Last year on May 17, the ground was first broken and so started the new buildings around the school. A new library, swimming pool and an addition to the cafeteria were to be built. As the students came back to school for the 1968 and 1969 school year they noticed new improvements taking place.
BELOW: The ground was first broken behind the gymnasium. The people that took part are from left to right:
Mr. Ouradnik, Mrs. Gremley, Br. R. T. Unsworth, Ald. Fitzpatrick, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vitha, Mrs. Kubacki, Mrs. Flisak, Mr. Barcelona, Mr. Ryan. In the background, standing, is Mr. James Cronin, Architect.
The long awaited completion date for the Brothel' Rice building project at last arrived. The new library which promises to be quite an improvement over the old, is now completely finished. Due to a lack of furniture, however, it will not be open for some time yet, although it will definitely be ready for use before the next school year begins. The Brother Rice band room located behind the pool has been in use for some time now, and the maintenance shop behind the cafeteria is in good working order. Also students are able to leave and enter school through the new foyer neal' the pool. The excellent performance on the part of Rice students in this year's fund drive coupled with a similar showing in next year's drive is expected to payoff the cost of the completed project. This should not be difficult now that the students are finally seeing the results of their hard work.
The grand opening of the pool took place on February 14, with a triangular meet being held between the three Christian Brother's schools. The pool was blessed by Father James. The pool, which measures seventy-five feet by forty-five feet and holds 146,000 gallons of water, has now become an integral part of the Rice students' life. Physical Education classes began on March 3, and everyone has shared the benefits gained from the pool.
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With an expansion in school size and an enlarged enrollment. an efficiently run school office is most important. The Brother Rice faculty has adequately equipped itself to control those needs which occur during the school year. The office carries four full time secretaries to manage the paper work and to help those in need. Principal Br. Unsworth, Vice-Principal Mr. Cassidy and the 92 members of the faculty have come to be the greatest molding force in our lives. As the teacher does his best for his students, he can be assured that the student will make him proud and worthy of h is efforts and time.
~Ir. H. P. Cassidy is a twelve year faculty member and is the school's new Vice-Principal.
Mr. R. Osburn was recently appointed School Treasurer. He also leaches Business and Accounting.
B,·. W. D. Neary is Dean of Students and has been on the faculty for eleven years. He is also moderator of the Dads' Club.
Br. J. B. Lackie teaches Chemistry and is head of the religious community at BRHS.
Br. L. C. Haley teaches math and is Treasurer of the Brothers' Community.
Br. R. L. May heads the school's public relations and school maintenance programs.
Mrs. D. Hoff is in her third year at Rice and is Brother Unsworth's secretary. She types up the f'aculty bulletins.
Mrs. DUJ;:en is in her first year at Rice. She works on school records and college transcripts.
Fr. J. Parappally is resident chaplain to faculty and students.
Mrs. F. Doerrer came to Rice in the spring of 1967. Mrs. Doerrer has one boy.
Mrs. P. Clemmons came to Rice in the winter and works in the office. She has a B.S. in Psychology from Loyola.
Mr. 1'. J. Ahern teaches Latin and has been on the faculty for four years. Mr. Ahern graduated from St. Mary's College.
Mr. Arumugam Aruldoss has been on the faculty for four years and teaches math, Earth Science and Physical Science.
Mr. E. J. Bara graduated from St. Joseph's College and teaches U.S. and World History. He is assistant football coach.
Br. K. C. Herndl ma ier teaches history and religion. is a Freshman Counselor, and moderates footbul! ami our wrcst.limr teams.
Mr. R. F. Baader teaches Problems of Democracy and Wor-ld History. He also moderates our prize winning lilt's Academic" learn.
Mr. J. B. Bergman. who is in his seventh year at Rice, teaches English and Wor-ld History, He is now studyirur at Loyola University School of Law.
:\lr. J. M. HeTTY is a first year faculty member who teaches history and refijrion. He jrraduntcd Iro m Brother Rice in IfHI4.
~lr. E. S. Bobowski teaches history and religion. This is his first year at BRHS.
)Ir. R. C. Burt graduated from Rice and teaches English. He is Head Coach of Cross-Country and Track teams at Rice.
Br. K_ F_ Chapman is Head of the Art Department and moderates the Yearbook. Many of Brother's :;ne oils are displayed in the school.
Hr. Gerald F. Brennan who teaches religion also coaches varsity Hockey. HC' is now in his second year at Rice.
Mr. R. C. Cachor is now taking graduate studies at St. Thomas College, he teaches math and typing, and has been at Rice five years.
Mr. J. R. Clemmons teaches religion and Spanish. He graduated in Rice's first graduating class and is now a M.A. candidate at Chicago State.
Mr. )1. J. Coffey teaches Economics and Problems of Democracy. He is assistant track coach and is in his first year at Rice.
Hr. J. M. Coleman is in his second year at Rice and he teaches religion and Music Appreciation. He is a graduate of lona College.
