna Jozefowicz.
(D . H assel)

Living in America

hrough the years there have been many foreign ex-
change students who graced the hallways of PLHS.
The 1993-94 year was no exception. Seniors lker Bil-
bao from Spain, Matt Ritola from Finland, Martin
Wagner from Germany and Silvia Olsen and Inger Ullvang from
Norway, all had the exciting experience of living in America. Sil-
via Olsen, a native of a small village in Norway, began learning
English in the fourth grade. "The village I lived in was small,
there was about 4,000 people, two stores and one gas station. My
grade school had about eight people, first through sixth grade. I
like PLHS much better. I didn't know exactly what to expect."
This feeling wasn't shared by all of the exchange students,
though. Martin Wagner said, "I heard a lot and saw some things
on television. It's a big country." Inger Ullvang said, "I only knew
about the USA from television, and it is really different in reality.
I have only seen Nebraska, but I like it so far." Matt Ritola said,
"Maybe I expected more 'action', but I like it over here. "

.A. In foods class senior Inger Ullvang .... Senior Silvia Olsen smiles as she
learns how to make American dishes reminisces about her home town, a
and various ethnic foods. (K. Robin- small village in Norway.
son) (N . Haworth)

~~ Foreign Exchange
T Foreign Exchange student Martin Wagner adapts to American culture by
letting senior Ross Riepl change his hair style. (M. Riepe!)

~ Senior lker Bilboa sports his paja-

mas and his school spirit on "Zonk
the Spartans" day during spirit week.

Nicky Haworth J_fl,,j,

T Judges check the scores of the .... D ecathletes are pleasantly sur-
Honors division during Super Quiz prised as they view scores from the
at regionals. PLHS finished 3rd in the regional competition at Bellevue East
event. (M . Torkelson) High School. Q. Richards)

A Academic Decathlon team: Back row -Jim Bang, Chris Wroten, Ben Gray, Mark .... Team members meet five days a
Olson, Bryan Stoves, Ken Hurley. Second row - Amy Guice, Renae Peters, Coach week during "eighth hour" in the few
Paul Kunes, Nathan Partridge, Michelle Aduloju. Front row - Melissa Buechler,
remaining months before competi-
Delsey Sherrill, Carrie Torkelson, Pamela Richards. (D . Hassel)
tion. (K. Schwalm)

~4 Academic Decathlon
1994 AD- a year (and
a tean1) to refllefllher

or the average American teenager, the idea of spending a Saturday in
a classroom taking test after test may induce severe ACf flashbacks.
But for members of the Academic Decathlon team, days such as this
were charged with excitement because they were the culmination of
nearly seven months' effort. "Don't get the idea that it's just the 'Nerd
Olympics'- it's fun, too!" according to junior Renae Peters. Senior Melissa
Buechler agreed, saying "I thought I was getting into a class where everyone
was going to be serious and study all the time. Was I wrong!" At regionals
team members swept the top two overall individual awards on all three lev-
els and PLHS enjoyed a landslide victory. Then the team goal was to win
state and go on to Newark, New Jersey for the 1994 National Finals. Bur
PLHS was edged out of the state tide by Creighton Prep, a mere 49 points
separating the teams, the closest contest in Nebraska AD's history. "We were
very disappointed, but once we put everything in perspective, we realized
that second place is pretty darn good," said senior Jim Bang. Team captain
Carrie Torkelson remarked on her experience in AD: "Not only did I make
so many friends, I also learned so much about the world around me."

.._ During April's Quiz Bowl compe-

tition at Peru State College, senior
"Benjuan" Gray takes a siesta
between rounds. (P. Richards)
A High Tech challenge to
those who try it
igh Tech (or Principles of Technology) was a class

H designed for the student who had a knowledge of

basic math skills. The course goals ranged from
increasing employability of high school students to
work to increasing the appeal of principles used in physical sci-
ences by using a "hands on" approach. High Tech I had only one
prerequisite, math through Algebra I. To qualify for High Tech II,
a student needed to pass High Tech I or Physics.
In High Tech I students learned to apply some of properties of
physics in 'real-life' labs. The labs ranged from air friction on race
cars to studying pulleys and levers, electricity and doing balloon
labs. Junior Andrew Stone said, "The labs were the best part of
the whole class."
"The labs are the best part because you'd never have this kind
of experience in any other classes and you'll definitely use this
stuff after college," said senior Sarah McClellan.
"It's a wonderful class to explore the reaches of technology,"
senior Jeff Scherzberg commented. ~ High Tech seniors Carrie T orkel-
son and Mark Rist le arn ho w to
record the pressure using a strain

~ HighTech
gauge. (M . H eyen)
A JoAnne Langabee demonstrates to T At the Academic Letter awards
seniors Andy Miller and JeffScherzberg night sen ior Stephanie Vacek is
and junior Andrew Stone how to cali- rewarded for her good academic
brate a strain gauge. (M. Heyen) record. (K. Robinson)

Academic Letter rewards

students who make the grade
any people worked hard throughout their high

M school years, trying to keep their grades up. At

PLHS those students were rewarded. If a student
was in the top ten percent of their class, they were
able to receive a Letter of Academic Excellence their junior year
and a medal, chevron, certificate and pin their senior year.
"You're always hearing about how bad kids are doing in school,
and I think it's really good to reward the students who can keep
their grades up," commented junior Dawn Dries.
"The Letter really helps when you're filling out college applica-
tions and scholarship applications," said junior Barry Webber.
"I feel that the academic letters show that hard work and study-
ing can really pay off," said junior Jennifer Yang.
Fifty juniors and forty-five seniors received the award, Febru-
ary 15, 1994. Thirty-three of the seniors earned theirs for the sec-
ond time.

Senior Jaime Szatko receives her let-

<111111 .A. The speakers at the Academic Let-
ter from Dennis Smith during the Aca- ter award ceremony prepare for their
demic Letter awards. (K. Robinson) speeches. (M. Heyen)

Nicky Haworth ~
TYearbook adviser Shirley Minton
enjoys catering between yearbook
Teachers work to deadlines. Q. Howard)

make ends meet

inding a way to make ends meet is a major concern of

F most people, and teachers are no exception. Biology

teacher Dave Hubert works an extra job to "survive till
my wife gets out of pharmacy school." Hubert, who
paints houses during the summer, says that the best parts of his
extra job are being his own boss and working outdoors.
Sandra Boswell, social studies teacher by day, cashier at the
Medicine Man pharmacy by night, has another reason for having
a second job. "I have a lot of free time, and I'm kind of a worka-
holic. I have to be doing something all the time." Ms. Boswell
adds that she enjoys her second job because "it is so unlike teach-
ing. I don't have to worry about it the way I worry about my class-
es. "
Journalism guru Shirley Minton runs a catering business, Party
Pickups, during her free time. She says that she loves cooking for
people but admits, "I hate polishing the silver."

.A. Superintendents: (top row) Ms. .A..A.Business teacher Cindi Van- .A.Administration (from left): Mar•
Virginia Moon, Dr. Leon Dappen, Housen keeps track of accounts for Hespen, John Waters, Denr
Mr. Steve Coleman, (seated) Dr. her ice cream business. (D. Sherrill) Smith, James Glover, Paul Schro1
Harlan Metschke (A. Heywood) er (D. Hassel)

W Teachers
...As part of his second job, speech
teacher Larry Slie takes telephone
reservations at the Hyatt Reservation
Center. (S. Neall)

•sandra Boswell waits on a cus-

tomer at Medicine Man pharmacy on
132nd& Dodge Streets in Omaha.
(N. Haworth)

•secretaries: back row (from left)- J. Cissell, L. Howard, S. Meyer, P. .&.Paraprofessionals: back row (from left)- S. Crook, B. Buesing, T. Harrison,
Caniglia; second row - K. Crandall, S. Pleggenkuhle, S. Magner; front - E. E. Patras; second row - T. LaBrie, B. Howard, M. Tande; front row - S.
Hansen, M. Cappellano, B. Roth, B. Hirschman (D. Hassel) LaMere, J. Olson, N. Thrasher, D. Denke (D . Hassel)

Delsey, Kristi, & Nicky ~

Play with honor

he National Honor Society at Papillion-LaVista High
School can be described by these four words: scholar-
ship, leadership, character, and service. "The qualities
emphasized in NHS will definitely provide a founda-
tion for future success," senior Bobby Baker commented. Those
qualities are strengthened through service and fun activities.
Among those activities were the Powder Puff football game, Don-
key Basketball, and the Haunted Barn.
Out of all the NHS qualities, service was stressed in the 1994
school year. The NHS members played BINGO with the elderly,
gave money to the Easter Seals Society, picked up garbage in the
city parks, and collected food for the needy. Senior Meghan Cav-
alier responded, "Being in NHS makes you feel good about your-
self knowing that you've made a difference in the community."
Senior Chara Quinnelly added, "Having service projects helps
one become a more sensitive, caring person."
Senior Angie Heywood said best what NHS was about "In the
game oflife, play with honor."

Kevin Albers
Leonard Allgood
Vicki Bandy
Dennis Beckman
Barb Berg
Tom Berve
Nolan Beyer
Kyle Blazek
Sandi Boswell
Janie Botsch
Jean Brown
Anne Buetel
David Cecil
Barb Cole

.._ The school calendar allows senior ... PLHS students win the Donk
Basketball game when sophomc
Jackie Erdkamp dunks the ball
overtime. (K. Robinson)
T Front row: J. Janssen , A. Heywood, Ms. Kollars, J. Fay, C. Cardaronella; Second row: C. Quinnelly, L. Dolce, J. Galitzky, M. Brandt, D. Quick,
W. Solomon, C. Swanson, H. Derr, C. Fuerstenau, K. Klostermeyer; Third row: K. Bloes, C. Noda, L. Gilbert, J. Johnson, M. White, D. Ries-
berg, A. Lodes, L. Thorpe, M . Heyen, C. Faulkner, K. Feurt; Fourth row: H . Peterson, K. Moore, A. Malek, S. Woolhiser, A. Bullock, C. Vande
Berg, M. Cavalier, E. Halverson, B. McLain, T . 0 ' Dowd, J. Robinson, W . Crupper; Fifth row: M. Smith, D . Vanek, R. Brady, T . Ford, E. John-
son, T . Schreckenberger, R. Redden, S. Minor, T. Heinen, B. Gray, K. Jones; Sixth row: K. Robinson, A. Williams, C. Stirts, M. Sterzinger, S.
Vacek, S. Kelly, N. Partridge, S. Olson, A. Voorhes, M. Buechler, R. Peters, P. Richards; Seventh row: B. Baker, K. Vallinch, K. Schwalm, C.
Needham, K. Lindner, M. Lewis, B. Haberer, M. Aduloju, L. Meier, J. Earley, C. Torkelson; Eighth row: H . Newman, J. Boggs, K. Martin, K.
Deicke, C. Crook, K. Eggers, T. Grimm, K. Olson. Not pictured: B. Aken, S. Jenn, J. Lowry, B. Lubberstedt, J. McCartney, R. Pereksta, C.
Thompson, A. Trumble, H. Wojdyla.

Tom Collins
Lynda Cortez
Cathy Crumbley
Dean Cudly
Mike Daniels
Perry Ebmeier
Gwen Egbert

Rich Evander
Richard Farlow
Astrid Ferony
Kathleen Flock
Paula Folland
Marilyn Godby
Arden Gross

..l. Proving she was at the meeting ..l. At the NHS Induction ceremony,
and on time, senior Amy Williams senior Ryan Brady walks his sister,
fills in her red dot. (K. Robinson) sophomore Christa Brady. (K.
Robinson) ~
Kristi Robinson
Calculus: it is T Senior Melissa Buechler learns
Calculus through osmosis in her early
morning Calculus class. (K. Robin-
alculus was one of the college courses offered at

C Papillion-La Vista High School. Senior Chris

Thompson could be found there, but he was one year
ahead of the rest. After taking Calculus as a junior, he
said, "It's so strange just sitting there and asking myself, 'was it
really that hard the first time?"'
For most students, Calculus meant homework. "Calculus is the
only class I actually do my homework in," senior Kellie Vallinch
stated. Senior Stacia Welch added, "Because I do Calculus
homework, I don't get any other homework done."
People had mixed feelings about Calculus. When senior Kristi
Robinson was asked how she felt she said, "Calculus is the type of
subject that no matter how hard you study, you will never
understand it."
"I feel like I'm failing, I just hope it's not true," senior Shannan
Kelly commented. "Calculus: it is symphonic. Listen to the
music," was Mrs. Astrid Ferony's, Calculus teacher, way to sum it
all up.

Jerry Hall
Doris Harder
Sandra Howe
Dave Hubert
Connie Jacobson

RaNae Jessop
Bev Jorgensen
Kim Kafonek
Larry Kaiser
Bill Kellet
Kathy Kollars
Paul Kunes

.&.During lunch, senior Jeff

Scherzberg takes a nap under his Cal- .A. Senior Shawn Kaskie is caught in
culus book. He learns Calculus the act while senior Ryan Bierle looks
through osmosis roo! (S. Jenn) on. (S. Neall)

'[)~ Calculus
- -c-_::___~--~-- ~- - ---- ----

~Mrs. Astrid Ferony urilizes her

overhead screen in order w ger rhe
poinr across, "Calculus: ir is sym-
phonic." (S. Neall)

Jeff Kupfer
Kevin Kush
Joann Langabee
Debra Leif
Michael Logan
Terry Lyman
Barb Maxwell

Pam McGuire
Bernie Medinger
Melvin Melcher
Maria Meyer
Shirley Minton

~Showing off rheir Calculus books are senior band members Kipp Liabraat- .&. Senior Kevin Martin lends a help-
en, Sonya Woolhiser, Jeff Bumgarder, Jim Bang, Chris Thompson, Kevin ing hand ro senior Mark Smith.
Martin, Shannan Kelly, Angela Heywood, and Carrie Torkelson. (E. Mach- Group work is prevalenr in Calculus.
is) (S. Neall)

Kristi Robinson '[M.

Sweat it out
n order to graduate, each student had to take at least three

I credits of Physical Education classes, either gym or

weighdifting. Swimming, presidential physical fitness tests,
and health are just a few of the activities that students par-
ticipated in during their P.E. classes. "I hate running the mile
every week," sophomore Steve Ohlmeyer said in regards to phys-
ical fitness . "There is never enough time to dress out or get ready,
especially after swimming," sophomore Christa Brady added.
"Health was easy. I'd rather have health than gym," sophomore
Ryanne Marshall commented.
While taking weighdifting, senior Rob Lewis said, "It gives
you a chance to discipline your body." However, there are some
disadvantages to weighdifting. Junior Kendra Melhus responded,
''As a girl, I don't like working the arms; I like leg days."
After a year of hard work and sweat, students benefited physi-
cally in either class they took.

Tom Patras
Donald Patton
Bee Peery
Laura Penn
Julie Phillips
Barbara Reed
Carl Rhoten

Bev Ruff
Margie Shanahan
Ryan Sis
Larry Slie
Janey Sommers
Ed Sterling
Gene Suhr

.A. Sophomore Neal Allen does his .A. Sophomore Eric Peterson devel·
daily requirement of sit-ups in sopho- ops his quadriceps by working on the
more P.E. (A. Heywood) leg extension machine in weighdifr·

l 9l
ing. (M . Heyen)
Physical Education
<IIIII Getting ready for a vigorous day of

P.E. with Ms. Egbert is sophomore

LaTonya Floyd. (A. Heywood)

T P.E. teacher, Ms. Egbert, spends

her time surveying her students and
taking grades on their performance.
(A. Heywood)

Frank Sunderman

Barb Tentinger
James Thomas
Pat Totten
Karen Van Briesen
Cindi Van Housen
Pam Vaughn
Sofiann Voorhes

Cherie Warner
Kathy Weaver
Lynn Weaver
Gary Welch
Bob Williams
Jacqueline Wise
Diane Withem

.A. During weighdifting sophomore

Jason Anderson spots junior Rick
Sjoberg while he squats. (M. Heyen)

Kristi Robinson ~
>:=-:.:__ _ ::::=::.::_-_-::....: :-~-- ~~ ~- ~ - ~-....- ~----:-~~ -- -- - -

The year's most 0 M-

forgettable experience

he sixth year of Odyssey of the Mind at PLHS proved
to be a successful and memorable one. Seven teams,
consisting of six to seven students each, competed in
five categories: Mini-Terrain Vehicle, OM-Believable
Music, Classics: The Iliad, and Set It Free. Students presented a
solution to a given "problem" in each category and had to write
and perform a skit based on the problem. An additional round of
competition known as "spontaneous" put skills of creativity and
quick thinking to the test. Being in OM had its ups and downs
throughout the year. Senior Austin Voorhes said one advantage of
the OM program was getting out of school a lot. According to
senior Stephanie Olson, the worst part of OM was the stress
caused by procrastination. "Everybody was so busy, we couldn't
get together much. So the night before we were scrambling to get
stuff done!" Junior Liese Meier, who has been in OM since 5th
grade, agreed and added, "The best feeling is having it all finished
and being ready to perform."

.A. Under the stern supervision of ... Members of the Set It Free A team
Soph. Scott Cologne, junior Brian take a break after performing their
Lubberstedt builds a balsa wood skit at the regional competition in
structure for competition. (S . Olson)
Blair. 0. Olson)

~l Odyssey of the Mind

<IIIII Agamemnon (j uni or Michelle T Little Bo Peep (jr. Cassie Mehlin)
Aduloju) cowers before the High has lost her sheep , but Mary (jr. Kris-
Priest of Apo llo, played by junior ten Eggers) knows where to find
Liese Meier (C. Fay) them. (D. Eggers)

Odyssey of the Mind team members: Row

1: Brandon Jensen , Jarrett McNabb,
Brian Lubberstedt, Steph Olson, Heidi
Peterson, Brian Linnell, Scott Cologne,
Keith Olson Row 2: Tim Tyler, Mandy
Wtlcox, Ben Aken, Cindy Crook, Cassie
Mehlin, Kristen Eggers, Chris Lukasina,
Rich Pereksta, Jennifer T remblett Row 3:
Kim Parker, lndhira LaPuma, Mark
Dreiling, Jon Miller, Ben Gray, Jason
Lowry, Anne Trumble, Jason McCattney,
Doug Wood, Austin Voorhes Row 4:
Tracy Grimm, Joyce Earley, Kristen
Moore, Aaron Jessop, Kim Kolakowski,
Sara Monk, Nathan Middleton, Bart
Johnston, Randy Stotler, Adam Kratky,
Justin Cuancara Row 5: Cherish Heidel-
berg, Krystal Roberts , Joyce Boggs,
Michelle Aduloju, Carrie Fay, Liese
Meier, Stefanie Morrow, Jessica Wtlson,
Elaine Mathis, Chip Needham Not pic-
tured: Dale Vanek (D. Hassel)

Delsey Sherrill l f f 4
T"Service with a smile" must be the
motto of Jenny Pierce, who works at ~ Jessica Collier is ready to play
Little King restaurant in Brentwood ball-soccer, that is-during the
Square. (K. Blazek) 1993 Special Olympics. (file photo)

.&.Felicia Lyons, Phillip Hirncer, Kristy Ausenbaugh, Chris Haverkamp, ~ Brandon Irvin is one of many
Elaine Connors, and Laura McGuire take a break to enjoy donuts and hot PLHS students who don the familiar

chocolate compliments of the Eppley Airfield Fire Department while visiting red apron daily at Baker's supermar·
there in October. (file photo) ket in LaVista. (K. Blazek)
Special Education
' At Godfather's restaurant in LaV-
sta, Chris Haverkamp cleans up
tround the front counter. (K. Blazek)
Special Ed: not "all
work and no play''
or the past three years of its existence, the Special Educa-

tion program has given specially-abled students the
opportunity to become actively involved in the scholas-
tic, social, and extracurricular aspects of PLHS student

Each student spends the first year of the program exploring his
or her options. After the first year, the curriculum branches off in
two main directions. Many students find that they are better suit-
ed for the academic portion of the program, so they participate in
classes which will help them develop practical skills for living in
the "real world". Others show a greater aptitude for hands-on
activities, so they enroll in the vocational side and spend most of
the school day working at local businesses. Each individual's pro-
gram is tailored to meet his or her needs.
Special Ed is not strictly "all work and no play". Students par-
ticipate in a number of activities outside of school such as bowl-
ing, going to movies, and Special Olympics .

