Syllabus2013 2014

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7th Math/Science

High Tech Middle North County


You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you.
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want
to make.

Jane Goodall

Contact Information

Instructor: Ashley Bagnell

Email: [email protected]

Office phone number: (760) 759-2763

Office Hours: Tuesdays at 3:15-4:15 or by appointment

Location: Room 203

Digital Portfolio:

About 7th Grade Math/Science

Mathematics - In 7th grade we will be exploring content as presented in the new Common
Core Standards for 7th grade. The topics we will be focusing on are:

Rational Numbers and the Number System
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Expressions and Equations
Statistics and Probability
Problem Solving and Applied Mathematics

Science- This year we will be focusing on Life Science. The students will explore this field
through projects as well as labs and activities. Additionally, we will be focusing on
academic reading and writing in this content area. We will focus on the following topics:

Environmental Engineering
Cells and DNA

Classroom Norms We will be discussing and creating our classroom norms as a class. The
following are a few basic norms I expect all kids to abide by:

1) Treats others the way you wish to be treated

2)Respect your teachers and fellow students

3) Respect school property

A Clean Classroom:

1) NO GUM!!!

2) Please throw away all trash in the trash bin and recycling in the recycling bin. Lets keep
our school clean!

3)Absolutely no food or drinks in the classroom. Water bottles are allowed, but if a
computer is out, water must be placed under the table.

High Tech High Technology Agreement:

1) We are fortunate to have access to 13 laptops in our classroom. Always hold laptops
with two hands and carry them with the screen closed. Laptops MUST be used only at a
table. Do not sit on the floor with a laptop. Always sign in and out a laptop. Laptops
should be shut down at the end of the day.

2) Laptops (personal or school) are to be used for school and research use only. Email is
used for work related questions and information only. Inappropriate use of a laptop
during school hours will result in a suspension of computer use at school.

3) Cell phones must stay off or silent in your backpack. Students may only use a cell phone
during class time to take a picture of the homework board. There is designated time each
day for this. If a phone is out other than homework recording time, it will live at Ms.
Wallaces desk until a parent can pick it up after school.

4) Take care of all personal technology that you bring to school. Remember that the
school cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged items.

Absence Policy:

1) It is extremely important that students attend class and be present on time since we
are a project based learning school and this means that most of the work completed is
done in the classroom. If a student is ill he/she should not attend school. We encourage
these students to email teachers and group partners when they are absent and find out
what they missed.

2) When a student comes back to school from an absence, he/she has three school days to
make up any missed work.

Late Work Policy:

Work is accepted late but given only partial credit. The maximum score you will receive on
a late assignment is 70%. If more time is needed for projects, schedule an appointment
during office hours so you can explain why you need more time.


1. One composition book- We will be keeping a detailed math journal

2. Two 1-inch 3-ring binders - we will be doing portfolios for each project in first semester,
so it is imperative that you organize your work into a binder.

3. Writing utensil- pencil- Have one with you every class!

4. Homework agenda (this can be used in all classes)

5. An independent reading book- Read when you are finished early with an assignment in

If a student is not able to procure any of the items on this list for whatever reason (no
explanation necessary), then I will provide the materials at no charge.

Donations: We also appreciate donations of the following items, but this is strictly

The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to
you free of charge. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education
means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies,
equipment or uniforms for any school activity. If you have any questions/comments about
this, please contact Emilio Torres or myself.

Grading Policy:

Each assignment is given points and the points vary with the assignment. For some final
assignments, you will receive a comment on powerschool. The more points any
assignment is worth, the more weight it carries with in your overall average. Students
receive points in the following categories:

Project Portfolios
Math Assessments
Math Journals

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