Hr. J. D. Cotter teaches mathematics and religion. He has previously taught at Leo High.
Br. A. D. Devane teaches Social Studies and religion and has been a faculty member for ten years.
Br. J. B. Flynn is in his first year at Rice and teaches physics and math. He moderates the Physics Club.
Mr. J. P. Cummings is in his fourth year as a member of the faculty and teaches religion. He moderates the student council and Pep Club.
Br. Theodore Estes taught American History and religion. He was unable to complete his first full year at Rice.
Mr. Franks is assistant band conductor to Mr. Henning. And this is his second year at Rice.
Br. G. I. Garcia teaches Spanish and religion. He is in his second year at Rice.
Miss E. F. Giampoli is now a fulltime faculty member. She teaches Biology and taught at Rice during the summer.
Br . .r. P. Glackin is a BRHS graduate. He teaches math and religion and will be an assistant athletic mode-rator.
Mr. J. W. Hackett is also a Rice graduate and has been a faculty member for three years. He teaches Earth Science and Physical Science.
Mr. Anthony Hanrahan also taught at Rice during the summer and he now teaches math. He is also a BRHS graduate.
Mr. R. M. Hanisits is the school's full-time guidance counselor. He is now in his seventh year at Rice.
Br. G. J. Hendrickson now teaches English and is also a doctoral candidate at St. John's University. He is in his first year at Rice.
Mr. L. J. Henning is a 12 year faculty member who directs our fine band along with other neighboring high schools.
Br. J. A. Heustis is a newcomer to the BRHS staff. Brother teaches Spanish and directs the Broth.r Rice Glee Club.
lIIr. K. 111. Hickey, who is doir graduate studies at Loyola Un versity I teaches English and is no in his second year at Rice.
lIIr. T. J. Johnston teaches religion and physical education and is in his 11th year at Rice. A Leo graduate, he coaches football and varsity bowling,
HI'. C. B. Joyce who teaches Drafting also moderates the swimming team. Brother is also responsible for the maintenance of the grounds.
lIIr. W. C. Kellogg is Athle Moderator and Head Basketb coach. He also teaches Physf Education and is in his eig+ year at Rice.
Mr. J. P. Langan teaches Physical Education and is assistant football and basketball coach. This is his second year at Rice.
Br. P. R. Kiely teaches Drafting and has previously taught at a number of other Brother schools. He also taught at Leo.
Mr. D. J. Konieczny teaches Biology and is in his first year at Rice. He previously was a teaching assistant at St. Mary's College.
Mr. T. A. Lemkowski heads the Mathematics Department at Rice and is in his eighth year at BRHS.
Mrs. P. A. Kominiarek, who teaches French, is now in her second year at Brother Rice.
Mr. J. C. Lalley is Chairman of the English Department and also teaches English. He is also assistant Speech Moderator.
Sr. M. Lucas is also a newcomer to the BRHS faculty. He teaches Physics and religion and moderates the Physics and Electronics clubs.
Br. T. C. Mahoney teaches Religion and English and moderates track and school socials.
Fr. W. V. McDonough teaches religion and Social Studies. Father is in his second year teaching at Rice.
)Ir. T. R. )Iichell is Head football Coach of BRHS. He also teaches Bus.ness Law and Religion.
Mr. R. E. Marfise previously taught at St. Alberts the Great. He teaches business law and Economics.
Bt-. J. 1'. Marque a three year faculty member. Director of C.C.D. Programs and is the Intramural Soccer Coach.
Br. J. P. McGraw is now in his second year on the faculty. He teaches religion and English.
Mr. Dennis H. Moll, School Trainer and Head Wrestling coach. He teaches Physical Education and is now in his third year at Rice.
"-. J. B. )Ioore teaches Latin and =-= z; -r: and moderates the Tennis ~:>.=.. He is a ten year faculty =~=:·r.
Mr. J. E. Mulcrone teaches swimming during gym class and also coaches our water polo and swimming teams.
Br. J. D. Murphy is the chairman of the Science Department and teaches Biology. He also moderates the Biology Club.
- w. J. Nowicki teaches World .=.....r.J:-Y and Problems of De- "caey. He has been a faculty ~:--=r for six years.
Mr. T. J. O'Brien is a BRHS graduate. He teaches World History and Problems of Democracy. He is the assistant track coach.
Br, O'Connor, along with teaching at St. Xavier's College, instructed Brother Rice students in calculus during the first semester.
'4~'" H. Pltula teaches Spanish
.1P ::. now in her second year at
:: _0:;'.
'" n .. \. Rinaldini taught religion ";:-~\nish and i~ coach of the _ - - .. it tE'am. He also moderates .;. .. mni Dad's Club.
l\'lrs. J. Prerost works in the library .. She holds a business deg-ree from Crawford College.
Mr. M. P. Raftery is in his second year at Rice and he teaches English and religion. He now studies at New York University.