.A. During a field trip to the Eppley

Airfield Fire Department, Chris
Haverkamp and Kristy Ausenbaugh

try on "bunkers". (file photo)
Delsey Sherrill
T Junior Beth Haberer takes advan-
PLHS Library Steps Into The tage of the quietness of the library to
catch up on some reading. (M .Heyen)

Computer Age
emember the time when the library seemed to be stuck in

R the 1950's? The 1993-1994 year PLHS stepped into the

computer age.
The library has always been used for finding those books
that had all the information that was needed for a certain assignment.
Durning the 1993-1994 school year the process was made much eas-
ier. The old card catalogue became a thing of the past and the com-
puters became the future.
Two Macintosh computers replaced the old card catalogue, saving
time and space.
'The computers made everything so much quicker and easier,"
commented junior Ginny Styles. Junior Jennifer Robinson added,
''As long as you know how to use the computers, they're a really good
For the librarians, the process of finding overdue books and the
people who had checked them out has been improved greatly.
"Finding people with a consistent record of overdue material is much
easier. Now we keep them from checking out any further material,"
Donna Deyke, library staff member shared .

.A. Junior Drew Boelter looks through .... Juniors Anna Leatherwood and
the many shelves in the library for just Jesse Ostdiek work in the library on a

the right book. (M. Heyen) project for American Lit. (M. Heyen)

Library and Graduation Requirements

T 1993-1994 Papillion La Visra School
Board Back row: Dr. Michael Moran,
Dr. Fred Tafoya, Steve Huffman. Fronr:
Rita Aiken , Kath y Goodman, Bob
O 'Neal. (D. Hassel)

emember the time when your teacher told you that the class you

R were taking was required for graduation? Many of us began to

wonder about the other requirements that had to be fUlfilled
before that final day at PLHS.
The most important requirements are the credits that are needed for most
colleges as entry requirements. Credits such as five semesters of Math, seven
semesters of English, including English 10 as two of the semesters, two
semesters of Biology, two semesters of another science, two semesters of U.S.
History, one semester of American Government, and three semesters of P.E.
were required.
Some seniors thought the required credit courses were too easy to obtain.
"By senior year most students have all their credits and just slide through.
Most people only have to take an English credit their senior year to gradu-
ate," said senior Kipp LiaBraaten.
"It's too easy to graduate &om PLHS, it needs to be harder," commented
senior Tera Ford.
"HopefUlly, they'll change the required credits to 45 instead of 42 after I
graduate," said senior Bobby Lightner.

~ Senior Brian Diamond takes time .A.Sophomore Teresa Happel looks

out to fill out a college scholarship over some college information book-
application. lets in the Career Ed Center. (M.
(M. Heyen) Heyen)

Nicky Haworth lf}~

T C hannn el 6 Spo rtscas ter Dave
Webber supports P-Club by purchas- .... Peer students gather around after
ing a ticket to show off his half- court talki ng to Junior high students. (C.
shot. (S. N eall) Morrell)

Peer lends a hand to
help others
eer was a significant class of Papillion-LaVista high school. It

P was a course where students help their own peers to feel bet-
ter about themselves. "Peer has really helped me to deal with
my problems and to help other people deal with theirs," said
sophomore Teresa Nappel. Peer students were helpers who listened
and talked to their peers about teen problems and concerns. "Peer
helped me relate to other people a lot easier," said junior Lori Juarez.
Some of the main topics discussed in "Peer were self-esteem, depres-
sion, sui.cicie, ciate rape, anci eating disorciers. "l \eameci how to ciea\
with cenain situations such as stress and death," said junior Molly
Kramer. Peer students welcomed each new student to the school and
helped them feel comfortable about the new environment.
Ms. Bee Peery was the leader of Peer. She helped them organize
their activities such as Peer tutoring, group guidance, and summer
retreats and lock-ins. A. Front Row: Carrie Hodsdon, Tara O 'Callaghan, Shannon Frederick, Victo
Martin, Teresa Nappe!, Ms Bee Peery. Second Row: Lindsay Dolce, Jaime BeUi1

9-l- Peer and P-Club

Rochelle Redden, Erin Maryanski, Kari Brockman, Elizabeth May, Melissa Ramp]
T hird Row: Julie Armitage, Lori Juarez, Molly Kramer, Alissa Malek, Melissa Kt
inf, Jennifer Kline. Fourth Row: Chris Whiteley, Jennifer Wallace, Lisa Colem.
Hollie Cook, Kelly Klostermeyer, and David Karasek.
Varsity athletes
become involved
-Club was a group of varsity athletes who got together to

P help support the schools varsity sports. "P-Club tries to

get involved in every sport at sometime during the sea-
son," said senior Jodi Janssen. P-Club donated money to
the YMCA and scholarships were given out every year for stu-
dents who showed outstanding leadership toward the club. "P-
Club is a club where everyone in sports can relate with one anoth-
er more easier because they are all striving for the same goal," said
senior Bobby Baker. Half court shot tickets were sold at basket-
ball games by members of P-Club. They also sold the programs
that are available at most of the games. "P-Club has helped me to
get involved in more activities throughout my senior year," said
Senior Jack Lehman. Talking to sixth graders about how impor-
tant it is to get involved in sports was an activity officers took part
~ Front Row: Leah Pomykalski, Jodi Janssen, Heidi Derr. Second Row: Rob m.
:ohee, Chad Kalal. Third Row: Bobby Baker, Willy Solomon, and Jack

]ami Brown
c T T aking a breather during his trip
to D .C., jun io r Brian Wucher
lounges in one of the nifty airpo rt
T Senator Bob Kerrey gives junior
Farah Foster and senior Tammi Sand
a warm we lco m e to Was hin gto n ,
.... Art students junior Shannon Barr
and senior Clarence Bruner clean up

chairs. (S. Boswell) D .C. {S. Boswell) after their pottery class. (M . H eyen)

11m'. FR<ifl H[R[I


Close-Up invades
Washington, D.C.

government club?! That was the reaction of the major-
ity of the PLHS students when they heard about
Close-Up. But a trip to Washington, D.C. for a week
in April quickly changed their minds.
Close-Up was an organization of students who tried to raise
money for the trip to Washington, D .C. to see the government at
work. For those not going, Close-Up was also involved in many
fun and organized activities.
Junior and president of Close-Up, Farah Foster had a goal to
get the club to do more community service and be more involved
with the government. Foster also hoped to get more people
involved in Close-Up the next year. .A. Row 1: Angie Eastep, Ranae Peters, Chessa Faulkner, Farah Foster, E
"The worst thing is that few people got involved - they put Halverson, Melissa Buck, Alison Shrier. Row 2: Ken Hurley, Ryan Alln
Mandy Heyen, Lindsay Dolce, Delsey Sherrill, Sarah McClellan, Wen
down their names, but they never show up for any meetings. The
Hinckle, Jennifer Wallace. Row 3: Beth Haberer, LeAnn Lemm , M:
teachers involved -Boswell, Warner, Berve, Kollars-have really
Boggess, Shobana LaPuma, Brian Wucher, John Miller, josh McNama
worked hard to make Close-Up a success. They deserve a medal," Row 4: Wes Kuhns, Jason Tremblett, Keri Bloes, Indhira LaPuma, Heatl
said Foster. Wrenn, Natalee Skillman, Kathy Goines, Mike Hiemer. (D . H assel)

~ Close- Up and Art Club

- - -- - -- - - - - -


Art Club paints

the town red
ny PLHS student taking an art class or involved with
the art department was welcome to join the Art Club
sponsored by De b Leif and Michael Daniels.
Art club was created to serve the school and the com-
munity and to raise money for the art department. They accom-
plished this goal by participating in the Haunted Barn, painting
on the windows of local businesses, painting murals in school
gyms, and by painting signs. Despite what everyone thought, Art
Club did involve a little bit of work even though the members
didn't meet at any specific time.
"The best part of being in the Art Club was being able to do art
related projects with fellow artists. I especially enjoyed working at
A Front Row: Alex Baumgartner, Jay Spiegelman, Bart Hamilton, Amanda the Haunted Barn, even though it will be torn down next year,"
McAlear, Nick Henke, Deb Leif. Row 2: Kerri Smith, Bart Johnston, Desi said senior Amanda McAlear, president of Art Club.
Solomon, Casey Fry, Rebecca Whisler, Adriane Posey, Rhiannon Donahue. She was hopeful that more people would take an interest in and
Row 3: Louis Zimmerman, Justin O ' Connor, Melissa Lewis , Renee get involved with the Art Club next year.
Knowles, Beth Haberer, Tori Fowler. Row 4: Matt Davis, Jon Schumacher,
Kevin Jones, Megan Green, Wendy Buhs, Karen McHenry, Philip St. Clair.

(D. Hassel)
jennifer Yang

Have you hugged your tree today?

hen a student was looking for a sponsor to start an

W ecology club at PLHS four years ago, Laura Penn

was quick to take up the offer.

Penn said, jokingly.

"Little did I know what I was getting into," Ms.

Members were kept busy selling Earth Pops, T-shirts, bumper

stickers and posters.
This is Earth Society's second year with an "Adopt a Highway"
sign . It's located south of 84th St. and Hwy 370.
"We've collected trash in the past but now have a bigger
responsibility to keep the road clean," Krystal Roberts, junior,
Perhaps the worst part about involvement with the club was
being "overearthy". .A. Front row: Eve Halverson, Melissa Moore, Stephanie Vacek, Melis!
"We were looking for sweatshirts that used soybased ink, but in Buck, Krystal Roberts, Laura Penn; 2nd row: Lori Davis, Sarah Lightne
the long run, we found that the ink would do more harm than Mandy Heyen, Polly Montejano, Angie Eastep, Sarah McClellan, Jare
Bentley, Debra Williams, Jennie Tighe; 3rd row: Beth Haberer, Rent
good since it can't be reused," Eve Halverson, junior, pointed out.
Knowles, Melissa Lewis, Holly Newman, Kristi Robinson, Sarah Buechle
All in all, Earth Society was proud to be able to help raise Angela Smith, Barbara Lowery; 4th row: Sarah Torkelson, Natalee Skillma:
others environmental awareness. Randy Stotler, John Miller, Rob Draper, Liese Meier, Carrie Fay, Allisc

9~ Clubs
Shrier, Ranae Peters; Last row: Kim Bernet, Michelle Aduloju, Eliina Elliso
Roseann Smaage-Killian, Jackie Erdkamp, Kristen Moore, Heather Wren
(D. Hassel)
<Ill "I want tha t o ne! " J u ni o r Eve TJunior Melissa Moore tries to find
Halverson informs her fellow mem-
bers on her choice for t-shirr back-
ground colors. (S. Jenn)
so m eth in g for soph o m o re Barb
Masilko and junior Holly Newman
to get excited about. Q. Yang)

Creativity captured
in Golden Realm
he students of PLHS were given a chance to have their
original artwork and writings published in the Golden
Realm Literary Magazine. The categories for the
magazine included essay, poetry, short story, art, cover,
and, a new category, photography. The works were then judged
by the Golden Realm staff and several teachers at PLHS to
determine who would win the prize money awarded at the end of
the year.
"People enter the contest to win the money or to see their stuff
published," said junior Holly Newman.
i Front row: Kerrie Jones, Holly Newman, Amanda McAlear, and Melissa The money used to pay the winners and to publish the
Moore. Second row: Kim Prier, Jennifer Wallace, Megan Green, and Barb magazine came from what they raised at craft shows.
Masilko. (D. H assel)
"The best thing about Golden Realm is that it gives students
the opportunity to have their work published and for them to
take pride in themselves. It's an outlet to display their works,"
commented sponsor Miss Sandra Boswell.

Cara Wznde Berg and Jennifer Ytzng ~

T "I swear to comply with the laws

M and the rules of the mock trial proj-

ect," senior Courtney Cardaronella
says. (K. Kollars)


And the verdict is ...

'' M. ock trial gave me firsthand experience with
the legal profession," junior Chris Noda said.
A mock trial competition follows every
aspect of the legal procedure.
"Competition runs like a real court case," junior Toni McPhat-
ter commented.
"Poise is an important part of competition," senior Monique
White added.
Educational malpractice was the topic chosen for the year. It
was a fictional case about a girl suing her school district for lack of
basic knowledge of reading and writing. The team studied the
case at length for the competitions held at the Sarpy County
The team, sponsored by Kathy Kollars and coached by a local
attorney, Bob O'Neal, enjoyed success in the 1993-94 school
year. Regional champions and a fourth place showing at state
..&. First row: Courtney Cardaronella, Lindsay Dolce, Kathy Kollars, Austi
were the final outcomes. Voorhes, Brian Mclain; Row 2: Brian Mizer, Chris Noda, Monique Whit
Rob Draper, Eve Halverson , Wayne Bena; Row 3: Kristina Eisenbiesz, To1
McPhatter, Rochelle Redden , Cara Stirts, Melissa Sterzinger, Brandy
Roberts, Jarrett McNabb; Row 4: David Krenke!, Kim Parker, Stefanie Mo
row, Barb Masilko, Amanda Weir, James Shade. (D. Hassel)

'[M Mock Trial and Student Council

<1111 O bj ect ing to a ru lin g is se n io r T Stu . Co. members senio r Jenny
Austin Voorhe s, as jun io r Chri s Johnson and junior Emily Flansburgh
Noda and senior Brian McLain look prepare brackets for the annual sand
over their cases. (K. Kollars) volleyball tournament. (S. Jenn)

Student Council gets

'' I wanted to be more involved in my school, to make a
difference," senior Anise Adams said, explaining her
reason for becoming interested in Student Council.
Student Council members and their sponsor,
Kathy Flock, were very involved with school activities. They were
kept busy planning and organizing new student orientation,
Homecoming, student exchanges with other schools, kidnap a
teacher, and spirit Fridays on basketball game days.
The annual Nebraska Association of Student Councils camp
was attended by some members during the summer.
"Camp was a great learning experience for the kids, I'm glad
they had a chance to attend," Mrs. Flock commented.
~ First row: Dustin Quick, Krista Kirk, Mrs. Flock, Jenny Johnson, Rob "The motivational speakers really got me fired up about school
.ewis; 2nd row: Anise Adams, Chara Quinnelly, Lindsay Dolce, Monique
V'hite, Mike Teixeira, Josh Tresemer; 3rd row: Shauna Metschke, Kevin
spirit," senior Lindsay Dolce added.
ouerdyke, Kristen Moore, Tyler Moore, Emily Flansburgh, Neal Hughes, Leadership and involvement made for a successful year.
1ark Dreiling; 4th row: Jeff Fay, Ben Aken, Laurine Gilbert, T .J. Heinen,
.aura Thompson, Jackie Erdkamp. (D . Hassel)
0 ~ During the summer HOSA con- T A summer banquet brings togeth·

vention, senior Melinda Hauser finds er sponsor Mrs. Ortgies and PLH~
time to show off her talent at the Hall HOSA members Jared Bentley anc
of Stars in Nashville. (file photo) Melinda Hauser. (file photo)

What's up, doc?

OSA, which stands for Health Occupations Students of

H America, is a club for students interested in a health career.