Rr. P. L. Rat t ig'a n is head of the Religion Department. He is in his second year at Rice and teaches Problems of Democracy along with religion.
~Ir. E. J. Robinson teaches math and this is his second year on the faculty at Rite.
Mr. H. J. Ross teaches English and Speech, He moderates the Debate and Speech Clubs.
2 I
Br. H. L. Stanich teaches relig-ion along with U.S. History. He is a BRHS graduate who is in his second year at Rice.
Miss A. C. Tripp is in her third yea}' n t Rice. She works in the library and serves as Reference Librarian.
Br. K. X. Wolf is Chairman of :~_l' )fodern Lang-uages in Rico and re-ctor of the Bookstore and AuVisual Department.
Mr. E. J. Zabrucki teaches EnKlish and is one of the school's pight Counsellors. This is his fourth year at Rice.
Mr. E. R. Staron teaches Physical Education and is in his second vear at Rice. He coaches Fresh;l1an Football and Basketball.
Br. E. 1\1. Yr-ankn teaches mathemutics and religion. He moderates Football and Basketball. He is A thletic Moderator.
William Adler
John Arnone
Stephen Albrecht
Christopher Ast
Paul Anthony
Daniel Balich
Michael Arend:
Thomas Barcelo:
/ Daniel Barron
Michael Barry
Brian Bergin
J. Lawrence Battle
.J oseph Berttucci
Robert Barry
Terrence Barton
John Bavlsik
Frank Bialek
Robert Beck
Stephan Blankshain
Raymond Blouin
James Boike
David Boch
Robert Borowski
James Boehlke
Thomas Boyle
Jerry Bragiel
Paul Brusky
James Brennan
Ronald Bryze
James Burns
John Byrnes
Danny Byrne
James Cainkar
Joseph Buckley
James Budnieski
Kevin Byrne
Leonard Canino
Terence Buckley
David Buksa
Joseph Casey
Gary Cas wick
Michael Cannon
Thomas Carmody
James Cassidy
Paul Cella
Michael Cap
Daniel Casey
William Carlson
David Casey
Michael Cellini
Patrick Cleary
Thomas Chaps
Robert Clasby
John Clifford
Vincent Cesaro
Gregory Clarin
Scott Cmiel
Charles Corcoran
Timothy Costin
Gregory Coe
J ames Comiskey
William Corrigan
James Coulas
Michael Collins
Philip Congino
Stephen Cozzie
Kenneth Creed
Robert Cronin
John Curran
Thomas Coyle
Edward Coyne
Kevin Cronin
George Czarnik
Patrick Cronin
Joseph Daluga
Ronald Daun
Lawrence Davisson
Richard Davis
Daniel DeCarlo
James Delamater
Walter Dettman
Robert Devitt
Robert Dermody
Thomas Diamond
Anthony Dobrovolskis
Thomas Donovan
William Donovan
Daniel Doody
Rodney Downs
Dennis Driscoll
Daniel Dunne
John Englander
John Erxleben
David Drury
Patrick Durkin
Thomas Erazmus
Donald Ernst
James Duffin
Dwain Dyer
Peter Feczko
Patrick Fitzgerald
Richard Feil
Peter Fitzpatrick
Patrick Evans
Daniel Fan'ell
James Field
Mark Fitzsimmons
Philip Flohr
John Fox
Michael Foley
Walter Franiak
Robert Gabriel
John Galloway
Thomas Fries
William Funk
Terrence Gantner
Patrick Garrity
:nlnk Gentile
Dennis Gawron
Mark Geoghegan
Andrew Gaydos
Thomas Glass
George Gaydos
Thomas Gleason
Terrence Hackett
Michael Goggin
James Grigus
Dennis Hack
William Haglund
James Grabowski
Raymond Groble
John Granville
Ronald Guerin
Lawrence Hanson
Patrick Harrington
Daniel Haskins
David Heniff
Vincent Healy
Ronald Hertz
John Heidel'
John Higgins
Patrick Holland
John Howard
Richard Hyland
John Janks
James Holsinger
Lawrence Hoyer
Maurice Jacob
Daniel Janosik
Charles Homolka
Michael Hughes
John Johannsen
Robert Jones
Charles Janulis
Lawrence ,J ender
Michael Johnson
Edward .J ordan
Robert Jelinski
Mark ,Jennings
Thomas Joyce
Hilary Karp
Ronald Juneman
Joseph Kattany
Kenneth Kehl
George Keith
John Karamanski
Robert Kavlock
Robert Karnauskas
Martin Klabacha
Patrick Kluck
Richard Kekstas
Bernard Kelly
Edmund Klimkiewicz
John Klunk
William Kellher
Donald Kennedy
William Kramer
Gregory Kuchan
Mark LaDouceur
Peter Knysz
Ronald Kubacki
Stanley Kurcz
Francis Kozlowski
Martin Kubicki
John Ladd
Dale Lajter
Thomas Las
Robert LaPlaca