HOSA members learned about many different health
"HOSA gave me the chance to pursue my interest of becoming a
doctor," junior Tim Bailey said.
Scrubby Bear was one of the services HOSA provided. The goal
was to inform elementary students of the importance of washing
The annual Bloodmobile held in April was a success. About 160
members from the community, students, and teachers gave blood.
The blood was then donated to the Red Cross. Senior Melinda
Hauser chaired the project with help from junior Shannon Yager.
"It's a great feeling when you see all the people willing to help oth-
ers by donating their blood," Hauser commented.
Members competed with other HOSA chapters at state and .A. First row: Lydia Ynclan, Tim Bailey, Jenny Maeder, Lisa Coleman, Holli
nationals. Competitions consisted of medical terminology tests, Cook, Jennifer Wallace; 2nd row: Mike Galvan, julie Armitage, Kevin Jone!
HOSA Bowl, speeches, and skill tests. Mrs. Jessop, Tim Swartz, Melinda Hauser, Jon Kirk; 3rd row: Jaemi Bear
Trisha Woods, Rhiannon Donahue, Lorenzo Morones, Chris Doyle, joh1
Heckathorn; 4th row: Phillip Graef, Krista Kirk, Katie Kothenbeutel, Shar

non Yager, Fara Galvan, Crissy Warren. (D. Hassel)

HOSA and Key Club

"'First row: N. Partridge, K. Robinson , E. Halverson, R. Dame, J. Kingman , B. Gray, M. Packard, C. Noda, A. Voorhes, R. Brady, L. Lape; 2nd
row: S. McClellan, C. Thompson, B. McLain, A. Cooper, M. Coursey, D. Hurt, J. Fay, G. Smith, H. Hipschman, J. Bellino, J. Lehman, D .
Quick; 3rd row: C. Pagan, M. Sten:inger, C. Stirts, M. Sten:inger, J. Bentley, L. Jackson, J. Kline, M. Ramplin, R. Bustle, H . Speice, M. Riddle,
·fl. Vacek, R. Lewis; 4th row: J. McCartney, L. Burton, J. Boggess, S. Kaskie, T. Ford, A. Eastep, R. Stotler, B. Johnson , B. Jensen , J. Miller, D.
Labuda, A. Osborn; 5th row: L. Scheideler, J. Miller, R. Donaldson, K. Arquitte, C. Fuerstenau, M. Bierle, K. Gunn , M . Classen, K. Fry, C.
J3rady, M. Checksfield, B. Masilko; 6th row: S. Buechler, A. Smith, K. Eisenbeisz, L. Friend, T . Smithberg, D. Ebisch, K. Grove, J. DeBoer, K.
·Crandall , C. Marsalis , K. VanDusen , K. Kolakowski ; 7th row: B. Lamp , B. Saathoff, J. Wiegert, K. Protzman, M. Stilen, J. Windham , J. Gle-
havicius, D. Riesberg, D. Dries, S. Lightner, M. Heyen; 8th row: B. Henderson, S. Sherwood, K. Moore , C. Shirkey, L. Bruner, L. Kasparek, S.
Metschke, S. Gawecki , J. Stice, D. Grant, S. Cheek, M. Aerts; Last row: C. Vande Berg. (D. Hassel)

Service is the key to

success in this club
ey Club successfully completed its second year of exis-

K tence at PLHS . It is a community service club spon-

sored by the Kiwanis.
"Key Club is a great way to get involved with the
school," senior Melissa Sterzinger said.
"There was a sense of fulfillment through the service projects,"
senior Austin Voorhes added.
Throughout the year, members raised money and volunteered
their time for many causes. The money raised from the penny
wars benefitted flood victims. Members picked up trash around
the school, played bingo with Huntington Park residents, and
baby-sat children during the Jaycees convention.
A $100 Key Club scholarship was awarded to a deserving
A This year's Mr. PLHS contest was
member who showed dedication and involvement through the
won by senior Doug Wilch . He 's year. Voorhes was the recipient. The money for this scholarship
flanked by senior host jud Kingman was raised from Rent-A-Senior day.
and junior hostess Dustin Quick (K.
T Stressing out over deadline dilem- .......Junior T.J . Heinert wants senior .... Row 1: Matt Sterzinger, Jud Kingman, Kellie Vallinch, Steph Olson, T.J.
mas are editor-in-chief senior Steph section editor, Mindy Minton to Heinert, Vu Pham Row 2: Delsey Sherrill, Sonya Peterson, Mindy Minton,
Olson and staff member junior believe he misplaced his copy on his Sara Dappen, Alexis Austin, Shannon Frederick, Julie Armitage, Mandy
Dawn Dries. (C. Vande Berg) disk. (C. Vande Berg) Brandt, Jenny Yang Row 3: Eve Halverson, Mandy Heyen, Nicky Haworth,
Sherri Neall, Dawn Dries, Laura Adams, Cara Vande Berg, Tricia Carnes,
Sarah Jenn, Kristi Robinson, Heidi Derr, Jami Brown Not pictured: Lisa
Coleman, Lynn Pendleton. (S. Minton)

<III!Fiashing smiles of relief, seniors A Taking a break from their busy

Sara Dappen and Alexis Austin are schedules are juniors Mandy Heyen,
excited to make their first deadline. Sherri Neall and Nicky Haworth.
(C. Vande Berg) (C. Vande Berg)

~ Yearbook
: : :
---= y

Stressed yearbook
staff? Never!!
ad organization finally come to the Journalism

H room? With papers and pictures scattered every-

where, organization was nowhere to be found.
Shirley Minton, the Yearbook adviser of four years,
tried to keep the work area as clean as possible.
Stress, however, got in the way of organization. It seemed to go
hand in hand with being a part of the Yearbook staff.
"Trying to get my stuff done while helping others at the same
time was the most stressful part for me," Stephanie Olson, senior
and editor-in-chief, remarked.
Photographers found deadlines to be stressful because the staff
could be demanding at times. ''Are my pictures ready yet?" was a
frequent question thrown their way.
~ Senior Shannon Frederick breaks "I felt like I lived in the darkroom around deadline time,"
away from her chaotic surroundings Sarah Jenn, senior photographer, said.
in the Journalism room. (S. Neall) When asked what was the most stressful part, Matt Sterzinger,
a junior on staff, said, "DEADLINES!!!!!" J{l~
J Brown, C. Vande Berg, and]. Yang J~
~ Back row: Andrea Corey, Shonda Overman, Tara O'Callaghan, Amy Bul-
lock, Cara Stirts, Mark Smith , Mike Streich , Louis Weitkam , Brent
Saathoof, Tony Kreis, Richard Duncan, Jeremy Pryor, Melissa Moore, Juli-
et Martin, Jason McCartney; First row: Brian Mizer, Carrie Hodsdon, Jaime
Bellino, Justin Luebbert, Jeff Bumgardner, Melissa Lewis, Renee Knowles,
Jenny Milligan, Holly Newman, Rochelle Redden, Angie Heywood, Katie
Schwalm. (S . Minton)

• • Listening to senior Louis • A group of sophomores show their • • Senior Amy Bullock is finding • What would the Craft Fair b
Weitkarn's jokes is a favorite pastime excitement on receiving their first out just how user friendly computers without seniors Mark Smith an
for the sports staff before, during, and issue of the Scepter. (C. Vande Berg) can be. (C. Vande Berg) Brian Mizer overseeing the mm
after deadlines. (C. Vande Berg) important details? (S . Minton)

~l Scepter Staff

The Scepter staff has

successful year
or only twenty-five cents, students could enjoy the school's

F news magazine, The Scepter. The Scepter is completely

written and put together by the newspaper staff. It is filled
with news, features, opinions, sports and club articles. There
were four issues throughout the year and each was met with great suc-
"I was very proud of how well the staff pulled together to meet
their deadlines," Shirley Minton, staff advisor, commented.
In the Journalism room, people were found running around
thinking of stories and brainstorming ideas.
Some staff members spent entire Sundays working, staring at
blank computer screens for hours and eating pizza.
"Working on the weekends gave me a chance to get to know
~ Creativity fl ows more freely fo r everyone better," senior Cara Stirts reminisced.
en ior Angie Heywood when she "All the hard work was worth it when an issue was completed. The
lkes advantage of the quiet journal- compliments make it all worth it," editor-in-chie£ Mark Smith said.
;m room on the weekends. (S . Jenn)

Cara Wznde Berg 94

.. The French club members are
gathering for their big scavenger
hunt. (S. Jenn)

.6. German Club. Front Row: Tracy Grimm, Joyce Earley, Pamela Richards.
Second Row: Jill Stultz, Jim Bang, Chris Whiteley, Krystal Roberts. Third
Row: Joe Strawn, Jill Morin, Paula Folland, Eric Knight. (D. Hassel)

.6. Russian Club. Front Row: Elaine Mathis, James Reeder, Carey Marsalis.
Second Row: Chip Needham, Paul Kempkes, Micheal Mizer, Jeremy Pryor.
Third Row: Ms. Julie Phillips, John Flechter, Adam Page, Jim Frazer, Mrs.
Astrid Ferony. (D. Hassel)

& Spanish Club. First Row: B. Cole, H. Wojdyla, K. Bloes, L. Weitkam, S. Woolhiser, T. Ford, A French Club. First Row: D . Grant, S. Kelly, M. Smith, K. Fox, C. Bornhoft, K. Robinso·
A. Heywood, J. Phillips. Second Row: J. Puckett, H. Peterson, S. McClellan, S. Vacek, R. Bus- Fry, A. Smith, A. Voorhes. Second Row: P. St. Clair, L. Thompson, S. Gawecki, K. Gun
tle, M. Kliewer, M. White, M. Krahmer. Third Row: K. Pfefferle, M. Olson, K. Olson, M . Dame, J. Neall, J. Johnson, K. Moore, A. Lodes, H. Wrenn. T hird Row: B. Weber, R. Stodc
Buck, R. Peters, S. LaPuma, M. Ramplin, M. Heyen, S. Lightner, A. Miller. Fourth Row: J. Parker, M. Ricci, R. Uniolee, J. Tigh, C. Cardaronella, N. Skillman, M. Aduloju , N. Mer
Taylor, R. Marshall, I. LaPuma, B. McLain, E. Halverson, C. Crook, J. Bieker, D . Riesberg, P. Fourth Row: K. Pfefferle, K. Goines , M. Pehrson, W. Buhs, B. Johnston, M. Spiegelm:
Montejano, M. Fredenburg, M. Lewis. Fifth Row: Z. McGuire, K. Weitkam, ]. Heckathorn, J. Williams, A. Stieg, M. Moore, K. De George, A. Hou, C. Heidelberg. Fifth Row: B. Tentin!
Sarver, T. Stoehr, B. Lamp, C. Shirkey, M. Classen, M. Bierle, M. Stilen. (D. Hassel) Robinson, ). Bartlett, J. Shade, D. Thomas, D. Williams, C. Branch, B. Haberer, R. Knowle,
Lewis, R. Draper, J. Knapple, M. Buttry. (D. Hassel)
T Russian club members gather to
talk to their Russian teleconferencer
in Lincoln. 0. Brown)
/th s~ ltin E"91im!
A0 hi.<IJI.O /"lfe:;/
R He roeoP!() llO·QHrJMIICIQ\

Foreign Language
clubs adds variety
oreign Language clubs were a way for students to get

F together and share different cultural ideas. "It is great to

socialize with people of the same foreign interests," said
senior Jeff Scherzberg. Ms. Paula Folland along with her
German club members looked forward to their trip to Germany
during the year.
"The French club is a fun way to learn about the culture," said
senior Kristi Robinson. Eating different foods along with prepar-
ing fun activities were some of the things French club members did.
The Spanish club was off to a successful start. It was the first
organized Spanish club at PLHS. "It is something that has motiva-
tion and interest to accomplish a lot," said sponsor Ms. Julie
..&. Senior German club members Jill Russian was the newest addition to the variety of foreign lan-
Stultz and Christy Swanson prepare guages available to the student body. The Russian club continued
for their trip to Germany. (C. Vande through its second year. "Russian club gives me the capability of
being a good leader," said senior Carey Marsalis. JJ
]ami Brown
T Seniors Kyle Hendrickson and T~ ITS senior members Eryn Cleve-
Amy Williams watch intently as Jesus land, Nathan Hughes, and Chara
comes to Jerusalem in jesus Christ Quinnelly take a rest from peddling t-
Superstar. (K. Schwalm) shirts at state convention. (file photo)

A "Shoot! I forgot that line again!" ~ Bloody Mary (Laurine Gilbert)

Junior Travis Brown takes his frus- smiles happily as Lt. Cable (Michael
tration out on the stage as he calls for Jareo) falls in love with her daughter
his lost line. (K. Schwalm) Liar (Tori Fowler) (K. Schwalm)

~.f- ITS/Play Production

~ " That 's what friends are for!" 'Y The cast of jesus Christ Superstar
Seniors Jason Boggess and Jus tin
Luebbert lend junior Michelle
Pehrson a helping hand. (S. Neall)
belts out a chorus of "Hosanna" to
welcome J esus to J erusa lem . (K.

Drama takes center

stage at PLHS
tudents interested in drama had the chance to join the

S International Thespian Society (ITS) or audition for Play

Production, an advanced theater class for those seriously
considering the stage as a career.
ITS is an organization that gave students a chance to see how a
one-act play or major production was put together.
"No one in our school knows what really good actors we have.
On the first day of Play Pro, I met all these people I had never
seen before and was surprised by their talents, " said senior Jason
This year the drama department welcomed a new teacher, Jeff
& Row 1: Rob Draper, Nathan Hughes, Jon Fast, Shonda Overman, Eryn Nienhueser, formerly of McCook High School. He was pleased
Cleveland, Chara Quinnelly, Angie Wenzel, Todd O'Dowd. Row 2: Sarah by the wealth of talent he found in the PLHS drama students.
Danley, Jessica Bailey, Sean Mallary, Sunny Dickey, Travis Brown, Kristen "There are a lot of talented kids and we should feel lucky to
Moore, Chris Noda, Alissa Malek, JeffNienhueser. Row 3: Ed Osdund, Eliz- have them to put on a big production, " said Mr Nienhueser.
abeth Wisner, April Iverson, Kim Parker, Mike Johnson, Amy Bullock, Far- He finished his first year at PLHS with the spring musical,
rah Bolish. Row 4: Michelle Pehrson, Jason Boggess, Tori Fowler, John South Pacific.
Kuhn, Ryan Cole, Konrad Lindner, Meredith Spiegelman, Mary Walker,
Paul Ripley, Kirk Arquitte, David Krenke!, Jay Spiegelman, Candise Nash .
(S. Neall)
D T First Row: Michael Thomas, Cara Stirts, Mrs. Barb Reed, Melissa Sterzinger, Robert Smyth Sec-
ond Row: Mark Smith, Ryan Cole, Austin Voorhes, Craig Underhill, Phil Chamberlain, Ed Haas

E Third Row: Dustin Durant, Jeff Coleman, Eric Danley, Ken Hurley, Matt Kucera (D. H assel)

, ,, RIGHT
Yw 'R ~iJPOih

Debaters argue to
prove their points
ebate was a class of speaking on a national

D topic that was researched . The topic was

taken to tournaments and debated. This club
taught students how to research and speak in
front of others. The Debate club during the year was
involved in the student congress. This was where every
school wrote bills and then chose which bill they want-
ed to use and compete with it. Debaters from Papillion
attended this congress at Mercy High school. "It was a
lot harder than I thought it would be," said senior
Courtney Cardaronella.
Cara Stirts and Melissa Sterzinger had an outstand-
ing performance at the Central tournament where they ~Row 1: Steve Bateman, Mandy Heyen, Angela Eastep, Toni McPhatter,
ended up winning. "I enjoyed the past two years of Sarah Lightner Row 2: Matt Sterzinger, Lindsay Doke, Courtney Car·
debate thanks to my teacher Mrs. Reed," said senior daronella, Jennifer Knapple, Justin Luebbert, Toby Jacques Row 3: Bobby
Johnson, Nick Hencke, Mark Dreiling, Steve Smyth, Jenny Maeder, Frank
Mike Thomas. To end the year with a bang, the debaters Ibero , Staci Sharp (D . H assel)
burned all of their evidence in a bonfire.

'9./j Debate and Forensics

~Row I: Angie Wenzel, Chara Quinnelly, Laurine Gilbert, Sunny Dickey, Chris Noda, Michelle Pehrson,
Todd O'Dowd Row 2: Wayne Bena, Alissa Malek, Kristen Moore, Michelle Kliewer, Monique White, Eve
Halverson Row 3: John Kuhn, Jennifer Knapple, Amy Bullock, Louis Wietkam, Melissa Johnson, Alison
Shrier, Konrad Lindner Row 4: Eilleen Johnson, Carrie Bornhoft, Cherish Heidelberg, Stephanie Minor,
' Ryan Feldt, Jennifer Tremblett (D. Hassel) 0

Students speak out

for championship

he members of the 1994 Forensics team were the state
speech champions. In Forensics you pick an event and
go to meets to compete in it. There were different
events which include public speaking and interp
speaking. "It was great being on state championship team and
meeting people as crazy as I am," said senior Doug Wilch.
During the year the team went to major competitions at
Augustana College in South Dakota and Hastings College.
"Forensics is like getting a credit for arguing," said senior Ed
Ostlund. Seniors John Kuhn and Amy Bullock qualified for the
National Tournament in Kansas City.
"Perhaps the most memorable part of this year was when we
•Row 1: Stephen Croucher, Sarah Buechler, Kimberly Kolakowski, Nate Hughes, won the state championship," said senior Jennifer Knapple.
Rob Draper, Kari Brockman, Jon Fast, Mark Dreiling Row 2: Kate Crowder, Barb Mrs. Ruff was the leader of Forensics. The hard work and ded-
Masilko, Sarah Monk, Louise Bruner, Mary Stilen, Dawn Stilen, Randy Stotler, Bart
Johnston, Mike Buttry Row 3: Jon Miller, Angela Smith, Sarah Torkelson, Natalee ication seemed to pay off. The students were happy with the per-
Skillman, Brian Linnell, Roni Rush, Jaime Masek, Jon Franta, Jason Boggess, Ryan formance that resulted in winning the state championship.
Cole Row 4: Hyrum Wilson, Paul Hinrichs, Mandy Wilcox, Kim Parker, Jason
Shores, Solomon Fortune, Glen Ellison, Wes Kuhns (D. Hassel)

]ami Brown JJ
,.-Free Spirit Front Row: Chara Quinnelly, Rob Draper, Jodi Janssen, Travis ,.- C hamber Singers Front Row: Jennifer Jessop, Liese Meier, Julie Papp,
Brown, Laurine Gilbert. Row 2: Sunny Dickey, Konrad Lindner, Eryn Alissa Malek, Kristen Moore, Misty Hill. Row 2: Jennifer Larsen, Aaron Jes-
Cleveland, Wes Dickey, Cami Fuerstenau, Nathan Hughes. Row 3: Kristy sop, Brenda Elze, Jared Bendey, Delsey Sherrill, Todd O'Dowd, Kristen
Johnson, Kyle Hendrickson, Christy Swanson, Jon Fast, Pat Wilson, Jen- Eggers. Row 3: Josh Masters, Jaime Masek, Jason Boggess, Ryan Cole, Holly
nifer Bardett, David Krenkel. (D. Hassel) Rightnowar, David Krenkel. (D . Hassel)

A Concert Choir Front Row: J. Janssen, K. Moore, J. Jessop, A. Malek, A. A Sophomore Select Choir Front Row: Trishia Meyer, Moriah Jones, Meliss:
Varner, F. Ibero, R. Smaage-Killian, M. Packard, K. Politte, R. Cheever, A. Asbury, Lisa Tucci, Carolyn Chavez, Sarah Hambrecht, Laura Thompson
Leatherwood, M . Hill. Row 2: J. Fast, K. Daniels, E. Maryanski, S. Dickey, Jessica Bailey. Row 2: Kim Bernet, Candise Nash, Tammy Faubion, Kati•
R. Draper, N. Hughes, A. Williams, B. Nordquist, L. Lemm, E. Johnson, L. VanDusen, Jill DeBoer, Shenea McGeehan, Tracy Stoehr, Lindsay Olson
Paquette. Row 3: J. Larsen, J. Wilson, L. Meier, J. Slie, J. Szynskie, T. Indhira LaPuma. Row 3: Ryanne Marshall, Daisy Curtis, Kelli Schlegel
Brown, L. Gilbert, J. Papp, H. Hipschman, M. Ellerbeck. Row 4: A. Wenzel, Matt Ziegler, Dan Williard, Troy Kimminau, Jenny Glover, Jill Marchisic
K. Eggers, N. Haworth, J. Robinson, K. Waller, C. Miller, A. Miller, D. Row 4: Katie Crowder, AJ!yson Chidester, Erica Martin, Kerri Jones, Dyru
Stilen, L. Burton, J. Willmore, D. Sherrill, K. Johnson. Row 5: C. Quinnelly, Podwinski, Rebekkah Tyner, Sara Hawkins, Heather Speice, Kim Piersor
C. Swanson, S. Vincent, C. Fuerstenau, J. Bardett, J. Hodge, A. Vessar, J. Row 5: Kathy Goines, Jamie Philippi, Brittany Lamp, Brett Eggett, Kurti
Hamor, A. Jessop. Row 6: J. Bendey, H. Rightnowar, B. Lubberstedt, B. Boukal, Michael Jareo. Row 6: Mary Walker, Neal Hughes, Josh Curto, Jot
Diamond, W. Dickey, K. Hendrickson, M. Burrington, M. Ruff, T. Christiansen, Derrick Fuller, Paul Kempkes, Sebastian Nastase. (D. Hassel:
O'Dowd, J. Riggs. Row 7: C. Carlson, J. Miller, J. Masters, T. Schwartz, R.
Cole, E. Osdund, J. Kuhn, J. Boggess, P. Wilson, D. Krenke!, I. Ullvang. (D.