Keith Laughton
Eugene Larken
John Lazarski
John Lelko
David Levy
David Lerch
Thomas Levy
Kevin J. McCarthy
Raymond McCord
James McArdle
Robert McCann
Michael J. McCarthy
Stephen McCormick
Thomas McAvoy
Kevin McCarthy
Patrick McDermott
James McDonald
Eugene McGowan
Joseph McDonnell
Thomas McGowan
J Michael McElroy
Richard McGrath
Thomas McGrea
Daniel McGuire
John McIntosh
Craig McNulty
Patrick Madden
Richard McLean
Dennis McJVIahon
Peter Mackanin
Kenneth Madeja
Edmund Madaj
John Makowski
Ralph Malaker
Michael Mankowski
Alan Malone
Patrick Markham
Donald McGreal
Ewal'd Maloney
Thomas Marron
Anthony Maslanka
Randall Mazura
Robert Maxwell
Michael Means
William Mendlar
Charles Miletich
David Miller
Robert Moone
Chester Morong
Robert Morrey
James Morr-ison
Patrick Murphy
Edwark Musik
BaiTY Mosel'
Robert Mueller
Stephen Murray
Kenneth Namjestnik
Charles Mott
John Mullen
Edmund Mroz
Bernard Murphy
Kenneth Nissen
Ronald Nanfelctt
Thomas Nee
Brian Niechwiej
Michael N 01311
Edward Napleton
John Neeson
James Nielson
Dennis Norton
Robert O'Donnell
William O'Donnell
Kevin Novorolsky
Michael O'Brien
Terrence O'Donnell
William O'Dwyer
Michael Nulty
Peter O'Brien
Kevin Padden
Jerome Oskvarek
Thomas Panfil
Timothy O'Connor
Leonard O'Hart
Michael Oster
Allan Paul
Gary Pace
Michael Paulius
Rimantas Pauzuolis
Raymond Pier
Thomas Pawlak
Lawrence Pietrzak
James Prendergast
William Platt
John Prendergast
Paul Powers
Roy Prohaska
Ronald Rashinski
Timothy Redmon
James Regan
David Remijas
Paul Rezmer
Edward Riegert
Patrick Riley
Robert Rolla
Richard Rowen
John Ryan
James Roddy
James Ross
Daniel Rusch
Thomas Ryan
Michael Roedel'
Robert Rovv
Gary Schaller
Lester Sawicki
James Schatz
Francis Schaffel'
Anthony Scheurich
. Terrence Sals
William Sauerland
Charles Schaeflein
Kevin Schick
Frederick Schuster
Matthew Schneider
Michael Shine
Paul Sejud
Timothy Seyffert
Thomas Schroeder
Terrence Seamans
Galen Schumacher
Jeffrey Sebuck
Joseph Sheils
Charles Sheridan
John Simpson
Steven Skeba
Donald Singler
George Skizas
William Siorek
Terrence Smith
James Stailey
Kenneth Staniszewski
Richard Solski
Kevin Soss
Phillip Stasukaitis
John Sortino
Joseph Stachovic
Walter Sosnowski
Robert Stalker
James Sujka
David Strasser
Jerry Sulivan
Joseph Tassone
Thomas Szaflarski
Joseph Taylor
John Tarnovski
Bernard Terrell
Francis Tenczar
Dennis Toomey
Robert Tuohy
Steve Vander Vliet
Robert Thauer
Bruno Trapikas
John Valentino
Michael Vanier
John Thullen
Paul Trimble
Paul Vladovich
John Wall
Glen Warczak
William Warzak
James Wasniewski
Gary Voy Tassak
Dennis Walsh
Theodore Weckel
John Weimar
Richard Willard
Alan Wegg
John Weise
Thomas Willette
Scott Weiler
Ronald Willis
Gerald Wuthter
Michael Yore
Michael Yerkes
Michael York
George Y oks as
Kenneth Zale
John Zeman
Henry Zwirkoski
Larry Zienty
Joseph Zygmunt
Junior Representatives
James Arneberg
Joseph Gura
Michael Burns
Richard Hill
Edward Keeley
Lawrence Roth
Lawrence McCarthy
Kevin Smith
Jack Murphy
Michael Smith
Mark Murphy
John Ward
Thomas Daum
Peter Joyce
James Prelaske
Mark Wier
Robert Falloon
Paul Lenart
Donald Quaid
Robert York
Daniel Foley
Neal Locke
Michael Abbey Keith Adams Phil Adamski Robert Adomatis
George Alivojvodic James Alleruzzo William Antonelli James Arneberg
Bruce Babick William Bailey \Villiam Bain William Balbs
Daniel Baldwin Thomas Bangs Samuel Barajas Andrew Bnrauskas
Robert Barret Jumes Barron Charles Barsevick
.J ames Bartley Thomas Bennet Thomas Bentley Thomas Berger
Mar-ius Bemotavicius
Richard Berry Robert Bertucci Paul Beyer Earl Bickett Ronald Biskup Gary Bokowy J ames Borders Robert Bottg-er
Russel Boyle Ronald Boz inovich David Brazen Terrence Brandt David Brennan Michael Brennan Kevin Briley Daniel Broderick
"Who took my chalk ?"
Kevin Brolley Edward Bronson Jerome Brozek Michael Buckley
Glenn Burckart Terrence Burke Timothy Burke
Michael Burns
HI bet he wears a girdle."
Thomas Burns George Bush Lawrence Cafarelli John Cannon Joseph Cari
John Carter
James Casey
Lawrence Cassi Daniel Cassidy Wayne Chmiel Michael Chuffo Jeffrey Ciszek Gary Clarin William Clifford
Robert Cling-en William Climren John Collins Joseph Collins William Coltman Marlin Condon John Connell
John Czacho rs ki John Dabrowski Dennis Duley Thomas Daurn John nelsi Robert Demes
David Derwin Daniel DeTour Charles Devens Robert Din mond Michael Diedrich Thomas Dignan
JelTY Connor Gregory Cook Paul Costello
Michael Costin David Cox Robert Cox
.Iohn Covle Thomas 'Cozzolino Mn rk Cronin
Michael Cryan Thomas Custer Richard Cygan
Thomas Dudik William Duggan Mark Duran Thomas Dvorscek James Eiler William Elling
Robert Falloon Dennis Falls Robert Fuxel Edward Fiorette J ames Fitzmaurice John Flaherty
Michael Flisak Daniel Flynn Daniel Foley Edward Folliard Mark Foster James Fox
Charles Dillon Robert Dillon Paul Dinolfo James Dixon
William Dixon Donald Doherty Robert Doll Michael Donohue
Daniel Dooley Thomas Dougherty Daniel Dresky Michael Dubois
J ames Freeman Michael Fries Kevin Galik Lawrence Gallagher
Michael Gannon Roger Gaw John Geoghegan Gregory Gilbertson
Kenneth G lowac ki Patrick Glynn John Gordon Mark Grantner
Robert Erkl in James Fairbairn Gary Hattan Joseph Hu ughney Rogel' Havlick William Hayes
Richard F'lanigan Patrick Flanigan Gerald Hickey Weimer K. Hicks Richard Hill James Hinde
Michael Fox Thomas Fox Brian Hog·un Raymond Holland Mark Holmes John Houlihan
Thomas Gallagher Mark Ganas Richard Hourihan Williarn Hoyne Nicholas Hubalik Robert Hubbard William Hunt Michael Huyer
Paul Gleason Joseph Gleeson Lawrence J acobucci Robert Jelen
Peter Joyce
Kraig .Jung
KelTY Kalafut James Karel
Alan Grebliunas Gregory Griffin Joseph Karnes Robert Kawa
John Keane
Robert Keane Richard Keating Edward Keeley
Thomas Griffin Christophel' Grochowalski David Grunke
Daniel Gruzdis
Joseph Gum Harold Hall John Haney Scot Hanley
Thomas Hardy Daniel Harrington John Hutrich James Hasty
Joseph Kelly Thomas Kevin Paul Kiepu rn Peter Kilduff
Fredrick KhlUS ~lichael Kluck James Konrath Thomas Knapp
Timothy Knox Craig' Kovach Robert Kral Robert Kramer
Edward Kraus Ronald Kreczowski Michael Krischel1 Robert Kubiak James Kuchan Joseph Lanse
David Laier Andrew Langert Patrick Larmon Anthony Las Michael Laskero Richard Lauren
Thomas Lawlor Edward Lawrence John Leahy Thomas Leahy Richard Leamy Richard Lekki
John Lenahan Paul Lenart Bruce Lerner Barry Leska Thomas Leska Lawrence Letkewicz
Benny Duplicating Machine
Thomas Levy David Liebentritt Michael Liston John Lloyd Neal Locke Michael Long Paul Lorance
Philip Lovetere David Lucas Donald Lukas John Lunardon Brian Lundgren Patrick MacFarlane Theodore MacH nick;
Hugh MacKinnon Steven Mader Richard Makowski Richard Manion James Mansell Mario Maola
John Marszaiek Robert Martin
Edward Maslonski Mark Mathis Harold Matuszak Arunas Mazeika Raymond McCahill Lawrence McCarthy Donald McClain
J ames McGreal
Samual McGrogan William McKenzie Dennis McLaughlin James McLaughlin Daniel McLinden Bryan McMurray James McNally Michael McNamera
Hard Stuff!
George Miller Henry Miller Michael Miller Russel Miller
John McNicholas Wayne McQuearv James MeTe ague George McWainney
Michael Meuris Joseph Meyer Charles Miceli Frank Miceli
Michael Michuana Vytas Miknaitis Thomas Mikula John Milan
"You look funny too."