~ Chorus
T Lazing out under the bright sun-
light, six chorus members take time
out to appreciate the weather. (S.


Dedication reigns in
Chorus Year Round

he vocal music department consisted of five groups. The
sophomore select choir prepared the students for concert
choir. For students to get into sophomore show choir, they
had to audition. Its purpose was to prepare the students for
Chamber Singers or Free Spirit, the advanced choir groups for juniors
and seniors, which also required auditions.
"Chamber Singer's are more a cappella stuff. In Free Spirit there's
more dancing; the songs are semi-modern," said Michael Jareo,
Chorus kept busy performing all over Omaha. The concert choir
also had four seasonal competitions every year. On their first one in
~Sophomore Show Choir Row 1: Moriah Jones, Jenny Glover, Tammy February, they were given a superior rating!
aubion, Sarah Hambrecht, Katie VanDusen, Tracy Stoehr. Row 2: Kim "Choir takes a lot of dedication. You get new experiences with
'ierson, Ryanne Marshall, Michael Jareo, Jamie Philippi, Mary Walker.
singing, " said Holly Rightnowar, junior.
.ow 3: Sara Hawkins, Brett Eggett, Neal Hughes, Paul Kempkes, Sebastian
"Mr. Cecil's an awesome teacher that gets things done. Chorus is
lastase, Rebekkah Tyner. (D. Hassel)
great because we get to meet new people at other schools when we
compete," said Jaime Hillman, junior. ~
]ennifor Yang
Heather Reichenbach and Jami
T The Flag Corps lines up after their Boeck-Seffron perform during half
performance and continues to march rime at the Hom eco m ing football
through the parade. (S. Neall) game. (K. Schwalm)

.A. Front Row: Roni Rush, Ginger Robbins, Heather Reichenbach, Christine
Pagan, Jaime Lubash, Dani Holveck. Second Row: Dallis Thomas, Michelle .A. The Flag Corps members perform
Abboud, Sherri Neall, Nicole Wright. Back Row: }annette Amweg, Jennie Tighe, during half rime at a home football
Jami Boeck-Seffron, Sarah Torkelson, Jaime Chamberlain, Kate Deicke, Katrina game. (K. Schwalm)
Pfefferle, Angela Albus, Julie Papp, Alycia Robbins. (D. Hassel)

~l F!dg Corps


Flag Corps creates


he Flag Corps added creativity to the band. They par-
ticipated in competitions and practices with the band.
The Flag Corps received two Superior ratings in the
Lincoln Public Schools and Nebraska State Band
Masters Association Marching Competitions.
When asked what the best and worst parts of participating in
the Flag Corps were, junior Sherri Neall said, "The best thing is
that it is a way to make a lot of new friends and the worst thing is
the early morning practices." "Morning practices are tough, but it
pays off," said junior Julie Papp.
Fundraising was essential to Flag Corps members because it
helped them pay for their uniforms. They were anticipating going
to Florida with the band in June which was also paid for with
fundraiser money. "Flag Corps is hard work but fun in the end, "
• A The Flag Corps enjoys partici- A The members of Flag Corps are said Sophomore Alycia Robbins.
pating in the State Fair parade. (S. getting ready for their early morning "Being part of Flag Corps is something I will never forget," said
Neall) practice with the band during th e
summer. (S. Neall)
Senior Jami Boeck-Seffron. Ili
T Mr. Kellett tries to explain to .... T "Left, right or right, left? Which
junior Farrah Bolish and sophomore way it is?! " Juniors Cassie Mehlin
Ricky Wiese the finer points of a and Shannon Powell try to remem-
trombone. (K. Schwalm) ber. (K. Schwalm)

.A. Sophomores Row 1: Kim Pryor, Barb Masilko, Angela Albus, Linda Bang, .A. Juniors Row 1: K. Politte, A. Jolly, J. Papp, S. Neall, K. Schwalm, C
Chris Lueder, Ashley Steig, Mandy Wilcox. Row 2: Dan Denton, Nathan Mehlin, C. Pagan, H . Haschalk, R. Cheever. Row 2: L. Coley, R. Mortensor
Seid, Jessica Null , Danna Labuda, Jon Miller, Theresa Happel, Kim K. Johnson, D. Dries, E. Ellison, M. Aduloju, S. Morrow, S. Powell, ~
Kolakowski, Allison Osborn. Row 3: Jennifer Knope, Adrienne Bullie, Marja Winderweedle, H. Newman. Row 3: B. Aken , B. Elze, N . Watson, E
Ricci, Kerri Roy, Molly Riddle, Chris Branch, David Williams. Row 4: Swiger, J. Tremblett, T. Stoves, F. Ibero, K. Eggers, C. Fay, J. Wilson, N.
Heather Reichenbach, Julie Williams, Brian Lionel, Hyrum Wilson, Randy Hill. Row 4: M. Streich, R. Naumann, S. Fortune, R. Pereksta, B. Lubbersted
Stotler, Sara Monk, Jeff Delzeit, Brandon Jensen. Row 5: Angela Smith, R. Tourangeau, C. Elston, J. Chamberlain, J. Lubash, R. Rush, C. Hetzle1
Scott Cologne, Josh Kuper, Michael Fillmore, Ricky Wiese, Dani Holveck, L. Meier. Row 5: N. Merwine, A. Litherland, K. Tedore, C. Crook, J. Krie1
Eric Kennedy, David Ulrich. (D. Hassel) R. Crick, C. Lukasina, D. Dijak, P. Denton, J. Strawn, F. Bolish. Row 6: l

'[}/j Band
Jessop, A. Cooper, M. Abboud, E. Mathis, J. Boggs, C. Needham , J. Shad,
D. Thomas, K. Pfefferle, J. Masek, J. Franta. (D. H assel)
~Senior John Kuhn purs some heart

and soul inro his music while junior T "Boy, I'm glad marching season's
James Shade tries ro ignore him . (K. over!" Junior Rich Pereksta informs
Schwalm) junior Cindy Crook. Q. Yang)


Band power steps to
• •
a supertor rattng
orne football, basketball, and state playoff games. What

H do these have in common? The PLHS Band. It played an

important part in what made up the school's spirit.
"We support all the athletic functions and work
extremely hard to represent the school well," said junior
representative Carrie Fay.
This year, the band placed 1st in the Labor Day Parade, 2nd in
the River City Round-Up Parade, and scored over 90 points in
their marching competitions.
! Seniors Row 1: Jenny Puckett, Juliet Martin, Sonya Woolhiser, Joyce Earley, These awards were achieved by getting up early during marching
Kelly Dort, Anna Jozefowicz. Row 2: Jason Lowry, Lissy Dyer, Tracy season, determination, and a good relationship between the
Grimm, Chris Wroten, Angie Wenzel, Anastasia Talley, Jenny Taylor. Row students and the band directors.
3: Hank Wojdyla, Bryan Stoves, Jason McCartney, Chris Thompson, Anne
With 137 students jammed into one room, harmony in the
Trumble, Adam Page. Row 4: Jim Bang, Kipp LiaBraaten, Scott Nielson,
Victoria Martin, Carrie Torkelson, Shannan Kelly, Kathryn Ganzel. Row 5:
band seemed a hard goal to reach. But it gave the feeling of being in
Ed Ostlund, Keith Olson, Jeff Bumgardner, John Kuhn, Kevin Martin, one big family.
Angie Heywood. (D. Hassel) "Band gets really frustrating sometimes but it's worth it in the
end because we all click together and work as a team," said junior
Misty Hill. fJ h~
]ennifor lang ~
T Senior Mike Hansen and junior TT Seniors Chad Kalal and Aaron
Jarrett McNabb tour W O WT with Barnes show off thei r attitudes at one
newscas ter John Knicely. (C. Van- of the FBLA conferences. (C. Van-
H ousen) H ousen)

A Row I: D. Wtlch, S. Minor, K Gosch, B. Gray, K Jones, C. Morrell, M. Buck. Row 2:

L. Dolce, J. Szynskie, C. Hodsdon, K Jones, R Peters, M. Spiegelman, ]. McNabb, D.
Pham, W . Buhs, A. Hou. Row 3: D. Williams, S. Danley, C. Faulkner, G. Casady, M.
Luth, B. Mclain, S. Ellis, T. McPhatter, J. Kline. Row 4: M . Hansen, W . Bena, A. Lodes,
L. Karre, T . Nespor, ]. Kidd, P. Richards, ]. Wallace, C. Kalal, M. Ramplin. Row 5: A.
Barnes, S. Peterson, R. Feldt, D . Solomon, J. Almdia, M. Classen, T. Smithberg, L.
Dearinger, A. Stone, J. Ostdiek, D. Wood.

); ~ FBLA
-- - - ---

~ T Seniors Tara O ' Callaghan ,

Jenny Szynskie, and junior Jesse Ost-
diek enjoy eating out on their FBLA
trip. (C. Van H ousen)
T FBLA members show off their
dance moves at the conference dance
in Cedar Rapids. (C. VanHousen)
news - Over the
President Ben Gray
was named the
National Mr. FBLA

Business attracts
FBLA students
BLA (Future Business Leaders of America) gave students

F the opportunity to get more involved in business classes

and taught them about business professions. The confer-
ences helped them prepare for their future as business
leaders. "FBLA has helped me pursue a business of my own,"
senior Stephanie Minor said. During the year, FBLA members
wrote a thirty page report for the State Leadership Conference.
They also donated money to the Red Cross and March of Dimes
through the annual Data Match project. FBLA had several fun
activities during the year. Club Olympics were held and also hay
rack rides, lock-ins, swimming and skating parties. They also par-
ticipated in several conferences.
"It is a great way to meet new people and business connec-
tions," junior Jesse Ostdiek said about the conferences.
Mrs. Cindy VanHousen was the advisor to FBLA. Senior Ben
Gray was the president.

]ami Brown
T At state, seniors Jason McCartney
and Chris Larson receive awards in the
TT Junior Jesse Ostkiek's campaign TT Seniors Brian Lee, Jacky Gal- T After speaking to the Optimis1
Retail Merchandising-SL. McCartney booth helped win him the spot of itzky, and Jaime Bellino show their C lub about DECA, sen iors Krist<
went on to nationals and placed in the District V Vice-President. (M . Chr istm as spirit by helping with Kirk and Eric Danley receive servict
top ten. (S. Olson) Logan) Toys for Tots. (file photo) awards. (file photo)

... First row: S. Welch, J. Erdkamp, J. Gal-

itzky, E. Danley, J. Bellino, Mr. Logan, L.
Dolce, H. Park, J. Armitage, M. White, K.
Kirk; 2nd row: K. Ulrich, J. Morin , B. Austin ,
A. Spilker, K. Roberts, P. Montejano, B.
Lowery, C. Fairbanks , H . Hipschman, B.
McNamara, }. Lawton, G. Smith; 3rd row: T .
Heinert, L. Pearson , K. Kothenbeutel, C.
Morrell, A. Roth, T . Hultz, C. Sporleder, S.
Olson, R. Bustle, K. Brockman, E. Maryans-
ki , R. Peters, M. Buck; 4th row: K. Cook, L.
Pomykalski, B. Lee, D . Tiedeman, D . Bettin,
C. Larson, S. Lowery, H . Neitzel, J. Ostdiek,
E. Hamblen, ]. Coleman, D. Pitchanau; 5th
row: B. Boyd, J. Szatko, K. Watts, C. Hayes,
S. Peterson, D . Wood, N. Steele, A. Barnes,
C. Wepfer, D. Fichna, B. Roberts; Last row: J.
Oswald, }. Lehman, D. Ralls, C. Shanahan, R.
Kuiken, K. Souerdyke. (D. Hassel)

T Members of DECA enj oy their
free rime while attending the Central
Regional Conference in Minneapolis.
(file photo)

Mixing business
with pleasure

he Distributive Educative Club of America, otherwise
known as DECA, is a group for students enrolled in
Marketing I or II.
State competition was held in Omaha at the Holi-
day Inn Convention Centre. Each competitor was given two role
plays, a math and a general marketing test. Role plays gave stu-
dents a chance to act out a job situation in front of a judge.
"The best thing about role plays is there's no right or wrong, it's
mostly spontaneous," junior Jenny Lawton said.
Junior Jesse Ostdiek was elected District V Vice-President for
the 1994-95 school year.
"This position is a great opportunity to learn more about the
business world," Ostdiek stated.
Senior Jason McCartney and juniors Ben Aken and Ostdiek
.A..A. The annual hay rack ride for
attended nationals in Detroit, Michigan.
DECA members proved to be fun for
seniors J ack Lehman a nd Eddie
"Making it to nationals made all the hard work I've put in the
Hamblen. (file photo) last two years worth it," McCartney remarked. J.
Cara Vande Berg
We're Outta Here
espite great controversy over several traditions held

D by seniors of the past, the Commencement Ceremo-

ny of 1994 took place seemingly without a hitch.
"The ceremony was long as usual, but very excit-
ing," commented graduate Bobby Lightner. The graduates chose
whether they wanted to wear maroon or white robes, and walked
alphabetically according to whomever's last name came first.
Once again in the University of Nebraska at Omaha Field-
house, the ceremony took place in front of a full house. Attended
by parents, relatives, and underclassmen, the ceremony was made
memorable by speeches presented by Wilfred Solomon, Court-
ney Cardaronella, Jeffrey Scherzberg, Monique White, and Ben-
jamin Gray. Junior Farah Foster remarked, "Monique's speech
was so moving."
1994 was a year of change, and change is something the grad- l ,/~ \J )[I \//()
uating class was not afraid to face. Their great diversity and
uniqueness was clearly reflected as the entire class tossed out the
old cliche' of throwing their caps into the air and replaced it with
"the wave". The Class of 1994 was definitely a class to remember.

.6. The keynote speakers at Co m- .A..A.Showing off how he wants the .6. Lined up to take their seats are
mencement '94 were graduates Ben- graduating ceremony to be is senior graduates Christopher Vanoeveren
Graduation jamin Gray and Monique White. (S. Rick Kuiken. (S. Olson) and Keri Winkler. (M. H eyen)
The w1nners of the 1993-94
Monarch Spirit Award, Jodi Janssen
and Chad Kalal, come together at
Commencement. (D. Hassel)

Commencement was a time for the

graduates to show their individual
styles, such as graduate Judson King-
man and his Looney Tunes tie. (S.

T Before the ceremony can begin, the

students line up behind the stage at
the Fieldhouse. (M . Heyen)
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Dear Shannon, Congratulations
There are not enough words to express just how much Courtney!!
love, pride, joy and happiness you have given us From your first day of
through the years. ~ are also so proud ofthe person Kindergarten, All the way
you have become, and we will always be there to love through today, We are so
and support you on to fulfilling all ofyour expecta- very proud of you every day.
tions in life. Keep Smiling C.D
Love Always, 'We Love you,
Mom, Dad, and ~s Mom, Dad, and
Courtney Knowles

We're so proud of
In our hearts, you will
always be "Our Little
Missy." We'll always
be there for you.
Keep Smiling!
Dad, Mom, and
Shannon Frederick Stephanie Vacek

CRAIG, Alyssa,
Yeeha, it's graduation!
You've grown so Now it's time to grab
much in what the reins of life, mount
seems so little time. up, and hang on! We
Now, you've have no doubt you'll
reached another stay in the saddle and
I, mile-st<?ne of your tame the future a.~ you
life and you won't did in the past. May
be sitting down for God always bless you.
this one. May all Love,
your dreams come Mom, Dad, and Jennifer

Mom, Dad,
and Chris

Craig Sporleder ,

Over the years I've
watched you grow and
change and have held
you close in my heart. I
can't believe it's time to
let you go. I love you
Jamie, and I will miss
my little girl. But I look
forward to knowing
Jamie Brandt
and sharing with the beautiful, fun loving young woman you have become.
I'm so proud of you. Remember, You can do all things through Christ who
gives you strength, you are precious in his sight, and mine too. You will
always be my baby girl, my daughter, my friend. Love Mom

Dear Chris,
We are happy that it is you
who made our family com-
plete, little brother and son.
We all love you and so does
Angela Heywood
God. May the Lord prosper
We are so happy for you and proud of your accomplishments. In addi-
you in your future.
tion to the credit that you have earned through a lot of hard work, you
have become a beautiful, talented and competent young lady. We
know that you will continue to excel and wish you good luck in the Barry.. Jeff, Greg,
future. We love you dearly. Mom&Dad
Chris Larson

~ want to take this oppor-
tunity to tell you once again
how very special you are to
us and that we all love you
very much.
Your Family

Jennifer Davis

Lisa Coleman
We're all so
proud of you.
May God bless
you always.
Mom, Dad,
Cathi and Cori

You have traveled the world.
You have had a hand in
MariAnn, everything while always
Congratulations, you made maintaining your faith.
it! There were times when we While life has been one
didn't think you would make "ODYSSEY'' after ano -
it, but you did. We're very ther, we know that you will
proud of you and your always "REMEMBER
accomplishments. Good luck
in your future endeavors. (W"e THE TIMES"
hope art school- hint, hint.) Love and God Bless,
LOVE, Mom, Dad, and

We're so proud of you. Good
Luck with your future. We'll
always be here for you.

Brenda Westlund

Debbie we are so proud of Congratulations!
proud of you.
you. Good luck with your We are thankful
every day that
future. We'll always be you are a part of
our family.
there for you. You're a wonder-
ful daughter!
Dad, Mom,
Ryan and Jordan
Glenda Baker

Love, Congratulations Darrin!

Dad, Your school years have gone
by so quickly for us. We
Mom, pray your college years will
continue to be as happy and
Inger and successful. We're very proud
of you and remember we'll
Andy always be there for you!
We Love You,
Mom, Dad, and Brian
Darrin Hurt

~~As Perfect As Perfect Can Be"

We Love you!!
Mom, Dad
Bryan & Brad

Jenny Bartlett

Sing to the Lordfor he has

done Glorious things; let
this be known to all the
Inger Ullvang
world. Isaiah 13:5
Inger, 'We are proud ofyou and
We had a great year with you as our exchange stu~
dent. Good Luck in the future.
will always love you.
Love Your Host Family;F Mom, Dad, and jenny
Dad, Mom, Debbie and Andy

Melissa Sterzinger

Lisa Coleman
Congratulations Audalyn, Dear Michael,

From before you were born, You worked very hard

through all your phases of you
and we're very proud of
growing up, you were and are a
constant source of pleasure and you. Remember, we'll
joy. Happiness is having you for a always be there for you.
daughter and a friend. We wish Love,
you luck, a happy and healthy life Mom&Dad
and success in your future. May
God's blessings always be upon
With Love Always,
Audalyn Vessar Michael Krautkrema

Congratulations Wes, Dawn Stilen,

What a beautiful young
We are very proud of you woman you have become ...
and your accomplishments inside and out.
and always will be! Congratulations on complet-
Our prayers and love will ing this important journey in
always be with you. your life!

Love Mom, Dad, Shauna Love Mom, Sean, and Mary

and Jeanna

Wes Sullivan DawnStilen

Tammi Love Sand,

To one hard working

young woman. We all
wish you the best.

Love Mom, your family

Tammi Love Sand
Dear Grandson
Congratulations Josh,
God outdid himself when he made
you! We're so proud of the fine
You're bright and eager, Christian man you'v e
Thoughtful and helpful and kind.
It's such a pleasure seeing become. We pray that you '11
the fine young man you've grown be successful in whateve r
into- you do.
Such a joy knowing
You're part of this family! Love,
And even though we're genera-
tions apart, Morn, Dad, Traits, Rachae 1,
We'll always have Sarah, Jessica, and Christina
The steadfast bonds of love and
osh Masters
To bridge that distance between us.
You make all the family proud ...
And very very happy! While others take the roa d
Always remember how much you that everyone has before, no t
are Loved, because it's right, but becaus e
And as you look forward to many it's easy and it's there, yo u
Bright and exciting tomorrow's,
Remember that those of us
find a path that's fair an d
Who came before ... just, and you clear it for the
Those of us who love and care others.
about you- We are proud of your abil 1-
Will always be with you in spirit, ty to stand a part from th e
We love you Brent-boy.
Cramps crowd!
and Love always,
Granny Mom, Dad, and Mike
Melissa Lewis

Carrie, Congratulations
We are so proud of
you and the beautiful
person you've grown
Thanks for all the F
special moments a
you've given our r J
family. We look a e
forward to sharing a
your new ad-
You'll always be
our "Little Girl" and Fara Galvan
"Baby Sister."
We are so proud of you and what you have become
May all your dreams take you to happiness. Goo d '
We love you, luck in the future. We will always love and support
Mom and Dad you.
Ally and Ben Love and God bless you,
Mom and Dad



Starring Kiley Reese

Directed by Kiley Reese
Produced by Dan and Toni Reese

"Kiley's life is a joy to

Omaha Wired Harold

Tommy Robinson "Exciting!"

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Congratulations Tom, "Watching 'Kiley's Life'

unfold is a happy experi- Kiley Reese
Our little "champ" has grown up. We are so proud ence." "Kiley's life - - what
of you! Aim high and all your dreams will come an event!"
true. In our hearts you are our "champion." Chicago Moon Times Chicago Trombone
Mom, Dad, and Kerri


If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don' t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don' t give way to hating,
And yet don' t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream- and not make dreams your master;

If you can think- and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build' em up with worn out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them : "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings-nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run-
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And- which is more- you'll be a man, my son!

Bartlett C. Hamilton III

Congratulations Ryan!!! Karen,

Ryan, Hats off to you ... and

Now it's time to look toward college. The years congratulations
have gone by too much quickly. we're proud of you!
Our friendship is everlasting, and it will always
keep us close. So, remember, whether you are near
or far, you can always count on me.
I'm very proud of you, and I'm hoping all your Mom, Dad, &
dreams come true. Mark
Karen Jellen

Felicia and Michelle

girls. I'm very very
proud of you. I knew
you could do it.

Love Ya Lots,

Ryan Sawn Michelle & Felicia Lyons

We're glad we named you Judson

Not Bill or Fred or Bob.
We're glad you finished high school,
Go out and get a job.
Mom and Dad

Jennifer Kidd

For 18 years we' ve planned for this year, the year that you
would be a senior in high school. Noticed that I said "planned for"
and not "prepared for". There's a good reason for that and it's
because parents are never really prepared for that time, well not
these two parents anyway.
We're finding the old saying "it's never easy letting go" to be
very true. The days seem to have gone by so fast as we have
watched you grow into a beautiful young woman that you are.
You have and always will make us very proud.
We know that you'll succeed in anything and everything that
you put your heart into. You deserve the best out of life because
Mom and Dad
Congratulations Dearest Monique,
To My Senior: There are still so many things we want to say and do with you that
You've grown up time just won't permit.
to be quite a young
Your accomplishments throughout school have been outstanding
man . You have and we want you to know that we are the PROUDEST PARENTS IN
helped me through THE WORLD. We thank God for giving you to us. You've brought so
quite a lot and have much joy into our lives it will be hard to let go.
been through quite
May you continue to excel in all you do and always walk with God.
a lot yourself. We love YOU.
"I'm Proud of you, CONGRATULATIONS!
Dad and Mom

Brent Saathoff
You are the poem
I dreamed of writing the masterpiece I
longed to paint.
You are the shining star
I reached for
in my everlasting quest
for life fulfilled
You are my child
Now with all things
Love, Mom and Dad J~ ~~
Monique White

Life flies by in the blink
of an eye
But always remember ...
We are forever here to
cheer YOU on!


Mom, Dad, Jared &

Kristi Done
We are so Jason!
lucky to have
been blessed Love,
with a Mom, Dad and
wonderful Scott
daughter like Jason Lowry
Jill-Hooray! You Made It!
We're so proud of you- watch-
Kristi Robinson ing you grow from a sweet little
baby into a pretty young lady!
Congratulations on all of your We're always there for you on
whatever path you choose to
accomplishments. follow!
We are so proud of you.
Keep up the good work. CONGRATULATIONS!
Mom, Julie, Joel, & Mark
We love you
P.S. How about a rousing game
of "Ha-Ha Herman" with the
Mom and Dad Jill Mickells twins?!!

Jay, Congratulations Bud!

You are a Great son. You
have given us many happy It's been exciting and challeng-
ing to say the least. You've
memories. Congratulations brought excitement and learn-
on achieving this important ing to us through your youth.
milestone; we know it is just We hope and pray for only the
best that life has to offer you in
one of many to come. your future. We're behind you
We Love You. 100 % and always remember-
Mom and Dad Your family is your strength and
we all love you.
Aaron Barnes Mom, Dad, Stacy, and Tracy.

Congratulations Billy!!

We can't believe your

Big Day is here. We are
so proud of you and all
of your accomplish-
ments. We will always
pray for your happiness
and success. We will
always be there for you.
Stephen Justin Luebbert Mom and Dad
Billy Hipsher

Same smile, same look We have so many memories that you have
as 13 years ago. Yes Lori, given us over the years and will always be
you did make it and you tucked away in a special place in our hearts.
did a great job doing it. Because you're such an important part of our
We are very proud of lives, it is with great pride we congratulate you
on your accomplishments thus far and extend
you and know that you our wishes for your continued happiness and
will work very hard to success.
achieve your dreams.
Liebe, We love you,
Mom, Dad & Lee Erin Maryanski Brace, Mom, Joy & Kara
Lori Davis

Dearest Daughter, Andy,

Many times you have You are more than
proclaimed, "I'll never grow what we dreamt a son
up!" Don't let graduation would be. You have
throw you . Hang on to your brought more joy to our
childlike enjoyment of life. hearts than we ever
You're special sweetie thought possible. Keep
never forget it! Remember your spirit and sense of
your heavenly Father cher- humor.
ishes you far more than we do We'll love you always,
and we love you tons ...
Andy Estell Mom and Dad
Mom&Dad P.S. Are you ever going to quit biting your lip when you're ner-

IS a
You've given a
lot of joy and
"Happy times"
to your family. Caring,
We're so proud Loving
of you. We wish Person.
you the best of
luck with your
She brightens our
future. lives in so many
ways, every day.
Love, She is a very
special Someone.
Mom, Dad,
Becky We love you,
& Kelly Your Family
Lissy Dyer
JODI LYNN Congratulations Ryan!
We are very
proud of you We're so proud of
and each and you. Good Luck
with your future.
every one of We'll always be
your there for you.
accomplish- Love,
ments. Mom and Dad
Good luck with
your future
endeavors. Dear Alexis,
Congrats! We're all
Never lose that proud of you and will
winning smile be thinking of you next
and Bubbly year in College. Good
Luck in what ever you
Personality. do-and wherever you
Love-Dad &
Love ya,
Mom Mom, Dad and Hill

On a stormy evening 18 years ago
today, you brought "Sunshine" into our
lives. you have brightened every day
since. We are truly grateful that God
blessed us with a sister and daughter
like you and are doubly grateful that He
delivered you, Wes, Christy, and
Brantley from what was almost certain
tragedy. "You are the light of the world
... Let your light shine before men that
they may see your good works and
glorify your father which is in heaven."
Matthew 5:14,16. The Lord has given
you many talents and we know that you
will use them to glorify Him.

If you ever need ANYTHING - call

Su nny Dickey Love-Mom, Dad & Wes
Eve Halverson
Roots to Grow
E Freedom To Fly.
L Best Of Luck
s In Your Journey.

A We Love

We are very proud of you. You have Mom

worked hard and accomplished a lot &
these past four years. Keep up your
determination and all your dreams
will come true.
Mom, Dad and Bobby

Melissa Luth Chris Wepfer

Dreams are imagination running wild,
both those of adults and of a child.

Thoughts that we conjure will whisk us away,

to realms of tomorrow-and yesterday.

Though dreams sometimes really do come true,

'tis not for the many yet for a few.

The books, plays and music at least-so it seems,

are arts and so often, results of one's dreams.

So dream evermore for your future will be,

results of those thoughts through eternity.

Way toGo!

Congratulations, Louis
you made it.
We're very proud
to have a son like you.

Now, the future is

in your hands.
It's all up to you
to make the best of it.

We all love you!

Mom, Dad, brother & Kitty

Louis Zimmerman

A million smiles you've given us
And countless times of joy.
We've watched you grow up quickly, You're no longer in
A fine young man from "our little boy". pigtails,
but you remain our
Our love & prayers go with you now
favorite daughter.
As you head out on your own.
We know you'll be a great success
Traveling through life away from home. Congratulations!
We wish you well with all our hearts, Love,
Our lives more richly blessed,
For all the years you've shared with us, MomandDad
Cara Vande Berg
Our love to you and much success!

Matt Greenberg
Cousins Jeff & Angie Scherzberg

Angela Scherzberg
Dear Angie,
You have changed from a little girl
we called Socko into a beautiful and
caring young woman. We are very Jeff,
proud of your choices and what you You have
stand for. Continue to walk with God
always brought
and follow your dreams. Remember,
there is a miracle in every new begin- us joy... well, most
ning! of the time.
We'll miss you
We love you, very much! Dad,
Mom, Dad, Emily Mom, Brandon,
&Jamie Brett, Mathew, &

Jeff Scherzberg

Lori Davis
MelYs'a Congratulations,
We are really lucky to have
been blessed with a daughter
like you. One of our greatest
We loved you as the sweet little girl that you
joys has been watching you
grow into a beautiful lady.
were and we love you still as the wonderful
You have been such a joy in young lady you've become! We are very proud
our lives. We pray that success of you! We'll always be there for you.
will come your way in every- Good Luck!
thing you do as you go for-
ward sharing your laughter Love,
and love of life with others.
We will always give our love Mom, Dad, and Bryan
and support as you choose
and travel the various paths
through life.

Mom, Dad, and Jeff

PS. Our best wishes to all

your graduating friends and
especially to our "adopted"
daughters - Kari, Dawn, Erin,
Heidi, Coretta, and Colleen.
Melissa Hanson KellyDort

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R Love,
Mom, Aunt Jackie &
Aunt Gina
Bellevue, Nebraska
You were six months old andfoU offon. With a blink ofmy
eye, you were suddenry one. There were so many things we were
going to do, but I turned my head andyou turned two. At two you
were very dependent on me, but independence took over when you
turned three. But when I lit the candles, there weren't three, there
were four. Wry wok at you now, you're already five. Now you are
ready for books andfor rules. The big day came, you were anxious
to go. ~ walked to school going oh, so slow. As you walked inside
and wavedgood-bye, I felt a lump in my throat and tears stung my
eyes. Time goes so fast, it's hard to believe, thatjust yesterday you
. were home here with me. And tomorrow when you drive home and
you walk in to the house, you'U be wearing your cap andgradua-
tion gown. So Pm holding on to these moments as hard as I can,
because the next time I wok, I'U be seeing a man. We'w so proud
ofyou, Bwnt!
Love, Mom & Dad
You are the sunshine in our lives. Now we must
share your loving light with a world that needs
your compassion so desperately. We all know the
hard work you put toward accomplishing this goal.
Congratulations! As you move forward in life, keep
your childlike spirit. We are very proud of you.
We love you forever!
Dad, Mom, Rita,
Carolyn, Kelli, Katie & Megan

Kari Brockman

is like a load of
mill-ends. just stick to
it, and you will get
all that wood into the
garage - Success will come.

W'ere proud ofyou!

Brian McLain

Eve Halverson

We saved the summer Congratulations Champ!

and we give it aU to you
to hold on winter morning
Go tackle the
when the snow is new.
We saved some sunlight
world ........... remember
if you should ever need your family will always
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed
be your loving fans!
For ourselves we kept your smile
when you were but seventeen,
till you're older you11 not know Love, Mom, Dad,
what brave young smiles can tnean. Neal, Tamara and
We know noan<~wers
to help you on your way Brian
the answers lie somewhere
at the bottom of the day.
Butifyou'vea need for love
We'U give you all we own
it might help you down the road
till you've l'oUJid your own. Nathan Hughes
Love, Mom and Dad,
Wes, Mugsie,
Kirby, Typo and Beavis

What a cutie you have always been-

and a joy.
Mindy Minton
And may your We love you and wish you the
bowl of cranber- best in your future in the
ries always be marines. We will miss you.
Love you! Love,
Mom, Dad, Marya, and Bandit
Shawn Miller

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Sonya Peterson & Julie Armitage

Hey girl! Remember how we were! We have
made quite a team throughout the years. Thanks for
standing by me each step of the way. Without you I
probably would have been lost. Sara Dappen

Love Ya Like A Sister
You finally 111ade it!
Your Best Friend Sonya Peterson

I am so proud of you! I know these last few years weren't
falways easy but you held in there. There were a lot of adjust-
'ments you had to make. I'm especially proud of the person
you've grown to be (but is it auk to wish you were still my ulittle"
girl?). I know there's a lot more yet to come that we will enjoy
I together. I love you.


T ric i a,
To see Daddy's little girl grow up is hard but
I'm thankful you've become such a beautiful
young lady. Our love will always and forever
be with you. Congratulations!
Dad &Sheri

Our friendship is one of the A message from
most important parts of my life.
In good and bad times I' m
always there for you . Always
believe in yourself, you're the
only person who can make your You never know how much you have unt:
dreams come true. you are forced to leave it. I
My family and I are always realized this when I moved away. I stil
here for you - and so is
everyone else! remember all of my old classmates an<
teachers. Not a day goes by that I don't thin]
Friends Always, about PLHS.
Congrats Class of '94. I wish I could hav1
been there with you.
Jenny Szynskie
Thanks for all the years
of laughter and
memories! You are my true
and forever friend. Love,
Your Bud,
Kellie John Bushko
(BFF) Pickerington, Ohio

P.S. Good luck next year,

but this is surely not good-

Lisa Coleman Kellie Gosch


Lisa, Kellie,
You've grown so fast. What a As a little girl in pigtails,
wonderful young adult you we didn't realize how soon it
have become . The world is was going to be your turn to
yours, make your life what you go out and Conquer the
want. Your family will always World.
be here for you.
Best of luck.
Mom, Stephanie
& Kailee FOREVER We love you,
Dad, Mom & Tim

Kristi, Stacey,
Though we may be miles I'll never forget all the
apart, our hearts are full of fun times we've shared,
love for you. your friendship means so
So selfless! y you gave us much to me . I've always
your heart, in return we known you cared (even in
gave you ours . Our love 7th grade!). Thanks for
will endure throughout making my school years
eternity. unforgettable.
Love, Friends Forever!
Elise, Clay, Alex Love,
Kristi Robinson
& Corinne Lingard Laura

Look how far we've come. Just
think 7th grade we didn't really
know each other, but it has
grown over the years. Now look
at all the memories we've
shared. Even through the "acci-
dents" (such as Fun-Plex). We've
been there for each other and I
hope we'll keep being there for
each other forever.
Love ya always,
The Food Drawer-That says it all. Stacey
Juliet, Victoria Martin, Kristi Robinson

Love is an action,
a feeling of care.
Love is a hug,
Senior staff members on
a smile you share.
Love is a thought,
Yearbook and Scepter. I
an understanding ear.
Love is saying, hope you make all of life's
"I'm always here".
It's the arms that'll hold you deadlines.
when you are feeling low.
It's the heart of gold, Love,
behind the hand you hold.
A shoulder to cry on,
or one just to sigh on.
Mrs. Minton
Love is a friendship
that never ends.
Being loved is being with friends.