Douglas Mills Brian Mitchell James Mitchell Michael Mockaitis William Moran Hugh Moran
Terrence Moran John Morgan Dennis Morkunas Raymond Morris Bradford Mortimer Donald Mott
Craie Moyles Michael Mucker Patrick Muccahy James Murabito Michael Murdock John Murphy Mark Murphy
John Murray John Murray John Mutnansky James Nanfeldt Thomas Nash
James Nelson w illiam Nickel
Robert Nissen Edward No lling er Patrick Norris Kevin Norton Edward Novak Peter ovak Joseph Novicki
John Novosel Robert Nowicki Brinn Oakes Jarnes O'Brien John O'Brien Michael Ocenas Ml!rk O'Connell Michael O'Connor
Frank O'Donnell Richard O'Donnell Thomas O'Hara Richard Oiczyk John O'Leary
James O'Reilly Mark O'Sullivan Thomas Paimer
Lawrence Pakieser Thomas Palmer James Panfil
Michael Panko James Parlin Andrew Passaglia
Martin Passolano Michael Pauly Richard Peterson
Joseph Petruck Charles Petrauskis John Philbin
HI ".'ish I had my crayons."
"Brother Blust hate me."
Fredrick Smith Kevin Smith Michael Smith Mark Smogor
Robert Saleh Frank Spencer David Srutowski Joseph Stabrawa
Thomas Stack Richard Stacy Robert Stanula
Fred Stec
John Schle:.:er Walter Schmidt Camel Seal' Raymond Scott Geor!'.'e Scully
Stephen Seitz Bruce Sewick Brian Shaughnessy , Daniel Sheehy John Sheehy
Martin Shultz Michael Siedlecki Edward Sienkl~wllckz Ric-hard Sun a Phillippe Simon
Gregory Siska Gregory SISS Richard Skonieczny Thomas Skora Rogel' Slowek
Robert Stevens Edward Stoehr Richard Stringham
Michael Sullivan Patrick Sweeny Henry Szujewski
"What a mess!"
Ti mothy Taranda Thomas Tassone Robert Taylor Joseph Terrell James Thornton Wayne Tjernberg
Jerome Tobolski John Topol' James Tracy Victor Trinkus Michael Troy Martin Urba
Thomas Urban Robert Ursa Otis Usher Charles Utrata
Joseph Vaccarella Raymond Vaicik Louis Veneziano Richard Vojtas
Harold Waddington Henry Wakerly Kevin Wall
James Walsh Michael Walsh Michael Walters John Ward
David Wargowski Peter Wasvlin Thomas Weinberger Edward Welter Joseph Whiritv Lemuel White' Mark Wier
James Wilco~ Fred 'Yillia Stephen Winl Bill Winters Chris Wright Robert York
Edward Zelko Allen Zielnik George Ziemi Thomas Zimn Anton Zopel Jerome Z:rWtl!
Theodore Piekarz Wesley Pierz James Pilarski Anthony Plazibat Leo Plomin Thomas Poremba
George Porter Martin Powers James Prelaske Donald Quaid James Quinn Jerry Radomski
Hap? /% -(Ie)
John Schaller Bruce Schaules Patrick Schenck Mark Schied Thomas Schiltgen Thomas Schissel
Alfred Radz Donald Ralis Daniel Ralphson Robert Ralston
Linas Raslavicius William Rawson Richard Regan Thomas Reilly
John Reiner
Ken Reninger Michael Reynolds David Riss
Milo Ritchey Timothy Roche Lawrence Roth Vytautas Rupinskas Donald Russo Patrick Ryan
Thomas Rysiewics Michael Sabatino Ronald Sadowski Michael Salvati Daniel Samardzich Michael Sapienza
Sophomore Representatives
Eugene Carranza
Jack Hanley
Lawrence Johnson
Carl Nimitz
Edward, Christophel'
Mark Hermanson
Felix Kirkpatrik
Joseph Riccio
Joseph Adler
Steven Fetzer
Frank Humphrey
Fred Lebed
Edward Riska
Donald Ban
James Levy
John Shanahan
Joseph Brosnan
Lawrence Brozek
Paul Madison
Fr-ank Sber-iduu
James Matkaitis
John Burke
. J ames Gallagher
James Hynes
Robert McShane
David L'rbanink
Gary Gibson
James Jarasek
Daniel Murphy
Cat-l Zwitt
Gerald Barotolini Peter Beata Anthony Beck
Gene Becker J ames Bednarz Peter Bella
Thomas Bendit James Berent John Bielaga
J ames Blackburn Robert Blough Gerald Blouin
Joseph Adler Frank Alvinovic Mark Anderson Paul Anderson Brian Andrews Robert Anthony
Gene Asner
Gregory Ast Saul Bagdonas James Baker Andrew Balas Ronald Balich Donald Ban Joseph Banesi
Donald Baran Guy Barcelona Scott Barnes Richard Barret George Barry James Barry Thomas Barry
Happiness is
Thomas Bober Gary Boch Richard Bode Richard Boike Peter Boyle Robert Bollinger
Philip Brankin Mark Bramfield John Brand Bruce Braskich Walter Brennan George Brew
Escape at 3:00!