JoAnne Derks, Tricia Carnes,

Stacy Deatz, Melinda Hauser

Lori Davis
._Juniors Katie Kothenbeutel, Erin
Kline, and Stacy Swaim leave their
dares at prom to get together for a
friendly group picture. (S. Peterson)

~ Senior Chara Quinnelly ends the

year with a "splash," except she forgot
to put water in the bathtub. (S. Dickey)

~ Closing
To Rememher is to
sa.vor the moment a.ruf to smife or cry
a.t af[ the memories.
To forget
some of the time s~nt a.t
pra.ctices or with Jrierufs is to on[y once remember.
At sdioo[ students
remem6ered homecoming, prom, ga.mes,
reCa.tionships a.ruf lia.rcf work.
Seniors wfw gra.cfua.ted
from Papi!Cion. LaVista fuu{
a. new future of Cife a.ruf a. clia.nce
to go for their own persona£ goafs. As
uruferda.ssmen went
through Hi9h SdiooC they sought out
new experiences a.ruf (ea.rnecf tha.t times go

Sophomore Mike Teixeira finds

>best outfit for his National Honor
·ciety's initiation. (H. Derr)

Julie Armitage '[}.!)_

240, 256 Baumgarten, Alex 69,
Armstrong, Kara 89 181
Armstrong, Mike 28 Baumgarten, Natalie 89
Armstrong, Scott 36 Baustert, Todd 36
Arquitte, Kirk 187, 195 Baustert, Troy 89, 114
Arrigo, Karen 36, 46 Bazis, John 21, 89
Asbury, Melissa 89 Bean, Jaemi 36, 186
Augeri, Mario 89 Beattie, David 144
Ausenbaugh, Kristina 89 Beaty, Adam 89, 114
Austin, Alexis 14, 36, Beck, Daniel 89
188,231,256 Beckman, Dennis 118,
Austin, Budge 8, 12, 69, 164
Angela Kelly
136, 137 Beckstrom, Jason 89
Beckstrom, Justin 114
I Love You,
I Love You, B Bellino, Dominic 89
Bellino, Jaime 15, 36,
58, 149, 187, 190,
I Love You. Bacon, Jeff 69 207, 228
Bailey, Jessica 89, 195 Bena, Wayne 69, 184,
Bailey, Tim 186 204
Daddy Baker, Bobby 36, 114, Bennett, Beth 138
115, 164, 165 Bennett, Latoya 36
(understand?) Baker, Dylan 89 Bentley, Jared 36, 182,
Baker, Glenda 36 187
Allen, Zeppelin 89 Balagot, Robin 69, 114, Berg, Barb 164
A Allgood, Leonard 164
Allmendinger, Corey 89
Baldwin, Jason 89
Berg, Trent 69, 136
Bernal, Dave 69
Abboud, Michelle 69, Allred, Chris 69, 180 Ballinger, Steph 144 Berna tow, Andy 69, 14:
202 Allred, Ryan 180 Bandy, Vicki 164 Bernet, Kim 89, 182
Abboud, Pat 136 Almeida, John 89, 136, Bang, Jim 36, 158, 159, Bernhardt, Carrie 36
Abrahamzon, Adam 36 204 167, 192, 203 Bernth, Terry 136
Adam, Tanya 69 Altstadt, Dawn 89 Bang, Linda 89, 116, Berube, Christine 89
Adams, Anise 36, 185 Amill, Jazhan 89, 114 202 Berube, David 36
Adams, Laura 36, 120, Amweg, Jeanette 36 Barber, Megan 89, 1 t6 Berve, Tom 164, 180
121, 188,241,256 Anderson, Carrie 89 Barner, Amy 89 Bessey, Tom 144
Adolf, Joey 138 Anderson, Jason 89, 114 Barner, Christopher 36 Bettin, David 36, 136,
Aduloju, Michelle 69, Anderson, Natasha 36, Barnes, Aaron 13, 36, 206, 207
158, 165, 171, 182, 74 54, 146, 147, 204, Beyer, Nolan 120, 138,
192, 202 Anderson, Yugi 36 206, 229 164
Aduloju, Stephanie 144 Andsager, Robert 89 Barnes, Maureen 6, 69, Bieker, Jill 89, 126, 127
Aerts, Amanda 89, 187 Arch, Rick 89, 144 151 192
Agee, Andre 69, 87 Archbold, David 89 Barr, Shannon 69, 180 Bieker, Wesley 89
Ahlman, Katie 138 Archer, Amaan 89 Bartlett, Bryan 136 Bierle, Amanda 89, 144
Aken, Ben 69, 146, 165, Arherton, Erin 136 Bartlett, Jenny 7, 24, 36, 187, 192
171, 185,202,207 Arko, Adam 69, 136 58, 116, 192 Bierle, Ryan 36, 38,
Albers, Kevin 164 Armitage, Julie 34, 36, Bateman, Steve 69 114,166
Albus, Angela 89, 202 186, 188, 206, 207' Batts, Fred 23, 69, 142 Bierman, Jane 89 , 144
~ Index
Biers, Justin 37 Brandt, Mandy 12, 34, Bullock, Amy 37, 165, 122, 123, 144, 164,
Bilbao, Iker 8, 37 3 5, 3 7, 50, 144, 15 1, 190, 195 165, 256
Billinger, Bob 114 165, 188, 256 Bumgardner, Jeff 37, Cecil, David 164
Blair, Robert 37 Bray, Kent 142 167, 190, 203 Chamberlain, Jaime 71,
Blazek, Kyle 164 Brendle, Roger 69 Bunning, Jon 91, 122, 202
Blocker, Lawrence 3 7 Brezina, Jason 91 144 Chamberlin, Phil 39,
Bloes, Keri 37, 165, Briggs, Lee 144 Burch, Portia 120 196,228
180, 192 Brinker, Curtis 69 Burnett, Joseph 37 Charlier, Bill 71
3obert, Nathaniel 69 Britton, John 37 Burroughs, Andrea 3, Chase, Bridget 91
3oeck-Seffron, Jami 37 Brockman, Kari 37, 197, 69, 88 Chase, Christopher 91
3oelter, Drew 69 206, 207 Burton, Laura 69, 87, Chavez, Carolyn 91
3oggess, Jason 37, 187, Brockman, Katie 91 187 Chavez, Nathan 91
195, 197 Brown, Eric 91 Bush, Tanika 91 Checksfield, Melissa 91,
3oggess, Matt 69, 180 Brown, Jami 37, 122, Bushko, John 240 150, 187
3oggs, Joyce 69, 116, 123, 144, 188, 256 Bustle, Robert 18, 24, Cheek, Shannon 91, 187
165, 171, 202 Brown, Jean 164 39, 187, 192 Cheever, Rachel 71, 87,
3oldt, Jeremy 89, 136 Brown, Joe 82 Butler, Andrea 91 202
3olish, Farrah 69, 195, Brown, Matt 80, 91, Butler, Jennifer 39 Chidester, Allyson 91,
202 136 Buttry, Mike 28, 29, 69, 120
3olish, Heather 3 7 Brown, Tony 69, 114 192, 197 Ching, Mike 8, 71, 142
3oller, Steve 69 Brown, Travis 29, 69, Buys, Candice 144 Cho, Steve 91, 114
~ond, Jennifer 69 118,146,194,195 Buys, Jason 69 Christensen, Chad 91
~onge, Jeffrey 89 Brown, Yolanda 69, 116, Christensen, Tim 91,
~archers, James 69
~ornhoft, Carrie 69,
Bruckner, Venessa 91
Bruhn, Shawn 69
c 114
Christian, Jacob 39
Chubb, Kari 91
~orosko, Becky 120 Bruner, Clarence 3 7, Caldwell, Michelle 69, Ciminski, Scott 71
~orosko, Jodi 37, 230 180 71 Cisneros, Elenisa 91
~oswell, Nick 27, 89 Bruner, Louise 91, 120, Calhoun, Ed 69, 71 Cissell, Joanne 163, 256
~oswell, Sandra 162, 144, 187, 197 Callahan, Sean 91 Cizek, Kara 6, 39, 42
163, 164, 180, 183 Brunow, Trisha 37 Cameron, Dan 144 Clark, Jessica 120
~otsch, Janie 164 Brusca, Phillip 69 Campbell, Angela 91, Classen, Greg 118, 140
)oudreaux, Michael 89 Buck, Melissa 69, 180, 120 Classen, Mary 91, 150,
loukal, Kurtis 89 182, 192, 204, 206, Campbell, Ryan 91 187, 192, 204
lower, Jeff 69 207 Caniglia, Pat 163 Cleveland, Alfred 91
lowyer, Kelly 138 Buechler, Melissa 3 7, Cappellano, Mary 163 Cleveland, Eryn 38, 39,
lowyer, Richard 3 7 144, 145, 158, 159, Cardaronella, Courtney 43, 58, 194, 195
loyd, Becky 37, 62, 165, 166 7, 39, 165, 184, 192, Cleveland, James 114
206,207 Buechler, Sarah 7 4, 91, 196, 208 Cohee, Rob 22, 34, 35,
lrady, Christa 80, 89, 144, 149, 150, 182, Carl, Andrew 39 39, 44, 62, 114, 115
144, 150, 16 5, 18 7 187, 197 Carnes, Tricia 18, 39, Cohen, Jennifer 71, 120
lrady, Ryan 37, 114, Bueltel, Anne 164 42, 188, 241, 256 Colbert, Wes 144
144, 165, 187 Buesing, Craig 91, 163 Carr, Steven 91 Cole, Barb 164, 192
•ranch, Chris 192, 202 Buhs, Wendy 69, 116, Carritt, Quentin 69, 71 Cole, Erik 71
•randon, Chris 37, 144 181, 192,204 Casady, Glenda 71, 124, Cole, Ryan 71, 195,
•randt, Jamie 7, 37, 44, Bullie, Adrienne 91, 202 204 196, 197
54, 221, 221 Bullie, Shane 37, 114 Cavalier, Meghan 39, Coleman, Jeff 39, 196,
S. Olson & M Sterzinger JJ
206, 207 Cupp, Wendy 91 Denton, Zac 114 Dunning, Phil 18
Coleman, Lisa 39, 186, Curto, Joshua 91 Derks, JoAnne 41, 138, Durant, Dustin 41 , 196
188,240,256 Cvancara, Jus tin 91 139,241 Dye, Denton 25, 41, 44
Colemah, Steve 162 Cycchosz, John 144 Derks, Michele 138 55
Coley, LeAnn 71, 202 Derr, Heidi 41, 44, 138, Dyer, Melissa 41, 203,
Collier, Gary 71
Collier, Jessica 39 D 139, 165, 188, 256
Devine, Ryan 71

Collins, Torp 165

Cologne, Scott 91, 170, Daeffler, Stacy 71
Dahlman, Angie 91
Deyke, Brian 114
Dickey, Jill 71 E
171,202 Dickey, Sunny 22, 29,
Conklin, Beth 91, 144 Dalton, Josh 8, 12, 23, 34, 38, 41, 44, 149, Earley, Joyce 41 , 165,
Conrad, Jennifer 71 71, 142 195,231 171, 192,203
Conway, Adam 39 Dame, Ronni 80, 150, Dickey, Wes 71 East, Heidi 71
Cook, Hollie 39, 186 187, 192 Diekmann, James 114 Eastep, Angela 71, 7 4,
Cook, Kimberly 39, Daniell, Kristi 71 Diener, Lisa 71 116, 144, 180, 182,
206, 207 Daniels, Michael 165, Digiacomo, Nick 114 187, 196
Coomes, Nick 136 181 Dijak, David 71, 202, Ebisch, Dale 138, 187
Cooper, Aaron 71, 118, Danley, Eric 39, 62, 255 Ebmeier, Perry 165
119, 187, 202 114, 115, 196, 206, Dikmanas, Shawn 114 Ecis, April 41
Copple, Jennifer 22, 39 207 DiMauro, Willie 27, 41 Edwards, Clifton 71, 73
Corey, Andrea 39, 190 Danley, Sarah 116, 195, Divis, Jeremy 71 Egbert, Gwen 116, 165
Cornie, Brent 91 204 Dolce, Lindsay 41, 124, Eggers, Kristen 71 , 73,
Cortez, Lynda 165 Dappen, Leon 162 165, 180, 184, 196, 165, 171,202
Cote, Barbara 71 Dappen, Sara 39, 50, 204, 206 Eggen, Ryan 41
Coursey, Matt 39, 187 188,256 Doleman, Angie 80 Eikmeier, Barry 71, 73
Courson, Dan 71 Darling, Renee 116, 144 Dollison, Jay 71, 82, Eikmeier, Nicole 41
Crabb, Kim 91 Davey, Brad 39 114 Eisenbeisz, Kristina 184
Craft, Kevin 91 Davis, Derek 39 Donahue, Rhiannon 41, 187
Crandall, Audrey 71 Davis, Jennifer 41, 221, 181, 186 Eldred, Penny 71, 73
Crandall, Karen 256 221 Donaldson, Robbie 71, Eller, Mike 144
Crandall, Kim 78, 91, Davis, Lori 41, 182, 187 Ellerbeck, Mandy 41
116, 144, 163, 187 230, 256 Dort, Kelly 41, 203 Elliffe-Odum, Karl 71,
Crick, Ryan 71, 202 Davis, Matt 181 Douglas, Damon 41, 43 73
Criger, Michael 91 Dearinger, Lori 204 Dowse, Elizabeth 28 Elliott, Jeff71, 73, 114
Crittenden, Tiffany 71 Deatz, Stacy 41, 42, Doyle, Chris 114 Ellis, Stacy 204
Crook, Cindy 71, 116, 151' 241 Doyle, Kathy 120 Ellison, Eli ina 71, 73 ,
163, 165, 171, 192, DeBoer, Jill 150, 187 Drake, Teresa 71 182, 202
202, 203 Dedrickson, Karen 41 Draper, Jill 41 Ellison, Glen 73, 197
Croucher, Stephen 197 DeGeorge, Kim 124, Draper, Rob 29, 41, 43, Elston, Christopher 73,
Crowder, Kate 91, 197 192 182, 184, 192, 195, 202
Crumbley, Cathy 165 Deicke, Kate 71, 165 197 Elze, Brenda 73, 150,
Crupper, Wendy 70, 71, Deja, Michael 41 Dreiling, Mark 7 4, 122, 202
84, 86, 165 Delsignore, Rita 71 171, 185, 196, 197 Erdkamp, Jackie 138,
Cuancara, Jus tin 171 Delzeit, Jeff 202 Dries, Dawn 71, 161, 164, 182, 185
Cudly, Dean 165 Denke, Donna 163 187' 188, 202, 256 Erdkamp, Joe 34, 35,
Cullen, Caeli 26, 38, 39 Denton, Dan 202 Duncan, Richard 41, 45, 144, 206, 207
Cullinane, Chad 71, 114 Denton, Patrick 71, 202 190,256 Ermish, Dania! 45

Estell, Andy 45, 230 193 Galvan, Mike 80, 114, 14, 47, 142, 143
Estelle, Billy 26, 34, 45Foote, Angie 120 186 Greenhalgh, Ryan 46,
Evander, Rich 165 Foote, Jason 45 Ganzel, Kathryn 45, 203 47, 231
Evans, Paul 73 Ford, Aaron 45, 118 Garrett, Jason 45 Greer, Cori 4 7
Evans, Tracy 73 Ford, Tera 45, 165, 187, Gawecki, Sara 187, 192, Greger, Scott 73
192 Gay, Heather 10, 21, 38, Grimbly, Bruce 47
Forde, Kelley 144 45 Grimm, Tracy 47, 165,
F Foresman, John 114 Gebhardt, Kara 122, 171, 192,203
Fortune, Solomon 73, 144 Grindstaff, Terry 73, 76
Fairbanks, Christine 73, 197, 202 Gershon, Nathan 45 Gross, Arden 165
149, 206, 207 Foster, Darold 114 Gibson, Eyrick 45, 102 Grove, Kristina 187
Farlow, Richard 16 5 Foster, Farah 73, 180, Gibson, John 82, 114, Grover, Mark 73
Fast, Jon 73, 195, 197 208 115,144,145 Grund, Alan 12, 13, 47,
Faubion, Tammy 150 Fowler, Tori 73, 102, Gilbert, Laurine 22, 29, 114
Faulkner, Chessa 73, 96, 181, 194, 195 34, 35, 42, 44, 45, Guenthner, Megan 138
144, 165, 180,204 Fox, Kari 73, 192 165, 185, 194 Guenthner, Scott 73,
Fay, Carrie73, 171,182, Franta, Jon 73, 197, 202 Ginbey, Shannon 114 136
202,203 Frazer, Jim 45, 82, 192 Glazebrook, Dan 45, Guffey, Troy 75
Fay, Jeff 25, 73, 165, Frecks, A.]. 114, 146 114, 144 Guice, Amy 75, 158
185, 187 Fredenburg, Melissa 73, Glebavicius, Jamie 7 4, Gunn, Kristi 150, 187,
Feldt, Ryan 45, 204 76, 138, 139, 192 187 192
Feliciano, Jeff 73 Frederick, Shannon 12, Glover, James 162, 256
Feller, Brian 114 34, 35, 45, 50, 151, Godby, Marilyn 165
Fender, Crystal 144
Fennel, Steve 73
188, 189, 256
Freeman, Braud 114
Goff, Thomas 73
Goines, Kathy 180, 192
Ferony, Astrid 165, 166, Freeman, David 45 Goins, Fred 136 Haas, Ed 47, 196
167, 192 Freeman, William 73 Goins, James 73 Haberer, Beth 75, 144,
Ferris, Mike 14, 27 French, Jessica 126, 138 Gosch, Kellie 47, 204, 165, 180, 181, 182,
Feurt, Kellie 73, 138, Friend, Leslie 7 4, 144, 240 192
165 150, 187 Govig, Kristi 120 Haden, Jeremy 75
Feurt, Kristy 138 Fruge, Jason 73 Govig, Mike 120 Hagan, Scott 75
Fichna, David 45, 206, Fry, Kasey 23, 138, 181, Goyden, Chris 136 Hainline, Greg 114
207 187, 192 Graef, Phillip 47, 186 Halac,Joe75, 114
Fillmore, Michael 202 Fuerstenau, Cami 68, Grandgenett, Julie 73 Haliburton, Shawna 75,
Fitzgerald, Chris 45 73, 84, 149, 165, 187 Grant, Danielle 149, 150
Fitzgerald, James 73 Fuller, Derrick 114 187, 192 Hall, Jerry 166, 256
Flanagan, Shannon 25, Grau, KC 146, 147 Hall, Joshua 75
73 Gray, Benjamin 47, 122, Hall, Kellie 75
Flansburgh, Emily 70,
73, 138, 185
G 158, 159, 165, 171,
Hall, Mike 75
Halter, Frankie 13, 23,
Fleming, Dave 144 Gaddie, Brian 73, 142 Gray, Ryan 47 75, 114, 142
Fletcher, John 126, 192 Gaddis, Teresa 45 Grayson, Jamie 150 Halverson, Eve 75, 165,
Flock, Kathy 165, 185 Gaerlan, Kristofer 73 Green, Andre 73, 114, 180, 182, 184, 188,
Flores, Henry 45 Galitzky, Jacky 14, 42, 144 192, 256
Floyd, LaTonya 144, 45, 151, 165, 206, 207 Green, Megan 47, 181, Ham, Michael 75
150 Galvan, Fara 42, 45, 183 Hamblen, Eddie 12, 38,
Folland, Paula 165, 192, 186, 225 Greenberg, Matt 3, 12, 47,142,206,207
S. Olson & M. Sterzinger JJ
Hambrecht, Sarah 149 Heinen, Tracy 47, 206, Hipsher, Jason 118 180, 196
Hamilton, Bart 47, 181, 207 Hirschman, Bonnie 163 Hurrington, Marcus 75,
226 Heitman, Kim 138 Hlavac, Trent 48 77, 114
Hamilton, Ed 1 14 Hencke, Nick 48, 196 Hnreir, Katie 144 Hurt, Darrin 40, 48, 58,
Hamon, Shanda 4 7 Henderson, Billie 48, Hoban, Kara 75 187
Hamor, Jason 47 187 Hodge, Jamie 48
Hansen, Ben 47 Henderson, Tiffany 75 Hodges, Jeremy 48
Hansen, Christian 136
Hansen, Elaine 163, 256
Hendrichs, Chip 136
Hendrickson, Kyle 44,
Hodsdon, Carrie 34, 43,
48, 149, 190, 204, 225
Hansen, Michael 4 7, 48, 126, 194 Hodsdon, Sandra 48 lbero, Frank 75, 77,
204 Hendrickson, Lisa 48 Hoevet, Sue 75 114, 196, 202
Hansen, Thomas 63, 75, Henke, Nick 181 Hoffman, Joey 75, 87 Ingle, Matt 122
87, 114 Henley, Ronald 21 Hoffman, Willie 114 Ingle, Peter 48, 122, 123
Hanson, Melissa 19, 47 Henning, Ryan 146 Hohnke, Adrianne 75 Ingram, Jason 48, 114
Happel, Teresa 11, 202 Henry, Todd 48, 118 Hollander, Jason 75, 144 losbaker, Christi 136
Harder, Doris 166 Hespen, Marcia 162, Holveck, Dani 202 Irvin, Brandon 75, 77
Hargrave, David 75 256 Homan, David 75 Iverson, April 116, 195
Harney, Paul 75, 114, Hetzler, Chris 75, 202 Hood, Bobby 48
144 Heydenreich, Jamie 75, Hopkinson, Dustie 48
Harrison, Jon 144
Harrison, Thomas 75,
120, 144
Heyen, Mandy 75, 87,
Horejs, James 75, 87
Hosbien, Jeremy 144
163 116, 165, 180, 182, Hou, Ann 124, 192, 204 Jackson, Bill 138
Haschalk, Heather 75, 187, 192, 196, 256 Hough, Ricky 77, 87 Jackson, Kerrie 138
202 Heywood, Angela 40, Houwen, Christine 75, Jackson, Leigh 9, 75, 77,
Hauser-Larsen, Melinda 48, 138, 165, 167, 77 148, 149, 187
47, 186, 241 191, 192, 203,221, Howard, Barb 163 Jacobson, Connie 166
Hawkins, Harry 75, 114 255, 256 Howard, Linda 163 Jacques, Toby 196
Hawley, Roger 4 7 Hickman, Julie 120 Howard, Mark 75, 77 Jamison, Todd 75, 77,
Haworth, Nicky 75, Hiemer, Mike 180 Howe, Sandra 166 114
188, 256 Higgins, Bobby 122, Howen, Christine 102 Janssen, Jodi 24, 34, 35,
Hayes, Chad 47, 206, 144 Hoyt, Jason 77 48, 58, 126, 165, 209,
207 Highberg, Sean 48 Hrncir, Philip 75, 77 231
Hayes, Richard 75 Hike, James 48 Hubbard, Rachel 75, 77 Jareo, Michael 29, 194
Haynie, Jess 75 Hill, Jason 75 Hubert, Dave 162, 166 Jarosh, John 166
Hayward, Carr in 4 7 Hill, Konnie 120 Hudson, David 75, 77 Jellen, Dave 124, 166
Hayworth, Nicky 75 Hill, Misty 75, 202, 203 Huffman, Christa 70, Jellen, Karen 48, 227
Heckathorn, John 186, Hillman, Jaime 75, 150 75, 77 Jellen, Mark 136
192 Hinckle, Wendy 75, Huffman, Curt 126, 127 Jenn, Sarah 48, 165,
Heckert, Robert 76 144, 180 Hughes, Nathan 48, 58, 188, 189
Hedgecock, Christopher Hinman, Tim 48, 118, 126, 194, 195, 197 Jensen, Brandon 171,
47 119 Hughes, Neal 108, 136, 187,202,255
Heerman, Katrina 75 Hinrichs, Paul 75, 87, 185 Jensen, Regina 49
Heidelberg, Cherish 75, 197 Hultz, Tara 75, 77, 206, Jessop, Aaron 75, 77,
116,144, 171, 192 Hipschman, Heather 75, 207 171, 202
Heinen, T.J. 75, 114, 148, 149, 187, 206, Hunsinger, Shannon 120 Jessop, Jennifer 49
142, 165, 185, 188, 207 Hunt, Kelly 48 Jessop, RaNae 166, 186
256 Hipsher, Billy 48, 229 Hurley, Ken 75, 77, 158, Jirkovsky, Jason 8, 23,
~ Index
49, 136 90, 122, 204 Kline, Jenny 25, 150, Kuiken, Rick 34, 3 5, 51,
Johnson, Bobby 196 Kaskie, Shawn 25, 49, 187, 204 114,206,207,208
Johnson, Eilleen 77, 142, 166, 187 Klostermeyer, Kelly 76, Kulm, Allisyn 144
140, 150, 165 Kasparek, Lindsay 187 77, 165 Kunes, Paul 158, 166
Johnson,Jenny7, 11, Kazor, Anthony 118 Knapple, Jennifer 49, Kuper, Josh 122, 144,
42, 46, 49, 150, 151, Keeling, Melissa 7 4, 77 192, 196 202
165, 185, 192 Keener, Dan 68 Knicely, John 204 Kupfer, Jeff 167
Johnson, Katherine 77 Keesee, Michelle 77 Knight, Eric 114, 192 Kurtz, Cory 136
Johnson, Kristy 77, 149, Keller, Aimee 150 Knope, Jennifer 202 Kush, Kevin 167
202 Kellett, Bill 166, 202 Knott, Jeff 49 Kvedoras, Dana 51
Johnson, Melissa 116 Kelley, Melanie 49 Knowles, Courtney 11,
Johnson, Michael 20, Kelly, Angela 49, 244 49
49, 195 Kelly, Josh 2, 77, 114 Knowles, Jennifer 49 L
Johnston, Bart 49, 146, Kelly, Sean 49, 192 Knowles, Renee 51, 181,
171, 181, 187, 192, Kelly, Shannan 7, 49, 182, 190, 192 Labat, Derrick 26, 114,
197 124, 165, 166, 167, Kobiela, Carie 77 144
fohnston, Melissa 15, 203 Kolakowski, Kimberly LaBrie, Terri 163
120 Kemp, David 77 171, 187, 197,202 Labuda, Donna 187,
[olly, Amy 77, 202 Kempkes, Paul 192 Kollars, Kathy 165, 166, 202
[ones, Amanda 77 Kendall, David 49 180, 184 LaMere, Sherry 163
'ones, Charlie 114 Kennedy, Eric 202 Koske, Matthew 77 Lamp, Brittany 187, 192
ones, Darcy 77 Kerns, Kristina 77 Kothenbeutel, Katie 77, Lang, Stacey 51, 241
ones, Jeremy 77 Kerrey, Bob 180 150, 151, 186,206, Langabee, JoAnne 161,
ones, Jesse 114 Kessler, Kathleen 23, 77, 207, 242 167
ones, Kerri 183, 204 120, 121 Kowal, Heather 5 1 Lape, Andrea 51
ones, Kevin 77, 118, Keuper, Angela 49 Krahmer, Molly 77, 79, Lape, Carrie 77, 79
181, 186 Keyes, Stacy 77 192 Lape, Lonnie 38, 51, 62,
ones, Kristina 49, 165, Kidd, Jennifer 49, 204, Krajicek, Beau 2 114, 187
204 227 Kratky, Adam 171 LaPuma, Indhira 171,
ones, Todd 77 Kilpatrick, Aaron 77 Krautkremer, Michael 180, 192
orgensen, Bev 166 Kimmey, D.]. 49 51, 224 LaPuma, Shobana 77,
ozefowicz, Anna 203 King, John 136 Krayneski, Kaela 77, 79, 79, 180, 192
uarez, Lori 77, 138 King, Nancy 20, 77, 138 96 Larsen, Jennifer 51
urgens, Jamie 116 Kingman, Judson 49, Kreis, Tony 77, 79, 109, Larson, Chris 51, 206,
187, 188, 209, 227, 114, 115, 136, 190 207, 221, 221
256 Krenkel, David 77, 79, Lashinski, Stacy 144
K Kinsella, Kevin 114
Kirk,Jonathan 114,186
184, 195
Krieg, Jamie 77, 79, 202
Lastovica, Jus tin 136
Laughlin, Justin 114
~afonek, Kim 166 Kirk, Krista 11, 14, 49, Kritenbrink, Mark 77, Lawton, Jenny 9, 14, 23,
~aiser, Larry 166 185, 186, 206, 207 79 77,79,206,207
~alal, Chad 8, 13, 34, Kliewer, Mandy 116, Kruger, Renee 144 Layland, Aaron 77, 79
35, 49, 54, 136, 137, 192 Kucera, Matt 51, 196 Leach, Andy 136
204, 209 Kliewer, Michelle 77, Kuhn, John 51, 195, Leaders, Shannon 51,
:alvelage, Jodi 49 116, 117 203 120
:arasek, David 49 Kline, Erin 9, 14, 77, Kuhns, Shiloh 13, 77, Leatherwood, Anna 77,
:arlik, Paul 118 242 79 79
:arre, LeAnna 6, 70, 77, Kline, Jennifer 77, 120 Kuhns, Wes 180, 197 Ledgerwood, Lanette 77,
S. Olson & M. Sterzinger lfH
79, 124 Luebbert, Justin 20, 51, Masilko, Barb 183, 184, Medinger, Bernie 167
Lee, Brian 51, 54, 114, 190, 195, 196, 229 187, 197, 202 Mehalik, Charles 52
144,206,207 Lueder, Christine 120, Mason, Roxanne 79 Mehlin, Cassie 79, 81,
Lee, Jenn.ifer 77, 79 202 Massey, Dane-Ann 12, 171, 202
Lehman, Jack 14, 51, Lukasina, Chris 79, 122, 13, 52, 122, 144 Meier, Liese 79, 81, 165
114, 187, 206, 207 144, 171,202 Masters, Josh 52, 114, 170, 171, 182,202
Leif, Deb 167, 181 Lundvall, Doug 136 225 Melcher, Melvin 167
Leinweber, Nate 114 Luppes, Zachary 79 Mateer, Shawn 52 Melhus, Kendra 6, 70,
Lemm, Leanne 77, 79, Lusero, Dan 79, 196 Mathis, Elaine 79, 171, 78, 79, 81, 126
180 Luth, Melissa 52, 204 192, 202 Melonis, Jimmy 136
Lewellen, Angela 51 Luther, Michael 79 Mathison, Tim 142 Mennichetti, Rick 144
Lewis, Melissa 51, 54, Lyman, Terry 167 Maxwell, Barb 167 Merwine, Naomi 81,
165, 181, 182, 190, Lyons, Felicia 52, 227 May, Sean 79, 136 192, 202
192, 225 Lyons, Michelle 52 Mayeaux, Christopher Metschke, Harlan 162
Lewis, Rob 43, 51, 185, 79 Metschke, Shauna 14,
187 McAlear, Amanda 52, 78, 116, 117, 144,
LiaBraaten, Kipp 24, 51,
126, 127, 167, 203
M 181, 183
McCartney, Jason 18,
185, 187
Metzler, Jason 79,81
Lightner, Bobby 51, Macaitis, Nicole 79, 87 24, 52, 165, 171, 187, Meurrens, Candice 52
114, 208 Mach, Todd 79 190, 203 Meyer, Dale 79, 81
Lightner, Sarah 7 4, 77, Maeder, Jennifer 79, McCaw, Bob 126 Meyer, Maria 167
79, 182, 187, 192, 196 186, 196 McClellan, Sarah 52, Meyer, Susan 163
Lindner, Konrad 79, Magner, Sherry 163 160, 180, 182, 187, Meyers, Greg 114
165, 195 Maguire, Laura 52 192 Mickells, Jill 52, 229
Linnell, Brian 171, 197, Majerus, Ronald 52 McDonald, Robert 79 Middleton, Nathan 171
202 Malek, Alissa 79, 165, McGuire, Pam 167, 192 Milakovich, Molly 144
Litherland, Anthony 79, 195 McHenry, Karen 79, Miles, Gregory 81
202 Mallary, Sean 195 181 Miller, Alicia 6, 76, 79,
Lodes, Angela 79, 84, Mallary, Stacey 138 McKee, Thomas 79 81, 84, 90, 122, 192
86, 165, 192, 204 Markus, Melanie 79, McKibbon, Scott 79 Miller, Amy 52
Lodes, Jennifer 120, 138 144 McKinney, Sharon 52 Miller, Andy 34, 35, 52
Logan, Michael 146, Marsalis, Carey 6, 52, McLain, Brian 52, 165, 114, 115, 144, 161
167,206,207 187, 192, 193 184, 187, 192,204 Miller, Brian Chad 53
Logan, Tim 114 Marshall, Ryanne 192 McLemore, Adina 52 Miller, Cheryl 79, 81
Longcrier, Jon 51 Martin, Amy 126 McNabb, Jarrett 70, 79, Miller, John 79, 81, 18(
Looney, Nathan 13, 51 Martin, Juliet 38, 52, 122, 144, 171, 184, 182, 187
Lovelace, Eric 79 190,203,241 204 Miller, Jon 171, 187,
Lowery, Barbara 79, Martin, Kevin 52, 165, McNamara, Becky 79, 197, 202
182,206,207 167, 203 81, 206, 207 Miller, Shawn 53
Lowery, Stacey 51, 206, Martin, Victoria 24, 52, McNamara, Josh 144, Miller, Stacey 138
207 138,203,241 180 Milligan, Jenny 53, 190
Lowry, Jason 51, 165, Maryanski, Erin 52, McPhatter, Toni 79, 81, Minor, Stephanie 53,
171,203,229 206, 207, 230 150, 151, 184, 196, 165, 204
Lubash, Jamie 79, 202 Masek, Adam 118 204 Minton, Mindy 23, 53,
Lubberstedt, Brian 79, Masek, Jaime 79, 197, McWain, Mindy 15, 25, 188, 256
122, 144, 165, 170, 202 79, 81 Minton, Shirley 162,
171, 202 Masek, Mariann 52 McWilliams, Alesia 120 167, 189, 191, 241,

'[}1) Index
256 Munson, Melissa 53 O'Callaghan, Tara 26, 203
Mizer, Brian 53, 184, Murray, Rudy 126 42, 53, 190, 205 Painter, Rick 56
190 Myers, Gregory 81 O'Connell, Dan 116 Papp, Julie 81, 83, 202
Mizer, Michael 192 O'Connor, Justin 81, Pappas, Jay 81, 83
Moakler, Rose 26 181 Paquette, Leslie 56
Moen: Megan 79, 81
Mohri, Matthew 53
N O'Doherty, Erin 103
O'Dowd, Todd 53, 195
Park, David 56
Park, Heidi 18, 56, 206,
Molczyk, Brian 114 Nash, Candise 103, 195 O'Neal, Nicole 81, 83 207
Moline, Jason 144 Nastase, Sub by 103, Olhmeyer, Steve 103, Parker, Kim 103, 122,
Monk, Sara 171, 197, 118, 144 118 144, 171' 184, 192,
202 Naumann, Alan 81 Olsen, Silvia 53, 122 195, 197
Montejano, Polly 79, 81, Naumann, Ray 81, 202 Olson, Jill 163 Partridge, Nathan 81,
140, 141, 182, 192, Neall, Jeff 103, 192 Olson, Keith 53, 171, 83, 158, 165, 187
206, 207 Neall, Sherri 81, 188, 192, 203 Patenaude, Matt 136
Montgomery, Tiffany 202, 256 Olson, Lindsay 103 Patras, Elaine 163
79, 81 Needham, Chip 81, 165, Olson, Mark 53, 158, Patras, Mark 68, 81, 83,
Moon, Virginia 162 171, 192,202 192 114
Moore, Clinton 144 Neitzel, Heather 53, Olson, Stephanie 18, 53, Patrick, Steven 81, 83
Moore, Kristen 79, 81, 206, 207 120, 165, 170, 171, Patterson, Randy 103
165, 182, 185, 187, Nelson, Drew 144 188, 189, 195,206, Patton, Don 122
192, 195, 255 Nelson, Tara 81 207, 256 Paulson, Steve 23, 81,
Moore, Melissa 79, 81, Nespor, Theresa 53, 204 Orona, Amy 103, 116 83, 142
182, 183, 190, 192 Newman, Holly 81, 165, Ortgies, Kristie 81, 83 Pearson, Laurie 23, 81,
Moore, Michael 88 182, 183, 190, 202 Ortleb, David 103, 142 83, 151, 206, 207
Moore, Tyler 23, 79, 81, Newman, Randy 103 Osborn, Allison 103, Pehrson, Michelle 81,
84, 146, 147, 185 Nguyen, Hieu 81 187, 202 83, 192, 195
Morehead, Traci 79, 81 Nielson, Jeff 88, 103 Ostdiek, Jesse 81, 83, Peissig, Kristina 56
Morgan, Jason 28, 79, Nielson, Scott 53, 203 204,206,207 Pendleton, Carlisa 56,
81, 82, 256 Nienhueser, Jeff 167, Ostlund, Ed 53, 195, 188
Morin, Amber 120 195 203 Penn, Laura 182
Morin, Jill 8, 23, 53, Nims,Joe81, 144 Ostransky, Matt 53 Pepin, Sean 103
192,206,207 Noda, Chris 81, 96, Oswald, John 53, 64, Pereksta, Rich 81, 83,
Moritko, Michelle 138 118, 119, 142, 165, 114,206,207 146, 165, 171,202,
Morones, Lorenzo 186 184, 187, 195,255 Ovens, Russell 53 203
Morrell, Christina 81, Noel, Aimee 120 Overman, Shonda 56, Perrino, Daylene 116
120, 138, 204, 206, Nolte, Mark 81 190, 195, 230 Perry, Joseph 103
207, 256 Nordquist, Britt 81, Owens, Lachunya 103 Peters, Ranae 81, 83,
Morrow, Stefanie 81, 116, 138 158, 159, 165, 180,
171, 184,202
Mortensen, Rachel 81,
Norris, Carla 81
Norris, Laura 53
p 182, 192, 204, 207
Petersen, Eric 103, 114,
202 Null, Jessica 103, 202 142
Mouton, Paul 81 Nunn, Kim 81 Packard, Michelle 81, Petersen, Jana 103, 144
Muggeo, Marie 53 83, 187 Petersen, Lisa 56
Mulka, Mary 81, 150 Paden, Paul 81, 83 Peterson, Heidi 18, 56,
Muma, Dick 167
Mungin, Kevin 81
0 Pagan, Christine 81, 83,
165, 171, 192
Peterson, Kevin 81, 83,
Mungin, Marqual 43, 53 0' Dowd, Todd 165 Page, Adam 56, 192,