Mario Christofano Edward Christopher Kevin Christy Joseph Cichocki Thomas Chirillo
Philip Cixewski Kev i n Cia rke Mark Clemmons Brian Clifford Charles Cody
Rornuaidas Brizgys Joseph Brosnan Alan Brosseau
David Brown Paul Brown Pete Brown
Rene Brown Larry Brozek James Bruckner
Jim Brvja George Burdcr J ohn Bu t'ke
John Burke Richard Bu rke Donald Bush Thomas Bush Roger Byczek James Byrne Patrick Byrne
Francis Brynes Louis Campagna Robert Campbell John Carey
Frank Carls Leonard Carnevale Eugene Carranza
La w renee Cusev Patrick Casey .
J PITV Cassid~ Michael Cnvnnaugh Kenneth Cetera Cat-i Chapman Robert Chaps
John Coghlan Robert Coglman Bruce Coleman
John Conway John Cooney Kevin Corcoran
Manvel Corrales 'Vil1iam Coughlin Brendan Cournane
Romas Dargis Michael Davy Richard DeAnelo Ralph Defalco Robert DeGasso Stephen Furlan Paul Gabriel
Craig Demakes Robert DePrima James Derrico David DeRousse David Desterreicher Thomas Gaertner William Gaitens
Richard Detamble Thomas Dietz Thomas Diggins Ronald Dilert Paul Dobija Donald Gajewski Ronald Gajewski
Allen Coyne William Coyne Kenneth Creagan Richard Favia John Fazy
Richard Creed Raymond Crowley William Cum mane James Feely Michael Ferrante
James Czarnik
Richard Czop Gerald Dapkus Frank Ferrara Stephen Fetzer
Michael Galbreath Gerald Gallagher James Gallagher Michael Gallagher
Peter Galvin Paul Ganz
Anthony Garigliano Joseph Garrity
Robert Gaw Kenneth Genutis IVJ ichael Gihlin Gary Gibson
Paul DoBill Stephen Doer Donald Domenico Thomas Donnelly Terrence Doody
Robert Doornbos William Dowling Joseph Drennan Steven Drury . Robert Duda
Mark Durkin Arthur Dust Stephen Eberhardt Michael Estes David Falls
Donald Figura Patrick Filas
John Fioretti Daniel Fitzgerald Michael Fitzgerald Thomas Fitzgerald
Richard Fitzpatrick Daniel Flaherty Michael Flavin Michael Flaws
John Flynn
Donald Foley
John Francetti Paul Franceschini Frank Franiak Warren Friedl Richard Freeman Daniel Funk
Chris Glass Robert Glaz Edward Glaznr John Goldberg Michael Gonion
Keith Gorles James Griffin John Griffin
Frank Grandau John Grantner Timothy Griffin James Grohovena Jytenis Grybauskas Thadeus Grzywaca James Gucna
Raymond Guerin
Charles Haas Jerry Haggerty J ames Haggerty Ronald Haibeck Michael Hall Gregory Hamot Jack Hanley John Hanlon
Gregory Haraf John Harm George Harrington James Haskins
Paul Haskins David Hauptman JIHI·tin Hayes Micheal Hayes
Daniel Healy Larry Heavey Micheal Hennessy Mark Hermanson
Phillip Hicks Kenny Higgins Rick Hill Paul Hoffman
Tough Chemistry test?
Jerome Hope Ric-hard Huwaniel Francis Humphrey Guy Hurka Michael Hurley James Hynes
Andrew Iglal' Janles Jablonsky Paul J aneeek Steven Janes James J arasek Alg irda Jasa itis
The Chicago Bares
Louis Karel Anthony Kaufmann Joseph Kawalko Charles Kay
Keith Kazanova Edward Kenn
James Keane John Keating Patrick Kea tirur Garry Keller Michael Kelly Patrick Kelly
Ken Kendrick Kevin Kernel' Ken Keshkunas Michael Riley Thomas Kirel' Felix Kirkpatrick
Gregory Kitz Mark Klaus Hichanl Koros James Kotapku Russ Katz David Kouba
Jack Jennison Norbert Jesionowski Lawrence Johnson
Manuel Juarez Daniel Kaiser Richard Kalebich
Paul Kampner James Kane Paul Kapus
Ilonald Kovach Chr-is Kowalczyk Charles Kozlowski John Kramer Allen Kremm John Krcstmann Kearv Krueger
Ronald Kucharski Paul Kurzuwski Edwurd Kus Richard Lacev Chris Lamb . John Larlcv
Mark Larson
William Links Allen Liszka James Loftus James Lombardi
George Long Thomas Lucas Christophel' Lynch Thomas Lynch
David Lynn James Lyons Marc Macarol Paul Madison
Charles Madlen Mark Nagorka Wayne Ma jcxek Thomas Makowski Thomas Manick
Richard Manion Edward Mansel John Mansell J ames Marron Thomas Marszowski
Christopher Martine James Martin Thomas Martin Thomas Maslanilu John Mashowski John Mason Tony i\Iassarg
James Laurencig Jon Lebaron Fred Lebed Robert Lernpkowski Thomas Lenz John Leonorde
Gene Lesliel Jerry Leveren z James Levy John Lewandowski Craig Lewandowski Thomas Lewis
John Mathys James Matkaitis Gregory Matie Ken Matuszak Carl Maziarz Dale Mazura John McArdle
John McCall
David McCal'thv
John McCormack Michael McCormack Lawrence McDonough Matthew McFadden James McGowen
Don McGrath James McGuigan Lawrence McGuire Wesley McKenny Sean McLaughlin David McNally Robert McNellis
Maurice Me Nicholas Robert McShane Richard McWilliams Paul Meany Thomas. Meenan Neil Meidgin
Frank Meyer
Ronald Mica1 Craig Miller David Miller Brian Milord John Milpice Dennis Minkel Eric Mitchell
Mark Moran John Miller Richard Modelski Thomas Molloy
Peter Mooke Edward Morel Lawrence Morey Grerory Morong
Patrick Morrison James Moser William Murphy Daniel Murphy
James Murphy Ted Murphy John Murray Jeffrey Muzooka
Carl Ohekzut Brian O'Brien Daniel O'Brien
John Ocenas
Mark Myskowski Mark Nagcrka Steven Napleton Gary Neth Dennis Nicholoson Carl Nimtz
Christopher Nimtz Barry Nolan David North Thomas North Edward Nykazk Robert Oakley
Mark O'Connor Steven O'Donnell John Oliphant Jeffery O'Malley
Thomas O'Malley William O'Shea Lawrence Oskielunas Dale Otto James Page Mark Panko Micheal Pappas
Robert Parkek Robert Pasciak Richard Pasiewicz Robert Patzelt Lawrence Pawelski Joseph Perrino Ronald Petri
Den Pettke Den Phelan :llichael Pietrok John Pischl Mark Platt
tanley Podlasek Gary Poppell Eugene Porto rvmond Pra nskunas - Frank Prestipino
"If I had a spitball
James Prunty Thomas Ptak Allen Puchalski Michael Pych Charles Quinn
Raymond Rudis Edward Radtke William Rafferty Joseph Ragem Charles Ralis
William Ralph Richard Rappold James Rea Joseph Reg-an Phillip Reicher
Robert Reidy Raymond Reitz David Reninger Brian Reynolds Joseph Riccio
Jeffery Rybak Frank Salerno John Salihab
Anthony Salkas James Salkas John Schaeffuer
Robert Riddle Dennis Riley William Riordan Edward Riska
Barry Roberts William Roe Gordon Rosenquist Edward Ross
James Roth Steven Ruminski John Rusin James Ryzich
Robert Sexauer John Shanahan Peter Shannon
Kevin Shaughnessy Michael Shaughnessy Frank Sheridan
David Shyne John Siedlinski Bruce Skedd
Richard Skirius Carl Slifka Marc Sliwa
Michael Schaller Michael Schaller Douglas Scheidt
Richard Schroeder Thomas Schulz Peter Schuyler
William Scott Thomas Scott Steve Send as
Lawrence Seder John Sereda James Serbellini
Richard Slogger Joseph Slovick Timothy Smart Joseph Smulkaitis Robert Soenen Ronald Sojka Donald Sokol
Vincent Sondej Stanley So paras John Speer
Paul Stagno Joseph Stalor Philip Stanko Regi Starzyk
Bruce Stefancich David Stepanski Mark Sterk Nicholas Stiso Robert Stocklosse Marvin Srauch James Strnal
James Suker William Sullivan Richard Sweeny Barry Szymczak Donald Tapper
Jerome Thubur Charles Tauchman Thomas Thauer Joseph Tisoncik John Trant
Brother, my books are falling out of my desk!
Leo Trant
Andrew Trilla Matthew Trzyna Jerome Tupik William Tures Jeffery Twardosz David Urbaniak Donald Vaccarello
Arvydaz Veitas Samuel Vlachos David Voith
Ronald Waclawik Michael Walsh Patrick Walsh Charles Waynood Robert Wehrle
William Wehrle George Welter Richard Werhand William Whitlook Ralph Wickert Anthony Wickowski Jerome Wiencek Robert Williams
Gary Wittenberg Robert Wyness Doug Yore Philip Young
Robert Youngholm Jerome Zboinski Gary Zega
J ames Zervos
Robert Zielinski Gary Zintak Robert Zogas Edward Zoina
John Zotto
Carl Zwitt Michael Zylevic Patrick Zyng
Freshman Representatives
John Christiano
Charles Haffner
Robert McGarry
David Costello
Bruce Hill
J ames Padden
Robert Rucker
Paul Adler
Charles Banks
Michael Schied
Karl Schuberth