S. Olson & M. Sterzinger
Peterson, Sonya 56, 188, Powers, Tina 103, 120, Ricci, Marja 103, 150, Ross, Elishia 10 3
240, 256 144 192,202 Roth, Amber 70, 83, 84,
Peterson, Steve 40, 56, Prager, Christopher 103 Richards, Pamela 57, 122, 206, 207
122, 204, 206, 207 Prchal, James 56 124, 140, 158, 165, Roth, Barb 256
Petito, Joe 144 Prier, Kim 103, 183, 192, 204 Roth, Daniell 103
Petito, Maria 103 202 Richter, Jamie 57, 136 Roth, Leslie 144
Pfefferle, Katrina 81, 83, Protzman, Kathryn 103, Riddle, Molly 103, 187, Rowe, Bryan 57, 163
192, 202 187 202 Rowland, Dyea 144
Pham, Darlene 81, 83, Prunty, Ryan 83 Riepl, Ross 57, 136, 137 Roy, Elizabeth 83
116, 140, 141, 204 Pryor, Jeremy 83, 84, Riesberg, Dawn 83, 126, Roy, Kerri 202
Pham, Khien 81, 83 109, 190, 192 127, 138, 165, 187, Ruetten, Eric 126
Pham, Vu 56, 188, 256 Puckett, Jennifer 56, 192 Ruffin, Mark 57
Phelps, Danelle 56 192, 203 Riggle, Michael 83, 136 Rukstalis, Christina 6,
Philippi, Jamie 103 Riggs, Jennifer 83 57
Phillips, Danny 56 Rightnowar, Holly 83 Rush, Roni83, 197,202
Phillips, Julie 192, 193
Phillips, Steven 56
Q Ripley, Paul 83, 136,
Russell, Ben 114
Rybin, Jennifer 83
Pierce, Eddie 83, 118, Quick, Dustin 25, 83, Rist, Mark 57, 160
Pierce, Jennifer 56
Piernicky, Thomas 81,
148, 149, 165, 185,
Rirola, Vesa-Matti 57
Rivera, Cynthia 103
Quinnelly, Chara 43, 56, Robbins, Alycia 103
83 64, 164, 165, 185, Robbins, Ginger 57 Saathoff, Brent 57, 114,
Pierson, Kimberly 103 194, 195, 242 Robbins, Jason 83 187, 190, 225, 228
Pietig, Jeremy 56, 114, Roberts, Brandyn 83, Sadowski, David 83
115,142 184, 206, 207 Salter, Sean 144
Pitchanau, Derrick 56,
206, 207
R Roberts, Krystal 76, 83,
84, 122, 171, 182,
Samuels, Ryan 83
Sand, Tammi 57, 180,
Pixler, Corey 103 Ralls, David 57, 114, 192, 206, 207 224
Pixler, Jake 81, 83, 114 115,206,207 Robinson, Jennifer 6, Sanderson, James 83
Pleggenkuhle, Susie 163, Ramplin, Melissa 83, 25, 83, 84, 116, 138, Sarver, JoEllen 192
256 187, 192, 204 165, 192 Saveraid, Shana 83
Podwinski, Cheryl 56 Rand, JJ 38 Robinson, Jeremy 103 Savington, Dale 146
Podwinski, Dyan 103 Randall, Shawn 103 Robinson, Kristi 7, 57, Sawn, Ryan 57, 227
Pohl, Sandra 81, 83 Rath, Jason 83 138, 165, 166, 182, Scheideler, Lisa 187
Politte, Jason 80, 103, Ratzlaff, Shawna 103 187, 188, 193, 229, Scherzberg, Angela 24,
114 Rauch, Ian 43, 57 241,256 50, 57, 64, 126
Politte, Keri 83, 202 Redden, Rochelle 57, Robinson, Tommy 23, Scherzberg, Emily 144
Pomykalski, Leah 9, 12, 165, 184, 190 46,57,226 Scherzberg, Jeff 34, 35,
18, 34, 40, 56, 138, Reed, Barbara 196 Roegge, Scott 103 57, 62, 114, 160, 161,
206, 207 Reed, Christie 83 Rogers, Curtis 83 166, 193, 208
Poole, Anthony 83 Reeder, James 83, 84, Rojas, Jason 83 Schiefelbein, Mary 83,
Popp, Benjamin 83, 114 86, 192 Roll, Charles 57 140
Posey, Adrienne 103, Reese, Kiley 57, 226 Rollins, Marques 26, 83 Schieffer, Clint 114
181 Reichenbach, Heather Rollins, Tricia 144 Schneekloth, Jason 83,
Powell, Shannon 83, 202 103, 202 Romjue, Amanda 116, 118
Power, Randall 103 Reicks, Nicole 83 144 Schrage, Bruce 15, 83,
Powers, Shelly 56, 186 Rhea, Meredith 120 Ronnei, Kris 57 114, 146, 147

91) Index
Schram, Darcie 25, 83, 182, 192, 197 Spieker, Jim 114 144,204
116 Slie, James 85, 114 Spilker, Angela 84, 85, Stone, Andrew 85, 86,
Schreckenberger, Tina Slie, Larry 163 86,206,207 160, 161
83, 165 Sloderbeck, Sidney 59 Sporcic, Amy 59 Stotler, Randy 122,171,
Schroeder, Mike 114 Smaage-Killian, Roseann Sporcic, Laura 13, 23, 182, 187, 192, 197,
Schroeder, Paul 162, 256 85, 182 85, 86 202, 255
Schroetberger, Eric 83, Smith, Angela 182, 187, Sporleder, Craig 59, Stoves, Bryan 59, 158,
114 192, 197, 202 206, 207 203
Schultz, Jason 83, 114 Smith, Dana 25, 85 Sporven, Deana 85, 86 Stoves, Todd 85, 86,
Schultz, Randall 10, 57, Smith, Danielle 85 Sporven, Jenny 59 202
114 Smith, Dennis 161, 162, St. Clair, Philip 126, Strack, Tiffani 85, 86
Schumacher, Jon 181 256 181, 192 Strauss, Ian 85, 86
Schwalm, Katie 83, 165, Smith, Devin 85 St. Peter, Jeanette 34, Strawn, Joseph 85, 86,
190, 202, 256 Smith, Glynnis 9, 14, 35, 43, 54, 59, 148, 118, 192, 202
Scott, Callum 57 85, 148, 149, 187, 149 Streich, Mike 86, 190,
Scott, Minyon 57 206, 207 Stacoffe, Kevin 144 202
Scribner, Sean 136 Smith, Hilary 126 Stacy, Kari 59, 62, 138, Strickler, Scott 136
Seda, Jon 59 Smith, Kerri 181 139 Stroede, Nick 114
Sedivy, David 144 Smith, Mark 59, 109, Starn, Brian 85, 86 Strom, David 80, 114
Seek, Tiffany 83 165, 167, 190, 191, Stanner, Miki 126 Stultz, Jill 33, 59, 140,
Seid, Nathan 202 192, 196 Stanner, Nick 85, 86, 192, 193
Selph, Nathan 114 Smith, Mike 144 126 Styles, Virginia 85, 86
Selzer, Andi 83 Smith, Sarah 144 Steele, Nathan 25, 85, Suhr, Gene 114
Seydlitz, Michael 85 Smithberg, Tara 150, 86, 206, 207 Sullivan, Wesley 50, 60,
Shade, James 85, 184, 187, 204 Steig, Ashley 192, 202 224
192, 202, 203 Smuck, William 59 Sterzinger, Matt 85, 86, Sunderman, Abby 116,
Shanahan, Chuck 59, Smyth, Robert 85, 196 187, 188, 189, 196, 144
206, 207 Smyth, Steve 59, 196 256 Swaim, Stacy 14, 85, 86,
Sharp, Staci 85, 196 Snowden, Jamie 144 Sterzinger, Melissa 59, 242
Shaw, Timothy 59 Snyder, Angie 85, 86 165, 184, 187, 196 Swanda, Jamie 60
Shemek, Heath 114 Solomon, Desirae 84, Stewart, Marie 20 Swanson, Christy 22,
Sherrill, Delsey 59, 15 8, 122, 123, 144, 181, Stewart, Michael 85, 86 55, 60, 140, 141, 149,
180, 188, 255, 256 204 Stice, Brad 24, 59, 126 165, 193
Sherwood, Stephani 20, Solomon, Willy 13, 34, Stice, Jenny 116, 187 Swanson, Debbie 60
54, 59, 187 35, 59, 62, 122, 123, Stilen, Daniel 85, 86 Swartz, David 126
Shirkey, Crystal 150, 165, 208 Stilen, Dawn 59, 197, Swartz, Tim 85, 86,
187, 192 Sonnenfelt, Justin 59 224 186
Shobe, Mark 144 Sorenson, B.J. 88, 144 Stilen, Mary 187, 192, Swiger, Brian 85, 86,
Shores, Jason 85, 197 Sortino, Joshua 59 197 202
Shoup, Scott 85, 114 Souerdyke, Kevin 40, Stirts, Cara 59, 109, Sykes, Josh 114
Shrier, Allison 85, 180, 85, 86, 136, 137, 185, 165, 184, 187, 190, Szatko, Jaime 18, 60,
182 206,207 191, 196 138, 139, 161, 206,
Simpson, Jamie 85 Speice, Heather 187 207
Sis, Ryan 136 Spiegelman, Jay 85, 86, Szeliga, Heather 85, 86
Sjoberg, Richard 76, 85, 181, 195, 256 Szynskie, Jenny 34, 35,
114 Spiegelman, Meredith 58, 60, 64, 148, 149,
Skillman, Natalee 180, 116, 192, 195, 204
Vande Berg, Cara 60, Waters, Erin 140, 141
T Tomek, Amy 86
Torkelson, Carrie 60,
158, 159, 160, 165,
122, 144, 165, 187,
188, 256
Waters, John 162, 256
Watson, Bryan 61
Tadlock, .Jeff 85, 86 167, 203 VanDusen, Katie 80, Watson, Neil 86, 87,
Talley, Anastasia 60, 203 Torkelson, Sarah 182, 148, 149, 187 202
Talley, Kelly 85, 86 197 Vanek, Dale 86, 87, Watts, Andre 136
Tande, Maureen 163 Tourangeau, Ryan 86, 165, 171 Watts, Kevin 61, 114,
Tanner, Jill 116 118,202 VanGorp, Rebecca 86, 206, 20 7
Tanner, Melissa 116 Towne, Kelley 86 87 Webber, Barry 70, 87,
Tavener, Brett 85, 86 Townsend, Emily 120, VanHousen, Cindi 162, 122, 192
Taylor, Jennifer 60, 192, 121 , 138 205 Weber, Shannon 87
203 Trask, Jeff 60 VanMeter, Katrina 60 Weihert, Daniel 26
Taylor-Brown, Mark 85, Tremblett, Jason 126, Vargas, Erin 60 Weir, Amanda 87, 184
86 180, 255 Varner, Jason 86, 87 Weitkam, Kevin 192
Tedore, Kevin 86, 88, Tremblett, Jennifer 86, Vendeiti, Stacy 138 Weitkam, Louis 61 , 190,
202 87, 122, 171, 202 Ventura, Lisa 61 192
Teixeira, Mike 114, 185, Trent, Michelle 60 Vessar, Audalyn 61, 224 Welch, Ryan 118
243 Tresemer, Josh 18 5 Vetter, Randi 61 Welch, Stacia 61 , 64,
Tentinger, Barb 192 Trumble, Anne 38, 60, Villosis, Judy 61 126, 144, 151 , 166,
Thacker, Tina 60 124, 140, 165 , 171 , Vincent, Sam 86, 87 206, 207
Thiessen, Joey 86 203 Voorhes, Austin 61, 165, Wenzel, Angie 61, 195,
Thirlwall, Rachel 150 Tucker, Kati 63 170, 171, 184, 187, 203
Thomas, Dallis 86, 192, Tuley, John 114 192, 196 Wepfer, Chris 8, 61 ,
202 Tuzzio, James 86, 87 114, 136, 206, 207
Thomas, Erik 86
Thomas, Jim 142
Tyler, Tim 171
w Westlund, Brenda 61
Wetzler, Aaron 61
Thomas, John 26, 86
Thomas, Justin 136
Thomas, Michael 60,
u Wagner, Kendra 116
Wagner, Martin 8, 15,
Wetzler, Jason 97, 109
Wheeler, Brian 97, 109,
196 Ullrich, David 144, 202 54, 61, 62, 136 Whisenhunt, Scott 76,
Thomas, Randy 86, 114 Ullvang, Inger 60 Wagoner, Eric 122, 144 87
Thomas , Rico 86, 114 Ulrich, Kimberly 60 , Wagstaff, Sarah 46, 61 Whisler, Rebecca 97,
Thompson, Chris 60, 206, 207 Walker, Mary 195 109, 150, 181
165, 166, 167, 187, Ulrich, Kyle 146, 147 Walker, Shawn 61 White, Andrew 97, 109
203, 255 Underhill, Craig 60, 196 Walker, Staci 126 White, Andy 114
Thompson, Kate 60 Wallace, Christine 86, White, Monique 11, 38,
Thompson, Laura 185,
Thorpe, Lindsey 86,
v 87, 138
Wallace, Jennifer 61,
180, 183, 186, 204
61, 149, 165 , 184,
185, 192, 206, 207,
208, 228
124, 140, 141, 165 Vacek, Stephanie 60, Wallar, Timothy 86, 87 Whiteley, Chris 87, 192
Thrasher, Nancy 163 122, 138, 161, 165, Waller, Kelly 86, 87 Whitfield, Matthew 61
Tiedeman, Dan 86, 206, 182, 187, 192, 255 Wallman, Michael 86, Whitfield, Sabrina 97,
207 Vallinch, Kellie 3, 7, 8, 87, 114 109, 140, 141
Tighe, Jennifer 86, 182, 14, 60,116, 117, 165, Warner, Cheri 180 Whitmarsh, Clint 87
192 166, 188, 240, 256 Warner, Christopher 61 Wiegert, Joel 97, 109,
Tinnel, Steve 86 VanOeveren, Chris 60, Warren, Christine 42, 187
Todd, Rebecca 86 144, 208 61' 186 Wiese, Richard 97, 109 ,

.~~ Index
Wood, Doug 63, 171, Ynclan, Lydia 87, 186
204, 206, 207 Yost, Michael 97, 109,
Woods, Patricia 63, 186 114, 144
Woodward, Chris 97, Youmans, Connie 87
109, 114 Youmans, Robert 144
Woolhiser, Sonya 18, 63,' Young, Heather 63
120, 165, 167, 192, Young, Matthew 97, 109
203 Young, Michael 25, 87
Wrenn, Heather 97,
109, 180, 182, 192
Wright, Nicole 87
Wroten, Chris 63, 158,
203 Zafft, Michael 63
Wroten, Kimberly 120, Zeeb, Steph 144
138 Zelasney, Melissa 97,
i{ath Club: Front row- Angela Heywood, Chris Noda, Stephanie Vacek.
Wucher, Brian 7, 70, 87, 109, 116
econd row- Delsey Sherrill, Chris Thompson, Kristen Moore, Jason Teem-
122, 180 Zellner, Todd 63
lett. Back row- Brandon Jensen, Randy Stotler, David Dijak.
Ziegler, Matt 97, 109,
114, 202
N'iese, Teri 87
Willmore, Joy 87
Wilson, Brian 97, 109,
y 114
Zimmerman, Brian 118
Zimmerman, Louis 63,
N'ihelmi, Angela 97, 114
Yager, Shannon 87, 186 118, 181
109 Wilson, Hyrum 97, 109,
Yang, Jennifer 87, 161, Zimmerman, Travis 97,
N'ilch, Doug 7, 40, 61, 197, 202
122, 144, 187, 204 188, 256 109
Wilson, Jenny 61
N'ilcox, Amanda 97, Wilson, Jessica 87, 171, Yeh, Adam 97, 109 Zorko, Aaron 97, 109
109, 120, 171, 197, 202 Yeh, Norna 87
202 Wilson, Pat 29
N'ilen, Clint 87 Wimpey, Roland 122,
N'ilke, Jennifer 87, 96 144
N'ilkinson, Barry 87 Winderweedle,
Villiams, Amy 24, 61, Stephanie 87, 202
124, 165, 194 Windham, Alyssa 44,
~illiams, Ben 97, 109, 50, 63, 120
114 Windham, Jennifer 97,
~illiams, Bob 122 109, 187
Villiams, David 97, Windler, Joseph 87, 136
109, 122, 144, 192, Winkler, Keri 63, 208
202 Winters, Andrea 87
Villiams, Debra 87, Winters, Jan-Kevin 87
144, 182, 204 Wisner, Elizabeth 97,
Villiams, Eric 25, 43, 109, 195
Youth To Youth: Front row- Angie Eastep, Meridith Spigelman, Barb
61 Witkovski, Holly 97, Maxwell, Jodi Janssen, Alissa Malek. Second row- Sarah Danley, Mandy
Villiams, Julie 97, 109, 109 Heyen, Ben Gray, Sebastian Nastase, Kristen Moore, Kevin Jones. Third
150, 192, 202 Witte, Richard 87, 136 row- Rochelle Redden, Kerri Jones, Jennifer Lee, Michelle Packard, Chris
Thompson, Jim Bang. Back row- Brian McLain, Austin Voorhes, Dawn
Villiams, Ryan 68, 87 Woerth, Cathy 87 Riesberg, Michelle Abboud, Sherri Neal, Jason Lowry.
Villiard, Daniel 97, 109 Wojdyla, Hank 19, 38,
Villmore, Jason 87 63, 165, 192, 203
S. Olson &M. Sterzinger 9~
1994 Monarch
Yearbook Staff
Laura Adams
Julie Armitage
Remember the time... at PLHS
Alexis Austin
Mandy Brandt
Jami Brown
T ricia Carnes
Colophon and credits
Meghan Cavalier
he 850 copies of the 1994 Monarch were printed on signature gloss paper by Walsworth P

Lisa Coleman
Sara Dappen lishing Company in Marceline, Missouri and sold for $35.00.
Lori Davis The theme "Remember the time ... " was established at Journalism camp the summer of 1
Heidi Derr
and developed by the 1993-94 yearbook staff. Adobe Garamond was the copy style L
Dawn Dries
Shannon Frederick throughout the book. The copy was set at 12 point, the captions at 10 point, and the headlines wen
Eve Halverson point.
Nicky Haworth The cover, opening and closing, endsheets, and division pages were designed by Julie Armitage, So
TJ Heinert Peterson, Stephanie Olson, and Kristi Robinson during the summer of 1993 at Journalism ca
Mandy Heyen
Walsworth Publishing Company printed the cover in flat black with paisley accents and gold script let
Angela Heywood
Judson Kingman ing. The endsheets were in Roman Marble with forest green and maroon lettering.
Mindy Minton The yearbook staff would like to thank the following individuals and groups for their contributions
Shirley Minton efforts to make the 1994 yearbook a success: Mike Diffenderfer, Dennis Hassel, The Papillion Tir
Christina Morrell Dennis Smith, James Glover, Marcia Hespen, Paul Schroeder, John Waters, Karen Crandall, Jerry!-
Sherri Neall
Stephanie Olson
Joanne Cissel, Elaine Hansen, Barb Roth, Susie Pleggenkuhle, Jay Spiegelman, Jason Morgan, L<
Sonya Peterson Penn, Brent Saathoff, Christina Morrell, Katie Schwalm, Angela Heywood, Richard Duncan, C
VuPham VanHousen, Kathy Kollars, Sherry Magner, Sandi Boswell, Annette Ohrt, Cara Stirts, Mark Sm
Kristi Robinson Brenda Search, Bee Peery, Jeff Nienhueser, Ed Sterling, Larry Kaiser, Andrea & Bill Kellett, the Fri
Katie Schwalm night group, Margie Shanahan, Barb Tertinger, Linda Cortez, Pam Maguire, Tom Berue, Dick Far
Delsey Sherrill
and Kevin Albers, the Journalism I classes, parents, Papillion and LaVista area businesses, and the m
Matt Sterzinger
Kellie Vallinch others who helped to make the 1994 Monarch possible.
Cara Vande Berg Advisers Note: A special thank-you to Editor Stephanie Olson who worked above & beyond the
of duty after graduation & during the summer. Stephanie edited the index and summer proofs, <

Jennifer Yang
sisting of more than 80 pages. Thank-you for your hard work and dedication.
Adviser Editors-In-Chief Co-Editor

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